Lucky Day

Story by Kayle Storm on SoFurry

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Based on an rp between myself and my friend Jakoo. Enjoy, and comments are always welcome!

Jakoo had seen the little vixen in the gym several times. The otter didn't know her name, and honestly didn't care to know. But as he stripped out of his sweat-soaked undershirt, he once again caught sight of a shining hazel eye watching him through a crack in the partially open locker room door, and could catch a flash of lavender hued fur. The otter chuckled inwardly. To say the least, females weren't exactly his thing. The well muscled otter was used to having to run them off.

A sudden thought crossed Jakoo's mind. He may not be interested in the vixen who was currently observing him, but he could at least give her a show before he had to break her sweet little heart by telling her he was a grade-A, bonafide homosexual. As the lutrine began to take off his workout shoes, he flexed a few times, showing off his well-toned body. He bent down and gave the peeping vixen a view of his hard glutes and strong tail. Jakoo caught the faint sound of a soft murr of appreciation from the other side of the door.

Outside, in the darkened gym, Kayle had his eye pressed to the crack in the door jamb to more clearly observe tonight's target. He always stayed at the gym late, after everyone else had left for the night, just for this purpose. The feminine vulpine had spied on dozens of the more masculine patrons over the last several months, but was too shy to attempt approaching any of them. Hell, with the clothes he wore, most of the males who frequented rhe gym thought the petite fox was, indeed, a vixen. The tight bicycle shorts he wore, as well as the pink tank-top he had on, made him look much like a flat-chested female.

As the fox watched the otter, his paw strayed down and began to fondle his undersized cock through the tight shorts. Already, the oversexed femboi's pre had soaked through the lacy pink g-string he wore under the shorts and had left a small, dime size wet spot in the front of the shorts. He continued to watch as the lutrine hunk shucked off his shoes and socks, admiring his well formed abs and imagining what kind of package was concealed by the otter's loose-fitting sweat pants.

Inside the locker room, Jakoo suddenly had an idea. A sly smile crossed his handsome features. So the vixen wanted to watch? Well, he would just see exactly what she would do if she knew she was caught red-pawed. He briefly wondered what her face would look like blushing under that silky, luxuriant purple fur.

Jakoo pulled his duffel bag out from under the bench beside him. He dug through it, pretending to look for something, then allowed a look of false perplexion to cross his handsome face. He smirked inwardly, and suddenly whirled and began to head for the door, acting as if he had left something in the gym.

Outside the door, the fox saw the lutrine coming too late. His eyes went wide with terror at the thought of being discovered. He looked about for a place to hide, a seed of panic sprouting in the pit of his stomach. There was nowhere to go; no hiding place he could reach in the few seconds it would take the otter to reach the door. Kayle whipped around, resolving simply to flee the scene. He barely made it two steps before his panicked footpaws tangled together and he crashed to the floor with a loud 'thump' that echoed through the empty gym. The fox curled into a ball of fur, the wind temporarily knocked out of him as he awaited the otter's arrival.

Jakoo stepped through the doorway and appraised the prone fox. "Well, well, what have we got here? A little vixen spying on me? That's very rude, y'know."

Kayle looked up at the otter, trembling with anxiety. "I'm s-sorry sir! I didn't know there was anyone in there!" The fox's blush denoted his bold-faced lie. He rolled over on his back, hoping that the otter wouldn't notice the small bulge that had formed in the vulpine's shorts. When the otter did notice, however, a look of shocked astonishment flicked across his handsome face.

"You're... male?" Kayle blushed furiously and gave a small, embarrassed nod. "Well, that changes things a lot!" Jakoo murred softly as he appraised the prone, feminine fox. "Well, c'mon, get up. I won't hurt you." He extended a paw to help the vulpine to his feet. "I'm Jakoo. I thought you were a vixen, otherwise I would have invited you into the locker room with me." The otter winked, causing the fox to blush furiously.

"I'm Kayle. I'm sorry I was spying on you. I... well, I do it a lot. Spying, I mean."

Jakoo sniffed the air, a devilish grin spreading across his face as he caught the faint scent of the petite fox's arousal. He rubbed one paw across the small bulge formed by Kayle's undersized malehood. "Smells like you were rather enjoying youself, too." The otter's sweatpants had begun to bulge a little, denoting an endowment that was considerably larger than the feminine fox's. Kayle's eyes were drawn to it, and he let out a soft murr of anxious anticipation. "I was about to get in the shower. Perhaps... you'd like to join me?" Kayle gave a small nod of assent as the otter stepped closer and pulled him into a gentle embrace. "Alright then! This must be my lucky day!" The muscular otter swept the fox into his arms, causing the vulpine to let out a soft yelp of surprise as he was carried back into the locker room.

