Brotherly Love - The Last Dancer - Chapter Five

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Brotherly Love

Chapter Five ~ The Last Dancer ~

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr

6th October, 2009

All Rights Reserved.

Life in the house had become unbearable, since the incestrial relationship between Kelsie and Kes had been discovered. Cassandra sided with her daughter, Kelsie, protecting her as best she could, from the increasingly irrational and abusive Pelnak - who had taken up drinking in a big, big way. Finally, six months after Kes had left the house - and Kelsie pined every day for her beloved lover and brother - but nothing was heard from Kes - Kelsie reached breaking point, when Pelnak come to her late one night, whilst Cassandra was away, and Kelsie lay sleeping. Pelnak, drunk (which had become a very regular occurance of late), staggered into Kelsie's room, and he had laid himself down on her - and tried to rape her.

Kelsie had woken, then even before her mind realised what was happening, she felt strong paws grip her throat and squeeze. Kelsie tried to scream, but her throat was squeezed shut and she began choking, as Pelnak grunted and tried to force apart Kelsie's thighs. With a fear born of terror, disbelief and shame - Kelsie had somehow managed to find reserves within her - and with a desperate struggle, she broke Pelnaks' choking grasp - then Kelsie took to him like a wild-cat. She kicked, bit, and scratched with her claws - then savagely drove her knee into her fathers testicles. Instantly, the fight was driven from Pelnak, who squealed breathlessly and collapsed to the floor, where he lay curled up - his paws grasping his aching groin and he writhed in agony. At that moment - Kelsie knew, her months of suffering and anquish were over - she had tried, oh, how she had tried - to find a way to forgive her father...but now - no, some things were unforgivable.

With a snarl of almost animal-like rage, Kelsie slapped her foot into her fathers head, snapping his head back and driving him unconscious. Kelsie burst into tears, feeling sick to her stomach with the thought - of what could well have just happened to her. Her own was unimaginable, but Kelsie knew - next time, she may not be so lucky.

"Don't you," Kelsie screamed, as she kicked her unconscious father again and again. "EVER touch me - you're not even my father - do you hear me you bastard! I disown you - you took from me my one true love, and now - you'd take away that one thing I thought I still had for love for you. No, I renounce more, will you have a daughter - not now - and not ever!"

Kelsie stuffed some personal items into a backpack, then fled the house, seeking solace at a

school-friends home. Crying hysterically and banging on the door, it was opened and a startled elderly gazelle female looked down at the irrational and almost psychotic young kangaroo Doe, who grabbed the Gazelle Doe in a crushing embrace, then Kelsie buried her muzzle against the Gazelle's belly and wept unashamedly.

"Kelsie...what - who..." Seline asked, as her eyes narrowed, and she glanced over the crying Doe's

head, to see if anyone was chasing this terrified Doe.

"Please Mrs Gefferson, can I please stay here - at least - for a while - I...I can't go home, not now - not...not ever."

Carefully disengaging the sobbing Kangaroo, the gazelle female placed a comforting arm around Kelsie, then led her inside and closed the door behind them...


Less than six weeks later, Kelsie heard from her mother, that she and her father had filed for divorce - the crunch had come - Cassandra had wept down the phone line to her equally crying daughter - that Pelnak had come home drunk one night - beaten Cassandra terribly, and had raped her multiple times. Kelsie had cried for hours after this terrible news - and had begged her mother to move interstate, to go live with her parents - and to call the Police. Cassandra agreed to Kelsie's request to move away - but she refused to call the Police and have her husband charged. Kelsie felt new hate for her father fill her heart, but Cassandra made Kelsie promise she would never speak of it. Kelsie promised, and it remained a dark, bitter secret, between the two of them until the day Cassandra died.


Six months after Kes had left, he suddenly turned up out of nowhere, and re-established contact with his adopted mother, who in turn, agreed to meet him. It was an extremely traumatising meeting for both Buck and Doe, but at the end, they both embraced and cried helplessly, Cassandra telling Kes she long ago forgave him - and she asked, if he loved Kelsie. Through his tears and sobbing, Kes confided in Cassandra, that he'd give anything to be given a second chance with her - anything at all - and despite Cassandra's misgivings, she told Kes he had her concent - if Kelsie would take him back, but she made him promise three things. Kes would change his surname, to which he readily agreed, they would never speak of what Kes and Kelsie had done, and that Kes would make a promise - if Kelsie did take him back, that he would marry her. Kes promised, and a month after another tearful reunion - with Kelsie and Cassandra, Kelsie had recieved her mothers blessing for them to become married - and no mention of their father was ever made. As far as the three kangaroo's were concerned - as they stood paw in paw under the great oak in the park - the three of them viewed Pelnak as no longer part of their inner circle.


