Furry Apocalypse Virus

Story by Pyrex on SoFurry

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Second submission! This one more of a transformation bent. The idea: what if it's zombie apocalypse, but turns people into massive, horny furries? An old trope done many times by many people, probably many better than me! But a good trope, none the less.


The news report sounded, frankly, bat-shit insane. Escaped military virus? That stuff is only in the movies. But the report was everywhere, articles appearing on every website. Virus transmitted via fluids, splices DNA with pre-programmed samples stored in the virus itself (although never quite explaining what those samples were), and to stay indoors and avoid all contact with those affected. Even with all the details, it all sounded ludicrous, and most people, including myself, simply ignored it.

Then a day later, a huge werewolf looking thing burst into work and tackled a female co-worker. He, and judging by the size of his erection it was definitely a he, was huge; nearly seven feet tall, bulging muscles everywhere, easily overpowering her, pinning her roughly to the ground, teeth bared in a growl, saliva dripping from sharp teeth to land on her screaming face. At first anyway, but then her screams turned into moans as her body shifted, growing larger, fur erupting from her skin as she erupted from her clothes. The werewolf rutted against her as she changed, and as I watched I could see her humping back as her face elongated into a muzzle.

Security was called promptly and everyone fled in a panic. Before I left I cast one last glimpse back at the rutting beasts, and saw the werewolf on top of a much larger horse creature. A very male horse, an erection the size of my arm jutting between the wolf's legs. That was when I found out the virus not only turned you into a beast, but you would always become a male beast. They hadn't mentioned it in the news, but they also hadn't mentioned you'd turn into a sex-crazed half man, half animal creature.

And that was how the end of the world started.

After that, a state of emergency was declared, but the virus still spread quickly. The creatures people became were almost all enormous, incredibly strong, and could just knock down doors to get to new victims to infect. One drop of saliva, blood, or even semen, and it was all over. The military and police made a good desperate attempt at martial law, but it was too little too late. Soon governments collapsed, society crumbled, and there were just pockets of resistance fighting to survive.

Chris and I were travelling down Highway 55 to a small town called Scottsdale that hopefully hadn't been completely emptied of food yet. The best defence has been to keep moving and avoid the densely populated areas, but even on the highway we could see pairs or small groups of beasts all engaged in some sort of sexual activity. It was a common sight, even this far out of the city. So long as we didn't slow down they would leave us alone. So far anyways.

Chris was my old roomie, back when there was still such a thing as society and ownership of houses. He's a big guy, a former football player from college, who hadn't seen the inside of a gym for years but had definitely seen more than his fair share of pizzas. Still, he was a good guy, and we'd gotten out of more than one scrape because of his quick thinking and ability to hold one end of the truck up long enough for me to switch a tire.

"Shit, Steve, look at that!"

I looked over to the right of the highway where he was pointing at. It was the biggest infected I'd ever seen. An elephant, 10 feet tall, the size of a small house, and a boner the size of a small person jutting from its groin. It didn't seem to be doing much more than lumbering in our general direction, and I could even feel the earth shake with each footfall. Still, it would never catch us, and looked more like it was just a mindless beast trying to catch whatever moved.

"If we got caught by that thing we wouldn't even need to worry about being infected. It'd crush us before we could change."

"Yeah," Chris agreed.

The creature was soon in our rear-view mirror and then lost to sight. We remained silent for some time as we drove on, the burnt out wrecks of cars thinning out as we made our way further into the countryside. We spotted fewer infected beasts as well the further out we got, and I felt this to be a good sign.

Just as dusk was approaching we finally passed a sign that said "Welcome to Scottsdale, Enjoy your stay!" in that old timey font I usually associated with small towns. I leaned over and poked my snoozing passenger, and he awoke with a startled snort. I laughed and told him we were here.

"Doesn't look like much."

"What were you expecting? Besides, the more out of the way, the better, remember?"

He shifted in his seat and stifled a yawn. "Fair point. So what's the plan? Roll into the middle of town and loot the place?"

