The First Change

Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Run with the Wolves

Other works by Drayne_the_Wolf;

  • A Change for the Better


Kylar: [KAI-lar] (like the name Kyle but with an [r] sound on the end)

Dreyarch: [DRAY-ark]

Galectan: [gal-ECK-tan]


Kylar clutched at his stomach as he sped back to his apartment. His car, a black Lexus SC 430, propelled itself through the streets of New York City well over the speed limit as he rushed to get home before he blacked out from pain. He pulled his car into his designated parking space in the underground garage below his apartment building, surprised that he hadn't been pulled over.

At twenty-two years old with pale white skin, short brown hair, and hazel eyes, Kylar McNeil was one of the most successful youth of his time. His wealth was a combination of both luck and determination. At the age of sixteen he inherited a massive fortune left to him by his uncle once he passed away. Once he was eighteen he immediately separated himself from his uncaring parents and bought a small apartment in the wealthy district of Manhattan.

He then made a risky choice with his uncle's money, spending most of it on an excellent college education. Taking what he had learned, he was able to open what was now one of the most prosperous graphic design companies in the country, McNeil Graphic Artisans, and was now raking in millions of dollars a year. He immediately bought three things; a five star apartment, a luxurious car, and a now extremely prosperous nightclub near Central Park.

He managed to stumble his way into the elevator without attracting too much attention. Most people assumed that he was drunk and let him pass without a second thought. He unlocked the door and practically fell into the kitchen of his luxurious apartment. His door barely shut before he collapsed onto the floor. He slowly crawled across the light tile in the direction of the phone. He managed to slide four feet before darkness overtook him and he slipped into unconsciousness.

Kylar opened his eyes as his vision slowly started to return to him. One by one his senses slowly started to come back to him. He made a slow attempt to rise, but immediately regretted it. His stomach lurched several times, and he was just barely able to make a mad dash to the bathroom before he bent over the toilet and threw up.

He slowly rose from his kneeling position and flushed away his lunch. He stretched backwards, then walked to the mirror so he could brush his teeth. His head hung low, he took two short steps so he was positioned in front of the sink. He turned ninety degrees to his right and looked in the mirror. He screamed at the sight and leapt backwards, falling to his back in the living room. He scratched at the tile as he tried to back up as far as possible from the mirror.

Once he had calmed enough, he slowly stood and looked back into the mirror. His breathing became rapid and his eyes widened with shock. He slowly raised a hand to his face, or, rather, a paw. His breathing slowly returned to normal as his mind absorbed what his eyes took in.

Staring back at him through the mirror was a wolf. A timber wolf, to be exact. He had white fur on his stomach, chest, groin, and muzzle, and light brown fur almost everywhere else. He had a long, thick, mahogany brown stripe of fur that ran down his back and ended in four points; one on his forehead, one on each pectoral, and his tail. He stood seven feet tall; ten inches higher than his natural six foot two.

His musculature had increased by about fifty percent, which was impressive because Kylar's human form was extremely toned. His clothing had all but ripped apart, and a few pieces clung to his fur in a few places. He appeared to be naked, but thankfully his genitals were furred over and out of sight. Naturally, Kylar could think of only one thing to say; "Holy shit..."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He whirled around to face the door in a panic. "W-Who is it?" he called, grateful that the voice that spoke it was still his.

"Janice." called back the elderly voice of the building tenant.

‘Shit!' Kylar thought to himself. "Um... now's not a really good time, can you come back later?"

"Not really honey, this is important. May I come in?" She responded.

"No, I'm sorry b-but I can't talk right now!" He replied.

Janice hesitated and Kylar started to relax. Maybe she had left. Unfortunately that was an inaccurate estimation. "You've changed, haven't you." She said after a moment's silence.

Kylar's heart began to race again. "W-What?" he called back. His mane stuck slightly up and his ears stood at full alert. He didn't know why, but he sensed danger here. Perhaps it had something to do with his transformation.

"I know you have, honey. Let me in." Kylar was trapped in indecision. Should he let the woman in? If she knew what had happened to him then maybe she could help. But there was a hint of violence in her voice. But what could she do? She could barely climb a flight of stairs, let alone hurt him.

