New Beginnings - Ch3

Story by petorawolf on SoFurry

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#2 of New Beginnings

Ever more pet play!

My entire body tensed as we left my unit and walked down the thankfully-empty hallway. However, the elevator was practically full. He gently pushed me into it before joining. I swallowed loud enough for it to echo off the walls. Damn lack of Muzak! No one seemed to even notice, however.


Being new to the city, he needed to lead. He lead me to a block off the main street that was essentially entirely restaurants. I knew we had made it when we came to a glowing red lantern. It was only a five minute walk so I didn't have time to test if I could speak and he, surprisingly, didn't ask questions.

The entrance was great; A small koi pond that had a traditional old-timber-looking bridge with large torii at both ends. Once across, two large all-glass doors opened to a dark traditional-Japanese interior.

As if I needed to feel less out of control, the waitstaff greeted him politely in quiet Japanese to which he responded in like. The place seemed to hire only Shiba Inus, pandas and a single snow leopard. That was a rather cute touch, I felt.

After a long exchange, and a surprising lack of attention to the collar I wore, we were seated in the far back. It was a series of booths that were entirely separated by bamboo walls. We sat tatami style and waited for someone to greet us.

"You're surprisingly quiet," the jackal said with a devious grin.

"Can ... Can I speak?" I asked very quietly, just in case the collar's punishment system was noise activated. I was given a nod. "Whew. Ummm..." But now that I could, I couldn't think of any questions. Or none that I could ask out loud. I felt myself blush more.

"I actually work for HR at CET. I did your pre-screening and background check. You don't hide your internet searches whatsoever, I hope you realize," he said with that devious, toothy grin.

I was going to die from embarrassment right there. But now it made sense. But it also meant I was being sexually harassed by my brand new HR company! My maw dropped open and I thought about protesting.

"And? Yes? You think I don't know how much fun you're having?" He tapped the side of his head.

I squirmed in my seat. Thankfully it was then that a polite Shiba Inu appeared to provide menus. Mkali waved the menus off and spoke in Japanese. She obviously knew him and the words he said were too few and too short for that to have involved placing an order. But she smiled happily, bowed to me, then wandered off.

Again, no looks at my collar. Odd. I watched her leave, then stared at him silently.

"I like a nice, quiet puppy, but you can speak all you like when we aren't home."

I felt a bit of a flush. That was supposed to be MY home. "'Home'?"

"I have my own space but those are my beds to do with as I please. Puppies get to sleep in their kennels! You like that, don't you? Don't worry, I have some nice blankets and sheets to put in there with you. Ah! Here it is!"

She returned with a bottle of sake and two small glasses. She undid the cap, poured each vessel very carefully and in silence, before placing two water glasses down along with some edamame. She bowed again and left.

"Ok ok ok. This is REALLY weird.." My brain was finally catching up to the entire day's events and I couldn't help it.

He laughed and reached for the sake cup. Holding it in front of him, he said, "Cheers!"

I laughed out loud but followed suit. "Who ARE you?"

"Mkali, your HR representative and your Owner. Who are you?" He took a sip and appeared as though he felt the answer adequate.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Your puppy..."

He squirmed in his seat, shivering a bit, "I really did not anticipate your eagerness to accept it all at such a quick pace. I'm positive you're going to be in heaven. As will I."

"Define 'heaven'," I said, a bit nervous but wanting to hear more.

"Oh, no, you have to EARN new things. And you like it that way," It wasn't a question, it was a statement. He knew it was true. And it was. I swallowed hard.

"Ok ok, so, Owner, what did you do before you apparently stalked applicants to your company?" I grinned.

The conversation poured on with a very easy flow. The brevity of his ordering soon made sense as they kept coming out with very small dishes of massive variety. He had either gotten us omakase or he had quite a unique 'regular' order.

He had always been in HR, having been recruited out of school by a different biotech firm that wasn't as well known. He had done rather well there and was head hunted by another colleague into CET a few years later. He was now head of CET's HR, a position he actually was not abusing in his review of my data, it turns out. When I pressed for what all he knew about me, I was once again reminded that I would need to earn that information.

Eventually I had too much food in me. It was time for us to get home and I grew nervous again, but excited as well. I would also be thrilled to get out of public view while wearing a collar. We walked quickly back to the apartment, his toothy grin flashing at me all the way.

