A show of character

Story by s p on SoFurry

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It never ceases to amaze me how much humans love to compete against each other n...

It never ceases to amaze me how much humans love to compete against each other not just

Winning but to beat everyone else I never understood why it was so important but my master

Was always determined to win he spent the whole morning getting me ready for the show I

Knew I had to win or at the very least take best of breed or they would be hell to pay.

In case you haven't guessed yet I'm a canine hybrid, more precisely I am a female husky/human

Mix with gray and white fur, I was bred to be nothing more than a rich mans play thing.

little more than a slave or a pet, not

that I had a bad life I was born at a breeders not a bad place I was the only female in the

Letter. my mother looked after me and my two brothers until we were three years old

And able to be sold I never got a chance to meet my father, all I know about him he

was a show winner a champion. me and my brothers were taken from

our mother to a room with humans in it, that's where I met my master he was the

first human to smile at me

and show me any real kindness, soon he had paid for me and we went home together.

over the next few years he trained me I was his perfect pet. About a year later

the shows started Popping up where hybrid are displayed and shown just like their full

Canine counterparts have been for over a century, but with big cash prizes to won

as well as Proving who has the best hybrid.

You may think this nothing more than a dog show for hybrids

But you would be wrong the side bets alone equal a small fortune.

The first time was scary I had no idea what was going on but I was only about seven

years old at the time, but I soon got better at it. Over the years my master taught

me a lot and I learnt what I had to, and do as I am told, basically to know my place

I was his pet nothing more nothing less.

Now being a hybrid has its good points as well as bad. One of the good points is

I have a canines sense of smell and hearing as well as the humans better eye sight.

Really the best of both worlds, the bad side is I also have a canines sex drive but

not much human self control which sometimes makes it hard to overcome.

The human side and the canine side always fighting for control usually

the canine side won this was the main reason we were seen as nothing more than pets. Chewing and digging was some of the hardest instincts to control It wasn't until

I got older I managed to overcome my basic instincts and function more like a human.

Every year my master would enter me in one of the shows. It was no surprise when my master told me it was almost time for the shows again, a few days later my master took

me somewhere in his car. later we stopped outside a building which I knew was the groomers looks like I was going to get trimmed ready for the show. we walked in to the reception and the receptionist started talking to my master

"hello how can I help you today sir"

"yes my dog needs a bath and a trim I want her to have the full treatment

I'm entering her in the show next week and I need her to look her best"

I hate it when he refers to me as a dog, I may be part canine but I am also

part human but I suppose he doesn't like referring to me as anything else than his dog,

after all I am his pet not his equal.

"is there anything else we need to know dose she bite?"

"no she is very well behaved"

"ok you can pick her up in one hour"

With that said two humans walk in and lead me through to the back room. I am soon undressed and guided

To a shallow pool where I am washed from my head to the tip of my tail the

warm water feels so good on my fur. next they massage shampoo into my

fur and soon they rinse it out I am lifted out of the pool

And dried. then I am taken to a large room with lots of humans and canines some

ordinary dogs others are canine/human hybrids like myself, they take me to a bench

were there's a collar on a chain attached to a long pole over the bench looking a

little like a hangman's noose. the collar on the tight chain is placed around

my neck I look over at one of the humans

"I know your owner said you don't bite but we‘ve got to use the collar restraint anyway,

don‘t worry it will be over soon."

I nodded to let him know I understand and I knew this was necessary

but it was the only part of the grooming I hated but well worth it for the clean feeling afterwards. he then straps my arms and legs to each side of the bench restricting my movements. A young female human walks up to us

"ok what trim am I doing for this one?"

"her owner only wants a light trim"

She spends a few minutes looking me over before she starts clipping

and brushing my fur I want to look my best for my master and see if I can win this time.

"well what's your name? "

I try and look round at the woman behind me but the collar and the other restraints make's that impossible

"its ok you can answer"

"my name is Gemma"

"What a nice name for a beautiful husky I‘m going to start shaving you now

so don‘t panic"

Its unusual for a human to actually spend time talking to one of us, even

more so to talk to us as an equal not a pet or slave. I hear the razor being

switched on and I feel it behind my head working its way down

"So are you going away somewhere nice?"

"only the show"

"oh you're a contender. well you are certainly pretty enough."

