Sales Training: Day 3

Story by jjwolverine on SoFurry

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#3 of Sales Training

A short work of erotic fiction about animals (Rob the black wolf, 32, and Davey the tiger, 22) on the third day of their business trip together. NSFW, 18+y.o. only. This is part 3 of a 4 part story. If you're interested in the characters, you might start with part 1.

The following night we took the trainees out for dinner at the nicest restaurant I knew of in Charlotte. I made Davey sit at the far end of the table so that we each had a group of trainees to entertain. Many of the them were from small towns, so this was a good opportunity to impress them. Our job was to train, but also to sell them on the company and the product. In my experience this was accomplished most efficiently with liquor.

Between the tasting courses, the wine flights, the after dinner drinks, and the cheese plate, it was after midnight before the restaurant finally closed its doors behind us. As we headed back to the hotel, my mind jumped to what had happened with Davey last night, and I wondered what tonight would be like. But we weren't as drunk this time… Right?

Davey was already shucking off his jacket and shirt in the hotel's hallway, and had stripped naked by the time he'd gotten through the door of the room. I admired his tight, round little ass from behind as he leaned over to rummage through his duffel bag for clean underwear.

Then I had an idea.

"I didn't get my workout today," I said casually, "so I'm hitting the gym downstairs. You coming?" I opened my own suitcase to find my running shorts and started changing into them.

"Sure!" Davey said, grinning. "I think I also have some workout clothes in here." He continued his rummaging and produced a pair of thin nylon gym shorts of his own, along with a tight black tank top. He slid these on while I watched, his thick sheath protruding a bit out of the shorts even though he was soft.

The gym facility in the hotel basement turned out to be large, well equipped, and completely empty at that hour on a Wednesday. Davey headed over to a surprisingly complete set of free weights, while I selected the closest treadmill and hopped on for a run.

"Wait, you're just going to jog?" Davey said with a laugh. He picked up a crossbar and started stacking some large weights onto it. I watched his thick arms flex as he picked up the now heavy barbell. He held it at his waist and then curled it with both arms, his biceps bulging under the strain.

"Yeah, today is a cardio day for me," I said. "I don't usually do strength training while I'm traveling." He rolled his eyes at me and then did another curl, not holding the bar very evenly. I watched him as I loped along on the treadmill.

"Well I like to lift whenever I can," Davey said. "Gotta stay big and strong!" He grunted under the weight of another curl.

"You've certainly gotten big," I replied, eying him. "But you need a better workout if you want to be stronger." He stopped and looked at me, setting the bar down.

"Okay, Mister Jogger, but I'm stronger than you, obviously."

"Actually, Mister Biceps," I said with a smirk, stopping my jog and turning towards him, "I bet you're not."


"I bet you're not stronger than me," I said. "In fact I bet I can arm-wrestle you to the floor, right now. What do you say? Loser has to set up the training room tomorrow."

"You're on!" Davey grinned a mischievous grin. "Let's go."

There was no suitable table so we lay down on the training mat, facing each other. I held up a forepaw and he grasped it in his, biceps already flexing. I could feel his whiskers brush against the back of my wrist as he gripped my fingers.

"On three," I said. "One... two... three!"

Suddenly Davey strained hard against my arm, hoping to pin me down with a surprise initial burst of strength, as rookies often do. I let him push all his strength against me, not pushing back but also not giving him any ground.

I looked straight into his eyes as I withstood the force of his arm and shoulder, me looking calmly at him as his face contorted. His large pink tongue lolled out of his muzzle in concentration. He was looking at the mat, wincing with effort, but after a while he returned my gaze.

"Shit!" he gasped. "You're not even trying!" He pushed harder again and I had to redouble my effort not to be knocked over. Then, slowly but unstoppably, I began to push his paw down toward the floor.

Davey winced even more as he tried to resist, but his strength was gone and I knew he was mine. With a final gasp I pounded his arm into the mat. Knowing he was beaten, he began to get up, but I held him there on the floor for another second, just so that he would know that I could.

"Jesus!" he exclaimed, panting and flopping onto his back. "How the hell did you do that? You've got no muscle!"

"Are you sure about that?" I asked with a chuckle. "Black fur is not very show-y. You should have taken a closer look before betting against me!" I pulled off my shirt and gave a little flex. A look of surprise crossed his face, and in the mirror I could see what I was showing him.

With my shirt off in the harsh flourescent light of the gym, my eight-pack abs and toned chest were clearly visible. My thick biceps and triceps stood out distinctly under my fur as I tensed them.

"Wow, I can see every muscle in your whole body!" Davey looked with new appreciation at my chest, arms, and legs, which he seemed to notice for the first time. "You do look strong, I guess. How did you do that?"

"Same as you," I said. "I work out. But I don't just swing barbells around, I focus on form and strength. I could show you some better training techniques, if you want."