As they crossed the threshold into the locker room, Kayle nuzzled into the otter's soft chest fur. One purple-furred paw traced down the lutrine's well defined abs and hooked on the waistband of Jakoo's sweatpants. Slowly, almost reverently, the femmy vulpine pulled the waistband down and slid his soft paw underneath it, coming into contact with the otter's boxer-clad malehood. The fox murred softly. There had to be at least eight inches of prime otter meat in those boxers!

Jakoo let out a soft gasp as he felt the fox fondling his now rock hard cock. He groaned as Kayle's paw slid into his underwear, the fox's silky, soft fur caressing his throbbing member delicately. "Well, you don't waste much time, do you?" The otter set the vulpine on his own feet. Suddenly, Jakoo's well muscled tail swept up and under the fox's shorts, causing the vulpine to yip in surprise as the tight garment wae pulled down by the otter's thick tail, exposing the slutty g-string underneath. The otter murred at the sight of the lacy pink undergarment, as well as the little bulge struggling to escape it. He laid one hand on the top of the fox's head and gently pushed him to his knees.

Kayle didn't resist the small act of dominance, and slid down to his knees obediently. He murred softly as Jakoo stripped off his boxers, freeing his thick, musky cock from it's cloth prison. The fox ran one paw down it's length, sticky pre clinging to his fur, then lapped at the tip slowly. The lutrine let out a low moan of pleasure as he felt the warm, wet tongue slide across his engorged cockhead. "That's a good little vixen. You like having a male's cock to play with, don't you?" The fox let out a soft, aroused whimper in response as he took the head of the otter's cock into his mouth, bobbing and suckling gently on the hard rod. Sweet, musky pre dribbled onto his tongue and throat, and the vulpine swallowed down every drop with relish.

As the fox serviced his cock, Jakoo stretched one hand backwards and turned on the water in the showers. Within seconds, steam billowed throughout the room. Jakoo let the fox continue his efforts for another few minutes, rubbing and petting the vixenboi's ears as Kayle bobbed and slurped enthusiastically. Finally, he pushed the vulpine away and stepped into the hot shower.

Kayle stood, his own four-and-a-half inch cock straining to escape his feminine attire. The fox stripped off the lacy undergarment and eagerly followed his companion into the thick cloud of steam. The vulpine murred as the hot water washed over him. He gravitated to the handsome otter, pulling the lutrine into a passionate kiss. After a long minute, they broke apart and the fox resumed his kneeling position in front of Jakoo.

Jakoo gripped his thick cock at the base and squeezed a dribble of heady pre out, which was immediately lapped up by the little vulpine. Kayle wrapped his lips around the thick lutrine meat and began to suckle at it again, taking the heavy, hot cock deep into his throat with a soft murr of pleasure. Jakoo stood above him, grinning as he watched the subby fox service his cock. His paw traced down and rubbed Kayle's ears adoringly. "That's a good girl. You like having a cock to play with, don't you?" The fox nodded, letting out a soft groan at the praise and attention. His own, much smaller cock was rock hard and drooling a steady stream of pre onto the tile floor of the shower, where it was swept down rhe drain by the swirling water.

Jakoo put a paw behind his lover's head and pushed the fox down farther onto his cock, smiling mischieviously at the soft gagging sound the vulpine made as the thick shaft rammed the back of his throat. The otter gave several hard thrusts into that warm, wet muzzle before he finally released the fox and withdrew his cock. He thumped the swollen organ against Kayle's forehead, right between the ears, leaving a dot of pre in the fox's headfur.

"I know what a slutty little fox like you wants. Why don't you show me what's under that cute tail of yours?"

Kayle murred as he stood and braced himself against the wall of the shower, bending almost double and flagging his tail up over his back, exposing his tight bud to the otter. "You want me to rut you like a vixen? Tell me. Say it out loud."

The fox maoned softly. "Rut me like a cheap vixen whore! I want your cock in me!" Kayle blushed furiously as his words echoed off the tile walls, blending with the sound of running water.

Jakoo chuckled. "I thought as much." The lutrine stepped up behind Kayle and pressed his swollen member against that tight, hot little bud. With little more warning than that, he forced his rod into the femboi's ass, eliciting a yelp of pain from the fox as he was forcefully opened. Within seconds, however, the sounds of pain were replaced by a low, feminine groan of sheer pleasure as the swollen head of the otter's cock nestled against the fox's prostate. Jakoo murred as he felt the vulpine's hot walls tightening around his eight inch cock. "Ah... my little vixen likes that, doesn't she?"

The fox let out a soft whine, blushing as he confirmed the lutrine's question. "Yes! I like having a real male's cock in me!" Kayle bucked back against the otter, forcing Jakoo's shaft deeper into his hot sanctum. Jakoo chuckled and pulled back all the way to the tip before ramming in hard.

