The Queen's Stress Relief

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Queen Jina is back, and this time, she's getting more of the show. Ruling her court, and then getting some time away from it in order

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The Queen's Stress Relief For DrakeHavok By Draconicon

Jina, better known to her subjects as Queen Jina Samaste, ruler of the Kingdom of Min, wielder of the Scepter of Ancients, and seated upon the Turquoise Throne...was bored. Bored enough to consider ordering the diplomat before her thrown out the window, for that matter, something that she hadn't considered doing since the arrogant messenger from that llama kingdom far to the south of her had tried to wriggle some trade agreements out of her.

The red panda tapped her fingers against her cheek as she listened to the panda drone on and on, her attention wandering no matter how much she tried to keep it focused in the moment. Her eyes slipped off of the panda to the paintings that lined her throne room, seeing if she could divine another detail out of them that she hadn't seen before. The distraction had lost much of its effect after hours of using it, unfortunately, so her eyes slipped somewhere else, something more...interesting.

Looking out the windows at the city of Min-Su, she saw her people. Playing, for the most part; she kept the courtyard of her palace open to children, something that a number of people had criticized her for. In her opinion, if her guards and special services couldn't handle children - agents of other nobles or not - then they were not doing their jobs right.

Past them, towards the canals, she saw a floating market fleet. Ships darted here and there, selling wares, while bigger cargo ships maneuvered their way through the smaller fleet, finding their way towards the port at the far end of the canals. It was quite the visual spectacle, and she almost wished she was running among them, giving the guards their daily exercise again.

About ten minutes into her distraction, she realized that the panda was winding up to something, and she reluctantly pulled her attention back to him.

"...sugar trade, after all. You could stand to have our backing on this, pyeha."

"Hmmph. I could stand to have backing on many things, Mr. Hu. But isn't it somewhat ill-mannered to suggest such a thing, particularly to a lady?"

"O-oh, Your Majesty, I never meant to imply anything. I merely wished to make an offer to -"

"Your offer has been made, and declined."

"Pyeha, if I may?"

She turned her attention to one of the many jade-robed advisors that lingered around her throne. Though they stood about five steps down from her raised position, they always had something to say. She gestured at the stork, allowing him to come up to her, and he hurried to her side, whispering.

"It would be beneficial to the spice merchants to allow this, and it would give you a better image with other kingdoms if they see that you are amenable to deals. We would be able to project a better image of Min, as a kingdom of trade and wealth, if we allow them in."

"Yes, Minister Song? And just which of my ministers is the minister of trade and finance, and works so directly with the spice merchants already?"

"Why, uh...that would be me, pyeha."

"Yes, yes it would. Why don't you step down, hmm?"


Jina smiled at him, but with the slightest hint of teeth.

"Step down, Minister Song...I do believe that there is a meeting waiting for you, down the street. A meeting where you can tell your 'financial advisors' that they will not be getting the windfall that you promised."

"...Yes, pyeha."

She nodded at him as he bowed, letting him walk off before she turned her attention back to the waiting panda. Jina sat upright, letting the robes of state fall more regally along her body, more like a waterfall than anything else, as she spoke.

"I will not be allowing the Traders of Te-Shan to form their own guild within my borders. If they want to make a place for themselves, set something up outside of my Kingdom, and trade as any other group would. I am not interested in allowing you anything along the lines of a monopoly."

"But Your Majesty, we do not ask for -"

"Mr. Hu. Please, don't beat around the bush with me. I've seen the documents you've presented."

She reached to her side, where she'd laid the contracts that had been given to her. It was disgraceful; Minister Song, as well as a good four others, had already signed their names on it, and one had left the imprint of her own signature on it, waiting for her to fill it in. Disgraceful, utterly disgraceful.

Holding up the fifty page document, she waved it back and forth.

"So many pieces of legalese, so many little clauses and contracts. So many things that you would have me think bind you and regulate you."

The red panda's fingers dug into the paper, and she ripped it right down the middle. The panda gasped, and winced as she did it again, ripping it into quarters before throwing all of it up in the air.

"If you are going to try and sneak a monopoly of my kingdom past me, Mr. Hu, remember that I am Queen, and your friends are only Ministers. And as much as my antics might suggest I am a fool, I am not."

Several servants were already rushing forward, gathering the pieces of paper, but Jina already regretted the approach she'd taken. If it had been earlier in the day, if she hadn't had to deal with four other diplomats already with other schemes trying to get around her, if she didn't have to face down Minister Song in such an obvious way, maybe she'd have had the restraint to do something more charming, more light hearted. But as it was, she'd used up what she had left just keeping herself on the throne.

