Rain over the leaves

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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The sky was getting white, as the sun came from the mountains of the west, behind the thick grey clouds. The faint grayish light slipped through the windows of the small inn for travelers, next to a trail with big green trees side to side. On one of the rooms, there was our couple, sleeping naked after the thrilling and romantic night they had. The couple was made by Shiro, a big tall muscled grey and white chest furred, red eyed werewolf, and Kiowa, a young blue sky colored fur, green grass colored short hair, spirit fox and priestess, also known as kitsune, with her glittering red eyes closed as under her eyes she had a track of red fur on each of them. Kiowa was two feet smaller than Shiro, and she was curled up over her lover's big chest. The wolf, however, was sleeping over the thin futon bed, layed over it, like if he was a mattress under the vixen girl. The light coming from the small window flashed over Shiro's face, making his mind get out of the slumber and opening his blood red eyes in a breeze. As his sight got rid of the blur, he looked down, feeling the weight of his dear vixen lover sleeping over his tight and firm abs, like if he was a big lovely plushy. Shiro picked the hands of Kiowa, setting them aside and standing up from the thinned bed, looking back to the small window and yawning for the new day.

Shiro looked at Kiowa, smiling and then his eyes looked outside, through the small circled window. The wind was quite fast, as it brushed the leaves of the trees in a swinging motion and the clouds were getting darker and thicker. Shiro knew in a moment it wasn't going to be a clear sky day, so their trip was going to be a bit more complicated. He looked back to the room and decided to do some exercise on the wooden floor beneath to him, naked, since Kiowa was asleep. The wolf sat on the floor and started making all kind of special muscle tone enhancing moves. He felt how his body worked out as he panted through his mouth intensely to cool his body.

Meanwhile, Kiowa was getting less sleepy, and her ears heard Shiro's continuous breathing, so she opened her eyes in a flash and looked how her lover was making intense physical exercise in front of her without any trace of clothing. Shiro didn't notice after a second later that Kiowa was awake, so he gasped loudly and stopped doing his muscle enhancement moves, blushing hardly for about what accidentally happened. Kiowa giggled, standing up as she covered her bust with Shiro's travel cloak and walked close to him, saying "Did you sleep well, Shi-chan?"

Shiro forcedly gulped his own spit, nodding as he said "Sure, Kiowa... It's just... I thought you would be a bit more on the bed."

Kiowa kept her grin as she hugged the huge wolf from a side, then she realized how Shiro was blushed and trembling, like if he was worried. She could avoid her curiosity, so she quickly asked "What's wrong, Shi-chan?"

Shiro made a confused sound and quickly said "It's just... uh... I didn't tell you this but... that night... I was a virgin."

Kiowa quickly twitched her brows, saying "What? Ok... you broke my virginity last night but... how could you be such a good kisser and lover that time!? I mean... that body totally melts any females minds... look at me! I was a chaste pure priestess but..."

Kiowa's face blushed instantly, but she kept saying "I couldn't avoid your sexiness and strength".

Shiro looked down, then his eyes looked at Kiowa, so he said "First of all... I'm a werewolf. I was chased by bounty hunters... that included cleverly disguised females. Besides, even I am a wild, instinctive, predator male, we care about the breed. And about how we mate, let's say it's always been genetic, as a feature to keep the mate happy" as his face skin turn into a more intense reddish tone.


Kiowa understood Shiro's explanation, saying "I see... that's why wolves are so wild and yet very determined and gifted warriors" as she was attracted again by the warrior's big marked muscles.

She couldn't stop looking at him: she loved every part of him, even if it was from his mind or his body. He was impulsive but yet shy since he felt embarrassed for his actions in front of her, his own mate. His muscles were like something she didn't see on her lessons at the temple she was instructed: thick, powerful, filled of veins... and his inbred skills with females made him perfect: Yet he was a virgin, both of them had an incredible mating action, only deserved for the most wild species like him. She adored that sudden wildness, tenderness and physical entirety coming from him, after all, she fell in love instantly with him in just one intense day, when she was rescued by a bunch of bandits who kidnapped her and, by destiny's chance, he appeared and slain all the bandits with his incredible sword skills. Then, they arrived to the bath house were they spent the night with a nice bath and a sudden but yet thrilling wild canine mating action. She couldn't live without him after that sweet romantic wild night.

Kiowa's eyes were obviously fainted, drunken by the feelings she had looking on that bloodthirsty mercenary but still sensitive prideful werewolf. Her body started to desire those intense hard pleasure shocks again, so her mind started to lose part of her thinking process. She rubbed her cheeks on Shiro's chest, moaning faintly, until her mind went on again and looked up. The warrior looked at her beloved priestess with shocked eyes, saying "Are you OK?"

Kiowa rapidly stepped back in an awe, saying between deep redden cheeks "Yes... it's just your body... makes me feel dizzy. You are... like males say, "hot"."

Shiro chuckled a bit, scratching the back of his head for a bit, as he said in a small laugh "Yeah, kinda" then, the wolf stood up and licked Kiowa's nose, saying "Look, I really got to be ready for our next stop, so I really want to make the same we did last night but... I don't want to be tired either, but I promise you will get it later, alright, Kiowa?" then he French kissed Kiowa's lips with some swift licks of his tongue inside her mouth.

After he released her mouth, Kiowa nodded with her head terribly blushed. Shiro smiled, as he looked down to his cock and said "Still... did... I hurt you? I always wanted to know how females feel after stacking this"

The wolf was referring to his male tool and asking for yesterday's close mating they had as he made a quick stare at the kitsune girl, who put her hand over her lips after such question.


Kiowa got a bit confused, but she shook her head, with a honest tone on her voice "Frankly, it hurt a bit but... it was fantastic, I felt complete when it was touching my womb. Mating is so... invasive but still is so relieving".

Shiro smiled, then his cock got a bit hardened, so Shiro looked down, making a shy expression on his face, saying "Sorry... now that was a compliment, I feel really proud of myself" giggling and saying after "Let's get going. Get dressed, we might need the cloak a lot, I presume it will rain later during our trip."

