Absent Minded Conversations

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#54 of Roman Life

Summer evenings are made for lazy conversations with friends and boyfriends!

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the drought of stories and chapters TwT I am going to be better, I already started last week, and I will keep trying to post a story every week now, like in the old days! Here it is a long due chapter of my series, luckily I didn't leave you on a cliffhanger...

All thanks and love goes to the oreofeesh Gritou!

P.S.: For those of you who might have heard of the earthquake, we are both fine and well! We felt it but we weren't too close to have damages.

"Cheeeee staaaaaaancheeeeezaaaaaaaaaaa1!" Luca moaned loudly as he practically fell on the couch, happy that the day had ended at last. He was so tired that he didn't feel like cooking yet, despite having eaten very little at lunch, he just wanted to lay down his tired, tired body and relax for a bit.

"And here I am, feeling fresco come una rosa2." The rottie said sarcastically from somewhere behind him, his voice growing distant as he entered his room. He left the door open so they could keep talking - or, better, shouting - at each other while the bulkier dog dressed up.

"Not my fault that you have a date with Clara!" The lupo chimed, his big paw grabbing the remote and turning on the TV on a random channel. Luck was with him, since he had miraculously avoided to stubble on one of the crappy series they broadcasted during summer, instead getting the news right away: the perfect background to chitchatting.

"And not my fault we had that meeting! Or that those geezers would talk THAT much!" The booming Rottweiler retorted, his voice not at all weakened by distance or silly things like walls.

"You know how they are." The lupine sighed, getting a bit more comfortable to counter the memory of the experience. "They like the sound of their own voice."

"But did they had to torchiare3Sara that much on the convention?" His friend asked sounding a bit distracted, probably because he was trying to choose which polo or shirt to wear. He could be a true pariolino4sometimes, at least when fashion come into account.

"Be glad it wasn't you under their claws. The professor sure looked happy though." Luca replied, his eyes reading the lines of texts running on the bottom part of the screen. Not much in the way of news that day, not that it was a bad thing, on the contrary.

"More like looking like a fat kid who just got a huge bar of chocolate." The black dog snorted in the distance, surely at their boss' behavior rather than because he was having a hard time with his clothes.

"You know how it works, if his assistant gets in the center of attention and complimented, he gets it too by association." The lupine explained, his not-rottie-filled part of his brain growing bored and forcing his fingers to change channels in search of something interesting.

"Yeah yeah, I know. I can only guess how much prestige he will get once we get the Milanese job." There was a pang of annoyance in his tone, Ale never had been that fond of such intigri5. The lupo felt a different kind of pang in his heart at the mention of the job, and he was all too happy to get distracted from what he had just found on the TV.

"Oh, Pokemon! It's still running!" He laughed as the screen was filled with colorful monsters killing each other to do the bidding of teenagers in a kid-friendly version of the gladiatorial games.

"No kidding!" The Rottweiler roared, getting back to the living room with shuffled steps. A brief stare told Luca that his friends hadn't finished dressing, or better, he just lacked to put up his pants, the piece of clothing pooling at his feet as his briefs - and the sizable package they covered - were open in the air.

It was almost comical to see his roommate getting so excited at the silly discovery, and the lupo had a hard time to avert his eyes and just focus on the TV as he fought his laughter. "Yeah, and it looks like a new region or whatever." The tall canine smirked, his merriness just partly caused by the show.

"Is that femminuccia6of Ash a champion already or not?" The rottie asked as he completed his dressing, robbing the entire world of the vision that was his underwear and naughty assets.

"I think he can't finish anything... and abandons his slaves each time, except for Pikachu of course." The restorer said as he noticed the familiar flash of yellow fur jumping in battle and saving the day.

"He probably uses Pikachu as his fucktoy. Some people think he does, at least." The bulky dog theorized, sitting down on the couch to put on his shoes.

"... How do you know that?" The soft-colored canine looked at the busy fur, puzzled by the fact his amico7had such piece of knowledge. The other' triangular ears flicked once before he answered with all the nonchalance he could muster.

"Oh, you know, internet." He answered as he stood up, twirling once on the balls of his feet to show off his nice outfit, pale green shirt with dark blue pants. "How do I look?"

"If we were in a bar, I would ask you to have a horizontal tango with me... Se sai cosa intendo8." Luca winked, enjoying immensely the faint blush that appeared under the other dog's fur. "You look just fine, but are you sure you don't have time to shower?"

"Yeah, I don't want to make Clara wait too long!" The rottie exclaimed, bouncing to get his helmet, as eager as a little kid.

"Looks like someone is totally under the control of a woman..." The lupo joke just when his phone came back to life, jumping on his lap with a familiar tune. "Oh it's Edward!"

"And I am the one controlled by a woman... I mean..." The dark canine mumbled his lukewarm remark, totally not listened by the other.

"Yeah yeah, sorry, I gotta answer, he will work tonight." The thinner dog replied almost incoherently as he picked up his cellulare9.