"I would like that," he said, flashing his adorable, goofy grin again.

"But after I finish my run."

An hour later, we hit the showers. The locker room area was deserted, so I dispensed with bathroom etiquette and shrugged my smelly shirt and shorts off, dropping them around my large hind-paws where I stood.

Davey did the same, peeling his tight tank top up off of his stomach to reveal the top of his thick sheath again. I suddenly remembered how his stomach had felt under my fingertips last night, and I began to get slightly hard. Davey dropped his tank top to the floor and stepped out of his shorts as well, now naked and perfect in front of me. I looked away.

"Not shy, remember?" He said with a smirk, and walked past me into the large group shower. He gave my ass a little smack as he went. I winced and returned fire, smacking his firm butt as he tried to dance out of the way, laughing.

"Jesus, I can't believe you beat me," he said again as he turned the water on. I stepped up to the nozzle next to him and turned that one on, too. Ice cold water blasted my chest for a moment, which felt good after the long run in the hot gym. Then it warmed up.

"Do I really have to do the stupid setup?" he whined. "While you sleep in, I suppose?" He gave me an exhausted, plaintive look.

"Damn right," I growled. "You lost, you can go down there an hour early and fiddle with the overhead projector. Enjoy!" I chuckled and reached for the shampoo.

"Ugh," he complained. "It will take so much longer without you. This kinda sucks. And you knew you'd win, didn't you?"

"I figured I would, yeah," I replied. "I could tell from the weight you were doing that I was stronger than you. And anyway there's a trick to arm wrestling. I'm surprised you're not better at it, being a younger brother." Davey was lathering up his wet fur now, running his paws absent-mindedly over his neck, chest, thighs, balls, and sheath. I realized I was staring again.

"I was just hoping to get some real sleep tonight," he went on. "But now I have to get up even earlier."

I watched him as he looked at the floor, complaining under the shower's spray. He really did seem sad about having to do setup. I figured it would be a harmless bet, but he seemed really bummed. I felt bad, but also a bit annoyed that he was making such a big deal out of this. Then I had another idea. I don't know if what I did next was because of the sight of him naked and wet, or if it was the wine from the restaurant.

I turned toward him."Look, if you don't want to do it, perhaps you can work off your bet some... other way." I slid my paw down to my own sheath, which plumped up even more as I thought about what I was about to do. Davey watched where my paw went and gave a start as he realized what I meant.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "Oh," he said again. He seemed to consider it. "Well, I could really use the rest."

"You will sleep well after this," I said, stepping toward him. "I promise."

Davey tentatively reached out, touching my balls with his fingers. After a moment he wrapped his paw more firmly around the head of my cock as it emerged from my sheath, and gave it a little stroke. I could feel the heat of his palm between my legs as he held me. I was getting harder by the second, but his cock was not showing at all. I could tell he was pretty nervous.

"That feels nice, Davey," I said. "But it's not quite what I had in mind." I shut the water off.

"It's... it's not?" he jerked his paw away, uncertain.

"Nope. There's no need for you to work so hard at it." I put my paws on his shoulders and shoved him downwards; in his surprise his powerful legs buckled easily.

"On your knees, soldier."

Davey fell to his knees, catching himself by grabbing onto my arms as I put weight on his shoulders. I moved my paws to the sides of his head, smoothing his whiskers back and cradling his chin with both paws. He looked up at me, his face just an inch from my rock-hard cock. My knot was starting to swell a little, too.

"Go on," I growled softly. "It won't bite."

Wordlessly, timidly, he parted his lips and took the tip of my cock into his muzzle. I could feel his long, sharp teeth rubbing against my glans as he tried to open wide enough. I winced.

"That's a... start," I said, sliding my paws to the base of his skull on the back of his neck. "But you can do better. Just open real wide and try to relax."

I could feel him open wider as I pulled his head toward me. My cock filled his muzzle and I could feel myself pushing down his open throat. He made a small choking sound and tried to push me away, but I held him there, forcing him to take me all the way to my now swollen knot. He struggled and whimpered.

"You're doing good. Breathe through your nose," I said, and heard a sharp exhale as he did as I commanded. His struggling got a bit weaker.

"There you go," I whispered soothingly. "That's very good. Just relax your throat. Good. Just relax." he stopped struggling and I slid my cock half way out of his mouth, and then back in again. A wave of sensation swept over me as I felt myself sliding into him. Davey inhaled sharply as I pushed back in, but he didn't resist.

"Unnngghhh, that is excellent," I growled. I pulled out of him and then pushed back in again. And again. Twice. Three times. Davey didn't flinch. His breathing was now slow and even as he held onto my hips, bracing himself.

I pushed forward again, harder this time, thrusting my thick cock into his face as I held him. He took it smoothly, holding himself there on his knees, submitting to whatever I was going to do to him next.

