Spyro and Cynder, ch. 24

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#24 of Spyro and Cynder: A New Life

still hanging in here X_X

if you're underage, leave now


The post-battle cleanup was rather short as there hadn't been much of a war, but now the chore was hunting down the ape, mage and shadow armies and eradicating them. It was easy, but the sheer number of enemies and the fact that many were hiding and trying to secretly regroup was what took so long. Many groups had been found en route to Tall Plains, expecting a battle, and were quickly done in by the dragons. The Paralosin armies made the search and eradication far easier thanks to their technology and combat skills. Spyro, Solar and Caligin didn't see any of the action; they were stuck in the Temple, healing from the battle. Solar, unknown to them at the time, had been fighting several small Elite enemy forces on the Temple grounds, but his injuries were only minimal. Spyro's energy depletion had once again robbed him of his elements just like after his first battle against Cynder, only leaving him his light powers for now, which left him very tired most of the time as his body tried to recover. Cal was terribly unstable; his wounds and being close to death made it hard for him to even breathe, but he forced himself to stay conscious, wanting to see his mate at least give birth if he was to die soon. He was kept in the underground tunnels where Cynder and Flare had given birth; Craga insisted that her nest be made right next to his bed so she could tend to him.

A few days after the ordeal Craga was feeding Cal, Ignitus and Solar watching, when she suddenly gasped painfully and fell to the floor, moaning and clutching her belly. "C-Cal!" she whimpered. Cal forced himself up and looked down at her. "I think it's..."

"Get the others!" Solar told Ignitus as he dashed to Craga's side to help her. Ignitus raced out of the room, coming back shortly with Cynder and Flare. Solar stepped back as the two dragonesses assisted the crying Craga. A tear fell down Cal's face and he forced his arm over the bed to hold her paw with a proud smile.

Up in the dojo, Spyro was babysitting the kids while Flare and Cynder followed Ignitus. He had a pretty good idea what was happening, but the kids needed him up here, they might freak if everyone suddenly left them alone. Colnasis and Inigena kept trying to edge away to find mommy, eventually when Spyro closed the door they sat down and whined, keeping an eye on the door. Aurora crawled over to them and tried to comfort them. "Looks like some little dragons are tired," Spyro said, standing behind them. "You guys should nap soon."

Anya laughed as Kira tried to tackle her tail. "Kira stop! That's my tail not a toy!"

The door opened and Flare came up with a smile. "How're things up here?" she asked, then caught sight of her babies. "Awww did you miss mommy?" she asked, heading over to them and picking them up. "Awwww....I'm back, no need to cry."

"They've been fine, they kept trying to look for you."

"Were you guys lookin' for me? Were you?" she asked, nuzzling them.

"How'd it go down there?"

Flare set Colnasis and Inigena down and lay down by them. "Craga and Cal are now the happy parents of three. Spyro, I'll look after them now, Cal needs your help. He forced himself to stay awake to be with Craga but he's fading fast."

Spyro quickly headed into the tunnels and found Craga curled around her eggs, Cynder sitting nearby to keep her company while Solar and Ignitus stood by Cal. Solar was applying new bandages to the purple dragon's wounds. "Ah there you are, Spyro. Cal needs some light, and fast. He passed out shortly after Craga gave birth."

Spyro stood up and lay his paws on Caligin, feeding light energy into him and trying to heal his injuries more quickly. Not much seemed to change about Cal, though, except that his shallow breathing grew a bit deeper and more relaxed. He stepped back and sighed. "I dunno guys, I think all we can do now is pray and let him recover, I think his strong dark powers are inhibiting mine from acting."

The next day was rather slow as everyone worried about Cal. Solar and Spyro helped Craga recover from giving birth, though she too was oddly resistant to their light powers. Spyro and Cynder sat near Cal's bed, talking with Craga and Ignitus about the battle. Craga wrapped her arms around her eggs and draped her long neck over them with a happy smile. "I'm just glad it ended before these little guys came along, I doubt I could've survived the stress of laying while under siege." All three eggs were a stony gray color, one of them having a strange dark-grey line down one side that strongly resembled a crack. She nuzzled them softly and then looked back up. "There was a really strong presence at the end of the fight when the Shadow was finally banished, it kinda freaked me out."

"What was that thing at the end there, that voice that bound the Shadow?" Cynder asked.

Spyro sighed. "That was the thing that cursed me originally...I thought it was an enemy, but now I have no idea what it was."

Ignitus chuckled. "I believe it may have been one of the Guardian Ancestors, one of the dragon spirits that entombed Malefor's spirit within the planet's core after you two defeated him the first time."

"Then why'd he curse me?"

"Probably as a test of your resolve."

"Cal was almost dead at the end there," Craga said to herself, eyeing her mate as he lay on the bed by her. "Why'd he force himself like that?"

"I'm not all that surprised, it was really his score to settle," Ignitus replied. "He was the Shadow's primary tool for ages."

While they sat there discussing and recovering, the news had been spread and written all over the lands by the end of that first week. Caligin's story of being the Dark Master was also finally revealed, but his final role in the matter of banishing the Shadow seemed to redeem him for the most part, though many were still incensed about his past. The biggest center of attention though was the role of Aleron and Aurora. Vale was named an "In Memoriam Honorable Convert" for turning away from darkness at the final moment, but Aleron and Aurora were the center of much debate. Their role in the prophecy was discussed so often it got to be annoying. By the time Spyro and the others were more fully recovered the whole event was practically legend. Without the Shadow's influence, others were more accepting where they had previously been stubborn.

"Wow...lookit this! It's you!" Cynder cooed to her kids, showing them a painting sent to Ignitus for approval. "See, here's Aleron, and Flash, and Kira! That's you! And look, here's Anya!" She giggled when the kids squealed, looking back and forth between each other and their 2D likenesses. Anya was thrilled to see herself in the painting as well, standing next to Spyro. Flare walked into the room slowly, tailed by her kids as they batted at her paws.

"What's up in here?"

"Hey get over here, you guys are in this too!"

Spyro looked into the room as he limped by, smiling when he saw what was going on. He continued down the tunnel hallway to Craga's lair, finding Solar standing over Cal again. Craga lay on the floor nearby, her wing and tail wrapped closely over her clutch. She glanced up and smiled when she saw Spyro. "He woke up finally," she said.

