Good Intentions

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#9 of October

Whew. Sorry, again for taking an extra week to get something posted, but on the plus side, this is almost enough to qualify as two stories at once! I miss the ability to keep things shorter, heh.

Not much more to say than that. With this done, I can get back to Undersourcing and Welcome to the Show, and from there, we'll see!

And as always, I truly hope you all find something to enjoy! And thanks for reading!

Kazama and Gensa Created By and Belong to SkyWing

Proofread by SkyWing


"Wakey wakey, hon!" a chipper voice intoned.

Groggily opening his eyes, Will was not entirely surprised to see Dax's smiling face, the cheerful poodle's nose pressed lightly against his own. The white, curly-furred dog was wearing nothing but his chastity cage, kneeling above him on all fours, pinning him firmly to the bed under the sheets. Though Will couldn't look down to check, he was fairly certain that the poodle's grapefruit-sized, overly-full balls were resting atop the tent formed by his throbbing morning wood. As much as he hated being shaken out of his favorite dream, wherein he was the commander of a starship, he couldn't imagine a better way to greet the day than that.

With Dax's demonically enhanced body temperature, he generally preferred to spend the nights in bed both totally nude and on top of the sheets. At first, Will found it to be an odd trait. Before long, he didn't know how he ever slept without being able to gaze adoringly at that perfectly curvaceous body whenever he stirred awake. That, and being able to reach over and cup, squeeze, and grope those magnificent asscheeks whenever he desired.

More than once, he wound up throwing the sheets off himself to give his mate a quick, late-night fuck, spending the rest of the night satisfied and nearly comatose. Though the poodle never directly said anything about it, he seemed to be fine with the attention, happily wagging his puffball-capped tail at every grope or thrust.

"...mmmmm... Morning, Dax..." Will said, briefly struggling to rub his eyes, giving up once he realized he was totally immobilized under the sheets. He made a quiet moan when his captor wiggled his hips, teasing the tip of his fabric-encased erection with his heavily dangling testicles.

"It's almost noon, silly!" Dax replied, giving the badger's nose a playful lick.

"...ah... Turned off the alarm again, huh?"

"Aw, Willy, you look so adorable when you're sleeping! I couldn't help watching you for a bit."

Amused at just how much they happened to have in common, Will shared a smile with his favorite incubus. "Alright, well, time to get off, I wanna get something to eat. That smoky smell of yours is driving me crazy."

"Now that you bring it up, I'm feeling a bit peckish myself. Since I feel some meat poking my eggs, I think I'll grab a little snack myself first!" Over-enthusiastically licking his lips, Dax accidentally sending a small droplet of smoky, steamy drool directly between the black stripes lining the badger's forehead.

"Alright, you don't have to convince me," Will said, smiling even harder when the poodle wiped his forehead off with his thumb, then leaned in for a kiss.

Eager for his morning treat, Dax sat up and spun around, placing his crotch directly above the badger's head, resting his massive nutsack on the bridge of his muzzle. Once he was fully turned around, he dropped back onto all fours, still keeping the mustelid helplessly trapped against the mattress. Giving the tented fabric over the badger's crotch a loving nuzzle, he pulled the sheets up, revealing the bulging boxer shorts hidden underneath. With a few insistent tugs, Dax pulled the shorts partway down, letting the throbbing, fully-erect badger-meat spring free. Hungrily licking his chops, Dax easily swallowed the entire length down to the root.

Gritting his teeth, Will let out a sharp hiss as the burning heat of the poodle's maw enveloped his shaft, the long, talented tongue snaking down the full length in a spiral. Just before he could get used to the feeling, the dog began lightly suckling, making him moan with pleasure. Pinned as he was, effectively blindfolded by the nutsack draped atop his muzzle, he decided to reciprocate the only way he was able. He craned his head back, deeper into his pillow, wrapping his lips around the end of one of the sensitive orbs, alternately sucking or massaging it with his tongue before switching to other. Every so often, he moved his head forward, stretching his tongue out to lap at the cage trapping the poodle's sheath, making sure to target the gaps where the trapped mass of throbbing demonic cockflesh showed through. A series of cock-muffled giggles and moans from the other side of the bed let him know his efforts were more than appreciated.

Not to be outdone, Dax enthusiastically bobbed his muzzle up and down, constricting his tongue, effectively jerking his partner off as he sucked. He kept the uniquely pleasurable blowjob going for quite some time, bringing the writhing badger right up to the edge of climax, then suddenly stopped. Lifting his head, pulling his mouth off the needy cock, he brought his right hand to his mouth. Ignoring the pleading whines from behind him, muffled as they were by his balls, Dax took a long slurp of his index finger, then slipped his hand under the badger's ass. He ran his fingers along the cleft the round asscheeks formed until he reached the base of the short spade of a tail, then probed a bit higher, rubbing a fingertip around the rim of his tight, fleshy tailstar. Promptly resuming his blowjob, Dax thrust his finger past the clenched ring, sending the badger squealing over the edge.

All at once, Will's climax reduced him to a quivering, seizing mess cocooned underneath the poodle. His tailhole squeezed hard around the intruding finger as he bucked his hips off the bed, sending several short, powerful spurts of cum into the waiting maw.

Greedily gulping down the badger's spunk, Dax continued to finger his hole, making absolutely sure he was able to drink down everything he had to offer. He gave a muffled moan, absolutely loving the increasing pressure from his cage as his own cock tried to swell. Despite the badger's much appreciated worshiping of his balls, his cage was still set to prevent his own climaxes, leaving him even more pent-up than he was before. Suffice it to say, after so much time building up to a genuinely massive release, he was looking forward to his next milking. For the time being, his breakfast had him feeling nice and full. He was looking forward to spending a bit more time cuddling his mate. Without saying a word, he crawled off the badger, spun back around, and plopped down beside him, pressing up against his side.

"That all you got?" Will asked, sounding confident in spite of his audible panting.

"Oh? Somebody sounds brave." The poodle grinned. "I got pleeeenty more waiting after you get your own breakfast. Fuel up, hon, we got plenty of toys left to try out."

"Yeah, I think that can wait a little longer."

"Fine by me! I'm ready and willing if you're able!" Eagerly rolling onto his belly, spreading his legs to make room for his enlarged testicles, Dax slapped his rear just above the branded pentagram. "Have at it, Willy!"

"Actually... since you brought up toys, I had something different in mind. You've been working so hard on getting your club together, and since it'll be opening soon, I've been waiting for the perfect chance to give you something special to celebrate." Will grinned at the poodle's curiously raised eyebrow. "I want YOU to fuck ME."

Sighing heavily, Dax frowned. "I love you for thinking about me, but we've been through this before. I'm not taking off the cage. There's no way I'm letting that thing take control of me ever again."

