In My Masters House - Chapter Four - The Ties That Bind

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of In My Masters House

In My Masters House

Chapter Four - The Ties That Bind

(c) Cederwyn White...

In My Masters House

Chapter Four - The Ties That Bind

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr

10th October, 2009

All Rights Reserved

Kelsie moaned and whined, being dragged from her sleep by an annoying chirping sound coming from somewhere in the room. Exhausted from her lovemaking with her Master last night, Kelsie wanted nothing more than to lay in his arms, inhale his scent and just drift back to sleep. Again and again, the annoying chirping pierced the thin veil of the Huskies sleep, and she whined piteously, before nudging her master and grasping the pillow between her paws and pulling it over her head.

"Oh...gods - " He grunted, as he felt himself likewise dragged from the dark, sweet embrace of sleep.

With a weak hand, he reached over Kelsie who squirmed against him and growled quietly from beneath her pillow, then slapped at the arm clock, his fumbling hands knocking it to the ground, where it uttered what seemed to be an outraged DING...and finally fell silent. He pulled Kelsie tightly against him, feeling rubbing his fingers along her belly and sighing softly. Kelsie squirmed and moaned, before her tail began wagging between her masters thighs - brushing his limp penis.

"Good...morning Kelsie," He gurgled, and yawned, before rubbing his eyes with his hands.

Kelsie fidgeted and kept the pillow pulled over her head, whining softly and wanting desperately to go back to sleep - but the rapidly firming object that began pressing against her tail, made her change her plans.

"How..about it?" Her master gurgled, as he caressed one of Kelsie's breasts with a quivering hand, feeling his arousal rapidly rising. "You and me - right here, on my bed..."

Kelsie felt conflicting emotions - still quite sore and exhausted from last night, but she also felt her wn desire to make love to her master. With a muffled yawn, Kelsie shivered and wriggled herself closer, then clasped her masters hand with her left paw, and pushed her hips back against his firm length. With difficulty, he took himself in hand, and guided his penis against Kelsie's warm folds. As he gasped and slid himself into her, Kelsie yelped involuntarily, then he froze and cuddled her.

"I...sorry Master," Kelsie sniffled from beneath the pillow. "I'm still...a little...unsettled."

He nodded and caressed Kelsie's stomach with his fingers, soothing the young Husky, as he carefully pushed her hips back against his groin, and slid himself completely into her. Kelsie twitched and moaned, her body insinctively squeesing down on her master, as he cuddled her and began a slow, sensual thrusting against her rump. Pleasure replaced pain, and Kelsie groaned and squirmed against him, her paws trembling on his hands as he clasped her flanks with his forearms, his fingers rubbing, caressing and stroking her tender stomach. As Kelsie settled, he carefully increased his gentle lovemaking - sliding his hips back and forth on the sweaty bedsheets - feeling the indescribable pleasure of Kelsie's tight, wet vagina clasping hungrily at him as he slipped back into her body.

For twenty minutes, he lovingly made love to the eager husky, then with a sharp, gutteral groan, he suddenly pulled her painfully tight and kelsie yelped - as he ejaculated deep inside her and sank his fingers into her stomach.

"Master!" Kelsie wailed, tears springing from her eyes.

"Oh...God...Kelsie - " He rasped against her pillow-covered head.

Kelsie wept quietly, not understandig why her master had hurt her, but as she felt the warmth of his semen filling her cervix, she swallowed and shivered in his tight grasp, willing to forgive him, for his momentarily lapse in his usually good self-control. After he had ejaculated inside her, Kelsie squeesed down with painful vaginal muscles, holding him within her and he groaned, then pulled away the pillow from Kelsie's head.

"Kelsie - god, I'm sorry my love - I didn't mean - " He stammered, and kissed her between the ears.

Kelsie lay quietly in his grasp, her eyes squeesed closed as salty tears slid down her cheeks. She adored her master - was willing to do anything to him, but some times - he scared her, yet she would not dare to tell him so, prefering to just forgive him and hope he wouldn't be so forceful in future.