He slowly approached the door, willing to grant her access, but hesitant at the same time. When he was two feet from the door, the old lady apparently decided that she had enough waiting. There was a loud crack, followed by a large piece of wood exploding away from his door handle. Kylar fell to his back in surprise. He scurried to his feet as the small old woman pushed the door open and entered the room.

Then Kylar saw the source of the explosion; a large handgun wedged into the woman's boney fist. Kylar spun around and sprinted across the living room, leaping wildly over furniture as Janice fired shot after shot around him. Each bullet shattered a vase or a picture frame or made a black flower blossom in the wall. Just as Kylar was about to reach the bedroom, one of the bullets clipped the floor, sending chunks of tile against his leg. The pieces barely scratched him, but the surprise was enough to knock him to the floor.

He spun around with intent to get back up, but stopped when he came face to barrel with the business end of the woman's gun. The woman smiled a toothy grin. Kylar's eyes went wide with panic, but he forced them shut. He clenched his eyes closed and his teeth together, anticipating the final shot. There was one last shot fired, but not the way he thought it would. He opened his eyes after a moment, and what he saw shocked him.

Janice lay on her stomach on the tile, a bullet hole in her back and a fine crimson puddle forming beneath her. Standing behind her was a tall white man holding a smoking Smith and Wesson. He looked to be about thirty-five. He wore a long black trench coat which covered his equally black pants and shirt. His hair was thin and a deep black and his eyes were invisible past his black sunglasses.

Behind him there was a second man. He wasn't as tall as the first man, but had almost the same skin tone. His hair was short and black and he too wore sunglasses. He had neat looking jeans supported by a black leather belt, a very dark blue button-down collared shirt, and a black, buttonless sport coat which he left open. He too looked like he was thirty-five.

Standing next to the man in the sport coat was an equally pale woman. Her long, light brown hair was tied back in a pony tail and, like the other two, her eyes were protected by thin, black sunglasses. She was decked out in a dark grey sleeveless shirt which she covered with a black combat vest. She also wore loose black cargo pants and a black commander's hat. She appeared to be around twenty.

The man with the trench coat was first to speak. "Kylar McNeil?" he asked.

Kylar's breathing slowly returned to normal and after a short time he was able to let out a, "Y-Yeah..."

"You must come with us. There will be danger here soon." The man said again.

"W-who the hell are you people," Kylar asked. "What the hell happened to me?!"

Now it was the woman's turn to speak. "All will be explained shortly." She said as the man in the sport coat helped Kylar to his feet. "Right now you have to come with us."

Suddenly they heard the slam of a door and footsteps approaching quickly. The four people turned and looked at Kylar's door. "Is there another way out?" The man in the sport coat asked Kylar.

"No, just the front door." Kylar responded.

"Damn it." the man in the trench coat said as he drew a P90 from within his coat. "Looks like we're shooting our way out." Kylar's eyes went wide at the sight of the weapon. "Kylar, stay as low as possible and always stay between Tess and Trent." Kylar assumed that he was talking about the woman and the man in the sport coat.

"And what do I call you?" Kylar asked the trench coat man as Trent drew an MP7 and Tess two large handguns.

"Call me Mitch." He said. "Now we've got to move! Whatever you do don't fall behind!" And with that Mitch took off at a brisk walk out the door, followed by Tess, then Kylar, and finally Trent.

The party didn't get halfway down the hallway before they encountered two men in leather jackets and MP5s. Kylar covered his face in fear, but he didn't need to. With two short bursts Mitch easily dispatched the two men. The party continued down the hall towards the elevator. Mitch and Trent swung around, providing watch while Tess drug Kylar to the elevator and hit the button.

Before the elevator was able to reach them Mitch shouted for them to take cover and began to lay down suppressive fire down the hallway at a large group of men who had just came up from a stairwell on the opposite side of the hall. "Into the stairs!" Trent shouted. The party decided to abandon the elevator and descend the twenty-four flights of stairs that would take them to the ground floor.

The party reached the ground floor after a few minutes, having to only stop once to kill a few assassins who were on their way up. Tess led the way through an emergency exit, setting off the fire alarm. The emergency exit led them into a back alley where an unmarked black SUV awaited them.

