The Taming of the Werewolf

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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Kyo and Sirius had been out having a fun time, Kyo getting a little tipsy. Sirius, being a good friend, wanted to make sure that the fox got home okay. But he needed to be getting home himself. He'd had just enough to feel himself losing his grasp, and didn't want to be around anyone when he changed. Of course, if Kyo knew about this little trick, he might have invited Sirius over sooner.

This was just a quick, fun little story I wanted to write for a friend. I've known Kyo for a while and it's fun to tease him with naughty things. Especially when it involves some of this sorta stuff.

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This story was written on Nimble Writer. It's a pretty great piece of software I'm just getting re-acquainted with. It even has an addon that lets you post directly to SoFurry right in the app. Go check it out on Steam:

"I'm tellin' you, another round and I'd have been fine." A purple fox said, sounding half complaining.

"Maybe, but it's late, and I don't want to have to drag you back to your place. That and I'm already past when I wanted to be home tonight." Replied white wolf, sporting a black five-point star over his left eye. He wasn't pure wolf, anyone could tell. He was a mix of lupine and domestic canine. From the ease with which his tail curled, probably husky.

"Nah, you just wanted ta get me home all to yourself." Kyo said with a smirk. It was clear he'd had a few, but he wasn't so far gone he couldn't stand or walk. He had a happy little buzz going. The wolf walking him home was threatening to kill it though.

The bus trip had gotten them close to the purple vulpine's home, but they still had a couple of blocks left. Those were eaten up fairly quickly in the cool night air under the pale, harsh glow of the streetlights. They passed several houses along the way, most of them decorated in one way or another to celebrate the coming spooky holiday. If it weren't for the fact that it was so close, Sirius could almost enjoy the atmosphere. He enjoyed the fall, especially the deep fall. The scent of the crisp air, the dried leaves, and the wind out of the north; it was almost enough to make him want to go running through the woods.

Then again, that was exactly the sort of thinking he needed to avoid right now.

The fox's house approached soon enough and the pair turned down the walkway leading to the door. Kyo retrieved his keys from his pocket and permitted them entry. Part of him wished he could have stuck around at the bar. Things were just starting to get really interesting. But it was probably a good thing Sirius was being such a square tonight, even if it was out of character for him. Kyo still had a lot of work left to do on his costume, and he had wanted to try and get some of it finished tonight. A gentle buzz was far enough that he could enjoy going out drinking, but not so far gone that he would end up stabbing his thumb sewing, or just passing out on the couch in defeat.

The costume could wait, though. He had something else on his mind.

"Come inside for a nightcap." Kyo said.

"I really shouldn't. I should be getting home. It's late." Sirius said.

"C'mon. It's not that late. And besides, it wouldn't be the first time you stayed the night if you don't wanna make the trip back in the dark." Kyo said, grinning a little.

"Really, I appreciate the offer, but I need to get going." Sirius insisted.

"Fine," Kyo said with a whine, "But before you do, I wanna show you how far along I am on my costume this year." It was a risky gambit the fox was playing, but he was sure he could pull it off. He just needed to get the wolf in the door.

Sirius stood there on the front porch, biting his lip as he turned to look over his shoulder. He knew he should just be on his way, but it would be rude to spurn his friend, especially since he hadn't said anything about why he was pushing so hard to go. In the end, he settled for a compromise.

"Alright, but only for a minute, then I really need to get going." The wolf said.

"Great!" Kyo said brightly, grasping the lupine's paw and dragging him into the house. The door was dragged shut behind them both as lights flicked on, marking the progress of the pair moving through the quiet domicile.

The fox guided his guest down the hall to the room where his sewing equipment sat idle. It was a mess in there, but it was controlled chaos, the kind that came about while Kyo was in the midst of a creation. In the center of the room stood a mannequin roughly his size, a good head and a half shorter than the wolf, and on it was the costume in question. Draped wasn't the appropriate term. It was almost as if the mannequin was wrapped in it, the dark fabric hugging so close it suggested that it would be form fitting, or close to it.

"There it is! I've still got a ways to go. I need to finish the lace and add a few more touches, but it's very close to being done. I've even got the hat already taken care of!" Kyo said. He crossed the distance between doorframe and the mannequin, carefully placing his paws in just the right spot. He reached down behind the motionless form and pulled up a tall, conical hat of deep black with a wide brim. He plunked it carefully down on top of the blank head and the illusion was complete.

