Fates of the Unicorns 85 - Draw

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#85 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 85 - Draw

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : _This chapter takes place (mostly) in the past and does not contain any spoilers and can be read safely if you are new to the series. Further chapters will be full of spoilers however, and if you like this one I highly recommend starting at the beginning.

Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Favorite the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

Felena stared with pride at the painting before her. She cocked her head from side to side as she examined it, her green gemmed slave collar shifting with her movements, her brown and white raccoon tail swishing behind her in pleasure. Even the stupid unicorn looked glorious, despite how hard it was to paint shades of white. Stupid, stupid unicorns and their featureless expanses of perfect white fur. Most annoying to paint.

She did enjoy the gold highlights, and the bondage and second picture within added to the pleasure of viewing the finished masterpiece. Even Master Rahmor would be impressed she thought, and she beat the deadline by several days, avoiding whatever punishment he would have inflicted upon her. Or in her, she thought with a shudder.

She shook her head and looked back at the large oil painting in amazement. She had always been a good artist, that had never been her problem. Her problem, the one that eventually landed her in a dragon's slave pen was simply her inability to finish anything. She flitted from one project to the next, got distracted, always found other things to do. Anything but what she was SUPPOSED to be doing.

Teachers couldn't make her work. Potential clients always went away with nothing. Great artists couldn't inspire her. Friends, family, other students praise flattered her ego, but didn't get her to work.

A big dragon cock up the ass however, that was motivation she couldn't ignore. She grumbled, and squirmed at memories of her early days as Rahmor's art slave. He had not gone easy on her, not even a little. He had never let up either. She still took the brunt of his displeasure if she faltered in her work, or didn't measure up to his ideas of what she was capable of.

Her eyes drifted to the large painting before her once more. She still found it incredible that she had created it. Not the talent, she had that in spades, but the time and effort it took. The concentration. She always wanted to do such works, but the thought of all those brush strokes, all the preparations, all the painting and repainting and attention to detail. It was beyond her. Or if had been. Still might be, if she didn't have a literal slave-driver, well, driving her. She winced. Then smiled. Not today. Today he would be happy. He might even.. well... sometimes his attentions were not ALL bad.

But she had not always made dragons happy. Or herself. There was a time...


Felena shivered, naked but for her fur and the metal collar and cuffs she wore. She stood among several slaves, hands held behind her back, tail straight down and fighting the impulse to swing that large poofy tail up between her legs to hide her sex and chest from the dragon's gaze. The dragon that was looking at her, judging her. She tried not to whimper, but it was almost impossible with that large predator staring at her like a piece of meat.

The dragon was so much taller than she was, his body a swamp-green with darker green stripes down his arms and legs, and solid pale belly and chest. Like most dragons, she had no problem seeing most of his patterning due to his lack of clothes. Short leather pants and some straps for carryign items across his chest was the majority of it. She felt so vulnerable, being kaed before this creature, and thought that him being mostly naked should make her feel better, but oddly it only made it worse. Clothing would have at least felt like some kind of barrier between her and him, as flimsy as it might have been.

A clawed hand ran over her breast, lifting it and then releasing it with casual indifference. "Hmph. I don't know why they sent you all to me, I don't even have room for all of you and there certainly isn't anything special about the lot of you. Someone fucked up in logistics I'm sure." He poked at the raccoon, then hooked a claw under her chin, forcing her head up and the girl onto her toes.

"All right, plain girl. Go stand over there by the door while I get the rest of these slaves in their cages. They will at least be nice on the eyes. Especially that one, I bet the pup would look good with a few eggs in her belly. That will teach her to go snooping around the slave pens in bordertown again, not that she will get the chance. Probably will be a display trophy, or a sex toy."

The husky in question crouched down low at the attention, clearly intimidated by the larger dragon, naked like the rest of them, one arm covering her well-endowed chest, but positioning herself in front of the rest of the group as if trying to somehow protect them from the dragons gaze or interest.

