A Long Weekend - Part One

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of A Long Weekend

Sigma finds himself undergoing some rather dramatic changes, and soon learns that there are certain circumstances where "bigger" isn't always better. ^^

This story was written for Sigma117. It contains TF and sexual acts involving an adult male. :3

A Long Weekend

Four days. Four days off work in a row, and Sigma thought he was getting sick. It figured.

Of course, the grey furred king cheetah wasn't actually sure he was sick. It's just that all morning so far he'd been feeling... off. He'd woken up early that day, barely past five AM, to find himself lying flat on his belly, grinding down against the sheets with a case of morning wood that just wouldn't quit. He'd felt clammy and fevered, like he might as well have been fucking the bed in his sleep for hours upon hours. And given the stains on the fabric and on his belly-fur, it was almost like that was possibly true.

Three. That was how many times Sigma had jerked off before dragging himself out of bed at just after seven. How many times he'd painted his chest, his face, even the pillows around him with cum. By the end his fur had been matted with sweat, but at last he had felt a little better. A little more like himself, and less like there was a volcano about to erupt inside his loins.

The calm inside the cheetah had lasted a couple of hours. Unfortunately, until more or less just after the point where Sigma arrived at the local mall to do some of the shopping he had planned for this long and supposedly luxurious weekend. Sigma groaned as he paused by the entrance of the first shop he planned on visiting, a hand flying to the lower portion of his stomach as he heard a deep, rumbling gurgle from within. It sounded like he was hungry, but it felt... not painful. Not like he needed to use the restroom. Quite honestly it felt like arousal. Like the pressure and intensity that he associated with the imminent need to cum. Only it came on hard and intense like a wave of nausea, and thankfully there was no physical arousal, no stiffening of his thrice-spent cock, to accompany it.

Despite his odd series of symptoms though, Sigma was determined not to let a little horniness get in the way of his day out. He entered the store, and began to wander through the racks of shirts, pants and t-shirts in search of something smart yet casual for potential future date nights with Teake. A white shirt with almost pinstripe style lines down its smooth fabric caught his eye, as did a more feminine pair of skinny jeans. He picked them both up and held them in the crook of one arm, and after browsing for a few minutes more, wandered over towards the changing rooms to try the two garments on.

"Good morning Sir. Just those two items?"

The woman standing by the changing area handed Sigma one of those silly plastic cards with a number two on it. He smiled and nodded gratefully, while wondering internally if people hell bent on shoplifting would even going to the bother of trying the clothes on before simply walking out of the store with them. The store assistant gestured to the line of cubicles on the men's side, and soon the cheetah was inside one of the little booths. He pulled the curtain shut, and sighed as he saw that it barely fell below his knees at its lower edge. So much for privacy.

Feeling a little self conscious, though not exactly sure why given that he wasn't taking off more than his trousers and shirt, the male disrobed. As he stepped out of his lower garments another wave of frustratingly intense desire surged through his midsection, and he gasped sharply, bringing a hand to rest against the front of the boxer briefs that lay beneath as though terrified he was about to pump a load of cum into the soft fabric. The feeling receded to a dull yet distracting throb, and to his simultaneous relief and surprise Sigma felt no bulge of his cock. Not even the beginnings of an erection. If anything, he felt smaller and more shrunken than could be expected on the coldest of winter mornings. The cheetah almost pulled out the front of his underwear to peer inside and check out what the hell was going on with his junk, but shook his head with a soft growl. He was in a store. He was shopping. Even if he did feel like how he imagined a woman in heat must have felt, what the hell good was it going to do for him to start checking himself out here of all places?

Slipping into the new pair of trousers and exchanging shirts, Sigma turned and looked himself up and down in the mirror. He smoothed down the front of his shirt and spread his shoulders, frowning slightly. Normally this shirt size from this store was a perfect fit, but today it seemed a bit tight. Either this shirt was a size too small, or his shoulders were getting broader. The cheetah kept himself relatively fit, with a metabolism like his species possessed it wasn't hard, but he certainly hadn't been putting in the sort of gym time that would explain this.

