Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen: Death's Assistant

Story by Blindseer on SoFurry

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#1 of Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen

First, I'd like to apoligize to everyone who is waiting for me to update the other series. There are so many things going on right now, and I really just don't have the time to write new stories at the moment. As soon as I get the time, I will start writing again. This is an old story of mine, written with the help of my friend. I know there are probably grammar mistakes and maybe even a plothole or two, but I'm pretty sure she (my friend) still has the revised copy, and she has no idea where it is. The main emphasis was not written for yiff, however there is a small scene in it. As always, enjoy.

**This story contains some religous aspects, please don't email me and say "Such and such is wrong" or "I'm offended by.." because I'm warning you now. If you feel strongly about religion, I suggest you skip this story, and this in no way reflects what I believe about the afterlife or anything else regarding religion.

"Boy it's cold out," I said pulling my coat tighter around me. Every day after school I'd walk home. The calendar said it was finally turning into spring, but the weather sure didn't feel like it. I shivered and kept my head down to try and avoid a strong gust of wind. When I heard a car pass, I lifted my head up, watching as it drove by. But I caught a glimpse of something in the woods around me, looked almost like a, a fox maybe? "Weird, don't normally see them around."

I kept walking, but I felt something tackle me and knock me off my feet, and I landed hard face down. "What the fuck?!" I yelled out. Everything I was carrying spilled out onto the path which I was walking on. I lived in a pretty isolated area, I doubted that anyone would hear me if anything happened.

"Hiya!" came a rather pleasant female voice. Flipping over, I knocked her off of me, getting a good look at who had attacked me in the process.

"What is going on? Am I dreaming?"

"I assure you you're not dreaming sweetheart." A fox woman sat Indian style next to me. "Sorry to knock you down like that! I was just trying to say hello."

"No I'm fucking dreaming or something, you can't be real!" Nothing like her could possibly exist, a fox morph!? I let out a snort of laughter. "There's no way this is happening, I'll be up in a sec." I heard a huge crack as a painful smack landed across my face.

"Still think you're dreaming?"

"Ow, what the hell is wrong with you!? No, I guess I don't..." I said rubbing the hurt area, "But what the hell are you exactly?" She stood up, allowing her blonde hair to fall down past her shoulders. She offered a black socked hand, which I took and she helped me up. Her green eyes flashed as she looked me over. I blushed and looked away when I noticed she was nude.

"Hmm, if I told you that you probably wouldn't believe me."

"Listen, I just got tackled by a fox-human on my way home from school, I'm willing to believe just about anything now."

"Well I'm Death," she said giving me a toothy smile. I don't think I've ever laughed harder in my life. "Don't believe me do you? I told you." I wiped a tear away from my eye.

"Come on, who do you think you're kidding? Death is a walking skeleton who wears a black cloak and carries a big scythe."

"I really am! Why don't you believe me?"

"I just told you why I don't."

"Fine," she sighed heavily, "Look." She snapped her fingers and instantly a black hooded figure stood before me carrying a large scythe. She threw back the hood and laughed at my look of total astonishment. She stuck her tongue out and said, "Told you."

"Holy shit... What exactly... Why is this... Oh man... Am I going to die?"

"Of course."

"But I feel fine! I'm not sick, I'm perfectly healthy and-"

"Hey, of course you're going to die," she said, "But I never specified when. That's not why I'm here right now."

"That's fucking terrible! How could you do that you horrible bitch!? Make me think I was goin-"

"Watch your mouth!"

"Heh, probably not good to get on your bad side... Sorry about that."

"Hmph," she let out, turning her back towards me.

"Awww come on, don't be like that. I'm sorry..."

"Eh whatever, I don't actually care much, just like to watch you sweat. I almost always accept apologies!"

"You really are a horrible bitc-"

"Say it again," she said thrusting the blade of her scythe under my chin, "And I'll make sure you can't ever say it again." She pulled the blade back, and I wondered whether or not she was joking again. It was probably for the best if I didn't find out. I stood quietly for a minute, this was way too much for me. Finally, I decided to get some answers to one of any of the infinite questions running through my mind.

"So if I'm not going to die, then why are you talking to me?"

"I'm starved, you got anything to eat?" My eyes went wide, how could she possibly bring up such a trivial thing in the middle of what I saw to be an incredibly important conversation.

"That doesn't really answer my question..."

"No, but I'm really hungry. So, got food or not?"

"At my house I do, but-"

"Then take me to your house!"

"Aren't you going to explain what the hell is going on to me!?"

"Yeah, yeah," she said impatiently tapping my legs with the end of her scythe, "I'll explain it to you on the way." As we started to walk off towards my house, she began to speak. "You're gonna help me bring souls to judgement." She stopped and I was expecting her to continue.

She never did so finally I asked, "That's it!? That's all you're gonna tell me!? All the details I get!? Your freakin' Death for God's sake, you could at least give me some idea of what's going on!"

"No need to get so testy," she said, "I'll tell you when I feel like it."

"When you feel like it!? Are you joking with me?"

"Not at all, and I'd appreciate it if someone would keep his temper in check!"

"Sorry, sorry..." I decided to let it drop, I'd ask her again later. "What's your name?"

"Kayley," she said while playing with the blade of her scythe. A slight drizzle began and she flipped her hood back up. She created quite a frightening image in the ragged black cloak, especially since one couldn't see her face, only a slight glint of reflected light off her green eyes.

"Do you know, know my name?"

"Of course I know your name, Mike Wyvern. Do you really think I'd be sent to find you without any idea of who you were?"

"I, I guess not. So, where exactly did you come from?"



"Yes Hell."

"What did you do to get in there?"

"I was a murderer. After I had been caught I tried to repent, and finally feel bad for all the atrocities I'd committed. Unfortunately, Hell always comes up with a unique way to punish someone. Since I had begun to feel bad about killing, I was sentenced to do it for eternity."

"You know you don't really strike me as a killer, nor as Death for that matter."

"Over the years I've learned to keep my sins in check, though occasionally I slip." My house finally came into view, thank goodness my parents wouldn't be home this weekend. Even imagining trying to hide Death in my house was a pretty tough thing to do.