Felena yelped as a long dragon tail swing around to smack her on the ass, and she shuffled off to the door, muttering under her breath. The insult about her 'plain' looks quickly turned her embarrassment and fear into her normal sulky, grumpy mood. Who was that dragon to go about calling plain? She looked over the handful of other slaves and huffed again. It wasn't her fault her fur was a little rougher, her patterns a bit off, maybe not as tall, maybe not as curvy. Didn't make them any BETTER than her. What's so special about dogs with big tits anyway, even if her fate didn't sound particularly appealing. Display trophy? She had spoken with her a few times since they had been gathered together. Tiernan was her name?

Lost in thought, she hardly noticed the dragon return, only starting from her thoughts when she felt the chain to her collar being grabbed, stumbling quickly to follow the dragon. She hadn't been dragged through the dirt for not moving quickly enough, but had seen others and had no desire to experience it herself. Weeks of being moved through the 'system' had taught her much about what to do, and what not to do around these beasts. Fighting didn't do anything but get you hurt. Crying got you no sympathy. She had decided right away to skip the anger and grief stages and go right to a resigned sulkiness. It wasn't much different than her preferred attitude anyway, so fuck em.

Curious and a little afraid, she was surprised when the dragon simply led her around back and chained her to the back wall of the slavers offices.

"There. I'll be back for you when there is more room inside" said Kathal, giving her another yelp-inducing smack to her ass before walking back around the corner to leave her alone.

Despite knowing better she gave a few tugs at the chain. "Erf! Rrrrgh! Damnit!" She slumped down, dropping the chain. The damn thing was made of thick links and the ring it was bolted to looked like it could hold a whole herd of feral bulls. What kind of slaves did they keep back here?

She tapped at the wall with a finger. Some kind of large, thick bricks. Nothing she could move on her own. She winced a bit at various markings on the wall, old claw marks crisscrossing here and there. Did they lock up other dragons too? She wasn't sure what else would have made them, but she was never one to care much about predator species. She was an artist. Was. She was a slave now. She hit the wall with the side of her fist, careful not to hit too hard, always protective of her hand. The blow was light, but her anger was heavy. It wasn't fair. How did she end up here! Stupid, stupid dragons!

She knew, deep down who was really at fault, but pushed those thoughts away. That damn caravan was full of dumb people anyway. Probably all in another slavers pen elsewhere.

No, it was the damn dragons of course.

After a few more moments of cursing she looked around the small yard. A high wall kept her from seeing out, and anyone else from seeing in. There wasn't much to catch her eye, or keep her attention. Grass and weeds and stone walls. Iron rings and chains. No mistaking it for anything other than a place to keep unwanted slaves.

She huffed again. She wasn't ugly. She wasn't even homely! Just her luck to get stuck with a bunch of pretty, and probably brainless other slaves. She picked up a small pebble and chucked it at the far wall, then kicked at a larger one and watched it tumble into the grass. Bored she swatted at another, clearing space to sit, then frowned and eyed the rock. Limestone? Chalk? She leaned closer to look, it was a bit of natural chalk. Dark, so dark she almost missed it. An unusual find. She forgot about her nakedness and the dragon and her decidedly unpleasant future as old instincts returned. Not being from a rich family, she learned in her early years to scavenge for supplies, and a nice bit of natural chalk had given her hours of pleasure drawing in places she shouldn't.

She reached for it, and almost screamed in anger when the chain kept her from reaching it. Fuck! Of course she had gone and knocked it out of reach. Stupid, stupid! She grabbed another rock, intending to throw it at the out of reach treasure, wanting to smash it. She sighed and slumped against the wall instead, dropping the rock and stretching her legs out as he anger dissipated, her mood bouncing from high to low like it always did.

Her depression only lasted as long as it took Felena to realize that with her legs stretched out, her foot was right next to the darn thing. Her hand smacked her forehead, and with a little squirming she quickly had her prize grasped in a foot, and then in her greedy hands, examining it, sniffing it, testing it against the wall. It made a nice dark mark as she turned to kneel facing the wall, a smirking grin spreading across her furry cheeks.

Maybe a little doodle, just something for fun. A few more testing scratches, then she drew some crude lines, quickly scratching out a quick and dirty stick figure scene of a particular dragon getting slain by a knight in shining armor. She snickered and wrote "DRAGONS SUCK" in bold letters above it. She pondered labeling it with the name of her current, hated captor, but doubted she could spell it right.

