Chapter 22: Changes

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#24 of The Student

I do believe this is one of my favorite chapters of this story and I hope it will be for those who have been following along as well. However, it isn't because of the naughty bits as much as the turn in the plot line. This chapter marks new beginnings for many of the furs.

Chapter 22: Changes

Pages 317-350

Hunter was a little disorientated as the fog, which clouded his mind began to lift. However, he was no less confused as his eyes fluttered open. He had felt the slight weight on him but he had never expected the weight to be a female fur... feline even. She was a small feline compared to some of the others he had seen, while not being the smallest. He was sure there were at least two of the alley cats who had been smaller. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he began to sniff around to determine where he was or what he had done. The smell of semen which would be what he was sure would prove to be evidence of her sex assault, engulfed his nasal passages in an instant. How in the hell had he not noticed when he woke? His panic began to rise as he studied the limp form on top of him. "I... are...," he began to stutter as he tried to rub her back with his nearly numb hand.

"Oh, you are awake," Tabby observed sleepily as she stretched out over his muscular form with a groan for her sore muscles. She didn't even realize she could feel sore so deep inside of her.

"I... where... Did I...," Hunter, continued to stutter as his mind raced in an attempt to remember what he had done to the poor girl.

"You are awake," Fence observed as he strolled into the room. "...and back to your human shape," he added as he squat down next to the couple.

"I didn't mean to," Hunter tried to apologize, but he still wasn't too sure what he had done. "Did I eat anyone," he finally asked.

"You mean you don't remember anything?" Fence questioned in disbelief.

"I... that form is very primitive. I am lucky to force it to speak. However, it is virtually impossible to kill. I can assume it if I am severely damaged. It will nearly heal anything as long as it can feed. However, I have very little control over it. There is only a hint of my humanoid self that remains," Hunter explained as he began to recall. "I was at the construction site. There was a quake. Did I save the equine named Star?" he asked as he rubbed his temples. "Did I eat anyone?" he repeated with a shiver.

"I saw you eating her, but she seemed to be enjoying every bit of it," Fence answered with a laugh as he nodded toward Tabby.

"I am sorry. There is no excuse for raping you," Hunter apologized as a great sadness washed over him as he accepted he was a true monster.

"You didn't rape me. It was purely consensual and quite possibly the best ride I have ever had," Tabby corrected as she kissed the big human underneath her on his cheek. "If you will excuse me, I need to wipe up," she declared as she stood. However, the long strands of his spunk that gushed from her still stretched and gaping sex caused her to blush slightly as they splashed onto his muscular belly. "I should get you a wash cloth as well," she observed with a giggle once she recognized his embarrassment was more so than her own was.

"Maybe you should get him a towel," Fence teased as he eyed the impressive pool of spunk on his defined belly.

"I could actually use a shower," Hunter mumbled with a frown.

"We have no shower here," Fence explained with a frown as he studied the big man.

"No shower? That is not right. All standard housing is to include all fundamental necessities," Hunter protested with a scowl.

"Not everyone in the city has a job or the ability to make money from the outside world. Therefore we can't afford the better housing," Fence explained as he watched the man's mood start to darken.

"All the fucking housing is supposed to have all the essentials. I would consider a fucking shower and running water a fucking essential. You don't need a fucking job to obtain simple necessities that have already been paid for by someone else," Hunter cursed as he stood. "Where are my clothes?" he asked as he activated his nanomesh to cover all the dried spunk on his body. He already knew the answer as his memories flooded into him. "Fuck! That is new," he gasped as he staggered slightly.

"What happened?" Fence asked with concern.

"I can remember everything... That form has never... it has always been so distant," Hunter mumbled as he leaned against the wall. "I need some clothes... and I will need your help," he added reluctantly.

"What do you need," Fence asked with a grin. He knew he would be back in the club after this.

"Round up your alley cats and find me something to wear. I... I need to think for a bit," Hunter instructed as he noticed Tabby return to the room. "I... I am in your debt. I will fix this. I can do that much," he added as he held her eyes in his.

"I will be back," Fence assured with a beaming smile before he bolted from the room. The alley cats were already just around the corner, and they had already gathered some clothes for the big man. He was smart enough to be prepared beforehand. He would soon be able to collect his rewards. He couldn't contain his glee as he wondered what they might be.

"You risked too much. You should have run," Hunter mumbled as he shied away from Tabby's touch.

"I couldn't... I needed to help you," Tabby replied proudly for her decision to help the man.

"You do not understand how dangerous of a monster I am," Hunter explained with a sigh for his shame.

"You are wrong. You were very gentlemanly," Tabby assured with a grin.

"I don't know if shoving my nose up your skirt, would be considered gentlemanly," Hunter laughed with a shake of his head.

"Well, let us just call you very forward," Tabby admitted with a grin. "You are still wrong. I have yet to see you behave as this monster you claim to be," she added as she rubbed his strong back.

"I hope you never do," Hunter replied with a sigh of resignation.

"They are not very fancy, but they will cover you...," Fence declared as he entered the room. "Do you two want some more privacy?" he asked curiously as he wondered what he had walked in on this time.

"Not this time," Hunter replied with a laugh. "I suppose I should offer my thanks for the hand or hands you lent me the last time," he teased with a grin.

"Don't mention it... ever... to anyone," Fence replied with a shiver.

"Okay, I want you to send the alley cats out to round up anyone who is living in substandard conditions. That means no running water or facilities. They should have at the bare minimum, similar standards to the dorms," Hunter instructed as he slipped on the clothes, which he was given. He didn't care for the slight smell, but he would not complain either.

"I... we don't know what a dorm has...," Fence explained with a frown.

"That is fine. Come with me and you will find out...," Hunter instructed as he started for the door. "Why are you all here?" he asked once he entered the next room and noticed every alley cat was present.

"He said you sent for us," one of the alley cats answered with obvious confusion.

"Yes, but shouldn't some of you be preparing for classes," Hunter questioned with a frown.

"The professors don't like our kind," a different alley cat snapped in frustration.

"We didn't score high enough to be accepted into the collage," Fence explained with a grin. He was convinced more every second this would be a day, which he would never forget.

"We will see about that," Hunter snarled as he strode out of the room. "Well, come on," he called back over his shoulder once he realized no one was following him.

Tabby trotted along to keep up with the big man's long strides. She didn't like the strange driven glare on his face, but she stayed at his side as they entered the University grounds. She noticed others were looking at them but not a single person uttered a single complaint.

