A dark passion

Story by zeran on SoFurry

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#1 of Darkness


I am not legally responsible for any minor viewing or reading this material if you are easily offended by homosexual material then do NOT read this. Further more all characters are copyrighted to their respectful owners in this instance Disney. please do not re-distribute with out giving credit to author Zeran.


Authors note

Ok so this is actually the first yaoi story I have ever written. I have never been keen on giving out info on myself so I will have to simply remain a mystery to my readers. I have always loved dragons and I only wrote this story cause I kept having dreams about it and I finally decided to write it down. I am sure there are many grammatical and spelling error's in this story and yes I did run spell check which for the record took 45 minutes to complete >.< very bad speller. Don't worry I have a second story almost complete so it should be up soon.



Five years have passed since the Jake's anointment to American dragon. He still lived with his parents working at his grandfather's shop to earn money. Tonight on one of his few days from work and American dragon responsibilities he decided to relax and go out for a casual flight over the city.


On a cool summers night in New York city the American dragon was casually flying around the town enjoying the beautiful night air.

Jake sighed to himself "another evening of hustle and bustle on the busy New York streets."

He continued to fly for a little bit and finally decided to land on a ledge to give his wings a break. He sat on the edge of the tall building looking down at all the people walking around and listening to the various shouting matches.

He chuckled to himself "only in a bustling city like New York could so much be going on and yet the general air remain peaceful."

He was lost in the many lights and traffic so much so that he didn't even notice the darkness creeping up on him.

Jake was staring absently when his thoughts were quickly interrupted by a deep booming voice "enjoying the view American dragon".

Jake snapped his head around just in time to see a huge black fist heading towards his face and then all he knew was darkness.


The Dark dragon had been hiding in the shadows when he spotted and followed the American dragon to the building. Listening to the American dragon talking to himself he couldn't let such a valuable opportunity slip by.

The Dark dragon drew back his fist "enjoying the view American dragon?"

He watched Jake's head start to turn towards him and let fly his punch connecting solidly with the smaller dragon's face and seeing his entire body go limp. The Dark dragon knew instantly he had knocked him out.

He moved quicker than lightning catching the American dragon. Wrapping his arms under his knees, behind his head and under his arm bringing him close to his chest. He looked over the smaller dragon's body and felt his sheath begin to thicken.

"Soon, soon" the Dark dragon told himself.

He leaned forward and locked muzzle's with the American dragon letting his tongue gently dart into the unconscious dragon's mouth. He gently broke the kiss letting a small amount of saliva dangle from his mouth onto the smaller dragon's chin and neck. He felt his cock start to peek out from his sheath. He unfurled his wings and flew off into the darkness with the American dragon in his arms.


Jake awoke to find himself shackled at the wrists, ankles, stomach and tail against a wall with no room to move at all. He struggled vainly to break his bindings eventually realizing it was no use. He tried to fight the haze in his brain and re-construct what lead to him being in this situation. The only thing that he could remember was a dark fist flying fast for his face and then darkness.

"Well no use thinking about things I can't change." Silently thought Jake.

He looked around to try and discern his location as he scanned the area he realized a couple of things. He was chained in a semi cave like area that was rough and very craggy which made it obvious that the caves hadn't been man made and that it was probably created naturally. Further down his line of sight he could see that the cave appeared to be attached to a house of some sort for white walls connected to the cave.

In this white room were large windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling providing a breath taking view over a forest of many, many pine trees. As Jake was taking stock of his situation a dark figure appeared from around a corner.

"Dark dragon!" snarled Jake jerking against his restraints.

The Dark dragon smirked at seeing the anger in the smaller dragon's eyes and body.

"Nice to see you to American dragon. hungry?" Remarked the Dark dragon.

Jake started to spit back a reply but was caught off guard by the simple question. He looked puzzled and then Jake mentally slapped himself for not being more attentive for only now did he realize that the Dark dragon was holding a plate of food. Jake got a weird feeling that something wasn't right. The Dark dragon was being a little too nice. He realized that ever since the Dark dragon had spoken to him he hadn't moved and appeared to be taking stock of the smaller dragon.

