Scent of a male: 2, Cabin

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#2 of Scent of a male -Random Uploads-

Here's the second little short story of the Scent of the male 'series' a trip out to the forest turns into something more physical

Vote and comment as always

Moving along the trail I headed toward the distant cabin. The doctor was kind enough to loan to me while he looked into the problem with the scent cover. On going to visit him, he found that the scent masking that he gave me was perfectly fine and said he needed to look deeper into the problem. In the mean time I should try and get myself out of the city. So here I am walking down the dirt trail toward the doctor's summer cabin that he uses every so often. It was far out, deep in the woods where no one stayed. Damn, it must be nice to have so much money to own your own cabin on your own land.

Taking a left with the dirt road, I looked at the large cosy cabin sitting there, the sun was shining just right to make it look like the holy grail was resting there, so after a moment I moved off, thinking over yesterday before I started my little trip off into the seclusion.

*Yesterday/Doctor Yowmans Office*

Sitting there looking at the doctor, as I sat on the mat that qualified as a medical table, just finished with the medical exam from top to bottom, and sometimes I believed the doctor was bi-sexual with all the touching and prodding with instruments but he assured it was all standard in my case. Sitting there as he came back into the room, the large cheetah looking over the papers before he set them down to look at me.

"Alright David, it appears that your body is rejecting the scent masking" he said, and in my mind I was screaming 'YA THINK' but I remained quiet to let him continue.

"Now as you know the scent masking agent we gave you covers up nearly all traces of scent, but your phermones are natural so your body dosen't see a problem with you, but is treating the masking of your scent as a forgien bacteria, beginning to grow an immunity to it. So what I suggest to you is that you take some time off work under medical leave while I try to find a way so your body won't reject the cover."


Moving into the cabin, I looked around at the fine redwood walls and floor. There were large pelts of animals for rugs and several pictures of trees and nature hung around, a large stone fire place making the cabin look like it was pulled from a movie.

Stepping into the cabin and closing the door, I dopped my backpack giving a sigh. Looking around I saw the kitchen toward the left back corner of the cabin and a stair case in the far right corner leading up to the second floor which from what Yowman said had the rooms. Moving over I flopped down on a couch that sat in front of the fire place. There was a large plasma TV hanging over the fire pit, though Yowman told me that he didn't have cable out here, but I would be able to watch movies which was fine. I never cared to watch TV, mainly just get online and websurf but there was no WyFi here, or any kind of hook up like that since it was a vacation cabin to get away from the city.

Leaning back and staring at the ceiling I just let my mind wander for a few moments. It actually felt strange to not be wearing that scent masking spray. My fur felt lighter without being weighed down by the small invisible layer of spray that normally coated it, and I had to admit I was glad I didn't have to wear it.

Standing, I decided to head into the kitchen and just get familar with what was what around here since I was here indefinitely. Looking through the cabinets my mind shifts to when I had to talk to my boss about me taking an indefinite medical leave.

*Fur Inc./Mr. Sett's office*

As I stood in front of the large polished wood desk that the lean feline sat behind, he looked at me after I told him about my condition. He had already known about my pheremone problem before I was accepted into the job and was more lenient about some things and he didn't seem to flip when I told him what the doctor said, not that he could have done much.

He nodded and signed some papers which he passed over to me. I looked through them and signed where appropriate so that my position would be frozen so they couldn't terminate me when I was on a medical leave, as well as not give my job away. I wouldn't be getting a pay check, save for what business insurance I had to cover the medical bills which weren't outragiously high, but high enough.

I stepped from the office with a sigh, I didn't like missing work and I didn't like asking for time off when I knew I could work. Call me old fashioned but I liked the thought of going to work and doing my job and getting paid for my work, rather than just sit around and let the money just fall into my lap like most of the other employees do.

I stepped down the hall past the cubicles toward the elevator, only to be grabbed from behind and pulled none to gently into a storage closet, being pushed back firmly against the rack of papers and other office supply with a grunt from the strength that was being used against me. Slowly I looked up, seeing Ms. Leean, a cougar who looked like she would belong in a wrestling ring rather than a business office but no one had to guts to tell her, well, I did but it was in a joke form so I could keep my head on my shoulders.