He seemed so calm that it caught me off guard when he pointed to the floor and commanded, "Down!" I was quick to obey. "The first thing you do upon coming home, even if I'm not here, is remove your clothing. Your my puppy, understood?"

I nodded but then barked once as I took my shirt off. I barely had it off before the leash was on. I took the rest of my clothing off, leaving me in nothing but collar and harness.

He tugged the leash and lead me to the bedroom. He looped the handle over one of the posts of the bed, 'trapping' me there. He rummaged around in the drawer above the one that held the pet supplies (what all did he have stored in my place?!) and produced what appeared to be bondage gear. I'd not seen it in the real world before but the black leather and buckles made it pretty obvious.

"Sit up and beg," he commanded. I obeyed. Leather mitts were put over my hands and buckled into place. Over those, however, he put paws made of fake fur that closely resembled my actual white fur.

"Roll over," came the next command. I did as I leaked pre into the carpet, but now onto my abdomen. He affixed a band of leather to my thigh, then my ankle, then clipped them together, making it impossible for me to straighten my leg. He then proceeded to do this to the other leg. I looked up at the post of the bed, realizing now I really COULDN'T escape it. I shivered.

He returned to the pet supply drawer and pulled out a nylon muzzle which he gave me no warning of, sliding it over my snout and effectively clamping it shut. "Ok, you may speak now," he grinned.

I tried but could barely make a sound.

"VERY good. Does puppy like being quiet for his Owner?" I gave a nervous nod. This was a LOT of control he had over me now and we had just met a few hours ago. He picked up the leash and gave a tug, so I struggled to get back up to hands and knees, but managed. He then lead me to the cage and forced me in. This time, however, he didn't lock it. Not like I could undo the clasps anyways.

I panted hard as I watched him wander about the room. He kept his clothes on the entire time, but how badly I wanted to see his excitement at having me so helpless. He went into the bathroom and my view was partially blocked by a wall. What was he doing?!

He came back out, his erection now poking through his pants' zipper. It was different than I was used to, more pointed, but similar enough. My breathing quickened. Was he going to jump me?! Already?!

Then I saw the dildo he was holding, it looked identical to his own shaft. "Oh, my puppy, I don't know which end I want to take so I need to take both! But which end would you like your actual owner to be in? Nod once for muzzle and twice for under your tail."

I nodded energetically, oh how I needed it! I literally felt like pacing in the kennel.

"So I get a bitch from day one, excellent! Very, very good, puppy! I'm going to let you out and remove the muzzle. You won't speak. You will open your maw and I will feed you my real shaft before filling it with this toy, then I will muzzle you again. Then you will continue to be my very obedient puppy, understood?" His tone was intense and I knew to nod since I couldn't bark.

He opened the kennel door and I crawled out, breathing hard through my nose. When the fabric was unbuckled, he was very slow to remove it, just kept me close to his cock so I was forced to stare at it. He kept a grip on my collar as he removed it the last bit of the way, tossed it on the bed, then moved his hips forward. His tip opened my maw and I felt his flesh slide along my tongue. He moaned out loudly and I was instantly fed a glob of his pre.

It was somehow entrancing. My eyes closed and I sucked and swallowed, losing track of time. When he started to pull back, I carefully kept from whimpering. "Such a good puppy, I can't wait to train you how to please your Owner better, though. For now, you get to practice on this."

The toy had been warmed, apparently, as it really felt just like he was going back into me. My eyes closed. One of his hands held it in place while the other slipped another nylon fabric one over mine, very tightly wedging my own maw shut. The way the toy was pushed in, my fangs were forced to bite down behind the knot. The length in me was almost too much to handle, but it fit and left me very full.

A tug on the leash brought me to attention. "Puppy happy?" I nodded once very enthusiastically. He stroked my head and wiped a bit of his shaft on the black fabric, leaving it shiny with my saliva and his pre.

He lead me to the foot of the bed and lifted just my front up, then pushed me forward until my cock was pressing against the bedding. Oh how badly I wanted to hump! He left me there, laying front down on the bed, as he rummaged in the dresser behind me. I squirmed as I waited.

