The New Tales: The Hungers of a Man

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#2 of The New Tales

This story is a commission by Draeko Silver. My very first commission, but I hope it won't be the last one. Am always free to do them.

Warning: This story contains rape and vore. Who can't stand that, plese scamper away now.

It's the rule of the market that lets the need for slaves grow. A male born unfree, he is in eight of ten cases destined to be a worker. Factories in western and eastern world have an always growing need for cheap labour, farms and ranches need harvesters.

But in a society like this, a female unfree is worth less than a male. They can't work as hard and sometimes can't work as they're prone to diseases. And they tend to get pregnant. What to do with an unwanted child, destined to be unfree the moment it's born?

Of course there are breeding corporations, school that take pride to breed, bring up and educate unfree males and females to become excellent workers, particularly in the fields of cooking, housekeeping and performing sexual favours to their owners.

However, this takes a lot of care and time. Those boys and girls are expensive when they're ready to be sold, and also the schools only want pedigree children. What happens with the unwanted kits, the annoying wives or the young, pregnant girls, unable to work?

They end up in other places, like this one. It's a cold autumn day, as a big dragon in dark clothes slowly walks over the pavement. Recent rain flows over the galleys. It is a well known street for special purchases.

The houses are small, but have huge back yards. They have cellars and used to be stables and little slaughterhouses, back when this city has been but a town, closer to ranches than anything. But the town has grown, what used to be border is now city centre. And the business models changed over time. With it the customers.

So the dragon chooses a house and enters. There's a bit of smell in it. A boar, maybe just half the dragon's size, comes up immediately. The boar smiles and starts the usual merchant yapping they think the customers want to hear.

What used to be stables is now just a room with dozens of cages. Here they end up, the cheap slaves. Most of them are female. A male is always good for cheap labour, and also the demand for those as sex slaves is not as high. They don't sell so good.

The dragon is a regular customer and as such nicely treated. The boar offers a piece of cake, but the dragon hasn't got the time for that. Also the stench of urine and dirty fur is making him nauseous. Yet he prefers this place over the huge markets outside of town, where they treat the unfree not like a quality product, yet like cheap cattle. Here the boar doesn't kill the unsold ones and doesn't turn them into dog food.

This time he walks up the cages. Each has a slave in it, and it's all up to the current unfree laws. The cages are big enough, they get at least one meal per day, they're not younger than thirteen. None of them are older than twenty, because it's the boar's business model. The law never said they have to have access to any hygiene facility, but sure they're washed about once a week.

They're not as cheap as at those market places, but at least not close to starvation. So the dragon walks wordless past the cages and looks at every girl. Some look up at him, trying to make a good impression. Others are too afraid, they heard the stories of what happens with the cheap girls. It's up to them to decide if the cages or the owner were worse.

There the dragon stops. He squats down and takes a closer look.

"This one," he growls with a deep voice. "Wrap 'er up." then he gets up and walks back into the office rooms.

The boar opens the cage and pulls out the girl. She is a white mouse, her papers will say she is probably eighteen, she's thin but not malnourished. Yet she cowers, shocked by the sudden change. The boar ushers her down the way, where he sprays icy cold water over her.

She's given a towel to rub herself try, a quick wash. Then her wrists are being cuffed behind her back and she's ushered past the cages, to the waiting customer.

The dragon grabs her shoulder, a hand big enough to wrap around her whole head, and forces her to turn around. He brushes some fur aside to read the letters, burnt into her skin. She remembered the pain as they had shaved her shoulder and written her numbers into her flesh with a white-glowing stick.

Her new owner signs the forms, the boar really runs a legal business. He's not a bad guy as such, he has a wife and three kids to feed and wouldn't want his store closed down. Some bills change hands, there's the compulsory handshake and the girl realised she'd been purchased.

The feeling of being purchased, it makes her feel like a sofa. A lot of time she had to think about it, in cages and while working. She came to the conclusion it was definitely like a sofa. She was there to be put somewhere, to look fuzzy and to be nice and comfortable to anyone owning her.

As far as she know she had been sold to the boar for almost nothing. Her former owner's wife had suddenly realised that white mice are out of fashion, and they had told her so. Having a white mouse as a servant turned out to be a huge faux-pas this summer, so she was replaced by a brown vixen. Just like a sofa.

But after all, she already had experience being a sofa. She knows how to cook, how to clean up and even how to change nappies and generally care for young children. She is obedient and never demanded anything. If she was allowed to speak, she'd congratulate the dragon for buying her. But sofas can't speak.

Shivering she follows her new owner. The other master had made sure she was clothed outsides, but the dragon doesn't seem to think that would be very important. Her fur is still moist and the soft breeze blowing through the alley was not helping. But actually, she spent the first ten years of her life without clothes, as her parent's master considered it a waste.

The dragon opens the door to his car. She makes a complicated try to open a back door with her cuffed paws and makes it at third attempt. Closing it from the inside is a bit trickier. But soon the car is on the way to wherever. She has no expectations.