"I know, I know, calm down! I had this idea a little while ago for how to get around that. After taking a few measurements while you were asleep, I had this commissioned." Rolling over to the edge of the bed, Will retrieved a crumpled, unmarked paper bag from the drawer in the nightstand, then handed it to the mystified poodle. "Go ahead, give it a look."

Tilting his head to the side, Dax did as requested, opening the bag, gasping when he looked inside and saw a clear latex, knotted, 8 inch fox-cock-shaped dildo. He pulled it out, tossing the bag off to the side, curiously inspecting the new toy. The base of the dildo was concave, tapering into a thin tunnel running the length of the dildo until forming an open slit near the tip. Three metal clips were evenly spread out along the rim of the base. " it a..."

"It is!" Will said, grinning from ear to ear. "It should fit right over your cage and clip onto the base ring. You can even cum through it as if it was real!" He ran a finger along the channel in the center. "If you wear that, we can switch it up without breaking your rule. What do you think?"

Dax almost had tears in his eyes. He scrambled up onto his knees and lunged forward, wrapping his arms around his mate. Grasping him with a powerful bear hug, he threatened to squeeze all the oxygen out of the badger's lungs. To Will's relief, the overjoyed dog eventually let go, sitting back on his heels as he gave his new artificial cock a second look. "Hey... this kinda looks like-"

"Yup!" Will had a wide grin, already knowing full well what Dax was about to say. "Matty and I always fooled around together, and he was the biggest thing I ever got used to taking. I barely needed to ask him before he agreed to be the model for the mold." Deftly grabbing the dildo, he placed it on the poodle's cage, securing each clip on the cage's base ring. "So what do you say? Wanna fuck me now?"

"Absolutely!" Sitting down with his back against the headboard, Dax spread his legs to give his swollen balls room to rest on the mattress. "Mind doing the riding yourself? Not really up to doing the thrusting at the moment," he asked, gently patting his heavy junk.

"Fine by me! That was Matty's favorite position too, lazy bastard," Will said, shared a quick laugh with the poodle. "Actually, on that note, I'm gonna keep your blocker on and save your release for next time. Pretty sure I'd pop like a water balloon if that geyser got uncorked inside me." Reaching into the nightstand, he got out a half-full container of lube and gave the poodle's new fox-cock a quick coat.

"Oh, pooh, where's your sense of adventure! You know I could just heal you after, right?"

Will laughed, though, given the leering dog's lusty expression, he wasn't entirely certain it was a joke. Sheepishly smiling as he knelt down, he straddled Dax's hips, reaching behind himself to aim the fake cock under his tail.

Licking his lips, Dax couldn't take his eyes off the spectacle before him. It had been decades upon decades since he had been the one to do the penetrating, and watching his boyfriend's face as he slowly lowered himself into his lap, gradually penetrating himself with the slick latex shaft, was the most wonderful thing he could imagine.

Gritting his teeth, Will gave a low, rumbling groan once he bottomed out against the knot. The groan gave way to a pleasured moan as he got used to the intrusion, his own cock re-emerging from his sheath, quickly growing half-hard. He was about to grab hold of his sensitive, swelling prick when his hand was smacked away by his partner.

"You just work on the riding, I'll take care of you," Dax said, firmly wrapping a hand around the badger's cock, rubbing the head with his thumb as he slowly stroked along its length.

Nodding and biting his lip, Will grabbed hold of the headboard. He lifted his rear, pulling the dildo halfway out, then dropped back down, again taking everything but the knot. After taking a couple seconds to focus past the dog playfully massaging his cock, he began slamming his rear against Dax's hips, setting a brisk pace as he power-topped the delighted poodle.

His tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle, Dax was in utter paradise. In the grand scheme of things, he had no plans to stop being a complete buttslut, but getting to be a switch with his mate was wonderful beyond words. As he gazed lovingly at Will, who was bouncing in his lap with an ever-increasing speed and ferocity, he was surprised by the badger leaning forward, kissing him deeply.

At no point did Will cease pumping his hips, only humming at the delicious smoky heat of the poodle's mouth. Shortly after he broke the kiss, just as their hips met again, the dog thrust his rear off the mattress with enough force to drive the knot past his tailhole. Will practically screamed from the suddenly increased thickness tied to his rear, giving a few short bounces as his second climax hit, sending a couple weak ropes of seed onto the poodle's chest.

Dax gave a pleased sigh, mewling quietly when the cage blocked yet another release, making his balls swell to the size of small melons.

Panting heavily, a look of pure satisfaction plastered on his face, Will tried to lift himself off of the dog's lap, growing mildly concerned when he realized they were tied. "Oh... huh. Possible design flaw..."


"A knotted dildo isn't going to deflate, is it?"

Stifling a laugh, Dax clutched him to his chest, rolling them both over until he was kneeling above the badger. He reached down, lovingly massaging the rim of the stuffed tailhole as he shimmied his hips, eventually working the knot out with a loud pop. Teasingly sticking out his tongue, he said, "I have more than a little bit of experience dealing with knots, hon."

"You're amazing, you know that?" Will said, barely able to catch his breath.

"And you're the best thing that ever happened to me, Willy."

"So you like your gift?"

The poodle indignantly rolled his eyes. "Of course, silly, as if there was even a question! Now go get something to eat, we have a big day ahead of us!"

"Yeah, after all that I'm starving." Sliding out of bed, Will grabbed a pair of boxers and a shirt, messily tossing them on before heading to the door. "Wanna come with?"

"Nah, I think I'm gonna still here and play with my cock for a bit." Running his finger along the length of his latex shaft, Dax winked at the badger. "Don't fill up too much, that's going to be my job tonight."

With a chuckle, Will left to get his breakfast, walking just a tad bowlegged, making sure to close the bedroom door behind him.


Perched atop his favorite armchair, footpaws on the seat, knees clutched to his chest, Matty was smiling. With Axel off hunting, he had decided to take a bit of a vacation from his training, instead opting to watch some of the DVDs he had recently purchased. After the first hour or so, he had gone from happily enjoying the cartoon that was playing, to simply watching the peacock sitting off to his side.

At some point Cal had wandered in - followed, as always, by Kazama - and he was instantly drawn to the flickering screen like a moth to a flame. Not saying a word, eyes trained solely on the TV, he ignored Matty's friendly greeting, narrowly keeping himself from stumbling over his own feet. Partly held steady by his partner, he fell back onto the couch, incidentally pulling the crow halfway onto his lap.

Unbeknownst to his observers, this was the first time Cal had the opportunity to witness animation, and the peacock was instantaneously enthralled by the concept. He wasn't even blinking as he stared at the screen. The humor of a siren getting a taste of his own medicine - especially when it was due to a kids' cartoon - was is in no way lost on the black fox, who was absolutely loving the display of pure enraptured joy.

Before Matty could give it any further thought, the chime of the front doorbell rang out. "DOOR!" he shouted, leaping off of the chair, excitedly speeding off to see who it was.

