Unbound For Silver Hide

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Feels good to be back with something fairly simple and fun! Still working on improvements and getting back into the swing of things, but I enjoyed this one for sure <3~

Humans were just as Felina's kin had described them and most all lesser creatures that did not bow before the might of dragon kind, trouble. A cool bath in the forest lakes below the mountains had been all she had desired, but instead she found herself captured and at the mercy of human poachers, though she could not fathom why they would dare touch a proud dragon. The silver scaled dragoness had been dozing off in the water when a net had been cast across her made of something that itched terribly through her scales. Though she was a dragon, Felina couldn't break herself free of the net that had been used to drag her to shore like some sort of fish, and even now as they inspected her with prodding hands she could do nothing but hiss and seethe at this insult, and even what magic she could use seemed to be of no use, or rather whatever the net was made of seemed to drain away her ability. Felina barely had enough room to wriggle, her wings bound tight to her slender body in the most uncomfortable of ways, she couldn't imagine how it would feel to be older and much bulkier stuck in such a cramped space. She was a proud dragoness reduced to the status of a carp! They had no right to take her in such a way, her kin would surely get their revenge, but only if they found who did this and she wondered as well as she saw a man sharpening a gruesome hatchet, would they even find her?

Amber eyes blazed and burned through the mesh of the net at the human who approached, but behind the hatred lie a thin layer of fear. She was truly going to die at the hands of filthy lesser beings. She took note of the scales upon the man's belt that approached her, noting the different colors along with the horn that hung daintily near a dagger. These men were seasoned hunters of her kind, at the very least she would be dying at the hands of those experienced in their craft rather than common peasants. Finally resignation touched her mind as she lie limp there upon the ground, hisses and keening dying down to a low rumbling from her throat.

As the man raised the hatchet his eyes went wide as a loud whistle sounded out through the air, his body jolting forward once before he dropped the hatchet dangerously close to the soft hide of her throat and crumpled to the ground an arrow jutting out of the back of his head. Her eyes went wide as she struggled to look around to see where her savior was coming from. Unable to spot anything she heard the sound song of metal gliding free of sheathes, men cursing and diving for cover of nearby trees. The large man had been slower than his friend, and for it an arrow found its mark in his ankle, a howl of pain sounding off from his mouth. Kneeling on the ground he yelled for his companion to come out of hiding and help him, but his cries died off soon enough as another arrow found its mark in his throat. The last of Felina's captors was hidden behind a tree, from where she lie she could hear his ragged breathing, but soon even that stopped as suddenly she heard the sound of physical struggle where he had been in the thicket of trees. From where the human had been hiding emerged a grand creature with deep brown fur and black spots. A large canine beast with pointed ears and a heavy looking muzzle, shoulders broad and just a bit hunched. If she remembered correctly the beast was a gnoll, another lesser creature, and yet one she owed a great debt to.

As the beast approached she made note that he only wore a deep green cloak and a belt holding a dagger through a loop, the blade slick with blood, a bow slung over his shoulder. With a sigh of relief she remembered that the beasts were practically subservient to dragons, as most monsters were, but this one didn't seem so quick to free her. Instead as he approached her he snorted, canine lips pulling back to reveal thick strong fangs as he spoke, "A silver caught by humans...Look like a runt though. Your broodmother never taught you anything?"

To be insulted so! Felina had never experienced such insolence from a lesser beast, even those humans had been quiet and quick with their work rather than boasting and taunting her. Rather than give into anger she commanded calmly, "Release me."

That wiped the grin off of his face, if nothing for just a moment, but it soon returned as the gnoll let out a cackle large hand-paw reaching to tug the dagger from his belt. Once he finished with his rolling laughter that grated on her ears terribly he snorted, "Now why would I do that?"

Her amber eyes widened and she began to thrash anew realizing that this insubordinate beast perhaps planned to leave her tied there, "What I ask is simple enough! Simply cut me free from these confines! Surely you can do that? Does your kind not serve mine?"

The gnoll seemed to think about that for a moment, a long claw tapping at his chin. Before long she realized that he was simply mocking her, the curve of his lips, the twinkle in his grey eyes telling all too much of his amusement drawn from her suffering, "Release me now!" she hissed, her anger taking hold of her finally, her thrashing growing violent though she could not get free from the tight material.