Then he stood up and looked down to his boner, feeling amazed of how he could do that in front of her since it was very daring from his part. It was a big swollen red flesh cock, about 8 or 10 inches long and almost 2 inches thick, ready to fulfill the wildest and dirtiest wishes of any female. For Kiowa, ironically, this was like a gift from the gods.


As the sun came up from the eastern hills, the couple started to dress themselves: Shiro quickly strapped his funadoshi on, put his warrior greaves on and set his leather straps and his cloak on his torso. Kiowa quickly took some bandages from her clothes and covered her breasts and hips with swift rolling wraps over them. When both of them were ready, Shiro opened the door of the room, followed by Kiowa and went to the entrance of the inn, where the old cat owner was next to the door. Shiro picked a small bag from his belt, opening it and he shook it, as small nuggets of gold appeared out from it. Shiro gave 5 golden nuggets to the owner, saying "Keep the change, good man... we have a long trip ahead" the owner suddenly dropped his glasses from the nose, setting them right again and bowed with an astonished tone on his voice, saying "Thank you, young lad".

The warrior stepped out the inn, leaving it, then the vixen priestess did the same, looking up to the covered sky. Shiro felt the cold breeze of the weather coming, then he looked to the trail, which was signing to the north, then Shiro said "Alright... we will go to the next village, it's about 6 hours walking from here. Do you think you can follow my pace, Kiowa?"

the vixen stopped looking to the sky and her eyes looked at her lover, then, she replied nodding her head. Shiro made a quick look to the sky, as the clouds were getting darker, so he said "Stay close to me... I think there's a storm coming".

The priestess ran close to Shiro, hugging him from a side, like she wanted his protection. Shiro smiled and passed his left hand over her shoulders, saying "Let's get going", and then, they walked to the north trail for the next village.


As the clouds were getting thicker and darker, the warrior and the priestess kept following the way to the next village, through a narrow way of dirt and stone between the big elder trees they had around. Shiro looked how during their trip, some of the trunks of the trees were decorated with strange braided paper rectangles tied under to a thick rope on each tree, named "Gohei" by the religious people, and they were mostly to define it was a holy land that they were crossing, therefore, there was no chance for demons to appear. As a traveler, Shiro knew about these decorations, but he never expected to find a lot. Kiowa smiled looking at the blessed trees, as she knew her powers would be more useful on the soil she was walking on, for the known healing powers of her race.

Shiro looked at his lover, worried about if she lost her contact with the gods after she made one of her worst sins: mating. He couldn't avoid questioning her "Kiowa... aren't you worried that you lost your... purity... because of me?"

Kiowa looked down, but she looked at Shiro's eyes again, with a mellow expression on her face, saying "I might can't be a real priestess anymore, but I can still contact with the spiritual gods and use my powers, Shiro. It's just you were too handsome, I couldn't resist to that body of yours, also, I can't be promoted to be a high priestess, but I still don't care, I prefer spending the days with you, a wild wolf, than praying to the gods. It's like... you are my link to the pure power of the nature."

Then she rubbed her cheeks on the wolf's white furred chest, smiling. Shiro smiled to her and a second later, they kept their traveling to the next stop with the intentions to get some supplies, shelter and information.


An hour later, as the sun faded on the west and the shiny full moon came during their travel, Shiro and Kiowa were in the front of a small village, next to the ford of a river. The village had a high stacked wall of wooden sticks around it, with small houses made of wood and paper were built over the dirt, protected by the blessed trees of the forest where their villagers lived. Rain drops dropped really quickly while Shiro and Kiowa were looking at the wooden door where two guards, with their thin armors and their spears, looked at them. Shiro stepped forward, trying to talk to the guards. Both guards crossed their spears, then the soldier on the left yelled "Halt! This village has been attacked several times by the armies of the North. Any suspecting behavior shall not be accepted, mercenary" The right guard showed his teeth, staring at Shiro as he said "What brings you to this village, wolf?"

Shiro gritted his teeth as he expected such a reaction from those people, as they knew the bad reputation of a wolf and the looks of most mercenary people as dogs of war. Kiowa looked the three warriors, as she heard the word mercenary uttered from one of the guards referring to Shiro. The vixen, thinking how unpleasant the situation was, walked to the right side of Shiro and quickly whispered "He's my bodyguard"

Kiowa slipped her hand into one of the sleeves, taking from one of the inside pockets a pendant with a wooden fox tail carved on it, saying "I'm a Shinto priestess in pilgrimage to the north... we just want to stay some time, please."

One of the guards looked at the pendant, checking with one of his hands and then stared at Kiowa, saying "You can pass"

The guard turned around and screamed "Open the door!" suddenly, the wooden fence opened up, showing the inside of the village: the river crossing it by the middle, the streets filled with bars, houses, shops... and a big house on the end of the street: the market and the landlord's house.

Kiowa and Shiro stepped inside, as the rain got stronger every minute. The people of the village quickly ran inside the houses with the rain that was happening at the moment. Shiro looked at the crowd running for shelter, so he covered Kiowa on his cloak and both walked through the streets, until they found one of the buildings with a sign with big painted black letters with the words "Holy tree inn" scribbled on it.

Shiro slid the entrance door to the right, looking at the main hall, which was big and had a bar inside of it. Shiro, soaked by the strong rain while Kiowa was dry thanks to the cloak, opened the cloak, letting her enter and then he got in. The owner was at their left, sit over his legs on the floor, looking at the couple: It was a female squirrel, with her grey fur and face showing her age: she was really old but showed health on every wrinkle she had.

She quickly smiled and bowed to the guests, saying "Welcome to our humble inn, my name is Misako... may I help you, outsiders?" Shiro, with his wet fur, walked as he left drops of water over the bamboo tatami floor, as he ordered "Yes, madam. I would like a room for two."

Misako grinned, closing her eyes in some kind of sly expression, looking at the young priestess vixen "I see, stranger..." then Shiro showed some of his golden nuggets on the floor, who were quickly withdrawn by the maiden, who didn't hesitate to ask "Is it for job or pleasure purposes, sir?"

Shiro growled showing his teeth in a nasty way, saying "Job purposes... she's a priestess, I'm not that sick kind of creature you think!"

The squirrel gulped and nodded to that reaction. Shiro knew he lied, but he wasn't so desperate to hire the room to relieve his pain and he was offended how the owner took Kiowa as a prostitute more than a priestess, she was his lover.