"Here we are," I said opening the door for her. She came in, took a look around and plopped down into a couch in the living room. "You said you were hungry right?"

"You bet ya!" She jumped off the couch and followed me into the kitchen.

"Help yourself to anything you find in there."

"Mmmmm thanks," she said reaching in.

"I'll be in the other room, when you're done just tell me."

"Sure." I took a look at her and noticed she was still wearing the ragged old cloak.

"You have anything else to wear?"

"Only my birthday suit," she said snapping her fingers and becoming nude in front of me. "I'm sure you enjoy this," she winked.

"Yeah, no, yeah... uhh forget it," I stammered. "You want some more comfortable clothes?"

"When'm done eafin," she said through a mouthful of food. I walked into the living room and lounged out in a chair. 'This is way too crazy... How can this be happening?' My eyes began to grow heavy and I drifted off to sleep still thinking about everything which had just taken place.

"Hey! Hey! Get up! Get up right now!" I opened my eyes, I felt groggy. What a strange dream I'd been having, something about Death and- "I said get your ass up right now!" I felt something hard hit me across the back of my head. "Someone's here!" I looked up to see who was trying so hard to get me up. To my surprise, the vixen woman who had been Death in my dream was impatiently tapping her foot. So it wasn't a dream! Oh man this was way too much. "Answer the door!"

Walking slowly, I finally began to hear what Kayley was talking about, someone was knocking on the door. When I opened it, I was surprised to see Lily, my girlfriend. "Go hide," I hissed to Kayley, but she didn't move, continued to sit on the couch, watching as I greeted the new arrival.

"Who ya talkin to?" asked Lily in a sweet voice.

"Uhhh... no one important..."

"You don't think I'm important, you said yourself I'm freakin Death!" Kayley interrupted.

"Shut up," I whispered behind me.

"Sweetie, come on, who you talking to? You have some joke or something planned for me?"

"No, not at all. Wait a minute..." I don't know why, but finally something clicked into place, and everything was beginning to make sense. "You see anyone sitting on that couch there?"

"No, of course not. Mike are you high or something?"

"Hehe, no. You know since I started dating you I stopped that." Lily was a popular girl in school, however she refused to drink or do drugs, even at parties. Somehow I was dragged into her stance on them.

"Say she's pretty good lookin. You bang her yet?"

"Do you know how to shut the fuck up!?" I growled.

"Mike sweetie, what's wrong? I know you're high or something."

"No I swear it's not that, it's just, you wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth."

"I was just askin was all, just curious. So, did you bang her?" repeated Kayley.

"Get the fuck outta here! Please! Just leave us alone for five fucking minutes, can you do that please!?" I yelled angrily, turning towards Kayley who sat with a look of pure amusement on her muzzle.

"I can see when I'm not wanted, I'll just go through your house or something."

"Good, you do that! Just, aww forget it!" I watched as Kayley walked into the hallway and began examining different rooms.

"I can't believe you," I felt a hard smack across my face for the second time that day, "You promised me you wouldn't do that stuff anymore."

"But I-" There really was no point in arguing, I mean, I had just spent two minutes yelling at what she perceived to be nothing. "I'm sorry, please forgive me, one last chance?"

"Fine," she said ruffling my hair, "But this is your last one, you screw up once more and we're done. Kapeesh? "

"Yeah. So why are you here?"

"I came to find out what you were up to. You wanna come over or something?" I thought about this for a second. While normally I'd accept the offer in a heart beat because it meant no one was at her house and we'd fuck, I had special circumstances with a sort of ghostly vixen following me about.

"Not today, sorry. I kinda have to ya know," I started trying to think of a good excuse, "Do some errands, and some chores around the house. Sorry."

"Well okay then sweetie, I'll see you later." She gave me a kiss and as she was walking out the door she said, "If you get done or something just come on over."

"Sure, bye," I said waving and slowly closing the door as she walked down the front path towards her car. "Kayley what the fuck were you doing!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs and I watched as Kayley slinked into the room wearing a sly smile.

"Just havin' some fun. Calm down. You know this is the most amusement I've had in hundreds of years? Hell sucks Mike, gimme a break. This assignment is sorta like a vacation."

"Right, right, I'm sorry." 'She has an amazing ability to somehow make me wrong for everything' I thought.

"Anyway, come here. I have something to show you." She sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. I walked and sat down next to her. "Boy you're cute," she said rubbing herself up against me after I had sat down. She began to purr.

"Uhh, thanks I guess. So what do you have to show me?" I asked pulling away slightly from her.

"This," she said leaping forward and throwing us into a deep kiss. I forgot everything for a moment. I was fully concentrated on that one kiss. "And I'm terribly sorry about having to do this," she said having pulled away and pulled me into another one. I never felt her sink her scythe into my back.

"Where am I?" I asked slowly. I opened my eyes and was greeted by Kayley.

"Sorry bout that," she said slowly, pulling her ears close down to her head.

"About what, and where are we?"

"I kinda, had ta, well, kill you. And I'm going to bring you to be judged."

"Kill me!? You fucking killed me!? How could you!?"

"Take it easy. I didn't want to, but I don't make the rules. You were chosen for some reason, as the one that would help me. In order to help me, I needed to kill you."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why me? And why do I need to be dead?"

"You'll find out later, right now we're here to get you judged."


"For Heaven or Hell. It's a technicality really, since you'll end up helping me no matter what."

"So you're saying I'm going to Hell regardless of whatever life I lived!? This is insane. How can this be allowed!?"

"Just calm down Mike, please. I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I have absolutely no choice in the matter. I have to do exactly as I am told."

"And what if you don't? You couldn't find it in yourself to make an exception for me?"

"Please Mike. I'm sorry, it's tough enough as it is. Don't make me feel worse." For the first time since I met her, Kayley seemed completely serious. A tear trickled down her cheek and I felt terrible.

"Oh boy, I didn't mean to hurt you... I'm, really sorry."

"It's okay," she said wiping away her tears. We stood for a moment, and I noticed that we were approaching a sort of line.

