Winter and Fire

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#4 of 2009-2010 (5 Submissions)

    Something I wrote in response to the fact that I have yet to find a good s...

    Something I wrote in response to the fact that I have yet to find a good story that had straight up trainer on blaziken action. The ones I have found seemed lackluster so I figured "what the hell? Do my own!" and so I did. I might do more.

    The old shack had been abandoned a long time ago from the look of how decrepit it was. The windows were half broken and the walls creaked to the touch. He didn't figure the floor had too much more life in it so he was hesitant upon entering, but the biting cold outside drove him onward anyway. He desperately needed shelter and this shack was the best thing he had managed to find. The chimney was barely visible through the flurry of snow as it fell in sheets. Hopefully the fireplace worked.

    Inside the shack the door was near to falling off rusted hinges but he managed to gently coax it shut where he wedged a piece of wood under the door to hold it shut. The fireplace turned out to be a small furnace that was blackened from soot and appearance to be in a state of utter disrepair. It still had an ample cavity for wood and a fire but the pipe leading up to send excess heat and smoke out into open air was covering it holes. If he tried to start a fire he'd likely smoke himself out.

    At least the ice was focused near the windows. He took out his sleeping bag and put it near the furnace in the center of the room. He only had a few survival tools with him and he was able to take some wood lying around the floor and got himself a small fire started in the furnace with a lighter. It was small and the wood was less than what he needed for anything decent, but he dared not stoke it further less the smoke begin to fill the room. The pipe seemed to be venting most of the smoke out, but puffs of it still drifted to the ceiling where he could plainly see it. Sadly the small fire was not enough to warm him up.

    He fumbled at his belt and found his lone pokeball at his side. He had put her away to spare her from the cold, but it didn't look like he had much a choice in the matter. She wouldn't do anyone any good sitting in a pokeball with a froze to death trainer. He couldn't feel the button when he pressed it to release the seal. A quick flash of red light and his Blaziken then stood in front of him with her back turned to him. He quickly saw he shiver and grab her shoulders from the cold as she looked around for her trainer.

    She found him behind her and gave him a look of shock. Why are we somewhere so cold! He knew the look. She was now irritated with him for surprising her with something so outlandish. And he did tell her he wouldn't bring out in such cold weather too, so he felt a bit guilty.

    "Sorry, didn't have much choice." He zipped open the extra large sleeping back and slid himself in after placing his backpack within easy reach. He urged her to join him and she quickly complied but not without grumbling with a short snort and a Blaz'ken! "If its any consolation I did get really far without needing t bring you out. This blizzard kicked up though and I couldn't find shelter. I don't think my own body heat will keep me through the night.

    Blaziken snorted again and wiggled her body up closer to his own. He knew her body temperature was much higher than his own and together they shouldn't have any trouble staying warm, though the night would still be miserable. She didn't like cold weather and he tried to not have her out to bare it if he could help it. Normally she walked around with him outside her pokeball, which was the reason for the extra large sleeping bag so the two of them would have something soft under them when they set up camp.

    "Blaze! ‘Ekin." She grumbled again.

    "The chimney is broken. If we make a bigger fire it'll smoke us out. At least we have each other! Right?" she snorted and he regretted having decided that he could tough out the cold weather single handedly. She could be so stubborn and pouty...

    The close it came to nightfall the colder it got and the blizzard kept up the onslaught of snow. The windows were coated in ice and the holes were clogged with piled snow formed on the outside sills. The door was probably collecting a pile of snow in front of it so in the morning it'd be a job to even get out of the shack. Better to freeze in the shack than outside it he guessed. Being next to her made him feel so much warmer, but his back and feet still chilled.

    "Blaz'kin!" she kept complaining after a few minutes of being cold. She felt warm but apparently her back was getting chilly too. He didn't know what else to do with the fire and he didn't have any hot packs.

    "Let me get my Pokedex." She wiggled away from him so he could get his arms free of the bag. He grabbed the Pokedex from his backpack and quickly got back into the sleeping bag. He shoved her head under the cover and ducked in too to zip the thing closed around them. The light from the ‘Dex's screen was the only thing to see by and he tapped away to search for survival tips. His Survivor's Guide to Nature app had served him well in the past.

    "Cold weather is common in regions of higher altitude. The number one cause of fatalities is often hypothermia. It is important to keep yourself warm when in these areas." She scoffed at the Pokedex and he agreed.

    "No shit, Pokedex. " He scanned through the help files until he found what seemed to pertain to him the most. He also turned off the audio.

    "When trapped in a blizzard there are a number of ways to keep yourself warm until the storm subsides. Blankets, blah blah, heat packs, blah blah, sharing body heat, blah blah." The article was more a list of tips than anything. "A thermal blanket is ideal for trapping body heat, but if one is not available the closet thing to it is to remove as much clothing as possible to provide direct skin to skin contact between individuals. Clothing actually slows or even prevents the transfer of heat from one body to another."