Changing back into his normal gear, the feline male left the changing rooms feeling even more frustrated and annoyed with his own body than before. He was second guessing himself like crazy, wondering now if he was even remembering correctly what size of shirt he normally wore. On any other day such a question wouldn't have even occurred to him, but damned if Sigma could properly focus his mind on anything right now. At any given instant his mind was in a dozen different places. Wondering if he had a fever, and that was making him imagine these 'heat' like symptoms as something sexual rather than just an abnormally high body temperature. Wondering why he felt so horny despite showing no physical arousal, and if that was a symptom in itself. Thinking about the shopping he still had to do, and how much of a waste of time it would be to come all the way out to the mall, then go all the way back without getting even a fraction of what he needed to do, done.

These and countless other thoughts carried Sigma to the checkouts, where he bought the trousers but not the shirt, having left the small sized garment with the sales assistant back at the changing area. He paid, very nearly leaving his credit card in the reader until the clerk prompted him to retrieve it, and stumbled out of the store with an embarrassed flush on his face as he felt another wave of sensation swamp him, this one so intense it very nearly caused him to cry out in pleasure. It wasn't an orgasm, far too disconnected and singular in its momentary impact, but whatever it was, damn it was strong.

"S-snap out of it..."

Sigma growled to himself as he padded along the mall's ground floor, not sure where he was heading next, just wanting to walk a little to clear his head. To his left he saw an escalator rolling slowly and steadily upward, and from above he heard the bustle of voices, of clattering cutlery and ceramic that could only mean one thing. The food court. He brought the hand not clutching the bag containing his new trousers to his stomach, and sighed as he ground to a halt, feeling it rumble with desire once again. Maybe this wasn't anything remotely to do with hunger, and getting a drink and something to eat would do nothing to help him feel better. But then, what harm could it do just to make sure. Besides, in his current state continuing to shop was pointless. If nothing else, a quick sit down and a bite of something tasty might help settle his mind at least long enough to get a few more errands completed.

The cheetah's footpaws clattered loudly on the escalator's metal surface as he hastened his progress upward by walking on the already moving platform. This didn't register with him at first, not until his hazy mind caused him to almost overshoot and completely miss the end of the mechanically mobile steps. He stumbled, and stubbed his toes on the metal edge where the moving stairs disappeared to be rotated back down to the bottom of the escalator. Sigma braced himself and stifled what he knew would otherwise be a pained howl of frustration. But to his surprise, the cry, and the pain that would have caused it, didn't come. He looked down, stepping away from the escalator and stretching out the left leg whose toes had miraculously survived unscathed. His eyes bulged, and a soft whimper of dismay escaped him as the strongest wave of desire yet coursed through his grey furred, mostly feline body.

Mostly feline, rather than the full cheetah he had been until very recently, because of his foot. Or rather... his hoof.

Sigma would have cried out, but didn't want to draw any more attention to whatever the hell he was seeing. His left leg, at least from the ankle up, looked and felt perfectly normal within his trousers. Maybe they felt a little tight. Tighter than he remembered the new pair and certainly his current, old pair of trousers feeling around his legs when he was in the changing area. But mostly totally normal, until you reached the foot. There, sitting directly beside his furred and completely feline right footpaw, was a hoof. An equine hoof with tufts of silvery grey hair like one would find around a draft horse's ankles, and a sturdy, black keratin formed base. Putting his weight upon it, Sigma was distressed by how normal it felt. How natural. Not like some alien replacement limb, but like it had always been a part of him.

Hurriedly the cheetah darted over to the food court's many tables and found himself a quiet spot to sit alone and take the weight off his paw and hoof. He was painfully aware with each step of the clopping sound his hoof made against the smooth mall floor, a complete contrast to the almost silent padding of his right paw. Even when he was seated and was able to lift his left leg up into his lap, trembling hands reaching down to touch and confirm that he was indeed looking at his own leg, Sigma couldn't believe it. He had to be ill. Not just slightly sick, but really and desperately ill to be having such a vivid and wholly multi-sensory hallucination as this. He should have known. He should have listened to all the warning signs his body had been giving him since early that morning, basically demanding he stay in bed and keep his clearly fever ridden self away from the public.

"O-ohh god..."

