All for the Dragon King: Section One

Story by Zennith on SoFurry

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#1 of All for the Dragon King

This story contains what may be considered inappropriate situations by societal standards. Among the peculiarities of this story, transformation and sex are contained herein. If you are under 18, most states/countries do not permit you to read this material. * * *

All for the Dragon King: Section One

  • * * Mike Lorrens had set his wrist watch alarm to go off at 6:30, just like he had every other day during his school year. The schedule had developed into a natural habit for him: the alarm would startle him awake, he would arise, shower, walk down the stairs from his upstairs bedroom to the kitchen, eat, go back upstairs and brush his teeth before leaving. He followed this routine with strict discipline, rarely deviating from it. Today, just as all the other days, commanded the same routine. "Thank God it's Friday," he murmured when starting his car to leave. Pulling out, he shifted the transmission into D and sped away. Despite nearly missing a green light during his otherwise uneventful drive, Mike arrived at school about fifteen minutes before morning assembly. That left him just enough time to enter the library and check his email before school started. Seeing a friend, Mike greeted him. "Mornin', Brian." "Good morning, Mike." "How's it going?" "Fine, you?" "Excellent. It's a Friday. Hey, you doing anything this weekend?" "Nah, I'll see if we can get something arranged." "Alright." Long-time friends, they often went over to the other's house and played video games and talked. After getting confirmation of Brian Forrester's visit to Mike's house, Mike turned to some last minute work that he had saved for the same day it was due. Meanwhile, Brian returned to reading the news. Apparently, some scientist had made a postulation about string theory that finally tied physics together, saying something about how different dimensions could exist in the same space. Also in the news, another person had committed a suicide bombing in Iraq, and the Amber Alert had been activated for a missing girl. Altogether, it was nothing especially exciting or new. Seeing the time, Brian suggested that he and Mike walk their way over to morning assembly in the school's theater in the Fine Arts Center. Mike stepped over to glance at a new art display next to the door of the FAC. Among the things to catch his eyes were a painting (some sort of Picasso rip-off by a student), a couple of sculptures, and an egg presented alone on a podium. "Come on, Mike. We'll be late." Mike nodded his head and began walking to assembly with Brian, along with the mob of people who had also began filing in. The teachers took attendance after the students sat down, a few people made announcements about sports victories, and then they were dismissed. On the way out the door, though, the egg caught Mike's eye again. He paused for a second, looking at it, until he realized he was holding up traffic and walked on to his first class. All of Mike's classes passed by as he zoned out into his standard Friday day dream. Math, Biology, Literature, History, Lunch, Art, and Spanish were all a blur: a creeping, slow blur due to his boredom, but still a blur. Walking past the theater again before leaving school, Mike got the impulse to go inside and look at the display of the egg. Mike saw that it was simply beautiful as he took it into his hands. The egg, smooth and opaque, with all sorts of odds and ends attached on it, elicited a faint glow though its solid surface. While holding it, he allowed himself to be lulled into a daydream again. The same day dream that he always had, of him flying as a dragon. Without direction or purpose, just flying peacefully. Mike shook his head. Setting the egg back down on its podium, he read a little sign saying who it was by. "By: Josh. Class: Ceramics. Subject: Dragon Egg," he read aloud. He added on a mumbled "Interesting..." for his own ears to hear. Seeing nobody around, he unzipped his backpack and carefully placed the egg inside. Mike then made his way to his car. On his way he waved a good-bye to Brian, who waved back in the distance after seeing him. Turning on the car, he shifted the transmission into R and backed out, then shifted into D and drove home. Mike went upstairs, placed the egg on his dresser, threw his backpack onto the floor, and played a variety of video games for hours on end until he finally turned them off in favor of brushing his teeth in preparation for bed. Removing his clothes and putting on a fresh pair of boxers, Mike turned out the lights and fell asleep. Normally he would have said "good night" to his parents, but they were away off on some trip. Despite promptly falling asleep, he moved fitfully in his dream. He dreamt of a doomsday battle between two humongous alliances, with him watching from the air. A king clad in red robes called to him "Come help us!" Then he was down on the