Two hours later, he sat at the computer keyboard, naked as the day he'd been born, and Kelsie crept closer, padding over to him on her soft footpaws. She stood beind him, watching as strange words and numerals scrolled down hte screen, as he typed furiously. kelsie knew better than to interrupt him when he was working, so she merely lay down and watched him, her eyes shining with love for her human master. When the phone rang, she ignored it, as she had been taught, and watcehd as he reacehd out and snagged the reciever from its cradle, then placed it to his ear.

"Mike here, speak!" He snapped brusquely into the phone.

Kelsie rose from her laying position, then crept nervously closer to her master - before he seemed to sense her presence, and spun his chair about to look at her. Kelsie favoured him with her sweetest, most innocent look, her tongue lolling from the corner of her muzzle, before she knelt and placed her paws on his thighs - and glanced up into his eyes.

"Mike? Its Bill - " Come the muffled voice from the other end of the reciever. "I...I know, you've been working so hard lately, on the new T.I.E - "

Kelsie smiled, then took her masters limp penis in one paw, then with a playful wink, she dropped her head and took it into her muzzle and began suckling. Her master nearly dropped the phone, as he bucked involuntarily against Kelsie's muzzle, feeling his errection almost instantly come to life under the strong, willing slurps from the husky between his legs.

"T.I.E..." Mike gurgled.

His body shaking, as Kelsie began suckling more and more eagerly, her tongue sliding over and around his member, as she wagged her tail happily and cupped his scrotum in her left paw, lovingly rubbing his aching testicles in her paw as she suckled him.

"Yes," Come the exasperated voice up the line. "Your baby - your project...the thing you've spent the last five years obsessing over - the Total Immersion Experience..."

kelsie ignored her master's gentle tap to her head, as she closed her eyes and began licking, slurping and sliding her muzzle down his length, until her cold, wet nose pressed into his pubic hair and her incredibly talented throat muscles began to work the head of his penis.

"Oh...god..." Mike rasped, then felt Kelsie give him a gentle nip, as she rolled her eyes up and smiled, her lips never once breaking contact with her masters penis.

"Yes...that. WHats gotten into you lately Mike? You seem - so distracted and distant. You hardly come to work anymore - but hey, thats not my concern, this is your baby.... Still, the powers that be have been riding me like a dog...and - " Bill sighed up the line.

Mike moaned and held the phone away from his head, then covered the reciever with one hand, as he looked down at the bobbing head of Kelsie.

"You're...a bad know that?"

He groaned and trembled, then gasped as Kelsie gave a long, sensuous slurp, her furred cheeks hollowing out as she lifted her head, then pressed it back down.

"Earth to mike - hello?" Bill growled up the phone-line.

Mike gurgled and felt his rising orgasm, but he bravely tried to stiffle his moans, as he turned his attention back to his collegue on the phone.

" still a few - kinks - in it Bill - I...I got to go - I've been a little..."

There was a moments pause, then Bill's suspicious voice come back up the line. "Hey, get get some rest - you sound like you've been through hell..."

As the phone clicked and a buzz come up the line, Mike gurgled and bucked his hips against kelsie's willing muzzle, then he began ejaculating down her throat. Kelsie gagged at first, not expecting her master to come so quickly, but she happily swallowed his salty gift and delicately licked him clean, before she stopped and straddled his lap, feeling his wilting errection rubbing against her wagging tail.

"Oh God Kelsie," Mike rasped and cuddled her tight against him, feeling kelsie trembling with pleasure.

"My master liked that?" kelsie whispered, as she cuddled him back, stroking his back with her soft paw-pads on her palms.

"Very much, my naughty little puppy - " He smiled, then cupped her chin in his hands, and pressed his lips to hers.

Kelsie happily accepted her masters kisses, her tail wagging from side to side, as she felt his tongue tickle hers, and he moaned in pleasure. When at last he stopped, Kelsie glanced over his shoulder at the computer, then back into his eyes.

"Master?" Kelsie asked, her eyes captivating his with her glance.

"Yes, my love?" He asked her, then stroked her nape lovingly.

"I don't understand - what is that?" Kelsie asked, gesturing with one paw to the screen.