Sigma groaned under his breath as another cataclysmic rush of pleasurable sensation crashed over him. His right leg stiffened and kicked out uncontrollably. His tail whipped and slapped itself against the seat on which he was resting, and for the first time since the end of his multi-orgasmic masturbatory session early that morning the cheetah actually felt his crotch throbbing and reacting, bringing an all too intense physical dimension to the previously intense but amorphous pleasure. As the feeling passed, a horrible idea crossed Sigma's mind. He urgently leaned back and peered under the table at which he was seated, looking to his right leg. He let slip a gasp of relief as he watched his toes wiggling, as feline and furred as they'd ever been. He really was out of it, thinking that somehow these rushes of fevered feeling were actually somehow responsible for a transformation, rather than just being yet another part of his sickness and delirium.

Again the male's tail whipped against the back of the chair at which he was seated, and again, and again, with a rhythmic thumping that distracted the cheetah as he tried to cut through his own fevered imaginings and force his lucid mind to recognise that he was a normal man with normal feet, not some weird hoofed hybrid. Rolling his eyes Sigma absently reached back and grabbed the tip of his flailing tail. Or at least, a part of it.

He drew it round into his field of vision, and whined in dismay.


He wasn't staring at the thickly tufted tip of his long, lush feline tail. The grey furred feline instead found himself looking at thick, coarse black hairs that lay together to form a lush, thick plume. A tail not of feline form, but that which would be far more easily recognisable as part of a horse.

"I can't be changing. It's... it's not possible. I c-can't..."

The cheetah's voice trailed off, his hands clutching at the edge of the table and digging their claws into the surface as yet another wave of intense stimulation and desire washed over him. The feelings weren't just getting stronger, they were getting closer and closer together too. This time, to the male's horror, he felt a gush of something escaping from his body. Was he cumming? Wetting himself? He couldn't tell, but as he shuddered and gasped a small, dime sized wet spot appeared on the crotch of his trousers, slowly beginning to spread out a little across the thankfully already dark fabric. More worryingly, he looked down at his right leg to see that he still owned a foot. But then, if it wasn't his leg that had changed... if he was going to force himself to accept that something was making him shift in shape towards some sort of equine form..., what about him had changed?

Turning away from the food court and towards the window beside which he had sat down, Sigma found himself touching his face like a crazy person, peering at the pale reflection through the annoyingly spotless and non-reflective glass as he tried to figure out if any part of his features were no longer his own. With a whimper, realising that the change wasn't visible there, he rose to his feet. Screw getting food. Screw getting the rest of his shopping done. He had to get out of here. Had to get home. Somewhere safe, and private, and...


Sigma almost fell to his knees with the force of the next gut-churningly vicious wave of heat-like desire. He pressed his thighs tightly together, toes of his right paw curling into the ground while his left hoof kicked and stomped loudly. His equine tail thrashed behind him, and his face turned crimson beneath his grey fur as again Sigma felt a rush of fluids bursting from his throbbing, convulsing crotch, this time not just dampening, but soaking his trousers. There was no way he could get out of the mall and back to his car without being seen. Pressing a hand between his legs just for a split second, his fingers came away glistening with moisture. With a bashful whine, the cheetah looked around, both to see if anyone had noticed his humiliating predicament as yet, and to look for somewhere safe and private to try and remedy this situation. He spotted a set of restrooms not too far away, and with thighs that felt so tight inside his trousers being wetted and stained by every step he took as the dampness spread more and more across his lower garments, the cheetah dashed off towards them.

Stuffing a hand to his muzzle, Sigma barely made it into a stall in the men's room when the next wave hit. His back arched, and he groaned into the back of his paw, inhaling the smell of the wetness his digits had gathered from his crotch as yet more of the same fluid soaked and stained and ruined his trousers. Only when the latest wave of desire had passed did Sigma peel off both his trousers and the soaked, dripping underwear beneath them. He pulled his new trousers out of their bag, stuffed the stained clothes into it as he slipped his wallet and keys into the new trousers, and sat back on the cubicle's toilet as he peered down between his legs in horror.