"We'll drive around a bit, stake out the town, then if the coast is clear find the nearest grocery store and load up on provisions, then grab anything else we think is worth taking."

He nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

We really shouldn't have referred to Scottsdale as a town. It was more a small village, with maybe 4 roads making a single block. The grocery store was on the North end, and as we surveyed the perimeter we also found a hardware store on the South West corner. It took us less than 5 minutes to check the entire town out, and we saw no sign of activity, but even still we parked in front of the grocery store and waited for 30 minutes, weapons within arm's reach. Chris had a baseball bat, and I had a 9mm pistol I'd grabbed from an abandoned police car many miles ago. I so far hadn't needed to use it against any of the infected, and I hoped I'd never have to.

"What do you think - coast clear?" Chris asked after our 30 minutes was up.

I nodded, "Yeah, but stay close 'till we're inside."

We got out of the truck just as the sun slipped below the horizon. We had flashlights on as we made our way, but it was our ears that were our best defense. We'd never come across an infected that wasn't making some sort of noise as it prowled around looking for people to pounce on and turn.

Flashlights raised and searching, we entered the small grocery store. Smaller than expected even; there were only 3 rows and 2 checkout counters. Judging by the state of the place it had been picked over pretty cleanly, and I let out a defeated sigh.

Chris noticed. "Buck up, let's see what might be at the back."

"Yeah," I said, although I wasn't hopeful.

We made our way past empty shelves to the back of the store, where we were greeted with a freezer section equally as devoid as the rest of the place. I gave another sigh. "Guess we weren't the only ones with the idea of raiding a small town grocer."

"Guess not," he said with a sniff.

Then there was a growl. Close. We both froze. It had come behind the entrance to the stock room with a door marked "employees only".

"Back to the truck!" Chris urgently whispered.

"We'll never make it, need to slow it down," I replied, and grabbed a fallen mop to jam in the door handles. No sooner had I finished than the door burst open, snapping the mop like a twig and hurling me back towards the empty rows. I hit my head on a shelf, and everything went black.

"Hey, you awake?" I heard, then felt a slap.

I groaned, leaning up to look around. We were outside at the truck, I was leaning against the tire. Chris was on one knee leaning over me, concern painting his features.

"What happened?"

"You got knocked the fuck out, that's what happened."

I groaned again and shot back. "Dipshit, what was it? How long was I out?"

"Not sure. I dropped my flashlight so never got a good look at it, just managed to scare it off with a few hard knocks from my bat, then I dragged you out here while it ran off."

With that explanation I softened somewhat. "Thanks. You saved me."

Then I noticed Chris' face fell, completely ashen. "Yeah, well," he turned slightly and I saw the rip in his shirt, claw marks, and a bloody gash. It wasn't deep, but it didn't need to be.

When he handed me the pistol I looked at it dumbly. "Oh, no," I choked, nearly in tears.

"You gotta. I can already feel it... I don't want to be like one of them," he said it in a hoarse whisper. When I didn't move, he grabbed my hand, holding the gun, and aimed it at his forehead.

"I saved you now you gotta save me!" He shouted at me, tears streaming down his face.

"Chris, no, I can't..."

"DO IT!"

I was crying now, gun held at my only friend's head, staring into his eyes. I couldn't do it staring at him, so I closed my eyes, pressed the gun against his forehead, and slowly squeezed the trigger.

Just before I heard the hammer click and the gun went off, he knocked my hand away, the gun spinning off into the street. He then gripped me tightly by the shoulders, grunted oddly, and dragged me to the ground landing on top of me. He was heavy, and I could feel something jabbing into my stomach, but before I could even demand an answer he leaned in and kissed me.

It only lasted a second, then shock and adrenaline gave me the strength to push him off of me. I stood up, spat several times, but I knew it was too late.

"What the fuck!?" I demanded, turning to face him still kneeling on the ground.