"About time," Spyro said with a laugh, heading over to Cal's bed. Cal groaned slightly and his eyelids fluttered a bit when he tried to open them. "You feeling okay?"

"Not really..." Cal groaned quietly. "Is Craga okay?"

"Tired and really sore but yes," she said, sitting up and giving him a loving lick on the cheek. "About time you woke up."


"He suffered a lot of bloodloss from those blades but he should recover within the next week," Solar remarked. "However, he needs to sleep so his marrow can regenerate the blood. Think you can eat?"

"How have I been eating so far?"

"Hunter's been feeding you veggie pulp through a tube," Craga said with a slight giggle.

"Who's Hunter?"

"Cheetah guy, he'll be back in a few days, he had to go to the mainland again for something."


They spent a little more time in there with him before leaving to give them some alone time now that he was awake. Craga cooed softly to her eggs before sitting up and stretching, grinning at Cal warmly. "I was afraid our kids would never get to know their dad..."

He sighed and stared at the ceiling. "I hope I can hang on...I feel a lot better now but I can't move much." His arm twitched a bit and then flopped onto the moss stone bed. "I feel like a doll..."

A mischievous gleam shone in her eyes and she sat up by him, running her paws along his chest. "Well then...can the puppeteer have a little fun?"

"Huh?" he asked, suspecting something from the tone of her voice.

"Nevermind." She leaned over him and purred softly as she kissed him. He relaxed and let his tongue play with hers before she pulled back and smiled down at him again. "I love you too much to lose you, Cal...well, I've lost you what, four times now? First I went comatose and you froze me, then you got 'killed' about three times or so before now?"

He grunted. "Don't remind me..."

She nuzzled his nose, her purring growing a bit louder. "Would it sate you to know that because of your actions out there on the brink of death, most of the populace has forgiven you?"

Silence fell for a short while but she could feel him relax, as if centuries of crushing burden had just been lifted from him in one swift motion. His stern face seemed to melt into total peace and a faint flicker danced across his maw. "Well...that's good to know..."

Craga quickly went down to the floor and wrapped a small blanket around the eggs, nuzzling them with a proud grin before standing back up and pulling herself up onto the bed with Caligin. "I know something that may speed your healing..."

"What's this?" he asked, unable to open his eyes again. Being deprived of his vision though only made it better as she started massaging him. She didn't know what she was doing, but she figured that if their gentle fondling whle making love got him relaxed, it must be close to the same thing. It did do something to him; she could feel his muscles soften under her paws, so she pressed a little harder, getting a content sigh from her mate. She worked her way down from his shoulders all the way to his hips, getting every part of him she could reach. The gleam in her eyes brightened a bit when she started rubbing his thighs and watched his sheath begin to bulge. Cal didn't want to at first, but as Craga continued to sensually rub him he figured he might as well. She grinned and slowly licked his member as he let it out. Cal managed a small smile as he felt Craga start to suck him off, loving how tender she was given his current state. Gradually she started bobbing her head along his lengh, teasing him with her tongue and listening to him moan softly. They hadn't mated for almost a month and a half, so Cal was very sensitive to her gentle oral pleasuring; not even five minutes into it he suddenly moaned loudly and his body quivered a bit. Craga smiled and suckled a bit harder when she felt the first few waves of his hot sweet cum hit the back of her throat. She purred again, the vibration stimulating him even more and making him ejaculate again, filling her mouth with his warm white semen. Cal's mind went fuzzy and blank, lost in euphoria, and he quickly sank into sleep again, this time a lot less tense than before. Craga slowly swallowed his treat, savoring the sweet-salty flavor of the very juice that had given her children life, then crawled up to his face again and nuzzled his cheek softly.

"Sleep well and get better soon," she whispered, then lay down on the nest again and curled herself around her eggs, hiding under her wing by them and whispering loving nothings to her babies as she too fell asleep. Cal's mind slowly returned from the pleasurable blankness of climax; in his dreams all he could see was himself and Craga, side-by-side with a fairly large family. He felt truly at ease now...most of his dreams had been of rejection and despair. Now he truly felt happy.

Things were surprisingly uneventful during the following month. Spyro, Solar and many of the others were on edge, waiting for something bad to happen in the wake of the Shadow's departure, but to their amazement nothing happened. The Paralos dragons, freed from the Shadow's grip, began to develop ties between this world and theirs, some of them even going so far as to settle in. Paralos as a whole was still highly and permanently corrupted, which made things tense. The portals were still open and commerce was beginning to shift through them, but it had to be done in complete secret. The peace and quiet was enjoyed by all, none more so than the three dragon couples residing in the Temple. Spyro and Solar were able to really be their for their kids, helping them learn to talk and walk. Cal's recovery was agonizing and slow because of his grievous injuries, but he was steadily getting stronger. He was determined to be back on his feet by the time his children hatched; how badly he wanted to sleep with Craga curled up around their first clutch! Unfortunately he was still bedridden, stuck on the small stone bed. Craga would often put an egg or two up by him; when he could move his arms he held so tight to those eggs...Cal was in a state of surrealism. Nothing felt real, it all felt like a dream and he was always afraid of waking up from it at any moment, but Craga's gentle care and periodic pleasuring kept him sane.

Flare and Solar often went for walks through the temple garden and the surrounding mushroom forest, with their kids on their backs or chasing their paws. The evening sun spotted them through the mushroom caps one day and watched them.

"Say 'co-le'," Solar said as Colnasis stared at him.




Flare giggled and nuzzled Colnasis gently, grinning when the little earth dragon returned the action. "You're so cute..." She sat back and looked up at Solar. "Could you watch them? I'm gonna go find them some snacks."

"Sure." Flare guided Inigena and Aurora to their daddy, then went off the path to locate some berries for them. They were well into solid foods now so all she needed were some good berries. Deep into the forest she heard approaching footsteps at jogging speed coming towards her. Folding her wing over her front to silence the gold chain around her neck she crept forward to see who it was. Frombehind a bush nearby two large aged dragons stumbled and fell in front of her, making her shriek with surprise.

"Ow, watch it..."

The male looked up and stared at Flare. "..Flare?!"

She stared at him in disbelief and a bit of anger. "Dad?!"

The two dragons stood up to face her. "Flare darling, we finally found you! Quickly, we need to get out of this horrid place and back home!"