There was, it seemed, a very good and very simple reason why despite all this arousal and intense stimulation surging through his body he hadn't gotten hard. He hadn't gotten hard, because there was nothing for the cheetah to get hard. His cock was gone and in its place, causing the floods of intensely scented, heat induced juices that had ruined his clothes, was a perfectly formed, pink and puffy lipped pussy. A pussy not like he would have expected to see on a cheetah or any feline, but the obscenely swollen and lewdly plump, big clitted and unmistakable pussy of a horse.

"O-oh god..."

Sigma moaned under his breath, trying desperately to keep focused not for the same reasons as before, but now for an entirely new and even more ridiculously inappropriate reason. He didn't know what he'd planned to do when he'd come in here. Was he going to just change into his new trousers and try to make a break for it, getting out of the mall as fast as possible before he could soak his new trousers too? Or was he going to try and somehow deal with whatever was making him wet. Jerk off, relieve his bladder, do whatever it took to ensure there was no more chance of his making a mess before he could get at the very least to the safety and privacy of his own car? Now though, Sigma was caught up helplessly in the thrall of a new idea. An idea even more appealing than masturbation in the male sense. Suddenly, now he was aware of why his arousal and hunger felt so different, all he wanted to do, all his body craved, was to be filled by his fingers. To be fucked. To be made to cum, over and over and over again.

Both of Sigma's legs kicked out hard, barely missing the cubicle door as another wave of lust swamped him, and he watched as his equine pussy's muscles visibly strain and let loose a spray of hot, semi-transparent ejaculate into the toilet upon which he was seated. Even from there he could smell the rich scent of the fluids; the pheromones that were wholly female in nature, and driving his male mind crazy. No wonder he couldn't focus. No wonder he couldn't think straight. His own body was not only turning against him, but it was turning him on even more as this impossible transformation took place, too.

As soon as the wave passed and the latest gush trailed off into just a few residual drips, Sigma acted. He pulled himself up onto foot and hoof, tossing his head back with a growl and feeling his crop of shaggy, dark hair sweeping from side to side across the back of his neck in a manner that felt worryingly like a horse's mane. Quickly he tugged on his brand new trousers, barely able to get them zipped and buttoned over what he recognised was surely his growing, expanding, more and more equine like body, and tore out of the bathroom, leaving the bag with his own stained trousers and boxer briefs behind.

"Come on. Come on, y-you can make it. Hang on."

Sigma growled at himself in desperation as he strode and trotted through the mall, back towards the car park and the vehicle that would lead him home. He could feel himself clenching new muscles internally. Muscles he hadn't possessed before. Muscles women had been learning to use since the day they were born, but which he was entirely unprepared for dealing with. He wasn't sure if what he was doing was having any effect, if he was holding back the lust and desire he was feeling or if he was just going to end up flooding his car seat with urine instead of heat induced ejaculations. But somehow he made it out of the mall and into the parking lot before the next wave struck.

Falling against the side of his own car, Sigma wailed an echoing cry as he finally felt his other leg stamp down against the concrete floor with a heavy clop. By the time he looked down at his foot, the last traces of grey were already fading from his dark hoof as the flesh and fur moulded and hardened into a new form over what must have been a matter of seconds. Each change, it seemed, only lasted as long as the surge of pleasure that accompanied them. A long, lingering transformation one little bit at a time, and one that Sigma had no idea how to predict, to control, or even to guess what was going to happen next. For all he knew, soon his hands were going to turn to hooves too. Then his face would grow horse like, and the rest of his body keep on growing until he was a fully grown, four legged mare.

Worst of all, right now all the cheetah could think to himself was that he didn't mind that outcome, just so long as there would be a hefty, well endowed stallion around to take care of him when the change was done.

It was with that thought in mind that Sigma drove himself home. His progress was slow and shaky, the cheetah not daring to even approach the actual speed limit as he was wracked by more and more waves of sensation. These latest bursts of arousal were different than those that had come before them though. Only a few of them were accompanied by changes that Sigma could feel, his body growing taller, broader, feeling increasingly tight and confined by his clothing until finally buttons began to pop clean off his shirt about half way home. The rest seemed like they were building towards something else. Something more. The cheetah could feel a pressure inside his loins. Not a pleasurable pressure like the fierce surge that accompanied the urge for orgasm, but a physical pressure, like something was growing inside him but restraining its escape.