"So what happens when I'm being judged, and what's this line for?"

"Well basically I take you till here. I don't know exactly what happens. You just wait here with the others. I'll see you soon Mike. I'm sorry it had to be this way," she said again. She threw back her hood, gave me a kiss and began to walk off, tears running down her face again.

"Wait, where are you going?" She stopped and turned around.

"I'm going to do my job, I don't have anything to do here." She pulled her hood back up and once again began to walk off.

"Hey wait a sec!" I yelled after her. I ran over to her, screw the line. "Will, will you please wait with me? I'm a... heh... I'm kinda scared."

"I'm not supposed to, but for you, I can make an exception." I'm sure if I could see her face she would have been smiling.

We waited for hours, not talking all that much. I didn't mind, it felt reassuring to have someone I knew with me, or at least, sort of knew. "Mr. Wyvern?" a monotone disembodied voice came from behind a large pedestal.

"Yes sir."

"Please step forward." I looked towards Kayley and she nudged me onward. "Mr. Wyvern it appears that we have an exception for you. Please step aside, someone will be here to see you soon. Next."

Kayley and I stood again for what felt like hours, but what in reality was probably only a few minutes. "You!?" a female voice rang out. "What are you doing here?" A raccoon angel stepped forward out of the crowd.

"Figures," Kayley muttered. "I'm here with Mike Wyvern."

"You know the rules, you are not to enter into the judging hall."

"Bite me Liz. Just leave us alone."

"I'm afraid I can't do that Kayley," spat the angel, "Cause I'm here to speak with your friend Mike here." This was so fucking weird. Death was a vixen, there was a disembodied voice serving as a secretary for final judgment, and now there was a raccoon angel in front of me. She was gorgeous, and had an amazing set of white feathered wings.

"Seems you two already know each other," I said.

"Yeah unfortunately," they both snarled at the same time.

"Well Mike, you're going to have to come with me." Kayley looked down at the ground and slowly nodded her head. I looked at the raccoon angel and she smiled and beckoned for me to follow.

"Am I going to see you again?" I whispered to Kayley as I was pulled off.

"Of course, I've already explained this to you. I'll see you soon, don't worry."

"So uhh, your name's Liz?" I asked the raccoon who led me away from Kayley who still stood watching us walk off.

"Yep," she smiled. She led me far away from the judgment line, and she sat down. "Take a seat," she said, "This might take a while. So how much do you know about why you're here?" she asked.

"Basically nothing at all. I mean Kayley said I'm helping her. And she also told me after she freakin' killed me that I needed to be dead in order to help."

"You know it really, there;s not all that much to it. You see, you're going to essentially become Kayley's," she said her name with a slight hint of disgust, "assistant. You're going to become a second Death."

"Okay... but why me!?"

"To be honest I don't know why you were chosen. No one exactly questions Heaven's wisdom. You will be helping carry out Death's normal jobs."

"So why'd I need to be dead? I mean, couldn't I help her even if I was alive?"

"No." I thought for a moment, then something struck me as odd.

"How come I could see Kayley and Lily couldn't?" I asked.

"Well since you were going to die, you were able to see her. You're friend on the other hand, did not because obviously it wasn't her time yet."

"Oh." I let out a huge sigh.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I, I never even got a chance to say goodbye to everyone I had to leave, this is all so much..."

"Don't worry cutie," she said wrapping an arm around me, "That can be taken care of."

"What do you mean?"

"We can send a message to your family for you. Would you like that?"

"Yes, I don't think I can thank you enough."

"Hey, don't mention it. Now tell me what you'd like to tell them." I told her everything I wanted my family and Lily to hear. I apologized for things I had done in the past, and wanted to reassure them that I was ok now.

"Well now that we're done with that," said Liz standing up and stretching out her wings, "It's time to get you what you need. Wait here a sec okay?" I nodded my head. Liz took off into the air, creating quite a magnificent sight before she flew off out of sight. A few minutes later she returned carrying the same type of cloak which Kayley now wore, and a scythe a bit larger and more gnarled than hers. Liz threw me the cloak and I put it on. It took me till now to realize I had been naked. "Well I don't think you'll be winning any fashion contests," she said throwing back my hood.

She looked into my eyes and did not break I contact. I wondered what she was doing. "Um," I said hesitantly.

"Oh sorry," she giggled, "You just, remind me of someone."

"Really? Who?"

"Ah, you wouldn't understand, not now anyway."


"I'm sorry we can't continue this conversation any further," she said, finally breaking eye contact, "But we have to get you back to Kayley."

"Wait, Liz," I said as she began leading me back to the judgment hall.


"Why do you hate Kayley so much?"

"She stole and then killed my boyfriend."

"And you never forgave her? She's changed now, she feels bad for all the things she did."

"I'll never be able to forgive her Mike. You'll never be able to understand everything I went through because of that."


"Let's not talk about this. Come on we have to get going."

"Didn't mean to open any wounds, sorry." Liz let out a sigh.

"It's okay," she sighed again, "It's just, it's tough to remember things like that. You had a pretty good reason to be curious."



"One last question?"


"What happened to your boyfriend?"

"He's in Hell, where cheaters like him belong," she snapped. "Anyway, please lets just go now." I followed her in silence back to the judgment hall. "There's Kayley," she said pointing a finger, "You should go join her."

"Okay." I began to walk away and then I stopped. I turned around and walked up to Liz, grabbing her into a hug. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Like I said before, don't mention it. I'll see ya around." We both parted our separate ways.

"You're looking pretty snazzy in that cloak ya got there," Kayley winked.

"I asked for one which said 'I'm with stupid' but they said they were out."

"I think you're the stupid one."

"Well anyway, thanks for waiting Kayley."

"No problem. Now come on, we gotta get to work."

"But I don't even know how to do this!"

"You'll catch on quick. Trust me. First thing you have to learn is how to get where you wanna go. It's pretty simple really, just concentrate and picture the place you wanna end up. Understand?"

"I think so."