The Dark dragon eyed Jake like a kid in a candy store he admired his beautiful red scales and gold underbelly and followed the line of green course hair going down his back side and all the strong rippling muscles as they twitched and strained against his bindings.

"Well?" Stated the Dark dragon.

Jake examined the larger male dragon admiring his obsidian scales and purple underbelly visually following the purple coarse hair. Jake began to compare their body structures and saw just how much larger the Dark dragon was in comparison to himself. His shoulders lined up with the inner portion of the Dark dragons and though he was chained to the wall and up off the ground he estimated that his eye level was at the base of his neck.

Jake snapped out of his thoughts and wondered silently just how long he had kept the larger dragon waiting.

"Sure, but its kind of hard to eat with your hands bound." Sarcastically remarked Jake.

"Good point." The Dark dragon turned around setting the food on the ground and slowly walked towards the smaller dragon.

Jake had to admit he was shocked as to the casualness to which his request was answered. He watched the Dark dragon turn around and place the food on the ground, silently admiring the larger dragon's tail hole eliciting a slight twitch in his sheath. Jake had been too afraid to admit that he was somewhat attracted to males because he thought that all his friends and family would mock him for even being interested in them.

The Dark dragon walked over to Jake and was so close that he could feel the larger males hot breath blowing gently against chest.

Jake felt the larger dragon's claw close over his forearm and saw him start to move to his wrist cuff and stop abruptly. Jake snapped his head forward to look the male in his eyes. He saw the dragon grinning evilly at him. Jake's eyes widened in shock and then quickly narrowed in anger.

"You didn't think I was going to just unbind your wrists without getting something in return did you?" Smirked the Dark dragon.

Jake opened his mouth to snap back a reply. He was shocked to find the larger male's muzzle locked with his own, feeling a warm wet tongue gently probing in his mouth. Jake felt his sheath start to thicken being aroused by the sensation of a warm, wet tongue darting in and out of his mouth. He felt the Dark dragon move closer to his body feeling the larger male place his claws gently on his tightly muscled sides. The claws gently began to rub up and down on his sides.

The Dark dragon enjoyed the feel and taste of Jake's mouth quickly realizing that the dragon's muscles were relaxed unlike someone who didn't want the advances of another male. So he decide to push it a bit further and gently placed his claw's on the male's chest slowly sliding them down until he reached the sheath. He gently slid his claw over the thick sheath causing the pink member it contained to slightly peek out.

So abruptly was the kiss broken that Jake was stunned for a sec and took him a moment to realize the kiss was over. Jake opened his eye's slowly and saw the passion in the Dark dragon's eyes causing Jake to softly sigh.

The Dark dragon gently moved his hands to the wrist shackles and undid their locks.

"I suppose that your hungry now?" Questioned the Dark dragon.

Jake simply replied. "Yea".

Before the larger dragon had a chance to move Jake leaned out and hooked his arms under the Dark dragons' shoulders and pulled him forward locking their muzzles into another sweet, passion filled kiss.

The Dark dragon didn't have a chance to react and this was certainly the last thing he had expected from the smaller male. He softly pushed his body into Jake's letting their quickly hardening members rub against each other. Feeling the hard pre-coated cock of the smaller dragon really excited him, but he couldn't do this just yet.

The larger male gently pushed away from Jake's embrace smiling. "We'll have plenty of time for that a little later but you should eat to regain some of your stamina."

Jake looked confusedly at the Dark dragon his arms still gently tucked under and behind the male.

The Dark dragon gently pushed the smaller male's arms from under him and bent down to undo the remaining shackles. Stopping for only a moment to softly suckle on the head of Jake's unsheathed member, eliciting the slightest of moans from him.