Felena giggled again, adding a few touches to the dragon and sat back to admire her work. It wasn't a masterpiece by any means, but sometimes it was fun to doodle. Fuck realism.

Her hand reached out to smear the drawing away, but suddenly she hurrrrked as her collar was yanked upwards, and her with it. "Gaaaack!"

Kathal held the slave by her collar, toes just touching the dirt as she struggled. With hardly an effort he shoved her forcefully against the brick wall.

Felena managed to turn her head to the side, taking the wall with the side of her face instead of her nose slamming into it. It still knocked the wind out of her and she errfed and grunted, hands scrabbling at the wall, trying to climb away from the choking collar and dragon that was manhandling her.

She was pulled away, only to be slammed into the wall once more. She grunted and groaned, nipples on fire as they were rubbed against the rough brick, one knee hitting and sending a spike of pain through her leg. "Nrrgh! Ow!" she yelled and kicked with her feet.

A third time the wall pulled away and came back. Errrooofh!

"Stop, struggling!" said an annoyed, deep voice right into Felena's ear.

Another thud and she gasped, and finally went limp, her chest and head smarting, hands dropping to her side quickly followed by her entire body as she was dropped to crouch panting at the base of the wall, and the dragon's feet.

"Humph. When you are beaten, you STOP STRUGGLING, is that clear?"

Felena huffed back, catching her breath and managed a curt nod.

"Listen, slave. When a dragon is beaten by another, when he has lost, he surrenders. When he knows he is bested, knows there is nothing he can do, he submits to the one that has dominated him." He poked at the raccoon and continued, "If he keeps fighting, it means he thinks he can still win. Has a trick. Maybe allies coming. Maybe a hidden knife. But as long as he keeps fighting, no matter how helpless he may look, his opponent will just keep attacking."

Looking up, Felena gave a puzzled tilt of her head at the sudden lecture.

With a sigh, Kathal said, "If you struggle, a dragon will assume you are doing so for a good reason and are a danger, and is going to keep beating you until you stop. So when you are grabbed, you submit and surrender. Unless you WANT to get knocked unconscious."

A gulp and a nod was her only response, shrinking back as the dragon crouched down, but his attention wasn't on her anymore, but the drawing. She didn't dare look up at him, her hands fidgeting, then a yelp as she was yanked to the side, away from the drawing. She watched him pick up the chalk and add to her title, wincing once more with a sinking feeling. It now read...


"Aw fuck..." she mumbled, and then shivered at the sound of a buckle being undone. Unable to stop herself, she glanced up to see the dark red tip of a dragon cock emerging from the leather pants that had formerly concealed it. A hand on the back of her head gave her no choice before she found her nose mashed against the soft, but quickly hardening tip which in no time was pressed too, then between her lips. She scrunched up her face as she was forced to taste the dragon's scent, the head of it pushing against her tongue. She had avoided being raped so far, but her luck had finally run out. "Rrrrrgggmmph!"

Kathal pushed her firmer against his groin, and then paused. "Is that... me?" he asked, pointing at the crude dragon, a talon tapping at the distinctive horns.

"Mrrrrmph...." was all she could say, her eyes turning to the drawing. She had drawn his rather distinctive horns, hadn't she. Oh shit.

A growl and a stare was the dragon's only response, eyes boring into hers.


The dragon slowly pulled her away, his cockhead slipping from her mouth with a wet plop.

She coughed and hacked at the taste still in her mouth, snorting out the scent of his groin which clung to her nose. "Mmm... maybe? Uh... maybe... yes?" she said with a deep wince, knowing she couldn't really deny it, not with those two little marks on the top of the horns. Why did the stupid dragon have to have distinctive horns, and why did she draw them on a darn stick figure!

"And who is that?" he asked, pointing at the poofy tailed stick figure with the sword.

Felena blinked, "Uh... I don't know... just... a knight I guess. Like in the old days."

Kathal grunted, and casually reached out and scratched several claw marks through the knight. "Hah. Eviscerated him. Lucky that wasn't supposed to be you, or I might have done the same."