The old rodent walked and talked to one of her maids, a black furred kitty girl, who received the orders to prepare the room. Meanwhile, Shiro and Kiowa were waiting on the hall. Shiro drawn his sword, looking it as a quick check as a mercenary he was. Kiowa, a bit worried, stepped close to Shiro and sat in front of him, saying "Shiro... are you a..." with a gulp on her throat "mercenary?"

Shiro sighed when he heard the question, answering "Yes... I was trying to get some money from those bandits, until I found you." Kiowa knew about mercenaries, their way of life and how war infected their minds with traumatic scenes of war. As the priestess she was, she was confused why a creature like Shiro could be a warrior guided by bloodlust and instinct but kind. She hugged Shiro, feeling guilty of his sorrow, and her curiosity couldn't hold it anymore, so she whispered "Why... did you turn into one of them?"

Shiro looked down, with sad cold eyes, and he said "My parents were killed by a clan of mercenaries... and I couldn't do anything to save them... I was... weak and coward" his teeth gritted in fury as his hands suddenly showed his black sharp claws.

Kiowa felt the cold tips of the claws on her clothes. Shiro's voice was getting angrier, saying "when I fail... I feel foul and empty... my anger makes me crazy... then I can't control myself... he takes control of my body"

Kiowa's ears got pointy, then she asked "He? Who is him?"

Shiro quickly answered "The black wolf... it's a demon surpassed by the genes of the alpha wolves... It's a gift and a curse"

Shiro placed one of her hands over his chest, as he continued explaining "He comes really inside from us, makes us stronger, he heals us... but we turn berserk, we remind our most terrible moments. Since I lived alone, my parents died, my village was raided up... I turn into a demon."

Kiowa looked at him, saying "And... you don't fell sorrow... anymore?"

Shiro shook his head as an answer.

Kiowa understood crying wasn't good for the reputation of a male, but she muttered "Shiro... you have feelings, you are strong... crying makes that pain go away, it won't hurt your pride. Even if your race is cursed with an evil demon deep in your heart, I'll still love you, you are not a bloody warrior to me... you are the most handsome, generous and strong male I've ever met." Then she smiled and giggled. Shiro looked at her, her talk made him think, then, his eyes started to flush small tears, as he gasped "Kiowa... I... I... I'm sorry!!!" and he hugged the vixen girl tightly.

The wolf's tears went bigger, as he relieved his pain, sobbing and babbling gibberish, but the truth was he was asking sorry for all the pain, like sort of a confession. Kiowa sweetly joined her hands, hugging Shiro's back, repeating "It's OK..." until Shiro stopped his crying, releasing her from his tight muscled hands. The warrior blushed embarrassed as he said "You... still think I'm a male after this... don't you?"

Kiowa smiled as she thought happily "Males..." followed by saying "Of course, Shi-chan" and kissed his lips afterwards. A second later, the black kitty maiden walked to the hall, bowing when she found the couple.


The kitty maiden, with a smooth grin, said "Excuse me, guests, but your room is ready" then she moved to a side, showing a corridor at the right of the hall entrance, saying "Walk this way, please".

The couple and the room maid walked to the corridors with doors on both sides. The kitty girl opened one of the doors, stepping back and showing it with her right hand and bowed saying "Here's your room, let us hope you have a nice stay"

The vixen girl nodded smiling "Thank you, miss" then the black kitty walked back to the hall through the corridor.

Shiro and Kiowa got into the room: a nice small room with a cupboard for clothes, two beds, an altar for praying and a thick paper window on the front wall.


The wolf looked at the room, as Kiowa laid her body on the floor sighing in relief happy. Shiro smiled and sat on the floor next to Kiowa, licking her right cheek. Kiowa blushed and rubbed her head against Shiro's chest, closing her eyes as she heard the wolf's heartbeats smiling, saying "I want to explore your body, Shiro. I never expected wolves would be so wild and gifted."

Shiro chuckled and whispered on her blue furred ears "I'm asking some information at the hall. You can get ready meanwhile, my bitch" then he made a murr on her ears.

Shiro knew that Kiowa loved to be treated as a female: make her feel beautiful and happy but also important.

The wolf opened the door of the room and closed it, walking through the corridors to reach the hall and look at the people on the bar of the hall, sit on the low tables and in front of the stand, drinking water or sake shots. The wolf stepped slowly inside the bar and sat on the barstand, asking to the bartender "Some water please..." then Shiro dropped some golden nuggets on the table.

The bartender, who was a brown furred bloated belly raccoon, quickly picked the nuggets, looking at their size and chuckled, saying "Who do you think you are, gutsy, the emperor?"

Shiro groaned, showing the half of his blade at his back with a quick pull and saying "No, but you are lucky that I'm not one of his bodyguards either!" then the bartender gasped in fear, intimidated, nodding and serving a clay cup with fresh water on it.

The raccoon tender looked how the wolf sipped his water, asking "This money is quite a lot for... some water, stranger. What are your intentions?"

Shiro stared at the tender, and said "I'm a mercenary, do you know anything about the northern clan of the Tiger?"

The bartender gulped, looking to the sides, as his worries were raising, so he whispered to the wolf "I'm not the kind of person who knows someone you can serve... but I can really tell you the leader of the clan has been hiring some of the best known assassins of the land. It's really strange, since he doesn't hire them as a personal guard, but to watch outer lands. I think they are finding something ... or someone"

Shiro kept his stare, but he knew what the raccoon was talking about: The North Tiger Clan was after him, after all these years. He remembered the cold stare and devious grin of the leader of that clan, Hitori, slaying the souls of his parents in front of his eyes, creating the most terrible traumatic scene on his life and turning him into the warrior he was: kind but vengeful.

Suddenly, the warrior felt the sensation of someone looking at his back, so he quickly swayed his head, looking at the people on the tables. Shiro looked to a strange group of four shiba dogs, sitting on a table, covered in cloaks as one of them looked at him with shining eyes, hiding them after realizing they have been seen by him. Shiro gritted his teeth and stood up from the bar, walking out to the hall and returning to the room corridors, expecting those hounds could have been following him or Kiowa, until he reached to the sliding door of his room and opened it.