"Are you hungry?" The deep and kind of scratchy voice of her owner pulls her out of her thoughts. "You may speak."

"Yes, sir," she squeaks. She didn't mean to squeak, but after about one month without saying a word, her voice hasn't been not ready for the sudden demand.

"There's an Italian place over yonder," he says. "Would you like that?"

"Yes, sir." Anything is better than this pulp the boar had given them, made of cat food and cereals. Tasting like vomit.

So the car runs over a motorway, outside town. Left and right she sees fields, open landscapes and farms. Reminding her about her past as the serving maid of a farmer. No, she hadn't been unhappy back then. But that just because she still doesn't know what happiness felt like.

The car enters another town, quite small compared to where they came from. The dragon pulls over and stops in front of a restaurant. Then he turns around, looking at her. "You want to come with me?"

For a moment she thinks if he's joking. Looking down at herself, being completely naked, she shakes her head. She hopes he won't pull her out anyway, just to humiliate her.

"Okay," he says. "Then wait in the car."

So he leaves, locking the doors. The mouse is left do look at the people wandering up and down the road. She sinks into the seat, so she wouldn't be seen by them. So she waited, counting the minutes on the car's clock. One of the first things you learn as an unfree is being patient. They'd lock you up for hours, like a thing they put into a cupboard while they don't need it.

So he returns after twenty minutes and gives her a bag. "You can eat at home," he growls.

The mouse never had seen a dragon before. They're rare. Reptiles usually come from the middle east, but nobody actually knows where the dragons come from. They're just very large reptiles, the mouse decides.

After another ten minutes, they finally arrive at the dragon's house. "Don't forget the food," he says as he opens the door for her. She grabs it with her teeth and follows her owner inside.

It looks huge from the inside. Stairs lead to a second floor, and everything seems one or two sizes too big for a mouse like her. After all, this was a dragon's lair, and they enjoy a bit of room for themselves. He's more than seven foot tall and surely doesn't like to bang his head everywhere.

Finally he opens the cuffs. The mouse rubs her wrists arbitrarily. Her shoulders hurt a bit.

"Get into the kitchen and eat, I'll be right back."

The kitchen is not difficult to find. It is clean and looks quite unused. Of course, a single man doesn't tend to cook. Maybe he wants her to cook for him. She drops the bag and looks into it. One portion of pasta.

The dragon returns, carrying something. "An old pullover of mine, you can wear it if you want. Why don't you eat?"

"I'm not supposed to eat before he master," she squeaks.

He chuckles. "Oh, no, it's all right. I don't eat that often. See, I'm a dragon. I take a long time to digest, so I hardly need to eat. So just eat, then please take a shower."

"Th-thanks, master," she says and begins to eat, slowly. She felt a bit uncomfortable, eating alone while her owner watched her. But he suddenly smiles at her, so she tries to smile back.

He goes to work on his computer while she showers. Her last shower seems to be ages away, like a far memory from different times. She enjoys the hot water cleaning her fur thoroughly, using lots of shampoo. It smells of roses. Since the dragon had no hair, she's sure it's been placed there just for her. A weird thought.

Her muscles relax with the warmth. She sighs and washes it all away, the dirt and the dried urine at her crotch. She washes her hair and tail, her big ears and everything. So now she feels a lot better. A full stomach and a clean fur helps her mood a lot.

After drying the hair, which took her a long time, she slips into the dragon's pullover. It reaches from her shoulder to below her knees and feels like a wonderfully warm wool blanket. A bit scratchy at the just cleaned fur, but better than being naked.

The mouse girl climbs down the stairs and wonders what she's supposed to do now. Quietly she steps up the dragon and waits. Just standing there, trying not to be annoying, yet seeming obedient and all in all being a good girl.

"The second room upstairs is yours," the dragon growls suddenly, making the girl jump. "You don't have to stand here. I don't need you tonight."

She wondered if she had heard correctly. An own room, just for her? At the farm she'd had to share a bed with three other girls! So she wastes no time and goes back upstairs. And yes, the second door revealed a room. It was not big, it was not pretty. But it was a room just for her.

It has a bed, a table and a tiny TV. That's it, but it's more than she ever had in her life. So she closes the door and jumps onto her bed. It has a blanket and a pillow and everything was so warm and clean, she thinks it's a dream.

She digs herself into the blanket and switches the telly on. And there she watches until she falls asleep.

The next day the dragon doesn't wake her. He just brought her feed for the evening, pasta again. And he once asked her how she was. She feels good, yet there is something that worries her.

So she steps up to her owner, coughing quietly.

"Yes?" the dragon asks. After his work, he tends to spend all his time on the computer.

"I-is there nothing you want me to do?" she asks, carefully.

"Oh, no, it's all fine."

"B-but I feel like a bother. Nothing I can do, master?"

The dragon sighs. "Ah, well, then... I don't know, get my clothes to the laundry. It's just down the street."

"Th-thanks, master. Anything else?"