He grunted that odd grunt again, and I could barely hear him utter, "I'm so sorry," then he stood up and I saw what had poked me. Even in the dim light I could see he was hugely erect, the cock so large it was straining against a zipper barely able to contain it. As I stared in bafflement I could see his silhouette was larger than I remembered, his belly peeking below his shirt, clothes tight when it was previously loose. His face even looked different, the nose turning up slightly. It had started.

He reached down and groped himself, outlining his enormous tent. "You like?" he asked, punctuated with a snort.

"What? No, we gotta go get help, we have to..." But as I stared I became confused. Somehow he was right; I did like it. He was... hot. Despite myself I could feel my own unit begin to rise in my pants, sliding along my thigh making an obvious bulge.

"Yeah, you like it," Chris said, voice now sounding more guttural. Just then his cock finally burst through his zipper, tearing through his boxers and jutting straight out beneath the shelf of his belly. He was huge, at least 10 inches, thick as a beer can, and it was dripping yellow pre-cum on to the pavement.

"No, Chris, we have to fight it," but I didn't sound all that convinced as I took a step forward, hand outstretched, reaching for that giant dick. I didn't even notice how much larger he'd gotten until I heard his clothing start to tear, unable to contain the beast he was becoming. His shirt gave first, sleeves tearing off the shoulders, then a gap appearing in the chest as his barrel torso inflated, exposing a hairier chest growing hairier by the second. Within moments his shirt had torn completely, and his belly surged forward as though the shirt itself was holding back the infection that coursed through him.

Through us both I knew, as I grasped the leaking pole, feeling it's length, it's heft, how hot it was, hotter than anything I'd ever touched. I had to have more, and as I knelled in the street to tongue the dripping slit I saw Chris' pants explode off him as his legs and ass grew as gigantic as the rest of him, his whole body shaking with the release. He was fat before, but now he was enormously obese, his belly growing large enough to rest on his huge dong as it sagged towards his crotch. He was also taller now, towering over me, and much hairier. His balls had grown to the size of cantaloupes, his entire crotch and sack covered in dense fur. All of it was supported by titanic thighs, leading to legs that looked odd, as though he were standing on the balls of his feet constantly.

He leaned against the hood of the car, his immense weight buckling the hood, making the car rest on its front axle and causing the suspension to creak loudly. His cock had only gotten thicker with the rest of him, and it took two hands for me to encircle the mammoth manhood. I couldn't see above the vast expanse of his gut, but I could hear his grunts of pleasure getting deeper, more guttural, animalistic even.

Just then I heard a snap, and then a feeling of cold in my groin. I looked down to see my own dick had burst through my jeans and grown immense, easily over a foot long, the tip resting on the pavement between my knees. It had become dark, almost brown, the head flatter with a flared glans. At the sound of my zipper snapping, the mountainous beast Chris had become gave a snort, got up from the hood of the truck, grabbed me beneath the shoulders and lifted me up to rest on top of his enormous, jiggling man-tits, and slurped my pole into his maw.

As he swallowed my dick into his slobbering mouth I could see for the first time what he'd become; a massive, fat boar. His head had grown pointed ears and a flattened snout, just long enough to take my length, but not for long as I could feel it growing between his cheeks, less of my length feeling his tongue as it grew. Finally it grew long enough he couldn't even fit it in his mouth and it flopped over his shoulder, leaving him to lick and salivate over it desperately. My cock was unreal, like a literal third leg, now a deep ebony colour with pink splotches and widely flared tip. At the base I could see the skin bunching up to form a sheath, the pubic hair becoming russet-coloured fur. My testes finally followed suit, bursting out of my jeans and enlarging to the size of softballs in a thinly furred sack.

Chris set me down with thick, four fingered hands and turned to lean over the pickup, an ass nearly as wide as the truck he leaned on presented for me. Looking over a bristly furred shoulder, he used one hand to part his colossal cheeks, curly tail raised, and expose an equally huge and winking rosebud. I needed no further invitation, lining up my spear with both hands and practically walking over 2 feet of horse cock into the most inviting, velvety depths I had ever felt.

