Little force never hurt

Story by nathanwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of After School Practice

It was the usual day at school, nothing new no one new same old same old. Chris the cut strong German Shepherd of everyone's dreams simply lied on his desk in Calculus to finish so he could finally go lift a little, he was dyeing to go back to the gym. After what seemed like forever to the sheppy, class was finally over and he bolted out putting his books up and going one his way to the gym when finally something came along that ended his bordering day.

Chris not aware as he was running saw just a glimpse that caught him off guard of a sexy little Doberman bending over and for just that second as he turned his head to look as he was running down the hall he ran right into anther walking canine dropping all of his books as well as the dog.

"Oh my gosh I'm sooo sorry!, here let me help" Chris said apologetically.

"Uh, its ok I'm alright, I think" he said as he rubbed his head and sore body.

"Wow u really tackled me there ha, do u play football?" the new dog asked.

"Yeah actually I do, but seasons over with not just been lifting, as you can tell" Chris said triumphantly and pulled one of his sleeves back to flex and show off his big arms to the dog, he seemed to be quite impressed.

"Hmm nice" he said almost licking his muzzle, "I use to play to as you can tell." He said with a grin as he flexed through his shirt showing his big arms as well. making Chris take a second glance at this new furry.

"I'm guessing your new since you have a registration form, so what your name?" Chris asked politely.

"Javier" the Labrador said with a smile as he looked into Chris' eyes and almost getting lost, the two where there for a moment before the final bell broke the gaze.

"Oh I was going to go lift I completely forgot" Chris said as he got back up helping his new friend.

"Cool I was too, we can go together I needed a partner anyway" Javier said with a big smile

"Well I guess I'm your new partner!" Chris said with a grin.

The two strong canines walked to the gym together talking getting to know one another better until the finally reached the locker room to change before the worked out.


As Chris went to get training clothes out of his bag he gaze immediately turned to Javier's. The lab slowly slid off his shirt as if he knew Chris was watching to tease him showing off his strong chest and cut abs. He rubbed his own body gently to smooth out the fur but he seemed to be enjoying it as well, he wasn't the only one. He rubbed his big muscular arms slowly sliding down them smoothing out his short cut fur. Right when it was getting good he slid into his tight white muscle shirt hiding his body again and when he seemed to be done he called over at Chris.

"Chris come-on buddy or we won't have anytime to workout" he said as he walked out of the locker room and into the gym waiting for Chris.

"Oh yea coming sorry" Chris said as he quickly changed to catch up to the speedy egger lab.

Chris walked out to see that the little lab had already put some weight on, a decent amount, he thought to himself and he couldn't wait to see what this kid could do.

"Alright me first I guess" Javier said getting under the bar quickly and adjusting his paws onto the bar.

"Ok I got u." Chris said as he put his paws under the bar to support him.

After several reps and sets the sexy canines got quite a work out and it showed from the sweaty shirts and panting faces.

"Hmm...wanna...get in...a few laps?" Javier managed to say taking in deep breathes.

"Yeah sure sounds good" Chris was surprised the lab could handle so much work, not he wanted to see what else he could do.

The two started to run laps around the football field in the amber setting sky lighting there way. Both exhausted but determined not to show weakness to the other, it was an alpha thing. Running around the football field not letting up on their pace constantly struggling for first. They seemed too been running for hours the sun was almost setting and the two finally decided to lay down on the field and catch their breathes and relax after a hard long day of work.

"" Chris said trying to catch his breath as he laid on the field staring into the now navy sky.

"Well...wasn't the fun" Javier said hastily as he rolled over and placed his head on Chris' soft stomach feeling him breathe in and out making his head rise and lower slightly "That was a fun day, thanks."

Chris slightly surprised just laid there for a while with the tired dog. Soon he got up decided to lye on top of him for a change and now it was just the two of them looking into the others eyes.

"Ha do you do this to every cute dog you meet, tire them out so you can have your way with them?" Javier said.

"Na just the really cute ones, not to mention strong ones." Chris replied with a grin.

"Hmm lucky me" Javier said as he moved slowly into kissing Chris.

Chris quickly pulled back, apprehensive about making this next more.

"I'm sorry it's just, I don't know exactly this just doesn't feel right." He said apologetically. He got up and went to the locker room leaving Javier to lye on the field, but not for long cause he soon quickly followed.

Chris got into the locker room and started changing to get into the shower. He didn't know why he didn't act and kiss him, he just needed to take his shower and go before any trouble rises.

Javier quietly walked in and sneaked his way into the shower as Chris was scrubbing his fur not noticing the naked dog behind him. Javier quickly put his paws around Chris' muzzle and the other around his stomach and dragged his wet body out of the shower.

"HMM!!...WHAT THE...HMM!!" Chris mumbled as he was dragged back into the locker room still wet.

