SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 8

Chapter 8: Hidden Desires He woke feeling a softness beneath him and covers over him. His nose picked up the unmistakable scent of disinfectants. He sighed mentally, 'I'm in the hospital, damn it. I must have fainted.' "Hello, Uncle! How are you...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 23

Chapter 23: Understanding at Last! The next morning, Feral got up for work and left without saying much to Tendaji. He was still angry and upset by his condition. With Dark Kat somewhere planning something dire for the city, being pulled off combat...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 22

Chapter 22: Not So Good News The next day was a very long one as Ten had predicted. Feral wasn't happy to learn it would take over a week and a half to repair his damaged tower. Sighing in frustration and anger he gave his damage report to Ms....

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 21

Chapter 21: Trouble on all Fronts Feral tried his best to make more time with his mate by not working overtime as often but it still didn't ease the growing strain he could plainly see in Ten's face. It made him feel bad and uncomfortable. It...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 20

Chapter 20: Agreements and Discussions After he got dressed, he noted his mate had already done the same and was waiting for him with a light breakfast. Grumbling about wasting time, he sat down under his mate's watchful eye and managed to choke...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 19

Chapter 19: Reaching an Understanding The night had indeed been wonderful but now in the light of day, his mind turned to a more serious subject. He had made love to his mate when they woke and they lay entwined catching their breath. "I know you...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 13

Chapter 13: Meeting the Pride While Felina was having her problems with her uncle's pride members in Megakat City, her uncle was trying to put up with the many greetings he'd had to do since getting up that morning. It was now late afternoon and he...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 6

Chapter 6: Playing 'Snatch the Commander' For the next twenty-four hours, Feral managed to avoid trouble but it was as he was investigating a huge heist of munitions that he got careless. The morning had been fairly busy with reports and meetings...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 5

Chapter 5: Placating the Mayor Tendaji had been right, Ulysses had been incensed when he'd heard about the broadcast. It took every bit of his gift for persuasion to soothe his mate when he drove Uly to work since the dark tom was far too angry to...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 4

Chapter 4: The Secrets Out He tirededly unlocked his apartment door and stepped through. He was dragging his coat off when he heard the door being closed and locked behind him. He hung his uniform coat up and stowed his weapon and harness in a safe...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 30

Chapter 30: Epilog A week after the kittens birth, Feral found himself reluctantly on a jet heading for the Zubari Pride Compound. They were required to present the kittens to the pride. He felt uncomfortable about this but couldn't pinpoint why...

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 29

Chapter 29: The Twins Arrive Early Jockeying the jet into the best angle for Razor to fire at the vines, T-Bone wasn't aware of Feral's plight. Razor fired the Mega-Beam Laser and finally succeeded in shredding the vines down to the root. As they...

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