He returned with a bunch of leashes. He put one over the post at the head of the bed, then gripped my wrist cuff and pulled forward to leash it. He tugged and saw there was just about two inches of give and looked very satisfied. He did the same to my other wrist. I could no longer get off of the bed entirely.

I breathed hard through my nose and sucked even harder on that toy. If he were actually in my maw, he would have came in a moment, I am sure!

But he wasn't done with me, to my surprise. I couldn't see what he was up to but felt him play with the bindings about my legs, then they were pulled apart. I couldn't bring them back together and heard the rattle of something between them when I tried. Then he forced something soft and padded under me knees, for which I was grateful.

Lastly, I was pulled back so my cock no longer touched the bed. I wanted to protest but couldn't even if I would have been disobedient enough to do so.

Finally, he picked up the leash attached to my collar. "Ready to become my bitch, puppy?"

I nodded fiercely. He tugged on the leash as if I could actually follow the lead, cutting off air a bit. Then I felt his shaft start to part my flesh. His slippery pointy tip easily spread me open, but he kept pushing. And pushing. My body struggled to accommodate. I wanted to tell him 'slower!' but thankfully my body somehow conveyed the message and he pulled out.

He didn't wait long before pushing into me again, however. It felt better this time, but only so far. Again, he knew when and pulled out.

The next time, however, I felt his body press against mine. He was fully within me. He let out a mixture of a feral growl mixed with a lustful moan.

"MY bitch! You are MY bitch, aren't you?" He rumbled down at my trapped, gagged form. I nodded as much as I could in the position.

He pulled out slowly before shoving forward again. "I am your Owner, and you WILL obey me, won't you?!" His tone was almost frightening. But exciting, too. I nodded again!

Then he started taking me in full strokes. When I thought he was going to cum, he'd just stop and leave himself buried until he calmed down. "MY bitch, no one else's, understood?!"

I wanted to cum so bad I thought I might cry. Just get off! But don't! I wanted more, yet needed release!

This went on for what felt like an eternity. Yet again, he was panting hard and I thought he would cum, but then he stopped. I couldn't take it any longer! I flexed my muscles and used every bit of give the leashes fixed to my wrists afforded me, trying hard to force him to get off. He moaned in response, "GOOD bitch, yes, yes! Y-you learn so q-quick! Such a clev... Clever dooooooahhhg"

I had no idea one could actually feel the jet of seed, or perhaps it was unique to jackals, but I felt the sudden jet! Again and again, even. I wished I could moan more than his dildo and muzzle allowed, eager to show my desire. I still turned and twisted, trying to milk him with my inner passage.

He gasped out loud and collapsed on my back. I could feel the tie now too, now that I wasn't lost in total heat. Wait, I didn't cum, why wasn't I still crushed with need?!

He licked the back of an ear before giving a hug. "Such a good puppy... So good..." He tugged at the tie a bit but not to purposely break it, just to remind me I'm trapped on his shaft.

We stayed there far longer than needed, but it was nice. He eventually spoke again, "Does my bitch feel he has won his reward?"

I nodded vigorously!

"Now you get to feel the pleasure the collar can offer..." He reached under me and gripped my shaft. But didn't do anything else with that hand. He played with the leash a bit and then it hit. A wave of mental reward, the opposite of a correcting shock for sure! Even if I hadn't wanted to cum, his hand and that jolt forced me over the edge. I tried valiantly to howl out to the world, but was kept nearly silent.

Owner came again too, I could feel the weaker jet and hear him howl. But my brain was left in an orgasmic bliss blender for what felt like half an hour.

He slowly pulled out of me once my climax was entirely released. He released my legs first, then my wrists, then backed me up very slowly and I saw just how much I came. He had apparently put the kennel pad up to protect the bedding and floor.

He pointed to the puddle. "I don't like how puppies usually get very uppity after they make a mess. To make sure you know your place, after I remove the muzzle and my toy from your maw, you will clean that mess up, understood?"

Ugh. I wanted so badly to protest. He was right, this was far from appealing. The zap to my collar had me nodding quick though. He did as he said he would, and I set about doing as I was told. He stood over me, holding the leash. "Such a beautiful and obedient pet..."

Ok, I guess it was exciting to be forced to do it after all!