"Good, let's see how fast you really learn. We're going to your house." Kayley vanished from in front of me. I closed my eyes and thought about my home. When I finally opened them I was standing at the front door with her. "You do learn quick," she smiled. "Come on now sweetie, we got work to do. Our first stop is the Red Raven School District."

"I don't know where that is!"

"Just think about the name, trust me you'll get where ya need to get." I did just as I had done before, and instantly I was standing in front of the entrance to a large elementary school. "Told you," Kayley said. "Now come on, hurry up." We walked into the school and made our way into a crowded cafeteria.

"Now what?"

"Now we wait," Kayley said.

"For what?"

"You'll see. Sheesh hold your horses. You might wanna take a seat." I had a sickening feeling that this wasn't going to end well. All of the school shootings and things... I sat down next to Kayley on a hard wooden bench.

What happened next surprised me greatly. A small girl who was laughing amongst a group of friends, suddenly collapsed. The kids around her panicked, and immediately called for help. Within a few minutes an ambulance had arrived, but I could tell it was too late for the poor girl.

"This... this isn't right Kayley, we can't let this happen!"

"We can't do anything Mike, and even if we could we'd be a in a lotta trouble for intervening in letting things take their own course."

"But she's so young! She doesn't deserve this!"

"I told you already, I have no choice in who dies! You think I like this job, and watching people I can't save die over and over again!? Why the fuck do you think it was chosen for me as a punishment Mike!? Why!?" Kayley yelled angrily. "I didn't mean to yell like that. My bad," she said in a much calmer tone a few seconds after.

"Wow," I said taken aback by that episode.

"Heh, I can get angry sometimes."

"Evidently," I said. I watched as the workers picked up the girl and ran her towards the ambulance. I sighed. "You sure there's nothing we can do?"

"I promise you, if there was anything I could do, I would have done it by now."

"Okay, it just doesn't seem right is all..."

"Believe me, you're gonna learn that a lotta the things in this job aren't fair. Come on, we have someone to escort." I saw that the girl was standing in the cafeteria, looking around her with a look of confusion on her face.

"Oh my god!" she cried out as she took notice of Kayley and I. "Get away from me you monsters!"

"I assure you we are no monsters," Kayley said. "We're here to help you."

"No!" she said in a panic stricken voice.

"Please come with us," I said offering a hand to the girl who sat cowering in front of me. I threw back my hood so she could see my face. "Come along now, I'm just like you." She obeyed, and stood close by me. I put the hood back up, and looked towards Kayley.

"Good, now hold onto this scythe," Kayley said holding out the back end of it.

"No," the girl screamed in terror again.

"Alright, alright. Take it easy. I know this is tough for you, but we're only here to help. Now grab a hold of Mike's scythe then." The terrified girl grabbed a hand around it. "Okay, now Mike, same thing as before, but back to the judgment hall."

Instantly we were back at the judgment line. "You think you can wait in line here with the others?" I asked. "You'll be fine, no one is going to hurt you. You just have to wait in line and when they call you up you go."

"I think, I'll be okay," the girl said in a weak voice, though I could tell she was still very nervous.

"Hold on a sec, I have an idea." I stepped to the side to talk with Kayley in private. "How do you get in touch with the angels Kayley?"

"That depends, what angel are you trying to call?"

"Liz, she's the only one I know, you know that."

"Then I'm afraid I don't know."


"Uhhhhhh fine. Use this," she said handing me a small piece of parchment.

"Well what do I do?"

"Write down her name, and she'll come here." I wrote Liz, and watched as the letters disappeared off the page. Not long after, Liz landed down next to us.

"Bitch," Kayley muttered.

"What was that you little slut!?" Liz asked angrily.

"Come on guys, knock it off."

"Oh, hey Mike," Liz said in a bubbly voice, kind of like a cheerleaders. "What do you need from me again so soon?"

"Can you please do me a favor?"

"Of course honey, whaddya need?"

"Come with me." I led her over to the still frightened girl. "Hey what's your name?" I asked the small girl.

"Amy," she said weakly.

"Amy, this is Liz. Liz, Amy."

"Nice to meet you," said Liz in her cheerful voice.

"Same..." Amy said quietly.

"Now, Liz you don't mind keeping Amy company do you?"

"Not at all!"

"Okay then, Amy, Liz is going to stay with you until your judged. If you have any questions about anything just ask her, and believe me, she's really nice. She'll take good care of you."

"Thank you," Amy said giving me a hug.

"Yep, was nothing," I said blushing. Thank god the hood was up or I'd have never heard the end of it from Kayley.

"That was an impressive first day, now it's time to go home!" Kayley said. After the school incident, there had been an incredible number of other places we went too. I saw car accidents, heart attacks, murders, just about every death imaginable really.

"How do we get there?" I asked.

"Simple," she said twirling one of her blonde locks, "Just think Hell."

When I opened my eyes Kayley and I stood in front of a large iron gate. A tall wolf morph sat guarding the entrance. He had all black fur, with red eyes. "Kayley, my offer still stands sweetheart."

"Fuck off Kyle," she said shoving him to the side as he moved towards her. "Just let us in."

"Don't know what you're missin' babe. Whose this runt ya brought with you?" he said nodding in my direction.

"He's with me, now just let us through."

"Fine, but I'm tellin' ya, you don't know what your missin' hot stuff." I watched as the heavy iron gate swung open, allowing us to enter, and then quickly closed again behind us.

"What exactly is his offer?" I asked.

"He says if I sleep with him he'll let me outta Hell."

"But don't you get out already?"

"Yeah but, he means for a whole new life."

"Why don't you do that? Get a chance to live life right and-"

"I know his end of the bargain sounds good, but it's really not. The only thing he can do is let your soul out past the time it's supposed to be back in Hell."

"You mean we're timed on Earth?"

"Well sort of, as long as we're working we're allowed out."

"But if we wanted to go out just for fun?"

"Then that wouldn't be allowed, and that's really what he's offering, time for fun on Earth." Everything was still very confusing to me, but I guessed I'd figure it out with time. Kayley led me down many a worn down street in a destroyed town. Finally, she entered into a large apartment building and we walked up to the top floor.