After having been shackled for so long Jake's body was numb and he fell into the larger dragon's muscular body when the last of the shackles was undone. Their chests and hard cocks once again brushing up against one another. Jake squeezed the larger male into an embrace reveling in the warmth of the other male. Jake buried his face into the Dark dragon's shoulder just enjoying the embrace, love, warmth, and the musky scent of the male. After a few minutes of embracing Jake felt the larger male gently pushing him to arms length planting a quick peck on his lips in the process.

"Are you ready for your lunch now?"

Jake quietly nodded and smiled at this beautiful male who made his heart race and his head swim with passion.

They walked over to the plate and Jake moved to sit down but the larger male quickly put and arm around him to stop him.

"Why sit and eat in this rocky cave, when you can eat at the table?" sweetly prodded the Dark dragon.

Jake chuckled softly. "I guess I was a little bit distracted, it is kind of hard to think straight when a beautiful male is sticking his tongue in my mouth."

"well I suppose I could forgive you for being distracted this time" teased the Dark dragon while gently nuzzling the smaller male.

The Dark dragon bent over and retrieved the plate giving Jake another nice view of his tight tail hole and Jake silently wondered. "Is he doing that on purpose?"

When the male stood up he playfully looked over his shoulder grinning at the smaller male at which Jake simply raise an eyebrow in curious satisfaction. He couldn't help but gently run his hand down the Dark dragon's back and softly sliding it across his tail hole eliciting a slight gasp and a feigned look of shock from the Dark dragon.


The Dark dragon lead Jake to a small room with a single oval shaped table. There were six chairs three on each side of the table. The table appeared to be shaped out of the rock and appeared to be connected to the floor. The chairs were a solid obsidian marble which starkly contrasted the white of the room. The other side room had what appeared to be some sort of kitchen. The larger dragon gently set the plate of food down and for the first time Jake actually took a moment to look at it.

He turned his head toward the other male and gave him a scrupulous look and calmly stated. "Tuna fish on toast?"

Jake couldn't tell if the male was blushing or not because of his dark pigmentation but Jake was fairly certain by the way he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

Jake got up and gently gave the male a peck on the cheek and gently whispered into his ear "Thanks.......my mate".

The Dark dragon stopped his nervous shifting and gave a stunned look to the other male.

Jake sat down quickly eating his meal. Jake found it to be quite satisfying even if it was just a simple sandwich. Though his stomach had been sated he had another hunger and it demanded to be satisfied. Jake turned to look at his mate with hunger in his eyes.

The larger male smiled knowingly. He felt his heart race at the thought of what was to come as Jake stared at him lustfully. He stood up and stalked towards the smaller male.

Jake stood up with a look of passion in his eyes, his heart racing as the other male neared him he knew what was coming and he wanted, craved it. When they stood mere inch's apart from each other they could feel the warmth gently radiating from each others excited bodies, could smell the sweet musky scent of their cocks as they had started to re-emerge from thick, swollen sheaths.


The Dark dragon gently reached up and stroked the American dragon's cheek gently sliding his claw down his chin.

Jake tilted his head pressing his head into the claw bringing his own claw up holding the larger male's claw to his maw. Jake gently took the other male's thumb into his mouth gently sucking on it. Feeling the gentle suckling sensation on his thumb caused his cock to thicken and grow even harder. Jake let the appendage slip out of mouth with a wet 'plop' sound.

He gently continued up the larger male's arm kissing and sucking on his wrist then his forearm up to his bicep gently licking his shoulder, nipping and sucking the male's neck ever so slightly. The Dark dragon let out a low moan as Jake gently nibbled and nipped at his neck. Jake moved his maw underneath his chin gently suckling.

The Dark dragon quickly pushed Jake back, who gave him a hurt look but that lasted only a split second before the Dark dragon slammed his muzzle against Jake's and began to hungrily, lustfully probe Jake's mouth with his thick, wet, warm tongue. The Dark dragon wrapped Jake into his huge muscular arms pulling him close to his own body.

Jake slowly closed his eyes and fell into the sheer pleasure of the moment. Feeling his heart race and his head start swim as the blood pumped thru his veins causing his cock to grow and thicken.

