project Noah 1

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#2 of Project Noah

Project Noah 1 By: NAHUALMORPH

Chapter 1: The Crimson Claw

Warning: violence, gay sex, fetishes and all the yummy stuff we like to read lay ahead, too bad for you if you're underage because the law says you can't enjoy it.

Year 0


"Pulse 140 and rising!"

"20 cc of Pentazelmin, now!"

"It's coming..."

"I need forceps, nurse, ready with the amniotic fluid"

"She's not going to make it! Pulse still rising!"

"We're almost done, Pull! pull!"

The doctor was next to the sink, removing his blood covered gloves. A fox in military clothes entered the room hastily.

"What happened?"

"I told you her body was rejecting the product, half an hour ago, she went into shock and entered into labor... she died"

"And the product?"

"We managed to save it; it's currently on artificial incubation. But sir, it's five months, there's only five per cent for chance of survival"

In the next room, on a small incubation chamber, next to a stretcher, was a barely formed dragon baby, his body was covered in tubes and needles. Next to him, in a stretcher, were the remains of a female iguana.

Year 6

A groups of furs was sitting around a big oval table on a room, one of the walls was covered in monitors.

"Project Noah has been one of the longest and most expensive in history" said a badger "this better pay off"

"It will" said the same fox from 6 years ago "the product is showing amazing features, I'm sure it will be able to carry on its first mission in a few more years"

One of the screens showed a small young golden dragon walking through some sort of maze.

"His reflexes and senses are already more developed than those of an adult" continued the fox.

The dragon continued walking through the maze, he entered a dark room and the door closed behind him, he could hear the sound of the infrared cameras, he could smell iron right in the centre of the room.

The group of furs watched intently through the infrared cameras as the dragon avoided each and every trap, he quickly found the switch to open the door and moved to the next level of the maze

"He has the abilities of practically every species on this planet" said the fox.

In another screen a 3-d render of the dragon's body was displayed

"Hollowed bones like birds, but incredibly strong, with molecular structure containing traces of silica, he can practically manipulate his metabolic rate, his immune response is beyond comprehension, his skin and scales are loaded with cromatophores which he can control at will, we're still researching but he also appears to have a lateral line and echolocation system"

"He's quite a monster" said a tiger "and we made him"

"He's not a monster" said a bear sitting on the opposite side "We are forgetting about the psychological factor, his mind is fascinating but I'm not sure if he could handle the stress of a real mission at a young age"

"Don't be ridiculous" said the fox "his first mission is scheduled in five years"

"He'll be eleven by then" said the bear "you'll be sending a kid to murder other furs"

"Mayor Grayson" said the tiger "I remind you that your role as a substitute father for the subject is merely due to the fact that the past projects failed because of the lack of the social interactions. But I suggest you not to let your emotions cloud your judgment. Project Noah is a weapon, a very expensive one, and we expect to get a profit out of it as soon as possible"

"He cleared the maze" said a cougar looking at the screen "I think he set a new record"

The door opened and the young dragon entered, he was sweating slightly.

"Are we done for today?" he asked.

"We're done Noah" said the bear "wait outside and we'll go home in a few minutes"

The small dragon left and closed the door.

"I want a full report of the activities within the hour" said the tiger "full physical check up tomorrow, next meeting will be in three days to review the next set of tests, weapons training will begin in two weeks"

The bear and the dragon were walking to their bunker, a small platoon of marching soldiers passed next to them; the dragon looked at them for a few seconds, then returned to look at the bear.

"Something's bothering you dad" said the dragon.

"It's nothing Noah; I'll tell you when we get home"

The bear looked at his son... well, one 9th his son.

Noah had lived all of his life in the base, the only friends he had were a few of the soldiers and Grayson himself. The bear had been in charge of raising the dragon since he was a few months old.

"Noah..." started Grayson as he opened the bunker door "Are you happy here?"

The dragon looked at his father with a blank expression for a few seconds before answering.

"I guess so, this is all i know, I don't have anything to compare my life to so... I have all my needs covered, and I have you dad, yes, I am happy here, now I'll go do my homework"

The dragon went to his room and closed the door. The bear flopped on the couch and started reading the reports concerning to next day tests, but somehow he just couldn't concentrate... deep in his soul he knew what they were doing to Noah was wrong.


The blinding lightning showered over the concrete structures giving the buildings a ghostly appearance, the mix of the preceding rumbling and the falling rain almost drowned the ever present sounds in the street... that's why he liked rainy nights so much. Crouching in the edge of a particularly large building, looking like one of the gargoyles that adorned it, the golden dragon closed his eyes for a moment, just basking in the feeling of the cool water running down his almost naked body, his only clothing was a pair of black leather shorts offering a strong contrast to his bright golden scales. His incredibly advance mind focusing in everything and nothing at the same time, the sound of the water drops splattering against his chiseled body, the chirps of the baby birds on the nest 30 ft below, the moans of a couple making out in one of the offices on the other side of the building, the faint smell of the recently made coffee the security guard was drinking on the eight floor. The sound of a distant alarm made him open his purple eyes; he stood up and stretched his muscular body and strong wings before jumping into the air in the direction of the distress call.