"Home sweet home," said Kayley, opening the door and revealing a magnificent room. "Let me just slip into something a little more comfortable," she winked and snapped her fingers. In a flash she was standing in the nude in front of me.

"This is absolutely nothing like I thought Hell would be." I noticed a hot tub in one corner of the room, and a king size bed loaded with pillows in another. There was a small stuffed bear centered on the bed between the pillows. "Death need's a teddy?" I taunted, throwing the bear at her.

"Shut up," she giggled. She caught the bear and gave it a big hug.

"Kayley, this place doesn't seem all that bad really."

"Believe me, they could have made this room perfect for me and this would still be Hell. Every day I come home and cry for everything I had to do that day."

"But you said yourself that you need to do what your told-"

"I know what I said, but it's tough. I feel terrible doing this," she said shaking her head, "Really terrible." Large tears began to form in her beautiful green eyes. She sat down on the corner of the bed. 'What a change in mood' I thought. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. She began to sob.

"It's okay Kayley," I said trying my best to console her. She crawled into my lap and cried into my neck. I rubbed gently up and down her back, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh Mike," she let out between sobs, "I'm so sorry you had to do this. You don't deserve this at all. You're right, it's not fair."

"Kayley... I'll be fine, just fine. You don't have to worry at all about me."


"Shhhh," I said putting a finger to her lips. "Please, that's enough." She pulled out of my arms and went towards the top of the bed. I followed her and laid my head on one of the comfortable pillows. Kayley continued crying, but laid down next to me anyway.

When she finally stopped, she apologized to me. "I'm sorry about that," she said, "I told you I get upset."

"That's alright. It doesn't bother me at all really." Kayley smiled for the first time in a while and rested her head down on my chest, making herself comfortable between my body and my arm.

We sat in silence for about an hour, when finally I spoke. "How come you're here, and I've never seen anything like you before? And Liz for that matter, and that Kyle guy. Where do you all come from?"

"There's places that you're government doesn't want you to know about. There's a revolution going on though, soon furs will be integrated with the humans."

"And there are no deaths as a result?"

"No. This is a peaceful revolution, so far anyway. The fur leaders have vowed to keep it peaceful for as long as possible. But enough of that now, let's talk about something more fun."

Between two and three hours must have passed that we spent talking, and flirting, about all sorts of different things. Past, family, friends, etc. Kayley let out a loud yawn, and I soon followed suit. "I didn't realize how tired I was," Kayley yawned.

"Neither did I. We've been talking for forever."

"This is going to sound a bit selfish, but I'm really glad you were chosen to help me. You're a really great guy Mike Wyvern."

"Thank you, I wish I could say the same about you."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" she pounced on top of me.

"Well, you're not a guy are you?" She laughed and straddled my chest.

"Mmmm, guess you're right," she purred. "I don't know about you, but I just caught my second wind," she said, kissing me and rubbing at the growing bulge in my robe.

I went a long with it for a minute but stopped. "I can't do this right now, I'm sorry." She looked very disappointed, and sank down into the bed next to me. "You're not mad are you?"

"Why would I be mad? I'm a little disappointed and confused, but not mad."

"I just... I just, I dunno I can't do it right now. I don't know why I just, not right now. I wish I knew why so I could tell-"

"Hey," Kayley said smiling and rolling herself on top of me. "You don't need to explain yourself to me, and when you're ready you know I'm ready." She kissed me and then closed her eyes. "Would you believe it's only been one day," she said, opening her eyes and staring directly into mine and finished, "And I've already fallen for you?"

Ten years passed since the first day as Death, and they had gone relatively quickly. The Fur Revolution, as it was now called, had succeeded peacefully, and now furs were just as common as humans. Kayley and I were still, from what I could tell, lovers, except we hadn't actually had sex yet. I don't know why I had such an inhibition towards it, but for some reason I just could not bring myself to do it. It wasn't like I wasn't aroused at all by her, it was something mental.

"Wake up sleepy head," Kayley said, gently nudging me. I groaned, it was still early. "Don't tell me you forgot what day it is?" she asked.

"Ten years, I know I know. Lemme sleep please!" I said rolling over and covering my head with a pillow.

"Don't make me hurt you, you know you wouldn't like that at all."

"Meh," came my muffled response. Suddenly I felt the full weight of Kayley fall like a crate of bricks onto my back. I shot up and knocked her over, scooping her up into a bear hug. "Now what smart one?"

"This," she said giving me a kiss. I let her go and she sat Indian style on the bed next to me. "Well now that you're finally awake, what do you wanna do?"

"No work?"

"No work. We have the whole day to ourselves."


We spent the whole day fooling around, enjoying it as much as possible. When the day

finally came to a close, it was almost sad to have to crawl into bed.

"Goodnight sweetie," Kayley said, giving me a hug before curling up and drifting off to sleep.

I got up, careful not to wake Kayley, and walked out towards the gate of Hell. Kyle stood looking over the door. He held a large axe in his hands. I was going to do something nice for Kayley, for ten years and all. She had done so much for me, and I figured it was time that I returned the favor.

"Kyle, I need ya to do me a favor."

"What little man?" came the booming voice of the huge wolf.

"Let me and Kayley have one night out." He let out a loud laugh.

"You know the deal, you convince your vixen friend to gimme a good fuck and I'll consider it."

"Fuck you man. Come on, do me a favor. I'll owe you one." He let out another laugh.

"Sorry kid, you know the deal."

"Kyle, please."


"Isn't there anything else I can do?"

"If you can beat the shit outta me, I'll let ya through."