Again the beast laughed, this time kneeling down to face her, his strong hand daring to grab onto her snout to silence her, "Quit with the hissing. I'm here to help. For a price." As he let go of her snout she calmed down just a bit both from the fact that he would indeed free her, and from the fact that his hand had managed to shut her maw so easily. Once she was calm he added on, "And I'm an exile. Didn't care for dragons...Still don't care for dragons." His eyes flashed with a sudden contempt that had her body shivering just a bit. Perhaps there were some lesser creatures that were better off dull and happy on a leash.

Seeing her shiver the gnoll's eyes glinted with something strangely predatory, that grin returning as he hooked the thick dagger in one of the loops near her cheek, a move that had her entire body still. Was he planning on freeing her, or gutting her? At this point she wasn't sure. She had never experienced such fear, and never had she felt such malice from another being before. She could ill understand as to why he would do this to a better? Nor could she ever imagine that a gnoll could ever be so physically strong. If she had her magic she could blast him easily, but the damnable net! Without much choice she said in a dry tone, "And your price good sir?"

The gnoll snorted in reply, "Errak. Call me Errak." He then continued on after leaning in closer, "And I just want a proper reward for saving you from ending up in pieces in some soothsayers pouch."

Though Felina wanted to nod, she kept still with the threat of the dagger so close as she replied rather impatiently, "Yes yes! Just get on with it! Anything! I'll even swear to it!"

The gnoll took stock of the dragoness, noting the fact that she was barely coming up to his knees within the net, and even standing at full height she would only be a bit taller. As Errak appraised her, he chuckled at her words, at her promise. He wouldn't have it any other way than to have the dragon swear to an oath. Breaking such a thing would have dire consequences for the runt's growth and no dragon wanted to be without magic. Promises were never made lightly among dragonkind for such a reason. Errak hadn't really thought of what to extort from the dragoness and initially he had thought only to tease her a bit before cutting her loose, he had no reason to hate this particular dragon. He could of course ask for wealth, but what did he need with gold when he could hunt what he needed, and barter with hide and pelt from tense human traders among the various settlements around the edge of his forest. No, nothing material interested him, rather what interested him was wounding the dragoness' pride, to see her grovel was perhaps enough of a price, but she had been so willing to provide a promised boon that he could not help but wonder, if she really knew what anything would entail?

After a minute or so Errak finally answered with that toothy grin, "I'm fine on wealth. I don't want for food or tools, but...Things grow boring. I think I'd like to ride a dragon."

Felina snorted, her tail twitching within the confines of the net, "To ride me?! What a...Fine! I accept this term and I promise to allow you to...To ride upon my back to your destination of choice."

Errak then continued on, his grin widening and his eyes glinting again with that predatory shine, "And I think I would enjoy courting a young dragoness...To sow my seed within your eggs sounds nice."

Felina felt her entire body heat, her eyes flashing with sudden disgust and anger, "What?! I will most certainly not do this! I am not some sort of whore. You will not have my first!"

The gnoll stood, stretching before looping the dagger in his belt, yawning and turning around, making a game of pretending to leave without even saying another word.

Panic colored Felina's wide eyes as she saw him begin to trot off, "Wait wait wait! You can't simply just leave me here like this! I already promised you one thing isn't that enough!"

Still the gnoll walked, not even turning to address what she had just said his dagger again drawn, but only to wipe the blood away upon the grass. With a hiss she shut her eyes tight and said in a disgusted growl, "Fine! I promise that you may sow your filthy seed within my womb if you free me from these binds..."

The gnoll turned just as slowly as he had walked away, taking his precious time in bringing the dagger down and looping it through the mesh before cutting through it with relative ease. Even as he did this she could hear him cackling like a fool, no doubt proud of himself for extorting such a thing from her. Once free she could burn his head clean from his shoulders, or perhaps freeze him and drop him at the bottom of the lake, but that would never do. Promises were made and that meant her power was at risk. She had agreed to service him, a thought that gave her no pleasure. Lost in thought she suddenly felt a strong hand slap at her rump, the strange material of the net falling off of her. She rose and turned her head to see that the gnoll was feeling over her rump, eyes appraising her like a gem to be pawned off. Her eyes flashed with rage, but she did nothing but stretch her wings out, her tail twitching as she spoke, "I'm assuming you desire your second boon first..."