"No mom, I'm staying here," Flare replied crossly, sitting down resolutely.

"Don't you 'no' us," her father said sternly. "You're coming back home to Paralos where you belong!"

"Well isn't this a fine greeting, ordering me around, what about a 'how are you' or something more, i dunno, caring??" the yellow dragoness retorted. "I don't give a damn what you two say, I'm not going back to be your political puppet. I belong here now."

"And what right do you have to backtalk your parents like this?" her dad growled, stepping closer threatningly. "You're coming back with us whether you like it or not!"

"Tell me one thing, why do you even care?"

"Because you're our daughter!"

"Yeah right, more like your trophy, your bragging right in your precious offices! I've been much better off here than I was with you!"

"Gallavanting with that idiotic soldier I'll bet," her mom said with disgust.

Flare's eyes narrowed and she smirked. "You want proof of why I belong here, of why I'm not going to leave? Fine. Follow me." She got up and walked away, not waiting for them. They hurried after her and stopped behind her when she stopped to look through the mushrooms. "There. Take a look." She stepped aside and sat down again. They cautiously stepped forward and looked at where she had been looking to see Solar playing peekaboo behind his wings with the kids.

"You're babysitting?" her father asked with a snort. "Not much of a reason."

"Oh no. Not just babysitting. You two ingrates are officially grandparents, even though you hardly deserve the title." They turned to look at her in shock. "And don't you dare try to claim custody of them or whatever. I've cut off ties with you and am no longer under your jurisdiction, and as such neither are they. If you can stop looking in the mirrors and priding yourselves and heaven forbid lower yourselves to care about others, I might consider letting you visit them. I've known nothing but happiness with Solar, and now that I have a family I couldn't be better. This is my home now." With that she snorted at them and walked back to Solar. She didn't expect them to follow her; in fact, after that she didn't see or hear from them. Maybe they had gone back to Paralos, maybe they were still in this realm, but Flare didn't care. To them she was an item, and the last thing she wanted was for her kids to become more accessories. Later that night she told Solar about the encounter; he was quite surprised at her boldness but proud of her nonetheless for finally putting them in their place. To her surprise and delight he even "rewarded" her late that night with a slow, passionate round of mating which she greatly enjoyed.

Spyro and Cynder meanwhile were just glad to finally have time to spend with their kids. After a few weeks they subconsciously adopting the stereotypical roles of dragon parents; Spyro would go out hunting and bring back food while Cynder stayed in the temple and taught them how to talk and walk. In the afternoons and evenings Cynder would go out for a walk while Spyro spent time playing with them, getting them stronger for their training they'd be doing in a few years. One night while she was out she found Terrador sitting in a clearing staring at the sky.

"What're you doing out here?" she asked, standing next to him.

He sighed. "Wishing I had another shot at life."

"I thought you said warriors should never second-guess."

"I did. But I'm not a warrior anymore, not even really a guardian. Warriors do have to acknowledge when their end has come...I don't want to, but my time has long passed."

"What're you wanting now?"

"I don't really know. Sometimes I think I want to raise a family much like you and Spyro have, but I'm too old, and parenting just isn't something I can do. Sometimes, I wish I could fly and find somewhere new, but age has robbed me of long-distance flight."

"You guys need a vacation. You need to get outta here and go somewhere for a few months," she said with a hinting smile. He just shrugged.

"It's a possibility, but I can't abandon my duties here."

"What duties? Everything's fine now! You guardians have been cooped up here for ancestors know how long, you of all of us deserve a break."

He gave a rare half-smile but still didn't look at her. "It's not just that thogh that bothers me, Cynder...but Ignitus would be the one to tell you. Now please leave, I just want to be alone right now."

Curious about what he'd said she left him and flew back to the temple, sweeping into the dojo and landing by Spyro. "Spyro, has Ignitus said anything?"

He cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "..No? Why?"

"Terrador says he knows something."

"I think he's asleep right now."

"No I'm not," came Ignitus's voice from the Pool room. "Spyro, Cynder, please come here."

Cynder and Spyro picked up their kids and brought them into the room with them, sitting around the pool. "Something wrong?"

"No...well, yes, in a way, but not really." He sighed and gestured to the Pool. "Please look. I will force the pool to show you both what I have seen." Spyro and Cynder looked into the pool, Flash and Kira following Aleron and Anya over to Ignitus's side. Ignitus touched the pool gently, causing three ripples along the surface. As they watched the ripples reflect and bounce along the pool surfaces something came into view... "Spyro, your turn is first."

Cynder watched as a handsome fire dragon with Spyro's horns and a beautiful ice dragoness fought side-by-side against a myriad of apes and small golems, and a few teams of Grublins. "I haven't seen those in so long now," she mused as she watched the Grublins toss fireballs at the two dragons only to be deflected by shields of ice. The dragoness draped herself protectively over a mound of grass, leaves and dirt, covering herself with ice as the male, presumably her mate, rose up into the air and unleashed a powerful Fire Fury that reduced all their enemies and some of the surrounding terrain into ash. He fell back to the ground and crawled over to her, and she smiled and uncovered what she was protecting. A nest of eggs...and the one in the middle was purple!

"Are..." Spyro whispered.

"Just watch." Time seemed to warp in the vision to show the two dragons flying to the shore. "Cynder, keep your eyes on this." Spyro watched as the two dragons flew as if fleeing from something. When they reached the shore they found another couple desperately defending against a swarm of Grublins. Together they defeated the enemies, but it was nightfall and they didn't dare cross the ocean until the sun rose again. Cynder watched, trying to identify the new couple. A fiery female and an earth male, maybe? But their scales were very dark, and the female bore a pattern on her back much like Cynder's.


"These are your parents, but keep watching," Ignitus said softly. They watched as the sun rose and the two couples flew off, carrying their eggs. The Temple came into view and they saw Ignitus, Terrador, Cyril and Volteer waiting on the balcony. They left their eggs with them, though the parting was very teary and slow, and left the temple. Halfway back to the shore they spotted a huge flock of Dreadwings heading right for the Temple, carrying powerful magic crystals and fierce ape warriors. Spyro and Cynder watched as a terrific battle ensued, four against seemingly thousands, until all at once the four dragons combined their Furies into one powerful blast that destroyed the entire army of enemies. The vision faded and Ignitus sighed.

"What happened to them?" Spyro asked in confusion, a bit upset.