"This?" he asked, as he made her turn about, and sat her back on his lap, then wrapped his hands around her belly and began stroking gently. "This...well - its technical sweety. Its something...I've been working on...for a long, long time - don't...worry about it - its not important."

Kelsie's ears flicked, and her eyes narrowed as she heard the subtle voice pattern shift in her masters voice, the way it seemed to suddenly become withdrawn, almost sad, but she merely blinked her eyes and put it out of her head. If her master wanted to explain it to her, he would, when he was ready to do so, but Kelsie was content to ignore his strange work. What she imagined a tie was, was something her master often wore to work, like a collar around his neck.

Shrugging her furred shoulders, Kelsie merely relaxed and let her adoring master cuddle and stroke her - then he began tickling her trembling vagina. He used two fingers to lightly rub, stroke and tickle the sensitive flesh - and Kelsie whined and quivered - before he paused and gently set her back onto her footpaws.

"Go clean yourself up sweety - " He told her, as he took her hands in his paws. "I know how how don't like too - "

Kelsie hung her head and smiled shyly, then licked her masters muzzle and obediently headed for the bathroom, where she'd clean herself up and purge her cervix and anal pasages of her masters cooling semen, that caused her much discomfort. As Kelsie walked away, Mike sat in his chair, watching her - yet he seemed to be seeing straight through Kelsie, as if she was no longer there. With a low, barely perceptable sob, he wiped away a tear that trickled down his face and turned back to his work.


After Kelsie took care of personal needs, she gazed at herself in the mirror, and licked her paws until they nearly dripped with saliva. Rubbing some parts of her fur with her sticky paws, Kelsie smoothed it down and resumed gazing into the mirror, twisting herself from side to side, and wondering why her master's voice had nearly changed the way it had. Had she done something, to upset him? Did she not try to please her master, in every way she could? Kelsie frowned, then her natural, forgiving and loving instincts took over and she banished these painful thoughts, before happily walking back to where her master sat, and laying on her side, gazing up at him with eyes filled with love and trust.

For over three hours, he sat at the keyboard, growingly increasingly impatient and frustrated, before he slammed his hands down on it, and Kelsie awoke with a startled whimper, having dozed off on the floor beside him.

"Master..." Kelsie whined, resting her paw on his thigh. "Whats wrong?"

"All of it -, I...I'm sorry Kelsie - I don't need to bore you with the specifics. Come on my sweet, lovely Husky - you've been so kind to me, its time I returned the pleasure." Mike sighed, and held his hands out to Kelsie.

She rose to her footpaws, then followed her master back to his bedroom, where she suddenly balked, digging her footpaws in and pulling back against his grip. Mike stopped, then soothingly squeesed Kelsie's hand and smiled at her.

"Master - " Kelsie whimpered, her eyes widening, as she glanced at his bed.

On his bed, lay some fur-lined shackles and chains, affixed to the four corners of the bed, and assorted sexual toys sat near at hand on the bedside table. Where had they come from? Kelsie didn't know, and it frightened her, but as her master squeesed her paws again, and gently coaxed her forwards, Kelsie felt her compunction to obey drive her, and she followed, her ears flattening and tail drooping down between her legs in fear and intimidation. Mike sat her down on the bed, then looked in to Kelsies eyes.

"Do you trust me, my love?" He whispered, stroking her trembling muzzle.

" master - you know that." Kelsie whined and glanced nervously at the restraints, then back at him.

"They won't hurt you sweety - I just...would like - to play a little game with you. I want to tie you up, so you can't get away - not that you would...and do things - to you...that you will like, I promise." Mike smiled and cuddled her gently.

Kelsie nodded, then let her master lay her down on her back, and watched him as he lightly bound her wrists and ankles with the fur lined restraints, tightening them so she couldn't wriggle free - but not so tight that they caused her pain. When all four limbs were restrained, he smiled down at her, then Kelsie whimpered as he blindfolded her.

"Master...please - you're scaring me - " Kelsie sobbed.

"Shhhh - " He replied, as he caressed her belly and pet her gently.