"So eager, little girl. If you feel bored, dust the cupboards. Jeez, or just relax."

"Y-yes, sir."

So she brought the clothes to the self-service laundry shop. She spends the days dusting all the cupboards, repeatedly, then cleaning all the floors and carpets. And she feels happy finally. It is fine like that, he had no demands. The dragon just lets her do what she wants.

There's just this growing feeling of not being grateful enough. Day after day, she cleans and does the laundry, gets enough food and a warm bed from it. Every day she gets to bed, feeling content with her full stomach. Surely it was a dream.

"Hey, are you awake?"

She opens her eyes and sits up. She just wanted to sleep. He had given her so much food this evening, she feels full like a barrel. "Yes?" she squeaks.

"Can you lend me a paw in the basement?"

She sighs and gets up.

"Just takes a moment, you don't need to dress."

So she follows her owner down the stairs. She never was in the cellar before, it had always been locked up. And she had wasted no thought about it.

He signs her to go downstairs. There was no light, so she carefully steps the wooden stairs. They creak a bit. Gasping she turns as the dragon locks the door and turns on the light.

"What is that?" she asks.

"A film set," the dragon answers, approaching her fast. "Se,, a man like me has some hunger..."

Slowly the mouse girl walks backwards as the dragon comes closer. She meets a table and can't get any further. The dragon is that near his body touches hers. The mouse looks up his tall body.

"Just play along and we'll be done in a bit," the dragon growls.

The mouse starts shivering, but decides to give in. It is best not to struggle, then it won't hurt. As much.

"You could start by opening my pants."

The girl does as he said. She opens his pants and pulls them down, revealing his male dragon parts. For a moment, she stares as the sheath and the little tip poking out of it. The dragon grabs her wrist and makes her stroke his crotch.

She continues stroking, watching the reptile penis grow with awe. It is pointy and long. A tiny thought spreads in her mind as she realises, it is as thick and long as her arm from elbow to paw. Like hypnotised, she continues stroking it. It feels hot and hard as a rock.

He puts his hands on her shoulders and pushes her onto her kneels. Then he grabs something lying behind her, making his penis to settle on her head, a very curious feeling. It throbs between her ears. She notices she's surrounded by cameras. A way she had never done it before.

The dragon makes her turn around. He forces her to put her wrists together and ties them up tightly. Then he smirks and pokes her face with his penis. "Want to taste?"

She sticks out her tongue and licks the tip. Then she licks along the side and up to the tip. The girl spreads her saliva over the throbbing male meat. As she opened her mouth for a bit, he pushes in, gently at first. She closes her lips around it and makes her tongue play with it.

Then suddenly he pushes it in forcefully and completely. It goes deep into her, even a way down her throat. As he pulls it out, she coughs and spits in pain.

He laughs loudly, wraps his hands around her hips and lifts her up onto the table. The girl closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as he forces her legs apart. Without hesitation, he made his wet cock rub over her female parts. "You're not wet?" he grumbles. "Don't you like it?"

His hips move while he rubbed on her labia. Then he uses a hand to make it enter her vagina. She clenches her teeth in pain while he pushes in deeper and deeper inside her. She feels torn apart, her vagina stretched just before ripping. He grins, enjoying her agonized face and the little tears in her eyes.

Deeper and deeper he moved into her insides, enjoying them tight around his sensitive parts. She lets out a little scream as it pokes through her cervix. He's in as deep as it's possible, so he pulls out a but and thrusts back in. He starts a slow, steady rhythm, growling quietly from the pleasure.

Every thrust feels like punch into the stomach. She lets out a tiny shriek every time it breaks through her insides. The tears stream down her cheeks, and the dragon begins to speed up.

She hears him growling and moaning from the pleasure as her mind floods with pain. Something just ripped apart, she felt it. An open wound in her insides. As she moves faster, the only thing she is able to think is her wish it would be over soon.

He puts his hand onto her chest and presses her down, squeezing the air out of her lungs. Then he growls aloud, digging his claws into her flesh, releasing all the pleasure waves that hat built up during the thrusts.

The mouse girl feels her insides being flooded with hot dragon sperm, her womb filled up. Slowly he pulls out of her, and it drips from her crotch onto the floor. He still had some left and sprayed it over her belly and chest.

"I'm almost satisfied."

The girl sobs, struggling the ties. No way she could stand any more. Her vagina feels like on fire, the sperm flows out of her and she has the strong urge to throw up.

But the dragon lifts her up once again, higher and higher. And then, she suddenly sees nothing but his opening maw, the jaws and the teeth. A long and high scream leaves her sore throat as she has to watch herself getting pushed into the dark and moist hole that is the dragon's gullet.

The dragon forces the struggling legs into himself and closes his maw. He grins and licks his lips. Then he has to let out a tiny burp.

He walks over to a chair, where he had placed his laptop. He checks all the cameras, still grinning, and logs to his forum. He burps again and chuckles.

"Still kicking," he writes. "She was a great meal. I'll post the video in a moment."