"Frank, it is good to see you," Hunter greeted as he passed the man. "I would appreciate your assistance," he added as he let his long strides carry him to the front of his dormitory. "Pick a room," Hunter instructed as he led those who followed him into his private dormitory. "Tabby, Fence, and Frank follow me," he continued to instruct as he strode to his room, where he activated Marcus' computer so the others could watch what he was doing.

Fence wanted to pick a room of his own, but he wouldn't leave this man's side by force at this point. However, he didn't know this human named Frank. The man had the look of a federal man, and it made him uneasy. Nor could he hide his flinch as images jumped above a desk and startled him. They appeared to be holographic images with a clarity he had only heard about previously.

"Sorry about that," Hunter mumbled as he switched the images from the usual pornographic images to the computer's messaging system.

"Who is this? How did you get this number?" the man snapped in anger for the interruption.

"Hold your device up so I can see who is present," Hunter instructed calmly.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me...," the man snapped angrily.

"I am One. Now, hold the device up so I can see who is with you," Hunter repeated again.

"How do I know it is you? Turn on your video," the man, replied nervously.

Fence knew the man was frightened by the manner his eyes darted around him. The image floating above the desk was of clarity and quality to allow him to make out the beads of sweat breaking out on the man's forehead.

"Would you like to discuss the demise of your former employer? You were in the room to watch with three other men. I was one. The other two died by your hand shortly after I left. Would you like to discuss how I began by eating his feet? Do you remember how I used a tourniquet to stop his bleeding, while I devoured his hands? Do you want...," Hunter continued to drone on until he was interrupted.

"Alright! Enough!" the image above the desk screamed before he held up his device to show the frightened faces around the room.

"Good, good, almost the whole gang is present," Hunter, observed as he recognized some of the faces.

"What do you want?" the man asked nervously.

"I have funneled large sums of money into your businesses through the construction projects at the city of Furton. I couldn't help but notice some of the housing there is substandard. I paid for standard housing. Theft from me will not be tolerated. Do you understand?" Hunter explained before he paused.

Fence noticed the man's image nod before he heard two gunshots.

"They have been dealt with," the man assured quickly.

"Demetrius and O'Malley," Hunter questioned with a frown.

"They will not be a problem for you anymore. Is there anything else?" the man asked as he wiped the perspiration of his brow.

"Someone is charging rent to housing I own. I want it stopped. I want the money returned. I want the housing brought up to standard. You have two days to have workers on site. For every day, they are late I will visit one of your children until your four sons have served as my nourishment. Then you will satisfy my need to feed. Do you understand?" Hunter instructed through gritted teeth.

"It will be costly, but I will have someone start on the work tomorrow morning," the man agreed with an audible swallow.

"You will use this opportunity to smuggle the rest of my supplies into the city. I will pay that balance when I receive the rest of my supplies. Money should not be a problem for you after that," Hunter assured as he tried to calm himself with a few deep breaths. "Don't make me come visit you," he added before he disconnected.

"I am not too sure if I should be involved in those kinds of dealings," Frank complained with a scowl.

"You were the handler for that assignment. You were already involved," Hunter snapped in frustration. "Sorry, I am... Sorry," he added with a sigh.

"I can't be part of your smuggling. What do you need me for?" Frank corrected with regret.

"I have paid for the tuition of any and all furs who wish to attend the University. They have been denied access. I want you to find out where my money is going and who I should visit to correct the problem," Hunter answered as he held the man's stare.

"No... you will not visit anyone. This one is on me. I will take care of it gladly," Frank offered with a grin.

"You two can go pick a room if you wish. Then I want you to find every fur who doesn't have accommodations equivalent to these and bring them here. Let them chose a room. Fence, that means all furs... Canine, equine, Bovine, or whatever. You will not discriminate," Hunter instructed with a glare.

"I... the alley cats are not exactly welcome in the Canine residential area," Fence replied nervously.

"That is your own doing. Deal with it. Tell them I have sent you. Tell them you are sorry. I don't care... just see it is done. Am I clear?" Hunter repeated as he held the man's gaze.

"I will see it through," Fence answered reluctantly as he turned away.

"I will help you," Tabby offered as she found herself rubbing Fence's back for support. She knew he wouldn't be welcome, but she was a completely different story. She had serviced several canines over the years in exchange for needed supplies.

"You always were a magnificent son of a bitch," Frank observed as he made his way to the door and left to complete his assignment.

"Fence... I can only do so much. Eventually, you will have to make your peace with Maya. I don't have any advice, nor can I help you despite your help recently. You will have to find your own way in that regard," Hunter added as Fence and Tabby made their way to the door. He took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm himself and found he was actually calm for a change. After a few minutes to ponder the strange phenomena, he made his way to his lab. He would need to synthesize more of his regenerative solution and consume vast amounts of nourishment before he rested again. He would be fully recovered in a day or two, but until then he would have to refrain from too much excitement or exertion.


"Excuse me," the dean of students declared as the strange man barged in to disrupt the University board and staff lunch meeting.

"You will stay where you are," Frank corrected as he circled the room. "Your guest has discovered there are subjects living in this city who were denied access to your University. I do believe he would like to see this corrected," he added as he made note of those who were in attendance of this meeting.

"We must maintain standards. We accept any who can pass a simple entrance exam," the dean protested.

"You are the president of this University are you not?" Frank inquired while he ignored the fat fool. "I thought I recognized you. Tell me gentlemen, if you can, at what age is the entrance exam given to potential students?" he questioned as he held every man's eyes at turn.

"They would be nearly adults when they receive their testing," the dean answered nervously now that he recognized the federal agent for who he was.

"I asked what age," Frank snapped as he glared at the fat fool.

"They are two years old when they take the test. They cannot attend any classes until they turn three years old the following year," the University president answered as he leaned forward in his chair.

"Two years old... a human child would still be shitting in his damn britches at two years old. If you had a human student at three years old, he would be considered a goddamn prodigy. Yet, you turn them away if they do not meet your standards at two," Frank began his rant. "It has also come to the guests attention, that his account is charged for every eligible student, weather they attend class or not. How do you think he feels about your deception? You are all aware of what he is... what he does... where his wealth comes from," he continued as the blood drained from some of the faces around the table. "I expect he will want this oversight corrected," Frank concluded as he glared at the University president.

"Should we just credit his account?" the dean croaked out once he found his voice.

"How in the hell did anyone as stupid as you attain your position? You will fix this and fix it by the end of this week. You will have no protection from the federals for this. He will have a free pass by Friday. Do you understand?" Frank answered without taking his glare off the University president.

"Excuse me, I have a question," Professor Meyers announced after clearing his throat.