    "Huh. What do you think Blaziken? Does taking off my clothes in a blizzard sound like a smart idea?" she made a noise that let him know she didn't so at all.

    "Me either, but even with you in the sleeping bag we're still cold." He mulled it over and figured that they wouldn't let someone publish a Pokedex app that gave lethal advice to trainers. He shrugged and started to remove his clothing, much to her surprise.

    "Blaze!" she urged him not to follow the stupid device's advice, but he reassured her that if it didn't look like it was working he'd just put his clothes back on. He got half way undressed and immediately felt colder, but he noted that he wasn't making hardly any contact with her at all. The Pokedex specifically said skin to skin, or maybe skin or fur. Hopefully it was the same thing. Surely trainers in the past have had to spoon their pokemon to survive a blizzard before. At least he hoped so...

    Soon he was naked and hugging his Blaziken as they waited for a result. Her fur was soft and he didn't think he had ever felt so much of it all at once before. She had put her arms around his middle to make their cuddling easier and her beak rested in the crook of his neck. She was still sore over being drug out into the cold.

    "It's not actually bad. I think it's working. I'm not any colder than I was." She pressed him closer to her protectively and made a noise of skepticism. She was afraid he'd freeze to death fro following that stupid thing's advice.

    But the heat was slowly rising. Without his clothes in the way their body heat was able to finally bridge the gap between the two and the temperature in the sleeping bag rose slightly. She felt soft to the touch and he hadn't ever taken the time to pause and think about it before.

    Finally he could relax. The horrible trek through thick snow and the falling sheets of snowflakes had worn him thin and now he could rest and regain his strength. What he needed was a good night's sleep, but with the wind howling outside he didn't know if that would happen.

    Her fur tingled against his skin as they each breathed and adjusted their arms and legs. He liked it since it reminded him of a soft blanket but after a few minutes he became aware that perhaps he liked the situation too much. He could feel his groin stirring and despite his more sincere wishes it wouldn't stop.

    "...'kin?" she asked him out of mild surprise when she felt something press against the meat of her thigh. He knew his face was red enough to match her fur. He felt like he was reliving a humiliating high school moment, like when someone depantsed you in front of the whole school. Oh the humiliation...

    "Sorry, it's not something I have any control over." She didn't say anything and tried to ignore it. She knew more about humans than perhaps the average pokemon bothered to learn, but she wasn't well versed on her trainer's anatomy. She could tell he was embarrassed and she didn't want him to feel worse. She knew what was poking her thigh and she simply pretended it was something else, anything really.

    He didn't dare reach down and move it. Touching it certainly wasn't going to make it go down. He shifted his thoughts to whatever he thought would turn him off. Getting punched in the balls. Old women with saggy wrinkled tits. The planet exploding. The diameter of a pokeball in inches, centimeters, millimeters, and meters. How much does a pokeball weigh? Does it weigh more when there is a pokemon in it? Damn she sure is soft. And he was back at square one. No matter how hard he tried he always came right back around to her and he stayed erect.

    Ever so slowly the tip of his erection was fighting against her thigh. It was too long for the space allotted and eventually it slid down between her legs. They both felt it give and land in it new resting place and neither uttered a sound. Her nethers were mere millimeters away from his shaft and she knew it. He wouldn't have known since he could only feel the tip of his head.

    She too had been trying to take her mind away from what was pressing at her legs, but just like trainer she was finding herself working back to him. She couldn't prevent her thoughts from drifting to him. She loved him dearly and she had known nothing greater than being with him as his pokemon. He was so proud of her and he never opted to get a second pokemon. All he needed was her and it made her feel special. She worked hard to train and be the best she could be and she knew she impressed other trainers. She also knew it made him more proud of her when she was praised.

    Thinking about him so much blended her affections with her body's subtle desire to mate. Parts of her knew that a rod built for breeding rested at her groin and she was resisting the urge to become aroused herself. Sadly she could not fight it just as her trainer couldn't fight his own. Soon her folds were damp with arousal and a smooth warm scent was filling the sleeping bag. To a human's nose it would be weak, but it would only be a matter of time before the smell grew strong enough for even him to pick up. Of course at this rate her thighs will have become soaked from her juices long before he smelled her scent.

    He wasn't sure if it was because they were sharing warmth, but he could feel her getting warmer. Being zipped up in the sleeping bag kept all the heat inside and he didn't feel cold anymore and now the temperature was nice and warm, but not so warm that he had started sweating. It was a comfortable heat that he enjoyed and it was made all the better by having a soft companion to snuggle up with. He even thought that he was winning the battle with his erection until he started getting a whiff of a new smell.

    He couldn't tell what it was but it wasn't his or her smell. A new scent he couldn't place to anything. It was a musky sort of smell, very subtle, and had a faint tinge of sweetness. It wasn't unpleasant so he wasn't bothered, but it gnawed at him as to what it was. He didn't ask namely because he was quietly putting one and two together.