I wonder why this groomer is giving me so many nice compliments at

least she used the term contender rather than show dog. I feel the razor

moving over my rear followed by my sides legs and face

"right I've done most of you body Gemma just the bits under your tail to finish off.

Now when you're ready I'm going to start."

I nod and she lifts my tail and starts cutting. Then I feel the razor near my private area

I tried my best not to move but with something vibrating very close to a sensitive

part of my body its actually very hard and I was getting aroused. the human pleasure

and the canine sex drive working together. but I think the woman cutting me knew that.

how could see miss how wet I was getting.

I haven't been mated in so long my body needs it. after she's done she looks

at me with a smile. I can't help but feel a little embarrassed as she is untying me.

"I am so sorry about that"

"don't be I won't tell anyone just between us girls right"

I lean over and give her a friendly lick as a thank you. the truth is the last two years have

been hard on me, the want... no the need to reproduce and with my time of the year

coming closer that just makes the problem ten times worse.

"Come on lets get you finished off and get you out front your owner will be waiting"

I am given a spray of something that smells like roses quickly redressed and led to

the waiting area where my master is sat waiting for me.

"wow you look like a champion already lets get you home"

I follow him outside and we leave.

A week or so later it was time. I could tell with all the running around my master was

doing what was happening. but I just laid on my pillow in the corner on the living room watching him. He soon got me on my feet and after some last minute preparations

we're both ready and leave for the show.

Less then an hour later we arrive at the place were the show is held my master has

done a Good job on making me look my best brushing out my fur he has even

dressed me in my best

Clothes not that I would be wearing them long.

We make our way to front desk where a large man

Started asking my master questions.

"Name of entry"

My master spoke

"Gemma ray of sunshine"

God how I hated my full name

"Breed and sex"

This was getting silly you only had to look at me to know that

"Husky female"


"17 years"

"Ah she a young one I've entered you in the bitch puppy class make your way

to the VIP Waiting area room ten you'll be in arena three in five hours and the vet

will want to check her over first"

He hands my master a key card.

We made our way to the waiting area past a row of doors and stop at one he pulls

out the card

Sticks it in the slot with a buzz the door unlocks and we enter, the room is quite

nice with a sofa a bed and

A mini fridge and a preparing area all the comforts of home. A few minutes later

the vet walks in

"Is it ok for to me to examine her?"

I see my master nodding and I know what's coming next

He guide's me to the other side of the room and starts to undress me I know better than

to put up

A fight, in no time at all I'm standing there naked with the vet looking me over the first

thing he Dose is take my temperature god how I hate that thing in my tail hole I try

not to think about all the

Other hybrids he must have used that thermometer on before me, he checks my

eyes ears And mouth not to mention my breasts pervert him then looks

over to my master

"She's good to go"

The vet leaves the room and my master walks over to me and starts to redress

me funny how Humans have this thing about nudity, I mean we don't really care

if we are naked we have our fur

To keep us warm and I can actually dress myself but he obviously

wanted me to look perfect

"Right girl now you look like you need a walk"

That's why he wanted me dressed too embarrassed to be seen with a naked hybrid

He takes me all around the arena a few times before heading back to

the room I look in to his eyes

Before I open my muzzle

"My I have permission to speak sir?"

"Yes gemma"

"I was wondering I know I am to be shown today but am I to be in any

of the other events?"

"No just the show and I've got you something for you to wear"

he walks over to a case he kept by

The door and pulls out a small box inside it a bikini

"you will have to take it off for the second stage

Of the judging but that should really catch their eye."

I quickly changed into the bikini he's right of course it will catch the

judges eye most of the

Other female hybrids wore them for the show I look at my master

"You mean if I make it to the second stage"

"I know you will"

The second stage is a short list one of the the judge's spends a lot

more time looking you over and he will

Feel you all round your body with his hands only the top five from

the first stage go through.

Just then a bell sounds and my master looks at me.