She leaned her head down with a smile as her green eyes looked into mine, she had a nice tan coat that was always smooth to the touch, whenever I touched it at least, and yes, I have been in this situation with her before. I wonder sometimes if my scent masking wears off or that I'm just oblivious to a females actions toward me. Leean licked the front of my throat as her large paws unbuttoned and pushed down my pants, I was in street clothing since today was my last day before my medical leave but no one seemed to mind much since I was one of the small associates in the large scale company.

As my pants and boxers hit the floor around my ankles I was lifted up and sat down on a few boxes of paper or other supplies, and Leean kneeled down in front of me, smiling up at me with a cute smile as her tail slinked this way and that behind her. She always enjoyed hearing me moan as she licked and sucked on my cock and was more than happy to just make me cum and leave. Today, however, as she dipped her head down to my peeking tip she nosed it instead of licking it, the small attention enough to make my length slip from it's hiding spot and quickly reach full hardness ,much to the cougar's delight, which was expressed by a loud purr coming from her throat.

Standing, the formally dressed cougar turned and lifted up her long knee length skirt, showing her strong legs off and a sexy black thong that was immediately pushed down to the floor. She looked over her shoulder and bent over slightly, letting me see everything and the first thing I noticed was her glistening sex waiting to be filled. She slowly backed toward me and with my help I slid into her completely. I know some might think I'm just giving up and being submissive and most would be right. After being beaten into submission by a few females I had a choice to make, fight and be beaten and raped or just help out have some pleasure and get on with my day.

She slowly leaned back against me, giving a soft moan of pleasure as my length throbbed inside of her. In all honesty, I don't find myself to have the biggest dick in the world and most of the females wouldn't reach any sexual peak with me, but my pheremones seem to increase their sensitivity greatly, which seems to bring females to me more than once if I'm around them a lot.

Leean slowly started to rise and fall on my length, I leaned back resting my paws on the cougars hips as I felt her strong walls grip me, milking me expertly. Leean was either a sex expert or just knew what I liked since her well muscled inner walls pulled with just the right strength to make me writhe in pleasure.

Panting softly as my claws lightly dug into the felines hips, she moaned from her movements, her strong legs keeping most of her weight off of me which I was happy for since, no offense to Leean, but muscle is heavier than fat and Leean was a lot of muscle.

I'm not sure how long Leean rode my length but soon she lifted up and moved down onto her left side, lifting up her right leg for me and I silently cursed myself since I never liked to dissapoint someone, moving down and slipping between the cougars legs with her left leg between mine. Pushing myself back into Leean making her purr and rest her head on her arm as I started thrusting into her, I pumped my hips nice and hard for her, knowing she enjoyed a hard rutting and the gasps and soft moans I got from her let me know I was doing good.

I'm not really sure why but during sex is the time I really start thinking about myself and my life, and the thought that crept into my mind through the pleasure with Leean was 'Am I a pervert?' I can't stop the thought which annoys me, but if I think about it my orgasm can be held off for a bit which the females don't mind. As I began to tell myself that I wasn't a pervert I took a second to look at my situation, I was in an office supply closet in the middle of the work day giving my best to a fellow employee, yep, I'm an unintentional pervert.

With that thought complete I leaned down, pushing Leean into a missionary position, pulling her legs up, holding her legs in the air. With her help, and my paws under her knees I started moving faster, causing her to begin to claw at the carpet and grit her teeth sucking in air as if in pain, though I knew better.

My hot breath washed over her chest as I continued giving her my best effort which she was happy to accept, Leean reached down and gripped my scruff making me whine out unintionally and start thrusting harder, my teeth bared a bit as I dug my claws into the sides of the cougar's knees.

After several minutes of constant thrusting I felt myself ready to cum, my tongue hung from the side of my maw as Leean quietly begged for me to cum, her paw pulling on my scruff a few times making me lurch forward each time and after about five spaced tugs on my scruff I groaned and shot my seed deep into the large cougar. Leean smiled as I collapsed on top of her, letting me rest on her large breasts as she used her paw to pet my head. I murred in contentment, loving getting my ears rubbed right after an orgasm and Leean had figured that out quickly.