The Dark dragon pushed his body into Jake's feeling his now fully aroused dragon hood rubbing against his own member.

Their tongues danced and darted in each other's mouth. Jake felt himself lifted ever slightly and set upon the edge of the table, he continued to give into the passion beating in his chest. Jake spread his hands behind him while leaning back on the table to help him stabilize himself giving his mate easier access to his throbbing member.

As the Dark dragon began to grind his thick throbbing cock into Jake's groin. Jake splayed his legs as best he could to allow the other male as much access as he could to his cock as he began to feel the pre from his member begin to flow freely. The lubrication between the two thick cocks only intensified the pleasure.

Jake felt the Dark dragon's hands slide from his back over his biceps and down to his hands where he gently took them into his own interlocking their fingers and applying a strong comforting squeeze.

The larger dragon's knuckle brushed against the plate that had held the food Jake had ate earlier. He quickly released Jake's hand for a moment to slap the plate off the table with a loud shattering sound. With his hand free Jake gently began to rub the larger males chest stroking his nipple and lightly pinching it eliciting soft moans from the large male on top of him. They broke their kiss leaving a thick tendril of saliva between themselves again. The Dark dragon pushed Jake fully down onto the table so that he laid completely flat.

Jake made absolutely no attempt to resist the large dragon gently pushing him down with a single claw on his chest he began to slowly slide it down the flat tight stomach muscles of Jake causing him to squirm slightly at the soft touch. Jake was beginning to sweat, his body twitching for release. The slow torture of the Dark dragon's gentle teasing was driving him nuts. Jake bit his lower lip hard and looked longingly at the Dark dragon just as his hand had snaked its way down to Jake's thick, throbbing, pre coated member.

The Dark dragon gently rubbed his finger lightly on the underside of his cock.

Jake looked at the larger male and whimpered. "Please my beautiful mate take me. Let me feel your member buried inside me."

The Dark dragon finally looked at the smaller male's tight, virgin tail hole causing his member to throb uncontrollably.

The Dark dragon licked his lips and looked his soon to be mate in the eye and calmly stated "Not before I wrap my muzzle around that throbbing member of yours."

As he spoke he gently lowered his face to Jake's kissing him again. Then the Dark dragon gently began to kiss his way down the smaller male's chest stopping to suckle on Jake's nipple causing the smaller dragon to arch his back in pleasure rubbing his member on the Dark dragon's stomach simultaneously letting out a soft moan. He then stopped suckling on Jake's nipple quickly sliding down to Jake's member inhaling deeply, savoring the strong scent of his male's cock. The larger dragon gently lowered his head to the tip of the member and slightly parted his lips and let the member slip into his mouth.

Jake let out a loud roar as a wave of pleasure washed over his body causing him to dig his claws into the table fiercely etching deep gouges into the stone as he felt his member being lightly sucked into the wet, tight, warm space of the Dark dragon's maw

The Dark dragon began to suck more eagerly on Jake's cock. After sucking on it for few moments he began to take more and more of Jake's hot throbbing dragon hood until he reached the base of Jake's member rubbing his nose in Jake's pubic hair blowing his hot breath on to the smaller dragons groin.

Jake continually clawed the table bucking his hips wildly as his orgasm took hold of him and he felt his ball sac tighten in preparation for its release.

The Dark dragon began to bob his head up and down on the member letting his saliva trail down the hot member. The larger male could feel Jake's ball sac tighten and knew it wouldn't be long before his maw would fill with sweet cum. His own member was throbbing so wildly that a pool of pre was forming between his legs.

He decided it was time to give Jake a taste of what he had asked for, he slowly lowered his claw to Jake's tight, virgin tail hole and gently massaged it. He softly pushed against the virgin hole without penetrating him.

Jake let out another roar of pleasure feeling his tail hole being rubbed and pushed against while feeling the hot, wet maw tightly wrapped and sucking his member.