Too many people trying to get her off of it. Too many people seeing her as a threat to their own power. And the latter would be going up, after today.

Forcing a smile, Jina stood up from the throne...and reached for the clasp of the robe at her throat. She undid it, letting the luxurious silk fall from her shoulders.

Time to balance out their opinion with a little more fun, she thought as she shrugged her way out of the robe, and then started unbuttoning her undershirt.

"Now, my Majesty has had a long day. Please, excuse my Majesty as I take my leave, and have something to relax myself."

She kept stressing the words, making sure that they heard it again and again. Her fingers flicked through the buttons, and her shirt was off, joining the robe on the throne. As her breasts were freed, she brought her hands down to her skirt, which came free just as easily.

The shocked silence as she walked out of the throne room in the nude did a great deal for bringing her temper back down to normal, but she still needed more.

I don't know why I let them convince me to dress. It's much more comfortable to walk through the palace this way, Jina thought as she walked down the palace corridors. With summer coming to an end and the soft chill of fall starting to come down from the mountains, it left the palace with a pleasant feeling in the air. Not too hot, not yet too cold. Her fur was more than enough to keep her warm, and the tiles kept the heat of the day as she walked over it, heating her soles.

Her swaying hips caught the eyes of every servant as she walked by, and she occasionally paused to pat a cheek when one of the newer ones stared for a bit too long. She gave long-serving retainers a little kiss on the cheek as she passed, and those that she had taken to her bedroom before got a little pat on the rump.

But none of them were taken by the hand as she walked by, and none touched her without her permission. That was her rule for them. If she wanted more than a glance or a kiss, she would take their hand and lead them where she wanted. And they respected that. Respected her, for that matter, a great deal more than the people in the throne room did.

She pushed that thought out of her head. It wasn't worth thinking about, now that the day was over. It was time to relax, and she had the perfect candidate to help her.

Reaching the point where the servant quarters turned to the guest quarters, Jina hummed as she walked down the hallway. She ran her fingers along the wall, her hum rising softly in pitch as she counted them down. Three in from the servants quarters, and -

"Knock, knock, Havok."

"Oh, come in, pyeha."

"Heh, your accent is terrible, my friend."

"Well, I'm still learning."

"Yes, yes, you are."

She smiled as she opened the door, finding her newest friend properly decked out. It looked like her requests from the night before had been followed, and just as she liked, too.

The white dragon had been dressed in soft silks, his casual pants and shirt replaced by opulent, but sheer clothes. The gold and red colors offered him a nice contrast to his white scales, she thought, and she chuckled a bit as she could see his shaft rising through the nearly-transparent clothes.

She shut the door behind her, shaking her head.

"It seems like a part of you is quite happy to see me."

"Well, I can already guess where this is going tonight, Your Majesty."

"Jina, please. Save the 'majesty' for when I want the worship."

"Heh, you mean you don't want it all the time?"

"Smart-mouthed dragon."

Walking over to his bed - which doubled as a chair for him, in the small room she'd found for him - she sat down beside him, patting his thigh gently. It pleased her to see him blush at her touch. It seemed that he still couldn't get over the fact that she was so open about this.

Then again, when he'd first arrived, he hadn't known she was Queen. The red panda chuckled to herself, remembering how she'd thought he was joking during the whole run around the city. Everyone had known who she was. The guards had been shouting her title, the city folk had left ropes in places for her to take and use for her 'escape.' Even the bull at the end had been shouting at her for being the queen, and pulling stunts like this.

Yet, it had taken her actually telling him to make him believe that she was the Queen. And it was interesting to see someone from outside the country react to her antics.

Her fingers moved a little further up, dancing across the bulge of his balls, and as his shaft started rising, she shifted her grip to that, giving it a few squeezes.

"My, my. The fact that you were running around with this."

"Mmmph. It' wasn't so much a factor then, your - I mean, Jina."

"Heh, I suppose. But you were getting quite the view during the chase."

"I was more focused on my footing than looking at your ass."

"Mmm, I suppose you were getting used to running that long."

"Should I get ready to run out of the palace, too?"

"Ooooh, maybe. Maybe, if tomorrow's as bad as today was."

"That bad, huh?"

She threw herself back on the bed with a groan, closing her eyes and looking up at the ceiling.

"You have no idea..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. No, I most definitely do not. The less I have to think about the idiots that put me on the throne, the morons that want to take it from me, and the imbeciles that keep treating me like one of them, the better."


Havok looked down at her, and she smiled at the glint in his eye. She knew what he was thinking...and she was certainly on board for that.

As he reached for her leg, she swept it up and over his neck. In one smooth motion, she whipped herself up and around, until she was straddling his neck, her sex barely an inch from his chin as she looked down at him. He blinked, and she smiled.

