A Day at the Doctors

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I thought I'd have a little fun with this, it's rather short but I'm sick so it's all i wanted to write :P

Vote or leave some feedback if you like it :D

This story contains sex acts between a cub and adult read at your own risk, though its not too bad :)

"Jor..." A light voice faded in and out of the un-waking consciousness of the little fox cub, dreams of playing with little friends filled his mind. The sunlight probed the eternal darkness of sleep as an elder vixen opened the curtains, morning sunlight filtering through the small room. The light blue walls reverberating the bright light in all directions. "Jordan time to get up for school, you don't wanna be late again." The little fox sat up in bed, his light blue fur mingling with the light, matching the color of the walls. A light eggshell white covered his feet up to the ankle and on his paws to the elbow. His vision was blurry through sleep encrusted eyes, aches and pains filling his little body from head to tail.

*cough "Mommy, I don't feel so well" *cough His whole body shook under the heavy flem-filled coughs.

"Let me look at you.." The vixen looked the little fox up and down, his fur damp from overheating, deep red skin on the forehead turning the fur a light purple. Reaching a hand over and placing it on the wet fur, a high heat filled her paw. "Ohh, you do seem to have a fever. Can you get up and come to the bathroom, I'll take your temperature just to be sure." Her high heels making a clicking sound as they traversed the hardwood floors with the little one close in tow, hands holding on to his aching tummy and muscles on fire. The lights came on in the plain white bathroom, the vixen getting a thermometer from the medicine cabinet. "Open you're mouth and lift your tongue"

Jordan did as he was told, a little pink tongue protruding from his mouth as the elder put the cool plastic under his tongue. The machine beeped as numbers slowly ticked across the screen.

"Now keep it under your tongue, little one" She gently patted his head, feeling bad for how he looked. Pain was scrawled across his face and his nose a dry white as he sniffled through it. "Ok let's take a look" She pulled the thermometer from his mouth an uncanny look on her face as the numbers read "102, that doesn't sound good. Ok little one, go change into some clean pajamas and well go to the doctors."

He unceremoniously stumbled back to his room, dirty clothes strewn about the floor and dust lightly settling in the air. The little fox cub quickly stripped, the little sheath bouncing as the PJ's dropped to the ground. Laboriously pulling on a plain cotton one-piece outfit, his body covered from foot paw to neck as his body shook with light chills.

A call came from downstairs, reverberating through the floor and ventilation system. "Let's go hun, I called the clinic and said we're on our way."

The little cub sneezed, looking sad that the world is so cruel.

The clinic's white walls and cheap blue carpet put a trance on little Jordan as he sat in the chair rocking back and forth, chills running down his spine. Time slowly etched on before a light voice called across the lobby. "Mrs. Langly, the Doctor will see your son now." The vixen was wearing a tight fitting, low cut nursing outfit. Her fur a solid dark brown, seeming to dwarf over the little boy.

Jordan darted behind his mothers leg, pulling on her skirt. "Mom, b-but that's a girl and I'm a boy.." The little fox cub looked visibly nervous as this was his first time going to the doctors, the new smells and atmosphere cutting through the bone with fear evident in his eyes.

The mother slowly reached around patting Jordan on the head, a caring look in her eyes. "It's ok hon, they'll make you feel all better." She pushed him forward, trying to encourage him to walk up there alone.

The nurse walked over, kneeling down looking the little cub right in the eyes. "It's ok, were here to help you feel all better, now why don't you come with me and well see how you're doing?" She motioned to a door behind the desk, getting up his courage he strode off toward the door, ears pressed firmly against his head. "Mam, do you want to wait out here? It shouldn't be too long. We'll give him a good looking over and prescribe some medicine." The Vixen nodded her head taking a seat on the little chair.

The bright florescent lights streamed down the hallway, the nurse followed closely behind as they walked down the hall. The hospital was a flurry of activity, patients in wheelchairs and others hobbling on crutches. "It's right here hun, just wait in here and I'll be right back for you."

She closed the door as the kit entered the room, taking a seat on the paper crunching examination bed. Tension of the unknown welled in his stomach, the aches and pains of being sick almost forgotten. Looking around the room at the different posters on the wall, one reading. "Don't want crabs, Clean often." With a picture of a crab on a beach, the meaning eluding his young mind. The thick soundproof door slowly opened with the nurse from earlier coming in.