Kiowa was sit on the floor, without her priestess robes, as she set her bandages over her hips and breasts firmly. Shiro instantly looked to the scene, blushing heavily as he found Kiowa changing her inner clothes and picking her usual herb pills for contraceptive measures, so he uttered a confused sound from his lips. The vixen priestess looked to her left, to the entrance door, looking at his lover's deep blush, so her face went red too and quickly looked back, saying "Sorry... I thought you would be outside a bit more" as she looked down ashamed for her nakedness.

Shiro was really shy when he saw naked women instantly, even his deepest love, so he tiptoed slowly, closing the door and sit at Kiowa's back, saying "It's alright... besides, you are beautiful, you are the only creature that makes me bleed through my nose." Kiowa gasped and giggled, laughing for a bit, then she returned to her mellow smile and turned her body towards Shiro, hugging him as she closed her eyes.


Shiro put his big hands at her back, ruffling with both of them closely, as he looked from her shoulder that her bandage bra wasn't totally attached. The vixen priestess kept blushing, breathing deeply, as she felt her body reacting to the smell of Shiro's muscled grey fur.

She quickly lifted her head, nipping under Shiro's big ears, making him moan in surprise. The warrior wolf soon dripped a small drop of blood coming from his nose, so his mind started to realize she was playful again. Kiowa's insides quickly reacted to Shiro's male pheromones, so her lower bandages soon started to moist slowly, showing a darker stain on them. Kiowa panted faintly, releasing her arms from Shiro's body and standing up, then she laid her front side on one of the walls and raised her tail as a teasing call, saying "Your smell... makes me crazy. I'm scorching here, I need a real brute male to cool me down now."

Shiro stood up and his tongue started to lick his lips, murring afterwards. He moved close to Kiowa's posing body, looking at her on each every side, after that, the wolf grinned and whispered her "Stay stand up looking to the door and close your eyes... I have an idea"

Kiowa nodded, with a sweet pink bright blush under her eyes, and she turned around, setting on the place she was ordered, closing her eyes. Shiro smiled satisfied and quickly moved to the center of the room, taking each and every clothes of him, even his sword. His 6 feet muscled grey-white furred body appeared without any cover: His coal black claws, his tight loveable muscles, his long black hair, his bloody red eyes and at last, the most prideful parts of a werewolf male: his big gifted skinned hanging cock.

The werewolf said to Kiowa "Open your eyes now" and Kiowa followed the orders.

Shiro started to growl naturally, as the wild werewolf he tried to impersonate, following the simple but strict rules of instinct: Don't think, if it smells good, do it.

Kiowa was impressed of what his lover was doing, so she thought making a expression of fear would be better. She acted the sensation of being stared by the wolf, trembling a bit, as the werewolf got close to her every second. Shiro looked at the vixen, with a big cold stare on his red eyes, showing his body to the defenseless female. Kiowa gulped, then, he grabbed her from her both sides with his big hands. The vixen girl gasped suddenly, then the wolf quickly showed his claws and with a single swift slash from the claws, her bandages were off. Kiowa moaned as her only clothes were turn into shreds and fell into the ground, showing her nice small round breasts and her flourishing already once tested crotch. Kiowa blushed heavily, then the wolf opened his jaws, like if he was hungry, and clamped the female's round tits, licking their nipples like crazy. The vixen gritted her teeth, trying to avoid the pain and pleasure the pressure was making on her, but she couldn't stop a small moan after the licking session. The wild werewolf smiled, panting and showing his big long tongue to the vixen and kissing her afterwards with a long invasive kiss inside her small mouth. Kiowa loved that forced gesture coming from her male, so she decided to let the wolf let her do anything as her face was confused but yet curious. Shiro smiled and grabbed her from her legs, making her body turn upside down. The wolf opened the legs of the girls and soon he started to drool for the main prize she was hiding. Kiowa blushed, hiding her face with her hands, then Shiro opened both legs, as he set his long fleshy tongue over her moist meaty intimacy. The priestess looked up, scared, how Shiro was acting wild and serious on their roleplay. The wolf started to lick slowly between the vixen's lower lips, rushing her clit in the end, so Kiowa moaned often with the big thick tongue rubbing her wet pussy. Shiro tasted that meat repeatedly, feeling the strong hot scent that was making him crazy, coming from Kiowa's moisture. His cock automatically got stiff in a matter of minutes, showing it's red bulging tip and the lowly swollen veins covering it to keep it hard. Shiro quickly put his cock between Kiowa's legs, rubbing it against her pussy slowly. The wolf panted smiling, showing his thirsty mouth as Kiowa started to smile with a deep blush on her cheeks, looking at the smooth rubs the male was giving to her most sensitive parts. Kiowa's inner walls started to get loose to that session of pleasure, getting puffy and red in seconds. Shiro noticed it was the time for the best part.


He put out his cock and closed Kiowa's legs and started to press his thick desirable member into her thighs and her labia. Kiowa felt the pressure of his cock crossing her, as the lower half of her body was hung up by the wolf's strong arms and tried to introduce deep inside her. Shiro closed his eyes as he bent his back and lifted his head, forcing his cock to find Kiowa's pussy and soon, he found that hole between her thin soft legs. The tip was rubbing her clit and soon it went inside her down. Keeping his stand pose, Shiro grabbed the legs like they were a tree and pressed his hips hardly. Kiowa suddenly felt how her upper side of the vagina was brutally passed by the huge tool of him, moaning loud as she finally felt like a female in a weird way: she was submitted and the male ruled all the ways to give pleasure, but she was receiving most of it so she didn't feel unsatisfied at the end, then she realized how she found the perfect lover: a caring, wild wolf that measured her female mate's needs in each every way.