Ignitus paused, a bit hesitant. "Their injuries during the fight were very grievous, Spyro. They were the last ones to leave their eggs with us, and the enemy knew that, believing that with so few grownups at the temple they would be able to take it over and destroy the eggs. They weren't counting on the parental ferocity you just saw. Cynder, your father took a blow through his lung early on, how he managed to stay aloft is a wonder to me."

"But what happened to them?" she asked in distress.

"That final Fury attack killed them, their last effort to protect you and the many others here. I have spoken with the Chronicler about this, he finally located your parents in the mess of the Shadow's aftermath. Their bodies were never found; I think they became part of the world before they hit the ocean. Now that I've finally unveiled this vision after so many years, I'm amazed at what we were so oblivious to. Your parents were heroes, and you two have certainly inherited that from them. They died to save you, to save all the others...if only I hadn't failed on the night of the raid..."

"You did what you could, you saved this guy and he saved the rest of the world," Cynder said, rubbing against Spyro. "I'd say that's exponentially better than having completely failed."

"Exponentially? You're sounding like Volteer now," Spyro said, poking her with his wing. Turning to Ignitus he gave a sad smile. "Thanks for this, at least now we're not always wondering."

"It's better that you know your roots. I'll see if I can't get anything else."

"No, don't. It's fine," Cynder said. "As long as we know for certain we're not siblings, it's fine," she added humorously.

He chuckled. "I certainly would have told you if you were brother and sister. You are such in age only."

They chatted for a bit longer before Cynder noticed the kids were fast asleep, except for Anya who was tracing absent patterns on the floor with her little claws. Spyro walked over to her and tickled her chin, making her giggle and look up at him. "Hey Anya, I've got an idea."

"What is it daddy?"

He chuckled to himself at that; she had quickly grown into her new position as part of their family. "You wanna go with us to see Uncle Sparx tomorrow?"

She nodded and yawned, looking very sleepy. "Yeah."

"Okay. Let's get you guys to bed though for your nap, can't have you sleeping out here where everyone can walk on you." Ignitus smiled to himself as he watched Spyro and Cynder gently pick up their kids and carry them to their room. Cyril came into the room from the tunnels and sat down nearby.

"So the exposition went well I presume?"

"Very. It's best that they know now."

Spyro and Cynder curled up together on the bed, side-by-side as they watched over the kids sleeping at the foot of the bed. "I kinda wish I could've gotten to know my real parents..." Cynder said with a heavy sigh.

"I'm starting to think that maybe those crystals we found...maybe they were left behind for us from them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Solar told me a while ago that those crystals were found about fifteen years ago...I'm kinda going out on a limb here but maybe those crystals were left behind by our parents to help us? Sort of like those Spirit Crystals but in a more useful form?"

"Ignitus said they were guardian crystals though."

"No, that was his theory, but then again maybe they were; I mean, theyre there to guard, to protect, right? And our parents would try to protect us wouldn't they?"

She shrugged and sighed again. "We may never know; they shattered in our sealing blast." She leaned her head on his neck. "But now it's our turn," she added with a smile, watching Aleron yawn and cuddle closer to his siblings as they slept. Spyro curled his tail around Cynder's and laid his wing over her back, leaning his head on hers the way they used to do.

Not much later Caligin fnally had the strength to stand up on his own, but his wounds still hurt him badly so moving around was quite painful. The first thing he did was slide off his bed and curl around Craga's brood. He stared at the eggs under his wing for what seemed like ages, his mind churning until the door opened and Craga rushed in.

"Cal?! Cal is something wrong, are you hurt?? Why are you off the bed?"

He just looked up at her with a smile. "I couldn't stay away from them."

She sighed in relief and lay down on his back gently. "You sure you're okay?"

He lifted his wing a bit and smiled. "With them...yes."

She smiled and lay her head against his neck, purring softly. "So, 'daddy', should we start thinking about names?"

For once it was finally peaceful. By the time Craga and Cal's kids were getting ready to hatch, most of the clamor about the final battle had died off for the most part. They couldn't believe how quickly time had gone by; it was summer when the eggs finally hatched and Cal and Craga were the proud parents of three. An electric male, and two females, fire and earth. With things calming down Cal and Craga eventually left the Dragon Temple with their kids, flying up to the Floating Isles where they would be relatively undisturbed by others. Solar and Flare didn't want to go but they too started feeling crowded again.

"You don't have to go..." Cynder pouted as they sat on the balcony. "Where are you gonna go anyway?"

"Back up to the mountains. I hear some of my friends settled in up there," Solar said with a heavy sigh.

"We don't want to, but it's probably for the best for the kids. Besides, there are others to play with here."

"But we'll see you again right?"

Flare smiled and nodded, the gold chain around her neck jingling softly. "Oh we'll visit when we can. Just think of us as extended family. I mean, we kinda are now, our kids see each other as siblings, and we've been through so much together..."

Spyro sighed. "Well, I guess it can't be helped then. If anything comes up..."

"You'll be the first to know," Solar said with a nod. He looked up at the sky with a thoughtful grin. "Y'know, this is just like when I left three years ago. It was probably about this time of year too, the constellations look the same." He looked back down and smiled at Flare. "Except this time I'm not leaving alone."

She smiled back with a loving purr. "We should go now before they wake up." She gently slipped into the carryng-armor Solar and Spyro had created for her to carry the kids in, then stood p and stepped onto the balcony railing, looking over her shoulder at Aurora fast asleep on her left side. "It's been fun, but this surely isn't the end. The Shadow is gone, almost all the threats are destroyed, what more can happen?"

"Don't jinx it," Solar said, nuzzling her nose with a playful grin. She giggled and they waved goodbye, sweeping into the air and then off towards the north again. Spyro and Cynder watched them disappear with sad smiles.

"It's gonna be different arond here without them..." Cynder said heavily.

Spyro nuzzled her, getting a grin. "Hey, don't be like that. Like they said, they'll come to visit. Besides..." He rubbed against her hintingly, making her giggle. "Less chance of intrusion for us..."

She purred and kissed him. "You goof." She followed him inside, pausing by the beds set up for their kids in the dojo. Ignitus was sitting in the Pool room, watching the Pool and gleaning more information from it to pass on to the kids still here in the Temple gardens with their families. Spyro stood next to her and brushed his tail against hers as she stared at Aleron. "Spyro..."