It took almost three quarters of an hour for Sigma to get himself home, compared to a twenty minute car ride to get to the mall in the first place. By that point, sweat was prickling on the cheetah's brow and his new trousers were soaked to the point where he was sitting in a puddle of his own lubrication on the thankfully leather seating of the car. His breathing was heavy and he felt like his hips were on fire, and not entirely in a pleasant way either!

Dragging himself out of the car, the cheetah barely made it two steps before he heard a loud tearing, and felt warm but definitely fresh outside air against his bare ass. The back of his brand new trousers had ripped thanks to his still expanding frame, and with every step he took towards the door more and more of his backside and the lower portions between his legs were shown off to anyone and everyone on the street. His chest was already bare, his shirt open where its buttonless state had left it, and Sigma had to actually pull one arm free from the almost painfully tight sleeve in order to reach into his pocket and pull out his house keys.

No sooner had he stepped through the front door and slammed it shut behind him, a feverish yowl of pleasure and pain escaped the cheetah. He peeled off his shirt and his ruined trousers as he felt a new wave of stimulation pummelling his taller, broader but still lean and athletic frame. His hands fell between his now bare legs, hoofed feet spreading apart so he could cup his throbbing crotch as yet more liquid desire poured and dribbled down over his trembling fingers. The feeling from his pussy was so intensely good, but it didn't stop him from being terrified by that same ever growing and far less pleasant sensation now prickling around his backside like he was being bitten by a million ants all at once. His eyes rolled back into his head, and another frantic, finally uninhibited cry escaped him. He had to touch himself. Had to bury his fingers deep within his pussy, if only to make himself focus on those feelings rather than the alternative. He had to. He was going to. He...

A split second before Sigma could bring the two fingers he had extended from his left paw to bear against the dripping, quivering slit of his brand new pussy, the building sensation in his backside finally exploded. Sigma shrieked loudly, and toppled forward against the hallway wall for support as he felt the most intense rush of sensation. Not pleasure, not pain, just feeling. New feeling from new nerves. New muscles. New bones. New fur. His neck craned around to try and see what was happening, but his eyelids were fluttering so violently under the thrall of all the new sensations that everything was a blur. His hand upon his crotch jabbed hopelessly at lush fur, suddenly unable to find his pussy and help himself deal with these feelings via the comfort of physical stimulation. In a matter of twenty or thirty seconds, Sigma felt his mind, his heart, everything he was turn upside down as his transformation reached its long restrained conclusion.

And then...

"O-oh... oh god..."

Then came the rush. The surge of need. Of carnal, desperate hunger, returning with a vengeance far stronger and more all consuming than before. Sigma whined in longing. He had thought, he had assumed that the pleasure was merely a side effect of the change, and now that it was over, this feeling would be over too. But now he knew the truth. The desire for sex, for pleasure wasn't a catalyst for the change, it was simply one of the first parts of his new self to manifest. Stepping away from the wall, Sigma didn't think about how he was able to coordinate his movement. How he could walk like he was as he turned and trotted down the hallway, towards the downstairs bathroom. The hallway felt oddly small and cramped around him, but he assumed that was only natural. After all, he was bigger now. It only made sense his body had bulked up, he had a lot of extra weight to carry. A whole new self behind the body he had once known. Looking back over his shoulder with eyes that were clear at last, the cheetah groaned in amazment as he looked down the length of his lower back, right to the end of his lower torso where his equine tail swept back and forth.

The cheetah taur growled happily as he slipped into the bathroom, his mind focused on one thing and one thing alone now. Pleasure. Satisfaction. Orgasm. His new body needed it, and with his hands now cruelly out of reach of where he could feel all that desire emanating from, feeling it running down his hindquarters and the backs of his rear legs, he knew just how to satisfy it.

Sitting beside the shower, in the same rack as his shampoo, conditioner and other cleaning products, was a bottle of lube. A bottle of lube, and Sigma's favourite shower accessory; a deep blue, ridged dildo with a suction cup base. Normally he'd use it in the shower; stick it to the wall, lube it up, bend over and take it for a wet, sloppy ride. Today though, he neither had the patience, nor the ability to fit into the decidedly too narrow glass cubicle. Thankfully, he also had no need for lube any more, his body having done more than its fair share to prove to him just how unnecessary any extra wetness would have been.

