Containment VI

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#6 of Containment

News of Earth's infestation has travelled to the rest of the galaxy. The Hunters, members of an alien race trained specifically to exterminate this very sort of infestation are on their way. The aliens on Earth are aware of the coming storm and the Queen of the colony rushes to ready her drones for invasion.

And we're caught in the middle of a conflict we know nothing about.


I love writing these stories for you guys! I wouldnt be doing any of these if it wasnt for the support you give me! You can do so by visiting and by leaving me a comment telling me what you think! Got an idea you'd love to see fleshed out? Head on over to Patreon and select one of the levels there, then hit me up on one of the contacts listed on my homepage here and let me know you're a patron!

Thank you very much to everyone already supporting me! I wouldnt be doing this without you guys!

Remik was unmerciful! His movements were sharp, quick, full of the strength and power she knew hid beneath his rippling scales. Every movement, every strike of his body against her own had her gasping. She was going to bruise for sure! Her golden scales were going to be green tomorrow.

"Fuck!" she swore as his hand slapped sharply against her firm hide. She glared up at him and curled her hands into fists. "Do you have to hit so h-..." Her words were cut short by a loud squeak as his hand struck once again.

"Damnit Remik!" To say she wasn't enjoying it would have been a lie. It wasn't her favorite play, but her hard muscles and strong scales could take the punishment.

His movements stopped and he leaned over toward her. "Less talking," he said, growling deeply. His red scales on his cheek brushed against her gold ones and she quivered at the soft touch so contrary to what she had been enduring so far. "You shouldn't complain. I can feel you squeezing me every time." His hand slapped her rump again and squeezed the scaled muscle coiled beneath his palm. "See? You turn into a vice with every slap."

She moaned deeply and shook her head. "I didn't sign up for this when we teamed up!"

"I didn't either, but..." His hand slid up along her hip and over her flank.

She felt his fingers and palm glide down along the swell of her belly. She lifted one of her hands and pressed it over top of his own. "Yeah, yeah. Just..." She turned, looking over her shoulder at the man thrusting against her rump. "Be a little more gentle, alright? The last thing I want is a compromised shell when I go to give birth. Cracked shells don't agree with pussy flesh-...!"

She was cut off as his hands lifted to her ample breast and squeezed tightly, almost uncomfortable. His hips slammed against her own again and she felt the knot at his base beginning to swell. She rocked forever with every eager thrust. "I said more gentle!"

He laughed. It was music to her ears. They had hated each other when they had been given a joint assignment. Neither one of them wanted to cease their lone wolf activities, but command thought it was a good idea to ensure they both knew how to play as members of a team, if the need should arise.

They were both so alike and yet so different. Their similar senses of humor had broken the ice and begun to pull them together, but it was her first heat with him on board that sealed the deal. It was one of her most powerful, but he was kind enough to lend her a bit of relief. It never lasted long. Within only a few hours, she was ambushing him in the corridors, the mess, the cockpit, anywhere their paths crossed.

It of course had ended in predictably but those results were to be expected. Besides, it wasn't as though this sort of thing was uncommon with hunter pairs.

Her memories, her amorous, and her pleasure stuttered for only a moment as a master alarm sounded on the console on the table beside the bed. She reached for it, but her body's almost violent rocking made it difficult to snag the small screen. "Wait!" She called as her hands snagged the edge of the pad. She held it up and struggled to read what it said. Remik wasn't waiting at all!

"Remik, wait!" He still wasn't stopping. She couldn't blame him. His knot was spreading her a little more every time he forced it past her tight vent. It took quite a bit of effort to focus on what was on the screen what with the ridged cock thumping against her egg chamber.

"Remik," she whimpered as he pulled his knot out and forced it back into her body with increasing difficulty. "Remik, Scout 326-3827's beacon is going off. Positive parasite infesta-AAAAAAAAY!"

His knot swelled up inside of her, stretching her scaled vent and her inner muscles wide. She squealed and arched her back. Her hands clutched at the bedding beneath her desperately as the world lit on fire.

As the fire cleared and reality emerged back into her mind, she was keenly aware of her partner's weight on her back. His hands were caressing her egg-heavy belly and his muzzle was at her neck.

"Send him a message. Ask him how bad the infestation is."

She groaned, weakly shifting the pad before her blurry eyes. She tapped on the screen, linking their ship with 3827's. She was just about to hit the call button when the connection went dead. Her brow met and she shook her head. She attempted to re-connect, but the pad couldn't find the network. It seemed there was no ship to connect to.

Her eyes widened and all pleasure she had been wallowing in melted away. "Shit," she said, trying to lift her heavy weight up. "Get off me, Remik!"

He murred against her neck and shook his head. "Still stuck. Till my knot deflates-..."