"I think I'm coming into heat again..."

Sure enough, three days later Cynder was in full heat, though she hid it very well. At night though she was a total mess of lust, relieved only by Spyro's oral pleasuring. She wasn't ready just yet, somehow he knew it and was waiting for just the right time. Her third night was by far worse than the previous two; she couldn't sleep at all, so badly did she want Spyro's gorgeous dragonhood inside her filling her to bursting with thick rich dragon seed that Spyro ended up having to change the mattress and sleep outside by the river with her, she was making such a mess of heat-heavy fluid...the move outside worked to his advantage though. Out here there was no one to bother them.

The next morning Cynder woke up feeling a little better; as her mind kicked into gear she felt a trace of Spyro's healing light in her crotch, making her giggle. Her dream had been filled with fantasies of mating with him...her pussy twitched a bit and she glanced down to see it partly open and feeling recently used. She giggled; Spyro must have licked her yet again.

Something moved behind her and she rolled over lazily to see Spyro lying on his side behind her, smiling at her. "Finally decided to wake up, pretty thing?"

"Yeah...just really really tired..."

He scooted over to her and hugged her, feeling her purr slightly in his grip. "Ignitus and Volteer are looking after the kids today, they told me to...'help' you so you can be there for the kids later."

"Mmmm...I like the sound of that..."

He hugged her and petted her, feeling her melt against him. "Today, get some rest and food and hydration, because tonight...is alllll about you." With that he kissed her, rolling onto his back and pulling her up onto his chest. She kissed him deeply and caressed him constantly with her paws, unable to get enough of him. She loved this strong, handsome purple dragon with all her being and couldn't wait to affirm that yet again with mateship's physical bond. For most of the day Spyro gave her food, especially her favorite frozen berries, and made sure she had plenty of water to replace her fluid loss from her heat. He also massaged her for most of the day, much to her delight as he continuously paid attention to her aching vagina.

As the sun set Cynder waited by the river for Spyro to return from hunting. Her heat was still bothering her, and as it did at night it was starting to get much worse. Spyro was a little grateful to be away from her for a bit; the constant exposure to her spicy scent was driving him insane with lust. It hurt to see her like this but in just one more hour...he shook his head and quickly brought back the bird he'd caught for her. She ate it rather quickly and then turned to him with lidded eyes and a seductive grin. "I feel so guilty about today, Spyro..." she said with a sigh, her hind legs tensing constantly as she tried to hold herself back. She wanted to tackle him and rut him on the spot but that wouldn't be fair to him. "I know I said the next time I was in heat but...are we really ready again?"

He sat down in front of her and nuzzled her nose softly. "Don't second-guess yourself. It's up to you since you're the one bearing them." He sat back and hugged her, cradling her against his chest. She purred and went limp in his arms, soaking up his love. "Make your choice and stick with it, I'm here for you whatever you decide on."

She mused briefly, somehow shoving aside her body's demands. Did she really want more kids? The answer quickly came to her; if she had been so eagerly wanting it for the past few months, surely she was ready. She pushed away from him and ran her tongue up from his shoulder to his cheek. "I'm ready."

"For what?" he asked teasingly.

She nuzzled his neck, unable to restrain herself anymore as her thighs throbbed. "Spyro...fill me...I want your children again..."

Cynder murred loudly as Spyro nuzzled her. "I think I'll take you slow," he whispered with an evil grin. Cynder shot him an equally evil grin and lifted her rear, hiking her tail over her back and straddling her legs a bit to expose her soft mound already dripping wet with desire, her netherlips pink and slightly swollen from the intense need flowing through her. Spyro watched with excitement as she parted her netherlips, revealing her soft pink inner treasure she wanted him to take. She shook her hips invitingly, inhaling sharply as her vagina throbbed quickly and a small stream of her fluids dripped from her eager sex. Spyro walked up behind her and she lifted herself up even higher, grinning wildly with excitement as she let him inspect her. She quickly looked down under herself at his underbelly, noticing his reddish dragonhood was surprisingly flaccid as it hung under him from its sheath. Spyro eyed her begging slit, feeling rushes of arousal flow through him to his groin. He pressed his nose against her delicate folds and breathed hot air over her in sharp exhalations, making her shiver and whimper in need.

"Make love to me..." she breathed desperately, feeling her vagina quiver with need of filling. "Mate me like never before," she begged, then gasped as her insides clenched in painful yet pleasurable need. "Ooooohh..." she whimpered, her legs quivering with pleasure as he slowly licked her. Her forelegs gave out and she fell to the ground, lifting her rear a bit more and moaning loudly as her mate's skilled tongue teased her aching birthing tunnel. He was trying to hold himself back, but her intoxicating scent was too powerful even for him; it took advantage of his love for her and his desire to keep her satisfied, breaking his will and causing his dragonhood to almost instantly erect. He pushed his tongue deep inside her, delighting in her sweet fluids and her near-steaming inner heat as her vagina twitched and convulsed with sheer pleasure with every touch. Poor Cynder was a slave to her own body, unable to think cohesively or even speak as all her thought centered on how good her mate's care felt. Spyro eased around her, nibbling and licking her thigh, making his way tenderly along her side to gnaw softly on her wing-arm before progressing up her neck and cheek to her mouth, giving her a long, passionate kiss before going along her other side. In the back of her mind she didn't want him catering to her so much and leaving himself hanging, but when he kissed her and she glanced up into his eyes all she saw was total love and affection...if making her this happy was enough for him, she couldn't argue. She eyed his impressive mass of blood-hardened flesh between his legs. "Mmmm...bring that here," she whispered with a seductive grin. Spyro stood over her head and neck and grinned as she hungrily took his member into her mouth and began fervently lapping and suckling his length. She tried to control herself but her heat and hormones were overriding her ability to reason; all she wanted now was to mate, to get this wonderful male to cum for her. In the back of her mind she was a bit scared of herself; her previous seasons had been nowhere NEAR this intense...was it just part of growing older?

"Oooh Cynder...gah, slow down already!" Spyro both moaned and laughed as she desperately sucked him off as if he was a source of water after a severe drought. She finally forced herself to stop, much to Spyro's annoyance as he felt his orgasm approaching. Gaining control of himself again he stepped back and lifted Cynder's maw to his for a slow, loving kiss, feeling her panting with excitement. "You'll get it soon enough you naughty girl," he whispered, then began nibbling along her other side.