Blinks where her only response, eyes watching those sharp claws, knowing what they could do to her softer flesh. This time her tail did curl up between her legs, covering her sex, and her belly.

Suddenly he pushed his cock back into his pants and fastened them, now with a bit of a bulge in the leather. "Draw me again. I get the sword and am stabbing that foolish knight. Make me look better too. I've got muscles, not sticks for legs! My tail is much thicker, and longer, and more powerful than that one too! Make it all better!"

"Uhhh... I... ok?" she said with surprise, finding the chalk rock back in her hand. She turned to the wall and began sketching a few test lines as she continued to make a face at the taste lingering on her tongue. If drawing him might get her out of rape or punishment, who was she to argue? The wall was rough, the chalk dark but not very well suited for fine details, but she could make it work. She swept her hand across in confident strokes, drew with quick flicks of her hand and slowly shapes emerged.

This time it was no stick figure, but a pair of small, but detailed fighters. Even with the rough wall and crude chalk the details emerged, hits of form brought out by just the right touch. A dragon, now clearly recognizable with his arm outstretched, running through an armored knight. She smiled at the image despite her situation, rather pleased with how it came out. Her smile faded, remembering her audience and she slowly turned her head to look back at him.

Kathal clapped slowly, "Well now, that is just wonderful!" He eyed the drawing with pride, "Yes... yes... die you filthy weakling. Feel your guts spill, pay the price for defying the empire!"

The crude violence of the dragon's words brought another shiver to the defenseless raccoon, wondering if punishment or rape might not be the worse that could be in store for her. She yelped once more at yet another tail smack to her ass.

"You... there is no mention of art skills in your paperwork. Lying is a filthy, furry habit that will only get you in severe trouble here, slave. Why didn't you tell your interviewer you had artisan skills?"

"Uh... interviewer?"

"Yes, the dragon that interrogated you when you were first captures."

"I.. uh... nobody asked me anything. I was, uhm, gagged until I was brought here, then just tied up in pens."

The dragon gave a snort, and an angry growl. "Fuck ups. I'm going to be filing a report on this batch. No room allocated ahead of time, missing interviews. That's no way to handle fresh meat. No wonder they are sent to furry lands and not on the front lines, worthless." Kathal paused and seemed to look inward for a second, a bit of sadness showing, then his focus snapped back to the drawing. He pointed, "Make that knight a corrupted!"

"A.. what?"

"A corrupted. An overlord even!"

"I... ah.. I don't know what that is."

Kathal shook his head. "Such ignorance. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be so... so... innocent. It must be... rather nice, I suppose. Well. No more hiding from it now. A corrupted is a furry, or dragon that has an insect mindraper attached to them. Turns them into a loyal servant of the hive, at least until they are consumed."

Felena shuddered and let out a soft, "Oh". What lay beyond the dragon lands wasn't something most furs wanted to think about. She gave a meek, "Uh... I don't know how to draw that."

"It's easy enough. It's like, well, kind of like an infiltrator, well more bulbous, and more tentacles. Ah.. guess you don't know what that looks like either. Hmm. Oh, a squid. It's like that, on his back, here."

Felena began to sketch a rough outline, feeling a little disturbed as the description continued.

"Yes, yes. Tentacles wrap around the neck and chest here. Erase some of that.. it eats the back of the head and neck, digs into the spine here to tap in, tentacles go into the head here to enslave and corrupt their brain. No, not like that.. more like, here. Yes. Those go there, no, right into the nose, not beside it."

When she finished, she shivered once more at the frightening image. What had been a furry night was now some poor soul, soon to be without one if what the rumors said was correct. As disturbed as she was, the dragon beside her was excited, almost hopping in his pleasure.

"Yes, perfect.. that's EXACTLY how I'd do it! Right through the heart, kill the host then slice that thing into six pieces! I'd have made a fine warrior, I really would have."

Her mouth pressed firmly closed, Felena widely for once didn't comment. She was new to dragons, but had already picked up that most of the tough guards and hunters here that she so feared for their power and strength were considered rejects, unfit to fight in the real war with the insects. How anyone would WANT to go to their certain doom eluded her, but dragons were so WEIRD it didn't surprise her. Just confused her.

