Summer Heat – Chapter 11: Two plus one

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#11 of Summer Heat

Time flies by and there is another Sunday.

I wish all of you a happy halloween and hope you enjoy the next chapter.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 11: Two plus one

It knocked at the door of Zen. It was late in the night and he went over a few tests of the class as well as his diary where he noted down all his experience of the school for the website. He did not include any topic that was directing to the sex or them being naked but just how well attended the girls were and that they learned to take care of themselves. The updates on the website were a service for their parents. The website got more and more clicks every day. Even though the internet normally was not widely used, one reason was the heavy limitations that were forced on the internet by law which forbid a lot of topics, his website soon got the most clicked website in the month. It seems that a lot of parents took interest on the website and Zen got a lot of mails from parents asking if he would take more girls next year, when he was allowing boys and that they would even pay for the schooling. Zen just sent a mail to all the requests that he was thankful for the interest and that he would consider their requests for the next year and open for more children.

"Come in!" he shouted when the mail was sent and the door opened. The small shy beaver girl Sandy Sandster entered the room and Zen turned to her. "What is it Sandy? Why are you not sleeping yet?" The 11 years old girl took a while until she found her words. She always had been a bit fidget and reserved and did not speak up much. "Erm... it is about Bea and Mimi." Zen looked at the girl. It worried him a bit that there seemed to be something wrong with her roommates but she did not look shocked. "What is with them? Why did you not go to Mara?" "Well... Mara is asleep already and... they sent me to I inform you for them that their... heat... started." Zen looked at the beaver girl for a moment while he processed the message. He was a bit tired but this news made him wake up a bit again. "I will be there in a minute." He said to the girl. "Thank you for telling me." He was a bit discontent with them sending the shy girl instead of coming to him themselves. The tiger and the snow leopard were good friends and he knew that they were very dominant and used Sandy before to ran errands. He decided that he had to show them the limits of abusing the girl as a messenger.

He heard them moan on the floor already and when he entered the room he saw them masturbating each other while Sandy sat in the corner and watched them. They were quite loud and Zen suspected that if they went further, they would wake up everyone. "Come with me you three." He told them and the feline girls stopped their masturbating and followed his command. He picked up Sandy and went ahead back to his room. The scent of the two kitten in heat filled his room fast and he saw Sandy on the ground. "You Bea will make sure to thank Sandy for doing your job at informing me and lick her to make her feel good while I will Take care of Mimi and then you will swap." The girl groaned a bit but after he looked her into the eyes she finally gave in and started to crouch down before the beaver girl and licked her folds which soon made the small girl moan. Mimi already was so wet that no foreplay was needed. Zen directly mounted her and pushed his dick inside her with a strong push, ripping her hymen and making the girl cry out loud in pain. He did not go slow or showed any mercy for the girl. That was his punishment for them to send Sandy even though it only took a minute until the groans of Mimi turned into moans. The scent in the room got into Zen's brain and his upset feeling over the behavior of the girls vanished and turned into lust and mating instinct. He pushed through the hot and tight tunnel of Mimi, that was a bit tighter than Mara had been, and soon he felt her twitch already while he still pounded her. Her tunnel was starting to milk him and push him closer to orgasm. Zen tired her body out by keeping her in a constant orgasm for over 5 minutes until he finally pushed really hard, knotted the girl and made her orgasm spike again with his hot spurts in her womb. Mimi pushed her pussy hard against his base and balls, her back against his stomach and purred and chirped in her climax. The girl was not sane at the moment but just a bundle of need for him. While his spurts continued to fill her belly he caressed her teats that all were erect and moaned into her ear. After the spurts subsided he made small but powerful movements back and forth rocking his balls against her clit and her tunnel, still twitching, gripped hot and wet around his knot. His second orgasm total knocked the snow leopard girl out who had twitched all the time without calming down. When Zen calmed down a bit and looked up seeing that the girls changed places. Bea moaned under the tongue of Sandy and the beaver girl did not look like she got her orgasm before they switched. The horny tiger girl must have used his distraction to get her way with Sandy.

"Stop Sandy." He commanded and the beaver girl stopped licking and when Bea turned around to see why, she was met with Zen's eyes. She backed out and gulped. "I..." - "Lick her." Was all Zen said and Bea started to lick Sandy again. In the ten minutes that it took Zen to free his knot from Mimi Bea managed to make Sandy come at least and the beaver girl panted while Zen moved to the tiger. He did not prepare her, did not say anything or spare a lick over her pussy. He just took his softening dick and put it at her hot mount which revived the rod to full hardness and he speared through her hymen making the girl cry out in pain. Like with Mimi he went hard without a care about Bea getting used to his member. He pushed so hard that after a minute he already pushed the knot inside of her hot folds accompanied with a loud groan of the tiger girl. All this time he had held her scruff in his teeth to prevent the tiger girl from escaping under him which she tried a few times to get rid of the pain. With his spurts entering her womb she finally started to moan and her own orgasm kicked in half way through and milked the rest of his spunk into her chamber. Like with Mimi Zen continued to push against her pussy even though his knot did not allow for much movement inside. The tiger got into mating delusion as much as the snow leopard girl and she mewled and pushed against Zen in his intervals and when both finally had their second orgasm she closed her eyes with a purr and fell asleep before his knot popped out.