Shiro kept pushing his cock inside her, as Kiowa's lips moved for an expression of pain, feeling her tight walls be opened by that thick fleshy organ going right through her. The wolf felt the warm pressing walls trying to brake his motion, but that made him add more force to his hips, and therefore, he reached deep inside Kiowa easily. The vixen girl moaned stronger every second as the long hardened member pushed her cervix, then Shiro knew it was the moment for the pumping. He bent Kiowa's legs, he ducked his body slowly and opened them a bit, without losing their carnal link and keeping Kiowa's hips up. Shiro looked at Kiowa's eyes in a lustful but romantic way, with his face panting and showing his drooling tongue, grabbing her thighs with his arms and quickly started moving his hips in a perpetual motion. The priestess blushed really hard, almost screaming for feeling the power of Shiro's body crushing her pelvis with tons of real pleasure with those miraculous gifted muscles he had. The wolf looked at the window, as the mellow light of the moon was blocked faintly by the paper cover, then he smiled and extended his neck to give Kiowa a close long French kiss, giving small tickling thrusts with his hips, as the big gifted meatloaf was slowly throbbing inside her in size and blood veins. She felt happy with all that tenderness and care, then she looked up to the white silhouette the moon was making to the window, so she whispered to his wolf lover's ears "I'm your bitch, please, do me whatever you want, you are the best!"

Shiro growled happy, following his most deep instincts, and he swiftly opened up Kiowa's legs, making her flower open up, and suddenly, the base of his cock swollen up into his knot. Shiro murred in relief, as he knew the ending part and the best one was about to begin. Kiowa gasped as she never expected to be so flexible, then her lover laid over his hand paws and quickly started to push his hips hard on her body. The vixen priestess screamed roughly, followed by the awe on gritting her teeth to hold that big sphere of flesh inside her. Shiro kept forcing the knot inside her, until a popping sound was made, confirming she was tied to him now. Kiowa was panting and moaning, opening her mouth wide to breath to stand that big cock stuffing her vagina. The cock inside her started to grow and shrink quickly, making a vibrating effect inside her walls. The female vixen felt how her moist flower was about to blow in an incredible orgasm, so she screamed, as her juices filled her vagina, trying to escape from the pressure of the wolf's knot. Shiro kept his member, panting as he showed his tongue with a sweet grin on his face, then he closed his eyes and bent his back, howling to the moon like the wild creature he was born. His dick exploded in a flow of seed, directly injected to her womb, filling her belly again with those pleasing fluids to the bottom of her intimacy. Shiro kept his cock until the seed dried out and filled every corner of Kiowa, which was astonished of the warmth and pleasure he was feeling with that still stiff cock flooding her insides with his best genes. When he was finished, he pulled out his cock and put his body next to Kiowa. Both lovers were exhausted after that intense wild role-playing game, so they fell asleep, hugging closely at each other and letting the night cover them with the shiny full moon.


A couple of hours later, Shiro was sleeping deeply, dreaming. He was on a place where everything was red, except of the black that filled the shadows of the place. A second later, a big huge black werewolf appeared in front of Shiro, growling and showing his teeth with a total primal rage. Shiro looked at the wolf, breathing hard as fear started to run in his body. The wolf made of shadows quickly appeared at the warrior's back, so Shiro tried to turn around, until he realized the wolf grabbed him from the neck. The evil wolf looked at him with his bloody red eyes, shouting at him as he showed his long sharp darkened fangs "You are a feeble maggot! You couldn't even save your parents! Look at you, worm!" Shiro felt his neck being choked slowly by the strength of the black wolf, feeling he was about to die. Shiro growled, trying to resist the lack of air and pain, as the wolf kept calling him weak and stupid. The wolf tossed him like if the warrior wolf was featherweight, then the darken dream creature smiled as Shiro was trying to get up. The black wolf quickly kicked Shiro's chest, making him turn and lay on face-up over the floor. Shiro felt how the strength of the demon inside him was making him tired and wounded, panting, as the dark wolf chuckled, saying "You are the son of a bitch, not an alpha"

Shiro suddenly couldn't control his feelings, screaming and getting up, grabbing the wolf's neck and punching it's face totally berserk, saying between the punches "Don't mess me up!!!"

The wolf received the shocks quickly, but as his face turned to a side with the punches, he turned his head again to the front, showing his unwounded face "You are worthless and weak..." as he laughed, faded and the place started to fade in a deep darkness. Shiro started to scream as the pictures of the day he lost his parents came: The screams, the blood, the killer's laughter... everything. Shiro's body quickly bent up in the real world, panting hardly and with his eyes opened wide. Shiro opened his eyes violently, looking to the room. Shiro sighed in relief, as he looked to his right side and looked Kiowa, awaken by his sudden movement as she was fallen asleep and hugging him closely before he woke up harshly.


Shiro quickly looked down sighing in sadness, then Kiowa hugged him from the right shoulder, asking "What's wrong, Shi-chan?"

Shiro turned his face to Kiowa, staring at her eyes, saying "It was... him... he plays with my dreams, every full moon night"

Kiowa licked Shiro's cheek, trying to cheering him up and setting her head on his big chest. The wolf felt confused but he smiled for Kiowa's sweetness. The vixen girl looked to the shiny moon, and her curiosity went on automatically, making the typical question "Shi-chan... What does the full moon to you? I always thought they made wolves hypnotized or wilder"

Shiro suddenly looked to the window too, humming and giving a warm grin, responding "Oh well... the full moon makes our sight better at night, and our senses are better, therefore, we are stronger. It also reminds us our most deep primal instincts. That's why today I was so... primal and wild"

Kiowa made a warm grin with her lips and licked the lips of Shiro, who instantly fell on the ground and smiled, closing his eyes in a deep slumber. Kiowa smiled and went to sleep too, waiting for the day to come.


The night faded away, and the sun came from the East, trying to cross the thick raining clouds with its first beams. Shiro opened his eyes and looked to both sides, finding Kiowa asleep, opening her eyes too, smiling and looking at her mate. The wolf licked her nose and said to her "Shall we get on with our journey?"

Kiowa nodded as she ruffled her head on the fur of the chest of the brave wolf with her head. The lovers quickly stood up and dressed their clothes, ready for the next village to rest in before reaching the city where the Northern Clan of the Tiger ruled their lands.


