Enslaved to Scent-III

Story by adric listwajinn on SoFurry

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Ok Believe it or not, eve edited, the latest chapter was SO large I couldn't fit it into the standard Yiffstar buffer for submitting work. I might of missed something, but as is, I'll have to break the story up into two section.

For those smut lovers, I REALLY hope you read BOTH chapters, as if you skip one to get to the "good stuff" your going to be very confused latter on with what's going on.

Remember, sometimes reading story and plot is as important as the Yiffy bits.

Normal Warnings apply with M/M sex.


Enslaved to Scent-III

Once again Servus awoke with little memory of the events of the previous night.

He didn't remember the drive back from the gym, didn't remember a well-placed phone call to get his roommate out for a couple minuets, and didn't remember the long, deep series of instructions spoke to him by Richard before he showered and slept.

This time however when Servus awoke, he didn't care. His body was sore to be sure, and he ached from the previous nights 'workout', but as he got up an hour before his alarm to go jogging, he had never felt more focused, more centered, and more alive.

Taking another shower when he returned, Kieth who had just got back from a long nights errand, called to him.

"That you Servus? Gees, after last week I almost thought you where given up taking showers!" Keith laughed as Servus washed up. Turning off the water, the Fox remarked casually.

"Only when I need to Keith, no sense in wasting money on perfumes when some soap and water will do." Keith, popping a 'breakfast burrito' into the microwave gave the fox a curious look.

"You know, in the past two weeks I think you've changed a bit there Servus, maybe even starting to bulk up." Servus just smiled as he grabbed his textbooks. "Maybe Keith, but I don't want to put everything into working out, brain still needs exercise too." He said before darting out, leaving Keith to wonder just what had happened to his once stereotypically foppish gay roommate.

Servus wondered as well. But as he attended the first of his classes, he found it distracted him little. Even when he had remembered the acts of the previous night, the piss, the stink, the submission, the intensity of the sexual passion between them; Servus found himself able to control his urges. The first day went by quickly, and only vaguely did the rather pungent and intoxicating memories of last night come to drift up into his conscious mind.

By the end of the day however, his focused mind was beginning to break a bit. After his last class he skipped dinner and went straight to the gym, knowing Richard wouldn't be there, but deeply feeling the urge to be around some "sweaty guys" He got aroused almost as soon as he walked in, and couldn't concentrate enough to actually do some reps, ending up eyeing several well built jocks. Going back to his dorm less then an hour after he arrived, he found himself falling on his bed, desperate to paw off, feeling himself aching with need for something he couldn't quite remember.

As he lay back on his bed, he felt a lump underneath. Checking under his mattress, he found a large plastic bag with what looked like a rather slimy piece of cloth inside.

Servus heart pounded as he ripped opened the bag and immediately smelled the interior... It was his Jock, the jockstrap from last night, and the gel like Cum Plug Richard had left in it had merged fully into the fabric. Locking the door he ran back to his bad and began to inhale the messy jockstrap. Almost immediately his eyes flutter as he relaxed. The calm of the morning began to return to him as his lungs inhaled the concentrated odors of what re remembered with his superior, his dominant.

"Richard" he said in a whispered tone as the messy pouch lay on his muzzle. His sheath fully erect as his hips moved softly. The conditioning that he had been subjected too earlier making its presence known as it was triggered by the massive amount of Richards's congealed fluids.

Servus 'remembered' what his mind told him now. That again he would have to wait a week, wait till Friday to see his Master. That by day his energy would be put to school, and at night, the link between his mind and musk would be kept 'healthy' as Servus would lay the moist and stinking Jock on his muzzle. As his eyes fluttered and he drifted to sleep that first night, he already felt so special to be a part of this life.

The next morning began with the careful removal and hiding of the now sacred, smelly jockstrap. Knowing it would be needed by night, he went to work in the day. Tuesday passed, and Wednesday, the week moving slowly but surely by as each night the fox felt compelled to renew the mental subjugation to the stink of the Equine.

As Friday approached, Servus grew more and more excited at the prospect at meeting Richard once more. After his last class Friday, Servus left to the Gym a full hour before he needed to, desperate to get down there. Clutching his gymbag, cloths, and his 'used' strap, still sealed up. Servus sat on a bench by the door and began to wait. And wait, and wait. The clock seemed to be going slower with every tick as he sighed deeply. Leaning back a friendly voice spoke up.

"You are Servus, aren't you? It's nice to see you." Servus looked up startled, turning around, his eyes came upon the large well built Wolf sitting behind the counter, currently over seeing the last few hours of the gym. Servus had seen him before.