Sandy watched them with big eyes and when Zen pulled out and put Bea next to her snow leopard friend and pulled the cover over the two sleeping feline he noticed that the beaver girl masturbated and moaned. "I know you have it hard with them." He approached the girl and smiled when she looked up. "Let me help you with that." And he crouched down in front of her and started to lick her slit while his paws roamed over her belly and dugs. Her moaning increased and Zen tasted her innocent liquid that pushed out of her pussy. She was shortly before a climax already and it took Zen only a few minutes to completely push her to orgasm. Even though it was the second one of her just like for the other girls it did not knock her out yet. She panted but still her finger went to her twitching pussy when Zen retreated a bit. Her innocent pure scent mixed a bit with the heavy scent of the heat of the two cats and Zen licked his lips. The girl was small, smaller than Lily even, but she was lubricated well. It was clear that she was not in heat but Zen's mind did not work on logic right now. He approached the girl again and kissed her right on the muzzle which had her moan and turn her attention back to him. He felt his hard member slide against her legs when he pushed forward until he had to bow his body to keep the kiss active while his member tickled her libido. He pushed forward and saw that Sandy closed her eyes from the painful stretch. He was not yet at her hymen but he felt that this girl was tighter than any he had before already. She was even tighter than Lily and her inside did not have the stretch ability of the bunny girl. When he slowly pushed further and broke her hymen the girl screamed loud and only his kiss muffled it a bit. Tears started to flow from her eyes when he set a slow pace gliding all the way up to her cervix and back stretching her tunnel with each time and sliding through her sore tunnel. He still had nearly one third of his dick outside when his tip hit her cervix but for now Zen did not mind how far he was in. He pulled back slowly, pushed in again and his pace slowly increased but a bit. Every push was hard for him because her insides stretched very slowly and reluctantly. Zen knew that without his silencing kiss she would scream and cry loud and he caressed the head of the girl, hugged her and pulled her up with him into a sitting position while he pulled her up and down in his rhythm and now caressed her back, hind and tail to calm her down while his member still stretched her with each push as if he was pushing in for the first time. Gravity helped him to push further into the beaver girl and he felt her cervix on his tip still denying the entry. Her juice ran along his shaft and then over his knot that still was quite a bit away from her pussy. Slowly Sandy got used to the stretching and her groans went more silent. She relaxed a bit making it easier for him to push into her and the cervix got more loose with each second until it gave in under the pressure of his constant knocks. The tip slipped inside and pushed the girl on top of his slippery knot. It gave a wet smack when his knot hit her pussy and she groaned in his muzzle. Zen was close to his orgasm already but he wanted the knot in even though it did not look like he would be able to achieve this. The girl screamed in his muzzle again when he put his paws on her tights and used his own weight to push her down. Her muscles contracted tight trying to push him out again but gravity and their combined weight still pushed his knot into her folds millimeter by millimeter. The pressure on his knot increased and even he groaned a bit from the strong grip of her overstretched pussy. Then her energy was depleted and she relaxed suddenly, which sent his knot pushing into her pussy as her body moved down and crashed with a smacking sound on his lap. This also broke the kiss and the girl sobbed and groaned. She did not have the energy to cry or scream anymore and also the pain now seemed to have gone away a bit. She was still conscious but in shock from the pain and he licked over her eyes and cheeks and whispered into her ear. "I am sorry that it hurt so much but I knew you can do it. You are now a big girl." And with this he kissed her again while his balls contracted and sent his thick semen through his penis into her womb. Zen picked Sandy up and lay down in between the feline girls that slept through their whole action. Sandy started to get drowsy and fell asleep with a moan as soon as he pulled the cover over them. It did not cover his whole body because he stopped at the shoulders of Sandy and her head lay on his chest. With a smile he watched the girl sleep. It happened so fast that he even still felt his last spurts enter her womb. He bent his head down and kissed her on the forehead before he slipped his arms under the cover and around the other two girls that now were right and left from him. When he fondled their hinds and pushed one finger into their well lubricated snatches the earned a very soft moan from them and they cuddled up with him and put their heads next to Sandy's. Then he also closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep while he felt his member slowly retract and his knot shrink down. He was asleep before his member popped out of the beaver girl.