"That's the ten minute warning I should be getting you to the arena but first"

He walks up to me and places a thin collar around my neck and attached a

long sliver chain to the front of the collar

"Let's go"

We make our way to the arena where I see loads of other husky hybrids all

different sizes and

Ages most younger then me one or two slightly older but all female,

ok this is how it go's before the

First stage the judges get a

Quick look at us, then the first stage judging is the first lap around

the ring the judges look at

Your form and how you move and one judge gives you the once over,

mainly a visual examination but there's always some

Feeling involved humans love to touch and this is the only part

Of the show where we wear clothes the second stage is the same

as the first but only the top five he picks

Will make to this point and we have to be naked so they can

Get a better look at your body and it's what most of the crowd have

come to see and last he will pick one

Of us to be best of breed and go through to the the final round.

Before the start as you can tell I've done this a few times I give a the

judges a sway of my hips and a

Wag of my tail we take our place in the line I'm fifth this time I look to my left

and I see a

Brown and white husky around my age she's going to be hard to beat I look to my

right and see

A small grey and white husky pup no older than five or six I can smell how

scared she is

This must be her first show I feel sorry for her I look around and see twenty

four others

Just then I hear a loud voice call out

"Number four"

The husky to my left is lead forward I watch her as she is walked around the ring

by her Handler and stops at a table where a another human is waiting then the

handler startsholding her by the collar the second human is now busy looking

her over he runs his hand over her face and

Down to her breasts and along her sides feeling his way he then nods and she

is lead off by her handler

"Number five"

Now it's my turn my handler walks me around the ring I can just see the

judges watching me then we reach the table

And the same human starts looking me over the same way he did the

husky before me afterwards he nods and we move off

Back in the fifth place of the line

"Number six"

Now it that cute little pup's turn from where I am standing I can easily see

the scared little husky pup being

Walked around the ring they stop where the other human is standing

but she is lifted on to the low table due

To her small size the handler grips her by the collar holding the

small husky in place while the other starts looking

Her over then taking her head in his hands examining her face and

slowly working his hands down her tiny body

I can see she really doesn't like this but if she thinks this is bad the

second stage is worse.

I watch as more and more are lead round the ring all I can do is wait

then I hear the same voice as before

"First stage judging is now complete entries four five six ten and sixteen

are through to the second stage

Ten minute break before we continue"

My handler/master is looking at me with a smile and his hand is rubbing

the back of my head

"You did well"

Having your hybrid make it into the top five is quite an achievement.

My master hands me a bowl and give me a

Cool drink of water soon the break is over and we make our back to ring.

"Ok this is a reminded that the second stage will contain nudity and

may be not suitable for young children"

I look around I'm ready for this

"Handlers please disrobe your hybrids"

I feel my master's hands on my body starting to undress me in less than

a minute I am naked at this point I look around

And see the other are either naked or still being undressed I turned my

attention to the husky on my left what a body

She has and then I look over at the little husky pup not only can I smell

her fear now I can see how scared she really is,

Poor puppy it's not fair to put someone so young through this.

I hear that same loud voice call out again

"Number four"

I see the husky next to me walked into the ring, I can tell by the way

see walks and the look she gives me that

She is full of herself so cocky a real arrogant bitch I would love to beat her.

But that will be hard she is much better bred than me

I watch her from the side of the ring hoping she makes a mistake but no,

at this point her hander leads her to the table

And the other human starts his examination first around her face then

moving down to her breasts taking longer than he

Has to and starts making his way lower until he reaches her private area

He is clearly enjoying himself the poor husky having to stand there while

he gropes her, I don't like the arrogant bitch

But no one deserves to be fondled against their will like that especially

with so many watching

now he move's to the back of her lifting her tail back as far as it will go

exposing her anus and

Probing it with his finger I felt ashamed that I was getting aroused while

watching this and feeling

Myself getting wet between my legs and waging my tail a little but

I couldn't help it,

What made it worse was the fact the little husky pup next to me saw it all

God only knows what she must have thought of me but she's way

too young to understand I haven't

Been bred in quite a while and it dose catch up with you at this

point it won't take much to

Set me off but she won't understand any of this until she's older and

gone through An ovulation cycle or two better known as going into heat,

no I must stay in control and not my body

Rule me

"Number five"

Not paying attention I nearly miss my number being called my master give's

my chain a little tug

"Come gemma"

That's all I need to wake me up I follow my master around the ring giving a

sway of my hips a smile and a good wag of

My tail for the judges the trick is to be as sexy as possible, before I know it

I am standing in front of the same human

Who examined the husky before me? I soon feel his hands on my face

I can see his eyes looking me over I then feel his

Hands moving south then I feel his hands on my breasts I can tell this bastard

is enjoying himself next I feel him

Running his hands down my ribs then my belly and slowly over my private area

I sniff the air once quietly I can smell his

Arousal. Next thing I know he's lifting my tail back and looking at my anus

I think to myself how easy it would be

For me to fart in his face but that could cost me any chance of winning.