"Sexy witch, huh?" Sirius asked, "From scratch no less. Pretty impressive. I'll bet you're gonna look great in it."

The wolf lifted a paw to scratch idly at the opposite shoulder, as if his shirt had started to itch.

"Oh hell yeah, I am! I'm gonna be the sexiest witch you've ever seen! I've been experimenting with inserts to get the chest right. Can't be a sexy witch without cleavage!" Kyo cackled.

"Right. That's kind of a crucial part to pull off the 'sexy' bit, isn't it." Sirius added, now idly scratching at his stomach.

"C'mon, there's one more thing I wanna show you. Promise it'll be quick." Kyo said as he stepped back towards the door. Instead of grabbing the wolf by the paw, he slipped a finger into the loop of Sirius' collar, where the cute little bone-shaped tag hung from. It served its purposed well and saw the lupine tugged along.

Sirius had to admit, the outfit was rather alluring, and he could just picture the fox in it. Kyo had always had a flare for dressing up as the fairer sex. The wolf argued that he pulled it off better than a lot of actual girls. The fox had even been genuinely mistaken for a lady on multiple occasions. The vision of the purple fellow tucked--no--poured into that dress, the side split that ran all the way down to the calf exposing just enough of the leg to be enticing but not revealing enough; it left him distracted. Sirius didn't even realize he'd been dragged into the fox's bedroom at this point. When he'd come back from the little fantasy he'd been permitting himself, he frowned a bit.

"Kyo, really, I need to be going. I'm out well past when I wanted to be home." The wolf tugged on his shirt, pulling it as if it had gotten tight around the chest and he needed some slack from the back. It was curious how he'd been doing this so frequently since they'd gotten to Kyo's house.

"What's the matter? You on medication or something?" The purple fox teased.

Sirius looked to the nearest window, peering out at the faint, pale light of the moon cast over the yard and the neighbor's house.

"Something like that. Please, I really need to go." The wolf said.

That was all he managed to say. Kyo flung himself at the taller, stronger wolf. His arms wrapped around Sirius' neck as he pushed up into the lupine's lips with a powerful kiss. The snowy fellow was taken completely by surprise. He knew Kyo had mentioned how cute he thought he was. On multiple occasions. He'd even mentioned teasingly how he wouldn't mind sneaking him into bed. On multiple occasions. But to act on the urge with such abandon and from out of nowhere; Sirius didn't see it coming. In hind sight, he probably should have. Slightly tipsy fox, insisting he come inside, luring him back to his bedroom; all the earmarks of the vulpine's attempt to get into his pants. On any other night, he would have been flattered, and even permit himself to indulge. Tonight though, tonight it was inconvenient.

Still, he couldn't pull himself away.

So taken by surprise was he, the wolf was tugged off balance, falling forward. On top of the purple fox. And directly onto his bed. And Kyo was a skilled one. He'd managed to coax the wolf's jaws apart, drawing the big lupine's tongue into his maw. And he wouldn't let go until he was satisfied. Sirius was unable to resist at this point, the fever taking his mind for the moment as he lost himself in the passion. His heart began to race, pounding in his ears as he pressed back into the kiss. It took a bit of encouragement, but he'd gotten there. And that pleased the fox under him.

Kyo slipped his arms down along the wolf's form, sneaking them out from around his neck with slight of hand that would have made a magician blush. It was clear that the fox had one thing on his mind, and he was going to get it one way or another. Finally, after a solid minute of holding the wolf's tongue hostage, he released it and permitted their lips to part with a satisfied sigh.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." Kyo groaned happily. He lifted his legs, trying to wrap them around the wolf's waist, but he had moved too slowly.

Sirius had pulled away and stumbled back a short distance. He was panting heavily and clutching his chest through his shirt. Had it gotten smaller since the bar? Kyo didn't remember it pulling so tight around his frame. And when did he end up so well toned? Had the wolf been working out?

"Hey, wolfy... you alright?" Kyo asked.

Sirius didn't answer. He simply stood at the foot of the bed, leaning forward, one hand on the mattress. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut and his teeth were bared as he fought for breath. Suddenly, Kyo was beginning to feel guilty for holding him here so long. Maybe he really did have medicine he needed to take.