"Now draw a dead egg inseminator! It's like a big caterpillar, with a tube sticking out..."

A few more monsters later, she almost had to giggle at the overly dramatic dragon surrounded by dead monsters.

"You are quite good, you know? Perhaps you should go off to the front and draw what the scouts bring back, or maybe surgeries and examinations on corrupted furs. It's pretty rare to extract a dragon from one of those things, they usually die. But detailed notes and drawings are quite important."

Felena shuddered again, dropping the chalk. "Ahhh... you want to.. send me... to see..."

The dragon calmed a bit, looking somewhat disappointed. "Well, if your hands shake like that you will be no good. Probaly just get yourself eaten. Well, I'm sure we can find a place for you. Lots of dragons would pay good money." He let out a grin, "And since you are not marked as an artist, hmmm... perhaps I can make a deal with some classy dragon on the side and make a nice profit. I should further test your skills, yes."

She gave a meek nod. Being some classy dragon's pet artist sounded way better than drawing monsters up close. Real ones! She erked again as the chain was detached from the wall and she was dragged along.


Felena followed the dragon back around to the front of the stone building, and then walked several down. He pushed her against the wall, then slowly urged her to peek around it. "There... that dragoness... the light blue one. See her?"

"Uh... yes?"

"That's Misen, and she is hot! Study her. Especially that tail. That long, sleek tail... like a muscular whip! Hurrrr."

Still reeling from the past hours emotion, she stared and looked, not sure what he wanted of her. She took in the pale blue, spotted female, dressed more than the male, but still skimpy. Not much could hide those breasts of hers she admitted. Curvy hips, a long tail. Sleek, curved face with a pale streak along the top... very different than the blocky angular one this male had. Normal, slightly curved but smooth horns. Then she was yanked back, forced back to his building and once more taken behind the back wall. "Now... draw her sucking my cock. On her knees. Naked! Here... it looks like this."

Felena scrunched up her face as once more his dick was in her face, but this time it was fully erect and exposed, a frightening thing, spiky and covered in ridges. She leaned back, "Uh... I know what they look like, I've seen a lot here..."

"No no. I don't care what others look like. I want you to draw MINE."

With a grimace she got to work, sketching out another two figures. Luckily her memory was quite good, and she managed a decent representation of the two dragons.

"No no... she would be closer, like that... lips more stretched. No teeth! Uhuh. Get her tongue under my balls. Longer. Longer! Good! My tail should be thicker, much stronger. Thicker! Make hers all curled up, ahh... oh yeah."

By the time she was finished, her fingers were aching from all the corrections and changes, and the sketch was a mess, covered in dirty marks from erased lines. Even so, it wasn't bad at all. Turning to see if he was satisfied, she ughed as she instead saw him stroking himself.

He smirked, "Maybe you should do this part so I can concentrate on admiring your work." He shrugged again, and stuffed himself back into his pants. "I think another... let's see... ahh!"

Felena jumped at the yell, and gulped as she saw that same blue dragoness walk around the corner, giving the male a look and then eyeing the wall with distaste.

"That, is just like you, Kathal. Unrealistic and not going to happen, no matter how much you stalk me. I'm your superior anyway, I'll chose who I fuck," said the dragoness.

Felena blinked at her captor in surprise. Was Kathal, blushing? He was. His face was turning a shade of red even as she watched, getting redder as the dragoness lowered her gaze to eye his bulging crotch, then snort at it dismissively.

Kathal recovered after a moment and swished his tail back and forth, "Only by a week, Misen! That's hardly worth noticing."

"A week or a year, it's still more seniority than you have. Enough for me to correct your mistakes," said Misen.

Kathal groaned, "Going to bring THAT up again? He was wearing female clothes, and was VERY short. That's why you strip slaves before you process them. Prevents, ah, minor mistakes."

"Oh no, not THAT mistake. THAT mistake," she said and pointed at the drawing, moving to put herself between the male and his slave. She rubbed at the drawing over Kathal's protests, wiping away the head and sucked cock, then frowning at the black on her hand. "Messy. Now, fix it."

Unsure what to do, she tried to look back at Kathal but yelped as the dragoness took a good hold of one of her nipples and pinched. "Nrrrrgh!"