"O-oh... oh please..."

Sigma's hands trembled as he bent down to pick up the toy, turning on the spot, walking to the centre of the bathroom's tiled floor before kneeling again and affixing the suction cup to the ground. He gave it a tug, and whined happily as it held fast. He felt his four hoofed feet trotting happily on the spot, and blushed with delight. He was far too horny to have spent any time really acclimatising to this new body, or even really acknowledging how bizarre and worrying it was that he was now an entirely different creature than he had been upon waking up that morning. But little things like that, things like his prior habit of happily shifting from foot to foot with anticipation carrying over to this new form, made him feel like even when the time to face those worries came, he'd be okay. He was, after all, still himself. Albeit a bigger, more multi-limbed, decidedly more intersexed version of himself.

"Yes. Yes!"

The cheetah taur whined and cried out happily as he shuffled over the toy and experimented with the feeling of lowering his hind-limbs down over it. It worked with surprising ease, and as the taur sat down for the very first time in his new form, he was soon shuddering and moaning as the thick toy was swallowed up by the drooling lips and clutching inner workings of his pussy.

"Ohh... n-no. No... p-please..."

Except... while it had been a thick toy; a perfect size for the cheetah's tight ass, that wasn't so true for his new figure and new genitalia. Sigma was the size of a Clydesdale now, albeit not quite as bulky as one, and his pussy was made for exactly what he had found himself fantasising about earlier. A stallion. And while the toy was certainly bigger than the average man, a good eight inches in length and decently girthy, it was only able to scratch the cheetah taur's inner itch... not quell it by any means.

"Please. M-more..."

Sigma begged helplessly as he felt his backside hit the floor, his pussy feeling painfully underwhelmed by the rubber shaft inside it. Sure it felt good, but it didn't fill him. It didn't satisfy the longing for something inside him that could make him scream. For something that could put this new body through its paces and finally satisfy what it had been craving since it first began to take over the cheetah's original form.

"A-anything. I don't care. Just... please..."

Whimpering and shuddering violently, the cheetah taur started humping at the toy regardless of its inadequacy. As he did so though Sigma's mind was on anything but the toy inside him. He listened to the wet slurping of his pussy dripping and squeezing at the dildo, and the thick, lewd slaps of his ass hitting the cool bathroom tiles as they grew slick with the fluids gushing out from within him, but thought of fantasies beyond anything he was feeling now. He imagined his lover, Teake, clenching one hand into a fist and plunging the whole of his forearm into the cheetah. He imagined grabbing something thick and smooth like an aluminium baseball bat, wedging it between the central cushions of his couch and easing himself down onto it. He imagined hammering on door after door, street after street of his neighbourhood until an equine man he'd seen driving home in the same direction as him from work several times answered it. He imagined pushing the man back into his own home, forcing his way in, and pushing his drooling, clutching pussy into the stallion's face, praying that the scent of his arousal would do as much to arouse the other horse as it was doing to him.

"O-oh god! Please!"

Sigma's whole body shuddered as he felt a fresh, hot spray of feminine ejaculate gush from his pussy. He wasn't changing any more. He was cumming. His pussy was convulsing, his body shaking, his dildo driving him to gasp and whimper in mindless pleasure for a few brief instants. But to call that orgasm a climax? To suggest that the peak was in any way satisfying enough to grant the cheetah taur even momentary respite from his new body's urges, it was laughable.

"No... n-no... oh god, don't stop..."

He wailed as he felt the orgasm fading almost before it had begun, and the savage needs of his body seemed to return stronger and more cruelly intense than ever. His new hind legs pushed themselves up and down rapidly, muscles aching as Sigma rode the toy within him as hard and as fast as he could. But try as he might, he couldn't convince his body it was anything close to enough. He needed more. He had to find some way to get more. A lot more.

It was a good thing that Sigma had the next three and a half days off work, because one way or another, whether he found some way to satisfy himself or not, this was going to be a long, long weekend.

By Jeeves

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