"I'm gonna make this sweet little ass of yours mine, little vixen. That's what you want, isn't it?" The otter was rewarded by a gasping, wavering moan from his lover. "I thought so." The lutrine began to rut the fox in earnest now, bucking in and out of the femmy vulpine fast and hard. Musky lutrine pre slicked the little fox's tunnel, making each successive thrust harder and faster.

Jakoo bent low over the vulpine's back, wrapping his paws around Kayle's chest and slamming into him with all the force the muscular otter could muster. Jakoo's thick, well muscled tail slid up under the fox and pressed against the vulpine's panting muzzle. "I know little sluts like you like having something in their mouth, pretty boy. Open up!" Kayle obeyed, and rhe lutrine's tail slid into his mouth, eliciting a soft groan from the otter. Next to his cock, his tail was the most sensitive part of his body, and having it suckled by the fox sent shivers of pleasure up his spine.

One of Jakoo's paws slid down the fox's stomach, stopping at Kayle's hard, wet prick. The otter began to stroke it slowly, sticky pre clinging to the soft brown fur of his paw. The lutrine managed a panting chuckle. "I've got you all hot and bothered." He gave the little fox's cock a gentle squeeze before he resumed stroking it. "Don't worry; you'll get to cum, I promise."

Kayle now felt pleasure at both ends; each backward thrust against the otter brought a tingle of bliss as Jakoo's shaft rammed his gland, and each subsequent forward thust ground his sensitive cock into his lover's soft paw. The vulpine's legs trembled, and his hazel eyes were glazed with ecstasy. He groaned lewdly, the sound muffled by the tail stuffed in his mouth. For several minutes, rhey continued their rough session, the sound of Jakoo's heavy balls slapping against the fox's ass blending with the sound of running water.

Finally, Jakoo bent low over Kayle's back. His thrusts had a fresh urgency to them, denoting his nearness to climax. His rythym faltered, becoming little more than wild bucks against the fox. He bent his mouth down to Kayle's ear, his breathing hard and ragged. "I'm about t-to cum. Can I finish inside?" The fox gave a small nod, flattered that the otter at least asked first.

Jakoo threw his head back and gave a loud, resounding bellow. An instant later, Kayle felt what seemed to be gallons of scalding hot otter spunk filling his well-used ass. Before the otter had even come close to being done, the fox could already feel the hot, musky seed dribbling out arounf the lutrine cock stuffed in his tailhole and running diwn the backs of his legs.

As Jakoo's massive orgasm subsided, his paw began to stroke the femmy fox's cock faster and faster. Kayle continued to buck back against the otter's still-hard member, using it while it lasted. Jakoo withdrew his tail from the vulpine's mouth, the tip damp with saliva, and the fox's yips and moans of pleasure were once again allowed to echo about the tiled shower.

It wasn't long before the fox let out an effiminate, quivering whine of ecstasy. He came hard, spraying watery fox cum across Jakoo's paw and onto the floor, where it was quickly washed down the drain by the swirling water.

Jakoo pulled his lover down into his lap, and they both sank to the floor. Kayle could feel the otter's cock slowly going soft in his well fucked hole. They both panted hard, cuddling and nuzzling one another amidst the thick steam. Finally, Jakoo broke the comfortable silence between them. "Damn, little fox, I hadn't gotten myself off in weeks." His paw slid under the fox's tail, slipping and sliding in Kayle's cum drenched fur. "Looks like I made up for it. You've got the hottest, tightest little ass I've ever had the privilege of fucking."

The femmy vulpine murred at the compliment. "Thanks. You've got one of the best cocks I've ever had the privilege of raising my tail for." Jakoo chuckled, then slid the fox out of his lap and stood. He turned off the water and retrieved his towel from outside the door, as well as an extra he carried in his gym bag.

"Raise your tail for me one more time, little vixen." The fox obeyed without hesitation, gasping as he felt two fingers slide inside him. He turned in time to see the otter wiping the cum from his fingers onto the towel, which he then draped over Kayle's back. The vulpine took the towel and shook it out, chuckling as he saw a phone number written across the rainbow patterned cloth in musky otter spunk. "There's my number. Call me anytime."

"Well, one number deserves another, then." The fox retrieved his undergarment from outside the shower and smeared his own number on it in similar fashion before handing it to his companion. The otter held it to his nose and sniffed deeply, catching the mixed aroma of vulpine and lutrine musk. He smirked and tucked the stained garment into his bag.

"Well, little vixen, it's been fun, but I've gotta hurry to make my night classes." The otter dressed quickly and gave the fox an affectionate peck on the cheek. "I'll see you and your sweet little ass around sometime, I'm sure." The muscular otter strode out of the locker room and across the dark gym, whistling to himself.

Kayle watched him leave with a small smile. His ass was already afflicted with a pleasant soreness. The fox dressed, folded the towel he had received with a sense of reverence, and followed the lutrine out.

It had, indeed, been his lucky day.