When he was woken up by Mara the next morning, who wondered why the girls were not in their room and went directly to him just to find them in his bed, the girls still were fast asleep. It was Sunday and therefore there was no school today but the girls had decided to go swimming around noon. "You are really unbelievable when there is a girl in heat around you." Mara scolded him and picked up the beaver girl. "Poor girl." She commented and checked on the two feline before pulling the cover over them. "Two girls in heat was not enough I see. I will take care of Sandy so make sure to be nice to the other girls." She said and left with Sandy in her arms. Zen felt a bit remorse. Even though he was sure that Sandy also had good feelings knotting her was probably not the nicest experience for the young girl. The heat that escaped from under the cover made his nose twitch and he noticed that his dick was already hard. He rolled around to Mimi and pulled her closer to him until her back was snuggled against his belly and chest and then he aimed for her pussy and pushed his member inside. The girl still was tight but her tunnel was relaxed and so he pushed up to the cervix and moaned when her slippery and drenched tunnel stretched around his rod. After a minute of slow pushes, the girl started to wake up. He noticed it first by her starting to moan and that her tunnel tightened up a bit and started to twitch every now and then. His knot finally was all formed and pushed against her pussy until he took some extra force and sent it straight into the girl while his tip breached her cervix and the girl popped her eyes open and groaned loud. Now she was awake for sure. Zen licked the cheeks of the girl and kissed her nose before he snuggled his head over hers and roamed with his paw over her belly that bulged a bit more with each spurt he sent into the snow leopard girl. Zen moved his tail and felt it brush against Bea who still slept behind him. He could hear the other girls getting up and hitting the showers while his climax still pushed spurt after spurt of fertile seed into the fertile womb of Mimi. He started to move again while he still spurted and with very small movement increased her moans as his knot shifted a bit with each push. It was not until his spurts subsided that he rolled Mimi on her belly and started to hump her faster. He could not pull or push much with being tied but his balls slapped against her wet clit and made a smacking sound that accompanied both their increasing moans. Half way through her tunnel started to twitch and contract and he felt her climax kick in and her womb and tunnel milking his member until he also got to his second climax and donated a fresh batch of cum inside her already stretched womb. He rode out his orgasm and stayed tied with Mimi while he noticed that Bea slowly woke up from their loud moans. In the next minutes the twitching of Mimi calmed down and his knot finally was small enough to pull out. "Clench tight. We will test if you can manage to keep all that I deposited there sealed inside." He whispered and Mimi giggled when she heard this new challenge and he felt her clenching her cervix and tunnel while he pulled out. A bit of his semen pushed out with his knot and member but Mimi was able to seal most of it inside her womb and she caressed her bulged belly with a victorious smile. "Good job." Praised Zen. "Let's see who of you will be able to keep it in longer." And with these words he rolled Bea on her belly and pushed into her heat drenched folds. Bea just had opened her eyes for the first time and yipped when he suddenly moved her and pushed in but soon she moaned under him and they joined into their first climax not long after. Zen did not stop his humps even though the movements got smaller after he knotted the girl. His balls smacked wet against her clit, just like with Mimi before, and he felt her climax to milk him non-stop because with all the stimulations she did not move out of her orgasm. Bea moaned, chirped and huffed without break and Zen noticed that she would soon tire out at this pace. He achieved his orgasm before Bea was completely empty and her belly was soon bulged as much as Mimi who watched their whole mating with a happy smile while caressing her cum filled belly. Zen told Bea the same as Mimi and when they all moved to the showers the feline girls had their paws on the big bellies with the cum inside that was sealed by the afford of their cervixes. All girls knew what Zen had been doing to them and no one was surprised when the girls gave him a muzzlejob in the shower. There were only a few girls left anyways because most of them were already at the breakfast.

There was no winner or loser to the challenge with sealing Zen's cum inside them. They held out for over an hour until Zen, driven by their heat, took both girls and added to his contribution. The added pressure was too much for them and after his knot popped both of them relaxed and let all the sealed cum flow out except for a very small amount that fit into their wombs without stretching it. Their heat went very similar to all the other heats before. Zen was around them most of the time and even slept in their bedroom at night. He followed the request of Mara and left Sandy out of the games except for licking her to orgasm twice. He still felt a bit remorse about his actions at the first night and even after she ensured him that it felt wonderful he still felt that he had to make it up to the girl and pleased her with his tongue whenever the other two girls were knocked out. With two girls in heat he was not only even hornier than with one girl in heat but also had enough playmates to not involve any other girls. Nearly every hour he took one of the girls and made them moan in pleasure. He howled a few times during the day when he felt a hard climax break free but at night he controlled himself to not wake up everyone. When the heat of the girls ended they were stretched wide and even though it still took a few attempts to push his knot in every time they were so used to the feeling that they moaned instead of groaning now. After their heat had ended Zen only pushed into the girls once each but when he noticed that their lubrication and heat inside was gone and that the stretching was too much for them he spared them the knot and just had them finish him with their muzzles. "I can't wait to see you with bellies as big as Mara's." he commented when he sent them away and both girls smiled shy and giggled when they left his room. The life returned to the normal rhythm once again and after a few days Zen's head did not think about mating much anymore but about the first test in a few topics that the kids would have to face. As a school he had to provide results of tests to the counsel and after the year there would be an official test being sent to him that all girls needed to do. This was all on trust base in the lower grades. Only on the final graduation the tests were done by authorized personal and most of the time at a central location for each regions but Zen's pupils were years before their graduation and he did not even know if he would be able to continue the school after this year.