I am quickly snapped back to reality when his

Finger starts probing my tail hole. God this feels right but wrong at the same time,

finally he takes his finger out of

My anus and releases his grip on my tail and giving me a last look over.

I give a good wag of my tail

The human nods to my master and we leave the ring and wait sidelines

next to the husky and her handler that

Went before us. My master looks down at me and whispers "good girl"

those two words make me feel so happy. I look over

At the ring and see it's the turn of the little husky pup. She is lifted onto

the table and the human starts his

examination of her first the face then slowly moving down her body

I can see she's shaking the next thing I hear is the soft tinkle of water hitting

the table and the floor and the smell of urine. The poor husky pup

peed herself that's going to cost her points.

"We're going to have a short break while the area is cleaned"

I see two humans walk over to the spot were the pup had her accident.

They quickly go to work cleaning the mess up and the pups master

quickly cleans her up.

The pup is placed back on the table she is so scared that she try's to curl

her tail between her legs. That won't stop them and sure enough

it doesn't with one hand he lifts her tail out of the way, he starts his

prodding and probing of her anus I watch as the human finish's his examination

and the poor pup is let down her and her handler walks up and stop next to

me and my handler taking their place in line. I really don't pay any attention

to the last two husky's to go through the ring I am more concerned with

how the little pup next to is feeling. When no one is looking

I give her a little nudge with my side she looks up at me and I smile back down

at her and whisper "(don‘t worry it happens to the best of us)".

I think this really helped her relax I even see her tail start to wag a little.

"Can I please have your attention while the score's are reviewed in

second place is number five otherwise known as Gemma ray of sunshine

with 194 points but in first place is number six otherwise known as

Alison glacier princess with 198 points. Number six go‘s through to

the next round with number five standing in reserve."

I can't believe it. I lost to a pup who pissers herself it must be the cuteness factor.

At least I only lost by four points and I beat that other smug bitch

I look up at my master he has a smile on his face he must be happy that

I came second its still quite an achievement I only wish I could have don't better for him.

We leave the ring a short time later and head back to our room I look at my

master and smile he looks back at me and dose the same.

"I am so proud of you Gemma coming second. Get changed into your normal

clothes I have a treat for you."

I do as I am asked and am soon ready.

"where are we going master?"

"you'll see"

We walk out of our room down the back towards the ring I look at my master

he just smiles at me I head for ring but he stops me.

"no not there Gemma this way"

He leads me to the stands I'm really confused at this point why

has he brought me here? If I am competing why am I not in the ring? Why

am I in the stands with the spectators?

Then I hear the same loud voice from earlier

"I welcome you all to the afternoon show the same as this morning but

it's the males turn now just like before its only husky's today the other

breeds will be shown in turn later in the week"

I look at my master and whisper "thank you" he only smiles as I watch as

the male husky's are walked around the ring. some are wearing shorts but most

wearing very tight Speedo's that really don‘t hide that much. of course

it's the second stage I am looking forward to I watch as twenty

five becomes just five then I hear

"First stage judging is now complete entries two nine fourteen seventeen

and twenty one are through to the second stage. ten minute break before we continue"

I feel a hand rubbing me between my ears I look over to see my master smiling

"who's your favourite?"

I have to think about what he just said for a minute before answering.

"number fourteen"

"why him Gemma"

"because he's the sexiest"

"I should have known"

I wait for the show to start again this must have being the longest ten minutes

I have ever known. Then I see the first of the husky males coming out.

"Ok this is a reminded that the second stage will contain nudity and may be not

suitable for young children. Handlers please disrobe your hybrids."

This is the part I've been waiting for. I watch as they are undressed keeping my

eyes on number fourteen. His body is perfect strong muscular legs well toned

chest and a huge sheath.

"number fourteen"

His number has being called now I get my chance to really see him move

while not wearing anything his uncovered maleness in full view. He is led around the

ring he moves so well even the bobbing of his tail is perfect.