ground, battling with an unending torrent of enemy soldiers. Then a giant serpent creature with wings swooped down to his left. Glancing at the serpent, he identified it as a dragon: a smooth-scaled, slightly glowing dragon. Mike laughed silently at the symbolism of his dragon egg that he had stolen. His deed would get him back, evidently. The swooping dragon landed in front of him, seemingly inviting him to a duel. Mike accepted and made his move, attempting a stab at the dragon's right side. The dragon dodged around to the left and bit his shoulder. He used his right arm to hack the sword against the dragon's extended neck, and spilled its blood. Yelling in victory and pain, Mike awoke from his dream in a cold sweat. He turned on the lamp next to his bed and noticed that the time was only 4:13 AM. He got up to go to the bathroom. As he passed the mirror returning to his bed, something alarming attracted his attention. He saw deep, scarred bite marks in his left shoulder. "That's strange..." Mike commented as he reached up to touch the scars. "OUCH! That hurts!" The scars took on a blue tint as they were touched by Mike's hand. Backing away from the mirror in stupor, Mike fingered his injuries again. The blue patch spread, and the irrationality that accompanies the early morning hours convinced Mike that an ink stain was on his shoulder and he needed to wash it off. He tried scrubbing it in the sink, but to no avail. The blue patch just kept spreading, reaching up his neck, down through his chest, and across his arm. The patch's expansion accelerated until Mike was completely covered in an awkward blue color. He barely had enough time to take in the sight of himself before his skin started to crack and become leathery, with the growth of blue-ish metallic scales following the change of his skin. Mike gasped as he finally understood what was occurring to him. The process of change paused for a few moments, allowing him to think that he would simply be stuck as some weird guy with blue scales. Hearing his bones start to crack both concerned and comforted him: he grew anxious as to whether the process would take a turn for greater pain, but at least he knew he wouldn't be stuck as a blue-scaled teen. His chest cavity elongated with extra ribs forming and his organs enlarging to take up the extra space. His arms elongated as well, and grew significantly more muscular. Again, the process paused. When it resumed again, excruciating pain shot though his body as wings sprouted from his back and a tail forced its way out of his boxers. Grating his teeth, Mike fainted as he witnessed his legs forcing themselves into a less up-right stance: the heels of his feet lifted off the ground to form a sort of third segment in his leg like that of a horse or a tiger, while talons extended from the tips of his extending toes. The change continued even under the condition of unconsciousness. Mike's equipment grew significantly before disappearing into a sheath along the length of his underside. Over the period of several hours, his wings and tail took their final form, and a snout pushed out from his face as horns grew out of the back of his head. Just as the night sky began brightening, the change came to a halt. Mike awoke to the sun with a painful groan. "Oh me...ugggggg..." he said, arising from the bathroom floor. He became keenly aware of the long snout in front of his eyes. "What on earth?!" Rubbing it with his hands...or claws, rather,...he concluded that his snout was indeed real. Looking back over his body with the good view his long neck afforded him, he took notice in how full wings had grown in on his back, how his feet were now distinctly that of a dragon's (sharp talons, three toes up front, one near the heel), and how his long tail protruded from where his body normally would have terminated. " appears that really did happen last night. Wild..." Deciding to tell Brian about his transformation, Mike picked up the cell phone he had placed on his night stand and navigated to the appropriate name in the phone's address book. After a few rings, Brian picked up. "Hello, Brian?" "Mmmmmm...Hey Mike. You just got me out of bed. What?" "Can you come over right now?" "Lemme clean up first. Why now?" "Just come over okay?" "Sure...why do you sound all gruffy and nervous?" "Uh....let's say that something...came up." "Okay fine, I'll be over in a few." "Mmm k, Thanks." Mike shut his phone to end the call. Hearing the sound of Brian's voice made him think what he initially considered to be distasteful thoughts. He imagined himself in bed with Brian, humping his friend's butt, and ejaculating inside him. Yet, he had never thought of such a thing before. Well, maybe a couple times, but not this vividly. He considered himself to be far from homosexual, and here he was getting aroused at a very crude image his imagination had devised. "Well, I have to admit I wanna try this thing out." Looking down, Mike touched his scaled blue claw to his darker leathery cock protruding from its