"Wondering how you ended up on your back?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Be a good distraction, and I'll show you that move."

"As you command, Jina."

"Please...Your Majesty."

"Mmm...Your Majesty."

She lifted herself up, and he brought his mouth down. The red panda slowly closed her eyes, leaning her head back as she felt his tongue working into her, that slithering, dexterous tongue making its way inside of her. It was warm, and wet, and very, very long.

Her toes curled against the blankets as the dragon worked her over, and she started sliding her hips back and forth along his tongue, feeling it go deeper and deeper inside of her. She rode it, and gasped softly when he curled his tongue so that it pressed against her clit, letting her grind against it directly.

"Mmmph...such a good boy..."

She rubbed his head with one hand, putting the other on his chest to help her keep her balance. Her hips thrust back and forth, almost fucking herself on his tongue as he flicked it around inside of her. As it whipped and wiggled back and forth, she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, feeling her sex dripping down on his face. Looking down, she chuckled at the sight of his cheeks getting slick from how much she was dripping.

That didn't stop her; if anything, it made her more eager. She pulled his head against her pussy, holding him there as she pushed down. Biting her lips gently, Jina felt herself open, and moaned a little louder as she held the tip of his snout inside of her. It stretched her, opened her, yet he still had his mouth open. His tongue still flicked about inside of her.

"Oh, yes...keep going...deeper...deeper, Havok..."

Jina didn't bother keeping her voice down. There was no point in it. Every servant that would pass by the door would know what she was doing, and besides...she was the Queen. She had no obligations to keep herself pure for someone, nor anyone that she held herself to. If she wanted to take her time with one of her friends, who would care?

The red panda pulled back, letting Havok catch his breath, and slowly rolled over. Instead of getting off of him, she pressed her hips down again, facing away from him rather than towards him. He grabbed her by the hips, pulling her down on top of his face, and immediately felt his tongue get back to work. He nibbled at her clit, pulled on it gently, before sticking his tongue inside of her and whipping it around. The comparison to a tentacle was inevitable, particularly after the delegation from the sea-people last week.

She arched her back, moaning as she brought her hands up to tease her breasts. She rolled them, pressed them against each other before bringing her hands down to her nipples. They were so hard, so pointed, and she started pulling on them. Soft gasps became loud moans, and she started panting, shivering as she got closer and closer.

The tight grip of his hands on her hips made it even better, keeping her from pulling back from his mouth. It was a relentless assault of pleasure on her, her eyes starting to roll back in her sockets as he ground his scaly muzzle against her, almost attacking her clit now. Soft bites, eager sucks, relentless laps of his tongue. She felt her body trembling, shaking, starting to seize up in the beginnings of climax.

"Oh, oh yes...Almost...Just...Keep going...OOOOH!"

Arching her back, she went over the edge. She pressed her hips down hard, pinning Havok in place as she came, her juices leaking and squirting all over his face. She squeezed at his legs, holding them tightly to keep herself from flopping over as she moaned at the top of her lungs. The pleasurable shakes of a massive climax rushed over her, leaving her shivering from head to toe in short order, and she loved it.

Slowly, she rolled off of him, and covered her smile as she saw how slick his face had become. He looked like he'd been soaked down, and it was just...

She sputtered, turning her head away, and he groaned.

"Hey, what do you expect after that?"

"Oh, I know, I know...but it's still...mmph!"

She stifled herself before she could start snorting, at least, and laid back on the bed normally. Havok started to lay over her, but she stopped him with one foot to his chest. He paused, looking down at it, and then back at her.

"Ah ah. I didn't say you could just roll over and put it in. I still need a little more...distracting."

"Heh...alright, Your Majesty. What would you like?"

"Mmm, we both know you've thought of this."

She lifted her foot, rolling it around at the ankle before gently pushing her toes against the dragon's mouth. He obligingly opened up, and she stroked his tongue with her toes, almost as if dragging them along a placemat outside a door.

Jina leaned her head back with a long, slow moan of happiness as Havok started sucking on her toes, and closed her eyes to enjoy it. With his hands busy on her other foot, massaging it from toes to heel, she felt more content than she had in some time. He was very, very good at his job at providing a distraction.

"Your Majesty?"

"Not yet, Havok. Give me about twenty minutes of this."


"Yes, yes...but this first."

He got back to work, and she closed her eyes. It was hardly a bad price to pay, for him. The delay would only make him go that much harder...and besides, she knew he liked being underfoot. She'd found that out the first night after the chase, when she decided to put him through his paces and find out everything about him...

She smiled, letting herself relive those memories while he went to work on her feet.

The End