I continue to watch him as he and his handler stop at the table with the same

human who only hours earlier examined me. He wastes no time,

starting on his face working his way down the chest and stopping only for a

second before he places one hand on that large sheath.

I wish I could trade places with that human.

He then move his hand to examine the testacies and lastly his anus.

All I can think about as he leaves the ring is how nice it would be to spend

the night tied with that stud.

I continue to watch the show but the other males pale in comparison to him,

the perfect dog.

"Can I please have your attention while the score's are reviewed in

second place is number seventeen otherwise known as

Kevin prince of midnight with 187 points but in first place is

number two otherwise known as

Max desert warrior with 191 points. Number two go‘s through to the

next round with number seventeen standing in reserve."

He must have had his eyes closed how could he pick the other two over him.

but no one ever said humans have taste, and that marks the end of the showing

I look over at my master and smile.

We leave the stands and head to our room. After a short walk we stop at our door and

my master pulls out his key card and unlocks the As we enter the room

and the door closer behind us my master looks over at me with a smile.

"did you enjoy that Gemma?"

"yes I did thank you master"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself but I did have another motive for bringing you here."

I look at him a little bit puzzled what other reason is there. I thought it was a

reward for doing so well at the show.

Why else would he have me watching these males if not for fun?

"you know you'll soon be 18 years old that means you be an adult"

I already knew this but I nod anyway.

"well in another couple of weeks you'll should be season and able to breed

again and now that you will be old enough I was thinking about maybe breeding you.

So I decided to look for a suitable stud here."

I really love the way humans are so uptight about sex.

I am going to have to see how much I can embarrass him.

"what's breeding?"

"oh erm... breeding is when a male and a female have sex."

There's no way I am letting him off that easy.

"what's sex?"

"sex is when... sex is when a male puts his penis into the female."

I can see he's starting to blush, Now I am really going to play stupid.

"Where do he put his penis on the female?"

"oh erm... let me put it this way your vagina the thing that's between your legs what do you think its for?"

This is going to be more fun than I through

"to pee with"

"yes that's right but its also where the male puts his penis and nine months later

its where the baby comes out. or in your case puppies"

Maybe I should put him out of his misery and let him know that I am no stranger

to sex and haven't been a virgin for some years.

"master I have something I need to tell you"

"yes Gemma"

"I understand the concept of mating and have for a while you see, I am not a virgin."

"since when? And who with?"

I can hear the anger in his voice maybe this was a mistake. But he would have

found out anyway when the vet checked me and the stud over before the mating.

"I was thirteen at the time and it was with Ryan"

"Ryan Josh's dog?"


"do you still have sex with him?"

"no we stopped seeing each other a while back. anyway he has been mated to

another now"

"how come I've only just found this out now?"

"I know how funny humans can be about sex and I didn't want you thinking less of me.

But the main reason was Ryan is a German shepherd and I am husky any pups

would have been mongrels and worthless to you so we both decided to end it."

"I appreciate you telling me this but you have put me in a difficult position. I was so

sure I wanted to breed you but now I'm not sure at all,

the last thing I want to do is force you into something you don‘t want to do.

you are much more than just a pet to me.

Sometimes I forget that. so its up to you if we go forward with this or not."

I think about it for a minute or two before answering.

"master I would love to birth a litter"

"if you are sure that's what you want. I was scared I'd have to tie you down for it."

he says the last part jokingly he would never do anything like that

"you would have never done that to me"

"true and I get the feeling I don't have to ask which husky you want to father you pups"

I smile at him and wag my tail the truth is I am looking forward to getting my

needs satisfied. and I would love to have a litter and start a family.

"so looks like I'm going to have to see if I can arrange a romantic night with

you and mister fourteen wait here until I get back".

I watch as he leaves the room all I can do is wait. About ten minutes later he

comes back with a smile on his face.

"I have some good news Gemma he's available to stud and after negotiating

a deal with Edward that's the owner of Daniel or number fourteen as you know him.

Anyway when you are next in season a few weeks from now

I will take to the kennels where you and Daniel will mate."

"thank you master"

"don't thank me yet there's a down side to this. You need to have tests

done to show you fertility and that you don't have any diseases.

that's not for a while Lets get you home"

A couple of days pass and true to my masters word he's scheduled a visit to the vets.