"I don't fucking care, get off!" She tugged against him and a sharp pain filled her vent. She grimaced and settled back against his warm hips. "DON'T FUCKING MOVE, REMIK!"

He rolled his eyes. She didn't see it, but she knew.

"We just lost contact with his ship." She tried again a third time, but she knew it wouldn't work.

"Well, try to reconnect. He might be in a bad system."

"No, I tried that," she said as the connection once again came back negative. "It looks like he didn't drop a buoy. He's transmitting straight from his on board communications system, but the ship.... It's just not there."

"Are you sure?" he asked, taking the pad from her.

"As sure as I am pregnant." She looked over her shoulder at him as he attempted the connection himself. "I think we know how bad the infestation is."

Remik didn't answer her. He tapped at the pad with one hand while the other rested on her rump.

Her wings shifted against her bare back lightly as she heard a familiar voice come from the small screen.

"This is Command, Hunter 421-2187. We read you."

She carefully laid her shoulders on the bedding so her head could rest on the soft pillow beneath her and lifted her hands to her swollen belly as Remik gave his report.

* * * * *

She hummed inwardly, drumming her fingers absently on her belly. What had once been Doctor Grace Cetacea stared at the ceiling overhead. Her legs were spread wide and her knees bent. The urge to push filled her and she felt her body respond, but her mind was elsewhere. She had been given the news that a Hunter had found them here on Earth. Somehow, she knew about the Hunters, though she'd never met one.

The fact that one had found them was troubling. Her heart had been pounding since she had been told. At first she thought it was because she was laying more eggs, but this was different.


There was not much in this galaxy that made her blood run cold, but these Hunters were one of them. She was not sure how or why, but she knew they were one of the few dangers to her and her drones.

She felt her body tense up, felt the smooth, slick egg slide out of her body and another moment after. Beneath her drumming fingers, she felt the contents of her body shift, preparing to slide free. As her body pushed them out and drones took them away, her belly deflated under her palms.

With the Hunter here, it was only a matter of time before more arrived. She had been told that the Hunter had been slain, but where one appeared, more were soon to follow. Her tentacles quivered in agitation. With luck, they would already be many, their numbers strong and their reach unyielding. They would not be purged like she knew others of their kind have been on countless worlds before.

She hummed to herself as the last egg slipped free of her body. There was much preparation to be done. She sat up slowly, staring after her drones who carried her freshly laid eggs to the hatchery chamber.


They needed more. Many more. It would take a dozen drones per Hunter to come out even. That was not to say they were weak. The Hunters trained specifically to counter them in battle. They were the apex and her drones were a short step behind. But they were still behind.

She lifted her fingers and stroked her razor sharp claws gently along the smooth leathery flesh of her chin. They would have to be more innovative than their kind have been in the past. Weapons and shields designed to counter a specific technology were inherently weak against others. It was time to spread out beyond this instillation. It was time to send out more raiding parties.

The few drones already out and about in the southwest of the United States were doing a good job making small pocket-colonies, but they could easily be quelled by the rest of her former terrans. They needed to spread out. No more hiding. No more biding their time. She was going to send every drone. Her eggs would hatch, give her more, then they too would go. Yes. That was a good plan.

Suddenly, she felt empty. She looked down at her flat belly and hummed in annoyance. Her hands pressed against the taut flesh of her and shook her domed head. She had never felt so empty. A sense of panic was beginning to seat itself deep in the pit of her stomach. She needed to be full. More eggs. She needed more eggs inside. More drones. More eggs.


All of the drones were busy reinforcing this place's defenses. They were shoring up the traps and weapons that would keep unwanted visitors out of the colony. The only drones not working on something increasingly necessary were the ones carrying the next generation of young to the hatchery chamber-...

She turned to face the drone that had brought the troubling news, the drone that created this colony, that altered her physiology. Her muzzle spread in a smile and her hand slid up over her curved, domed cranium.


Her tentacles slowly lifted from her back, flowing in the air above her like seaweed in the surf. Her smile grew as his own tentacles lifted up away from his body to mimic her own. Good. She spread her arms, beckoning him forward.

His compliance made her heart flutter. She took in an excited, shaking breath and stepped up to meet him. As she came to her full height, the drone reached forward. His tentacles descended in the same moment hers did. They met one another above and around them.

Her tendrils were much wider, hollow with an opening in the end of each one that spread wide to allow his appendages entry. She quivered as her soft tendrils enveloped his own and a soft moan escaped her lips. Mating with the people she used to call her kin was pleasant, but there was something magical about feeling her tentacles stuffed so full. And the aphrodisiac seeping from the drone's tentacles to lubricate his entry instantly took her to heights her former species could never dream of.

And with that height came a desire more intense than she would have been able to handle in previous years. She pressed herself against the soft flesh of his belly and chest. Her hands glided over the silky skin as her sensitive bust pressed against him. Already, she felt her lower orifice quivering wantonly. So soon after laying, she knew he would have no problem pushing himself into her slick body.