sheath. An electrifying shiver traveled though his member up and down his spine as he began stroking it. Standing on his hind legs, his fore-claw moved delicately up to the tip, then down to the base as he cupped his rather conspicuous balls in his other fore-claw. Whilst jiggling his balls rapidly, the new dragon moved his fore-claw back to the tip and massaged there. He simply couldn't resist the natural reaction of pushing his hips forward into his claws and tilting his head back. His cock grew harder while his gentile strokes yielded to more substantive pumps covering his entire gigantic cock's length. Pumping harder and faster, the near-orgasm pleasure sucked the dragon into the event horizon of sex, beyond which there was no return. As the high plateau before orgasm approached, his knees weakened and he collapsed onto the ground, moaning in delicious pleasure. Mike arranged his right claw so that he could hump into it on the bathroom floor as his climax loomed large. He was only able to push into his claw once, then twice before climax came forth. Cum exploded out of his dragon cock. The high pressure flow covered the dragon's claws in sticky white fluid before spilling on the floor. He moaned again as his cock kept pumping cum though his claws onto the floor. And it still pumped after what seemed an impossibly long time: Mike counted at least fifteen pumps of his cock before it started to subside. Having lost all his strength, he lay there until he heard the doorbell ring. "Oh, shit! Brian's here!" He quickly arose from the floor and put a handful of toilet paper under the faucet to wipe the floor and himself off. "Come in!" he yelled as he was still cleaning himself, "It's unlocked!" Brian entered the door downstairs and stopped in the living room. "Where are you?" "Up here. Gimme a minute." "Okay...What's all this about?" "I'll tell you in a minute, just wait." Mike's member finally withdrew into his sheath as he finished cleaning up. "Okay, come up now," he said, going into his bedroom. " 'K." "Just stop before you come in the door, I gotta tell you stuff before you come in." "Why all this secrecy?" "I'll tell you in a second!" Brian came up the stairs and paused before the door. "Okay, I'm here. One, why is your voice so rough? And two, why all this secrecy?" "Well, let's say I don't understand the situation fully. It's because" Mike tried to phrase his words carefully in his nervousness. "It's because of this egg I stole from school. An egg in the Fine Arts Center." "A chicken egg? Why'd you steal it?" "No, an egg made by a student. It was pretty and I couldn't resist taking it. And it made me have a dream last night...about dragons. Well, on a side note I've always had this thing for dragons. But anyway, It turned me into one." "Whoa whoa whoa...It turned you into an egg? Are you feeling alright Mike?!" "No, a dragon. Do you think my vocal chords would naturally sound this deep?" "I'm coming in." Brian opened the door with a display of urgency. At first he froze, seeing what was on the bed, then he jumped in a delayed reaction. "Ummm..." "I don't know what else to say." "I...I don't know what to say at all." "Just sit down?" "Okay, thanks Mike. How? Why? When did you become this?" "Just this morning, about four-ish I think. Remember that dream I told you about, I think it has something to do with this." "Okay..." "In my dream, I was fighting all these random people for some random reason. Then this king person dressed in some sort of red...robe I think called out to me and said "Come help us!" Then a dragon flew down in the middle of something I was doing, something important I think, and bit me in the left shoulder. I killed it, but when I woke up I still had those bite marks." "And that's what changed you?" "Yeah. And check this out:" Mike made a motion to his sheath with his right fore-claw. "Huh? What is that?" "It's my equipment." "That thing?!" "Yeah, and it's pretty long too." "Have it out?" "" "Yeah right." "Okay fine I did." "You know? I've actually obsessed of dragons since before I remember, and here a dragon is sitting in front of me." "Interesting...I've always fantasized about becoming one, but I tried to forget about it a few months ago as I realized it would never happen." "Hah!" "Yeah, incredible isn't it?" "Can I touch your wings?" Mike looked back over his shoulder and realized he hadn't really explored his wings yet. Giving them an experimental motion, he said "Sure." Brian touched Mike's wing. "Sure is leathery." "Your mom's leathery!" "Oh shut up." "You can also feel my scales." Mike realized where this might lead. Smiling devilishly, he kept silent and looked away as Brian felt the scales on his shoulders. Deciding to make things happen a little faster, the dragon thought of some possible schemes that would lead them to more risqué activities. He settled on one: "You know, I've also had this weird fetish for dragons. Heh, I used to love drawing dragons having sex." "WEIRD! So have I!" Mike smiled devilishly again, and