Equally curious about their visitor, if less enthusiastically so, Kazama stood and began to leave the den, stopping when he realized the peacock hadn't budged. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, snapping the peacock out of his reverie.

Blinking twice, shaking his head, Cal looked up at the crow, mouthing a barely audible, "The paintings were MOVING."

Stifling a laugh, Kazama snapped his fingers, signaling the peacock to follow.

"Do... do you think there's more stuff like that? Please tell me there's more!"

Kazama clapped his hand over his beak, snorting as he held back a bout of raucous laughter. Taking a breath to regain his composure, he grabbed the peacock's hand, nodding in the affirmative.

Though Cal said nothing more, his beaming smile said it all.

Gesturing toward the door once again, Kazama led him out the door to join Matty, tugging his overjoyed partner along behind him.

By the time the duo found their way into the mansion's foyer, the fox was already busy chatting up the first of their new guests: a grey-furred lynx. The lynx, who was wearing a nice white buttoned-up dress shirt and khaki pants, appeared to be around thirty, standing a couple of inches shorter than Matty. He had a pair of glasses with small circular lenses perched near the end of his short muzzle. His build was fairly average, though he had a mild paunch rounding out his belly. As compared to Matty, he had an extremely calm, patient demeanor, occasionally responding to questions or asking his own. For the most part, he seemed happy to politely listen to the energetic fox's rambling.

A short distance behind the lynx, two more guests, a pair of housecats, seemed to be discussing one of the paintings hanging on the foyer's wall. The cats appeared to be almost identical, with tall, thin, lightly muscled runner's builds, though their fur colors were totally inversed. The one on the left had an entirely black-furred body with white 'socks' on his hands, footpaws, and tail tip, while the other had a white furred body with black 'socks' on his hands, footpaws, and tail tip. The black cat's eyes were a piercing blue, while the white cat's were a light reddish-orange. The pair were dressed completely identically, each wearing a gray fishnet vest, a pair of tight gray shorts, and a pair of well-used gray low-top sneakers.

"Hey guys!" Matty shouted, beckoning the birds over. "These are some more old friends of my grandpa's! Mel, Lee, and Miles Janus!" he said, indicating the black cat, the white cat, and the lynx, respectively.

Cal and Kazama politely greeted the lynx, but when the peacock got his first good look at the two cats in back, he froze, eyes flying open in shock. "Melpomene?" he quietly said, staring at the black cat. "Thalia?" he added, shifting his gaze to the white cat.

Both felines' ears flew straight up as they turned toward the stunned peacock. "Calliope?..." they replied in unison, returning the peacock's awed gaze. The entire foyer went totally still. For a brief moment Matty was worried something bad was about to happen, but just before he could step in, the cats belted out twin shrieks of joy, rushing over to Cal, sandwiching him in a tight hug.

Soon snapping out of his shock, Cal joined them in gleefully cheering, all three excitedly jumping up and down as they clutched onto each other. They spent a solid minute celebrating, eventually calming down long enough to give each other a bit of space. The instant the trio caught their breath, they proceeded to chatter away at light speed.

As skilled as Matty was at conversing at an inconceivable pace, even he couldn't make out everything they was saying. At best, he could only make out the white cat shouting 'You're back!' multiple times, as well as a few specific words like, 'Escape', 'Hunter', and 'Hell'. The room went silent again when Cal pointed at Kazama, though that silence was almost immediately broken by the black cat shouting "He's your WHAT!?!," followed by another round of gibbering nonsense from all three.

"Hey, guys," the lynx interjected, calmly smiling as he stopped the trio, "I'd like to keep talking to Matty here for a bit. Why don't you all go pick out a room and get us unpacked while you all catch up? I'm sure - Calliope, was it? - will be happy to show you around."

"A-absolutely!" Cal said, more than a little choked up by the unexpected reunion. Focusing back on the cats, he pointed down the hall. "Come on, you can take the one of the rooms next to mine! There's plenty!"

Not needing to be told twice, each cat grabbed the handle of a massive wheeled trunk and disappeared down the hall, chasing after the delighted bird.

Kazama, who throughout it all had been curiously watching from the sidelines, simply shrugged and sprinted after them.

"That was something, huh?" Matty said, sharing a chuckle with his guest.

"Yes, well, as I understand it, they were all part of a small group of like-minded demons quite some time ago," the lynx replied, pushing his glasses up his muzzle.

"Makes sense. And you said you're not a demon, right? Just immortal?"

"Ageless, technically. I can still die, but thanks to Mel and Lee, I no longer age." A hearty laugh ending in an unintended snort coming from the fox startled Miles.

"Sorry, sorry, I just... It's funny. I've now met two of my grandpa's old friends, and they're both imm... uh... You know what, I'm just gonna say immortals. How many of you are running around out there, exactly?" he asked, laughing again.

"Not too many. At this point, I'm afraid the majority of our associates that didn't fall fighting demons were inevitably felled by time. The only ones still kicking are the ones that don't have to worry about old age."

Folding his ears back, Matty found himself regretting his laughter. Somehow, being surrounded by demons had made him forget that aging was still a concern. Happy to change the subject, he cleared his throat, saying, "How about we take this conversation to my den so you can take a load off?"

"Sure, wouldn't mind resting for a bit after traveling across the country."

"Cool, follow me." Taking off down another hallway, the lynx leisurely strolling by his side, Matty restarted their conversation as they walked. "So, what kind of demons are Mel and Lee, exactly? If you don't mind me asking."

"Aeschylus," the lynx succinctly answered.


"Aeschylus. They are an aeschylus."

"Ooh! Haven't heard of that one yet! What's their deal?"

"Deal?" Miles blinked.

"You know, like what they are, what they eat, what powers they have, stuff like that!"

"Yes, of course, of course. Where to begin... Well, they're a purely spiritual demon. Until they bond with the soul of a willing mortal," Miles said, tapping his chest, "they don't have a physical form at all. After they made their offer, I accepted, and we were bound together, they could manifest as the cats you just saw. So far as what they eat, they provide me with inspiration, which I then use to make art. Poems, paintings, novels, what have you. Once I make said art, they feed on the emotional energy produced by observers. Good or bad, as long as people react and feel something, the twins stay well fed."

"Feeding off art? Like Cal, right? So they're like sirens?"

"Hm. Similar in concept, yes, with a greater range not limited to singing. Which is good, as I'm not much of a singer. What else... The potential to feed from any given piece does fade over time, so I nearly constantly have to keep working. I'm a bit of a luddite, but the internet has been lovely boon to me, I'll say that much."

Arriving at his den, Matty hopped back onto his chair, waiting for the lynx to take a seat on the couch before asking a follow-up question. "So, uh, since they're bound to your soul, what happens if they don't feed?"

