Project Noah 2

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#3 of Project Noah


By: Nahualmorph

Warning: Ok guys, this one is a little harsh, it has all the thinks your parents tried to protect you

from... and the next one will likely be even more intense.

December 11 year 17

"Alright everyone! That's enough! Shouted the couch, a muscled white tiger "Hit the showers

and we're done for today"

The group of young furs started talking and playing grab ass on their way to the showers. P.E.

being the last class of the day, they were all eager to go home.

A green lizard wearing loose clothes was sitting near the football field reading a book.

Noah, hated P.E. Knowing that he could do a hundred times better than any of the jocks but

having to pretend he was asthmatic felt stupid to him. But the worst part was the fact that P. E.

reminded him that he was lying to everyone, including what few friends he had made in the last

few months.

"Grayson!" the couch's voice pulled the lizard out of his thoughts. "Go get your stuff"

"Yes coach"

Noah entered the locker room and opened his locker to take his backpack.

Despite never doing anything except sitting and reading, the coach had made clear that Noah

had to wait until the class was over to go home.

"Coach made you wait again, huh?" said a voice behind him and he turned to face his best

friend Vincent.

The muscular brown horse had only a towel wrapped around his waist, his sweaty chest was

just inches from Noah's face. The lizard inhaled softly and his enhanced sense of smell nearly


"Yeah, you know how he is, it's not like I have much to do at home anyway" said Noah starting

to blush.

"Listen, I was wondering if I could come by your place this evening, I'm having trouble with

today's math work, and since you're so good at it..." said the horse scratching the back of his


Noah stared at the bulging biceps and blushed even harder.

"Sure, said the lizard stuffing his book into his backpack "be there at 7 and you can stay for


"Cool" said the horse "see you then Noah"

The horse went to the shower area and Noah let a sigh of relieve escape his mouth. He looked

down and saw an obvious tent on his baggy jeans. He looked around to see if anyone had

noticed and realized a pack of lions had watched the entire scene.

"Fuck" he thought and hurried out of the locker room.

About halfway home Noah decided to take a shortcut through an alley. He had fallen in love

with the horse since the first time he saw him, but his dad had told him to be careful. Noah

wanted nothing more than to tell Vincent the truth, but he and his father had both a lot to loose if

he made a wrong choice. Noah stopped walking and leaned against a wall, closing his eyes.

Tonight he was going to tell Vince, he knew the horse would keep their secret.

"What's the matter sissy? Vincent turned you down?" The familiar voice made Noah open his


He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the footsteps. The group of five

lions had completely surrounded him.

"We don't like fags perving at us in the showers" said the leader.

"Here we go again" thought Noah.

He knew he could easily defeat them all, but that would create questions, he may even have to

move out again, and he didn't want to loose Vincent's friendship.

"I didn't do anything" he said, but was silenced by a claw on his throat.

"Bullshit!" said the lion holding him "we saw the way you were acting with the horse, we saw

he gave you a boner"

"And what were you doing staring at other male's crotch?" asked Noah and received a punch

in the stomach.

"Shut the fuck up asshole!" screamed the lion releasing his grip on the lizard.

Noah fell on his hands and knees and started coughing.

"We'll show you what we do to fag boys in our school"

The five lions started kicking him mercilessly, partially shredding his clothes. Purple spots

appearing on the soft green scales until Noah finally started gasping for air and one of the lions

remembered the lizard was asthmatic.

"That's enough guys" he stopped the others "we don't want to kill this piece of shit, wouldn't

know what to do with the corpse"

They walked away leaving a seemingly unconscious Noah. A couple of minutes later, Noah

stood up and started shaking the dust from his shredded clothes, the bruise like marks on his

scales instantly disappeared.

"Damn! I wish there was a way to fake tears in the clothes too" muttered Noah to himself and

resumed his walk home.

Maximilian Grayson was in the kitchen fixing himself a pastrami sandwich when the front door

opened and Noah walked in.

"Noah, what happened?" asked the bear running towards his son.

"Some jocks decided they could teach me how to be a man by ruining my favorite shirt" said the


"I'm sorry son, I'll take you to the mall this afternoon and we'll get you new ones.

"No dad, it's okay, I just want to stretch out and stay like that for the weekend."

"Ok, but remember we're going camping tomorrow, you'll have to change at least during our

way there."

Noah entered his room and removed his clothes. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. His

firm and solid muscles were something he still haven't discovered how to disguise. As he was

watching his reflection, his nude, muscled body started to change, where there was a uniform

pattern of dull green scales there were now three different types. A row of hardened plates on

his back, shoulders, head and snout and in his upper tail, a pattern of very tiny and soft scales

on his pawpads and claw soles, chest stomach, undertail and thighs. And finally, a diamond

shaped scale pattern on the rest of his body. He groaned as his hidden wings finally came onto

view, he had to ply them almost painfully on his back during school time, a pair of black hors

protruded from his head and his eyes and scales started changing color.