"Do I know you?" he asked timidly. The wolf just smirked.

"Do you know me, not really, I know you though, quite well, though at our last meeting, I don't expect you to remember very much" he said as he turned to give a passing lynx some Gym towels. Servus looked confused for a moment before the Wolf leaned forward.

"My name is Edward, I am old 'friends' of Richard. I gave him the keys to this place so you two could have your fun the past few weeks" he said with a knowing smirk as Servus clutched his bag, rather embarrassed.

"How, do you know him?" Servus asked as he looked over the large Wolf, easily Richards equal in strength and body, and only slightly smaller and younger. The wolf simply leaned back in his chair.

"Well, we met a few years back, and I would have to say at the time, you and I shared quite a few things in common." He said "Really, I don't know if you fully realize just what is happening between you and Richard, or how deeply your going to be taken by him, but I can tell you it's a wonderful thing" He said before looking up past the foxes shoulders. Servus listened intently to the Wolf, but found any further questions silenced as a pair of large hoofed hands rested on his shoulders. The fox jumped.

"Richard!" he said as he turned dropping his bag. Forgetting where he was, who he was, and how many could see him, he found himself pressing his face into the warm chest fur of the Equine, his muzzle only lightly stopped by the thin shirt Richard wore.




Servus murred deeply as Richard laughed "Well hello to you too pet! I see you got to talk to Ed a bit?" he said picking up Servus gym bag. "I hope he has not spoiled too many secrets so far" the Equine said with a smirked as he held the fox to his just slightly sweaty chest. The smell more then enough for the stink starved fox.

"Do not worry sir, we just talked for a bit, I would say his mind is a million miles away from that" the Wolf said as he looked to the sniffing fox.. Others passing by and not staring too much as Richard leaned down.

"Come along now pet, gather yourself, we have a bit of a journey tonight, and it is something that cannot be preformed here, even after the place is vacant."

Servus looked up curiously.

"Where not staying here?" Richard smiled.

"No Pet, you have come so far so fast, that already you have reached the point where you shall be sharing the deepest parts of your body with me. Tonight you shall not be returning to your dorm, but spend your weekend at my home." Richard stated softly yet firmly, letting the fox know it was not a simple yes or no choice.

Servus didn't even need to think about he. He wrapped his arms around the big Equine and gave a happy yipping sound. Sniffing at his chest wildly as he squeezed Richard's chest.

"Sir! ah-Richard! I'm so happy! Thank you thank you! I cannot wait!" he said excitedly as a few furs gave some odd looks to the public display of affection. Only a single passing Cheetah made a rude statement, though he was hushed when Edward flashed his Security badge. Richard, trying his best to preserve a bit of control over the excited fox, patted his head as he picked up Servus gymbag.

"Come along, there is more then enough time for all that later." he said simply as they left. Padding out into the cool night, Servus was led up to Richards large black SUV. The tinted windows able to hide their passionate kissing as both sat down into their seats. Pulling away Richard patting his fox.

"Now just sit tight boy, it's a bit of a drive to get where we are going, and I don't want you spoiling yourself in the car" He said, then added as he put the truck in gear, "In fact, why not take a nap for a while." Servus looked up just in time to see the great rough hand of Richard come down and pull his face into the Equines Dank armpit.

Servus let out a muffled yip as his world was masked in intense thick arm sweat. His eyes fluttered and as Richard pinned his muzzle within his underarm, the fox slipped quietly away into a state of deep mental sleep, some pit musk dripping off his nose as Richard smiled.

"Works every time"

It was almost 10 minutes before Servus began to stir, jostled as Richard turned onto the freeway and out of the city. The fox still felt his heart beating quickly as he sniffed Richards's musk on his face. He rumbled happily and leaned against the great Horse. Looking down Richard shifted gears as he smiled.

"We just made it out of traffic Pet, I hope you enjoyed your nap" he said as Servus nodded softly, the quick 'hit' of armpit musk just what the fox needed to tide keep him relaxed during the trip. Curling up as best he could in the front seat, he enjoyed the quiet silence as the large truck sped away from town.

As the two sped into the night, Servus began to shift. Being so close to Richard for an extended amount of time without being directly sexually, he was starting to wonder what it was that had happened between then, what was going to happen. He wouldn't wish to stop it now for anything, but now that he had time to go over his actions, he questioned why he had agreed to every demand, order and command from the Horse virtually from day one. Servus shifted a bit, Richard concentrating on the road for the moment as the fox felt he needed to ask something. Something he worried he already knew the answer to.

"Ah, Rich- um, Sir?"

"Yes my Pet?"