"Don't take this the wrong way, just if you wont act then ill have to do what you really want for you" Javier said with a smile as he licked Chris' neck relaxing him a bit but he still struggled.

Javier got his shirt that was on the ground and tied Chris' hands behind his back to suppress his struggling a bit and threw him on the near by bench wet, aggravated, and tied up.

"What the hell man, I was taking a shower you could of at least let me finish" Chris said shaking trying to get free from the strong tight shirt around his wrist.

"Yeah but you look better wet, shows off your cut body, just how I like it" He said with a grin as he pushed Chris back onto the bench so the now he was laying down.

Javier went to his bag and got a few more things to tie Chris down so he wouldn't be able to break lose and being as strong as he was Javier would need a lot of rope.

Now the Chris was laying down on the bench arms still tied Javier now tied each of his legs to the bench feeling his strong calves flex trying to break free. Now that Chris was completely tied down Javier could have some fun.

"Hmm what to do first with you lil sheep" He said as he ran his paw up his body feeling his curves and cuts.

"I don't know, let me go?" Chris replied

"No not yet" He replied with a smile," We stil haven't had any fun."

Javier started sucking on Chris' neck making him shake in pleasure and discontent. Chris tried to resist it but how could he, a sexy strong lab was doing what he couldn't and all he had to do was lay back and enjoy.

"Hmm you like that I can tell" Javier said as he slid his paw down Chris' body and around his sheath.

"HELP HE TIED ME DOWN! SOMEONE, ANYONE!" Chris yelled trying to end this.

"Oh no, we can't have any of that, why do u keep fighting, you know you like it." Javier said as he grabbed his sweaty underwear and shoved it in Chris' mouth and used another rope to tie it down so it wouldn't come out, "There we go much better."

Chris almost gagged on the sweaty musk of his underwear, but he kind of liked it and Javier was right he did enjoy this all, but not much the tying down and rape feelings.

"I know you'll like this" Javier said as he moved down leaning over the bench licking Chris' cock gently with his tongue, this almost immediately made Chris' cock spring to life and out of its sheath, "Aw that's a good boy, here is your treaty."

Chris shock and mumbled from the feeling of Javier's warm soft tongue on his cock.

"Told you you'd like it" He said as he wrapped his tongue around the throbbing cock begging for pleasure.

Javier slowly took the cock into his muzzle licking and moving his tongue around it making small amounts of pre cum leak out and into his muzzle.

"Hmm" Chris mumbled through the sweaty boxers.

Javier pleased with his response decided to reward him by picking up the pace and swallowing it deeper and faster over and over making the shepherd shiver in pleasure.

Chris tired on multiple occasions to try and get up but Javier's strong arms kept pushing him back down and keeping him down as he continued to suck on his cock, sucking every bit of pre cum out of it. He used his free paw to stroke the shaft only making Chris moan louder through the boxers gagged in his mouth.

Javier finally spit out his cock that was covered in saliva wit a small strand still connecting his muzzle to it.

Javier looked at Chris who still looking with begging eyes wanted to be set free, "Nope not letting you go, I'm just getting started cutie." Javier said with a wink

Chris laid on the bench waiting to see what else he had in mind. Javier swung his leg over the bench so now he was on top of Chris sliding his paws up and down his chest.

"Hmm I just wanna ride you so bad you lil sheepy" Javer said as he squeezed Chris' pecs roughly.

Javier grabbed hold of Chris' cock and slid it up and down his tail hole teasing him and himself. He eventually slid the lathered cock into his tight ass slowly enjoy every inch.

Chris tried to scream but nothing was heard but muffled barking.

Javier began riding his cock sliding up and down on it moan with every push. Flexing his calves as his pushed up and back down squeezing even harder on Chris' Pecs and biting his lip as he took the large cock.

"Ugh! Fuck Chris, you were trying to keep this from me?!" Javier said moaning and breathing heavily as he jumped up and down on the thick cock, clapping against Chris' hard and still wet body.

Javier felt his climax coming and knew Chris' wasn't far behind.

"Uhh!! Hmm" Javier said as he came all over Chris' chest and even getting some on his muzzle.

Suddenly with one large flex Chris tore the shirt that held his arms together and flexed his legs and ripped the ones that held his legs down. Looking at the startled dog who still was sitting on his cock he took the boxers from his mouth and picked Javier up and through him face first into the locker, He pushed him against it and continued fucking Javier's tight ass.

"DON'T...EVER...DO...THAT...AGAIN!" Chris yelled with every strong thrust into him making Javier's body hit the locker.

"Ahh uhh Fuck!" Chris said as he came right inside Javier's ass and pulled out quickly still squirting cum onto his back with a stream falling out of his ass.

"Uhh ok, but you gotta do that more often, promises?" Javier said as he sat down exhausted and relived.

"Sure, but next time im tying you down." He said with a smile