The Swords that Bind- Part 10 The Captain's Passion

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#11 of Swords That Bind

I stepped over his muscular legs, my tail brushing against his knees, while my cock hung out at his mouth level. Playfully I thrust my hips at my captain, my cock flopping against his muzzle. He grinned and licked the underside with his tongue before motioning me to be seated. I took him by the shoulders, and began to lower myself down, my cock throbbing fiercely in anticipation of the penetration, taking long deep breaths to relax my anal ring.

It felt glorious. Samis used one paw to guide the shaft, but once the narrow tip popped in, he lifted his paws up to my waist, and took my weight, gently helping me further and further down onto him. I dropped from feet onto my knees as I descended, inch after inch of thickening cock slowly stretching me outwards. I got down to about 8 inches of his 11 before my body gave a little spasm of discomfort, and I halted.

My ring was well and truly stretched by the dragon, and he grinned at my flushed expression. "Only another few inches to the base, Ramon. I think you could hilt yourself on this." he flexed his cock muscles, and I involuntarily yelped, my cock oozing pre. "I could, with practice." I agreed shakily, taking a quick breather, getting myself used to the presence of the cock. I slowly began to grind back and forth, my muscles clenched like a vice around Samis' member, and the dragon lay his head back in contentment, his cock throbbing and stiffening, a quiet growl of pleasure emanating from his semi-open jaws.

Dragon hilting was not an option today though, and I continued to slowly grind, adding a left-right component. Samis closed his eyes, his paws stroking my sides almost on automatic, occasionally clenching as he had his own mini shivers of pleasure. I reached down to stroke my own cock, but Samis felt the movement, and his eyes opened once more, focusing on me. "No, I think I'll take care of that. I did promise oral with Artemis, but this will have to do for now."

His left paw disconnected from my hip, putting a bit more pressure on my legs, and he wrapped it around my cock, gently at first until I encouraged him to grip a little tighter. Then he began to jack me off. With that and the grinding, an obvious problem came quickly to the forefront of my mind. "Oh god!" I moaned," I'm never going to last like this." Samis laughed, but did not stop stroking, even slightly increasing his rate," That's fine, foxy, you have my permission to cum as hard as you want." I gave something between a chuckle and a whimper," Permission or not, it's going to happen."

The dragon just grinned cheekily, delighted at the prospect. I leaned back against his legs, propping myself against his knees to grind his cock as best I could in this state, my paws gripping his ankles tightly, trying to hold back from the inevitable orgasm, but Samis was relentless, and my body tensed up to it's maximum, that surging sensation flooding my groin.

My knot began to harden at a rapid rate, and Samis subtly changed his stroke, rotating his paw every time he stroked back across the knot, stroking in a spiral pattern, gently squeezing the swelling shaft, and that was pretty much the final straw. "Samis! Oh gods yes!" It would not be delayed any further, and I howled in ecstasy as my orgasm hit. My foxy seed shot up into the air, only to come back down and splatter his paw and my hips.

Samis grinned mischieviously, and as I was recovering, he lifted up a finger and licked it clean, seductively, teasing me as my cock continued to dribble a little. "Very nice, Ramon. I should hook you up to a milker." I whimpered a little at the thought, exhausted by the vigorous play, but Samis pulled me gently into a cuddle, his warmth flooding through me. As I began to relax from the play, I could feel my ass begin to hurt a little, now that the high had gone. Samis seemed to feel it too, and he gently slipped me off his rigid member, still yet to cum.

The lubricant had mixed with the soap, and his cock was covered in the mix. It oozed down his cock, and as Samis made to jerk himself off, I sat on one of his legs and reached down, one of my own digits playing against his tailhole. Samis' tail swished a little, and he gave me a sly grin. "Oh, I have a much better idea for you." He shifted his legs wider, and reached out with his free hand, cupping me around the back of the head and pulling me down.

I hesitated, I had not tried rimming before, but Samis paused and smiled," Don't worry, Facilier. I clean down there thoroughly." His paw no longer pulled at me, but I nodded, trusting him, and licked at it. His leathery skin between scales and tailhole smelled of soap and sex, but the taste was curiously null, as if the water had removed everything good or bad. Samis placed his paw on the back of my head gently. "May I, Ramon?" he asked, and I nodded, having gotten the taste and knowing what it was like now. The pressure on my head increased as he pinned me against himself, my tongue hard up against his anal ring.

From then onwards, I was just caught in his lust. He held me against him as he jacked off, murring and grinding himself against my tongue as I licked and teased his tailhole. His strength, his presence was just overwhelming, his occasional caresses to the back of my head giving me care, but also keeping me in this subservient position. I could feel my tail rise again, my body clamouring for this submission, wanting a partner to join in and claim me, but alas we were alone.

It wasn't too long before Samis came, and I'm glad he was doing it himself rather than me. His whole body tensed up, his paw firmly pressing me against his tailhole, and he growled savagely as he shot his load. Warm draconic semen landed heavily on my back, great strands of it, soaking my fur. The smell of sex increased ten fold, the mere smell exciting my senses to the point I wanted to go again. But the other thing that filled me with emotion was that I felt claimed. I felt accepted by the dragon, as someone he had partnered and would not let go of.

This sensation was amplified quickly, as he hauled me up into a cuddle, a big strong, draconic cuddle, and kissed me on the lips. He was so incredibly passionate, it was such a heady sensation. I kissed back as best as I could, and finally we broke apart. Samis had a very big smile of affection, and he nosed against mine. "Thank you, Ramon, my sexy Vulpini lover." he grinned as I flushed. After cleaning up and towelling off, I went back to my own room, a little unsteadily because of the bronco ride I had recieved, and tried to take a quick power nap while clenching my stretched asshole.