The wolf knew what this was, even if the fox didn't. If he'd turned and left after seeing the dress, he might have managed to get home in time. Seeing it, and imagining Kyo in it, had started him down the road he was hoping to avoid. Then the kiss happened. That sealed it. That was the point of no return. There was no way he was getting out of the house before it happened now.

The shirt that had looked like it had shrunk pulled even tighter around the lupine's form. It bulged and strained against rippling muscle that developed before Kyo's very eyes. The wolf stretched up towards the ceiling, easily picking up more than a couple of feet in height. His legs thickened into powerful, muscular limbs that pushed his trousers to their limits. And then they passed those limits, failing spectacularly in explosions of fur and sinew. The sound of cloth ripping filled the air as he continued to fill out, growling deep in his throat. The wolf's hair, a rich, dark mess of locks, turned into a deep, luxurious nest of a mane, flowing behind him as if he were an Italian model. Curiously, his collar had stretched easily enough around his now broad, strong neck. It was the only thing on him that didn't rip to shreds.

Kyo sat and watched in shocked silence as his friend, the mild-mannered wolf-dog he'd known for years, transform into a large, hulking beast of a werewolf before his very eyes. The kind, gentle, sometimes mischievous Sirius he knew was gone. In his place stood the panting, bristling monster, snarling and growling. And all the fox could think about was how much 'bigger' he was. Kyo had managed to secure some idea of what the wolf was packing prior to the change, but now, with Sirius' pants torn to ribbons by the transformation, he got a good look at what was there. And it left his mouth watering. Of course, it didn't mean anything if he would get torn apart just trying to get near it.

The large, snowy-white werewolf snarled again as he looked down at his tattered clothing, raking his claws across himself to rip the rags away. Soon, he stood there completely naked and threw his head back in a proud, deafening howl. He was free, and it felt good.

With the neighbors now thoroughly terrified, the werewolf stood up properly, no longer hunched over or bending his knees. His ears brushed softly along the ceiling as he took in his surroundings, not having realized where he was just yet. He was inside, in a bedroom, not his. It was alien and full of unusual smells he wasn't familiar with. And yet, he was. He knew that scent. His mind reached back into the memory of the civilized wolf, trying to place it. Then his eyes fell on the frozen, wide-eyed purple fox on the bed staring up at him, and nursing a fairly obvious tent between his legs.

It all clicked now. It was the purple fox's home. He knew this creature. He wasn't to be feared or hated. He was a 'friend', whatever that word meant. The animal side couldn't process that no matter how hard his higher reasoning tried to fight through. This was the problem with the transformation. Sirius hadn't quite mastered staying in control during the change. Often it took him a while to regain his composure. That left anyone around him when he changed in serious danger.

What kind of danger that was... well... that was another matter.

The werewolf grunted as he locked his pale yellow eyes on the fox, piercing into his very soul. He turned and stepped toward the bed. Kyo started to back away, but not until it was too late. A large, strong paw wrapped around one of his ankles and dragged him to the edge. Another paw gripped the fox by the shoulder and sat him up. Were-Sirius just gazed down at the purple creature looking up at him in a mix of fear and lust. A new growl rumbled away in his throat as he cupped a paw against the back of the fox's head. He could fit the whole of Kyo's skull in his palm easily. That sent a shiver up the purple one's spine. Then came the warm, bulging sheath that his nose was quickly mashed into. That made him shiver all over again.

Before the fox could complain, the werewolf snarled quietly and dipped his groin low enough to push the end of that sheath against the vulpine's muzzle. In seconds, Kyo could feel the monstrous rod within extending into his mouth. He couldn't pull away with the powerful lupine holding his head in place. And that made his eyes roll back in his head. His jaws opened willingly and he welcomed the sleek length into his maw. It continued to stretch outward further and further until the fox began to gag softly. It spilled down his throat before he could prepare, making him pant through his nostrils for a moment. Soon, he settled and moaned around the tender flesh he'd been given to suckle on. And suckle he did.