Kelsie relaxed under his gentle stroking, placing her trust in her master, even though she was completely helpless and blinded - she felt fear lancing through her body, but her love and faith in her master remained strong, and she would play this game with him - and who knows, maybe, just maybe, she thought to herself, it might not be as frightening as she imagined. Her mind began to conjure up all manner of images, as to what her master may do to her - and kelsie began to tremble with rising fear.

When she felt his warm lips nuzzle against her pubic fur, Kelsie gurgled and twitched, the restraints rattling as she squirmed and trembled. Mike wasted little time, in begining to use his tongue to part Kelsie's willing folds, then his fingers joined in, two of them carefully spreading kelsie's sex open, as he lashed it inside and out with his tongue.

"Oh...oh master!" Kelsie squealed, as she shook harder with her rising pleasure.

He ignored the young huskies whines, squeals and tremblings, as he immersed himself in the pleasure of the taste and feel of kelsie's young, dark depths. His tongue tickled her vaginal walls, sliding over and around her clitoris and soon, bringing Kelsie to full arousal. Her muscles squeesed down on his tongue, and he paused, using three fingers to probe into Kelsie's groin, the middle finger rubbing and caressing her trembling clitoris for all it was worth. Kelsie shrieked and bucked helplessly, lost in the mind-crushing pleasure of her masters attentions. Her paws clencehd and unclenced in the tight shackles, yet no matter how much Kelsie wriggled and squirmed, she couldn't get herself free - and escape her masters incredibly talented tongue and fingers.

For an hour and a half, Mike orally and digitally pleasured Kelsie, bringing her six shattering orgasms, before he paused and let the panting husky regain her composure. Kelsie's ears flicked, her senses straining, as she tried to work out what her master would do next, then she smelt the light scent of the lubricating oil she used on some of her toys.

"Master?..." Kelsie moaned, twitching her head from side to side, trying to shake off hte blindfold.

He ignored her, then Kelsie felt one of her favorite toys teasingly rubbed against her vagina and then her anus, and she moaned and squirmed - not knowing where it would end up being inserted. When her master finally teased the hysterical husky enough - he pressed her toy against her anus - and it gently slid into her, and Kelsie arched ehr hips and uttered a long, peircing squeal of canine pleasure. Mike grinned and turned on kelsie's toy, and felt the strong vibrations reverberating from her lower body - before he lay himself gently down on her and slid himself into her willing, eager sex.

As he fully mounted Kelsie, he braced the worst of his weight on his arms, and began humping against kelsies groin, as her toy inside her tight anal passage continued to shake and vibrate. Never had Kelsie experienced a double-penentration - and the pain was very quickly washed away, as the feel of her master grunting, moaning and thrusting in and out - combined with the vibrating of her toy, brough Kelsie pleasure she had never conceived of in her wildest dreams.

"Oh...oh master...." Kelsie gurgled, her voice cracking and then reverting to her natural barks, growls and grunts.

"You like this, don't you - you bad, bad puppy..." Mike gasped, as Kelsie's muscles contracted tightly around his invading member inside her.

Kelsie's mind was swept away in the pleasure she was experiencing, her body shaking and her breath coming in short, painful gasps, her anal muscles squeesing her maleable toy and her cervix walls likewise clutching and contracting on her masters penis. If she had been able, her loud, gutteral gasps and howls of pleasure would have been heard all over the neighborhood.


Four hours of exhausting, strenous lovemaking later, Kelsie had been brought ten orgasms, each one greater and more intense than the last, before finally - she could not continue, and Mike had felt Kelsie's playful whines turn to exhausted, sobbing cries, and he had stopped and dismounted both himself and the toy, before untying Kelsie and cuddling her close. She had licked his face adoringly, then cuddled in against him - and within moments, had she cried herself to sleep - her tears partly from the discomfort she was feeling, but mostly, from her undying love for her master, who had pleasured her so much. As Kelsie slept peacefully, exhausted from their lovemaking, her master merely laid next to her, his hand absent-mindedly and lovingly caressing her thigh and hips, too softly to wake her up. He stared at her beautiful figure, her closed eyes, the tongue lolling from the corner of her muzzle, yet his own face was curiously devoid of happiness. He just watched her sleep, with eyes that caressed her with their endless love. Eyes that were serious, pensive...and sad.

~ To Be Continued ~