"Yes," Frank replied as he reluctantly broke his glare away from the University president.

"What does Hunter do to earn his wealth?" Professor Meyers asked curiously. However, the eerie grin he received for his question told him he didn't really want to know. "Never mind that, but can I ask something else," he added hesitantly. "How is it that the hybrids are able to pass an entrance exam at two? They do not demonstrate superior cognitive skills to achieve this and yet they do quite frequently," he added once he was sure permission to speak had been granted.

"I am not the scientist, professor," Frank answered with a laugh. "I will leave you with a thought or theory though. I scanned over some of the University contracts with your special guest on the way over. I couldn't help but notice that your contract to produce these hybrids as you call them requires you to use professionals as the surrogate mother. I believe you were supposed to use college-educated women to supply the human DNA. I suspect you didn't and he doesn't know it... yet," he added before he started for the door. "You have until the end of the week, before I tell him that little bit as well. I suggest you get very busy," he instructed as he opened the door.

"Wait, why would it make a difference if they were collage educated?" Professor Meyers continued to question in his lack of understanding.

"Instincts... instincts somehow written in their DNA. I don't know how it is done. I don't understand how my computer works either. However, I do know animals know things that they are not taught. Your guest is supposed to know things. He can learn things through a man without the man saying a single word. I am telling you animals can pass knowledge through their lineage or bloodline. How else would you explain it?" Frank replied while he paused at the door.

"That is... phenomenal... That is why it was... How long has our guest been part of this program?" Professor Meyers asked as the wheels in his head continued to churn.

"Some of you gentlemen should be more concerned with what your guest would do if he ever discovered the extent of your neglect of your experiments, than you are of him cutting off his funding," Frank decided to add after a little thought.

"They are provided for," the University president snapped in irritation.

"You create them and turn them loose in a city as soon as they are weaned...," Frank accused before he was interrupted.

"They are provided housing and food," one of the other executives snapped in denial.

"They are given rations, and put out on their own into apartments at what? One and half, maybe two years of age... no parenting or guidance... The difference between you and him is he cares about them. I pity your souls if he ever finds out you are not trying to prepare them to fully function in society as your contract states. I pity it but I sure as hell will not intervene," Frank declared as he watched the blood drain from several more men's faces before he shut the door behind him.


Chris had heard the murmurs and whispers of happenings around the University, before he reached the commissary for his lunch break. "What is going on? Where did all these people come from?" he asked with a frown as he looked at Marcus.

"How am I supposed to know? I was in class with you all day," Marcus grumbled as he stared at the crowded plaza. "Look over there," he added as he nudged his roommate with his elbow.

"Looks as if Hunter has rewarded the alley cats for their help," Chris observed as he recognized two of his rapists. He felt a shiver run down his spine as the two headed in his direction when they spotted him.

"I... we ask for your forgiveness," one of the alley cats nearly begged awkwardly as he knelt in submission.

"I will do my best not to hold a grudge," Chris offered while his stomach fluttered its protests.

"That is all we ask. I will let the other's know it is safe to approach you to ask forgiveness," the alley cat replied as he looked up at the human.

"It is not necessary. Let them know... I will not hold a grudge as long as they continue the way they have been," Chris declared before he stepped past the kneeling alley cats. He heard them proclaiming their thanks as well as his appraisals as he continued toward the counter to purchase his lunch while he did his best to ignore them.

"That was weird," Marcus observed before he scowled back towards the two alley cats who seemed to smile with glee as they ran off to who knows where.

"That is an understatement," Chris agreed as he retrieved his student card to charge his lunch.

"No cards today. It is on the house until the new students receive their student cards," the mouse fur behind the counter squeaked.

"What new students?" Marcus asked in disbelief.

"Look around you," she squeaked as she gestured to the open plaza.

"But they are not students," Chris protested as he eyed all of the unfamiliar furs.

"I guess they will be. The rumor is that someone realized the University is for us furs and opened it to any fur despite their testing scores," she explained as she thought about it. "I wonder if I could take some classes," she mumbled before she shook her head for her nonsense. "What will it be?" she asked once she brought herself back to reality.

"You should take some classes. It should be open to all the furs," Chris advised after a moment of thought.


"Well, there goes the neighborhood," Marcus joked weekly as they pushed past the masses who were evidently in the process of moving into their dormitory.

"Well, it will not be quiet as it used to be," Chris joked weakly as he opened the door to their room. "I will go check on Hunter and let him know the club is closed again tonight," he added as he dropped his books on his desk.

"I might as well get started on that paper," Marcus replied with a sigh of resignation as he plopped down at his desk.

Chris was surprised to see his friend dressed in the gym. The man seemed to like to work out in the nude, which seemed rather odd now that he thought about it. "What are you doing?" he asked when he realized the man wasn't exercising.

"I... try this out," Hunter replied as he stepped back from his creation.

"What is it?" Chris replied as he looked at the pure white bench.

"I think I will call it a breeding bench," Hunter declared proudly before he pushed his roommate over the bench. "Adjust," he said before he raised Chris' ass higher.

"Whoa, there big fella," Chris replied nervously as he looked over his shoulder at Hunter.

"Lock," Hunter declared before he tested the sturdiness of the particle field generated device. "I made it voice activated. Anyone in the ring can adjust it to suit their needs," he explained as he lifted his roommate off the device. "Adjust," he instructed again before he pushed the apparatus to the floor where it appeared to be a simple square outline on the mat. "It can adjust to handle anyone by pulling the sides or ends," he continued to demonstrate. "Activate," he said and the apparatus lifted slightly from the floor. "Adjust," he repeated and began to demonstrate how to lengthen or widen it. "Lock," he said before he leaned over the thing.

Chris just grinned as he stepped up behind Hunter. "Adjust," he declared before he lowered it to his height. He pressed his groin against Hunter's backside before the man's panic became too much for him and he tried to climb over the apparatus caused Chris to laugh hysterically.

"That was not funny," Hunter, scolded with a grin.

"It was from this side of your breeding bench," Chris corrected with a chuckle. However, he nearly lost control of his bowels as his roommate pounced on him to toss him across the bench once more. He struggled shortly while he heard Hunter say adjust to adjust it once more. He looked over his shoulder as Hunter rubbed up against him. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he teased with a grin.

"You would let me, wouldn't you," Hunter replied with a frown.

"I would. I know you wouldn't hurt me," Chris replied with confidence he did not feel.

"How are you so sure? How come I am the only one around here who knows how dangerous I am?" Hunter replied with a sigh as he stepped away from his roommate.