Trent drew his keys and remotely unlocked the vehicle. The four piled into the spacious vehicle with Trent in the driver's seat, Mitch riding shotgun, and Tess and Kylar in the back. Kylar barely had time to shut his door before Trent sped out of the alley and onto the road.

"Okay," Kylar said panting, "what the FUCK is going on around here?! Who were those people?"

"Dreyarchs." Tess answered.

"Who?" Kylar responded.

Mitch decided to explain. "An ancient tribe who have been bent on our destruction since the 1200's."

"The 1200's!? How old are you people!?"

"I've been in this world since 1504." Mitch said. Kylar's jaw dropped at this.

"I'm two-hundred twenty-eight." Trent said.

"Oh," Kylar replied sarcastically, "only two-hundred six years older than me. It's not like that's a lot." Then he turned to Tess. "I take it you're four-hundred?" he said jokingly, his tail swishing elegantly back and forth.

She smiled. "Actually, I'm twenty-two."

"Heh, same here." Kylar said, his tail picking up speed. "So who are you guys?"

"We, and that includes you, are members of the Galectan tribe, a race of wolf-humans who date back to the 1200's. There were those of us who believed that we could coexist with humans, that's the Galectans, and there were those of us who think that humans are disgusting creatures and should be eradicated, that's the Dreyarchs."

"So why haven't they just killed humans then? They certainly have the guns to do so." Kylar asked.

"We managed to put a spell over their leader almost as soon as we were created." Trent explained. "They can't purposely kill humans until..."

"Until what?" Kylar asked.

"Until all the Galectans are killed." Tess chimed in.

"A-And that's why Janice was trying to kill me?"

"Yes." Mitch said.

"So what happened to me anyway?" Kylar inquired.

"You've had your first change." Tess told him.

"Change?" Kylar replied.

"Yes." Mitch continued. "I assume it was unpleasant?"

"Hell," Kylar responded, "I thought my stomach would explode."

"Good." Trent said. "That means that your body functioned correctly to the change. Now all you've got to do is change back and then it'll be a breeze to change form."

"What do you mean...?" Kylar asked.

Mitch spoke again, "We have the ability to switch between our human and wolf forms whenever we please."

"I see..." Kylar responded. "So you're all wolves too?"

"Exactly." Trent said.

"So," Kylar continued, "now what happens?"

"Well, we've got to get you back into a human." Trent replied.

"How does that work?" Kylar said.

"We might as well show you." Mitch said. "Trent, pull over." Trent did as he was told and pulled the SUV to a stop so he was blocking an alley. Everyone filed out of the vehicle and into the alley where no one could see them.

"So what do I do?" Kylar asked.

"Well," Mitch began, "it's the same as moving an arm or a leg. Just, well, sort of ‘order' your brain to change your body back to a human." Kylar looked up and closed his eyes, attempting to focus on what he had looked like as a human. "I feel as though I should warn you..." he started to say again, but he was too late. Kylar had already gone past the point of no return. His lupine body became a dark silhouette, which then shifted into the silhouette of a human. The silhouette cleared, and they were left with Kylar standing fully naked in the alley. He gasped deeply and his eyes flew wide open, and then closed slowly as he slipped into unconsciousness.

"Grab him!" Trent instructed, and both he and Tess grabbed his bare forearms and held him up against their shoulders. Mitch retrieved a blanket from the back of the SUV and wrapped it loosely around Kylar. Then the three worked together to get him into the back seat, took their respective seats, and drove away from the city of New York.


Kylar slowly eased back into consciousness. When he became aware of his surroundings, he lurched heavily. Tess noticed. "He's awake!" she shouted urgently. Trent slammed the vehicle into the shoulder and threw it into park. Tess barely had time to open her door and pull Kylar out of the car before he threw up for the second time that night. "Done?" she asked once Kylar had stopped heaving.

"Y-yeah." He said. "I feel horrible."

"We call it First-Time sickness." Mitch said. "Everyone gets it after their first transformation. After this it'll feel much better."

"Hell, it'll feel awesome." Trent replied with an excited smile.

Kylar smiled and pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders. They all piled back into the SUV and continued back down the highway. "So where're we headed anyway?" Kylar asked, wishing that he had clothes on.