The lynx clasped his hands, twiddling his thumbs. "That... is a concern, yes. If they haven't fed for a long enough time, they lose the ability to physically manifest. They revert back to their spirit forms, riding on my shoulders, hounding me until I get to work." Staring off into the middle-distance, Miles sighed. "Constantly."

"Spirits on your shoulders telling you to do stuff? Like in cartoons?" Matty asked, not even trying to hide his smirk.

"Essentially, yes."

"Oh? Huh... Does... that mean one of them is evil?"

"No, no, not at all. Mel - the black cat - generally advocates actions that get the best result regardless of cost or risk, while Lee - the white cat - is all about minimizing risk. They're both rather mischievous, and can be truly, truly annoying at times, but they aren't outright evil. I mean, when they get to that point, they go from being helpful - if contentious - advisers, to complete bickering lunatics, so anything's possible... Anyway, if they still haven't fed after the 'shoulder spirits' point, and they're literally starving for attention, they can take control of my body in order to wreak havoc on my life, stirring up any scraps of real life chaos and drama that can tide them over. And if they still haven't fed after that point, well... I'll just say I'm not the first one they've bonded to."

"That sounds-" Matty began to say. quickly becoming distracted by Will walking into the room carrying a bowl of cereal.

Still wearing only his shirt and boxers, totally unaware they had company, Will plopped down onto a beanbag chair, taking special care not to spill his breakfast. He winced as his butt made contact with the beanbag, leaning to his side to get his full weight off his tailhole. "Hey, Matty, you wanna put something on?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the empty TV screen.

"Later. Kinda talking to Miles at the moment."

Realizing he had an audience when he turned his head to see a politely smiling lynx, Will broke out into a vivid blush. He made a small, awkward groan, discreetly positioning the bowl over the slightly open button-fly of his boxers.

"Don't worry, you're putting on quite a lovely show," Miles said, mercifully chiming in. "At my age, there's not much left that could embarrass me." He scoffed, turning to look at Matty. "And don't get me started on Mel and Lee. You should be happy they wore clothes at all." Giving the barely clothed badger a friendly wave, he introduced himself. "Miles Janus, nice to meet you."

"Will," the badger replied, effectively put at ease by the lynx's easygoing nature. "Same to you."

"That all, uh, answers a few more of my questions. I think," Matty said, his bushy, black tail wagging behind him. "Anyway, back to the thing... So if you don't feed them, they'll kill you? That sounds kinda... horrifying, right?"

"Whoosh gonna killem?" Will asked through a mouthful of cereal.

"The aeschylus, my demon companions, if they aren't fed," Miles explained, shrugging halfheartedly. "As I said, it is a constant concern, yes, but in the fullness of time, something kills us all. Truth be told, I've been able to make my art for close to two-hundred years now thanks to our partnership, so whatever happens, I consider our time together well worth it. You take the good with the bad."

Taking a moment to contemplate the lynx's words, Will had to laugh. "I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the fact that someone casually mentioning they're immortal has become both believable and mundane." They all shared a friendly laugh. "What kinda art do you do? Anything we might know?"

"Hm. Perhaps. I try not to get TOO well-known, since it could really complicate ending an old life and starting a new one, but I did make a few particularly notable works over the years. Once, a couple decades ago, I wrote a number of popular ad jingles, and another time back in the 1960's I wrote some sci-fi novels. They made a few of them into movies in the past few decades, that was a pleasant surprise. I also worked in animation for a-"

"What was your name again?" Will asked, abruptly interrupting him.

"Miles Janus."

"When you wrote sci-fi?"

"Oh, no... at the time I went by... Franklin J. Knowles. Yes, that was it."

The badger froze stiff. "You're shitting me."



The lynx smiled and nodded. "Here, I generally try to avoid cameras, but I always had a fondness for this particular photo." Grabbing his wallet, he thumbed through the contents until pulling out an old, laminated, grayscale photograph, and held it up for the badger to see. There was no doubt that the lynx in the photograph was the same one sitting before them, only dressed in a casual tweed suit, sitting at a writing desk, surrounded by a number of carefully positioned novels. The lynx in the photo wore a proud smile as he held up another novel, the cover of which clearly read, 'The Artificial Fire, Prometheus Burned.'

Blinking several times as he stared between the identical spotted felines, Will's eyes went wide with awe. "You... the lynx... Franklin Knowles... You're really him?"

They lynx nodded again.

Without saying another word, Will leaped up off the beanbag chair, dropping his bowl, spilling the remaining milk and cereal bits onto the floor. He ran away at top speed, disappearing down the hall before Matty even realized what had happened.

Grimacing at the mess the badger had left behind, Matty stood up and shouted, "YOU BETTER CLEAN THAT UP! VYDRA'S NOT HERE AND I DON'T WANT MY FREAKIN' DEN SMELLING LIKE SOUR MILK!" He grumbled to himself. "Dammit. He's already gone."

"What was that about?"

"You'll be finding out in a few minutes, I'm sure," Matty said, chuckling as he slumped back into his chair. "So, how did an artist like you become friends with a hunter like my grandpa?"

"Oh, hm. We weren't friends at first, truth be told, but I knew him since he was a kit. His grandfather, Matthias - whom I believe you were named after - and I had become good friends when we met traveling through Europe. Matthias was the first hunter I had ever met that wished to coexist with demons instead of exterminate them. One of the kindest fellows I had ever met. After he and some of his family were killed by a group of demons, Burr got into the family business, and after I witnessed him in action, I kept my distance. As benevolent as Matthias was, Burr was the polar opposite. Quite possibly the biggest sadist I had ever encountered. Honestly, if it weren't for my history with Matthias, I probably would have been on his list too."

Cringing slightly, Matty recalled Dax's story about being beaten and left to starve. He was grateful he had never seen that side of his grandpa.

"Thank goodness he met Fae, though. After they fell in love, he really mellowed out. That was his turning point. We all became close friends after that."

"My grandma," Matty said, smiling warmly. "I never got to meet her, but grandpa talked about her all the time in his stories. She sounded awesome!"

"Indeed, they were wonderful together." Miles rubbed his chin, fondly remembering his old friends. "I have to say, though, after the way he started out, slaughtering demons left and right, to this day, I still can't believe he ended up falling in love with a succubus."

"I'll bet." A few seconds of silence passed before the lynx's words had a chance to sink in. Still smiling, Matty cocked his head to the side. "I'm sorry, what was that last part?"


"A thousand years!" Mel slugged the startled peacock's arm as they walked. "I can't believe you kept us waiting a thousand fuckin' years!" He slugged the peacock again, earning a small squawk from the bird.

Stepping between them, Lee threw his arm over the black cat's shoulders. "Now, now, you know very well that they don't exactly have travel agencies down there. You should just be happy he's back! Isn't that right, Cal?"

Rubbing the sore spot on his arm, the peacock mumbled an inaudible response, shyly nodding.