That pleased the werewolf. He rumbled deep in his chest and gripped the fox's head with both paws. From there, he began to pump down Kyo's throat. He had no regard for if the vulpine was comfortable or complicit. He just wanted to use the fox's maw. Luckily for him, Kyo was very complicit. He was a little uncomfortable dealing with the sheer size. It stretched his throat to the point where anyone could see it bulging his neck. But he held on as best he could. One small hand moved around to cup against the sinuous rump that flexed over and over again, ramming the mast down his throat. The other cupped against the two rather large orbs dangling and swaying between the werewolf's legs. The wolf's snarl pulled into a crooked smile as he pumped away furiously.

He was liking how much the fox was doing to please him. There wasn't much more he could ask for. And so he just hammered away. His stance widened to lower his center of gravity, and give the fox an easier time bending forward onto his rod. It just made it easier to rut.

Thin, clear strings of salty ooze dribbled freely into the vulpine's throat, smearing up over the invading, throbbing beast, reaching all the way up until Kyo could taste it. Already his tongue was busy moving about, trying to sample as much of the flesh he'd been given to enjoy as he could. This sent him into overdrive. He couldn't help himself. He began bobbing his head as fast as he could, working with the two giant paws holding him in place. The werewolf wouldn't let him change or adjust unless it was the big guy's decision. Kyo couldn't even take the initiative. He was completely at the beast's mercy.

That made the fox groan all over again.

Just as Kyo was beginning to settle into this rough, savage usage, the werewolf slammed home hard into his throat and there was a sudden warmth flowing down his gullet. It took all of the purple fox's willpower not to gag, but he managed. Kyo removed his paws from the werewolf and cupped them against his stomach. He squeezed his eyes shut tight as he felt his belly start to swell, expanding to hold in the vast torrent flowing into him. The bulge grew so large that his pants began to squeeze it uncomfortably. Quickly, Kyo unfastened the clasp and zipper, letting his expanding middle do so freely. Had he been able to, he would have sighed in relief.

Sirius snarled again as he finished, releasing the fox's head. The force of the last good spurt pushed Kyo off the giant spire. The vulpine was thrown back onto the bed, a light splatter of thick, white ooze speckling his face and chest. He lay on his back, panting heavily for breath. His paws held the swollen dome he'd been given and groaned, not out of discomfort, but wishing he could somehow take more.

It wasn't long before he got his wish.

The werewolf stepped in close and growled. His large paws gripped the cuffs of the fox's pants and yanked, dragging them off. Kyo was suddenly exposed, mostly. He yelped with a start and jerked his eyes open to see the beastly lupine poised above him, his eyes piercing and hungry. One of those enormous paws grabbed at Kyo's boxers and dragged them off, exposing the support that held up the tent he'd been dealing with. That seemed to please the big wolf. He lowered his head and ran his broad, slick tongue over the fox's length, stealing a shiver from the purple one. It was almost tender. And it was very short-lived.

Kyo found himself roughly tossed over onto his stomach, the swell sloshing and yielding under him. The werewolf hiked him up on his knees, forcing his tail high. A mighty tremble claimed the violet vulpine. He knew what was coming and he tried to brace himself. No amount of bracing could have prepared him. The pucker beneath his tail was suddenly stretched. Wide. Kyo filled the room with an almost pained yowl. Lord, the wolf was huge! And there was no subtly about him at all. One good shove and the werewolf was in. Thankfully, using the fox's muzzle had given his rod a decent sheen of saliva, making it go in a little easier. Of course, easier was a relative thing when dealing with mass like that.

The instant the big canid had sank in up to the hilt, he pulled back, jerking away from the quivering fox. He didn't even plan on giving Kyo a chance to get acclimated. He just pounded away furiously. There wasn't anything civil about it. It was just rough, animalistic rutting. And it just happened to be a werewolf large enough to stretch the fox's stomach each time he sank in. Kyo even lifted a paw to feel over the oblong swell that stretched up into his belly each time Sirius jammed his way in. The fact that the swell of his stomach had not been able to conceal it was a testament to just how large the werewolf was. From there, it was a short walk to his own shaft, gripping and pumping at it with every ounce the reckless abandon he was being pounded with.

The fox's breath came in ragged gasps as he was jostled, straining to hold on and not pass out. He could feel a shape grow behind him, pressing against his rump as if trying to force its way in with the rest of the intruder. He knew what it was, and why it was getting bigger. The wolf was nearing completion. He had to stay conscious. He just had to. Kyo wanted to feel every inch of that monster crammed inside him. And he got his wish.