"We've got a little place a few hours from here." Mitch said. "You could call it a headquarters. We've got two people back there waiting for us."

"I see." Kylar said. They remained in silence for an hour before Kylar spoke up again. "So, what do your wolf forms look like anyway?" he asked.

Mitch smiled. "I was hoping you'd ask." He said with a toothy grin. "Trent, we haven't had a chance to stretch our legs in a while. What do you say we pull over?"

Trent smiled. "All too happy to." He answered. He slowly coaxed the car to the shoulder of the highway and put it into park. All four piled out, including Kylar, who held the blanket tight around his body.

The four stood in a diamond shape for a few moments of silence, observing each other. Tess was first to speak. "Well to hell with this!" she shouted enthusiastically. She cast her arms into the air and became surrounded with the same silhouette that had covered Kylar. When it cleared, Tess had been replaced with a six foot eight timber wolf, a lot like Kylar's form, but without the mahogany stripe. Instead, her mahogany existed in the form of an elaborate thorn-like design that blossomed from the center of her back and extended down the back of her torso and across her forearms. She looked down at the rest of them with a huge smile on her muzzle.

Trent and Mitch both smiled followed suit, changing into their lupine forms as well. Mitch was seven foot two and had jet black fur all over his back and arms and dark grey fur on his chest, muzzle, groin, and in a similar but different design than Tess's. Trent was purely dark grey all over his body with the exception of an intricate black design that too looked similar but not identical to the ones that covered both Mitch and Tess.

Kylar looked at the three with awe and they stared back at him. "Well," Tess said to Kylar, her voice as normal as before, "what are you waiting for?" Kylar stared at her with an open mouth, then at Trent, finally at Mitch. Mitch's ears flicked and he said, "Just think about changing, son. I promise you, it will not be painful." Kylar continued to stare with his mouth agape. "Please, Kylar," Mitch begged, "trust me. We're your friends. I'm your friend."

Mitch's words sank deep into Kylar, and he knew they were true. This unlikely trio had saved his life and given him this new power. The time for doubt was over. These were his first real friends in years, and although he had only known them for a few hours, he trusted them with his life. The time for hesitation had ended. It was time to be strong. It was time to be who he really was.

Kylar leaned his head back and stared at the stars. They were so crisp and bright in the sky now that he was outside New York. Sure, the nightclubs were fun, but there was truly no joy quite like what you got from just standing under the stars. He felt like he was bathing in their light, like he was being washed of all wrong-doing by their luminous aura. He closed his eyes and thought about becoming what he had seen in the mirror.

If he didn't know better Kylar would have thought he was having the best orgasm of his life. A wave of intense rapture flushed down his spine, licking at every nerve, caressing every sweet spot. His vision went black. His hearing died away. His smell was drowned out. His taste buds were suppressed. Every nerve was too busy registering this new ecstasy to transmit anything else. He felt his entire body tingle with pure euphoria as his skeleton shifted from man to wolf.

Suddenly, every one of his senses returned to him at once. His eyes shot open and he stared at the stars with wide eyes and an open maw. He let out a short, strong gasp of shock and pleasure as he dropped to his knees, the blanket falling away behind him. He slumped his head down to face the ground and his arms went limp at his sides. His mouth, still agape with shock, curved into a slight smile at the edges. He let out another, softer gasp, and angled his head upwards. All three wolves were smiling down at him, especially Tess.

"Oh," she said with a giggle and a huge grin, "it's so much fun to watch new members have their first FUN change!" she laughed enthusiastically. "You liked it?" she asked with a smile.

Kylar's mouth turned up greatly at the corners, his mouth still agape. "Hell yeah!" he said with an excited laugh. "Woah," he said looking back down at the ground for a moment, but quickly looking back up at them, "I feel... I feel great!"

Mitch smiled at the youth's excitement. "Post-transformational energy. It's a buzz that we get after changing. It's designed into our genetics as a defense mechanism in case we're changing in order to fight or run. It gives us energy."

"I'll say!" Kylar laughed, still on his knees."

Mitch smirked as he extended a paw for Kylar. "Tess," he said, "what do you say you show Kylar the ropes? Trent and I'll watch the van."