"I'm plenty happy! He just should have done it faster!" Mel grumbled under his breath. "And now that he's back, he better not do it again!"

"Fair enough," Lee said, grinning over at the peacock. "You heard him, no more dying, 'kay?"

"I'd like to avoid it this time around, sure." Avoiding eye contact, Cal gave a small smile, focusing on the doors passing by.

"At least it seems like our prudish friend has loosened up a bit this time around." Looking over his shoulder, Mel narrowed his gaze at the crow walking behind them. "Kind of annoying I couldn't fuck him this time around, though. Would've been nice to try that feathery butt when it was still virgin."

"We don't know what he and our new crow friend are into. Yet. There's a chance one of us will get to be a first of his, one way or another." Lee leered even harder at the peacock. "And if not, who cares? The important thing is that this time around he seems more open to trying new things, yes?"

Breaking into a vivid blush, Cal coughed into his hand, quietly mumbling his agreement.

Kazama was positively beaming, clearly enjoying how the cats thought.

"Here's a room you can use, right next to ours," Cal said, sighing with relief as he opened the door and stepped inside, promptly followed by the cats, their heavy, unwieldy trunks rattling behind them. Sweeping his arm about the large, unoccupied room, which contained little more furniture than a king-size bed, some shelves, and a desk, he said, "There's not much, but it's all yours for however long you're planning on staying."

"Now that we know you're here, we aren't going anywhere, birdy," the black cat said, draping himself atop his trunk, resting his shoulders against the wall. "We have LOTS of catching up to do."

"On that, I believe we agree," the white cat added, confidently crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Okay then!" Cal said, smiling happily. "Until you get some new furniture or whatever, just make yourselves comfortable."

"Now THAT certainly sounds like a plan," Mel said, leering at the white cat. "Go on, then, Lee. You heard him, get comfortable."

Grinning lecherously, the white cat slipped his vest off, letting it fall the floor. He hooked his thumbs over the waistband of his shorts, shimmying his rear as he pulled them down, revealing a solid silver cage locked over his sheath. Once they hit the floor, the slinky white feline was left wearing nothing but his cage and his sneakers.

Dropping to his knees, Lee crawled up to his reclined partner, his tail whipping side-to-side with anticipation. He deftly removed the black cat's sneakers, then grabbed his ankles, pressing the freshly bare, white-furred footpaws against his face. Taking a long, deep, inhale of the musky paws, he let out a happy sigh, taking a long, sloppy lick of the paw pads.

Mel rested his head against the wall, giving a pleased sigh of his own. He splayed his toes wide, giving the rough tongue as much space as it needed to massage and tickle his footpaws. Slouching further back, he tented his fingers over his chest, content to watch the submissive white cat work.

Cal and Kazama, meanwhile, were utterly stunned by everything they had witnessed. The crow in particular was showing a distinct tent in his shorts, while Cal's blush deepened.

Crossing his arms behind his head, enjoying his tongue bath, Mel smugly addressed the nonplussed birds. "I don't know why you're staring. This is how we get comfortable. It's a little tradition we developed over the years for when we give Miles advice. I didn't want to come here, Lee did. Since we ended up going with Lee's suggestion, he has to serve me however I want him to."

"And if Mel's suggestion won out, he'd have to serve me however I wanted him to," Lee continued, momentarily looking up from the saliva-soaked footpaws.

"In either case, I'm usually the fucker-"

"-and I'm usually the fuckee-"

"-so it really comes down to who gets to be in charge."

"And if Miles has the audacity to go off script and pick some other option-"

"-then we both get to be in charge of HIM. It's a wonderful system," Mel said, sighing with pleasure as he wiggled his toes in the white cat's face.

"It's the best..." Lee agreed, summing up their back-and-forth by sucking on the wiggling toes.

Aside from the sounds of moist slurping, the room went dead silent. Cal turned to his side, bashfully crossing his legs to hide his interest, while Kazama went the other way, blatantly rubbing at the tent in his shorts.

"Well? Are you two gonna join in, or are you just gonna watch?" The black cat asked, slipping his hand down the front of his shorts to massage his crotch.

"I... um... that might be nice," Cal said, beginning to relax a bit. "I think I'll leave it up to-" he began to ask, only to be interrupted by a vigorous nod from the crow.

"I knew from the moment I saw you we were gonna get along just fine, Kazama," Mel said, causing the white cat to shoot him an incredulous look. "Whatever. Since there's four of us here, there's something we've been itching to try." Enthusiastically sitting up, pulling his footpaws away from his disappointed, subby partner, he placed them back on the floor. He pointed toward the bed, giving a simple command, "Get into position."

Bounding over to the bed, Lee hopped aboard and rolled onto his back, all four limbs slightly bent, held up in the air. With his rear fully exposed, the circular base of a thick, purple buttplug was readily visible, stuffed between his cheeks, under his tail.

"Alright, you two get undressed while I get him ready." The black cat stood up from his trunk and dropped his shorts, freeing his long, tapered erection. He hopped onto the bed, crawling until he was kneeling over his partner's face, his rump hovering just above his face. After lifting his tail, he lowered his rear directly onto the white cat's muzzle, bucking his hips until he felt a tongue obediently spear his tailhole. Giving a low, reverberating purr, he hooked Lee's legs under his armpits and leaned back, lifting the other feline's white-furred rump off the mattress. He grabbed hold of the buttplug's base, partially hidden under the plump testicles, and began working the toy out of the tight orifice. Using his other hand, he tugged on Lee's cage, not stopping until the pink, pointed cock tip appeared through the slit at the end, vainly straining to grow erect.

Watching this, Cal was startled when Kazama, who had already disrobed, began undressing him as well. Within seconds his shirt was yanked over his head and his pants were unceremoniously yanked to the floor, leaving both birds fully nude, cocks standing at attention. If it weren't for the bizarre interpretation of a yin-yang sitting on the bed, Cal might have felt self-conscious, but between that and the crow casually jerking him off, he was feeling increasingly comfortable with the situation. All the while, neither Cal nor Kazama could take their eyes off of the round, surprisingly wide purple plug stretching the greasy ring well past any reasonable limit.

A cooing groan could be heard out from under Mel's rear as he continued to wiggle the plug free. He muffled the sound by sitting down harder, aggressively grinding his tailhole on the white cat's muzzle, not stopping until the tongue resumed probing his depths. Before long, the plug came free with a resounding pop, leaving a widely gaped, greasy hole aimed at the birds.

Letting the plug drop to the floor, Mel jammed three fingers under Lee's tail, just shy of fist-fucking him. "Ok, you two, get on the bed, on either side of Lee, and put your cock tips together right about where this'll be," he directed the birds, pulling his fingers out of the flexing tailhole, making a sucking slurp.