"Just hurry up already and put it in me," she gasped. Spyro grinned and breathed hot air into her dripping puss as he came back behind her, making her shiver in bliss and desire. Through their strange link he felt her almost on the verge of tears from the intensity of the pleasure and unimaginable pain of her heat; she was almost suffering. His mind made up, he stood up on his hind legs and softly grabbed her hips, walking himself forward and feeling his long, thick dragonhood sliding easily into her eager passage. Cynder let out a long, low moan of intense pleasure as Spyro walked his forepaws up along her back to her shoulders, his member almost completely inside her. He shuddered with a groan as her tight hotness surrounded and gripped his shaft, his instincts trying to take over and make him rut her hard and fast. "Oh Spyrooooo..." Cynder whimpered under him, struggling to stand up but unable to do so with her nerves aflame with ecstasy. Spyro fed light into her as he stood on her, giving her the strength and stability to get back up. He gave a naughty grin and focused his light energy into his sheath, letting it flow down his cock into her and delighting in the cute moan she gave as she felt a pleasant, comfortable warmth soothe her inner walls.

"You ready?" he asked softly. She lowered herself onto her elbows, keeping her rear in the air for him and hooking her tail around his back.

"Yes..." she panted, looking up over her shoulder at him with a lust-saturated expression. "I want you...I need you so badly..."

He pulled his hips back slowly, feeling her hot, slick inner flesh trying to keep him inside, and proceeded to thrust hard into her, making her shiver with a loud yelp of ecstasy. Her pussy tightened even more around his member as he pulled back out slowly, his fingers wriggling against her shoulders to tease her before he gave another swift thrust. Spyro gritted his teeth and forced himself to take her slow and easy; his hips were quivering with pent-up lust and a tremendous need to drive himself mercilessly into her sweet little sex. Her fertile tunnel was so amazingly hot and tight around his girth that every motion of his dragonhood inside her sent thrills of pure pleasure through him, his hip thrusts slowly gaining speed as he slid back and forth inside her delicious vagina. Beneath him, Cynder couldn't even make a sound; her voice was totally lost to the sheer bliss flooding through her as her mate's glorious breeding pole impaled her begging sex repeatedly. Spyro could only hear her panting, her mouth hanging open and her eyes clenched shut in a silent moan, her wings rhythmically stretching and contracting as her primal instincts took hold and she thrust against his motions. He moaned loudly and pressed his sheath against her slit as her inner contractions squeezed a few spurts of pre-cum from him. How badly they needed this! He hilted himself inside her again, a squeal escaping her mouth as he pressed firmly against her cervix. It felt like he'd break through and force himself into her womb if he tried any harder. Spyro groaned as he felt her fluids running in small torrents along his sheath, the scent of her heat growing stronger with her ever-rising arousal as his motions inside her tight grip made lewd squishing sounds from the volume of her fluids. "Ooooh yeah..." Spyro moaned, his paws curling and uncurling on her shoulders. He drove himself into her unusually hard, making her squeal as he pushed her forward and almost lifted her rear off the ground momentarily on his cock. He paused to catch his breath, feeling her velvet heat quivering with need around his shaft as it lay buried deep inside her. Cynder whimpered, wanting him to rut her until she was unconscious, needing him to claim her womb as his breeding ground, desiring his claim of her next brood...

A mutual thought flashed through their minds and Spyro followed it instantly, abandoning his restraint and giving in to his instincts briefly. His jaw hung open with a pleasured moan as he rammed himself hard and fast into her, feeling her tighten and spasm with every impact of his sheath against her soft wet netherlips. Every hilting was a burst of pure pleasure that just kept increasing over and over until Spyro's hips began to fail a bit and he regained control, slowing down and slowly mating Cynder's vagina as she squirmed and squealed under him, lost in bliss. He picked up the pace again, his hips almost a blur against hers, making her shiver uncontrollably as her nerves were set on fire. Cynder started imagining herself bloated with cum, imagining her mate's wonderful seed forming into eggs inside her; the thoughts only spurred her pleasure even more as his fulfilling girth constantly stretched her tunnel over and over again. Spyro bent over her, panting onto her neck as he buried himself inside her heavenly depths, and she craned her neck back and kissed him, begging him to fill her. The purple dragon made love to his mate for over an hour and a half before finally giving in to his primal urges, making her scream at the top of her lungs in pure pleasure, her pussy hot and slick with torrents of their mixed love-juices and spraying those juices all over the ground under them every time Spyro forced his wonderful maleness inside her. "I'm so close..." he whimpered.

"Spyrooooh...pleeease..." she moaned, the sheer desperation in her voice sending electric thrills of ecstasy through him, making his member throb and grow a tiny bit more inside her as his powerful thrusts forced her pleasant depths open again and again, her juices pooling around him and leaking out onto her tail and his sheath. Her body was demanding release and fertilization, his body was pleading to release and impregnate her fertile young womb. They locked lips in a fierce, wild kiss brimming with love and lust, rapidly tossing elements back and forth as their tongues fought madly with each other, Spyro grinding his hips harder and faster as their pleasure began flooding their minds. With a loud, air-shaking roar Spyro hilted himself completely in her, even pushing past her cervix into her hungry womb and making her cry out in bliss as they were both hurtled into a realm of pure, intense pleasure, their bodies violently shuddering as Spyro finally ejaculated in her, filling his mate's heat-sore inner sanctuary with thick ropes of rich, hot dragon cum. He kept thrusting lightly with every heavenly pulse, feeling her cervix quivering and keeping the head of his member from slipping out as her vagina massaged his length, suckling his member like a straw and coaxing as much potent seed as her thirsty womb could ask for. With a great deal of willpower amid the pleasurable waves of bliss flowing through him, he paced his own orgasm and slowly came inside her, his whole body shuddering every time his cock throbbed and his semen quickly crept along his length to shoot fast and hard into Cynder's innermost chamber where it was needed most. Cynder moaned happily as he prolonged her climax, shivering in bliss as every blast of his heavenly maleness splashed deliciously against her inner walls, coating them with his hot, thick white confirmation of love and soothing her painful heat and desires with his warm, creamy reassurance that she would be nice and round with eggs very soon. Cynder squealed under him, thrashing under his weight as pleasure overloaded her as her rear sensually massaged her mate's fulfilling girth. She used her cervix to help Spyro draw out his orgasm as long as possible, clenching her wonderfully tight and warm breeding passage around his pulsating endowment hard enough to hold back his cum every time he pulled back lightly, then relaxing herself as he thrust forward, both of them moaning lustfully as his pent-up ejaculate sprang from his member in thick, long ropes of pleasure. Cynder's rhythmical tightening spurred Spyro into another climax, prolonging his ejaculation and letting him fill his beloved Cynder even more with his rich sperm. She was in heaven, loving how long he was able to go as she continued to tighten around his dragonhood, then relieve her inner thirst with hot waves of his love the instant she relaxed enough for his cum to escape its detainment in his wonderful masculine organ as it perfectly stretched her vagina. For a good three minutes they kept this up, pacing his ejaculation and relaxing in a wonderful mix of afterglow and orgasm, both of them shivering in bliss with every pleasurable eruption of hot, thick dragon seed delivered straight to her eager womb, saturating her insides with his love until his climax was spent.