The transformation only took him a couple of minutes. It was, by far, his most astounding ability,

and luckily, one he didn't discovered until after he and his father escaped. Noah looked at hi

reflection one more time. A golden dragon with purple eyes returned his stare. He grabbed a

pair of red shorts and slipped them in before going back downstairs.

Max was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating his sandwich, he was wearing only his

jogging shorts, having finished his workout at the gym in the basement. Noah sat next to him and

placed his scaled feet on the small table in front of the couch.

"It doesn't hurt to change now" said Noah "I think my body has finally grown accustomed"

"Great" said the bear placing his snack on a nearby table "listen son, I'm sorry for all of this,

I'm sorry you have to hide who you are, and I'm sorry you have to look weak to keep the

secret, and that we have to move so often. I just wanted you to have a life as close to normal as

possible, and that was not going to happen at the base, not after..."

Noah turned to see why his father hadn't finished his sentence and noticed the brown bear was


"Hey dad" Noah's warm hand wiped the tears from his father's face "It's not your fault, I

know you've been doing everything to protect me"

The dragon hugged his father and they remained still for a few minutes.

"Noah" said the bear kissing his son's forehead "Do you regret anything?"

"Just one thing dad" said the dragon rubbing the bear's exposed chest "that we didn't started

doing things sooner"

"You are one horny devil" said Max

"So are you" replied Noah lowering one of his hands and placing it in the throbbing bulge

between the bear's legs.

"Let me help you with those shorts" said the dragon and the bear stood up.

Noah gently kneeled and lowered the jogging shorts and was rewarded with the thick scent of

male aroused bear. Noah inhaled deeply and his eyes almost went blank. In his real form, his

enhanced senses were even more sensitive. He leaned forwards and placed his snout between

Max's legs. Just under the heavy sack. The bear's cock had been out of his sheath the entire

time, just resting in his limp state, but now that there was a horny and muscled dragon sniffing

the musky space between the ass and the testicles, the organ began to throb and firm up.

A warm, scaled palm gently held the mighty organ and started caressing it, causing it to harden

in seconds. Max loved the feeling of the soft paw pads sliding all over his member, Noah pulled

his tongue out and gave a long lick at the bear's rump from between his father's legs, he slowly

started moving back, licking Max's taint several times before doing the same to the swollen

testicles. The soft and short fur quickly getting wet with saliva. Noah inhaled one more time; the

now wet and hot fur was even muskier. He was about to engulf his father's erection when a

firm hand held him by his shoulder.

"Aren't we forgetting something son?" asked the bear.

Noah looked questioningly at him. The bear's answer was to slide his right foot between the

kneeling dragon's legs, caressing the huge bulge that had formed there. Noah understood and

stood up. Now it was Max's turn to kneel and remove his son's clothing.

He eyed the erect uncut cock already dripping copious amounts of precum. The bear took the

veiny organ and slowly slid the foreskin back, causing another drop to ooze from the tip.

"I love that foreskin of yours son" said the bear slowly masturbating his son with one hand and

caressing his soft and heavy testicles with the other one. "Such a rare trait, and I get to enjoy it


The bear slid Noah's foreskin forwards, covering the cockhead before taking the sweet tasting

organ in his mouth. The bear's long tongue slipped inside the skin and caressed the glans; Noah

shuddered and held onto his father's shoulders. Max started bobbing his head up and down, his

son's 11 inches were quite a challenge for the talented bear, he slowly grabbed the member at

the base and started jerking the few inches that he couldn't keep in his muzzle. He felt a sudden

pressure against his own erection and recognized the familiar feeling of his son's footpaws

gently rubbing against his dripping cock, smearing the precum all over the shaft, Noah continued

caressing his father's member with his foot as his hips rocked against his father's muzzle, he

knew he wasn't going to last, but this only made the rest of the evening more fun. The dragon

took one of his father's hands and started licking the clawed fingers each at the time, when he

was finished he guided his father's claw to his firm scaled rump. Max got the message and

slowly inserted two fingers into the dragon's warm passage, Noah moaned and grabbed his

father's bobbing head with both claws, he stopped moving his foot and just let it rest against his

father's erection. Max arched the fingers inside the dragon's rectum and pressed hard against

the reptile's prostate. Noah roared and flooded his father's muzzle with blast after blast of rich

dragon cream. The bear swallowed and pulled the spurting rod from his mouth, letting the rest

of the dragon's cum to coat his face and chest. Max swallowed and licked his lips, then he

stood up and gave his son a passionate kiss, sharing with him the remaining of cum.