Both Cal and Kazama hurried to follow his orders, diving onto the bed on either side of the cats, positioning their cocks just below the gaped hole. Before they could ask what to do next, Mel released his partner's legs, letting the white cat's rear drop, impaling it on both tapered shafts at once. Cal moaned, almost squealing at the snug warmth enveloping his cock, while Kazama sighed with joy. Every twitch one made rubbed against the other's length added an increased kind of pleasure for both birds.

Lee, meanwhile, shivered with pleasure from the double penetration, lightly kicking at the air while he was stuffed full yet again. The black cat still playing with his cage was driving him crazy with frustration, though he was loving every minute of it, gladly giving thanks by rimming his ass as skillfully as he was able.

To his disappointment, the black cat suddenly lifted his ass away, pulling the tight hole off his tongue, then shuffled backwards. That disappointment didn't last long, as Lee's soon felt his chin pulled up, with the black cat's shaft promptly being forced down his throat. He arched his flexible spine to get a bit more comfortable while he was thoroughly spitroasted, bracing himself for the fucking that was sure to follow.

"Okay, good work guys," Mel said, playfully poking the white cat's exposed cocktip with a claw. "Now, get moving!" At his command, he and the birds began pounding their hips, pistoning their cocks into the overjoyed, frantically squirming feline.

Kazama's backside was a total blur, while Cal used a more leisurely pace, the contrast in their speeds additionally driving the white cat wild. Though the peacock never quite matched the other bird's pace, he found the long shaft rubbing the underside of his own more than made up for it.

Knowing exactly what his partner enjoyed, Mel wasn't holding back at all, outright fucking his throat with everything he had. He leaned forward as he humped, kissing, licking, and sucking on the other cat's pent-up balls.

Before too long, Cal was the first to pop, crying out with joy, spreading his shimmering tail feathers, shaking the windows as he pumped several spurts of cum deep into the well-stuffed ass. Even as he settled back to enjoy his afterglow, Kazama was still going strong, fucking alongside his softening shaft. The crow screwed his eyes shut, a slight breeze kicking up in the closed room.

Mel was next to go, hilting himself down Lee's throat, cumming directly into his gullet. Sighing as he finished giving his partner a feeding of thick cream, he leaned back, pulling his cock out, then accidentally fell off the other side of the bed.

Finally reaching his own limit, Kazama gave several more hard thrusts, further filling Lee's tailhole with his own cum. The wind in the room whistled as if screaming, then died down to a still silence. Panting heavily, he let out a satisfied sigh, thoroughly enjoying his afterglow. He rolled onto his side, slipping his cock out of the well-stuffed tailhole, letting a river of spent cum spill out past the peacock's shaft onto the sheets.

Feeling the crow pull out, Cal finally did the same, finding that thanks to the constant rubbing and thrusting, he was still rock hard. He sat back on the bed, idly stroking along his length, watching the white cat's cage twitch.

Despite their best efforts, Lee hadn't cum at all. Given the dazes, satisfied expression plastered on the panting cat's face, not to mention the faint humming to himself, it didn't seem like he minded. He simply scooped a bit up pent-up pre-cum with his finger, licked it off, and hummed just a little louder.

Crawling back onto the bed, massaging a small bump on the back of his head, Mel noticed the denied feline playing with his cage. "That's been on for what, a week now? Feel like a little relief?" The white cat gave a slow, sensual nod. "Too bad. It's not up to you. I'm thinking another week in there will do you some good."

"Thank you," Lee replied, smiling from ear to ear.

"You guys really got into bondagey type stuff over the years, huh?" Cal asked, chiming in while idly stroking his prick.

"You could say that." Mel took a moment to bend down, giving his partner a kiss on the cheek.

"You could also say one of our trunks is mostly an assortment of leather and ropes," Lee corrected him.

"I think you guys would love Dax." The peacock chuckled. "He has a whole room, wall to wall, dedicated to that kind of stuff.

Finding something of a second wind, both cats perked up, slyly grinning as they said, in unison, "Do tell..."


"No no nonono! Forget I said anything!" Miles said, burying his face in his hands. "I didn't say anything!"

"WHAT? You think you can drop a bomb like THAT and I'd just let it go? Holy shit!" Matty shouted, launching out of his chair, standing right up to the lynx. "You tell me my grandma was a SUCCUBUS, and you think I wouldn't want details?" He squatted lower, going nose to nose with the shamed feline, staring with wide-open eyes.

"Alright, alright... the bell's been rung, I suppose." The lynx gave a disappointed sigh. "I kept that a secret for decades, I can't believe I did that... I guess I thought he would have told you, of all people... Alright... what do you want to know?"

Going from accusatory to inquisitive in a heartbeat, Matty let loose a series of questions. "If my grandma's a demon, does that make me a half-demon? Or quarter-demon, however that works." Bouncing with excitement, he continued, cutting off the lynx's response. "Can I learn to use demon powers? Can I eat sex? Can I control fire? Is that why my headfur has those red highlights?" He stopped for a moment, his eyes going wider with awe. "Does this make me a firefox?"

"What? No, no to all of that. Especially the red highlights, those came from Burr, you should know that. I'm sorry to disappoint, but you're just a regular fox. Succubi and incubi both mimic mortal forms when arriving on earth. Incubi totally restructure their reproductive systems for feeding, but succubi are different. Enough of the mortal's systems are preserved for them to be able to have fully mortal children with actual mortals if they so desire. It's well beyond rare, but it has happened."

"Damn," Matty said, feeling just a bit disappointed. "I can't believe he kept that a secret from me! All those stories he told, not once did he mention grandma Fae was a demon."

"Fatalis was her full name, and they did everything they could to keep her true nature a secret. The only reason I knew was that I performed their contract signing ceremony. The problem with hunters, even in these days, is that many have a blanket policy to kill all demons regardless of circumstances. He wanted to keep her safe, so they kept it a secret."

"Is that what happened? Was that how she died? Another hunter found her?"

"No, no... Fatalis and Burr staged her death around twenty, twenty-five years ago, for the same reason I did the same for Franklin Knowles. Over time, people start to notice that the ageless don't age, and once that happens, our only option is to reset ourselves."

"So she's still out there somewhere?" Matty shouted, beaming with excitement. "Where is she? Can I meet her?"

Miles nervously cleared his throat. "Well... the problem there is that she... we don't know where she is... After staging her death, she explored the world, frequently meeting with Burr for hunts... or just to be together... until a few years ago, when she didn't show up."

"What happened?"

"We don't know! Burr went crazy looking for her... The oracle stopped talking to him because of it, scrying turned up nothing! She had vanished without a trace. He searched for years without finding a scrap of evidence." The lynx shied away, looking down at his shoes. "If I'm being honest, I think that's really why - or at least one of the reasons why - he started his crusade down in hell. Their contract was broken, all evidence pointed to her having been killed. He felt like he was close to his end, and either wanted to save her, or just say goodbye. From what you said, it sounds like he still hasn't found her down there, so I don't know what to think. He may have escalated things into a full war, but I doubt he ever stopped searching for her on the side. It's a mystery."