As the couple left the inn, giving more golden nuggets to the squirrel lady, and leaving the village from the northern door, they walked through a path of holy trees, as the rain fell and stroke the dirt of the trail, making small streams of brown liquid on the sides. Shiro was covering Kiowa under his big travelling cloak, shielding her from the cold rain, as the other walked without caring getting wet his own fur. The vixen girl looked at the big trees, blessed with the big white ribbon tied ropes, as she saw the rain drops falling and making the look fuzzy and melting. The couple kept walking through the trail, until Shiro looked to his left side and saw a strange black shadow on the branches of one of the green round shaped trees.

The wolf growled in a blink, stopping and saying to Kiowa "Kiowa, hide on the trees... I think someone followed us"

Kiowa nodded and ran under the rain, hiding between the trees at Shiro's right side, worried about what her lover was staring at. The rain kept falling heavily, making Shiro's fur darker as the drops fell into his clothes and fur.


Shiro looked at the trees, as he looked around and watched and counted six shadows on the trees, dressed black as the ace of spades. It was true: Shiro was followed by the shiba inu gang he looked at yesterday at the bar, and now they were there, with reinforcements, planning to attack Shiro. The leader of the pack of ninjas watched through the branches, thinking "He found us... he's not a normal wolf. We have got to be careful" then the ninja made a quick flick with his right arm, as an order to engage the wolf.

Suddenly, the shadows quickly jumped from the trees, showing the shiba inu ninjas dressed in their light grey clothing with small black spots as a camouflage for the rain. Their cotton clothes quickly got dark with the rain drops and each of them showed uncovered their carrying weapons one by one, shaking their different color fur tails:

Genji, a black and orange furred one showed his kusari-gama, a lethal small scythe tied with a chain to a small stick.

Saori, a white-orange furred female one showed a tanto blade, a short saber able to cut flesh instantly.

Hisashi, with dark red fur over his body showing a big three-spoked metal star tied to a chain, or chained kunai.

Kojiro, a blue-white furred one wielding big sharp metal claws on arms and feet and the hood was covering his face, only letting his eyes to be seen.

Kazuo, with the fur white as the winter, wielding two kunai and carrying more over the buckles he had all over his limbs.

Kazuki, the leader, wore metal decorations over his ninja grieves, showing his rank and also small bits of his light grey fur under the clothes, his bare paws and a big scroll at his back, unarmed, or that's what Shiro thought, as this squad leader was known for his way of squad assaulting.


The ninja leader stared at the wolf, as he remembered it was their target on the whole mission. He flicked his hand and said "Engage!" and then, his 5 minions quickly grabbed their weapons.

First, the kunai master quickly ran against Shiro, running on his feet with quickness, planning to stab the brave wolf from the back. Shiro heard the steps of the grey camouflaged ninja and quickly turned around, grabbing his sword from the back making a slashing move with the pull. The white furred shadow warrior jumped back, throwing his knives as he grabbed two more from the buckles on his thighs. Shiro looked at the pointy diamond-shaped knives and blocked them with the wide body of his blade, making them fall. Kazuo jumped, trying a falling stab striking move, but Shiro swayed to the left, growling and holding his sword with both of his hands, turned to the blunt side of his sword, hitting the ninja with it to stun it, but the ninja quickly recovered after rolling in the ground twice, standing up by his own. Shiro smiled as he looked the rest of the ninja squad, saying "Not bad for a dog"

The white ninja chuckled saying "These were just the starters, wolf" suddenly, a cloud of smoke flashed around Shiro, it was a trap prepared by the ninja while he was standing up from the jump.

Shiro coughed for some seconds, but the rain got rid of the smoke, then the wolf looked around, looking for their opponents hid around him, with the hard rain falling and the further view was blocked by the fog made by the clouds. Shiro looked to his sides, waiting for any of them making a move. After watching the trees, Shiro looked a flash coming from the branches and he instantly saw the chained kunai coming through the air. The wolf opened his eyes in a blink and clutched his blade on the ground, making the chained sharpened star twist around the sword, Shiro groaned, taking some strength and as he pulled the sword off, the red furred ninja fell into the dirty soaked ground. Shiro sheathed his sword and walked close to the ninja, taunting him with the words "Come on! You call yourself a mercenary?"

Hisashi smiled with a devious grin, showing two shuko gloves, used for climbing. The ninja started to slash with his metal claws on the gloves, trying to hit Shiro, but the other one blocked his moved, until he set the sword between the spikes and so, Shiro turned the sword aside, forcing the ninja to pull off and leaving him defenseless. The wolf growled and slashed the opponent's chest with a strong cut made by his strength with the sharp side. The ninja fell in a shower of blood made by the cut. The rest of the ninja, hidden on the moss and vegetation, were surprised as one of their partners was killed. The orange furred kunoichi screamed in fury "Hisashi! Nooo!" then she jumped to the ground, drawing her short blade.

Kazuki, the leader, looked surprised how the kunoichi, her daughter, Saori, was about to fight him.

Shiro looked to the kunoichi with a cold stare, clubbing the sword on the ground and asking to the girl "I wouldn't do that if I was you"


The girl shrieked in anger, saying "I loved him, you stupid son of a bitch! You are going to pay for that"

Shiro shook his head "I thought warriors like you didn't care about feelings" and picked his sword from the ground while the girl charged against him.

The barbarian wolf sighed, then the kunoichi raised her tanto, trying to slash Shiro, but he blocked the saber of the girl, clashing their swords and saying "Why are you chasing me, anyway? Is it for your mission?"

The girl attacked Shiro again, but he bluffed her cuts with swift blocks, then he said "You shouldn't be angry with me, if your squad didn't accept the offer you wouldn't be on this situation"

Shiro knew what he was doing, as a mercenary, he killed on many jobs he was hired for, but only if their intentions were evil, and that did not included female or children. The female dog was panting on an effort to hurt Shiro, who stood still staring at the lady. The girl had an angry face, showing the pain and sorrow of losing her most beloved person, so she muttered "Why did you kill him, you bastard!?"

Shiro looked at the body of Hisashi and then pointed his eyes again on the girl, saying "He would do the same for you, don't you think? I know what love is... and the anger for losing it."

The kunoichi gasped in fear, her eyes went gloomy and looked at her sword, thinking for herself "He... didn't attack me... why are we chasing him anyway? He... he's not evil... what I'm supposed to do? If I kill for revenge, I'll turn like him"

Saori dropped her sword and fell over her knees, as her mind was filled with doubts, jumping to one of the branches and leaving the field, thinking of what she has done, traumatized for Shiro's words.