"AH, am, am I, your Slave?" Servus asked as Richard was a bit taken aback. He looked down just for a moment to study his pets face.

"Well now, I wonder where that came from out of the blue." he asked a bit sternly. Servus slunk back; a bit worried he might have offended or said something he shouldn't. Richard simply leaned back and snorted.

"Considering what shall happen to you, and I in days to come, I should be honest with you, yes, you are my Slave." Richard said, putting emphasis on the word 'slave' reinforcing the roll the Fox would learn to live with.

Servus looked down and whimpered a bit, suddenly wondering what his future would become. Images of whips and chains, of being gagged and led around his paws and feet came into his mind, as he seemed to think of what Richard was planning to do with him.

Looking down Richard smiled, he had expected this, and knew the topic would come up eventually; he leaned over to pat his foxes headfur as he rumbled.

"Pet, Servus... Do you fear being my Slave?" Servus nodded a bit and Richard smiled. "I'm glad, really, I want you still to have a questioning mind in your head. I would not wish you to have no sense of resistance already. You have nothing to fear, I have treated you in the way I know you crave, and shall give you no more then I know you can handle." Richard spoke as Servus listened.

"But perhaps, you should not think of being my slave, but ask yourself, why you have become my Slave?" Richard said, turning off of the freeway to look at the fox. Catching Richards deep, penetrating gaze Servus shifted, grasping for a real answer.

"Ah, Be-Because your a top?" He said as Richard laughed almost immediately.

"A 'top' Does one submit or dominate purely on such an arbitrary label? Does a Dominate not wish to get fucked? Does a Submissive not yearn to penetrate? No, there is a deeper reason why you have given me access to your body and entrusted me with your mind." He chuffed as Servus thought more. He was trying to concentrate, but found himself distracted by the intense musk building up in the cramped area. The spicy sweat of Richard teasing his senses. In the middle of it he realized the answer.

"Y-Your smell?" Servus said, and Richard smiled.

"Hrm, a simplistic answer, but there is much much more to it" He said as he seemed to grow serious again.

"Pet, you know we of Antrhokin have grown with a deep and powerful sense of smell. That much of our ancient society was governed by the scents of others, determining rolls and actions" he said as he turned off onto a small road. "Even for us in modern times, smells and pheromones can affect some of us quite deeply. And for a very small part of us, our reaction to body oder is so powerful, it can quite literally control ones will." He said as he turned to look at Servus.

"You should know from the moment I first saw the glazed look on your eyes when you sniffed my shirt, I knew you where one of the few who such a sniff could own your mind." Richard said in a deep tone as Servus suddenly felt a bit nervous.

"Y-You, mean I, I would have reacted that way to anyone's scent? That eventually, I would have just fallen for the first dirty Jockstrap I sniffed in the gym?" Servus asked in a quivering fearful voice. Richard sighed softly and shook his head.

"No, thankfully no. You should know it takes the body oder from someone who is affected by it, to affect someone else." he said as Servus got a curious look.

"You, you mean you, you're like me? If, If I got you to sniff me, you'd?" Richard smiled and cut him off.

"At one time, when I was your age yes, and I did, when I was your age, I was very similar. But its something to think about, as you age Pet, and by the time you my age, someday you will be discovering some younger Antrhokin getting a certain look on his face." Richard sad. The fox giggling as he found it hard to ever try and imagine that he would grow up into someone as Dominant as Richard. Though something else came to him.

"Sir? Master, if, if you where like me. Did, did you become 'enslaved'?" He asked as the truck came suddenly to a stop.

"Yes, but that is something to discuss another time Pet. Look out the window into the night, for we have come home."

Servus hadn't even been aware that they had been driving down the gravel road for a while and where now deep in private land. Looking out the window he saw sparse pine trees and fields surrounding the dark truck, and the lights from a large wooden cabin.

"This is where you live Sir?" Servus said as the Equine opened the doors nodding, a cool breeze greeting them as he hopped outside. "I work in town, and commute in the mornings. I've never liked city life much" he said as he looked down at Servus. Tossing his gymbag back into the truck, he lifted the fox up into his arms.

"Come along, you are all that's needed for me" he said, letting his pet bathe in the scents of his body as he cradled him. Already feeling the growth of muscle tone and new weight on Servus body, though it would be sometime before he resembled himself. Reaching the large porch of hi house, Richard tilts his head down to nuzzle his fox with a kiss.

"Welcome home"


I know it's short, and I know it's not all that yiffy, but I hope some out there enjoy it and find this interlude romantic at least. It is important to what comes next ;)

Again, I still hope for feed back and comments from you all before you skip ahead to Part-4