"Bad choice little man, too late to change your decision though." He charged forward and hit me hard. "Don't tell me that's all you got?" I recovered from the punch, and charged towards him. I landed two punches hard on his muzzle. "Better than I thought, time to end this though." His eyes began to glow red, and markings appeared on his arms. "Did you honestly think that they'd let me guard Hell if every demon down here could beat the fuck outta me. You're a lot dumber than you look." He moved with such blinding speed this time I could hardly see him. He slammed me hard onto the ground. I jumped up and knocked out his feet. Thank god for runaway souls, I'd never have learned to fight like this otherwise. He stood up and sneered at me. "Little bastard." He attacked again, but this time I was ready and avoided the blow. While he was off balance I knocked him hard on the back of the head, bringing him to the ground again. "Fuck you," he panted. Then he laughed like a maniac, and before I had time to realize what he was going to do I felt the swish of his huge axe through the air. "This ends now mother fucker!" I dodged blow after blow, barely avoiding each one. Finally I had time to get my scythe. With a snap of my fingers it was in my hand and I used it to block his last attack. With all his weight transferred forward, I managed to get behind him, holding my scythe to his neck and pinning him at the same time. "This... this can't happen," he said dumbly. "How? How could you have beaten me?"

"That's not important at all. What is important though, is that I get time out with Kayley tonight. Make that whenever I want, since you pissed me off." I pulled the blade closer to his neck, enjoying the look of growing fear on his face.

"Do it why don't ya? You know I'll just come right back."

"Actually you'll be going to a lower layer of Hell, so I don't have to worry about that, and I don't think you want that at all. So, do I get my get out of Hell free card or not?"

"Fine," he said disheartened.

"Try anything like that again and I'll finish you next time. I'm not gonna tell anyone about this since I'm a nice guy. I'll be back in half an hour. I suggest an attitude change from you." I removed my blade from his throat and knocked him to the ground.

"Hey, my turn to wake you up," I said smiling at Kayley as she rolled over.

"What do you want Mike? I'm really sleepy," she moaned.

"Just follow me." Kayley threw on her cloak and we walked to the gate of Hell.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"Trust me. Oh Kyle," I said in a sing-song voice, "Open up." Slowly the iron gate opened, and Kayley and I stepped out into the warm, humid air of Earth. "Just grab my scythe," I said holding it out to her. She grabbed hold and we landed in the middle of a meadow.

"Is this a joke? How the Hell did you convince Kyle to let you out?"

"I told him I wouldn't tell anyone, but I kicked the snot outta him."

"You beat him up!?"


"Yes! But that still doesn't explain what we're doing here."

"Just wait beautiful. Sit with me." I sat down on the cool earth, and Kayley sat down in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her, and she leaned back into my lap.

"So you gonna tell me what we're here for?"

"That," I said pointing towards a slowly rising sun.

"Wow," Kayley said, "It's gorgeous. I've never seen a sunrise even close to that."

"Thought you might like it."

"Aww Mike, I love you so much." She turned around and kissed me. I felt myself grow hard, but pushed away her hand as she reached for my cock.

"Not yet," I said. I grabbed her though, and rubbed her inner thighs. She moaned, and I slowly slid my hand under her cloak. When I heard no protest, I gently rubbed the outside of her wet mound. She groaned again. I pressed a finger into her, moving it in and out in a rhythmic fashion.

"Oh god," she said between moans. "You're amazing!" I felt her tight sex clamp around my finger and she let out a very loud groan. "Mmmmmmmmm god, I love you." I removed my finger, and she licked her juices off of it.

"I love you too."

"Promise me you'll stay with me forever?"

"Of course." Though in the back of my mind I wondered if that was a promise I could keep.

When I awoke the next morning, I had no idea of the surprises which were in store for me. I rolled out of bed, and noticed Kayley sitting on the edge of the bed looking very distraught. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Well," she started, "I think this might be a little hard for you..."


"Get ready, and follow me." I did as was told, and found myself standing outside a hospital room when all was said and done. "You, might wanna let me go first..."

"Who's in there!?" Without waiting for an answer I pushed through the door, and saw Lily laid up in a bed, an IV drip next to her. "Oh, oh god." A nurse came in and began talking with her.

"How you feeling today Mrs. Smith?" the nurse asked.

"Mrs.?" Kayley pointed to a young wolf morph sitting at the side of the bed, head in hands and sobbing.

"To be honest, not too well," she replied. She smiled and I noticed that her eyes had grown dull.

"Does she have cancer, what's wrong with her!?" I yelled at Kayley.

"Calm down Mike," Kayley said, ears low to her head. She managed to sit me down and she stroked my arm gently. "She has cancer, and she's not going to make it much longer."

"Did you know about this!? Why the fuck didn't you tell me sooner!?" I screamed, my temper rising. I was so mad, I had begun to turn red.

"I didn't want you to worry. There's nothing we could do anyway and-"

"To Hell there's nothing we can do!? We're going to fuckin' do something! You hear me!?"

"Mike you know we can't-"

"Shut the fuck up Kayley. I don't give a rat's ass whether or not you care and want to do something, but I definitely am!"

"What are you going to do then?" Kayley said, beginning to sob.

"I don't know, but something dammit! There's no way I'm ever going to let this just happen! Are you going to help or not!?"

"You... you still love her," she sobbed, and she ran out of the room. This statement hit me full force, and I calmed down.

"Kayley wait I..." But what could I say? She was right, I did still love her. I was confused. What should I do? Should I stay here and help Lily, or go after Kayley. I took one last glance at Lily laid up in the bed, and noticed that the wolf morph had gotten up and was holding her hand. She was smiling, and I realized then that she didn't remember me at all. Our past feelings didn't matter anymore. I ran out of the room, my mind made up, running faster than I had ever run before. "Kayley!" I called out. I rounded a corner in one of the hallways, and noticed her crying her eyes out in one of the waiting room's chairs. "I didn't mean to yell at you like that," I said sitting down in the chair next to her.

"Fuck you," she snarled.

"Kayley please, listen to me okay? I'm sorry. What I did back there was dumb. You're absolutely right, I do still love her. But I realized something, despite the fact that I still love her she has no feelings for me anymore. She moved on and I need to. I love you more than words could ever tell, but I'm always going to care for Lily. I don't know what I would do if you left me..." Kayley stopped crying and looked at me.

"Just, leave me alone. I need some time alone," she said.


"No Mike, enough. Just leave me alone. I'll see you later... maybe." She disappeared and I knew there was no sense in following her. I sighed and walked back towards Lily's room.