"Already on that stage of the relationship, eh?" The rottie sneered referring to the time where you need to hear your loved one's voice at least once a day

"Ciao Edward, puoi darmi un momento10?" Luca answered his phone, keeping it away from his muzzle as he finished talking with his departing friend. "Are you coming home tonight?"

"No, I think I will stay at Clara's..." The hunky restorer mumbled, his ears a bit flattened but not too much to be a worry. "Gotta go now."

"Okay! Divertitevi11! And see you tomorrow!" The canine greeted farewell, even going as far as waving his phone-bearing paw at the departing rottie.

"A domani12." He said before walking to the door, his bulk disappearing through the threshold before he closed it. All alone now, the lupine could focus his attention on his... Boyfriend? Friend with benefits? Fur he was involved romantically with? He still hadn't found which label was the best descriptive one.

"Sorry for the wait." The lupo apologized, knowing that he had been rude to put the big cat on hold right away.

"Nah it's okay, you were obviously talking with Luca! Is he going somewhere?" Edward asked, the background noises of the city and his slightly fatigued voice telling that he was walking to his workplace.

"You picked up? But yeah, he is going to a date with his girlfriend." The dog explained, impressed at the other fur's hearing.

"Oh, the lawyer girl? The one who is a female version of your friend?" The mountain lion inquired, remembering the pieces of information he had been fed in the previous days.

"Yep, the very same. They are going out for a drink and some naughty fun afterwards, I think." He confirmed, feeling a thrill in exposing his best friend's plans for the evening.

"Ohhh I see that a Roman will see some action under the sheets today!" The American student mewled a chuckle.

"I wish he wasn't the only one though..." The lupo confessed, his ears flicking in embarrassment at saying that even though he was completely alone.

"You could always go out and try your luck..." Edward suggested, though the lupine was unsure if he was joking or not. Was it an indication they were in an open relationship? Or was it a test? Or was it only him subtly asking to get to the pub and then walk in the bathroom and...

"I'd rather stay at home tonight." He coughed, readjusting the hard-on that was slowly building in his pants. That cat had such an effect on him... So much that he was more than tempted to follow his train of thoughts literally.

"Good! You have to resist just a tiny bit, and then I can help you relieve your... stress." He didn't know how, but Luca could swear he heard a wink in those words, one that promised so much in just a couple of days.

"W-well I'm not sure I can resist that long." The lupo confessed, blushing at how horny he was getting. It was always like that for him, the more sex he got the more he turned into a horndog; or so it seemed to him.

"If you have an itch under your tail you could always take out one of your toys." The feline purred; luckily they had been talking in English, else he would be worried at his... friend talking so loudly in the street about gay sex.

"I-I remember a certain cougar begging to get a knot last time." Luca said remembering their most recent encounter, which had ended with a kitty being stuffed by his cock while they were showering.

"Yeah, but that was after I fucked you twice in a row!" The naughty American rebuked, that memory making the canine's tailhole clenching. It was true, of course, and it had been pleasant to be sore afterwards...

"S-so how was your day?" The lupo asked, clumsily veering the conversation away from the naughty stuff, otherwise it would descend into phone sex. Not that he would have minded that... Just... He didn't want Edward to do that so in public.

"It was slow, I spent it studying a lot for finals, and eating, and just trying not to die from the heat." The cougar answered, not seeming to mind the sudden turn.

"They are not finals, they are called esami13here, remember?" The lean dog corrected the feline before he could stop himself, knowing well enough that it was a mere technicality.

"Yeah, right, exams. I'm still not used to this system, like at all." The puma said, his words partly drowned by a passing ambulance but still perfectly audible.

"Sorry for that." He smiled to the poor foreign student. "At least you have to suffer it just a bit longer."

"At least that, won't miss it when I will be back to the States..." Edward replied, the recall of the cougar's not too far departure putting the chat into a loll. They both knew that such a time would come, and it kinda hurt already... But he was still not sure what he had with the younger fur, which meant he couldn't still think what they would do in the future. They had months to think about it, and they would get an answer by then... Or so he thought.

"What about your day?" His frantic thoughts almost didn't let him hear the question, his tall ears flicking at this mistake.

"Hum, the day was occupied exclusively by a meeting of the department. Very boring stuff." The lupo told him, summing up hours and hours of boredom in one phrase.

"I'm sure it was interesting." The cougar minimized, not knowing what such meetings entitled.

"I kid you not. The old professors passed the whole thing interrogating Sara on her week-end at Milan." He replied, still feeling so sorry for how his coworker had been treated.

"Your squirrel friend? Or was it the tigress..." The American inquired, probably recalling the encounter they had on their first date.

"The squirrel, the squirrel!" The lupo emphasized the species of his friend, not wanting to be associated with the party girl that was Lidia in any way.

"Still, weird they did that. Did she do something special?" The walking fur kept asking, seemingly fascinated by the inner working of the department.

"If you can call a restoration convention interesting..." Luca trailed off, suddenly realizing something: he hadn't still told the cougar about his possible job. Talking about it on the phone might not be a good idea, but he knew that the longer he stayed silent the harder it would be, and he needed to get to a decision soon... But it was still so far and they weren't sure of anything yet...