"I said fix it. Now. Like this. My head would be like this, and his dick would be more like, this... and do this..."

Wincing, she gasped as the fingers released her and she cupped her breast for a moment as she listened, and began to work. The more she drew the more she forgot about the lingering pain, and had other problems to deal with.

It took biting her lip to keep the words, and more, the laughter from Felena's mouth as she regarded the finished drawing. A kneeling, laughing dragoness looked at a very small dragon penis. A smooth, non-spiky one. The lack of spikes seemed to be more important than the size by far, but the dragoness had insisted on both.

Kathal gave a growl and grabbed the chalk from her, "Oh yeah?" He quickly drew an oversized cock-like shape spraying the open mouth of the laughing dragoness.

Misen grabbed the chalk from him and modified his tail, making it curved up and around. "There, shove your tail up your ass until you choke on it you oaf."

"Eat a dick and sit on a dildo!" said Kathal, taking it back and adding his own additions.

"Well your face looks more like this!"

"I bet your tits do this!"

"Like you will ever see them!"

Back and forth Felena watched the dragons argue, not caring that they wrecked her drawing, but sad when the chalk had crumbled from their fighting and hard usage of it.

Both dragons snorted, then Misen eyed the slave and the other drawing of the insect fight. "Who sent such a skilled artist to YOU anyway." When Kathal didn't respond she eyed him, "Slipped through the cracks, did she?"

He was forced to grunt an affirmative.

"Well then, I bet I can find her a nice place, and a nice bribe."

"Oh no you don't, she's mine! A week isn't enough for you to take her from me" he said with a hint of a growl.

"Give her to me, or I'll report the mis-identification and you won't get anything out of her at all when they take her away for assignment."

Felena didn't like the sound of that at all. Assignment sounded official. Military. A place one might get sent to draw monsters that eat you. "Ahh... uhm.. maybe... split the, uh, bribe?"

"What?" said both of the dragons at once, turning to her in mild surprise.

"I mean.. half of something is better than nothing, right? Uh.. sir... maam?"

The dragoness considered, "I do have better contacts than you anyway... I'll get a better price than you can manage."

"Wellll... I should get more because I found her."

"But I can get her sold faster, and for more."

"Hrmph. Even split then?"


"I think we need better, samples of her abilities. Slave! Come!"

Felena didn't resist as she was taken back into the building, the other slaves all locked in their small, cramped cages.

"Hmm, lets see... can you work with this?" said Kathal, standing at his desk.

Felena walked over to the desk the dragon had moved to and peered at the forms, turning one over. It was paper, and fairly high quality. Used for mere forms and paperwork? This was easily high enough quality to be put up on display. her attention turned to various writing implements, ink wells, fine bits of wood covered graphite. Well stocked for a slave pen she thought, but then again, it was the dragons' second favorite occupation.

"Yes... this is wonderful, uhm, sir."

"Good. Then draw me. Show me what you can do," said Kathal, who with only a bit of a glance at the dragoness, slowly began to strip, piling his clothes and then taking a seat on a bench in a very, awkward pose.

The dragoness just giggled, then shook her head. "You look even sillier than normal. How you get any female to look at you twice I have no idea."

Felena watched the dragon male turn his head and snort, and yet another blush. Twice in one day now. She dared to speak up, "Could you.. please.. I mean.. if it pleases you... lift your leg a bit?"

Kathal cocked his head, but shrugged and moved it.

"Uh-huh... and... your tail... like that... try and turn a bit more... okay... and your head, this way. Bit more curl to the tail, flex a bit..." She directed the dragon, doing her best having never tried this with their kind before, but she decided the pose was a success, although she'd have rather have hidden the large erection. Somehow she doubted he would agree to that. A glance at the dragoness gave her another surprise. Was there a hint of a blush on her now too? Against her better judgment, she took a long look at the male and decided, at least in that pose, he was maybe a little handsome.

She began to draw, taking her time, carefully sketching out the light lines, then darker as she got her bearings, lost in thought. The sketch slowly taking form, hardly noticing when the female came to look over her shoulder and make approving noises.