"Wait!" Matty said, perking up again. "Hold on! The oracle! The oracle talks to me! I can ask where to find her!" He sprinted out of the room at top speed, narrowly avoiding the overturned cereal bowl sitting on the floor.

"It doesn't work like that!" Miles shouted after to fox, unfortunately too late to be heard. He was about to chase after him when the badger came running back in, clutching an old book to his chest.

Leaping over the beanbag chair on the way back, Will landed directly on his bowl. He slipped forward, flying a short distance into the air, landing hard on his back with a resounding thud. Panting heavily, he climbed back to his feet and presented the book to the lynx.

"PROMETHEUS IS MY FAVORITE BOOK! MY GRANDPA GAVE ME A FIRST EDITION! YOU'RE MY FAVORITE AUTHOR!" Will shouted, rattling the walls, taking the laconic feline completely by surprise.

"Wow. Thank you, Will, that means more to me than I can truly express." Looking down the badger's body, Miles was somewhat amused by the fact that he had totally lost his boxers when he fell. "Uh, just so you know, your bits are showing," he said, gesturing toward the plump sheath only a couple feet from his face.

"CAN YOU SIGN IT?" The badger shouted, totally ignoring his nudity.

"Of course, why not," Miles said, feeling a mix of pride and amusement. "You... did mean the book, right?"


"JACKPOT!" Mel and Lee cried in tandem the instant the lights went on, bathing Dax's playroom in bright light, revealing its décor. The repurposed living room appeared more like a dungeon than anything else, full of bondage racks, sawhorses, racks, chains, ropes, and toys of every conceivable sort littered about. There were even a number of shackles and restraints dangling from supports in the ceiling. Within seconds, the twin cats had totally fallen in love with it all.

"Dax started collecting all this stuff to... to playtest... before adding them to the VIP areas of his club." Cal said, visibly blushing, idly pushing his glasses up his beak. "At least that's what he said. I think he just wanted an excuse to have it all at home too." He laughed nervously, rubbing his arm as he watched the cats digging through the trunks full of toys. "He lets everyone use all the stuff here as long as they let him know how they liked it, so you can help yourselves."

"My, my, did our little birdy just admit he likes getting freaky in here?" Mel said, slapping an impossibly huge black dido against his hand in an oddly threatening manner.

"I believe you might be correct," Lee agreed, playfully juggling a trio of multicolored ball-gags.

"I, um... haven't... I mean, I've enjoyed watching people in here a couple times... Dax and Will once... Matty tried getting Valian interested, but he just burned one of the rope-harnesses in his hand and walked out... Last night I watched Matty and Kazama with Gensa. They had Gensa hogtied and suspended from the ceiling while they... um... spitroasted him. Those giant balls of his were swaying like a pendulum. It was mesmerizing, and quite lovely... It all looks fun, I guess... I just haven't really been brave enough to want to try the more extreme stuff myself."

"Seriously, Kazama? You settled for vanilla stuff with him with all this stuff ready to be used?" Mel said, shaking his head, twirling a string of anal beads around his finger. "And to think I thought we were gonna get along."

Tapping rapidly on his phone, Kazama held it up, showing, "bondage not for everyone. didnt want to push."

"He's right. Just let him watch how much fun we can have in here and he can join in when he's ready," Lee said, digging into another chest full of toys. He found himself swelling in his cage at the sight of a varied assortment of restraints and spreader bars, particularly loving a full leather gimp mask. "I'm fine showing off for him until then."

"Come on now, do you really think he'd bring us straight to this glorious treasure trove just to sit back and watch?" Picking up an especially large ball-gag, noting the double sets of straps, Mel grinned at the peacock. "It's just like before, he's plenty brave enough, and he's CLEARLY interested! He's just begging for someone to take the direct approach and give him a little push! Aren't ya, birdy? So how about it? How'd you like to get bound head to toe and fucked silly?"

Though Cal was a taken a bit off-guard by the bluntness of his question, the smug cat did have a point. As he thought it over, his cock rapidly swelled to half-hardness, speaking volumes to the cats. "That... sounds like it could be fun too..." he said, tentatively nodding . "So... what would you want to do, exactly?"

"How about for starters, I've never tried one of these before," Lee said, snatching double-strapped ball-gag from Mel. "We can share this, and then we can let our partners play dom however they want! How does that sound?"

"Okay... just don't be too rough," Cal said, smiling as he received a loving, reassuring hug from the crow. Before he could say anything further, the white cat shoved the gag into his beak, after which the crow helpfully clipped the straps behind his head. He felt his head get tilted a bit to the side, followed by Lee bending the other way, taking the other side of the ball-gag into his muzzle. Deftly securing the straps behind his own head, they were left securely connected at their mouths.

In an instant, Cal's cock was rock-hard once more as he stood belly-to-belly with his old friend, feathers rubbing against fur, the underside of his throbbing shaft rubbing against a cold metal cage. He stared into his counterpart's orange-red eyes, only getting hornier when he felt the chaste cat hug their chests close, sensually rubbing their nipples together. He was momentarily distracted by whispering from behind him as Kazama and Mel discussed what they wanted to do, followed by some rustling from the toy bins after they completed making their plans. A faint jingling sounded out just before he felt his hands cuffed behind Lee's back, after which Lee's hands were cuffed behind his own back. Though they didn't restrict his movement much, even that slight additional loss of freedom felt strangely alluring.

Gently lowering the bound pair to their sides on the floor, Kazama and Mel grabbed a few lengths of rope, skillfully using them to bind the peacock's scaly ankles to his thighs, then doing the same to the cat. Once all four legs were secure, they finished by binding the peacock's and cat's knees to each other, firmly holding the pair together. Lastly, a spreader bar was secured to their bound knees, forcing their legs far apart, giving easy access to their tailholes. Sharing a nod, Kazama and Mel agreed they were ready to begin.

Using their predicament to his advantage, Lee gyrated his hips, rubbing his cage more insistently along the squirming peacock's sensitive length. He was giggling like mad at the sight of the peacock struggling to jack off despite his restraints, showing a mix of frustration and delight as a thin stream of pre-cum was milked out of him.

Kazama had taken position behind Cal, ready to lift his side of the bound pair, when he was waved off by Mel.

"Mind if I take that side, Kazama? I've been waiting ages for a shot at that tail."

Smiling and nodding, Kazama happily obliged, stepped over them, taking position behind Lee. Stopping to remember their recent fun, he waved to get Mel's attention. He pointed at the cat's rear, held his hands together forming a circle, then pulled them apart, widening the circle.

Understanding the crow's concern, Mel grinned, saying, "Don't worry, he's surprisingly tight when he wants to be."