Kylar took Mitch's hand and stood to his foot paws. Tess giggled and said, "Come on, big wolf. Wanna see if you can pin me down?" she asked with a wink. She turned around, brushing her tail across his furred-over sheath as she took a few slow steps away from him.

Kylar's spine tingled at the soft feeling. He looked down at the ground between his paws and closed his eyes, absorbing every sexual feeling that his sheathed penis took in. After a moment he looked up and opened his eyes, which now held a fire that said he could take on an army. "Bring it, bitch." He said with a smirk.

Tess smiled. "Hmm, if you say so." She cooed. Suddenly, she dropped to all fours and took off at what was probably twenty miles per hour. Kylar stood in shock as his target quickly vanished from sight. He turned around to see both Trent and Mitch watching him with smiles.

"Well?" Trent said. "What are you waiting for? Go get her, kid!"

Kylar's face erupted into one of pure joy. He spun around, dropped to all fours, and took off at an incredible speed. Trent and Mitch stood and watched as he rocketed away at what was probably twenty-five miles per hour. "Woah," Trent gasped, "did you see that? He was booking!"

"Yes." Mitch replied with a devious smile. "I have a feeling about this one, Trent. He possesses power far superior to my own. He could finally change the tide of this war. The hunters could finally become the hunted."


Kylar sprinted hard and fast through the trees as he pursued Tess on all fours. Each organ in his lupine body worked in overdrive; his heart beat twice as fast as usual, his lungs cycled twice as much air, and his brain computed at twice its normal speed. He was able to dart between trees as easily as if he was strolling through them at a one mile-per-hour walk. Eventually he was able to catch up to his prey. Tess was in sight, sprinting away from Kylar quickly, but not quick enough.

Eventually Tess reached the edge of a riverbank. She came to a sudden halt about ten feet from the edge and turned to the right. She had the intent of continuing to run down the riverbank, but she was too late. Before she could start running again Kylar pounced her. They rolled about seven feet before they stopped with Kylar on top of Tess, pinning her arms to the ground. "I win." He said triumphantly.

"No fair!" she said with a giggle. "I could tell you would be fast, but not that fast!" She giggled again and flicked her tail between her legs, brushing it across Kylar's furred-over sheath for the second time that night.

Kylar clenched his teeth and eyes together at the feel of her soft tail against his wolfhood. After a brief moment the sensation stopped. "Would you stop that?!" he asked urgently.

"Why?" she questioned with a smile. "Don't you like it?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"But nothing!" she paused to smirk a moment, then looked up at the sky with wide eyes and an equally wide grin. "It's a full moon tonight." She said.

"What's your point?" Kylar responded, cocking his head slightly to one side.

A devious smile spread wide across her face. "My point," she said erotically, pushing herself up so that her muzzle was inches from Kylar's, "is that we lycans become very naughty during the full moon."

Kylar felt the fur that concealed his sheath start to flatten itself away from his wolfhood at such a slow pace that it was barely noticeable. He grinned suggestively and pressed his nose against his nose against hers. "So we probably shouldn't be doing this then."

"Nope," she said erotically, "we definitely shouldn't be doing this."

Kylar murred helplessly and his red tip protruded slightly from the end of his sheath. "Should we stop then?" he asked, smiling yet with a tone of disappointment.

"Oh, shut up and take me, mutt." She groaned. She pushed her lips against his and slipped her tongue between his. He hesitated at first, but eventually he relaxed, and then he fell into it. He pressed his lips against hers with force, sliding his tongue past hers and gliding it across the roof of her mouth. She let out a loud moan as she grazed her tongue over Kylar's teeth, paying extra attention to the impressive canines that jutted on either side.

Kylar pulled up and Tess collapsed onto the soft grass, both panting with pleasure. "Let's do this." He eventually said.

Tess smiled again. "If you say so." She pushed against him and flipped them both over so that she was on top. By now Kylar's cock had exposed itself a little more than half way. The semi-hard red organ fell flat against his toned abdominals and slowly slid out as Tess ran her clawed fingers through his fur, tracing thin lines through his coat. Over time she became braver, and graduated from massaging his various toned chest muscles to kneading his massive sac. She swirled the two large balls between her nimble fingers as Kylar's wolfhood slowly became braver and braver, inching its way out of his sheath.