The werewolf threw his head back and howled as he lunged forward over the fox. One paw was wrapped around the base of Kyo's tail, holding it up. The other had been on the purple one's side to hold him in place, but now it shot forward to support the beast on the mattress. The firm, softball-sized bulge of the lupine's knot wedged its way into the smaller vulpine. Kyo couldn't speak. He couldn't even find voice enough to scream or howl himself. His breath was simply taken away. A powerful surge of something thick and viscous gushed forth into the purple fox's bowels. A second load was pouring into him, spurt after heavy spurt, adding to the swell Kyo had been given when his muzzle had been filled. His belly surged out with every pulse, wobbling as the werewolf continued to hump, unable to pull free. It was all so much that the well-used fox couldn't hold back. His own rod bucked and twitched as it left a creamy stain on his growing belly and on the sheets below him. He'd have to wash those later.

It seemed to take an eternity. But once it was over, it seemed to last for far too short a time for the fox. Kyo panted hard for breath, his eyes glazed over as he felt the monstrous quake of the wolf's rutting slow and finally stop. It took several minutes before the bulging knot eased down enough for its owner to pull free, leaving the purple fox on his chest and knees, tongue lolling from his jaws, tummy swollen and sagging under him, and anus gaping with stains of white smeared across it.

That had been one hell of a ride, and Kyo had survived it.

The werewolf rumbled in satisfaction as he stepped back and sighed, baring his teeth. It was as if a great tension had been relieved. His face softened from the angry snarl to a happy, goofy grin, his tongue hanging just out the end of his mouth. And then his face tightened again, his eyes widening. The werewolf mind had been sated and knocked back. The civil side had surfaced again. And the great realization of what he had just done was dawning on him.

He didn't like what he saw.

"Oh god... oh god I'm so sorry!" Sirius said, his voice much deeper than usual. He backed away further, his paws lifting to cup against his muzzle as if he'd uttered some terrible curse rather than viciously violate his friend.

Kyo huffed as he tried to sit up, unable to put together any words to respond. As if seeing how weak the fox had been left only confirmed how horrible his actions had been, the big, burly wolf whined and turned to dart out.

"I'm sorry! I have to go!" Sirius shouted as he raced out of the room.

The back door opened and slammed not long after. Kyo turned his head--not too fast since he was so dizzy--just in time to see a large, lumbering figure charging across the yard and into the woods behind the house. The fox grunted as he managed to sit up, his soft, squishy belly forcing his legs apart. His paws moved quickly to the bulge, moaning softly as he squeezed it gently. It was so big he probably could have passed for a pregnant woman in the right outfit.

As Kyo caught his breath, his lips pulled into a drunken grin, partly from the alcohol from earlier and partly from just how light-headed the werewolf had left him. Unsteadily, the purple fox climbed to his paws. He shivered and huffed again as he was forced to take an awkward posture. Sirius had stretched him so much and railed into him so hard he would be walking funny for a while, literally. And the vulpine was left weak in the knees knowing he'd been used that hard.

"Oh you're not getting away that easy." Kyo said.

He waddled off to the closet and began rifling through his things before finding what he sought and charged out with all the speed of a penguin out on the ice. In his hand dangled a black leather leash. He didn't even bother putting his pants or boxers back on. It's not like they'd really fit anyway.

Sirius darted through the trees, moving with speed and grace in spite of the panic that had claimed his mind. He moved on all fours like the animal he was, fighting back tears as he struggled to run away from what he had done. He was so sure he'd crossed a line, done something so terrible, so unforgivable, he would never be able to show his face ever again. He'd destroyed a treasured friendship, he was sure of it.

The woods blazed past him as he ran, his chest heaving as he finally came screeching to a halt. He had reached the edge of a large pond. He knew it well. Usually he was on the other side during his change. He would always be at home for the transformation, or already out in the woods away from anyone who could see him. And naked so he wouldn't ruin his clothes. He'd made a huge mess of things this time. The big wolf plopped down into a seated position and whined, on the verge of sobbing and howling mournfully.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there, just staring out over the water, wishing he could go back and have the night to do over. His thoughts continuously rolled over in his mind; the look on Kyo's face, how he had been so broken and exhausted, how fearful he had looked before the wolf had forced himself on him. Sirius couldn't bare the shame. There was no way he would be able to atone for his crimes.