"You may have done things, horrible things, but it just isn't who you are. Look at what you have done for the others. You care... you care more than those who are actually supposed to care. You are not the monster you believe you are. That is only what the others call you. It is those same men who send you out to do their dirty work. They are the true monsters," Chris tried to explain.

"You just haven't seen it. I hope you never do," Hunter replied with a sigh before he turned towards the elevator.

"I almost forgot. The club is closed again, because of the earthquake," Chris explained as Hunter stepped onto the elevator.

"I know... I have started moving my cooling tank already. That basement was hit hard. It will not be open for weeks. That was why I was working on that. Tell Blake the new location will be open before Friday. I... need to rest anyway. I have a lot to do before morning, or I will miss class again. I need to be an active part of the community," Hunter explained before he let the door close.

"Fucking moron," Chris complained with a shake of his head to the empty room. He couldn't understand why the man didn't see he was a part of the community. Hell, the man had a whole freaking community living in the dorm now. Chris decided he should make his way back to his room to join Marcus in his attempt to write yet another research paper. "Shit," he cursed as the elevator door opened to his room.

"What? Uummhh," Marcus asked from the other room.

"I forgot to ask...," Chris began to explain that he had forgotten to ask Hunter if he would have time to help them with their papers. However, as he entered their shared room, he realized Marcus wasn't alone. He wasn't only with someone. He was with a female canine, with his cock knotted deep inside of her. "How fucking long was I gone?" he mumbled in disbelief.

"Uugghhh... god... keep milking me," Marcus moaned as he resumed his slow short thrusts.

Chris just shook his head as the female began to moan loudly. "I will be back," he said as he made for the door while his erection screamed for release. "K... Kyra," Chris stammered awkwardly as he opened the door before she could knock.

"Are you going to invite me in?" Kyra questioned with a frown.

"I... sure come in," he replied nervously as he glanced at Marcus who was still filling the moaning girl with his seed.

"Well, someone is having a party," Kyra teased with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess he is," Chris replied as he blushed.

"Really? You are blushing," Kyra observed with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess it is a little silly," Chris tried to agree despite knowing his face had just turned two shades redder. "Come on, I will show you what Hunter has been working on," he added quickly as he turned away from his rutting roommate.

"I almost hate to ask," Kyra, laughed at his expense. "You know you two are becoming quite legendary," she added as she boarded the elevator.

"How do you figure that?" Chris asked with a frown as he wondered if he had heard her correctly.

"You two live with the mysterious humanoid," Kyra explained with a chuckle.

"I don't see how that makes us anything besides his roommate," Chris protested as he activated one of the terminals in the room. He started to activate the matting, until he noticed an icon marked 'The Club'. He touched it with his finger, before he turned around to find eight rings outlined on the floor with the square pad in the center.

"Are you still taking those pills?" Kyra asked as she followed him onto the matting.

"Adjust," Chris declared with a grin as Kyra joined him on the matting. He raised the square from the floor. "Yes, and you," he replied as he turned to her.

"Yes. Are they still working," Kyra asked as she studied the square pulled from the matting.

"Well, they do help," Chris, answered honestly.

"Do they?" Kyra questioned as she reached out to stroke his erection though his pants.

"Well, they do help. They haven't rendered me dead," Chris replied with another blush.

"I don't recall you blushing like this at the club," Kyra observed as she turned her attention back to the device.

"Do you want to try it out?" Chris asked with a grin while he tried to ignore her teasing him.

"Sure, what is it for," Kyra agreed with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Are the pills still helping you," Chris asked as he guided her to the bench. "Bend over," he added as he failed to hide his delight.

"Yes, they do help a lot," Kyra, replied as she looked over her shoulder at him. "Should I lick my lips for you," she teased as she caught him staring at her rump.

Chris moved up behind her quickly to grind his throbbing erection against her round rump, before he wrapped an arm around her. He slid his hand up her inner thigh and under her skirt to feel the dampness dripping out of her sex. "Are they helping," he teased as he pushed against her again.

"They do help but as you said I am not dead," Kyra corrected with a shiver before she raised her tail and began to grind back against him. "You know this will be quite the addition to the club. Your legend will grow," she added as she began to pant.

"I don't know what you mean," Chris replied as he slipped a finger into her hot wet sex.

"Uummm," Kyra moaned with a slight shudder. "Hunter is... he has done... He has opened the University... to anyone... It is said... he pays all tuition. All costs... people have started... aahhh... receiving returned credit for their rent. If you were to exit this... dorm there would be... a dozen females... waiting to fuck you," Kyra explained between pants while she continued to rub her ass against him.

"Really a dozen... maybe I should," Chris teased as he made as if he was going to check it out for himself.

"I would kick your ass," Kyra snarled over her shoulder.

"I don't want a dozen," Chris whispered after he returned to her to lean over her to kiss her gently. "What do you think about Hunter's breeding bench?" he added as he stood but kept his throbbing cock pressed firmly against her.

"I think it has a good name," Kyra declared once she stifled her laughter. "Has anyone tried it?" she asked with a grin.

"I was hoping someone special would try it out with me," Chris replied as he held her gaze. "You know you are beautiful," he added dreamily.

"Yes, I am. Should I see if any of the females waiting for you look special," Kyra teased and laughed at his horrified facial expression.

"That was mean," Chris, chastised when he realized she was teasing him again.

"I think you promised to let me try something else," Kyra reminded him.

"I did and I wouldn't refuse anything you asked," Chris swore as he leaned over her once again to kiss her.

"We could," Kyra began before his tongue cut off her words.

"We don't need to discuss it. I don't want an agreement with you. I just want to be with you. That is all I ever wanted from you. I want to be near you and near to your heart," Chris swore as he held her tight.

"Then quit talking and fuck me," Kyra snapped with a feral snarl as she turned on him to tear his shirt off his back. She could have slapped him as he wrapped his strong arms around her. She never realized he was as strong as he felt as he held her tight. She felt tears form in the corners of her eyes for reasons she could not fathom as he reached out with one hand to pull her face towards his. She sunk her claws into his back as he hesitated to initiate the kiss. She felt him shudder as dampness spread across her fingers.

"I love you," Chris declared once he was sure he had her undivided attention, as he ignored the pain in his back. He waited for her response but received none. "I love you," he repeated as he held her eyes in his.

"I can't," Kyra cried before she sunk her claws into him deeper. She could feel him tense as she began to drag them across his back.

"I love you," Chris repeated before a groan escaped his lips.