Lily still sat in the bed, talking to her husband. "Rich," she said smiling, "Our time together in this life was short. I want you to do whatever will make you happy after I'm gone, don't let me stop you."

"Honey, please don't talk like that... you'll pull through, you can make it. I know you can!"

"Rich please, who do you think you're kidding? I'm not going to be here much longer. My time on this Earth is up, and I accept that fact. Why can't you?"

"Because," he started, voice choked from tears, "What'll I do if you leave me?"

"Believe me, you'll be fine sweetie. Now go home and get a good nights rest."

"No! I am not going to leave your side!"

"Don't be silly! Now go home and get some sleep, you have work tomorrow!"

"I'm not going!"

"Please sweetie," she said batting her eyes at him, "Do it for me. It'll make me happy to know that you're okay." He looked defeated.

"Fine," he almost whispered, "But I'll be back first thing after work. I promise!"

"That's good, I'll see you tomorrow. Now come here and gimme a hug." The wolf leaned over and hugged her tight, gave her a kiss and then tucked her back into the hospital bed. "I love you," she said as he walked out of the door.

"I love you too," he said shutting the door quietly behind him.

"Funny thing about that, I don't think you'll be seeing him tomorrow," I said.

"Mike!?" Lily asked surprised.

"One and only," I smiled stepping forward so she could see me clearly.

"But you're, you're dead! They found you murdered!"

"Long story short, it was basically a divine plot to make me a second Death." She looked me up and down, taking in the ragged old cloak and scythe.

"So you're here for me then?"

"Unfortunately," I sighed.

"What you're doing is a necessary part of life. Besides, I was in a lot of pain, this ended it for me."

"I can't believe you're so okay with this..."

"Well, it's tough, especially for Rich... But I don't wanna suffer for years on end laid up in an uncomfortable bed. To me, that's not living. I'm just hoping that Rich will be alright, he doesn't look like it but he's so helpless, emotionally I mean. It took him almost a week before he even talked to me after we met for the first time. So many of my friends had to tell him I was interested in him, and I was surprised he actually got up the nerves to ask me to marry him." She smiled, obviously enjoying her past memories. "Then I got sick, and now this. I feel awful for him. Heh," she laughed nervously, "I forgot, this must be incredibly awkward for you."

"Sort of, but I realize you needed to move on."

"Mike I've missed you so much," she said giving me a hug.

"I've missed you too..." I knew she meant that in only a friendly way, and it was tough to realize that. "Well come on, we should get you going." I took Lily to the judgement hall, and before I walked off she stopped me.

"Hey chat a minute with me, it's been forever since I've seen you." We talked about everything that had happened in the ten years which we'd been separated, but I wanted to ask her opinion about something important. I explained the entire situation of Kayley to her. "This isn't tough! You have to find her, and tell her she's the only one for you. You know nothing can happen between us, so why even entertain the idea. Don't let that stop you from finding love Mike." She paused and then laughed. "I came across as such a bitch, I hope you didn't take it like that."

"No," I laughed. "You are right though. I need to find her, and quickly. I guess I was hoping that all this time, when you got here, you'd be single and... You can piece together the rest."

She smiled. "I'm sorry Mike. I do love you, and I always will. It's just a shame our relationship was ended so abruptly."

"Right, it's okay. Thank you for your help. Goodbye," I said walking off.

"Am I going to see you again?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Because you're definitely going to end up in Heaven, and I'm stuck in Hell."

"Don't worry," Lily smiled, "I promise I'll see you again, somehow. Goodbye for now."

I decided to start looking for Kayley at the most obvious place I could think of, her home. When I walked in the door I was shocked to see her sitting in the hot tub. "Mike I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" she yelled when she realized I had walked in.

"Is it okay if I join you?" I asked, ignoring her completely.

"No! Get the fuck out! Go find somewhere else to sleep!"

"Kayley... please... I don't wanna lose you." I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and just as Kayley was about to yell again, she stopped herself.

"Alright..." I threw off the cloak and sat down next to her in the warm water.

"I realized something today. I do love her Kayley, but not as much as I love you. I'm always going to care a little bit for her and-"

Kayley cut me off with a kiss. "I can tell you're sorry, and I know that you'll always have some feelings for her. You don't need to tell me anything else. I just got jealous in all honesty..."

"I don't deserve you Kayley, you're to amazing to be real."

"Awww, that's so sweet. But you don't deserve me." I frowned at her. "I'm just kidding you," she said tracing a finger down my chest. I kissed her deeply, and we sat holding each other for a long while. "Come on, I have something to show you," she said stepping out of the hot tub.

"You're not gonna drive a scythe into my back again, are you?"

"No, not now anyway," she winked. I stepped out and dried off. It took a while for Kayley to completely dry her fur, and when she was done she ran over to her bed and flopped down in the middle of it. "Come closer, I don't bite," she said waving her tail seductively in the air. I walked over to her slowly. When I sat down next to her she kissed me, and I played with her tail. "You, you are ready this time?" Kayley asked timidly.

"Yes. Yeah, I think I am ready now." I guessed the reason that I had been so reluctant to before was because the feelings I still had locked up for Lily. But now, now that I had talked to her about it, the reality of it all sank in, and I realized that Kayley was the one I wanted to be with.

Kayley was in no mood to be teased, so we skipped the foreplay. Holding myself poised above her, I placed the tip of my erect cock at the lips of her tight sex. Slowly I slid into her. She groaned as I began to fill her up. "Oh god," she gasped, "It's been so long."

"Me too," I grunted. I was already close to climax, her tight tunnel milked my member as I pushed in and out of her. When I finally lost it I cummed deep inside of her. She squirmed under me in pleasure, I could tell she was close. With the last of my strength, I pounded deep into her, and finally she threw her head back in a loud, sort of howl. Her sex began to tighten around my cock and I felt myself climax again, shooting another load into her. When I was done, I collapsed onto the bed next to her. "How was I?" I winked.

"Too good for words..." She threw her arms around me and held herself to my chest. We didn't speak at all, only enjoyed each other's presence. Finally, we both fell asleep, still holding onto one another.