He was most eager to put that to the test, it seemed. Her drone curled a forelimb around her lower back and lifted her off the ground. Still pressed against his chest, she felt his phallus taking shape, growing between her smooth, plateless thighs. Unlike her drones, she was not yet armored in indestructible exoskeleton. While that did leave her vulnerable to even her own drones sharp claws and spikes, it also meant she could feel every touch on every inch of her body.

"More," she whispered, lifting her eyes to stare up at him.

Her drone stared down at her with reflective black eyes, his beak parted ever so slightly as his hips rocked gently.

His smooth phallus prodded against her pussy only once before it slipped in, still slick from her laying. She gasped and arched her back as he filled her, pushing straight into her egg chamber.

"Yes," she whispered, pushing herself more fully against him to feel his warm, soft flesh against her own. "Yes, give me more..."

A large knot at the base of her drone's dick swelled quickly, stretching her body as more of his aphrodisiac semen flowed into her. A moment later, she felt a rush of heat flow into her belly. She moaned loudly and felt her body respond. She knew there was pleasure, but her mind was more occupied on the necessity than the enjoyment. She milked him, drawing every drop deep into her egg chamber at the same moment she felt her tentacles swell outward.

His eggs travelled the full length of their tentacles, sliding into her body one after the other. She felt each of them being pulled into her egg chamber and smiled. More. Her belly swelled outward as each of his eggs was deposited into her seed-filled womb. One of her hands traced down along his chest to where her belly grew against him. She felt the outlines of each of his eggs shifting within her both beneath her palm and from within.

"More," she whispered again, staring up at him for only a moment more. Her eyes dropped down to where her belly swelled and another moan passed her lips. "Give me more. Give me many more."

He clicked his beak at her and she nodded in response. Her forehead rested gently against her drone's chest and she licked her lips as the flow of eggs and fertilizing seed ceased. Slowly, the drone lowered her body to the floor and she smiled gratefully at him.

"Thank you," she said as her hands explored the immense swell of her egg laden belly. She was massive. She always was after mating with one of her drones. Her flesh was much more elastic, thankfully. She was more than capable of carrying each of his dozens of eggs to term, though her mobility was going to be hindered completely. Even already, her belly was growing as her eggs developed. She wasn't going anywhere for a while.

* * * * *

"Having trouble there, Jelin?" her partner asked, smirking mirthfully as he folded his arms over his armored chest.

"Fuck you, Remik." She rolled her eyes and twisted to her right, struggling to buckle the plate over her laden breast and heavy belly. It was the latter that was giving her trouble. "You did this to me!"

"And you enjoyed every second of it." Finally, he stepped forward and helped her buckle the armor in place. She smiled, thankful for his assistance.

"That is hardly the point." She turned to face him and gently pressed her lips against his own in a soft kiss. "I'm eager to put another egg in my belly as soon as I give birth to this one. But in light of recent events, I think we should wait." She took his hands and gently pressed them to the armor contouring the swell of her midsection. "It's going to be hard enough taking care of one egg while we scout the Sol system."

"After the rest of the fleet shows up then." Remik smiled and kissed her gently again. His forehead pressed against her own and he smiled, his eyes staring unblinking into hers.

"After the rest of the fleet shows up," she echoed. Jelin breathed a gentle sigh and pressed herself gingerly against him. "We're scouting only. Got it?"

"Got it," he said with a twinkle she knew well in his green eyes.

"I mean it, Remik. No glory-seeking this time." She tilted her head up enough to kiss his nose gently. "I love you. And more than that, I don't want to raise this little guy all by myself."

"Would I do something like that?" he asked. He scoffed and pressed a hand against his chest-plate. "I'm appalled you would think me so irresponsible!"

Her eyes narrowed and she jabbed a finger against his armor. "I don't think you're irresponsible," she said, giving him a firm shove away from her. "I know you're irresponsible!" She turned away from him and walked down the corridor toward the cockpit. As heavy as she was and with her center of gravity radically altered, she worked very hard to move as fluidly as normal. It was a great effort sometimes, but she knew she would be better for it in the field.

"I'm hurt!" he said, following behind her down the hall. As they entered the cockpit, she knew he was staring at her ass and the sway of her hips. He always was. "How far ahead of the fleet are we?"

She hummed thoughtfully and leaned over the console to check astrometrics. "It looks like-..." She gasped as she felt his fingers quickly unbuckling her lower armor. The cool, recycled air kissed her rump as he pushed the armor and the flexweave underarmor down her thighs. She stared back at him and rolled her eyes. He already had his dick out.

"You don't even care, so long as we're far enough ahead of them that we won't get caught!"

"You know me so well," he said with a grin.

As he guided himself into her, she braced herself against the console, ready for another vigorous ride.