Shiro sighed, then, another ninja jumped from the branch of a tree, landing with style, it was carrying around his kusari-gama. His white and orange fur was quickly raffled by the rain, and he screamed "You monster! I will make you pay for what you did to Hisashi, I, Genji the shredder!"

Shiro shook his head and said "You will end worse than him. Don't hassle with me, dog"

Genji gritted his teeth and threw the stick of his weapon, wrapping it on the barbarian wolf sword's hilt.

The ninja quickly pulled the chain and disarmed Shiro, tossing the sword at the back of Genji. Shiro growled, showing his teeth and saying "Dammit!" The shiba inu ninja grinned and jumped close to Shiro, exclaiming "Prepare to die!"

Shiro changed his face to a more serious, alerting expression, taking a close combat pose.

Genji started to flick the chain with the sickle to the sides, throwing it to cut Shiro, but the wolf ducked the long ranged cut and ran quickly against the ninja, but then the last one started to swing the chain, making a deadly circle that cutted the raindrops in a circle motion. The wolf stopped looking at that moving shredder, then, when Genji stopped, he charged against him, but the ninja rapidly tossed the sickle, trying to hit Shiro. The wolf looked at the chain and grabbed it, rolling it on his right arm and pulling from it. Genji quickly opened his eyes and tried to pull against Shiro's strength, in a tug-o-war made by the chain of the weapon. The barbarian gritted his teeth and then growled strongly, so his muscles were covered in veins and his body grew. He pulled so hard, that Genji flew with the chain and then Shiro punched the back of his opponent while this was on the air. The ninja flew over the air, until he got hit with one of the trees and fell unconscious on the ground, as the muddy ground tainted his black and orange fur that wasn't covered by the clothes.


Shiro looked where Kiowa was hiding. She was looking at him fighting, praying for his lover to finish the battle safe and sound. The wolf smiled for her safety, then, one of the remaining ninjas appeared, showing his metal claws and the mask covering his face, shrieking, then he laughed in a lower tone, talking with a deep voice "It's my turn, wolf, I'll show you what's the place between pain and death!" then the ninja ran, charging against Shiro.

The wolf looked at his opponent and opened his hands, showing his small hardened claws, saying "You call those claws?" but then, Kojiro jumped and quickly slashed the barbarian's chest with an aerial kick.

Shiro awed for a second, then the shiba ninja tried a diagonal slash while he was in the air. Shiro tried to recover from the hit, then, with awful quickness, he grabbed the leg of the rival, clutching his claws and throwing it aside. Kojiro felt the smash on his face, but he stood up with a quick jump, looking at the blood on his shin made by the claws of the wolf. The ninja screamed like a madman, shouting "No!!! My body! You... cut me! No one dares to make me wounds!!!"

Shiro gulped as he saw how the ninja stood up, without caring of the deep bleeding coming from his leg. Kojiro disappeared in a blink, appearing at Shiro's back and clutching his metal nails on Shiro's shoulders. The warrior screamed in pain, looking how the swift stabber was keeping the blades inside, whispering "These blades are poisoned... soon, your lungs will stop breathing" followed by a cruel laugh.

Shiro felt the sound of his heart pounding on his ears, as his body tried to fight the poison. He looked at Kiowa, as his sight was fading, suddenly, he started to howl and his muscles raised their size, pulling out the ninja from his back. Kojiro smiled, thinking that the wolf would collapse from the bleeding and the poison, but a couple of seconds later, he looked the wolf was stand and still, confused. Shiro panted hardly, standing up, as his wounds closed up slowly. Kojiro felt scared, as he never saw someone surviving to his backstabbing technique. The wolf kept his panting, as his blood veins started to flow and grow, turning black. Shiro's demon was about to appear, making his muscles bigger, his eyes turned completely red and he made a howl so loud, the rain was rushed out for the wind made by the wolf. Kojiro fell on the ground, opening his eyes for what he was looking at, saying "He's... not normal..."

The berserk Shiro looked at the clawed ninja, walking slowly and getting close to him, as he grabbed the ninja from the neck, he said "Ever been into hell, you dirty mutt? Because you are going there right through!" then, Shiro stabbed one of his paws on Kojiro's stomach, crossing his chest and releasing him with a simple pull of it.

The blue furred ninja fell on the floor, bleeding, as the rain carried his blood in a fluent little stream. The wolf howled, looking around for the leader of the gang.


Kazuki jumped from his hideout on the trees, saying to the wolf "You have won this time, demon... but next time we will be prepared for you!" then, a bright flash came from a bomb thrown by the ninja leader.

Shiro was blind for a minute, and then he recovered his mind state, as he was possesed by his inner demon before. He looked to the sides, noticing the rest of the ninja squad ran away and so, he walked where Kiowa was, looking at her and saying "Kiowa, are you OK?"

The vixen girl nodded, running to Shiro and hugging him tightly. The rain started to fade, letting the sun coming, so the wolf looked up and then looked to his lover again, saying "Let's go"

Kiowa smiled and the couple started walking to the north.


Hours later, after walking several miles, the woods kept showing their holy path, with the gohei ribbons hanging around the trunks of the trees. Shiro looked how in the middle of the trail they were crossing, a bigger, wider tree raised over the others, like if it had centuries of life. Kiowa looked at the huge tree, smiling and saying "Wow, a mother tree... I never expected to find one of them, they say they are stairways to the gods"

Shiro looked to the tree, kind of impressed by the height of the tree, but since he wasn't a believer, he didn't care about Kiowa's words. His lover was panting after walking a lot and the sun was starting to set into the dusk so he decided to camp near the tree, since he looked it was a good shelter, so he said "We will camp here then... We have walked enough for today." S

hiro walked close to the tree, with Kiowa at his back, then, he realized to make a bonfire place and some seats with some small rocks from the ground.


The night came in, covering the grey sky with the nocturnal blue color as usual, and the stars suddenly appeared as the skies went clearer. Shiro and Kiowa were sitting in front of the enlightened bonfire he did an hour ago, looking at the embers flashing. The priestess turned her head, staring at the warrior, who left his cloak on the ground and who his shoulders showed the scars of the fight under the fur, she was scared of what she saw: he had a demon inside, and she couldn't do anything with her magic to expel it from his body, also, he depended of that freak inside his body, healing his wounds and making him unstoppable.