When it was fully erect Tess took its firm base in her hand. At eleven inches long and two inches thick, it was one of the largest pieces Tess had ever worked with, and Tess had worked with a lot. She quickly dropped the end of her mouth over the tip of his cock, taking five inches of his wolfhood into her maw at once. Kylar groaned as his cock Tess worked on his cock, easing her entire mouth over it up to nine inches. She bobbed up and down on his meat at a rapid pace, each time forcing a lustful groan from her subject.

When Kylar's knot had formed, she pulled her mouth off his piece. "Let's get to the good stuff." She said erotically. She kneeled up and positioned herself so that she was kneeling over his wolfhood, which was standing firm at attention. She winked at him before closing her eyes as she lowered her lower body down onto his wolfhood. The two let out a joint groan as male and female came together in the way that has been done so many times before them.

She started with a slow rocking back and forth, but eventually fell into a rough and rapid rhythm. Kylar clutched and clawed at the grass and dirt as Tess pleasured him, clenching and bearing his teeth with his eyes squeezed shut. Tess propped herself up with her hands on Kylar's chest, every nerve in her groin screaming with pleasure. She had been with eleven guys in the past, all of them had been pretty good fucks, but this boy was different. He was as long as her forearm and as hard as a petrified tree. This was the most pleasure she had felt in her entire life, even as good as changing.

The two moaned and groaned as their organs worked together, sweating and panting as they had sex. Kylar's hardened penis was now slick with their combined fluid and slid in and out of Tess' pussy with ease. Her moist cavity caressed every surface of Kylar's rod, coaxing him further and further to orgasm with each bounce. Now Kylar got bored of this routine. He pushed against Tess' large breasts, flipping them both over as a result. Kylar rolled his thumbs about Tess' nipples, drawing the fur away from them. Tess couldn't help but gasp at the new pleasure.

Kylar was in complete control now. He thrusted madly in and out of Tess' sex organ, his knot tight enough to burst. Suddenly he felt that familiar feeling of coming; he would blow soon. He started to slide his throbbing erection out of Tess' crevice, but she grabbed the arm that he was using to remove it by the wrist. "Finish it..." was all she was able to say through the waves of pleasure. Kylar needed not to be told twice. He released his cock from his paw and replaced it next to Tess, using it to prop himself up.

Tess couldn't wait any longer; she needed this sexy wolf to cum inside him, and she needed it now. She leaned up and pressed her lips against Kylar's, and reached her left paw between her legs. Using every digit she possessed on that paw, she clasped her fingers around Kylar's impressive knot and squeezed. Kylar finally lost the battle to keep his sperm inside him.

In a blizzard of rapture, Kylar's cock twitched and spasmed, coating Tess' walls with his life's essence. Eight hot ropes of wolf cum shot from the end of his cock like a slug out of a rifle. Kylar and Tess both couldn't help but howl at the full moon as Kylar came within her. The ritual was completed; they were one.

When Kylar had finished he used the little energy that he had left to flip them over so that Tess was on top of him. The two gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, Kylar's penis still firm inside her, until the glow of their sex finally caught up with them. There, on the edge of the shimmering river, in the light of the full moon, the two lycans fell into a deep sleep that would last until the morning.



  • The Lost City Stories by yiffstar user Electric Rage

-Wolfie Steel; Assassin/Bodyguard for Hire by yiffstar user Wolfie Steel



An anthro wolf in this story is genetically engineered to release a special hormone that causes the fur that hid a wolf's genitals to fall back slowly over the course of twenty seconds. This hormone is released at two times for males and three times for females. For males, this hormone is released when it is necessary for the wolf to urinate or when he is sexually stimulated. For females, this hormone is released when the wolf must urinate, when she is sexually stimulated, and during childbirth. I just wanted to clear that up for anyone who was confused or curious.

Also, to all you horn-dogs out there; I'm going to try to put in at least one yiff scene per chapter. Keep in mind that I am a bi wolf, but I have a preference towards males, so the yiff will always be either M/F, M/M, or M/solo. Sorry, it's just how I am :P

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! And for those of you who are wondering, no, A Change for the Better is NOT over! This is just a second story that I will be running at the same time!