"Hi Jordan, I'm Elandra." The height of the table bringing them almost face to face. "Ok, we're going to do a few routine checks first." She went to a drawer, donning a pair of rubber gloves. Fastening them to her wrists with an audible snap that caught the little cub's attention. "Open you're mouth as wide as you can and say ahhhhh"

He opened his mouth as he complied she put a wooden stick on his tongue pushing it out of the way getting a good look in his throat as she hummed. "Yup, looks a little irritated. How's your throat feel, very sore or only a little?"

"A little" He said as she removed the stick. "Ok, tilt your head a little to the side." She brought out an otoscope, illuminating the ear canal with a little light."Interesting, well it doesn't look too bad. Only looks like the common cold. Ok, time to take your temperature"

The little kit opened his mouth wide. "Sorry kiddo, we gotta do it from the other end.." She trailed off

His little ears lowered, a inquisitive look on his face. "What?" Said in all but a whisper.

"Yeah sorry, on kids your age it's our policy. Most 10 year-olds aren't to cooperative, so the higher-ups tell us to do it this way." She smiled as harmlessly as possible. "Now take off your PJ's and rollover on your stomach, butt up."

"B-b-but your a girl, I don't wanna take my clothes off in-front of you..." He stuttered out

She giggled a little "Don't worry hun, I've seen more than one naked man in my life. Now please can we do it soon? So we're not sitting here all day, if it will make you more comfortable I can turn around."

He shook his head "No that's alright, mommy says I should do whatever the doctors want me to do." Slowly he peeled off the one-piece letting it fall to the ground. Bending over on the papery table showing his little pucker to the woman. His small balls and sheath hugging against the skin in the cool room.

"Ok here it goes hun." The nurse lowered the electronic thermometer, putting it against his tight pucker. Only sliding the tip in before the little boy winced, pain rising up his chest. "You need to loosen up a little but hun, it wont hurt once we get it in." She pushed on it a little harder the little boy tightened his cheeks moving away from the probing device.

"Sorry" he panted "It hurts, I don't I wanna do this." Jordan's ears were flat against his head, chest rapidly rising and falling from the new sensation.

A devilish idea shot through her mind, thinking heavily as she mulled it about. "Ok, it seems you need a little help relaxing." She brought her hand down, gently touching his immature balls. Fondling them about with two fingers, gently rolling them back and forth.

"Wha.." He whispered a new sensation flowing through him, the sickness the furthest thing from his mind.

"Shhhh" She whispered "It's just a little something to help you relax, it's quite pleasurable too."

His heavy breath was thick as it slowly started rising out of his body, the gentle fondling sending shivers up his spine.

"See you're already starting to like it, I can tell by your little guy here." She said as his little prick slowly rose out of the sheath, the little pinkness showing brightly out under his blue fur. He loosened up as his prick got hard, she quietly slid in the probe hilting it in his little bum. He squirmed as he felt it enter his body, the pain was quickly squashed by the pleasure her hand was giving his little sack.

"Now your getting into it" She giggle a little "Well since your being so good, lets do a little more." She peeled off the left hand glove, throwing it in the trash. Her soft fingers slowly trailed up the underside of his member, a soft moan left his lips as his sensitive little prick was touched intimately for the first time. She trailed soft fur up and down the little 3-inch member, pulling back the head and sliding it forward. Sensations flowed through his body, every touch, every breath she gave enticed his body a little more. Her gloved hand made small circles around the underside of his little sack and trailed up, rubbing the rim of his bum. His little hips thrusted forward into her hand, the pleasure too great to keep still any longer.

The thermometer beeped signifying it was done, removing her hand, she slowly pulled out the device looking at the screen. "Hmm, only 100. That's good at least it's going down." She smiled in his direction.

His ears lowered, his unsatisfied little prick standing at full attention. In his mind it was throbbing with intense heat rising in his little body.

"Ohhh, what? Want a little more?" She said, lowering one ear while raising the other.

His little head nodded up and down, a little embarrassment showed on his face, never before had someone been so nice and this was rather pleasurable.