Two years after that meeting in the park, with Cassandra's life-savings, Kelsie and Kes bought a

small, tidy cottage to live in, and Cassandra moved back interstate, to live with her parents - who had grown old and frail. Cassandra loved both her offspring - even though Kes was not her biological son - and she came to view Kelsie, not as a daughter - but as a sister, which made the grief of these two young kangaroo's and their dark secret - a little easier to bear.


Kelsie and Kes at first, were afraid of their feelings for each other - but over the weeks and months, they slowly built-up the love, trust and faith they shared, and late one winters eve, as they lay naked as the day they had been born, the musky scent of their gentle, passionate lovemaking filling the small bedroom - Kes had stroked his claws over the scars on Kelsie's muzzle, then looked into her soulful, dark eyes.

"Kelsie, my love - " Kes whispered, as he shuddered and felt warm tears pricking the edges of his eyes. "Would you, my sweet, gentle Doe - do me, the honor, of becoming my wife?

Kelsie had blinked, then smiled shyly and kissed Kes' on the cheek, then snuggled in close and nodded an affirmation.

His heart filled with love, for the first time in many a cold winters night - Kes pulled Kelsie close

and he nuzzled into the hollow of her throat, feeling Kelsie's eager body responding to his.


At their wedding, kes stood nervously beside his best man - a young golden-furred palmino stallion anthromorph, who gave his friend a quick, gentle hug. Kes figited and clawed at the black bow tie which he grumbled under his breath, making the stallion snicker, was choking him. As the wedding refrain started, they all turned to watch as Kelsie strode into view, wearing a beautiful antique bridal gown with long, flowing train behind it. Kes' eyes widened, as he started at her, and from behind the veil, Kelsie bowed her head in embarassment, feeling ashamed at being given such a beautiful gown by her maternal grandmother - who had worn it when she was married, over seventy years ago.

"Woah - " Gasped the stallion, as he nudged Kes. "She looks beautiful - hell, I might marry her!"

Kes flicked his glance sideways, then smiled shyly as the stallion winked and Kes knew he was only playfully teasing. As Kelsie come to a stop beside Kes, he gazed into her eyes and felt his heart melt - so beautiful did Kelsie look, in that antique bridal gown - her eyes sparkling behind the fine, gossamer like veil - and her paws and forearms encased in white silk gloves.

Their wedding was a simple affair, conducted under the great oak in the park, where the two Kangaroo's loved with equality. They were married in a short, lovely service, which was done by a marriage-celebrant, their friends attended the beautiful, emotion-charged wedding, and Cassandra sat nearby, as the proud mother of the bride...

After the wedding, the two newly married Kangaroo's embraced and Kes passionately kissed Kelsie, much to her delight - and judging from the whistles and joyous cries from their friends - they were all surprised to see Cassandra cheering and clapping, loudest of all....


They led the bridal procession to a large marquee in the park, where Kes and Kelsie sat at the bridal table, and the guests soon found their own seats. Kes reached over and squeesed Kelsie's shivering paw with his own, and as she turned to look at him, he smiled, then caressed her cheek adoringly - and then pressed his lips to hers. When they finally broke apart, both giggled like a pair of Joey's caught at some mischevious fun, and the crowd cheered and beat their hands and paws against the table, roaring with laughter. They sat, both blushing red, as others of the bridal party rose and spoke of many things; the Buck's shyness, and how he had won the heart of this shy, elusive Doe â€" and how he had, more than once, been brought back in to line for his attempted straying. Indeed, this only served to embarrass the poor Kes, who coughed and goodnaturedly denied everything wrong, his beloved Kelsies' soft giggles of laughter showing how she felt about it. Many people spoke, of many things, both good, and embarrassing, and by the end of the speeches, both Buck and Doe were in fits of hysterical laughter.

At last, the speeches were over, and their meals were served â€" then Kes, on his very best behaviour, with Kelsie flicking shy glances at him, making his ears slick back, and a mock-pain expression cross his muzzle, which made the crowd roar with laughter all over again. They ate their meals, and drank sparringly of the strong champaign, both already being giddy at the days events. Their meals were impeccable, and with the company that they shared â€" they were truly overcome. At last, more meals were brought out to them, and the buck groaned with good humour, claiming he'd need a bulldozer to carry the lovely Doe over the threshold later that night. This earned him a well deserved cuffing across the ears.


