A Beautiful Honeymoon

Story by Kerilus on SoFurry

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This story is an Anthro version of my two wolves. I do own these characters and story. If you are not 18+ PLEASE DO NOT KEEP GOING. For the poeple who clicked this for bondage, It only has that tag because of the Whipped Cream. Please don't be afraid to comment and rate!

A Beautiful Honeymoon

He smiled to his beautiful wife, who hung her arms around his neck. They danced slowly to the music, embracing eachother tightly. It was as if it were only them on the dance floor right then. The music enveloped the two Anthro wolves into a trance. As the music died down, claps and cheers began to take the place of the music and filled the ballroom. The dimly lit room graduately began to brighten until the lights were fully lit.

The animal in charge of the music had been there almost the entire party, and was quite tired. He bowed to everyone, wished them a good night, and left the room and everyone in it. Slowly the ballroom emptied out into the halls where everyone stood around conversing to one another. Guests and friends paid their respects and congradulated the new couple before they headed out into the night. Time seemed to pass ever so slowly as Kerilus and Tsenturi waited for the party to die down.

"What a wonderful couple you two make!" Kerilus' mother said as she let out joyful tears.

"Thank you mother." Kerilus replied.

"Tsenturi, make my son the best wolf he can be!" she said.

"I promise I will..." Tsenturi replied almost grinning.

Kerilus knew what she meant... and he had been waiting all day for her. He

grabbed a wine glass off of a passing waiter's tray and took a sip. He used his wedding

ring to permit the sound of calling a toast. As the few people who were left stopped

talking, he began;

"I would like to say thank you all for coming to our wedding, but we must retire for the


Some animals awwed, others giggled. Kerilus' mother smiled to him and backed up disappearing into the crowd.

"It was wonderful seeing and meeting all of you! Tsenturi called out.

A couple more cheers rang out.

"Show her a good time tonight!" someone yelled from the crowd.

Laughter broke out as Tsenturi looked at Kerilus with lustful eyes.

"I think I'll be the one showing him the good time!" She replied giggling.

More cheers and laughter. Without warning, Kerilus dropped the glass of wine and swooped up Tsenturi and her beautiful wedding dress. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing his cheek. A waiter opened the door for them, and the remaining crowd cheered to them until they were out of sight. Kerilus' tail wagged as they grew closer to the elevator doors. The room suite they had rented was only a couple floors up, and right in front of the elevator doors.

"Have you given any thoughts for tonight?" Kerilus asked as he pressed the buttons for the elevator doors.

"Ever since I woke up this morning with you..." Tsenturi replied.

The soft ding was like music to them. He set her down in the elevator and looked at the panel. He decided to play a little game with her for fun...

"What floor were we on hun?" Kerilus asked jokingly.

"Don't make me wait!" Tsenturi said giggling.

She pressed the button for floor 7, and turned around quickly. She pressed herself against Kerilus, pinning him to the wall. Her elegant white dress took up most of the elevator. Tsenturi laid a paw over his heart and leaned in for a kiss. Her eyes closed as the kiss became more intimate. As she tried to break, Kerilus held her in place and forced his tongue into her mouth. Suprised, she blinked for a second and returned the favor.

The bell sounded and the door opened slowly. An old couple stood silently in the doorway, watching the two young wolves make out. Kerilus started to push her out of the elevator before he realized that the old couple was waiting for them patiently. They broke the kiss and laughed in embarrassment as they passed them.

"Carry me in your arms." She said softly.

Kerilus picked her up and let her listen to his heart beat. He pinned her to the wall and balanced on one leg as he pulled out the key from his pocket. She looked into his golden yellow eyes, focused on him and waiting for the door to open. Once the key had turned, the door flung open, revealing a beautiful room with a wonderful atmosphere that could make anyone cry from pure beauty.

The air smelled of freshly cut Lilacs, and rose petals littered the carpet floor. A few lights were dimly lit, and soft music could be heard in the background. A bottle of wine sat in a black bucket next to the bed, filled to the brim with ice. Next to the bucket were two wine glasses and a small bowl of fresh strawberrys.

"Oh Kerilus this is wonderful!" she said in amazement.

"I'm glad you like it... Shall we start with the wine?" Kerilus asked as he set her down on the ground.