"Luca?" The deep voice of the mountain lion woke him up from his thoughts, almost startling him.

"Uhm? Sorry, I was sovrappensiero14..." The lupo said, reverting to his native Italian before continuing in the Anglo-Saxon language. "I might have a job in Milan lined up."

The sudden information must have confused the talkative feline, since he took his time to react to it. "Well okay."

"It will start in a few months. Maybe." He quickly added, nervously wondering how the other was taking it.

"Good. We will talk about it next time, okay?" The puma dismissed the topic, clearly not wanting to talk about it in details just yet.

"Okay. You arrived at work?" He tentatively asked, hoping that the feline's reticence was caused by that.

"Yeah, but I still have time to chat a bit more!" Edward answered cheerfully, maybe a sign that the news hadn't aggravated his mood, or so he hoped.

"Oh good, because I have to tell you one more thing!" The tall dog exclaimed as he remembered what he had planned to ask in that conversation.

"Ale is moving to Düsseldorf?" The cream-colored fur joked, a bit of a chuckle echoing in his voice.

"Nah, he is going to Milan too. Though, the thing does involve him..." The lupo said, mildly amused on how the poor rottie always ended up in the butt of jokes, one way or another.

"I see... Well then, tell me!" The puma insisted, his natural curiosity overwhelming him.

"Clara invited us for a week-end at her beach house! Will you manage to have some days off?" The canine revealed the nice news to the other. He knew that his cougar never went to the sea in Italy, and he was sure he would be delighted to go and stay more than just one day.

"Oh! THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!" The other exclaimed in predictable excitement... Though it was uncharacteristic for a feline to be so eager to have a swim and splash in water.

"Eeheh I know I know! She is that cool after all." The lupo replied, happy that the American had liked the idea that much.

"She is! I will ask my boss if I can have a week-end off soon, I'm sure there won't be trouble in that!" The younger fur said, probably jumping up and down for the excitement.

"Okay! I will ask her tomorrow when she wants to organize it and such." He said while he checked his own days off in his mind and finding he hadn't any guiding scheduled in the next two weeks.

"Okay! Can you ask if Johanna can come with us? She is dying to be in a swimsuit again!" The puma asked, always the altruistic guy. Luca wasn't actually sure if she could be included, after all Sara had made the same request and he didn't know if the sheppie would allow too many people...

"Sure, I'll see what I can do about it!" The restorer promised nonetheless, there was no pain in trying after all.

"Cool! I'm dying to see you in a speedo too... and taking it off of you." The puma taunted him with the sexy notion that rekindle his own horniness, though the next words damped the ardor.

"I-I don't really wear speedo..." His tall ears flattened as he said so, illogically thinking that he was letting the other down on his fantasy.

"Oh so you swim naked? That's kinky!" Edward proved him wrong as he kept flirting. The canine opened his mouth to deny that, he never even went to a nudist beach, but a voice in the background stopped him on his tracks.

"You got someone there?" He asked, curious to know the identity of the newcomer who, by the words used, seemed to be Italian.

"Yeah, il capo15just arrived!"Edward answered. "Gotta go now! Talk with you later Luca!"

"Talk with you later! And have a nice evening!" He said before the conversation was cut short, leaving him alone in his house with nothing to do but prepare dinner. The conversation had been short (well, short by his standards), but full of different topics that left him a bit unsettled emotionally speaking.

But he didn't have to think about the uncertain future. There was a weekend to plan and enjoy, full of swimming and laughter and sun, something that he was starting to really look forward. Probably it would be a difficult one too, with so many different furs present, but he knew they would all get along... In a way.

"I hope I can get a room for ourselves..." Luca thought, his erection pressing against his leg. He had little time to spend with the cougar, after all, and some of it had to be spared for... activities. Even though the line about the speedo implied that those activities wouldn't be done only in the bedroom...

He didn't really have much experience in public naughtiness... Never really tried it before. But the thought of the two of them walking in the dunes, finding a secluded spot between bushes... and then of bathing suits being discarded, the sun washing on their bodies as they kissed... Him bending over the sand and having a barbed length plunge in his inside and...

"Cazzo16." The lupo cursed aloud, voicing both his horniness and the object of said lust. He couldn't ignore it any longer, not with these kind of thoughts swarming his head so easily; the lupine needed to take care of it before he could fetch his dinner.

Jumping on his feet, he approached his room, idly wondering if he had enough lube to spare for his self-pleasuring session.


1) Literally, such tiredness, would be better to translate it as "Soooo tireeed"

2) Fresh as a rose, Italian saying meaning feeling refreshed and rested

3) To interrogate/pry information from; literally it means "to press".

4) Inhabitant of the Parioli neighborhood, synonym of being wealthy and fashionable. Almost always used as a derogatory.

5) Schemes, intrigues.

6) Sissy.

7) Friend.

8) If you know what I mean!

9) Cellphone,

10) Hi Edward, can you give me a moment?

11) Have fun!

12) (See you) tomorrow!

13) Exams

14) Absentmindedly

15) The boss!

16) Fuck, literally dick/cock.