"Damn you... damn you... I love you. I have... I can't but I love you," Kyra admitted as her tears obscured her vision. She didn't even realize she had closed her eyes, until she felt his soft lips against hers. Her tongue shot out to seek his immediately.

Chris knew the wait would be worth it. However, he hadn't been prepared for the passion he had unleashed from her. He kissed her as she returned his affections until his chest was on fire. He released her as he panted. He couldn't believe how hot he felt as he wiped the perspiration off his face. "I do love you," he repeated as he tenderly helped her out of her clothes. He kissed her tenderly once more before he lifted her to the bench. He held her kiss as he guided her back. His tongue began to make its way down her neck to her soft mounds where he suckled on her breast while his hand sought her moist treasure farther down. He lapped at her nipples and suckled at her as his fingers began to work in and out of her sopping wet sex. His fingers found her erect spined feline clit. They circled it and milked it while he continued to suckle at her soft breasts until her back arched while she moaned and shuddered on the bench.

Chris continued until her climax subsided before he moved his face down between her legs. He pushed her hips apart and her knees up as he lowered his mouth on her beautiful triangular sex. Her scent nearly drove him mad as he paused to stare while he panted for his breath that seemed to have abandoned him. He felt her grab her knees and he moved a hand down to part her lips. He pushed the hood of her clit back to eye that strange clit before he placed his lips on it. His lips wrapped around her erect clit and he began to suck as he worked his lips down its length. He tried to wrap his tongue around it while she continued to shudder uncontrollably. Chris slipped first one then two fingers into her sex under his chin. He worked them in and out of her a couple of times to get them well lubed, before he withdrew them. His fingers found their way to her tight tail hole where he teased her rosebud, while he continued to do his best to suck her erect clit. Her moans became ragged as he forced one finger in her tight sphincter. It became more difficult to suck her long clit as her hips began to hump back onto his finger in her ass. However, her moans became squeals as he began to force his second finger into her tight passage. Her clit exploded into his mouth by the time he had both fingers up to his second knuckle and he swallowed happily for her.

Kyra did not intend to admit her feelings for him, but he had become so strong. She had struggled to get him to release her. She had... she was sure she had... she had clawed his back. She could still feel his blood as its dampness ran down his backside. However, she could not stand it any longer. She wanted him... needed him to fuck her. She could just say the words. However, she knew she couldn't say the words without meaning them, because she did. She did love him. After her admission, something had changed. She knew she loved him and she felt relieved. However, he felt like a furnace and she melted like putty in his hands. She let him continue to kiss her as he guided her to his breeding bench. She loved the name as it repeated in her head... breeding bench... Yes, she wished he could breed her. Nothing would make her happier than to produce his offspring. The thoughts of having his child suckle her breast filled her head as her nipples became sore. She barely recognized he was in fact nursing on her instead of his offspring.

A shiver coursed through Kyra as she felt his hand seeking her favors. His hand emitted a heat, as she had never experienced previously as his fingers began to work into her dripping sex. Her hips bucked and her back arched of their own accord as he found her aching clit. The way he stroked and milked her erect clit, while he continued to suckle her breasts caused a body withering orgasm. She moaned as her hands gripped at the edges of the bench as he continued to milk her to extend her pleasure as she never imagined possible. Her head tossed side to side in ecstasy until her climax finally began to dwindle, which left her panting for her breath.

It was the warm breath from his heavy exhales, which informed Kyra, he wasn't finished with giving her his attentions. The wait became excruciating as she waited for him to continue. Her eyes closed as she relished the feeling of his tongue as it merely brushed against her very sensitive clit. She could feel him pushing back her hood before his lips slid around her. A gasp escaped her as she felt his hot tongue trying to wrap around her. It was the sensation of him sucking on her clit that forced her hips into motion as she tried to fuck his suckling mouth with her sensitive clit. Her hips bucked franticly to drive it in and out of his wanting mouth as she felt his fingers invading her passage. However, it was when she felt those fingers forcing their way into her tight ass, that her eyes snapped open in shock. Her hips barely paused in their frantic humping as she began to panic as he continued to stretch her sphincter, to force his fingers deeper. The pain was uncomfortable, but desired at the same time. There was no thought to stifle her wails as she grabbed his head to force him against her sex as he continued to suck and work his fingers into her tail hole, while she exploded into his mouth. Her ragged breaths made her light headed as she continued to feed him everything she had to offer. However, she was almost sore by the time her climax began to dwindle once again. Her body felt limp as he continued to drink her essence. She could feel the full length of his two fingers wiggling deep in her bowels. Nevertheless, she weakly tried to push him away. "I... I... it is your... turn," she panted as she tried to push his mouth away from her in a futile effort.

"This is for you. I don't... need. I want to please you," Chris nearly pouted. His flesh throbbed in pain despite his words. He wanted to release. He needed to release. However, his heart only cared for her. He would suffer if he could just give her the pleasure he wanted her to have.

"I need a moment. Let me," Kyra nearly pleaded as she looked down into his loving eyes. She continued to lift his face to her where their tongues met. The taste of herself on his tongue was divine as her tongue sought every hint of herself in every crevice until it was reaching to the back of his throat. She hesitantly slid from the breeding bench, with every intention to return to it to receive his seed. "No, stand...," she instructed reluctantly. "I want to do this... for you from my knees," she offered as she knelt in front of him. She spread her legs wide to allow him a good view of her sex as her nectar leaked to the matting in a thin string.

"You don't have... uunnhh," Chris tried to explain. However, despite his best efforts, his mind shattered as he felt her rough tongue lap from his testicles to the tip of his shaft.