"Don't forget about those strawberries too..." She said winking.

He grabbed her paw in his and led her to the side of the bed. She lifted her long dress and sat down while Kerilus opened the bottle of wine. She leaned back and held herself up with both arms, biting her lip as she watched his tail wag to and fro. He turned around with a big grin on his face, as if he was planning something all along...

"I don't think I like that smile... What did you do to my drink?" She asked as Kerilus handed her a glass.

"I was just thinking about the cherries... I mean strawberries!" He said laughing.

"Are you sure you didn't drug this? You'll have your way with me anyway..." she said hintingly.

He smiled and looked into her soft purple eyes glistening in the dim lights.

"To a brand new beginning..." He said.

"And one that will never end..." She replied.

They clanked their glasses and sipped lightly. He reached into the dish and popped a strawberry into his mouth and looked over to Tsenturi. She leaned in close and smiled, holding the glass in one paw and playing with his tie in the other.

"No strawberries for you?" He asked as he finished swallowing.

"Only a cherry..." She replied softly.

She slammed her drink, tossed the glass to the floor, and crawled into his lap. She placed her paws on his shoulders and waited for him to finish his wine. As soon as he took his last sip, she took the glass from him and threw it at the wall across the room, sending sparkles of glass onto the floor. She giggled lightly and focused on him again. She shoved him to his back and leaned in, placing her muzzle just above his. She reached for his tie and started to undo it slowly. Just then she had an idea pop into her head.

"I need you to undress me... I can't do it alone..." Tsenturi said playfully.

She rolled off of him and stood close to the bed. Kerilus pulled himself to his feet and wrapped his arms around her waist. Gently kissing the right side of her neck, he started to undo the sash around her waist. She placed a paw upon his cheek, breathing softly with her eyes closed. He got to the back of her dress, slowly unlacing the back. His soft gentle kisses were beginning to extract moans from Tsenturi. The laces hung from her shoulder as he pulled the back zipper down. Before he could fully remove the top, she spun around and hugged him passionately.

"I can do the rest... you just get ready for when I come out." She whispered in his ear.

Before he could even reply, she almost tip-toed across the room to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. He looked down and saw that he had been extremely hard the whole time. He quickly started to undress his tuxedo as if it were a race. He threw his jacket to the floor, unbuttoned his shirt, and unzipped his pants. Running to the window, he looked out and gazed at the stars in the sky. This was going to be a beautiful night... He quickly closed the blinds and walked back to the bed, entering from the side with only his boxers on.

"I'm ready for you Tsen..." He called out.

She opened the bathroom door slightly and peeked out. There he laid in the bed smiling at her, with a giant bulge under the bed sheets. She flung open the door and leaned against the frame in a very sexy position...completely naked. Her flawless curves and multi-colored fur was covered in shadows and fluffy whipped cream.

"I stole a can from the kitchen... I hope you're hungry!" She said smiling.

Kerilus laughed as she did a little jig to the music, inching her way towards the bed. They had watched many porn videos together, but never had they had full out sex. Tonight that was all going to change. She started to crawl onto the bed, laying on her side next to him. He stepped out of the bed and removed his boxers, letting his already hard member get eye-raped by Tsenturi.

She laid on her back as he climbed over her staring straight into her eyes. He leaned in for a kiss and felt her paws reach up his sides. She moved her arms behind her head as Kerilus worked his way down her body.He licked her neck and slowly moved down to the front of her chest. He pressed her ample bust together and lapped at the fur in between. She tilted her head back as his gentle tongue worked its magic across her tender nipples.

Kerilus preferred chocolate, but whipped cream was just as good. He went in clockwise circles around her nipples and made sure her fur was clean before moving to the next. Instead of moaning, Tsenturi bucked her hips, almost touching her creamed folds to his member. Once Kerilus had finished both breasts, be began kissing lower to her belly button. She played with her cleaned breasts as he went lower and lower... Before he could go all the way down to her sex, she reached for his arms and rolled him over. Now on top of him, she swung her body around and placed her whipped creamed sex over his muzzle in a 69 position.

"You're going to have to use that tongue to reach!" Tsenturi said almost laughing.

