A fur af Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 3)

In school, during lunch. Richard walked to me and asked "Whats wrong, Tod?" I turned to him and said "I didn't sleep too good... And when I did get to sleep, I had a nightmare" "what happened?" he asked I sighed and said "I lost a good friend and...

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A fur at Freddy's: Sister location (part 4)

I woke up, sore, in pain, crying a little. I could hardly see, my head was inside some crazy mask, my muzzle pressing against the front. I was about to stretch, feeling my body was in some hard plastic suit and my arms almost pined to my sides in some...

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5 nights of wet nightmares Night 2

5 Nights of wet nightmares Night 2 I'm on my bed sleeping just waiting to hear the giggles but a knock on the door, I wake up and grab my torch and look about there was nothing I check the time and it was 10:00 "this is odd" I walk to the door...

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Fnaf/Pokemon Smut for fun

Well I'm here, took me long enough but I finally got a job at Freddy Fazbears Service Station. It might not be the Pizzeria but honestly, I prefer it that way seeing as here there's no kids and I don't have to guard the place against creep's, vandal's...

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FNaF Fanfic (part 6)

What Springtrap assumed to be some kind of new, thick, red oil pooled on the floor and covered the mismatched suit he rigged up from the decorations for the endoskeleton. He put his hands on his hips and admired his own work. Half expecting the suit...

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A furr at Freddy's: your greatest nightmare! (part 3, the end)

**Thanks to Scott for making the best game ever!** My nightmares don't stop, last night was the sixth night and from 12-4 AM. it was Foxy, Bonnie, Chica and Freddy, but at 4 am. Fredbear was back. tonight from 12-4 am. it was the same but when 4 am....

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Five nights at Jacks (part 3)

(night 2. 12:00 A.M.) \*ring\* \*ring\* lets hope he doesn't talk so long this time \*ring\* \*ring\* I pressed talk on the phone "Hello, Hello-hello... Don't worry, I shouldn't be talking for so long tonight... Uhh... Just wanted to tell you that...

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Five nights at Jack's (part 7) The end

(night 6. 12:00 A.M.) I sat in my chair. I almost expected a call, but nothing. I brought up my camera and clicked 4, Jack, Jake and Carl where still there. The camera feed was interrupted by static, when the picture came back, they where gone. I...

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Fredbear and Friends Easter

Fredbear and Spring Bonnie where relaxing back stage when the manager walked into the room with a smile "hey guys" he said "I've got big news for you!" The two looked over to him, interested. "Bonnet is coming back to play as the Easter...

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**I just needed to write something else, because I stayed up late tonight. You know the things I'd do for you guys... you don't wanna know. \*wink wink\* Just joking, but yeah. I wanted to write something, so have a beautiful, beautiful fic from...

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**If you're wondering what happened to The Fallen, I'll come clean about it. I lacked ideas for it immediately, because I just wrote it without any direction, really. It was lots of fun to write though, so just pretend it's a one-shot, okay? I'm just...

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A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 6)

Today is the last day of school before we get out for Christmas break. We are suppose to have regular classes and after lunch we have a class Christmas party, but I know that we will probably not do much before lunch. As I thought, we did very little...

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