Kyra had no disillusions about how badly he needed this. She couldn't miss the stream of pre-ejaculate the length of his shaft and hanging from his testicles. She paused to watch another glob emerge from the head of his swollen flesh before she placed her lips against him. She let her tongue gather his taste before she slid her lips down his length. He hit the back of her throat and was surprised by the length she had yet to take into her. She looked up at him with a smile while she wondered how she hadn't noticed how long and thick he was. She savored another swallow of his nectar as his flesh jumped in her mouth. However, she waited. She did not take him into her throat until he looked down at her. She held his eyes as she slid the rest of him into her throat where she swallowed hard around his hot flesh. She held his stare as she swallowed a few more times before she returned her lips to the tip of his prick. Her rough tongue made several laps around his head while it gathered more of his taste. However, she decided to abandon his shaft momentarily to tease him. She knelt a little lower, before she took his entire sack into her mouth. Her tongue immediately began to nurse on his testicles. She couldn't restrain her smile as she watched his eyes flutter shut as his head lolled back in pleasure while his throat emitted a deep guttural groan, which didn't even belong to him. She let her tongue kneed the length of one of his large testicles and then the other until she felt dampness drizzling across her snout. It was surprising to see he was producing so much precum that it nearly streamed from him. She couldn't restrain herself as she was drawn to his shaft. She needed to taste him. She needed to taste his seed. Her mouth swallowed him hungrily, before it began sliding up and down his entire length. Her throat instinctively swallowed to milk him of her need. She was rewarded quickly as he filled her mouth with his wonderful essence. She savored it as long as she could. Her cheeks filled as her tongue continued to tease more from him, until it began to escape the tight seal of her lips. She swallowed hard to empty her mouth and let him begin to fill it again. She couldn't deny she became startled as he began thrusting into her mouth. She nearly panicked as he held her head in his strong hands and pounded into her face while his flesh jumped and throbbed with every wave of his precious seed as he moaned and groaned in his throws of ecstasy. Her throat became tender quickly as his hard shaft slammed the back of her throat before it made is way down her passage. Tears had formed in the corners of her eyes before he finally quit thrusting to grind against her muzzle as if he couldn't get his seed deep enough down her throat. She hadn't ever noticed him cum with such volume once at the club as she swore she had just swallowed. By the time he released her head, she nearly collapsed to the matting as his seed dripped from her gasping mouth. She hadn't noticed so much of his precious seed had escaped her as she watched it drip from her muzzle and neck to blend with a puddle that extended between her legs. She never even realized she had climaxed, but she couldn't deny what had caused the puddle and splashes where her clit had sprayed her juices. However, she didn't recognize the dampness on the back of her head, until she felt another stream hit her. She looked up in time to catch another spurt of his seed across her nose, but it was the horrified look in his eyes, which caused her to smile. "Pent up were we?" she teased as she licked her lips at him.


Chris didn't want Kyra on her knees in front of him. She deserves better. He would rather... His mind shattered as he felt her tongue slide the length of his painful erection. He hadn't even noticed how sore he had become from neglect while he had been servicing her. There was no denying it any longer. He needed to release. His body shuddered as he felt her lips on his sensitive head. A quiet whimper escaped him as she slid down his length. His breaths were already ragged as he felt his shaft hit the back of her throat. However, her pause forced him to look down at her as she kneeled in front of him on her knees. It saddened him to see her there, because she did not belong there and not like that. Nevertheless, he couldn't break away from her gaze as her playful smile spread across her lips. His heart swelled as he watched the most beautiful creation he ever met continued to swallow his throbbing shaft. His body shuddered as he gasped for breath as she removed her precious mouth from his aching erection. However, he failed to hold her gaze as her warm mouth engulfed his sack. His eyes rolled back in his head as they fluttered shut, before he raised his head in a guttural groan. He could feel her rough tongue as it kneaded his sensitive testicles one by one as if she was nursing on them. It was enough to cause him to explode, but he struggled to control himself. Every particle of his being seemed to seek his release by the time she returned her mouth to his leaking flesh once again.

Chris knew he wouldn't last long as her warm and wet mouth began to work up and down his length. However, it was her hard swallows as he was buried in those strong throat muscles meant for a predator that caused him to explode into her wanting mouth. He tried to hold still as he fed her his essence, but his mind was broken as his climax continued far longer than it should have lasted. His hips began to twitch, before they insisted on bucking into her face. He never even realized he had seized her head as he began to pound his length deep into her throat. It nearly frightened him as he heard the low growl from his chest as he continued to feed Kyra his seed. However, her hard swallows and gasping for breath did frighten him. He released her head and stepped away as he wondered what he had just done while his cock continued to add to his shame by spraying the back of her head. He was still stunned when she looked up at him, but he couldn't deny the sight of his stream of spunk as it splattered across her muzzle was the hottest thing he had ever seen.

"I... well... guess so," Chris stammered in his embarrassment before his cock released one more squirt, which landed directly on her lips. "I am sorry," he tried to apologize. However, her giggles for his efforts made him feel foolish.

"Think I know what you can do to make it up to me then," Kyra declared as she stood. She took a moment to kiss him. She let his tongue have a good taste of his seed as it explored her mouth, before she made sure to rub her drenched chin across his face. However, to her surprise he just wiped it up with a finger and licked it clean. "Don't hog it all," she teased as she wiped more on him to allow her to lick it off him before she pushed him back against the breeding bench. She had the odd sensation he seemed taller as he sat back on the bench, before she guided him to lay back. "Adjust," she commanded but the bench did not move as she pushed on it.

"You have to have both hands on it before it will activate," Chris instructed with a grin, while he wondered what she had in store for him.

"Adjust," Kyra repeated as she held both hands on the bench. However, she was startled as the thing moved easier than she had expected, which meant she nearly pushed the thing to the floor. She figured it would be fine as she stepped over him to straddle his face. She raised the bench once again once she was in place. Now, she could easily lower herself right on his face and that is what she did. She let him lap at her wet sex briefly as she rocked her hips, before she readjusted her position. She looked back at him as he hesitated with a glare that dared him to deny her request.

Chris happily lapped at Kyra's tasty sex until she began to shift her position to deny him his treat. However, he couldn't help but hesitate as he eyed her round sphincter now positioned over his tongue. He caught her glare before he reached up to pull up her tail forcefully to give him better access. He knew there would be nothing he could deny her. However, his tongue didn't seem to mind as it slithered across her musky smelling orifice. He continued to lick harder as he tried to force his tongue into that small passage. He felt her shudder as his tongue finally broke past that tight barrier. It took all of his concentration, to force his tongue deeper into that tight passage. A yelp escaped him as it clamped down on his small tongue as she sprayed his neck and chest with her delicious nectar. He was still in disbelief she had cum as quickly as she once again began to shift her position.