"Of course...I'm just looking at what I have to work with...You are a pretty one after all." Errak said as he circled the dragoness, a single hand feeling over her hide as he did so.

That prodding hand had her body shivering, and desiring to be rid of him as quickly as possible, but she held her rancor. As he stepped to her front she noticed that he had discarded his equipment and now was fully nude, cloak no longer covering his form, muscular even beneath a thick coat of fur. Between his strong legs a thick canine member sprang free from a fuzzy pouch. She felt her face heat as she encountered for the first time the cock of a lesser creature. It was such a strange sight, so red and long, so different than she had imagined. Rather than recoil she found herself drawn to the strange scent that reminded of her of smoky wood.

Sensing her interest the gnoll gripped onto one of her horns firmly, dragging her snout against the tip of his erect cock. The urge to recoil was strong, but she paused as she caught a close look at the gnolls filthy cock, staring at the member in a mixture of morbid curiosity and hidden lust. Her body continued to turn warmer and warmer as her mind wandered, the dragoness wondering now truly how it would feel inside of her, but before she could turn about to present for him, the gnoll broke the silence with his gruff voice, "Get your mouth open...You'll start servicing me with that forked tongue of yours."

His words broke Felina out of her trance, her eyes narrow and looking up at the gnoll before she resigned herself to the situation. Perhaps the taste would be just as interesting as the smell. Tentatively she flicked her tongue out to taste the tip, a drop of something salty touching her senses as she did so. It wasn't unpleasant and as she coiled her tongue around the tip she found herself wanting to taste more of that far too salty flavor, and the warmth! The warmth that radiated from his cock had her purring as she opened her maw to take the gnolls cock in slowly against her tongue.

It was the first time she had ever done such a thing, and she had never thought she would be purring around the cock of a filthy gnoll, then again perhaps she could turn it around on the gnoll, perhaps she could still keep her pride. Her thoughts were interrupted by Errak grabbing onto both of her horns his hips pushing forward to slam his thick meat inside of her gullet causing her eyes to go wide. Felina felt his cock dig deep into her maw, her tongue pressed by that thick thing, his fuzzy balls slapping against her chin now. The disgrace did not end there, the gnoll pulled back only to thrust inside of her mouth, and when she tried to pull away he only tugged harder upon her horns, his foot coming up to step upon her neck to give him the leverage he needed to pound into her mouth as if he were breeding her.

Felina gave into the gnolls advances without much choice, her eyes shutting as she felt that thick thing knot and all slam against the inside of her mouth again and again, the pulsing meat dribbling a thick substance that had her mind in a haze. She could scarcely believe he had produced so much of the stuff without releasing his full load! That throbbing meat inside of her mouth seemed to swell, to grow, and the gnoll violating her began snarling like a common animal, his grip upon her horns tightening, the claws upon his foot digging into her perfect scales to leave their mark.

Errak snarled as he thrust one last time to her mouth, his knot shoved firmly inside. His hands worked to keep her head still and in place as he forced her to swallow every single drop of his load, his cum pouring out in thick ropes that seemed to be never ending. As he howled and snarled he thrust to her, savoring her sputtering and sloppy gagging around his cock, savoring the fact that he was staining the mouth of a proud dragoness, and that he would soon be impregnating the whore beneath him.

Felina could barely believe that he had held her there to swallow his seed! She could do nothing but dig her claws into the dirt and lash upon the ground with her tail, her mouth being flooded with a far too thick substance that threatened to spurt free from her nostrils as she tried her best to swallow every single drop. When finally the gnoll finished he grunted, a final spurt releasing from his cock before he pulled free, kicking from her and tossing her head aside like a used tool. Felina could still feel the warm stickiness against her tongue even though she had swallowed every single drop of that foul substance. Everything about the situation sent shame and contempt up and down her spine in shivers that threatened to rattle her scales, but along with that shame came a feeling of lust and hunger that only further fueled her hunger for the gnolls filthy cock.