I pulled out and thrust in again, even harder, burying my cock all the way up to my knot again. His soft nose pressed into my stomach as he breathed out. I began to pound his face rhythmically, now more guiding than forcing his head as I slid my thick shaft in and out of him, over and over. I could feel the heat and pressure building up between my legs.

I looked down at Davey. His eyes were closed with concentration as he tried to anticipate my rhythm. His paws grasped my hips tightly, his biceps flexed and bulging from the effort. And beyond his arms I could see his cock all the way out of its sheath, stiff and hard. The little fucker was enjoying this! And oh god, he felt so tight.

I had to push his head off of my dick just to keep from cumming right then. He coughed as I pulled out and then looked up at me, a questioning look in his eyes. He was still holding onto me.

Without a word I put my paw on his shoulder and pushed him back. He landed with a grunt on his butt, and I had to reach forward quickly to catch him before he cracked his skull against the tile wall of the shower. I knelt in front of him as he slumped against the wall and pinned him there, my paw on his forehead. My cock was now right in front of his face again.

"I don't want to swallow," he whispered hoarsely.

"You won't have to," I said with a grin, and pushed the head of my cock between his lips. This time he took it without fuss, and I moaned as I shoved the rest of it into his muzzle again. I started pounding into his throat, faster than ever this time. I knew I was getting close.

Davey lay there, limply now, just taking me. His cock was so hard that it hovered over his stomach, reaching up past his belly button. Somehow knowing that he was hard, that he was getting off on how I was using him, pinning him there on the floor, making him mine, was just enough to send me over the edge.

My cock swelled one last time, the tightness and heat of my building climax almost overwhelming. With a grunt I pushed my whole body forward into his face. I felt my knot hit his lips but I kept pushing, forcing it suddenly into his mouth. My cock had now rammed completely down his throat, and my stiff knot was filling his mouth like a ball gag. Davey choked but I held him tight against me.

And then I came.

I shuddered and gasped as I blew a thick load of cum into him. Davey's eyes opened wide in surprise, and he choked a little more but he took it. Another wave of orgasm hit me and I sent another spurt of cum into his muzzle. And then another. And another. Rivers of the stuff poured into him, through my knotted dick, straight past his mouth and into his open throat. He struggled a couple of times but I held him there, still cumming.

Eventually it was over. I let my tight, straining knot pop out of his mouth, and I looked down at him. He looked a little stunned and he had just a little bit of my cum dripping down one whisker. I smiled.

"There now, see? You didn't have to swallow it."

He looked up at me and seemed to come to his senses. He was still hard, with a droplet of precum just showing on the tip of his cock. He began to get up but I put a paw on his shoulder, more gently this time, and pushed him back to the floor.

"Hang on, kiddo, we're not done yet," I said. "I told you that you'd sleep well after this. You get a turn, too." I grabbed a fistful of conditioner from the wall dispenser above my head and then knelt down in front of him.

"This is how it's done," I said. Then I leaned down and took his thick, long, hard cock in my muzzle. Davey inhaled sharply, but he didn't stop me. I slid my mouth down onto him, letting his large dick head pass between my jaws and down my own throat. Davey moaned softly and I could feel him relax.

I began to suck him off, sliding my whole face up and down on his big dick. As I worked, I moved my now conditioner-slick paw up between his legs and slid a finger gently between his fuzzy ass cheeks. My fingertip found his tight little pucker and I started to massage it.

Davey flinched, but I moved my other paw to his chest to hold him down. He stayed put after that. I worked over his shaft with my large, soft tongue, licking him up and down slowly. After a moment I felt him relax enough to let my finger slide into his ass.

Right away I began to massage his swelling prostate, feeling his erection from the back, from inside of him. Davey moaned again and I took his cock even deeper into my throat, sliding in and out, going a little faster each time.

"Oh, god," he managed to say, his eyes shut as he lay against the tile floor, getting fingered and deep-throated at once. I went faster, and I could feel his ass tightening around my finger as he got close to an orgasm.

"Oh, god," he moaned again, "I think I'm gonna..."

And then he exploded with a grunt, jetting his cum into my muzzle in heavy pulses. I could feel his hole clenching rhythmically around my finger, incredibly tight. I kept sucking his cock as he came, shuddering against the floor, eyes closed. He came and came, and I had to swallow a couple of times to get all of it. It felt like a gallon of his cum was flooding into my mouth.

After a minute he slowed to a stop, and I held him in my jaws for another moment as he softened. Then I let him up.

"Wow, I've never cum like that before, ever!" Davey exclaimed. "What did you do to me?" He started to stand up, shaking.

"Just helping you relax," I said with a smirk. "Come on, let's go to bed. I'm suddenly very tired." I extended a paw and helped him to his feet.

Continue to part 4 of 4