There I am sitting naked on cold metal table while a old human gives me the once over,

every inch of my body is probed and I mean every inch,

he takes blood and examines other parts of my anatomy very closely.

I get a full clean bill of health and my master gets the paperwork to prove it.

A week passers my master throws me a party celebrating my eighteenth birthday.

Then less than two weeks later I have my ovulation cycle knowing now that

in four or five days I will be bred. just like any female I have the urge for sex.

then the day I have been waiting for finally comes

"come on Gemma we've got to go"

Music to my ears these damn hormones are killing me.

usually my master gives me a pill that takes the edge off.

but since that would affect my fertilely he didn't bother this time.

A short drive later we arrive at the kennels my master guides me into the

building and we stop at the reception but there's no one around my master

rings a bell on the desk and the receptionist appears and the two of them

start talking

"how can I help you sir"

"I have an breeding appointment at ten"

"I can believe that handsome"

I don't believe it this human bitch is flirting with my master.

I can actually see how red he is turning but all he dose is laugh and shrug it off.

"no its for my dog"

"shame, well I have you down in room nine"

And they call me a bitch.

We walk down a corridor where my master knocks on the door before entering.

I see him standing there naked wearing only his fur,

a proud specimen of a husky number fourteen or Daniel as I now know him,

Will be the father of my pups.

My master and the other human greet each other and start talking.

"Hello, its Jacob right"

"Yes it is and same to you Edward"

"you must forgive me I'm so bad with names"

"its ok we've only met the once. So how do we go about this"

"ok we'll take this slow has she ever been bred before?"

"not by me"

"well to be on the safe side I going to have to insist you use a muzzle on your dog

I'm going to be using one on Daniel just so there's no accidents"

He wants me to wear a what?.... A muzzle like I am nothing more than a

stupid animal there's no way I am going to let that go. But before

I get a chance to voice my opinion my master stops me

"can you excuse me for a minute. Come here Gemma"

He practically drags me to the other end of the room by my neck,

he release's his grip on me and looks me in the right in the eye.

"l know you're not happy with the idea of a muzzle neither am I.

but if you still want to go though with the mating its this or you get tied to a

breeding stand. Its up to you we can always call it off,

Maybe I can find another breeder with less strict rules."

"no master if it must be done then I will go though with it."

"good girl Gemma, Lets get you ready. "

He starts undressing me carefully soon I am as naked as Daniel with only

my fur covering me.

The other human Edward hands my master a muzzle identical to the one

Daniel is now wearing, I feel the thing clamping down on my jaw restricting movement.

With the prepping over he leads me to the middle of the room.

Soon I am standing nose to nose with Daniel.

"lets give them some privacy"

I look out the corner of my eye and see my master and the other human leave the room.

Now the fun begins although I have never be mated in this kind of environment before,

my master was nice enough to download a video off the internet for me to watch.

just so I wouldn't be going in blind.

I watch as Daniel sticks his tongue through the front of his muzzle.

Good thing they were designed to stop biting not licking.

He slowly starts licking my face lovingly I soon mirror his licking with my own.

Only when he is licking the top of my head do

I get a chance to look down at that huge sheath.

which by the look of the swelling is only going to get bigger.

After more licking and gentle grooming I pull away and give

Daniel a little wink and lean my head down and give his maleness a good long lick,

I turn away and quickly reposition myself

kneeling and dropping my front and raising my rear.

I feel his hand like paws on either of my hips followed by his nose sniffing at

my most private area.

I lift my tail out of the way giving him better access after a few more sniffs his tongue replaces his nose,


all I can do is make muffled moaning noises as he licks over my area,

the muzzle preventing speech.

Then without warning he stops, I know what's coming next I look around to see his unsheathed penis bobbing about, its so big and he's not even fully hard yet. I am still watching as he repositions himself

He moves forward slightly I can feel his tip poking against my entrance,

he slowly inch's his way forward he then locks his arms around my waist.

I feel his member moving in and out until I feel something else poking against me.

That must be his knot he moves backwards then forwards trying to

get that knot inside me.

and then he moves back again and with even more force throws himself forward.

" (YELP) "

That hurt but it didn't seem to bother him. This must be why the other human

insisted on the muzzle.

I hear the door bang open my master comes running back into the room.

"are you ok Gemma?"