Kyra had been curious about what it would feel like since she had seen Hunter do it to Maya. She wasn't sure if it would be the same, but figured it may be best to start with Chris' small human tongue before she let some one stretch her tail hole with a monstrous canine tongues or rake her sphincter raw with a raspy feline tongue. She was grateful for her decision as his tongue whisked across her sensitive orifice. She couldn't believe how rough his tongue felt on her super sensitive tail hole. It was nearly as shocking of a revelation as how far his tongue was able to explore her depths. She could feel it as it continued to work into her bowels. Her orgasm came fast and hard as she sprayed Chris down with her nectar. She hadn't wanted to climax. She had only wanted to try it. However, it had hit her so fast there was nothing she could do but pull away from his intruding tongue as she shifted forward while she panted for breath once again. She would have to... "Damn, you were pent up," she exclaimed in disbelief once she realized he was already fully erect. She wasted no time as she grabbed his once again leaking flesh and guided it to her still quivering sex. She couldn't believe how big he was as she struggled to take all of him. She rocked her hips into him a few times until his hips began to buck back to match her thrusts. However, this time she wouldn't let herself forget her purpose. She slid off him until he slid from her depths. She used her hand to line him up again, but this time she used her other hand to line up her erect clit with the small dipping hole at the end of his prick. She worked slowly forward until she had nearly half of her length into him. She could hear his grunts and groans of complaint, before she hesitated to continue forward. The decision was taken from her as Chris drove his cock forward to take her erect clit to the root, which also took her breath away. Her body nearly convulsed as he continued to impale himself on her repeatedly. It was all she could do to force air into her lungs as his small passage squeezed her tighter than she ever dreamt. Those fine spines dug in to him as he pulled away, which pulled at her with incredible force. She couldn't think. She couldn't move. She was frozen as her mind raced to comprehend all of these wonderful sensations at once, as she gasped. Tears formed and ran down her cheeks as he continued to drive his cock into her hood mercilessly. Her next orgasm could have lasted an eternity as far as she was concerned, but she knew it hadn't taken more than a couple dozen thrusts until her body was wracked by a climax that was unbelievable in its intensity. She heard her wails as her body withered and thrashed on top of him while he continued his savage thrusts. She could feel her tiny spines digging into him harder with every throb of her clit as she continued to cum into his cock. However, that was nothing compared to the sensations as he began to cum as well. His seed had an incredible heat as it assaulted her senses with a force that began to force itself inside her. Her clit throbbed harder as his passage seemed to expand and contract around her. The whole time he continued to thrust into her brutally. She was nearly sobbing before she had the strength to raise herself off him. However, his strong hands grabbed her hips to pull her back onto him. She squealed as his huge cock stretched her opening. Her mind completely shattered as she felt her hands pushing off soft sleek fur covered thighs. Her eyes popped open as she finally recognized the feral snarls were not of her own making. Her heart pounded as she stared at those inhuman legs beneath her. She could feel his claws begin to dig into her sides as he tried to pull her onto his spined cock. "Chris! Chris!" she cried out in panic and was relieved when he released her in his confusion. She hopped off him in a heartbeat and gasped as she saw him. He was an absolutely magnificent looking creature, which sat up to study her with gorgeous green blinking eyes. However, her reprieve was short lived as he rolled off the bench. She stepped away from him as he walked towards her. His feral snarls froze her feet in place. She realized he couldn't decide whether to walk upright or on all four of his long disproportionate limbs. She realized he could do either just as easily as she watched him circle her while; he licked his lips to reveal his long sharp fangs. She thought he had the color and markings of a mountain lion, but he wasn't a fur. He was Chris. He was human. She gasped as he finally stood to his full height to reveal his long leaking shaft and his oversize testicles. She had only heard of one feline with his height and Leo was a legend. No feline female ever forgot a mounting from that man, and her thoughts caused her to shudder as Chris came closer with his muzzle testing the air. She winced as he dropped to finish crossing the distance on all fours, before he buried his muzzle between her legs where he instantly began to lap at her with his large raspy tongue. "Fuck, Chris... that is you...," she questioned more than stated nervously, before he paused to look up at her. She couldn't restrain her smile as his muscled body twitched. She could see his muscles working under his tight skin as he moved behind her. He was gorgeous. However, her admiration of him broke as he nudged her forward before she felt his raspy tongue slide from her sex to her tail hole. She realized he may be gorgeous but he was horny as well. She would gladly take care of Chris' need, but this was not... Her mind reeled as she wondered if Hunter had somehow infected him. He had to have changed the same as Hunter did. "Fuck!" she complained as he nudged her again. "Aaahhh, damn it," she cursed as her body began to respond to his attention while she remained undecided about what to do. His muzzle was buried against her ass. It felt as if he was trying to shove his raspy tongue into any orifice, which he could find. She made a hasty decision as she accepted it was still Chris. She still wished to be bred by him, even if he was like Hunter.

Kyra made her way back to the bench awkwardly as he continued to lap at her backside, before she bent over for him to breed her. Her excitement was undeniable as she felt his weight on her back, with his leaking rod poking at her backside. She reached behind her with a shaky hand to guide his massive member towards her love box. A smile spread across her lips as she felt him part her wanting lips. Her smile vanished in an instant as he lunged forward to force what she was sure more than twelve inches into her, which caused her to gasp. Her body responded instantly to grip at him before he began his withdraw. His spines on his cock felt stiffer, or thicker than she had ever experienced from any other feline as they dug into her vaginal walls and across her already tender clit. She had to grasp at the bench as she was nearly drawn back with his cock. She barely had time to gasp for her breath as he plowed into her once again. Her mind became a blur as he set his mind-shattering tempo. He was filling her and stretching her with every thrust, which caused her to moan and shudder while her sex instinctually clenched at him. His withdraws evoked whimpers and whines as his spines tore at her flesh. Her orgasm hit her hard as her hips bucked and pushed back against him. His mad lustful breeding of her extended her climax for what seemed an indefinite time. Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes as she felt the point tip of his cock begin its assault on that tight opening to her womb. She clawed at the bench and grunted as she pushed back into him as he began to force his way into her womb. She found herself panting, with her head hanging limply over the bench as she felt his furry sheath finally push against her stretched opening. She clamped down on him as hard as she could as he continued to grind against her. She felt his cock expand rapidly with a throb before she felt his heavy stream of his seed splashed into her womb. Her orgasm was intense as her sex drained his testicles of his spunk. There was a satisfaction at being bred by him, which she had never experienced as he finally began to shrink while the streams of his cum lost volume and force. However, she became saddened as he began to slide from her and she could feel his precious seed ran down the length of the inside of her thighs. She wished she could have kept it all for herself. She hated the thought of losing some of him to the matting below her.

She raised her arm to stroke his head as he panted into her ear. "I love you," she whispered as she continued to gasp for her breath as well. She was nearly startled, as her words seemed to have triggered something in his head as his hips began to twitch once again. She hadn't even noticed he hadn't completely withdrawn from her until she felt the tip of his cock twitch at her entrance. "F... F...," she gasped as he plowed into her once again. Her head simply hung from her body as she went completely limp over the bench while he resumed breeding her again.