With a nod, Kazama accepted his assertion, and they both knelt down, grabbing their respective partner around the waist. With some effort, they lifted the pair off the floor, quickly maneuvering them to be upside-down so the spreader bar holding their knees was at the top. Hefting them over to one of the heavy, well-anchored chains dangling from the ceiling, they secured both ends of the spreader bar to it, leaving the white cat and the peacock dangling upside-down from their knees.

While Mel took the opportunity to lube up his rapidly hardening prick, Kazama adjusted the chain to the suspended pair's asses were about at crotch level. Seeing the white cat's greasy, still cum-slick hole, he didn't bother getting lubed, simply jerking his length to get fully-erect.

Blatantly fanning his wide, brightly-colored tail-feathers, Cal was practically begging the black cat to get moving. All at once, hanging from his knees, totally bound, head swimming, he genuinely understood the appeal of bondage. He thrust his rear back, partly to further entice the cat, but also to get the other cat's thrusting cage away from his cock. It already felt like he was close to popping, and he wanted things to last as long as they could. Suddenly, he squawked through his gag, blushing as he felt a slick, lubed finger jabbing down into his tailhole.

Having finished preparing his cock, Mel used a remaining glob of lube to probe the peacock's depths. As Kazama stepped behind the purring white cat, he pulled his finger back out, and they both aimed their shafts down at the vulnerable holes. In unison, they thrust forward, each spearing their respective partner.

Kazama made it into the hilt in a single try, though as Mel promised, the white cat's well-trained hole was more than tight enough to satisfy him. Pulling his hips up and back, he happily proceeded to fuck the dangling feline's ass, holding onto his knees for support.

Only making it in about halfway on the first try, Mel made a series of grunts as he worked in, inch by inch, the rest of the way. He almost bit through his lip as he felt the vice-grip of the peacock's ass crushing down around him. Panting heavily, as soon as felt his balls resting against the bird's splayed feathers, he held onto the chain, joining Kazama in pistoning his hips with everything he had. Crying out with utter delight, he had no doubt that it was all worth every year he had to wait.

Down below them, Cal and Lee were clutching each other tightly, howling into their dual gag as they were taken for a ride. Cal came within seconds, painting their bellies with his seed, from that point on simply getting milked for every last drop by the relentless cock thrusting under his tail. The only thought he had remaining, not lost in a wash of sheer pleasure, was all the ways he wanted to pay back the others for opening this world to him.

Lee let out a loud, muffled groan, as always loving the confining, yet wonderful tightness of his cage. Feeling the sticky warmth of the peacock's jizz splatter between their bellies, he looked forward to being released, if only so he could give the bird a full cleaning using his tongue. If it weren't for the gag, he would have licked his lips in anticipation. For the moment, he was satisfied to clench down on the crow's thrusting length, eagerly waiting for every additional poke to his prostate.

Before long, Mel, overcome with lust, was reduced to giving a series of short, forceful thrusts into the peacock's rear. He leaned forward, snorting as he bit down on the spreader bar, furiously pounding away until he blew right past his climax, positively flooding Cal's clenching hole with his thick seed. When the flow of his cum finally tapered off, he could barely stand, totally overwhelmed by his afterglow.

Kazama lasted a decent amount longer, quickly, though more patiently humping his hips into the cat's ass. It wasn't until he felt a long, feline tail poking and tickling at his own rear that he finally let loose, sending his second torrent of cum into Lee's well-stuffed rear. With the larger room, the wind kicking up was almost unnoticeable, resulting in little more than a pleasant breeze. Pulling out of the cat's hole, he fell back into the nearest chair to rest, eyes flying open when he realized he sat directly on a thin, gelled dildo fastened to the seat. Quickly growing accustomed to mercifully smooth dildo, he sighed, happily enjoying the unexpected penetration.

As before, Lee hadn't climaxed, though he could not have cared less. He was tied up, caged, and full of cum; he was exactly where he wanted to be. Stroking the exhausted peacock's back, he simply enjoying his position while he waited to be released from the ceiling.

A series of excited claps from the doorway grabbed their attention. Dressed in nothing but a black leather vest, Dax sauntered in, blatantly showing off his cage and massive, hanging balls. "Marvelous show, all of you!" He gleefully exclaimed, casually inspected each member of the foursome, ending by dipping a finger into Lee's gaping tailhole. After liberally coating it with spent cum, he made a show of licking it off, humming with pleasure as he did. "I don't believe we've met," he said, showing a toothy smile as he directly addressed the twin felines, "but tell me, the two of you aren't looking for work, are you?"


Running faster than he ever had before, Matty burst into the room, barely able to bring himself to a stop before plowing through the table holding the oracle's pedestal. He was panting too heavily to ask the first of his vast ocean of questions, instead taking a few moments to catch his breath.

"HE TOLD YOU," the oracle said, showing an odd sort of disappointment despite its dispassionate, robotic voice.

"About how my grandma was a demon? Yeah! He did!"


"What? What're you talking about?"


"Fine, whatever," Matty said, shaking his head. "Okay, is my grandma still alive? Can you tell me where she is? Does she need help?" The oracle's screen flickered, but it remained silent. "Hello? You still there?"


"So? Can you tell me how to find her?"


Leaning forward, Matty eagerly awaited an answer. An answer that never came. "Well? What did you tell him?"


"Why? You know where she is, right?"


"Drop your 'secrets aren't mine to tell' shtick and tell me where she is!" the black fox shouted, grabbing the glowing watch in his fist and giving it a shake.


Biting his lip, Matty acquiesced, gently placing the oracle back onto its pedestal.


"I'm sorry... but could you please tell me where she is? I only ever knew her from stories... Now I find this out about her and... please... if she's in trouble and there's some way to help her, I have to know."


Matty closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Is there a reason you have to be to evasive about all this? Even with the 'missions' you send us on! It's... it's frustrating! Why can't you just let us know the details of what we're getting into!"


"What was that? THEY HAVE A 44% CHANCE OF DYING!?!? WHAT THE FUCK! I have to warn them!" Getting out his phone, Matty called Axel, only to hear a strangely unnerving voicemail message.


"...Dammit... Is what they're doing worth the risk, at least?"


"But you can't tell me why."

"I WON'T."

Reluctantly, Matty pocketed his phone, giving a small, nervous sigh.


Showing a small smile, Matty nodded. "Alright, you've been good to me this far. I trust you."


"Thank you for having us get Cal too. It was nice getting to reunite him with his old friends."


Curiously raising his eyebrows at the oracle, he perked up once he heard the telltale chime of the doorbell. For the moment, he forgot his troubles, taking off to the entryway to see which of the grandfather's old friends was showing up next. Reaching his destination, he excitedly threw the door open, only for his smile to fade the instant he recognized a familiar tall, muscular, proudly built red fox.

"Hey, little bro," the fox said, grinning smugly.

Forcing the fakest smile he could muster, Matty mumbled a single word under his breath.