I just nod not wanting to alarm him.

"its just the shock of it Jacob she's fine."

What a heartless bastard. and I would tell him that if not for this muzzle.

"maybe so but I think I'll stay with her."

"you can't do anything they're tied and will be for the next quarter of an hour or so."

I feel my masters hands rubbing the side of my face doing his best to soothe me.

Even through the muzzle I can feel his touch.

The pain soon subsided but he never left my side,

I felt Daniel's trusting slow and stop a few minuets later Daniel try's to

pull free but with no luck his knot is locking us together.

realizing that he climbs off my back panting and turns around now me and

him are standing rear to rear, now it's the waiting game how long until

we are free from each other.

"its ok I won't leave your side until its over."

All I can do is grunt my answer the muzzle pretty much preventing any speech.

I see him smile down at me.

The minuets roll on and still no sign of his swelling going down, true to my

masters word he didn't leave my side.

Little by little I feel his knot start to shrink, and with a pull on his part we are

both free I fall into my masters arms and he holds me in a hug,

I see out of the corner of my eye Daniel move to the other end of the room and

curl into a position and start liking himself clean.

A short time later the other human Edward walks in and makes his way

over to Daniel and removes his muzzle.

My master dose the same for me, I shake my head glad to be rid of the horrible thing

"thank you"

"I am so proud of you Gemma"

I wag my tail a little, too tried to do anything else

"see I told you see would be fine."

"that remains to be seen."

He looks back at me.

"are you ok to move?"

I nod but have a little trouble standing. I then feel my masters powerful arms pick me up.

I wrap my arms around his neck holding him tight.

"I'll be in touch."

"ok do you need a hand?"

"can you get the door for me?"

"of course."

We head for the door my master still carrying me,

he stops and picks up my clothes with his other hand, and we leave the kennels.

We had a silent ride back to my masters home.

He still insisted on carrying me but the strange thing was he didn't take me to my

room, instead he carried me to his bed.

I look up at him.

"I want you to be comfortable."

"but I am feeling a lot better now."

"not another word."

I decide to be quiet since I am not getting anywhere.

The days passed slowly I had no idea if I was pregnant or not.

it was not until a few months went by than I started to notice a difference in my body.

I was putting on weight and having trouble sleeping.

By this time my master had also noticed the change in my behaviour.

"well Gemma I'll say it's a safe bet you are carrying a litter."

"yes master I believe I am."

"I'm going to play it safe and get you checked out at the vet."

"of course master I can‘t wait to see if my pups are healthy ."

"You be pleased to know that most of my friends have shown interest

in buying some of your puppies, so I have already found good homes for them.

Like any mother I am not happy with the idea of losing my young,

but its up to my master after all he owns me and any puppies I have,

but it will be the best part of three years until they are ready to leave me,

and with the fathers and my pedigree being as good as they are

mean even the long wait won't put people off.

"master I know its up to you, but do we have to sell my puppies?"

"I'm afraid so Gemma I don't have the space for a lot of dogs,

not to mention feeding then vets bills and all the other costs as well as

all the extra work.

This was always going to happen but I'll tell you what you can

keep one of the pups to raise as long as you take care of it."

"Thank you master"

A few weeks pass and after a trip to the vets I find out that I am indeed pregnant,

and 100% healthy much to my masters and my relief.

At this point my master leaves the room as the vet starts prepping me for a ultrasound.

This is the only other human I fully trust, he has been looking after me since I was a pup.

I feel a razor buzz over my belly once all that's left is skin he squirts a thick liquid

on the area and rubs a funny looking tube over it, He smiles at me.

"well do you want to know how many?"

"Yes please"

"you're carrying at least four pups"

"four puppies my master will be pleased"

"that's only a rough estimation"

I already knew this even with an ultrasound its way too soon to tell how many

pups I am carrying accurately,

for that I am going to have to wait but he has given me a rough number.

I ask the vet if I can break the news to my master first. He smiles and nods.

I walk out of the vets office and up to my master and give him the news.

"Master I am carrying at least four puppies"

"that's great news Gemma"

More time went by the bulge in my belly ever more noticeable.

And the changers in my body giving me hell.

If its not bad enough to be carrying all this extra weight.

It means I am now having to pee all the time but the worst part is

I am now constantly hot and itchy,

so I have taken to wearing nothing at all in the house much to

my masters displeasure.