Cynder's sore legs finally gave out and she grunted as Spyro collapsed on top of her, both of them murring to each other as they basked in a wonderful, bone-deep afterglow with his dragonhood still held in her lower embrace. Spyro finally lifted his head and slowly, lovingly licked her neck while his paws found her shoulders and gently rubbed her soft scales, Cynder practically melting under him in delight and satisfaction as he tended to her every desire. She murred and lay her head on the soft grass, closing her eyes with a content smile as he used his claws to gently scratch her in just the right places. He sat up a bit and lightly raked his claws along her back, making her stretch under him with a delighted moan; it was like having a really bad itch finally soothed, but all along her back. Spyro smiled and hunched over, bringing his paws under her and gently scratching her full belly and then slowly drawing his paws back to play with her clit, nibbling on her spine affectionately just behind her wing-shoulders. Finally he lay down on her back again, laying his head by her neck and his paws on her forelegs. A pleased rumble came from her throat as she tilted her head against his, his neck fitting between her cheek-horns. She sighed again and closed her eyes.

"Happy?" he whispered, running his tongue along her cheek softly.

She nuzzled him and wrapped her tail tightly around his. "I just have one request...do me like this every time I'm in heat..."

He nuzzled her back and ran his paw along the gold ruby bracelet around her wrist. "Okay."

She giggled softly and stroked his tail with hers. "You're still hard."

He sat up on her back and rubbed her shoulders again. "I can keep going if you want."

She craned her neck around and smirked at him. "That sounds good, I'm game." She started to lift her hips for him, but then shrieked in surprise as Spyro grabbed her and rolled onto his back so she was lying on her back on his gold belly, his member slipping out of her to lie along her slit, still dripping with cum and vaginal juices. He ran his paws up along her chest, rubbing her sensually as he nibbled on the side of her neck as she moved her head to the side to keep him from impaling himself on the spikes behind her head. Cynder reached down and guided his erection into her waiting vagina, but to her confusion Spyro pulled back out and hugged her tight with a loud murr. She grinned and relaxed, loving the sensation of being cuddled by such a strong, capable, caring male. Spyro's paws slowly slid down her body and stopped at her soaked vent, his claws tracing her scale-patch and nearing closer and closer to her exposed labia. Their heads rose and they looked down themselves as Spyro forced the ground under them to shift into a sort of reclining chair shape, letting them comfortably watch without cramping their necks as their heads were propped up and their rears lifted a bit so they were looking up at the action. Cynder's heat was sated as Spyro's cum sloshed deliciously inside her, but she was still filled with an intense, insatiable lust, stoked by his firm controlling actions and the tenderness behind them. Spyro could feel her desire as he slowly rubbed her cum-slicked vagina, running the smooth upper curve of his claw between her lips before flicking her exposed clitoris, making her shiver and whine cutely as pleasure surged through her frame. Both paws slowly pulled her netherlips apart, exposing her vaginal canal to the cool night air briefly before gently teasing her tight entrance as her fluids slowly flowed from inside her tunnel. His smile broadened as he watched her paws curl and uncurl repeatedly as her ragged breathing slowly grew more rapid. He closed his eyes and nibbled her shoulder affectionately while his paws continued to stroke her sex lovingly, getting her good and ready for their next round. Cynder's half-closed eyes watched with excitement as his stiff breeding pole throbbed by her tailbase, lying in the crook of her thigh as she lay slightly curled up on his chest with his lower body curved and poised to take her when he was done preparing her. A tickling sensation ran down the crease of her thigh and along her back as his pre began flowing more freely and slid along her scales, leaving a slick glistening trail. Another tickle made her shiver as her love juices suddenly cascaded down her front as her vagina rapidly tensed and a thick, heat-heavy fluid came forth in such volume that she almost thought his seed was escaping her. Her aroma was increasing again with her arousal as Spyro's practiced paws massaged her vagina, his tongue and teeth tending to her shoulder and neck.