took Brian's hand down to his crotch. Brian resisted half-heartedly, then gasped as the dragon cock emerged from its sheath. "That thing's huge looking." "So...Do you wanna try anything?" ", I'll shut the door." "My parents are away on a trip, don't worry about it." Having shut the door, Brian returned to sit on the bed. He hung there for a few moments, reluctant to actually touch the dragon cock standing erect. Mike guided Brian's hand to close over the protruding member and helped him move his hand up and down over it. The human's eyes grew wide when he saw the cock grow even more erect to his touch, and the dragon threw his head back in delight. As he moved his hand over the dragon cock, Brian moved his head closer to take in the sight of it all. The dragon looked back down and saw the human's interest in his equipment. "Here, take your clothes off," Mike proposed, "and come lie on the bed with me." "Alright." Brian hurriedly threw off his shirt, but then his eyes gave a sparkle when he thought of his own devilish thoughts. "Want me to take my clothes off, do you?" Mike smiled. "Yes, I do." "Well, then. I guess you'll have to fight me for them." "Come here, you!" "Come and get me!" Mike quickly moved off the bed and tugged down on Brian's pants. Ripping slightly as they came off, he tossed them to the wall and worked on the human's boxers. Also throwing them to the side, the dragon embraced the human in a tight hug. "I have to be honest, I've always wanted to do this." "So have I." Brian returned Mike's strong hug. Then, moving his mouth up to the dragon's, he kissed him. The dragon returned the kiss, exploring the human's mouth with his tongue. After a while, they broke their long, deep kiss. "I love you, Mike." "I love you too, Brian." "Mike, I want you to do something for me." "...What is that?" "I want you to mount me, and push your gigantic cock into me. Will you?" "It might hurt..." "Please!" "Alright, I want to as well. Just tell me to stop if it hurts okay? I don't want to hurt you or anything." "You won't." With that, Brian climbed up onto the bed and lied down, awaiting Mike's intrusion into his body. "Ready?" "Go, Mike." Mike hovered over the human's body, sniffing all of his friend's odors with his sensitive nose. The dragon lowered himself onto Brian, and paused a second before plunging his cock inside Brian's ass. Mike hissed while Brian moaned; both of them were amazed at the feelings emanating from their midsections. "," the human exclaimed, looking over his shoulder. The dragon, shutting his eyes, replied with a "Mmm Hmmmmm..." Feeling a bit giddy, he began pushing his hips hard against the human's butt. He drew out most of the way, and plunged in again. Brian squirmed. "Ow, not so fast!" "Sorry." He took his cock out most of the way again, leaving only the tip inside, and shoved it in again. The dragon built a slow humping motion, being careful not to go too fast for his friend's comfort. "This feels sooooo good, Mike..." The human moaned again. "I...know...mmmmm..." Unable to contain the growing pressure building inside his cock, his humps came faster and deeper. He pushed his cock into the human's butt as far as possible, and that only made him more excited. Mike simply couldn't contain himself any more as his humps shifted into short, rapid jiggles. "Brian...I'm going to...come...MMMMmm!" Pre-ejaculation fluids had already lubricated Brian's anus as Mike's cock strained, reaching an unbelievable level of hardness. At last, it buckled. "MMMMM!," the dragon groaned. The first stream shot a gigantic spray of white, sticky fluid at high speed into the human. Right after the first pump, the proceeding shots came rapidly and strong. The climax so stimulated Brian that he came close to orgasm as well. Forced by the tingling of his member, he pressed his own hips into the bed, causing his own cock to orgasm. Cum sprayed everywhere. Brian's fluids formed a white pool underneath him that started soaking into the bed sheets. Mike's cum, streaming out of the human's butt, also went all over the bed. The dragon collapsed, panting lightly, on top of him as the orgasm subsided. Mike closed his eyes. "Ahhhh...that was...great..." "Yeah..." Brian enjoyed the dragon laying on top of him for a while, but then became a little restless. "Mike, I feel weird. Get off." Mike moved himself off of his friend. "What?" "I just feel weird." "Huh. Whoa! Dude, you're turning green!" "What? Oh shit!" He looked down over his body and saw that most of his body was light green, excluding the darker green patch that was expanding from his abdomen. "I think that must've done something to me." "Huh. Whoa, look at your rear." Brian gasped when he saw a tail expanding from the end of his spine. "I think you're also turning into a dragon." "Amazing. Wings! Look at my wings!" "I see them. And your legs and arms and head and neck. Whoa, you're going a lot faster than I changed." Green scales spread over his body. Brian's equipment changed rapidly as well, expanding