"Hey!" A voice shouted from nearby. A brilliant beam of light cut through the darkness, waving back and forth as the source approached.

Sirius jerked and whipped around, poised to dart off deeper into the woods. He watched closely as the light drew near, falling on him. The purple fox waddled his way through the undergrowth, still wearing his sticky and stained shirt--unable to do much about fitting over the bloated tummy--and nothing else. It was clear he was tired from the long walk, but not so tired he needed to sit.

Kyo stood a good distance away, dropping his light once he had sighted the beast. In the moonlight, Sirius looked even more imposing. His eyes seemed to have a luminescence all their own. His pale fur practically glowed under the moon. The thick, rippling frame was tensed up like a spring, coiled and ready to release.

"Go away! Don't come near me! I'm a monster!" Sirius bellowed, trying his best to sound like the imposing freak he thought himself to be, "I'll only hurt you!"

"Oh hush!" Kyo shouted back, trying to sound as big and scary as he could in response. It didn't quite work, but it did have the desired effect.

Sirius' ears fell back against his head and he shrank a little, like a puppy getting scolded. Kyo thought it was adorable, but he dared not say as much just yet.

"You shouldn't be around me. I lose control when I change. It's usually only at the beginning, but that's enough. Just... just go." The wolf said, no longer trying to shout.

"Are you kidding me? Oh yeah... you hurt me alright," Kyo replied, "You hurt me really good. And you better do it again or I'm gonna be real disappointed."

That caught Sirius' attention. Hesitantly, he relaxed his form and sat up, looking very much like a giant dog.

"You're... not scared of me?" He asked.

"Hell no!" Kyo shouted, "I'm scared I won't get another round with the biggest dick I've ever sat on! Do you know how long I've been wanting to get you in the sack!? Son, if I knew you could do this, I'd have tried to trap you in my bedroom sooner!"

Sirius frowned, standing up to his full height and looking down on the shorter purple fox, trying very hard to ignore the round belly he'd given him.

"You should be afraid of me! I'm a monster!" The wolf said firmly in the deep, resonant voice his transformation had graced him with.

Kyo rolled his eyes and just walked forward, closing the gap between them. He reached up once he was close enough and a click sounded the end of his leash hooking into the big lupine's collar. A gentle tug made sure it was secured and the fox grinned.

"Well, you're my monster now. C'mon. I'm not done with you yet." Kyo said, turning to head back home, his new pet werewolf in tow.

"But... but I'll hurt you." Sirius whined.

"If you do, then I'll just have to punish you. And I can think of some really clever punishments, trust me." Kyo said with a sly grin. He tugged on the leash gently, commanding the big wolf follow.

Sirius did as he was told and followed obediently, though he was still hesitant. He was still convinced this was a terrible idea, but the fox seemed confident enough.

A few days later, Halloween was in full swing. Everyone was out wandering the streets, trick-or-treating. The block was alive with activity, and it wasn't just little ones either. The adults had gotten in on the fun as they usually did in this neighborhood.

A figure clad in black walked up the sidewalk towards the latest house on the list of targets to hit up for candy. The purple fox reached forward and rang the doorbell. When the owner opened up to offer their sweets, they saw the violet vulpine, clad in his custom witch's costume. It hugged tight along his form, padded in just the right spots to give the illusion of curves and swells to make for a lovely feminine figure. Anyone who didn't know Kyo would very likely have been fooled into thinking this was a vixen, and a very attractive one. His makeup had always been top notch, able to convince most folks.

Next to the enticing 'vixen' stood a very tall, very broad wolf, thickly muscled wearing nothing but a pair of pants that just barely contained his legs and a bowtie that was disproportionately small, comically so, compared to his bulk. He was covered in luxurious white fur with a black star over his left eye and it was clear he was somewhat uncomfortable with being out in public like this. He was blushing furiously, drawing attention in the form of whistles and the odd catcall. Apparently, Kyo wasn't the only one who thought he was quite the hunk in his werewolf form. The fox had insisted he come out with him like this, and he wanted to be a good sport, still trying to make up for his imagined slights against the vulpine.

In unison, one more enthused, the other more sheepish, they called out in a very sing-song fashion to the homeowner they had beckoned to the door.

"Trick or treat!"