He stood alone, wearing a tightly fitting black suit, gazing lovingly in to the sparkling eyes of the

white silk clad Doe he held so gently â€" his shaking paws holding hers gently, as he pulled her close, their shoes clicking softly against the wooden floor, as the gentle strains of their wedding waltz played quietly over the darkened room â€" the only light â€" a soft, gentle light that bathed them in its soft caress. They danced so gracefully, cheek to cheek, her tears trickling down her muzzle and lying glimmering on his shoulder, sparkling like fine diamonds. He too wept, he was unashamed to do such â€" so much did he love this most beautiful of creatures. Only the strains of the sweet, gentle music could be heard, and truly â€" they danced as if they were the only creatures on the face of the earth â€" their hearts, spirits and bodies united in one.


Six years later...


Kelsie slowly walked up the cold, antiseptic smelling hospital hallway, gently cradling her swollen belly. She wore a thick, heavy coat over herself, partially to hide her swelling baby-bump - and partially, to ward off the chilling cold from outside. Fear flooded Kelsie's mind, as she glanced nervously at the signs indicating the various ward rooms, until she found the one she wanted - 14 F. Pausing outside the door, Kelsie bit her lower lip, having heard from her mother, what to expect - but as Kelsie cracked open the door and entered, her eyes widened and she began to cry piteously.

Lying in a bed, surrounded by tubes, wires and beeping machines, Pelnak - her father - lay on the bed, his once beautiful, glossy fur now try and sickly, his body wasted away from the terrible cancer which had ravaged his once strong, powerful body. He rolled his eyes to the side, then saw Kelsie standing at the doorway, and with a supreme effort, he reached up and pulled the oxygen mask off his muzzle - letting his hand collapse weakly back onto the bed.

"Kelsie - " He rasped, his voice a terrible, croaky cough.

Kelsie stood rooted to the spot - her emotions overflowing, as she stared at this...this thing...lying on the white sheeted hospital bed - this shell of a Buck, who once, so long ago, she had loved with all her heart. Yet other emotions also surfaced - of what he had done to Kes - and how he had tried to rape her...all those years ago. As tears filled her eyes, Pelnak coughed and Kelsie heard the rattling in his lungs, before he gasped and pressed the mask back to his muzzle and drew a short, choking breath, before lowering it again.

"I..." Kelsie whispered, trying to be brave, but feeling her resolve shattering like glass.

Pelnak closed his eyes, then coughed again and he shuddered - slowly opening his eyes again and giving Kelsie a look of pitiful pleading. Her resolve broken, Kelsie ran to her fathers side, then buried her muzzle against his chest and began to cry hysterically. Pelnak weakly lifted a paw and lightly caressed Kelsie's neck, feeling his own tears trickling down towards his backswept ears.

"Dad..." Kelsie sobbed helplessly. "Why...why didn't you - "

"Tell you?" Pelnak rasped, then uttered a series of harsh, barking coughs. "Tell you what? That I was a bastard...a drunk, violent, abusive prick of a father - not fit to have had a beautiful daughter - a loving wife...and...a son."

"Dad, please..." Kelsie begged, sobbing harder. "Please don't..."

"Its...the love - I...I don't know - if you will ever forgive me...and I know - I do not

deserve - your forgiveness. I...what I done - "

Kelsie wept without shame, hugging the frail, dying buck to her body as best she could, as her tears coursed down her muzzle and dripped onto her fathers shoulder.

"I see - " Pelnak gurgled, then began a long, drawn out choking cough. "You're with child - "

Kelsie's eyes widened, and she instinctively clutched her belly.

"It...allow an old...dying last...request â€" please. I...the child - " Pelnak gurgled, then began coughing again.

"It...the Joey is Kes' child...and mine â€" father." Kelsie wept, hanging her head in shame.

To Kelsie's surprise, Pelnak merely squeezed her paw gently, and as she lifted her tear-filled eyes, he gazed at her with a moment of pure, sparkling clarity.

"I...I was wrong â€" in judging you both â€" and what...what I done â€" both to him â€" and to you. Can â€" can you find your heart - "

"I...forgive you father..." Kelsie wept, then looked into his eyes.

Pelnak closed his eyes slowly, smiled weakly at her, gently reached up to caress her scarred cheeks - and as Kelsie clasped his paw in her own, then held it to her chest, she felt him breathe in once more...and his last, rattling exhalation. Beside her, a machine began to wail stridently, as the line on it dropped to a flat line - Pelnak died, his grieving daughter clutching his paw with her own, as the tears flowed down her cheeks...


Epilogue: Kelsie went to her fathers funeral, and two months later, gave birth to a beautiful, healthy, baby daughter, they called Eloise. Kes stayed loyal to his sister, until they both died peacefully in their sleep, from natural causes, at the age of eighty-four and eighty-three and a half.