The Dark dragon's maw was quickly filled as Jake's cock finally released it's load into his maw which he greedily devoured savoring the sweet dragon seed flowing in massive gushes of orgasmic pleasure. The Dark dragon inserted the tip of his claw into Jake's tight tail hole just as he began to release his seed causing Jake to moan louder. The Dark dragon removed his finger from Jake's tail hole moving his maw to the virgin entrance softly sucking on it rubbing his tongue on the tightly muscled ring. He stood up eyeing the smaller dragon lustfully licking his chop's.

Jake suspected what was coming next and he put his feet up on the table bending his knees to allow the Dark dragon easy access to his tail hole but was shocked when the other male scooped him back into his arms.

"Wha......" The Dark dragon merely said "Shhhhh my love. A table is no place to mate. I'm taking you to my chambers."

Jake wrapped his arms around the other male's neck and leaned into his chest letting himself be carried by his love. Jake couldn't help but feel the need to return some pleasure to his mate so he slightly opened his maw taking in his mate's nipple softly suckling on it. Jake felt the Dark dragon's gait slow for a moment when he began suckling upon his lover's nipple.


The Dark dragon walked into a large windowed room where light from the sun was shining thru and bouncing off the white walls bathing the two lovers in a soft white light. The room was lightly furnished. In the center of the room was a bed as large as three king size pushed together. Four posts came from the bed to the ceiling with heavy royal purple colored satin sheets surrounding the bed. The Dark dragon pushed aside the curtain gently laying Jake onto the deep red silk sheets.

Jake's breath caught in is throat as he gazed at the ceiling, painted upon the ceiling was a night sky so realistic that Jake could of swore that he would be able to reach up and touch the stars.

The Dark dragon climbed atop Jake straddling his chest placing his knees on the bed lightly squeezing the sides of his chest with them. What little light had been left quickly disappeared when the curtain slid close behind the Dark dragon.

Jake gasped softly at feeling his mate climb atop him and immersing them in darkness. Jake felt his mate's ball sac and still hard member on his breast eliciting a twitch from his own hard member, he felt a claw grasp behind his head and gently lifting it off of the bed and their maws connecting again in another sweet tender kiss. Jake felt his mate rock forward on his knees leveraging to press hard into his lips or so Jake had thought.

The dark dragon rocked forward onto his knees pressing in harder into his lover's lips letting his tongue slide across Jake's tongue while moving his own tail hole closer to Jake's throbbing member.

Jake suddenly snapped his eyes shut while pushing on his mate's chest breaking their kiss and letting out a sharp gasp and low moan as he felt the head of his member suddenly engulfed by his mate's tight tail hole.

The Dark dragon felt the thick head of his lover break past his tightly muscled tail hole and insert to his rectum eliciting a soft murr of pleasure from the Dark dragon. He changed his position from kneeling by rocking back on his heels taking up more of a sitting position spreading his legs so that they created a straight line bunching his quadriceps and calf muscle's in his leg. Keeping Jake's member buried in him he heard Jake's breathing become heavy and even from this distant he could feel how hot Jake's breath was.

Jake gently started to push deeper into his mates tail hole slowly inch by inch going deeper and deeper into the tight rectum.

The Dark dragon began to orgasm. His rectum contracting wildly, tightening and loosening around Jake's partially inserted member, he leaned forward opening his lower jaw panting wildly letting saliva drip from his slightly open maw to land on Jake's chest eliciting a slight gasp of pleasure. The Dark dragon continued to take more and more of the thick member into himself while Jake laid on the satin sheets moaning and wriggling in this exquisite sensation.

This Jake's first mate being so loving and tender he let out a whimper of pleasure. Moisture began to gather in his eyes from the sheer pleasure of it all.

The Dark dragon had taken most of Jake's member into himself, his tongue now hung outside of his mouth as he began to pant heavier and heavier his vision began to blur as the pure ecstasy of the moment over took him. He placed his claws on Jake's chest to prevent himself from collapsing.