    He remembered talking with the breeder he acquired her from. She was just a Torchick then, small and full of ridiculous energy. There were other adult Blazikens there who kept up the "stock" of their breed. The breeder had mentioned that for him it was easy to know when his pokemon were primed and ready to mate. They give off more than their normal body heat for a fire type as well as giving off a special scent. Weak to our noses but it kills the other pokemon if you know what I mean. ‘Oh dear' he thought.

    She couldn't help but hold him as closely as she could and her legs itched to be spread. She wanted to wiggle her hips so the tip of his cock would rub at her folds but she tried to resist.

    "You feeling ok?" he asked her after sensing her distress. Her body trembled under her fur and he could feel it. He knew that he was probably right about going into a kind of heat and he was sure she was fighting the urges.

    "'Ekin..." She was ashamed of not being strong enough to just fight off her desire. She was stronger than him and she didn't want to upset him or hurt him.

    "It's ok." He held her tight and let his hand drift down to the small of her back to scratch above her tail. She always liked being touched there and it relaxed her, but it didn't make her desire go away. He was biting his lip over it, but he made the decision. They couldn't last the night like this and neither of them would ever sleep if something wasn't done to poke a hole in the situation. "Will you let me mate with you? I'm not commanding you as a trainer I'm asking you as a friend."

    "Blazekin!" She hugged him tight and he almost felt winded. She slid a leg over his own as she rolled him onto his back. He was surprised to find her straddling him with his shaft rubbing at her outer folds. She was wiggling her hips as she nuzzled and rubbed at his neck and face with so much affection he couldn't fathom where it all came from.

    "Let me be on top!" She whined and finally relented as his hands took her shoulders. He rolled her over so he rested between her parted legs. Quivering with anticipation she soaked the soft lining of the sleeping bag with the juices dripping from her sex. His hands slid across her stomach to explore her chest with fingers searching through every tuft of fur. Her fingernails traced the contours of his back leaving shallow lines across his skin as they felt each other like they had never done before.

    Her hips rocked against his and he wasted no more time teasing her. Two of his digits found the head of his cock and lined it up with her entrance. His shaft was already slick from her juices and his head parted her folds with ease. Her sex had never been used and her walls gripped him tight like a brand new glove. Her grip around his back tightened as she moaned and made cute noised in the crook of his neck. She was deep and when he hilted inside her he felt like he was in heaven. Her depths were soaked and smooth and she could feel every inch of his dick.

    Her nipples stood erect and his fingers found them as they search for her twin mounds. Massaged and tenderized like meat her breasts were played with as her folds squeezed at his shaft with every one of her heart beats just as his shaft twitched with every one of his. She was soft on the outside but strong underneath. Her strength gave him confidence that he didn't need to worry about hurting her, in fact it was the opposite. Though she held him tight she never allowed herself to grip him as tightly as she knew she could. She just wanted him close enough to her that he couldn't possible fail to see her desire for him.

    Feeling him inside her was like a drug in and of itself. Her feet were planted firm and her hips rocked under his. He bucked against her and she let out a sharp gasp as his skin slapped against the matted fur of her groin. His pace quickened and with every meeting of their bodies her clit was teased and pressed the powerful bodies working against each other.

    His eyes were held shut as he squeezed her tits like handholds as she wriggled and groaned under him. Drool ran down from her mouth as she was being steadily bred more fiercely with every passing minute. He gritted his teeth and focused on holding out as long as he good as he sped up his thrusts to pound his pokemon.

    The cold was all but forgotten as their combined heat turned the sleeping bag into a furnace of sensation and ecstasy. All that they could smell was her strong scent and the howling of the wind was drowned out but the rustling of fabric and the slapping wet noises of two bodies colliding with each other over and over again.

    His breathing labored and his pants became grunts as he wore himself out trying to push himself as far as he could. His lover's eyes were dazed as she twitched under him. Her hips bucked and a new flood of feminine nectar spilled from her sex as she came around his cock. Her musky flavor filled the sleeping bag and it became intoxicating. The two of them were wet and messy as he finally reached his limit.

    His penis found it's way deep inside as he hilted her as hard as he could. He was rigid and taught as his hands wrapped around her back for support. She felt his cock jump inside her as his seed filled her passage. Her walls clenched down on him to draw out more of his wonderful essence.

    He collapsed onto her where she slowly recovered from her ordeal and held him steady with arms wrapped around his middle. She could lie like this forever with him she thought and nothing else could make her feel otherwise.

    "'Ekin." She said with her breathe leaving her lips quietly and between deep breathes. He pulled his arms out from under her and draped them besides her own.

    "Love you too, my #1." She weakly gave a sound like a giggle and snuggled with his as close as she could. It wasn't long before they were both asleep in the warmth of their sleeping bag.