Spiral Nebula - Chapter 23

A half closed fur fists flew directly at him. He pushed it aside with an arm and countered with a kick at the other wolf's torso but his leg hit nothing but air. With his balance off, his opponent countered with a kick at his back. The smaller wolf...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 22

Blindfolded, Yukiomaru listened closely to his surroundings for the smallest sounds. Air moved by a breath but the fox sidestepped, spun and kicked out. An invisible force blocked his paw, but Yukiomaru didn't hesitate and struck out again. He could...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 21

"You don't want to go anywhere near that planet now," Velsh'nark objected, once again on the bridge with Captain Redding and Commander Yelena. The alien's fur was cleaned and straightened out again; a much bigger improvement than how he looked after...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 20

_Assassin!_ Chaos broke over its levies and flooded the bridge but Fury focused on Yukiomaru the moment he staggered back. With his eyes wide, Yukiomaru clutched his chest just before his legs buckled and he collapsed to the ground,...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 19

On her PawPad, reviewing over the documents Fury had conjured up over the failed mission, Tang was allowing her mind to wander. Around her, in the lounge were some of her scientists but more military personnel taking a break after or before their...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 18

Immediately after the surface eruptions, this mission was approved. Yuri and his team was briefed in only a few minutes before they were launched on this high risk mission. A mission that this infamous Admiral thought up of on a whim once the original...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 17

Despite the objections, Admiral Alexander ordered the mission to proceed and he didn't want to sit this one out. Sitting next to Captain Redding, was the much smaller arctic fox, who looked unusual being dressed in combat attire. Through the dropship's...

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Spiral nebula - Chapter 16

Steam rose in small wispy plumes, being sucked up into a vent to be condensed and recycled. Underneath the steam wisps and the hot water that created the steam stood Yukiomaru. His eyes were closed but he was gazing up at the source of light in deep...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 15

Gazing out the window, the harsh light caused the female salamander to squint her eyes, but the sight was something of a marvel. The park below was filled with playing younglings, and supervising adults while merchants sold treats along the paths. None...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 14

Dozens of colorful liquids in closed vials were scattered and displayed all around the science facility. The facility was still receiving its final touches, but Tang Fa managed to find ways to work inside with little hindrance. She held one of the...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 12

Cold and darkness walked hand in hand on this planet. Hardly anything could be seen by the naked eye, and the atmosphere was almost frozen. The entire team had to wear their exoskeleton suits; Captain Redding was no exception. In order to see anything,...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter One

All around the room behind thick glass panes were a dozen heavily armed guards, their armored visors revealing no expression. Inside the locked room, a marten inspected a few seeds under a microscope, with locked cases of more seeds surrounding him....

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