After a minute though she leaned up, and pulling me to my feet dressed me before she pushed her skirt down, and gave me a peck on the cheek before turning and leaving the closet, followed a minute later by myself. I moved to the right while Leean went left back to her station. Pressing the button for the elevator I stepped in. Luckily it was on my floor so I didn't have to wait, turning I saw a fox stepping into the supply closet as I pressed the elevator button to the ground floor.

I happened to notice as my paw moved from the button that the fox stormed out and demanded to know 'who's thong is in the supply closet?' I nearly fell over as the elevator doors closed just as she called that out, getting plenty of attention around the floor.


Sitting on the couch I placed my paw over my eyes, just thinking about how Leean left her thong in the office closet, standing and moving into the kitchen to fix something to eat, as I made the sandwich I began to think that most of my sexual encounters were during the day and in public. Like it would kill the females to take it to a more private place. Thinking over the places that I've actually been in with a female, alley, train, bus, school, office, elevator, rooftop, tennis court, I've even gotten pulled into my apartment building's hallway by my neighbor, a very fine fox who I had had a bit of a liking to so I didn't mind that too much.

Moving back into the living room I take a bite of my sandwich as I begin to think over the species that I've been with, foxes, wolves, several species of dogs and cats, snakes and other reptiles, otters, rabbits, a hell of a lot of rabbits, does, squirrles, panthers and other predatory felines. After thinking about it a moment I began to get a headache, it'd proabably be easier to just name what I haven't been with but I decided just to not think about it, after all I wouldn't be getting anything way out here in the middle of nowhere anyway so with a sigh I laid my head down on the pillow at the end of the couch.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep but when I opened my eyes everything was pitch black, even with my lupine eyes. Sitting up and stretching as I looked around, seeing the moonlight pouring in from the windows and checking my watch I found that it was going on eleven at night. Standing and begining my search for the bathroom, like many do when they wake up, as I move toward the bathroom I bump into something with my left shoulder and nearly fall onto my tail as I was thrown completely off balance. Looking at my tail quickly, making sure that it wasn't under me before I looked up at what I had hit. I didn't remember anything being in the middle of the living room other than the table, and unless I was crawling really low there's no way that I'd hit my shoulder on that.

My eyes scanned over a large figure. I couldn't make it out very well, though the glowing green eyes and the loud purr of pleasure let me know that I wasn't alone in the cabin anymore. The eyes slowly slip down to my face a cold nose brushing up against mine made me pull back as I caught the unmistakable scent of a horny female.

In the back of my mind I made a side note to kill doctor Yowman when I got back to the city, but my thoughts were swatted away as a strong paw pushed me onto my back and some massive fangs nipped at my neck making me whimper in pleasure, the large paw rubbing between my legs helped that along as well. The mysterious female quickly began undressing me and I found that I should have asked some questions or should have tried to get away and make some demands, but I just let her do what she wanted. This had happened so many times I didn't feel embarassed or ashamed anymore, though after a long nap on a warm couch my body was also most willing.

A firm and rough tongue made it's way up my inner thighs as my pants and boxers found themselves off across the room, the large tongue licked from under my sack to the tip, teasing my tailhole which made me gasp and tense. Even though I've had tongues and fingers up there it was still a surprise to feel it. Her warm tongue slipped up, cradling my sack before slipping up my sheath and finally up the underside of my shaft, my pre leaked from my tip onto my stomach but was cleaned quickly as the felines paws scratched my sides, lightly making me murr happily.

My claws dug into the wooden floor as the feline's mouth engulfed my shaft in one swift movement. Something in my mind was forming as I felt the rough tongue lapping and lashing over my shaft, I couldn't put my furred finger on it until I felt the felines tongue slip out of her mouth and start cradling my sack as she held my shaft in her maw. Leean, the feline was either as talented as Leean when it came to pleasing a male or the feline between my legs was none other than the large cougar from my office.

Leaning up on my elbows and taking a shot at it, I hoped it wouldn't hurt,

"Leean" I said in an unsure voice, but all the suckling and lapping stoped and I feared that I may have just insulted the feline, females didn't like being called by the wrong name, a tip for all the males out there.