Shiro instantly looked at her staring red eyes, saying "What's wrong?"

Kiowa made a small hiccup, surprised, looking to a side, blushed and worried "I never thought... your demon would be so scary. It is the first time I see it"

Shiro stood up and sat again next to Kiowa, hugging her and saying "If he dares to hurt you... I'll kill myself"

The vixen girl suddenly felt scared, turning her sight to Shiro and exclaiming "What!? But... why!? I know you love me but..." then she looked down, with sadden eyes.

Shiro raffled her head, keeping his stare on her "A wolf never lets her female get hurt, he must protect her, and you should know it. You are everything to me, Kiowa."

The girl looked to the fire, with gloomy eyes, and then she nodded, as her self confidence went up with Shiro's words, and so she said "Alright, I understand. I'm your alpha bitch and I assume my role." The wolf smiled in pride and licked Kiowa's nose, whispering to her ears "It's getting late, let's rest for the night"

Kiowa smiled, closing her eyes and she said "OK then".

Minutes after, Shiro laid on the floor, so his chest was face-up from the mushy wet grass. Kiowa followed him, curling up, taking her special contraceptive pills and laying over her right side, then, her lover took his cloak and placed it on both of their bodies, as a bed cover. The vixen yawned and said "Good night, Shi-chan"

Shiro, after looking the clear glittering sky, replied "Good night to you too, Kiowa" and he closed his eyes. The couple fell into the sweet embrace of slumber.


A couple of hours passed, with Shiro sleeping next to his vixen lover. Kiowa suddenly started to pant, as her body started to heated up and her insides started to moisten. The scent came out of her body, passing on the male wolf's nose and waking him up instantly. Shiro opened his eyes and followed the smell, facing Kiowa's back with his chest. He recognized that hot, sweet scent from before, and it was surely a call of estrus from her.

Kiowa started to talk while sleeping "Uh... Shiro... you are so... perfect" as she moaned faintly with the inner fire of her body.

The wolf heard those words and soon started to hug the dressed body of his mate, laid on the right side of his body as he hugged her while sleeping.

The wolf quickly got rid of his warrior clothes and rubbed his oversized fleshed dick between the butt cheeks and the tail of Kiowa, as he grappled her neck and shoulder with his big teeth.

The vixen priestess opened her eyes due to the pressure of the jaws closing on her neck, looking to the wolf that was certainly trying to flirt with her physically. The female passed around her little fingers over the muscles of the male, closing her eyes, and she found the exciting and teasing shape of the muscles making her inner heat bigger. Her bandage bra soon started to moist, making a big wet stain being seen from the outside. Shiro soon passed his right paw's fingers, slipping them through her robes and touching the moisture coming from her, then, he licked his fingers, checking how ready was she to mate with him. The wolf tasted her water, sweet and salty, then, his crotch soon started to react to that flavour, getting hard and stiff.

Kiowa grinned and soon she lifted her right leg, showing her moistened underwear and saying "I'm ready, Shi-chan... show me your pride".

Shiro shook his head and he showed his claws, setting them on Kiowa's bandages and ragging them up. Kiowa screamed for the surprise, but she looked at her precious blue sky furred body, calling for a male to dominate it. The big wolf set his chest at the back of Kiowa and he started to lick Kiowa's breasts and nipples while he fingered her flower with his slim fingers. The wolf stuck his fingers inside her flower, opening them each other and then he pulled them out, covered on Kiowa's lustful essence, as she moaned to that deep check and stimulation from him. Shiro swallowed the fluids on his fingers, tasting them and then he realized she was ready for him. He stroked his cock, checking its stiffness, and he soon passed it through Kiowa's thighs, pressing the tip between her soaked fleshy labia.

Kiowa trembled with the pressure, saying "No, please, not so hard...", but Shiro knew she was playing as usual, as her walls got tight as a defensive response, but the tip kept pressing, making them open slowly and then, they splitted apart, letting the big piece of meat get inside of her with a powerful sudden thrust.

She moaned loudly, as the wolf kept the pressure on his hips, growling like crazy to make her feel the power of the wolves. The walls pressed the big hard tool, making red plump veins appear over his skinned surface. Shiro stood inside her, licking her cheeks and inside her mouth, then after securing the lifted legs with one of his arms and wrapped her neck and chest with the other one, he started to move his hips into a deep, slow motion, showing his strength and dominance. The vixen closed her eyes as she felt the big meaty stick getting deeper inside her, then, the warrior soon switched his laid position to a kneeled one, keeping his thrust on her as she was laid over the right side of the body. Shiro kept pumping, until he reached her deepest hard part of her vagina, wildly stimulated by his blade of meat. Kiowa opened her eyes wildly and screamed in a big suprising moan, feeling the orgasm coming right through her.

Her insides quickly spewed the milky fluids, covering the dick of the wild male. Shiro smiled as he knew he wouldn't have to worry of stimulating her too much, it was his turn now. The wolf sped and powered up his pumps into a circular motion, trying to break the barrier of the cervix with his huge cock. Suddenly, the knot swollen up from the base of the penis, and soon it was wasting the exterior of the female's walls.

Kiowa only could moan and yell "So good... please, keep it inside!"

But then, Shiro gasped, gritting his teeth and giving a last pull, keeping his tool inside her body and say "I'm cu-" Finishing the sentence in a big shout "-MMIIIING!" The cock blew up in a big flow of cum, directly injected to her womb.

She felt the knot blocking her inner pass and the fertile cream filling her belly with the warm bloating sensation. The wolf kept the cock inside, kissing the priestess inside her mouth while the cock was inside, then, he made a big pull back, retrieving his male pride outside her. She looked how the insides spewed out the seed and her pleasure outside, smiling happily.

Shiro laid on her left side and licked her nose, whispering between pants "I love you, Kiowa" and so she replied "Me too, Shi-chan"

Both lovers closed their eyes and fell into the moistened grass, letting sleep gave them enough rest to the next day that was about to come.