I must have gotten to sleep at some point, because I was awoken by Acheron. "Heya foxy, refuelling's done, and we're good to go." I immediately sat up, keen as nails, only to wince as my tailhole disagreed. Acheron, shrewd kitty that he was, spotted it. "You look as if you've hurt yourself. Is there something wrong?" I motioned him to close the door, so no one could hear, and then told him what had happened in the bathroom.

Acheron grinned like a cat who had gotten a treat."D'awww, the sexy foxy took on a dragon. You're a bold one. Am I going to have to fuck you with something smaller, or are you going to hobble up to the COCKpit by yourself?" I managed a grin." Don't be jealous just cause I got the ride of my life." Acheron helped me up, but couldn't resist teasing me." I'm going to have set up a roster at this rate. I claim all even numbered days for foxy ass, Samis and Silver can argue over the rest."

"Oh don't worry, all odd numbered days will be me knotting you like a good little toy." I retaliated, and Acheron poked my chest. "In your dreams." "And yours too, I bet." "In all seriousness, would you like me to acquire you a toy to practice with?" Acheron lost a little cheekiness, and I nodded. "I took about eight inches of Samis, but his base was just too much for me. I'm used to Vulpini cocks, not great dragons." "Welcome to the position of Morale officer." Acheron chuckled. "I do it a lot myself with Caboose, and Silver, and Samis when he asks. These long space flights, and the refuelling, people get pent up."

"Well, give me some practice, and I'd be happy to give you more than just a hand. But work calls." We headed up to the bridge. Only DAIN was there, eyes closed, the mechanical construct humming and whirring as he worked. I got gently comfortable in the pilot's seat, and was brought up to speed. "Ok, fuel full, departing in five minutes. Silver's just finishing stuff with the refuellers. Celiana and Samis should be up soon, so get the engines warmed up."

Within a few minutes, Celiana and Samis had entered. Celiana looked prim as usual, but Samis looked considerably more relaxed in his seat. Acheron stayed in the bridge for this, simply to watch the fun. "DAIN, tell them we're ready to go." DAIN duly did so, and then clicked a button. Artemis' voice came across the intercom. "Here, you're not taking off without saying goodbye, are you?" he said playfully. "We thought you'd be a little preoccupied." Samis replied.

"Ehhh, they're currently doing a check of the refinery, I've got a few spare moments. Best of luck Samis." "You too Artemis. Keep the light on, and I promise to show you it on the return." "Every iteration of it implied." I added playfully. Artemis laughed. "Thank you, foxy. I should have expected that. You take care of Samis for me." "Auf wiedersehen, Artemis. Till the next time." The docking bay roof retracted, and the Dolphin's engines fired up. Rising effortlessly out of the bay, we swung out onto a course towards the sun. Samis sighed a little to himself as the refinery quickly disappeared into the distance.

It was not long before something else happened. Another vessel came out of the jump next to the sun, directly in front of us. We were still some way out from the sun, but the onboard sensors alerted us to it. DAIN spoke first. "Cargo ship. Minimal crew, they're here for the refined ores. Limited weapon capability. Threat level low." "Copy that, DAIN. Inform them we'll pass by on their left." DAIN was silent for a second.

"They confirm, and want to talk to you briefly." Samis' eyes briefly flickered, but his voice was steady. "Open comms to me, then." When this was done, Samis spoke. "This is the captain of the Dolphin speaking, how can I help you?" "You aren't heading to Owdis, are you?" a gruff voice asked. "Cause if ya are, I should warn ya they aren't feeling friendly to civilians right now." "This is a diplomatic craft." Samis replied smoothly,"We are heading to the frontier." "Well, one of Chaio's armadas just arrived there, so you might be waiting for fuel for a bit. Sorry, just giving you a heads up."

"No apology needed, thank you for the warning." Samis replied. "Our dock is open, but Chaio's already sent an Azuri military vessel here, so it seems to be spreading." There was a grumble of disgust on the other end of the line," How people like us are supposed to do our jobs with this civil war going on, I have no idea." "Amen to that, brother. You take care." Samis said with a tone of finality. "You too."

The rather blocky cargo ship appeared in visual range, a small speck to the right of the sun. It was a rusty red colour, it's square stance allowing for better capacity, and as we tore past one another I briefly saw a corporate logo on the side, a stack of six boxes in a pyramid formation inside a circle. The Dolphin ploughed onwards, and we went into planar jump a few minutes later, heading for Owdis.

As the ship's auto control for the jump took over from me, I turned to look at Samis. "So, a fleet of military vessels, close to the border, guarding a fuel and ore refinery and factory. Plan?" "Fly cool." he smiled," We're not curretly doing anything illegal. Celiana?" "Yes, Samis?" the blue skinned humanoid turned. "If you could trade some more of the diamonds with the locals when we get there, that would be good. Silver will be your escort, make sure you have all the correct paperwork on you." "Of course." Celiana nodded.

"Ramon, you and Acheron can do refuelling. He'll show you how it's done. DAIN, you know what to do." Thus our orders given, we split up. I went out of the bridge to tell Acheron of what was going on, and found both kitties in their construction room. Bel was busy arc-welding a section of the railgun's mountings, face hidden behind a black welding mask. Opposite her, also wearing a mask, was Acheron, soldering on a circuit board. He turned to look at me as the light from the corridor spilled into the room.