Jake felt his ball sac begin to tighten again preparing to release his seed in the Dark dragon.

Feeling himself about to explode again he gripped the dark dragon's shin arching his back to push the rest of his member and cried "Oh god Darky I....I'm cumin."

Clenching his teeth and squeezing shut his eyes he felt his seed explode forth from his member.

The Dark dragon felt himself begin to be filled by Jake's hot seed, feeling his mate's ball sac against his ass, spasm as it spat forth more and more seed. At the feeling of the first begins of seed the Dark dragon snapped his maw forth into Jake's hungrily trying to devour the smaller males mouth.

Jake felt the Dark dragon's maw slam into his only it wasn't like any of the other kisses they had shared this felt almost feral like his mate would explode if it hadn't been released. Jake felt hot seed spill on to his stomach and start to leak down his side's. Looking into his mate's eyes he saw the passion and love as he seed spilled out onto Jake. He felt the Dark dragons claws roughly massaging his chest while their lips were locked and Jake's member spewing forth its seed deep into the Dark dragon.

The Dark dragon roughly broke the kiss, both of their salvia was joined in a thick strand drooping slowly down onto Jake's chest and abdomen mixing with the dark seed. The Dark dragon returned to his sitting position on Jake's cock finally feeling the seed trickle to a stop.

Jake had expected his Darky to remove the member from his ass. Instead Darky leaned backwards bring Jake's member with him. Causing both of their legs to spread wide. Sliding his feet and shins under Jake's armpits

Jake let out another moan as he felt his member change positions being pulled taut.

The Dark dragon began to tighten and relax his ass squeezing Jake's member as hard as he could causing another moan from his lover.

Jake wasn't sure as to what his mate had planned but he wasn't going to let his Darky make all the sexual decisions. Jake withdrew his member from Darky with a wet 'plop' bringing a confused look to his face. Jake placed his claws on Darky's inner legs and spread them wide. He took a moment to examine the once tight tail hole of his mate and saw how wide his member had spread it open with seed slowly dripping from it down Darky's buttocks. He crawled on top of his mate locking claws gently lowering his maw to the dark dragon's using his tongue to break thru his lips before connecting their own in a passionate kiss.

Darky slid his claws around Jake's back feeling his muscle's play against each other as Jake climbed upon his love.

Jake lowered his member to his Darky's tail hole slowly pressing into it. Darky tried to moan thru their locked lips as he felt the hot member re-entering his tail hole.

It didn't take Jake long to fully insert his member into the tail hole. Jake found it a very odd experience to feel the seed he had shot into his lover earlier still in the tight rectum. It covered his own member as he pushed into the rectum leaving it no where to go but out the tail hole.

The Dark dragon felt the cum that had filled him earlier begin to be forced out from the pressure of Jake's cock. It leaked out of his tail hole and down his buttock's even faster. After Jake had fully inserted he started to slow pump in and out never fully taking his member out of the tight tail hole of his Darky.

The Dark dragon gently broke the kiss letting their saliva slid down his chin onto his chest. He slid his hands down to Jake's butt checks, feeling them rise and descend as Jake thrust in and out of the larger dragon. After the Dark dragon broke the kiss Jake pressed his chest into the beautiful males rubbing Darky's own seed and saliva back onto his own chest while gently bringing his maw to his Darky's ear moaning softly feeling his mates member throbbing against his stomach.

The Dark dragon timed the next thrust arching his back slamming his tail hole up as he pressed on Jake's buttocks down slamming the hard member deeper into his rectum feeling it rub against his prostrate letting a tight lipped moan reverberating in his chest wriggling underneath the beautiful red and gold dragon causing him to curl his toes in sheer ecstasy.

Jake felt his buttock pressed down upon forcing him to go deeper into his mate feeling the tail hole slammed up into his groin. They continued this after the first couple of times of this motion they both heard a sound that elicited a slight smile from the lovers as they heard the slapping of Jake's member continually forcing the cum to try and squeeze out of the tight rectum. Jake moaned even more as he heard the Dark dragon's hole making a wet 'plap, plap, plap' sound every time he thrust into his mate. Jake scrunched up his face feeling his seed spill forth into his lover again as he arched his back letting it shoot into Darky.