Without warning she put almost all of his entire length into her mouth, rolling her tongue around the tip and bobbing up and down. He moaned in delight, but giggled at the feeling just above his head.

"Tsen stop wagging your tail in my ears, it tickles!" He said

"Shut up and eat me!" She replied quickly, then going back to work.

Kerilus licked around her folds first, getting most of the whipped cream along with her sweet juices. He started at the base and and licked his way to the tip of her sex, trying not to moan. She was still moaning with a mouthfull as he plunged his tongue into her sex, darting in and out quickly.

"Tsen you're absolutely amazing... I think we've been doing this too long!" Kerilus said trying not to cum in her mouth.

She stopped sucking him and rolled on to her back. He crawled over her as he waited for her to adjust. She moved her tail to the side and put her paws around her thighs, lifting up her legs in a V position. She then looked at Kerilus as she presented her dripping sex to her lover.

"Do it baby..." She said urging him on.

He positioned his length to the front of her love tunnel, and slowly pressed down on his cock, letting it slide into her tight, virgin walls. His tip was at her hymen, and with one fast thrust he tore right through it. She whimpered at first, with Kerilus on his knees waiting for her to recooperate. Soon the pain had passed and he began to thrust. They moaned together as he rammed his hips into hers. She held firmly onto her thighs as he placed his hand on her stomach,and the other feeling her breasts.He could already feel his urge coming closer every time she tensed her walls.

"Tell me when you're going to cum!" She said in between gasps for air.

"I think you'll know!" He panted back.

The pressure in his balls grew to the point where he couldn't hold it any longer. As his grunting began to pick up, he moved both of his hands and held her hips as he shot load after load of cum into her wanting womb. She screamed as her orgasm made her body quiver in pleasure. She arched her back and released her legs, feeling this new warmth explore her inner self. He was still on his knees, with his cock pulsing in Tsenturi's tight walls.

Still connected, he leaned down and kissed her neck as she panted. He pulled out of her, releasing the blood of her first time, along with all of their juices onto the bed.He fell straight back and laid on his pillow panting hard.

"That...was...wonderful..." Kerilus said still panting.

"Don't think for a second that I'm done with you..." She said as she crawled out from under him and onto her knees.

Still lively with energy, she licked his member clean. He moaned loudly, already feeling his member become stiff once again. Once it was to full length, she moved to his left, and swung her body over him. Still on her knees, she grabbed his shaft and held it in place as she held her lips open and lowered herself onto it. He looked at her rounded ass with her beautiful tail brushing against the fur on his chest.

It was his time to take a break and let her do the work! He grunted as his cock felt the warmth of her tunnel once again. She leaned over and placed both paws on the bed as she began to bounce up and down on his erection. Soft moans escaped from both of them as she continued her motions. As she picked up the pace, Kerilus was sent into another orgasm. He gave her a slap to her ass, feeling so alive all of a sudden.

"OH GOD YES!" She screamed in pleasure.

Without warning, she pulled off from him and began to squirt her juices all over him and the bed. She was panting hard now, feeling her body filled with extacy of this wonderful sexual experience.

"I...Can't take much more..." She panted.

"One more round hun, that's all I ask!" He said as he crawled out from under her.

Still on all fours, she panted hard as Kerilus placed himself behind her. He lifted her tail and rubbed his wet cock along her folds until it slipped in. Now doing it doggy-style, he began pumping again. His cock was beginning to become sore, but it beckoned for release. His hips started slamming into hers, both of them on the verge of passing out. They moaned together as she pulled away and him pulling out so that only his tip remained in her.

Every time they would force together, it sent jolts of pleasure surging through their bodies. He felt the pressure build up again, and with one last thrust, they climaxed and orgasmed at the same time. Her walls closed around his cock as he released every seed he had left in his body. With Tsenturi almost ready to collapse, he locked his paws around her stomach and fell backwards, bringing both of them backwards onto the pillows.

"I ...Love you...so much." Kerilus panted into her ear.

"I love... you too... and I always will..." She replied panting just before she passed out.

His member slowly became limp as they both relaxed. Kerilus cuddled in close to Tsenturi, feeling both of their hearts beat. Kerilus put a paw on her stomach, and one under the pillow. Slowly he kissed her cheek and drifted off to sleep.