I felt a heavy shove knock me out of bed. "Ow, what the fuck?" I asked angrily.

"Up now!" came Kyle's loud booming voice.

"Kyle? What are you doing in Kayley's place?"

"Will you listen to me, get up! This is an emergency, no time to fuck around."

"Uh god," I sat up. I was still naked, and put my cloak back on awkwardly in front of the huge wolf. "Where's Kayley?"

"She's helping already, hurry up! Follow me, and take your scythe." Kyle bounded out of the door and I sprinted as fast as I could after him. "Kayley needs your help, badly. I can't help her... It's to powerful for me... But you... well you know..."

"What's too powerful?" Kyle didn't need to answer, because as soon we rounded a street corner I saw what he was talking about. It was a huge demon, standing at least eight feet tall and looked like a large T-Rex skeleton. "What the fuck is that thing?"

"It broke out of one the lower layers, now go help Kayley!" I saw Kayley struggling against it, blocking one of it's bony arms as it swung down with its terrible claws at her.

"Hold on!" I called out. I charged forward and knocked its arm away.

"Thanks," Kayley panted. We didn't have time to chat however, and soon after the demon threw itself at us again. We jumped out of the way of its blow, and it let out a terrible laugh.

"Foolish, why even try to stop me!" it laughed. I ran to meet up with Kayley again.

"How do we stop it?"

"I'm not sure." Too much time, it hit me hard and I felt my chest tear open. I hit the ground hard. Kayley stood wide eyed over my body.

"No! No this can't happen!" she cried out, tears in her eyes, her voice choked with sobs. "You!" she said in a terrible voice to the laughing demon. I watched as her eyes changed into a deep crimson, and her cloak billowed out from around her. I never even saw her as she slammed her fist into its face. The demon fell to the ground, taken aback by this incredible change in power. It stood up again though, and laughed.

"You think you can stop me? I must admit I'm impressed that while killing your boyfriend or whatever there, has caused quite a tremendous increase in your strength, it's still no where near enough."

"You fucker!" Kayley growled. Before the thing even had time to react, Kayley had tackled it to the ground, and with one clean swipe from her scythe, had taken off its head. Her eyes, slowly returned to normal, and filled up with tears another time. "Oh god Mike no," she cried. She collapsed next to me and cried into my chest. Kyle came over, and watched the scene, keeping other curious people away. With the last of my strength I sat up and grabbed Kayley, holding her tight against me.

"It's okay, I'll just be in a lower level... I'll be okay," I lied. The first layer of Hell, which is where we were, was sort of like the worst day you've ever had over and over again, only with Kayley, it seemed fine. Any layer lower, and without Kayley, would be much worse.

"No. no it's not right!" she sobbed. "They can't take you away from me... I'll have nothing to keep me going anymore... Why'd it have to be this way, you gave yourself to save me! It's all my fault!"

"Shhh," I said, feeling the world around me grow dark. "No it's not. I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," she cried. I couldn't say anything else, the air had left my body. My vision was fading, but I could still feel the tears from Kayley and myself falling onto me.

"Hey, wake up cutie." I opened my eyes, the last thing I remembered was holding onto Kayley and then I must have...

"Uhhh where am I?"

"Well come on, get up and you'll see."

"Liz, is that you?"

"Yep," she responded in her bubbly voice.

"But what are you doing in Hell?"

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're not in Hell anymore?"

"You mean, I'm in Heaven!?"

"You bet ya," she smiled.

"But... but where's Kayley? I don't wanna leave her..."

"Enough talking for now," she pretended to ignore me. "Come on, up and attem!" I got up and looked down at my chest, completely healed, not even a scratch. I followed her out of the room and saw a gorgeous meadow, a small brook running through it, and in the middle of it all a large tree. As we walked closer I managed to see that there were other people beneath it.

"Mike!" said a girl running towards me.


"I can't believe you remember after all these years, and everyone says I've grown up so much!"

"Heh, you were the first one I escorted, of course I remember you! And yes you have grown up quite a bit haven't you?" Someone else walked towards us and I recognized Lily.

"Nice to see you again Mike," she said giving me a tight hug.

"Did you arrange this?"

"Sort of," she answered.

"Well then who did?" She didn't give me an answer, and slowly walked away behind a growing crowd.

"Mike do you remember me?" "How about me?" "Me?" Shouts similar to these rang up all over the place. I smiled at the people whom I brought to this place. The truth was I didn't remember most of them, but it was nice to see I had helped so many, and that they were all so grateful for it. But there was still the most important person missing from this place.

"See how many people you've touched? And it's not just them, but me as well.

" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around and was shocked to see Kayley.

"Kayley!" I said wrapping my arms tightly around her. "I was scared I was never going to see you again!"

The crowd let out a cheer and began to chant, "Kiss her! Kiss her!" over and over again. I laughed, and not being one to disappoint admiring fans, pulled her into a deep kiss. The crowd let out an even louder cheer, and I heard many cat calls. When we broke it, we both laughed. I grabbed her hand tightly in mine.

"Thank you all," I addressed the crowd. "It means a lot for you to all be here for me. But right now I need a few minutes alone." The crowd dispersed and the people began to talk amongst themselves. I grabbed Kayley into another hug. "How?" I asked.

"Well, that's easy. You filled your purpose as Death, and since you lived a good life it was decided that you'd come here."

"But how about you?"

"Well, you have her to thank for that," she pointed at Liz.

"You're joking right?"

"Not in the least." Liz smiled and walked over.

"Overheard what you were saying," she admitted. "I thought a lot about what you said Mike, about Kayley being a changed person and all. It took me a while to admit it, but I realized it was true. So when you were brought up here, I requested Kayley be brought up as well. It was found she had served enough punishment."

"Liz, to be honest, I'm not quite sure what to say."

"Hey, that's alright. I know you'll love this place." And she too, walked off into the crowd again. I smiled at Kayley.

"So out of curiosity, who's Death now?"

"Kyle," she giggled. I laughed and we walked hand and hand over to be with the others.