Jake moaned as he began cumin "Oh, Darky!" While gripping the satin sheets balling the fabric into his hands.

The Dark dragon gently pushed on Jake's hips to extract the shooting member from his rectum, as the head finally left the warmth of the tail hole it continued to shoot Jake's hot seed onto the dark dragon's chest. After several minutes of shooting his load onto his lover Jake collapsed on top of his mate feeling completely spent.

Darky gently wrapped his massive arms around his lovers body feeling a light suckling on his neck.

The Dark dragon turned his head to look the American dragon in his eye's and quietly questioned "well its obvious what my pet name is but what shall I call u, hmmmmm?"

Jake cheerfully said "I'm the Am drag yo, what else would u want to call me?"

The Dark dragon whispered "How about my lover?"

Jake stated "I suppose I could live with that."

Darky gently pressed his lips to his lovers, making a light suckling sound. They gently pulled away from each other.

Darky laid a claw on his lovers cheek and gently asked "So are you ready for your turn?"

Jake blushed deeply while averting his mate's gaze and mumbled "I.....I..I...ummm...I don't"

Darky gently grabbed Jake's chin bring his eye's back to his own and soothingly said "Shhhh my lover you need not be ashamed if your not ready to be penetrated."

Jake let out a soft sigh of relief and love. Jake laid his head back on to Darky's chest feeling his lover gently stroking the back of his head.

Before the darkness of sleep consumed Jake, he heard his mate gently whisper "Remember I will and have always loved you no matter how it may seem otherwise this is real."


Jake shivered as he felt a bitter chill creep thru is skin. He slowly opened his eye's, then they snapped open and Jake snapped to a sitting position swiveling his head back and forth to figure out what was going.

"Jake, get up Jake" a familiar voice called.

"wow the kid must of took one good beating from that cowardly Dark dragon" another voice cried.

"Grandpa, Foo?" questioned Jake.

"Take it easy young one it seems that you were ambushed by the Dark dragon."

"Darky" the name resounded in Jake's thought.

"Hey are you ok kid, you haven't said much since you woke?" questioned Foo with a bit of concern creeping into his voice.

"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine just a little dizzy I guess" replied Jake.

Grandpa gently put Jake's arm over his shoulder and helped him to stand up. Jake quietly mumbled "thanks......gramps."

Grandpa carried Jake back to the electronic shop and gave him a worried look. As soon as they had gotten back they reverted to their human form's.

Jake sat on the stool behind the counter with his arms folded in front and his chin resting on his forearms.

"Jake are you ok kido your looking a little blue? Is it because the Dark dragon ambushed you?"

"Hm? Oh sorry Foo I was just lost in thought. I'm fine just a little distracted and no not because the Dark dragon ambushed me."

Jake hopped off of the stool and walked towards the door "Well I'm going to head home I will see you all later"

Jake let the door close behind me listening to the soft jingling of the bell above the door. He let out a sigh and started his walk home. Jake really didn't feel like taking the long way home so he decided to cut thru an ally. As he started down the ally he warily peered into the shadows trying to stay alert by constantly scanning left to right and then reversing back to make sure no one was there to mug him.

As Jake saw the exit to the ally he caught some movement out of the corner of his eye he turned to face the figure that had caught his attention only to have a claw grasp him under his chin and warm wet lips gently met his own. Jake's eye's nearly fell out of his head as he realized the lips that were gently pressed to his belonged to the dark dragon. The kiss lasted for mere seconds but felt like an eternity to Jake.

When they broke the kiss the Dark dragon stood up smiled sweetly at Jake and stepped back into the shadows disappearing from his sight, the voice that followed was the faintest of whispers and seemed as if carried by the wind itself "My love for you is real."