I was about to say sorry when a loud purr vibrated up my shaft, making me lean my head back and moan out in pleasure, my hips bucking up in pleasure and my right paw even moving between the felines ears gripping her hair firmly which only made her moan and give a hard suck on my shaft, pulling my sack into her mouth as well. With my whole groin inside of the felines mouth, all I could do was lay back down and let my orgasm build, pre sprayed down the purring felines throat as she gently bobbed her head, not wanting my sack to slip out of her warm mouth and neither did I

Minutes rolled by and I began clawing at the floor again as my orgasm began to build to the breaking point, my tongue fell from the side of my maw as I moaned and bucked my hips up, letting go of all my seed without holding back, my mystery female making to no complaint as she gulped down my seed eagarly. Once she was convinced that no more cum was coming out, she gave several long but gentle sucks before pulling off my shaft and sack with a slurping suck making sure that she cleaned my groin completely.

Panting softly for a moment before feeling the feline shifting onto my stomach, straddling me with her paws scratching over my chest, I looked up, seeing her features vaguly but as she leaned down and nipped at my neck again I decided to find out if it was Leean later or not. The feline was nice enough to wait a moment before slipping her hips back and grinding up against my shaft, which immediately responded and came to life for her, a purr of enjoyment escaped her throat as she slid herself down my shaft, hilting me inside of her slowly.

Lifting herself up and begining to rock her hips back and forth with her paws gripping her own chest, I leaned up and buried my muzzle between her large mounds, causing her to moan as my soft tongue slipped over her breasts, her hips continued moving back and forth with my shaft reappearing and disappearing back inside of her. She purred and scratched between my ears lightly with her sharp claws as she continued riding my shaft, milking me and drawing moan after moan from me as she pulled me toward my second orgasm.

Scratching down her sides and feeling the strong muscles underneath through her silky soft fur, I then knew that it was Leean, only her fur was this well taken care of with such strong muscles underneath. Leaning my muzzle up and nipping at the front of her throat caused her to gasp and clench her inner walls tightly, making me moan.

Suddenly she pulled up and off my shaft, leaving me with a dumb look on my face as I watched her move away from me then slip down onto her paws and knees, her slender tail swaying up out of the way and waving me over. Crawling over and slipping up my paws, I took a firm hold on her hips as I speared myself into her. My hips began slapping against her ass making her cry out in pleasure, I always did my best for every female which is probably why some wanted me a second and third time, even though I was smaller than them and other males.

Leean's tail slipped around my chest, pulling me toward her as I continued rocking my hips back and forth, growling in pleasure and leaning over her to nip and bite at her scruff, though only managing to reach between her shoulder blades but she was moaning happily none the less. Panting heavily as my orgasm began to raise up again, and the faimiliar tingle running up from my sack and up my spine as I continued thrusting into her, I could hear her begin to beg for me to cum and her claws digging into the wooden floor.

I needed no other invitation as I sank myself into her and let myself go, my hot seed spraying out into the felines wanting sex and it pulsed with her own induced orgasm from the feeling of my seed spraying against her walls, we both moaned and panted before I fell onto her strong back, still holding her hips firmly.

A purr came from under me as Leean shifted slowly, rolling onto her back but making sure I didn't pull out of her. I let her roll over before I was grabbed by two gentle paws and pulled into a warm purring hug, my muzzle disappearing between her large mounds again. Feeling a paw scratching between my ears made me murr in pleasure,

"Mmm, so how'd you know it was me?" Leeans gentle voice came as her other paw pulled lightly on my scruff over and over.

"Mmmmmm, only you have the ability to please me with your mouth like that and only you have fur as soft as this with muscles as hard as steel under it." I heard her giggle at my deduction about her as she licked over the front of my muzzle before giving me a peck on the lips.

"Well I'm sure you have questions as to what I'm doing here, but lets get cleaned up first." With that I was lifted into the air like a doll and cradled like a child in the large cougars arms as she led me into the bathroom, turning the light on and closing the door behind us, quickly dropping to her knees and beginning to clean me like many felines do with me calling out that the shower would be better.