Her womanhood felt so wet and without even realizing it she was raising her tail on high and purring loudly. Upon hearing this, upon seeing her tail, the gnoll gripping at her snout leaning down to grin, his thick tongue flicking out to drag against her cheek, "Bitch in heat just from a little throat fucking...I think I'll keep you as a pet dragon...I think you'd like that."

"Yes..." She said dreamily without really realizing what she was saying. Felina was lost in a haze of desire and feral instinct that drove her mad with heat and sensation. She couldn't believe what was happening to her, and yet the simple fact that she was being violated by this deplorable beast was the cause for her instincts to drive her so far into a maddening lust. Bred, she wanted to be bred and she needed it now, and so when the gnoll let go of her maw she turned and dug her claws into the ground, lowering herself like a proper bitch and keeping her tail raised high.

Errak licked at his chops, his cock growing hard again, his eyes flashing a predatory glance at the bitch's pussy before him. He would enjoy taking her, enjoy keeping the dragoness, and though she was likely to grow larger, he was certain he could keep her tame if he trained her properly. With little ceremony he slapped upon her rump, leaving a claw marks as he gripped on with both hands firmly, his fangs baring in a mad snarl. The dragoness whimpered and cooed as he did this, letting out a shocked chirp as he began working his cock into her slit, rubbing it around and through until finally he found her hole proper. Once he found his mark he shoved in with all of his might, barely caring that she was a virgin, not caring about the yowl she suddenly let out as pain and pleasure both took her at the same time along with his pulsing cock. He drove himself inside of her again and again without care, his hips working nonstop to get his cock off, to breed the whore beneath him, to breed his pet dragon!

Felina keened and moaned, her noises both pained and painted in ecstasy all at once. It felt too good to be taken like a bitch to even care that he was ruining her scales, that his claws were marking her, that every other dragon she knew would see the fact that she was the bitch of a common beast! She suddenly gasped then as her tail was bit by strong fangs, the beast behind her working his cock deeper and deeper inside of her until finally the knot began kissing at her entrance. Her insides were still far too tight to take a gnoll's knot, far too tight and yet she could be broken in further! Felina gasped out as her insides were besieged by that thick meat, her wet insides gripping tightly upon the gnolls cock, upon her master's cock as she cooed and groaned out wanting more and more of his cock. She could feel herself growing wetter now as well, her tight insides stretching to accommodate the gnoll's knot. With one final snarl and a thrust his cock was buried fully inside of her, but it was nowhere near over, their lovemaking had not yet ceased.

The gnoll pounded her insides, every single push Errak nearly pulling free of her pussy with a slick pop only to push back inside of her and grind against her haunches, his hands still clawing wildly at her backside causing her to gasp out and wince with every single affront to her precious body. Again deep shame touched her mind as she nearly collapsed, her shaky foreclaws working desperately to keep her up until finally she sunk to the ground, huffing and yowling, her insides clenching tight as she experienced her first orgasm at the hands and cock of a filthy lesser being.

That lesser being only grinned, his thrusts continuing at the same rate until finally with a howl he let out his load of cum inside of her. As his seed pushed deep inside of her warm insides, the gnoll continued to push against her, every single thrust producing a slick and wet slap that sounded off in the forest air. Once he was finished sowing his seed he pulled out without waiting for his knot to deflate with a wet and sloppy pop, his hand clapping at her rump one more time causing her to grown out.

There the proud dragoness lay, her pussy twitching and quivering, but never letting any single drop of that cum go to waste. She had taken every single drop of that filthy cum and she knew that she would get pregnant, and if not from that load, then perhaps another of her master's loads, or another, or another. She purred as she craned her head to look at the gnoll, "Master...Is once enough to satisfy my promise? Perhaps the seed did not take."

Errak licked at his chops. He had not expected a simple rescue to go so well, especially since he had only initially teased her. Feeling his loins stir again he spoke in a tone nearly as lust drunk as the dragoness before him, "No...Once is not enough...Your promise will never be complete...Because I will always require your service." To this, the dragoness did not respond, she only cooked and laid her head upon the ground. She would serve the gnoll properly, and with pleasure, though he was only a filthy gnoll.