The owner of the gun shop, a middle aged brown bear was kneeling on the floor, paws tied behind his back. Five other furs were on the shop, they were putting several guns and ammo on green bags, one was busy disabling the alarm and one was standing next to the phone. As soon as the cougar managed to shut down the alarm system, one of the other three gagged the bear and a wolf picked the phone and dialed to the security company.

"I'm terribly sorry, my son got home from a party and was so drunk that he completely forgot about the alarm... yes, I understand... ok, thanks, we'll be waiting."

He hung the phone and picked his shotgun.

"They're sending someone to check things, with this weather and at this hour at night it will take them about 20 minutes"

"That means we have 10 minutes to clean this place "Said another wolf taking one of the bags "I'll start loading the van, see if you can get him to spit the code from the safe"

The cougar removed the gag from the bear's muzzle and pressed his gun to the scared bruin's head.

"I could break the code, but we're in a bit of a hurry, so if you please be so gentle..."

The wolf was closing the door of the van and was ready to return when he heard a flapping noise just above the van, he immediately pulled his gun out and aimed, but there was nothing there.

He didn't even notice the tower of scales and muscles behind him.

The dragon's scales started to change color in the moment he landed, turning into a more dull shade of darkness, with black stripes to help his body blend in with the surrounding darkness, he merely took the wolf's pistol from his hand, the wolf turned around not fully understanding what just happened, but before he could even make a sound, a strong punch in his chest broke his sternum and sent him flying against the side of the van.

"A couple of months in intensive care and you'll be ready for the judge" said the dragon.

The rest of the thieves immediately came running when they heard the noise, all with their weapons ready.

"What the fuck is that?" asked the cougar when he saw the winged reptile.

The creature was breath taking, over 7 ft tall, his muscled body was covered in golden, diamond shaped scales in most places, except on his chest, abdomen and the visible part of his thighs, they were covered in very small scales, as well as his feet soles and paw pads. He had a row of hardened large scale plates on his back, shoulders, upper tail, head and his upper snout; he also has a pair of black horns adorning his head.

He had three red slash marks on his chest.

"Whatever it is I bet bullets kill it" said a rhino and shoot.

The dragon jumped backwards and disappeared in the shadows, the four furs continued firing until they ran out of ammo. Three of them started moving forwards and the fourth, a lion, went to check the unconscious wolf.

"It looked like... a dragon" said the cougar.

"Don't be ridiculous" said the rhino "dragons have been extinct for over a thousand years"

A scream behind them made them turn immediately only to discover the lion was gone.

"Drop your weapons and I'll go easy on you" said a voice.

"Fuck you!" screamed the rhino and loaded another clip to his machine gun, but before he could fire the dragon jumped from the shadows and attacked all three of them.

In just a couple of seconds he took the guns from their hands. Next, he delivered a single blow to every fur's forehead and they all fell unconscious.

The owner of the shop was struggling to release himself from his bonds, he finally managed to untie the rope and immediately headed towards the back door, he saw the five furs on the ground and the bags with guns inside the van, something made him turn to his right just in time to see a bulky silhouette disappearing amongst the shadows, the only visible features were the piercing glowing purple eyes and three glowing red slash marks.

"The crimson claw..."

"Five criminals were found on an alley behind a gun shop two hours ago, apparently they were trying to rob the place when they were stopped by the night vigilante known as "the crimson claw". That would be the 20th confirmed report of the mysterious hero stopping a criminal group dead in its tracks in under a month, however, Police lt. Andrew Larkin denies..."

Vincent switched the channels until he found some cartoons. The muscled brown horse was laying on his double bed clad in a pair of tight black boxers.

He heard a faint rustle and the curtains of the opened window moved a little.

"Made it to the news again" said the horse...

The curtains parted and the golden dragon silently entered, walking towards the door.

"You know, you could use the door, I'm sure none of the neighbors are awake at this hour.

"Don't want to take the chance" said a voice from the kitchen "besides; I think it's kind of romantic to enter through the window."

The horse got up and went to the kitchen to find the dragon standing next to the fridge drinking from a bottle of milk.

"So..."said Vince hugging the muscular dragon from behind "you're here to courtship me?"

"I'll even bring roses tomorrow... as long as you wait for me in the same tight boxers you're wearing now" said the dragon and pressed his leather covered rump against the horse's groin.

"Noah..."moaned the horse "let's take this to the bed"

They both entered the master bedroom still hugging each other. Noah's scales started changing again, regaining their original golden color, Noah reached behind him and slowly hooked his fingers on the elastic waistband of Vince's underwear, the horse moved a hand and helped the dragon, then he did the same with the tight leather shorts Noah was wearing. Once they were both naked they stood next to the bed facing each other. Noah was still a few inches taller than Vince. The horse leaned in and snuggled against the muscled golden chest inhaling deeply.

"Maybe I should take a shower first" said Noah blushing "I've been working all night"

"Later" whispered Vincent "I like the way you smell... unlike anything else in this world"

The horse was right, Noah's sweat didn't smelled reptilian, not even mammal, it smelled just of... Noah, and definitely male.