before withdrawing into his newly forming sheath. Claws replaced his hands at the same time his feet transferred their weight to the balls of his feet. His pinky and ring fingers merged, and their toe equivalents also merged. Talons extended from the tips of his digits, all sixteen of them. One digit from each foot traveled back to his feet's heels. "Mike, I think it's done." "No, it's just pausing. You aren't done yet I think." "How do you know th--AHHHHHHH!" "Yeah you're at the painful part now." "Oh...very...FUNNY...UGGggggg..." Brian's rib cage expanded and his organs grew to accommodate for the growing body's energy needs. His neck lengthened as Brian felt lightheaded, nearly passing out from the pain. "Stay with me here it's almost done, believe me." His newly forming wings finished their growth, and his tail finished there. Brian looked back to see his long tail stop elongating and his hind legs complete their reshaping. Clearing his throat, the new green dragon spoke: "Well, that was interesting." "Indeed." "Just look at my wings! And my tail! Now I know what it feels like. Mike, you shouldn't have been so secretive. This is awesome." "Well...thanks I guess. I was just worried about..." "Just don't worry about it, it all worked out alright." "So you aren't angry at me at all?" "Maybe a little bit for being so damn secretive, but not really. I guess I can understand your that a word?" "Probably not. I'm glad you aren't angry at me for all this." "Hey, the sex was great and the transformation was great." "Alright cool. Hey, wanna turn on the TV?" "Sure." The two dragons lay on the bed a while, cuddling each other as they watched television. After relaxing a while, Brian's thoughts returned to wondering about the egg. "Hey, where did that egg ever come from?" "From the Fine Arts Center. I stole it, remember?" "Yeah but I mean who made it?" "Lemme see, I forget." Mike went over to the egg on his dresser and looked at its underside. "This person named Josh made it for ceramics class. I dunno, maybe it's magic or something." "Let's send him an email asking about it." "Alright, good idea. Come on." The two dragons walked down the stairs carefully, finding it a little difficult to walk down stairs with their bodies. They rounded the turn on the stairs and arrived at the landing before heading down the second set of stairs leading into the basement. "You know it's gonna be impossible to type with these claws." "It really shouldn't affect you, Brian. Just hunt and peck like normal." "Oh, very funny. I take it you want me to be scribe?" "Sure, I'll go ahead and open up the email though...ok, here you go." Mike got out of the computer chair and let Brian sit down. "What do you want me to say?" "Say something like 'Hey, Josh, I stole your egg yesterday and something weird happened to me and a friend.' " Brian began typing, much more proficiently than Mike had predicted would be possible. "Alright. Here, look at this: To: Josh Rye From: Mike Lorrens CC: Hey, Josh.Me and a freind stole your egg yesterday and...somethign strange happened. Turns out taht me and him, Brian Forrester, turned into dragons because of it. thats pretty hard to believe I know but can you maybe give us a couple ideas about why? Teh help would be appreciated. Is it good?" "Yeah, Brian, it's good enough. Send it could you?" "It's sent. Tell you what, I love our school's email system. It's amazing how it will give you a person's name so that you don't have to guess their email address." "That's FirstClass for you. Hey, it looks like he's online right now. Send him an instant message invitation would you?" " 'K." You have invited Josh Rye to chat. Josh Rye has accepted the invitation. Josh Rye: Hello? Mike Lorrens: Hey, did you get my email? "Brian, could you get up? I want to talk to him." "Sure." Josh Rye: Yes. I can't believe you stole my egg! Mike Lorrens: OK...well, do yuo know why it happend? Josh Rye: Yes. But I can't talk here. Remember, the school records all chats. The reason why this happened to you has to do with way more than the egg, but I can't say anything more here. Spies are all over the place. Mike Lorrens: .... Josh Rye: Can you and your friend come over to my house? I will explain everything there. Mike Lorrens: but were dragons! We'll bee seen. Josh Rye: Just come. It won't hurt anyone to just see you. Mike Lorrens: cant you jsut tell me here, Mr. Mysterious?? Josh Rye: No. Come over. Look my name up in the school address book and get directions on Google Local. Mike Lorrens: fine. Josh Rye has left the chat. "Well, Brian, you know what that means." "Yeah. Do you think we should take your car or try flying?" "Hah! I didn't even think about that! Yeah, we'll fly." "We'll be seen though." "Like he said, it really won't matter. There's no way we can fit into my car." * * *

Thus, All for the Dragon King: Section One comes to a close. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Now, at this point I invite you to post comments and vote on the quality of this fiction.