The Orchard-Part 3-Tom and Durian get intimate

Story by lauracraig on SoFurry

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#3 of The Orchard

It was the day of the party, and Tom was trying hard to relax. Maybe he could avoid Durian for the whole evening, maybe he couldn't...

But he knew, if he did meet Durian, all he would be able to think about would be that huge, black member of his, dangling down between his legs. Tom still could't believe it. He could have went skinny dipping with the rest of his family, and not felt embarrassed. He wouldn't even have been embarrassed about Durians sister, Jess (Altough Tom thought that she was such a little slut she would have seen many a penis in her time.) It was... Durian. Tom now knew, after seeing Durians cock at the lake, he really did have feelings for his houseguest.

But Tom was also surprised out how hot he had felt when he played with himself in the barn that night, fantasising gloriously and vividly about Durian fucking him.

Did Tom want to be fucked by Durian? Did he wan't this fantasy to come true?

Tom tried to busy himslef with other things, shining his hooves, trying to get his mane to look okay...

He was trying to look good for Durian...

He picked out his tighted little royal blue shirt, and some tight jeans.

Tom heard a knock on his door...

"Uh, Come in!" Tom said loudly, praying it wasn't...


Fresh form a shower, his mane somewhat tamed by the pomelling of the shower head...

"Hi Tom. Just wondering, whats the dress code? Formal, or sorta smart-caj?" Tom took a moment to answer, he stared at Durians sleek solid-black fur, and rough, wet mane... he tried to re-imagine what was under that little dressing gown...

"Oh... I'd say probably more... uh... smart-caj, yeah." Tom hadn't noticed until now, but he was breathing heavily.

"Uh, Tom, are you okay? You look... nervous?" Durian had a puzzled expression.

"No... Im just..." Tom backed away slowly. Durian mistook this for a sign that he should come inside.

"Its fine, Tom. I'm here if you need me. Come and get me if you need anything..."

Durian stood up, shook his mane down, and walked out.

Tom was aware of a slightly familiar senstation "down there."

Great, now he thinks Im retarded... Tom thought, frustrated at his abnormal behaviour.

Tom decided to pluck up all the courage he had and go and apologise to Durian for acting strange. Maybe he could put his feelings to one side.

Or maybe not...

Tom rushed into Durians room, a slight hope of seeing him getting changed.

But Durian wasn't in his room...

Tom decided to have a look around, making sure his feet clip-clopped extremely quietly.

Tom spied a pair of Durians briefs lying on the floor...

Without a second glance, Tom picked them up and breathed their smell...

His sensetive nostrills detected only a faint trace of crotch, and mainly washing powder.

Tom dropped the underpants in horror, and thought to himself what a pervert he was.

He ran out the room, and into his bedroom. He told himself he would stay there until the party started.

"Hi Louise! how are you, baby?" Tom greeted his pretty girlfriend eagerly, with a kiss and a hug.

"Aww, Tom! Im great now, seeing you!" She gushed. Tom felt relieved. He still had feelings for Louise...

"So, can you introduce me? I'd love to meet the Johnsons!" Louise thought she was being helpful, but Tom suddenly paniced.

"Ah, um, later..."

The party was really starting to take off. Already, the place was heaving with animals. Tom was pleased the chances of bumping into Durian were at an all time low...

Too bad Durian had other things on his mind.

"Tom! Hey, Tom! I think I need a break from all this, its getting pretty crowded..." Durian laughed. It was a beautiful sound, so hearty and full of joy.

Tom groaned.

"Hey, buddy, are you not feeling to great? Is there anywhere, you know, you could go to have a rest?" Tom was feeling pretty faint...

"The barn..." Tom whispered. "Ill go, you..."

Durian shook his head.

"No, I'm coming buddy. I need to make sure your okay!"

Oh crap! Tom started getting worried... Alone in the barn with Durian...

This could go one way or another...

"There!" Durian said, sitting Tom down on a haybale. "Away form all the craziness of your house!"

Tom closed his mouth, and refused to make no eye contact.

"Tom, you feeling sick? Ill fetch a bucket..."

"No..." Tom whimpered. "Please stay, Durian! Please..." Durian's large brown eyes looked concerned.

Tom started moving slightly closer to Durian. But Durian didnt shy away. Tom wrapped his arms around him.

They sat silently for a while. But it wasn't an awkward silence. For a moment, their eyes met. Tom could wait no longer.

He lunged forward, kissing Durian full on the lips. he attemted to back out, and Tom pulled away, regretting his actions immediately. Durian looked shocked.

"Dude, what the..."

"Oh god!" Tom cried. He got up and attempted to leave as quickly as possible.

"Tom, wait!" Durian shouted. "Now I'm the on who wants you to stay..."

Durian ran up to Tom and enveloped his arms around him. He started kissing Tom furiously, lips on fire. Tom tangled his fingers in Durians thick, black tangle of mane. Durian grabbed John's little tight ass, squeezing it hard.

"Oh... mmm.... god..." Tom attempted to concentrate, sliding his tongue into Durians muzzle. Durian made a passionate moaning sound, copying Tom's action.

Their two tongues were working away inside eachother's mouth's, saliva mixing. They collapsed onto a haybale, rolling around. Durian started to grind against Tom, trying o unbutton his shirt with his fumbling fingers...

"Wait..." Tom stopped. He could hear people coming.

"Get behind the hay!" Durian said in an exhasperated whisper, upset that his kiss had been interupted.

They both ducked behind the hay. Tom peeked over the edge, to see Durians sister, Jesseihka, coming in, hand in hand with a young bull.

"We are gonna have fun, boy!" Jess giggled.

Little slut! thought Tom.

"D-Durian..." Tom said, breathless. "Meet me.. meet me at Ten, in the Orchard... under that huge tree I showed you..."

Durian nodded.

Tom waited untill the couple sharing the barn were appropriately distracted, then jumped out and ran form the barn.

He better turn up, Tom thought to him self. Or he'll be missing out...