But he understands this is hard on me.

Two more months pass and its time for another visit to the vets.

There I am laying on a cold metal table again.

And the usual prodding and poking follows,

when this part of the exam is finished I am led to another room for a ultrasound.

"I have news for you Gemma."

"what's that sir?"

"how many times do I have to tell you? Not to call me sir, its John."

"sorry John force of habit."

"anyway you are not carrying four pups."

Now that really worries me. Have I lost one or more an I going to lose them all.

"please just tell me the bad news."

"there's no bad news you are fine as well as all five of your pups."

"all five pups?"

"yes you are carrying a extra pup."

"are you finished with me now?"

"yes go on and tell your master the good news."

I give John a friendly like as I leave the room.

I want to run up and tell him the good news but my condition prevents that,

so I settle for slow walk with my tail wagging.

"Master I have some good news I am going to be a mother of five."

"that's a nice surprise."

"I am happy too."

"lets get you home before you tire yourself out."

More time passers and I have grow to the point where

I am having trouble performing tasks like walking. This was

made ever harder without my master he had to leave on business so I was on

my own a lot. before he left he made sure someone would check up on me since I had refused to go into kennels in his absence.

He almost didn't go but I just told him the vet said I was not due

to give birth for another few weeks. He asked one of his friends to keep

an eye on me

Nearly a week go's by, I wake to the same uncomfortable swilling in my belly

I am not sure how much more of this I can take.

I was restless yesterday and I have not been able to even look at my food,

but I go about my day as best as I can Then with out warning the discomfort turns to pain.

At this point I am so scarred I have the urge to find a quiet spot to lay.

"Gemma I'm home, Gemma where are you girl?"

He spends a few minutes looking around only to come up empty

"she's probably asleep, I‘ll just check on her"

He walks over to the room she sleeps in only to a empty room.

He also looks in his bedroom nothing no sign of her.

"where is she? now I'm getting worried. wait I asked Josh

if he would take her back to his house if it looked like she was going to give birth."

He dials a number on his phone

"hello Josh yes I am calling to ask how Gemma is?"

"she was fine yesterday when I last checked on her."

"wait she's not with you?"

"no what's the matter"

"I can't find her."

"calm down I'll come over and help you look for her she can‘t have gone far."

The two search the house high and low looking through every room.

Jacob taking high and josh taking low

"Jacob come here I've found her."

There curled up in the washroom on a pile of unwashed clothes is a sleeping

Gemma with five small bundles of life nursing from her.

"oh thank god. But why did she decide to give birth here rather then her bed?"

"its your scent can't you see what she's laid on?"

"my dirty clothes."

"yes she missed you. knowing you would not be back in time she settled for your scent."

"just let her sleep I'm not even going to try to move her. She looks exhausted."

The two leave the room quietly care not to wake her.

A few hours pass

I am so sore. But I look down at the puppies laid beside me three girls and two boys. Despite all the pain this is the happiest I have ever been.

I see the door open and my master walk in.

"master I am so glad to see you."

"same here I'm only sorry I missed the joyous event,

I should have been there to help you through it."

"don't be sorry, I have you here now that's all that matters"

"as long as you are not mad at me."

"I could never be mad at you."

"look at these cute little pups, have you given any thought as what to name them."

"no I have not master."

"well you had better, I am going to have to register them in a weeks time.

But you regain your strength first."

I nod still tied from given life to five puppies I fall back to sleep.

Little by little I start to feel like myself again. of course now I have folds of excess

skin that will take a while longer to heal.

I have named all the puppies,

starting with the three girls the first I called Sophia after my mother the

second Emily and the third Natalie. I named the first of the two boys

Evan after my father and the last one I named Danny.

Over two years pass and my pups are ready to go to new homes.

It breaks my heart to see them go my master did say I could keep one of then

and I chose Danny.

The years went by and I watched Danny grow up. I was been shown again

now that my pup didn't need me all the time,

although the best I could ever manger was second place.

My master always made me feel like a winner.

And as soon as Danny was ready my master entered us both in the same show

me in the adult class and Danny in the puppy class,

he even hired a top handler for him, with some luck he will take first place,

And make me and my master very proud.

Who knows maybe one day my son will be fathering champions

like those that came before him.