Vince took another deep sniff and his member dropped from his sheath, Noah felt it as it started rubbing against his legs, the huge organ immediately started rising with every beat from Vince's heart.

Noah hugged his mate and leaned to kiss Vince's forehead, the horse lifted his head and received the next tender kiss in his muzzle, he opened his lips and allowed the reptilian tongue to enter. Noah felt a hand taking hold of his limp, uncut cock and a broad finger started circling the foreskin, the member started firming and soon a drop of pre had formed on the head, Vince used that finger to spread it all over the glans, making it glisten.

The horse broke the embrace to look down.

"I'll never tire of that cock of yours" said the horse taking it in his hand.

The organ was almost completely hard and Vince could barely close his hand around it.

Noah's genitals were indeed peculiar, unlike most reptiles, he had external genitals, not even a sheath like Vince, his penis was not covered in scales, but in a soft and at the same time thick layer of golden skin, feeling actually very much like Vince's own.

His testicles were covered in the softest and tiniest of scales, as well as his paw pads and soles, they felt very smooth to the touch, and Vincent loved to touch them.

Noah took Vince's erection in his claws as well and they both started to slowly and tenderly masturbate the other, letting their cocks touch and sharing the slippery precum they both produced.

"What does the brave hero wants as a reward for keeping the city safe tonight?" asked Vincent.

Noah lied down on the bed on his back and spread his muscled legs.

"I thing I'll have some horse meat" said the dragon "you're the reason I do this every night"

The horse's blue eyes fixated on the dragon's purple ones for a few seconds, then Vincent got on the bed and lowered his head between Noah's legs, sticking his nose right between Noah's left legs and his balls, he took a deep, long sniff and his head started spinning, the male musk was so overwhelming to the horse, he darted his tongue out and started bathing his lover's genitals frantically.

Noah moaned at the treatment and started scratching the horse's head with his claws, he slowly moved his feet until they touched something pulsing and warm, he gently started running his smooth soles all over Vince's throbbing erection, spreading the copious pre that leaked from the flaring head.

Vincent moved his head a little lower and inserted his thick tongue on Noah's rear entrance, the dragon groaned and propped himself on his elbows to watch his mate. The horse had his eyes closed and seemed to be savoring every millimeter of his mate's insides, Noah felt the huge organ sliding against his feet throb even harder and a huge spurt of pre reached his calves.

"That thing is going to break if you don't stick it in already" said the dragon.

Vincent lifted his head and inhaled one last time before moving into position, his rigid tool slapped against his belly and another wave of precum landed over Noah. Vincent's cock looked on the verge of exploding, thick and swollen, with clearly marked veins traveling all over it. Noah smiled when he saw it; he knew he was the reason.

Vincent took the impressive organ in his right hand and aimed at the lubed entrance.

"I think I got a little overworked" said the horse "this might hurt"

"It won't" said Noah relaxing his anal muscles "just push hard"

Vince did that and the huge cockhead entered Noah, both gave a soft sigh and then Vince started pushing the rest in. Noah lifted his legs and rest them on the horse's shoulders. Once he was all the way inside, Vincent started to slowly move in and out of his mate's tight tunnel, he placed both hands on Noah's chest and started caressing the golden scales, thick droplets of horse sweat fell over Noah's chest and face.

The room filled with grunts and moans as Vincent pushed every time harder, pounding Noah's prostate and causing the dragon's cock to spurt even more precum over his stomach. Noah reached with his claws and started caressing Vincent's arms, tracing the veins that stood out, nursing every muscle.

They mated hard for almost half hour until Noah noticed the horse's movements became erratic and even more desperate.

He decided to play a little trick on his lover and moved his feet so they were now on Vincent's face, the horse immediately started licking the scaled soles with his broad tongue, sticking the digits in his mouth and sucking on them.

This was all it took to send the equine over the edge, he neighed loudly and Noah was rewarded with the thick and warm waved of horse semen coating his insides, after the first couple of spurts the cum started running out of his ass and over the sheets, Vincent was still climaxing, and their crotches were a mess. Noah reached with a hand and gave his own cock a few strokes, he groaned and painted Vincent's chest with his own cum.

They grunted and panted for what seemed like hours, until finally Vincent pulled his still hard member out of his mate and leaned to his side. Noah's body was completely covered in a thick layer of their mixed sweat, cum and pre, the horse leaned to lick at Noah's chest, getting as much cum as he could in his tongue before greedily swallow it.

Their members were still rock hard and rubbing against each other.

"Now that I'm just as you like, it's my turn" said Noah and rolled over Vince.

A good amount of mixed fluids landed on Vincent's chest and he smiled and spread his legs.

The sun rose over the city, the two lovers were holding each other in the not so modest apartment. Just a couple of hours ago they had finally took a shower and replaced the bed sheets.

Noah slowly stirred and opened his eyes, he slowly got up, being careful to avoid waking his mate, he only needed two or three hours of sleep every day.

He went to the bathroom and look at his reflection in the mirror.

"I'm all of them, and none" he muttered.

Noah splashed some water on his face and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast; he grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

Cartoons beat morning news every day...