"Ok then, roll over and well do something different. We have a little time before the Doctor comes in." She took off the other glove throwing it in the trash before kneeling in front of the bench, her head looking at his little pulsating member. "Ohh look at you, Mr. tough guy." She brought her nose close, inhaling his musky scent. "Ok, you ready?"

"Y-y-yes." He nodded with the response.

Her soft tongue licked his sweaty little balls, slowly moving up the shaft. Every vein and pore her tongue hit made him wince in pleasure. The heat from her nose shot up his stomach, the sensitive little hairs feeling every slight breath. She pulled the skin back exposing the delicate little head. Her hot tongue licked over the head, the darting tongue slowly moving over the skin. She forced herself not to engulf his little member, taking it slow for the little cubs first time. Her tongue moved over every inch, slowly licking under the foreskin, moving out and licking the sheath fur.

His breathing got heavier the more she licked over his little thing, his chest rapidly flowing up and down as pleasure moved down his body, pressure building up in his little balls. His fur started to stand up on end, cold shivers moving through his body slowly up and down.

"Mmmm" She murred "You really seem to like this, maybe you'll like the doctors more after this visit" Giggling as her hand moved up and down his prick, pre and spittle dripping to the paper tabletop.

"Yes" He moaned, his legs shooting out straight as he closed his eyes the only thought on his mind was the woman pleasuring him like no other before.

The nurse opened her maw wide, engulfing his little member to the base. Move her head back and forth as her tongue lolled side to side, the sensitive little head rubbing along the ribbed top of her mouth, each and every bump and grind caused him to moan, rocking his little body. Her nose was embedded deep in his stomach fur, his entire cock and sheath soaking in her mouth. The nurses soft tongue left her mouth licking his tender balls as her free hand traced his tail-hole.

His little body locked up "Ahh" He moaned deep, his little member spasming, sending a clear liquid into her mouth. She sucked on him like a vacuum, eagerly swallowing every drop as she played with his balls trying to coax out more of the immature cum. His body drained of all energy, fell back on the paper with bliss crossing his face. The thought of the sickness left his body during the whole ordeal, the symptoms slowly started coming back as the word slowly faded back to reality.

The nurse pulled out a little towel and started to clean his little prick and wet fur, sweat beading his forehead and a heavy panting coming from his sore throat.

"So how do you feel now?" She said, a slight smile crossed her maw as she put hands on her hips.

"I-I I never felt something like that before" He said in a pleasuring murr.

"See what happens when you don't loosen up, you didn't even feel the thermometer finish did you?"

He shook his small head as he coughed "But I did feel good when you did whatever you did"

"Well if you want, we can...."

The door to the room burst open as an older grey fox stepped through wearing a white coat. He looked at the two who looked rather embarrassed. "What's going on here Elandra?"

"J-j-j ust taking his temperature Dr." She stammered out, flustered at being caught in such a situation.

"Indeed, and what is it?" As he looked over the chart.

"101 Doctor!" She blurted out "Slight irritation of the tonsils, nothing noticeable in the ears. Just seems like the common cold."

The little cub just looked on as the two traded jargon back and forth, covering his little prick with both hands, trying to hide his indecency.

"Son, you can put your clothes back on your all done and you can go home now."

"Nurse take him to his mother and giver her this prescription, twice daily, take with food and he should be feeling better by tomorrow." He said walking out of the room.

"I'm sure you're feeling better now aint'cha hun." She winked at him

"Yes, mam." Giggling a little, he'd have to remember all of this and try a little on his own.

They walked down the narrow corridors, the light in the waiting room almost blinded him as his mom walked over.

"How'd he do" Resting her hands on her jaw.

"He's a trooper, got all the tests done and it's just the common cold. Take this and get it filled, it wont help the cold but it will stop any new bugs from affecting him while hes a little weakened."

"Thank you Nurse, I'm sure my boy is happy too." She patted her Jordan on the head "Say thank you"

"Thanks miss." He waved a paw and innocent smile on his face as they walked towards the door, away from the nice nurse.

"How about we go get some food, how 'bout Burger King."

"Ohh" he jumped a little "I love IT!!!" They entered the beat-up old car driving off into the day.