Chris struggled with his sanity as he watched her drag her dripping sex down his chest and belly, which had already been sprayed down with her delicious nectar. He couldn't resist gathering up some of that delicious essence with his hands to savor in his mouth. He was still trying to taste every drop she had deposited on him when she impaled herself on his throbbing flesh. Her heat seemed to add to the fire that already burned deep within him. This was more intense than he had ever experienced. He assumed it was because of his deep love of her. Any other possibility wasn't comprehendible to him. He had never wanted to please anyone as much as he wanted to please her at the very moment he felt his entire length buried inside of his beautiful lover while she gripped at him with her strong muscles. Nevertheless, he nearly begged her to resume as she raised herself off him. He knew he whimpered without shame as he wished to breed her with every fiber of his soul. It was beyond the desire to satisfy her with sex. It was beyond the deviant nature of coupling with a goddess. He wanted to breed her. He wanted to give her the offspring she desired, but could never attain. His cock ached and throbbed with the sole purpose to breed her as he felt her begin to work her long erect clit into his small passage. Tears welled up in his eyes as she continued to stretch him beyond what his body was meant to contort. It burned as her fine spines dug into his flesh, which was never meant to be stimulated in such a manner. The fires of his desire burned hotter as he felt her clit begin to pulse inside of him. Those fires spread though his veins as every particle of his being tore at his sanity. He hurt everywhere as his mind failed to function. He couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't force them open. His pain was unbearable, as his flesh seemed to ripple with desire. He could feel something feral growing inside of him before he drove his cock forward. He never even recognized his feral cries as he continued to impale himself on her erect clit. His mind was broken as her orgasm began to fill his member. He could feel the fine spines of her clit as they embedded into his flesh with every pulse. He never even felt his orgasm, as everything turned black. There was no longer thought. There was only instinct to thrust to breed. There wasn't any human left of Chris by the time his seed finally exploded around her clit, which remained lodged in his erupting shaft.

Kyra lost track of how many times she climaxed or how many times he had mounted her. She was sore. She reached down with a shaky hand and felt her lips were swollen as she flinched with a wince at her tender touch. However, he still stood over her with his cock leaking on her drenched back. She couldn't understand how it was possible for him to remain so horny. A groan escaped her as he lowered himself to attempt mount her once again. She felt him prodding around her sore sex. She lowered her ass and was relieved when he started humping her back. She released a sigh as his length burrowed through her wet fur. However, his low growls alarmed her as she felt his mouth slide around her neck. His teeth pressed firmly and gently at the same time as his growls increased in volume as he repositioned himself to poke at her buttocks again. Her eyes became damp as she reluctantly raised her tail for him to breed her sore sex once more. However, she found renewed energy as she tried to clamor over the breeding bench to escape him when she felt him stab into her tail hole. There was no restraining her snarls and screams as he plowed into her tight ass. His withdrawal threatened to pull her intestines out of her as his spines raked her sensitive bowel. She didn't know when her muscles failed her as she collapsed in a crying heap as he tried to breed her ass. She was convinced she would need medical treatment when he was done, before she felt his weight lift off her.

"Easy, Chris... easy," Hunter tried to calm his snarling roommate as he held his arm around the man's neck. "I will have him off you in a minute. I just don't wish to hurt either of you," he added as he tried to blink the dampness from his eyes.

"I... no... help him finish," Kyra panted as she tried to understand her broken mind. "I will take his seed for him. Just... don't let him go any deeper," she instructed.

It nearly broke what remained of his soul to comply with her request, but he did what she asked. He wrapped his hand around Chris' feline cock to allow him to hump into it, while he tried to breed Kyra's tail hole. He did his best to squeeze Chris' shaft as he began to grind against his hand. He knew it wasn't the same as the real thing but he was rewarded with the man's grunts after only a few clenches of his fist. He continued to milk Chris despite the pain it caused his heart to watch the man fill Kyra's ass with his seed. "He is done. I need to put him to sleep. I can't take much more," he cried as he squeezed Chris' neck to prevent the flow of blood to his brain. He had no desire to hurt the man, but he did want the man to return to his human form.

"Hunter, did you infect him? Is he like you, now?" Kyra asked as she pushed herself up from the breeding bench. However, the sight of all of Chris' wasted seed on the matting startled her. How could the man produce that much?

"No, I didn't infect him. He... I didn't want to tell him. He inherited this from his father. I couldn't infect him, because he was already diseased. The presence is so slight in him. I have never seen it like this. He is not contagious to the humans around him. I will have to take a sample to make sure it has not changed. I wasn't even sure if he could make a full transition until I found him with you. You should be prepared if he doesn't remember much or anything that happened here. It does happen to some," Hunter explained as he refused to look at her, while he continued to wipe the dampness from his face. He didn't want to tell her those who didn't remember anything were never able to learn to control or direct the feral self. It even happened occasionally to his kind who remember little at times but never everything. They were immediately cleansed by flame if they ever showed any sign to their masters that they struggled to remember or control their form. Hunter had become very skilled at hiding his lapses and failings. Of course, he had cleansed dozens of his kind who had not ever developed the same skill.

"I am sorry, Hunter. I know... I... I will not torture you with my presence," Kyra offered as she tried to gather her clothes. However, she paused once she realized she was leaving a trail of Chris' seed. It seemed such a waste. Her thoughts were broken as the big man pounced on her. He frightened her until she felt his body shudder as he sobbed.

"It is torture. It is pleasure. You have no idea the joy you have brought me. I can't explain it. You will understand with time. I promise you will understand, before it is done," Hunter sobbed as he forced himself to release her from his embrace. "It is late... or early and I understand you have class soon. I will take care of him. You should get a little rest," he advised as he forced his steps away from her.

"Will you be okay?" Kyra asked with concern for the poor man once he release her from the most frightening embrace she had ever experienced.

"I will survive. They failed to break me before and this will make me stronger," Hunter explained carefully.

"I... do you want me to check on you later?" Kyra offered reluctantly.

"No, get some rest. I... we will see you at class," Hunter urged as he stood over his roommate who was slowly returning to himself.

"How long were we?" Kyra mumbled in disbelief as she checked the time on her data pad. "That is not possible," she declared as she shook her head.

"My mate and I coupled for several weeks with only breaks long enough to take nourishment and water after our marriage," Hunter corrected with a slight grin for the fond memories as he glanced at her.

"No, shit," Kyra gasped in disbelief as she licked her lips and stared at the pool of Chris' seed by the bench.

"You will get used to it as he learns to control his form," Hunter tried to assure. "Go on... schooling is important," he urged again before he returned his attention to Chris, who was his human self. Well, he was bigger but that was to be expected after his first change. The man was now nearly as tall as Marcus was, but he would not grow any more except for when he was in his feline form.