Chris snorted his approval and bounced his ass around my pole, the quivering flesh driving me wild. I tried to grasp as much of his ass as I could, but he was too broad, and I settled on grabbing the thick, dangling scrotum to try and pull myself enough to slide in and out. Each push and pull would get a delighted snort, encouraging me to push harder and harder.

As I went I found the rhythm easier, eventually noticing my view of his bristly backside was getting higher. I was growing taller, wider, my arms eventually leaving his swinging sack to finally grasp bulging love handles. My clothes had ripped off entirely at this point, but I was beyond caring. All that mattered was this humongous ass and the incredible pleasure I received from fucking it. The street was filled with the meaty thwack of pelvis impacting thick flesh, the smell a musky mix of barnyard animals and sex.

The rutting continued and I could feel myself growing larger, stronger, each thrust now causing Chris' entire body to quake. I could feel the bones in my jaws cracking, reshaping as my face elongated in a muzzle, ears became pointed and travelling to the top of my head. A wispy tail formed and flowed down my rear. My feet grew longer, the toes melting together and calcifying into hard hooves, the legs suddenly bending backwards as my stance changed. Chris snorted angrily before I could regain my rhythm, snorting through my own widened nostrils in reply.

I grew taller still, now able to reach around his vast form to grasp his pendulous chest and rest my muzzle on his shoulder. I was now taller than he was, although he was still much larger, and certainly much heavier. The truck suspension bounced in time with our rutting, and I could see the blissed out expression of the boar beneath me, reflected in the windshield, drool falling from a now tusked maw to land on the crumpled hood. I could see me own face, distinctly equine, determined to pound this pig into submission.

I bit down on the thick flesh of his shoulder and thrust furiously, my entire length driving in and out of the massive, quivering ass. Chris made a few grunts, and then suddenly a painfully loud squeal, his ass clenching down on my entire length as he ejaculated beneath me. I could hear the high pressure splats of his seed as it coated the truck, puddling on the ground, each spasm of his quaking form milking my driving cock. He kept cumming for a minute, two, every thrust I made punctuated by the splash of his sperm, his depths tightening rhythmically, driving me to closer my own orgasm.

Finally I could feel myself reaching my peak, and humping wildly with an equally loud bray my testes tightened up and I sprayed cum deep into my boar. My new nuts produced so much seed I could feel the cum spraying back on my groin, dribbling down my legs to add to the small lake of semen Chris' own orgasm had produced. As the ecstasy ebbed my hips seemed to slow on their own accord, finally ending with my full length buried deep, my hips resting on his mountainous rear. I only then noticed that Chris was still spasming, lighter now, but cum was still splashing to the pavement in noticeable glops. He was still cumming. I'd heard that pigs could orgasm for a long time but never believed it.

His constant spasming was keeping me hard, and already I could feel the desire to continue rutting him building in my loins. I shifted my stance, noting the clopping sound as my feet had become hooves sometime during our mating. Our changes had completed now, and while I seemed to be taller than Chris, he was much wider, the bristly landscape of his backside still heaving with each spurt of his unending ejaculation. I began to thrust into him once more, causing him to oink in time with my rhythm, as we both began anew our titanic fucking.

The sex lasted until dawn. By then the truck was totalled, the street was flooded with our semen, and we were both finally spent with me lying on top of the slowly rising and falling hill of his belly. Just as I was about to shake the boar awake for another round, a figure approached from the end of the street. He was a dark wolf, completely black, thickly muscled and walking towards us with intent. I stood, helping the massive pig to his trotters and facing our visitor.

He spoke in a deep, gravelly voice. "Come with me. More of our kind await you. You may continue your revelry at the village."

Chris and I looked at each other, he gave a piggy shrug, and we trotted after the mysterious black wolf. Perhaps the end of the world was actually a new beginning for us all.