After a time the dragoness spoke, moving closer to the male, seemingly impressed by his endurance. "I'd have thought you would have gone limp as a furry corpse by this time. It's only drooping a tiny bit."

"It's not drooping at all!" protested Kathal!

"Sure it is.. here... let me show you."

Kathal let out a gasp, and squirmed a bit on the chair as the dragoness reaches down and ran a finger over the sensitive backward facing spikes of his shaft. It did firm up just a tiny bit at the touch, and this time both dragons gave equal blushes.

"She drew you quite well... she is a very good artist. So good she actually made you look handsome, a little anyway. Perhaps she is talented enough to work with true beauty" said Misen, and began to slowly disrobe. "Now... how should I pose?"

Not entirely liking where this was going, Felena directed the dragoness to pose next to the male, and began to sketch her in. She had watched the dragonesses expression closely as she posed her, not wanting to get her too close to the other dragon, but in the end they ended up next to each other, to the males obvious delight.

She tried to ignore the occasional touches the dragoness gave to the male to keep his 'pose' as she drew, and when she was finished she cautiously got up and moved closer to the pair, showing them.

Both dragons gave murrred approval at the finished product, heads first focused on their own drawings, and slowly, crossing over to examine the other in detail, both heads turned inward as they took in the others form.

Felena wasn't sure which one licked first, but before she knew it both dragons were nuzzling and licking at each other's muzzles, and then kissing, those long tongues sliding into each other's mouths in a sensual, but also disturbing way.

Kathal pulled back just long enough to say, "Who said you could stop drawing, slave? Use another form..."

Misen seemed to approve, and didn't resist as Kathal continued the kiss, hands beginning to roam, touch, and grope.

Felena grabbed another form, turning it over and made quick, rough dragon kisses, almost as if she were back in school in drawing practice, given unusual and unfamiliar items to draw. This was certainly unusual!

The drawing, and the dragons continues to progress. Showing the kisses got mrrms of approval, and motions to continue. So she did, documenting the progress of what was not clearly a dragon mating.

As the action increased, the drawings got rougher, and so did the dragons. Hisses and murrs turned to growls and snarls, the two equally matched dragons fighting as much as fucking. Wrestling with limbs and tails, grabbing and squeezing, licking and nibbling, and even outright biting.

Felena sketched as well as she could, and it was more than good enough for the dragons, every sketch she showed and placed around them got them even hotter and heavier into their own art, coils and muscle and dragonhide moving in exotic and erotic ways. Kathal tried unsuccessfully to push Misen's head down on his cock, her jaws snapping at the very idea of it, but her own attempt to straddle his face also failed, the male twisting around to pull her down beside him, both trying to claim the other until they lay side by side but in opposite directions, and both 'forced' the others muzzles into their own crotches.

The raccoon had time to make several sketches from a few angles as dragon tongues and lips, and in the female's case, throat worked to explore and taste the other. Her eyes went wide several times at the sight of tongues doing rather, impressive acts and despite her nervousness at the larger beasts, at least a few of the things that male did to the female looked, intriguing. Several sketches focused just on that, until the dragons squirmed about again, fighting to decide which one was on top, finally settling on the male riding the female, but her hand grasping his sac to control the speed and depth of the rutting male.

When all was said and done, the floor was littered with sketched, and both dragons lay panting among them, lazily looking them over, the room filled with scents of dragon sex.

Felena nervously approached as a dragon hand lifted one particular sketch up to her, motioning her over.

"You drew a few of these... did you... enjoy that part?" asked Kathal with a smirk.

Felena was the one to blush this time, looking down at a detailed, and careful sketch of a dragon tongue sliding deep into dragoness pussy. "I... uh..." she stammered, and then gasped as a warm nose nuzzled up between her legs. She tried to struggle, out of surprise and instinct, but Misen had moved behind her, holding her in place, feet forcing hers apart to give the male full access. She groaned as he took advantage of it, kissing, licking, and sliding that thick tongue deep into her. She moaned, arching back against the dragoness, feeling hands on her breasts, not knowing, or caring who's they were, only shuddering and crying out.

"Draw," came an order, and another paper and clipboard were pushed into her hands, and she looked down at the glittering eyes of a dragon, seeing his tongue working in her.

She drew.