"I think you're almost ready," he whispered tauntingly, pulling her lips a bit farther apart as he shifted his hips and brought his member over her vent. They both watched as he slowly lowered himself to her with an agonizing pace, Cynder trying not to squirm with need as he teased her. Her jaw fell open and she started panting as she watched his twitching endowment draw closer to her begging puss, her vagina hungrily awaiting his fleshy blood-gorged meat and the treat it had in store for her. Her head fell back against his, her horns just narrowly missing him as she moaned, feeling the head of his member slowly but forcefully invade her snatch again. He panted as he felt her hot flesh conform perfectly around his length as he continued to slowly push in, inch by inch until at long last her position on him prevented any further intrusion from his erection. Cynder wanted him all the way inside her, she wanted to feel him press against her cervix again. She looked up again and opened her eyes to see her slit stretched around and stuffed with his dragonhood, feeling it twitch inside her with every powerful beat of his heart under her back. She gasped as they started curling a bit more, her body sliding a bit along his as his hips curled in to push his member completely inside her. She turned her lower body to the side a bit, giving him a bit more room around her tail as their earthen support conformed even more to push him deeper inside her until finally his sheath was pressed against her hot entrance, the head of his member pressing hard against her quivering inner barrier.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhh YES! YES!! AAAAHHH!!!" she screamed as she came again, her juices squirting hard against his sheath and tail with every tight pulsation of her velvet walls. Her whole body shuddered on him until she lay there panting, shifting her hips and whimpering as his massive dragonhood moved around inside her. Spyro gently massaged her chest and nibbled on her neck in her afterglow until she recovered enough to look back up at her stuffed pussy stretched around his invading organ. "Spy...ro...more...please..." she panted, her lust still far from satisfied. His tender massaging was almost enough to make her climax again, but his maleness pressing against her cervix was sheer pleasurable torture; she wanted him to fill her again, she wanted all his cum. Spyro could feel her thoughts as if they were his own and finally submitted, slowly pulling his hips back and revealing his impressive length glistening and dripping with her juices, the long linear bulge along the underside throbbing slightly with anticipation before he quickly hilted himself inside her, making her squeal. To give himself better leverage and to pleasure her even more he wrapped one arm around her front to rub her chest, the other paw trailing down her front to play with her swollen clit and soft netherlips while his hips pistoned against hers. Cynder watched happily as his member constantly disappeared into her, the bulge in her belly going up and down and sending thrills of bliss through her every time he hit her inner barrier. "OH MY GOSH!!!" she screamed, her back arching as she relaxed her cervix and felt him push into her womb. "So good..." she whimpered, tears running down her face as she lost control. She started moaning cutely every time he pushed in, the grip of her cervix not letting the head of his member leave her innermost confines. Spyro moaned and lightly bit her neck as he felt his previous ejaculation sloshing around inside her womb against his rod, her whole tunnel gripping his length and demanding another drink of his fertile juices. He hilted himself again and made large circles with his hips, dragging hers back and forth and making her shiver and squeal before quickly thrusting again. Cynder was in absolute paradise, her mind only able to focus on the intense pleasure flowing through her as her mate's glorious maleness caressed every longing nerve in her vagina. Spyro groaned and paused, holding back his orgasm as she threw her head back in a silent scream, her body again convulsing around his dragonhood as she orgasmed and coated his tail and sheath in her fluids. His willpower was already exhausted from before, and try though he might he couldn't hold back the shivering in his back as his fire of pleasure swiftly rose. With another loud roar he held her tight against himself and thrust into her hard and fast, his long girth pulsing and flowing again with wave after wave of blissful cum. Cynder just went limp against him and moaned loudly as her body took over and rose to another orgasm, wracking her with chills of ecstasy every time his hot seed flowed into her aching womb, her cervix and vagina blazing with pleasure as he thrust deep inside her and stretched her eager breeding chamber with semen. He had so much that Cynder groaned as she felt her belly start to tighten a bit as her womb expanded to accomodate his load.

"Aaaahn...so good..." Spyro whispered as they lay there, his member still pumping into her. Cynder just weakly grinned and enjoyed the warmth and fullness inside her heat-sore womb, rubbing the bulge of his member in her lower belly. Their earthen support leveled them out a bit more and formed a comfortable bowl around them as Spyro hugged her close and stroked her scales, nibbling on her shoulder and lightly breathing fire energy over her. As their wonderful afterglow began to wane Cynder was taken by surprise as she tightened her pussy and found that he was still rock-hard and raring to go.

"Spyro...I...I need to move..." she whispered, a bit hoarse from her screaming before. He nodded and they watched with giddy grins as he pulled out of her ever so slowly, hearing a slight squelch from inside her as he pulled himself out of her womb and her cervix closed up immediately behind him, trapping his heavenly fertile load inside her. Slowly he continued to withdraw, Cynder delighting in every vein of his handsome maleness as her netherlips conformed around him. With a loud, lewd squelch he pulled out all the way, his member springing up and flicking a decent amount of vaginal juices along Cynder's belly. She giggled as she saw her vagina wide open after having been stretched for so long, her fluids slowly dribbling out. She grunted and forced her shaking limbs to work as she rolled over, flopping onto his belly and murring loudly as he hugged her and gently kissed her. She shifted her hips over his length as it lay sandwiched between them, rubbing her swollen netherlips against him. His paws wandered down her back as she folded her wings over him, sighing contently into his mouth when his tongue flicked over her lips and teased her tongue. He rubbed her thighs as he pulled back with a warm loving smile.

"You still want more don't you?" he whispered, pressing his nose against hers. She nuzzled him with a giddy grin, closing her eyes.

"If you don't mind."

"I think I can go one more time...just for you..." he whispered as he stroked her cheek. "Y'know, to make sure you get pregnant."

She giggled and nestled her head under his chin, prompting him to hug her tight and gently rock her side to side. "Lemme just rest a bit...cool off...get my voice back," she added with a laugh, clearing her throat and falling silent as Spyro wrapped his limbs around her. She grinned and sighed happily when she felt him lick her forehead softly. They could have stayed there in that hug all night without a care in the world, they were so content with each other...but Cynder's body wasn't relenting. She couldn't feel it but already her eggs were immersed in the heavenly warm pool of her mate's potent semen, his sperm already working to finalize her wishes. Her body was in such a state though that it wouldn't be satisfied until she felt those eggs latch onto her inner walls and begin developing...her pussy wanted more. She was so tired though from all that pleasure before, she was able to control herself and just enjoy their cuddle session, smirking to herself as she felt his erection soften under her. After almost half an hour of quiet cuddling and petting Cynder lifted her head, murring again and almost melting inside as Spyro tenderly kissed her, rubbing her shoulders softly.

"Love you baby," he whispered against her mouth. She tried to whisper back but couldn't bring herself to speak after being relaxed for so long. "You still wanna go again?"

"Yeah," she sighed, relaxing against him submissively. "So...tired though..."

"Don't push it; we can do it again tomorrow." He sounded exhausted now.

"Let's do that..." She snuggled against him, her body falling asleep. Spyro rolled onto his side and hugged her, feeling her fall asleep against him. He strained a bit and a bubble of water surrounded them, quickly cleaning them of the mess they'd made before dissipating and seeping into the ground.

"See you in the morning, cutie..." he said with a yawn. He looked at the sky and smiled...they had nothing to worry about this time around. The Shadow was gone, the Paralosin armies had scattered to dwell here along with all the other dragons, the other dark armies had been thoroughly beaten down...Spyro smiled to himself as he held Cynder snugly against himself. He couldn't wait for her to conceive now.

Their problems were gone.


Not done just yet, there's still a bit more left. sorry if it seems rushed, cuz it is