They slowly sat back in the couch. The dragon spread his wings and lay on his back with his

legs open, his still erect member dribbled the last drops of cum over his muscled stomach, Max

kneeled between his son's legs and lifted them, placing them over his shoulders, he took a

handful of the cum coating his chest and used it to lube his throbbing erection, then placed it at

Noah's entrance. The bear pressed forwards and easily entered the dragon's anus. Noah felt

every inch of the thick veiny cock sliding inside his tunnel, and when he finally felt his father's

furry balls resting against his scaled rump he clenched hard, making his father moan.

"You're impossible" chuckled Max.

The dragon knew how much his father loved that trick.

Max started to slowly pull his member out and Noah continued working his anal muscles,

clenching them every now and then.

Max soon started humping rhythmically, he moved Noah's left foot in front of his face and

started licking it, there was still some strands of precum in it from when Noah had rubbed

against the bear's cock. Max noticed the faint taste mixed with the familiar taste of his son's

feet and sweat. He loved the feeling of the tiny and soft scales, they gave the foot a unique

texture, harder than skin and much softer than the rest of his scales. He took his son's ankles

and slowly lowered Noah's legs until they were circling the bear's waist. Max leaned forward

and kissed his son as he continued to pound his ass. His chest rubbing against Noah's, getting

the dragon's scales covered in a mixture of sweat and cum. Noah moaned and their lips parted,

the dragon started licking his father's neck, slowly making his way down, licking the sweat and

cum from his father's fur. Max arched his back and started pushing harder, almost throwing

them out of the couch. He felt Noah's claws scratching his back, and leaned again, to lick at his

son's face.

Both bear and dragon had a thing for scents, particularly musky, masculine scents, it had been

quite a shock for the bear when they first had sex three years ago, but Noah had been quick to

replace the shock for pleasure and they had been living both as a family and as lovers ever


Another clench from Noah brought the bear to the present. Max felt something poking at his

rear entrance and saw the dragon smiling mischievously. He took the tail tip rubbing between

his cheeks and gave it a few licks before returning it to its previous position. Noah pushed a little

and the tip slid in, causing his father to moan. The bear felt the thick appendage spreading his

insides until it was almost painful, then Noah started pulling out. This continued for a couple of

minutes until it became too much for the bear and he grunted hilting his cock deep inside Noah.

The dragon felt the warmth of his father's load spreading inside him and the bear collapsed on

top of the muscled dragon, they remained silent for a few seconds. Max's softening cock still

inside the dragon. Finally the bear gathered enough strength to move and he slowly pulled his

member out. Noah's anus clenched a few times and the white bear cum dribbled from the

stretched opening before stopping. Max leaned next to his son and started fondling the erect

dragon cock.

"What do you say if we go to my bed and you put that enhances stamina of your to good use?"

Asked the bear slowly sliding the foreskin back and forth.

"Sounds good to me" said the dragon slowly getting up "Lead the way"

The bear took hold of the throbbing dragon's member and lead him to his bedroom to continue

their mix of rough sex and gentle lovemaking.

They were still cuddling together in Max's bed when Noah remembered Vincent would be

topping by that evening, he looked at the clock in the wall opposite to the bed and saw it was

already 5 pm.

"Dad" he started, he knew this was going to be a little difficult "A friend of mine will be coming

over at 7. You remember Vincent?"

"Yeah, a brown horse" said Max "Are you going to help him with homework again?"

Vincent had visited them a couple of times, apparently he was always having a hard time with

math. Max go to like him, he appeared to be Noah's only friend since they moved to that school.

"Yeah, but... there's more. I want to tell him dad"

"Noah, I don't think that's a god idea..."

"I know he'll be ok with it. I need this dad, I need someone who knows the real me."

"You're always the real you" said the bear kissing Noah on the cheek "You just look different


"Dad, please"

"I don't know son, remember the last time you let someone see your true form."

"I was a horny 15 year old teenager!"

"And now you're a horny 17 year old teenager!"

Max looked into his son's clear purple eyes.

"Are you totally and absolutely sure we can trust him?" asked the bear with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I am sure"

"Let's go take a bath then, we don't want your friend to catch us with our pants down.

"I've kind of fantasized about that" said Noah getting up from his father's bed "Him being a

horse and all that, besides, we're not even wearing pants right now"

The bear gave his son's naked rump a playful smack and they both went to the ample shower


The doorbell rang and Noah hurried to open it, he was back in his plain green lizard form. Noah

opened the door and there stood Vincent. The horse was wearing a pair of blue denim pants

and a tight fitting red shirt.

"Come in" said Noah and the horse stepped inside.

"What's up buddy" Vincent shook Noah's claw after he entered "Good evening Mr. Grayson."

"Evening Vince" said Max from the kitchen "Dinner is going to take a while. Why don't you

guys go to Noah's room and finish your homework? I'll call you when it's ready"

Vincent and Noah entered the lizard's room, Noah went to a shelf and took his algebra book.

Vincent dropped his backpack next to the desk and then he noticed something next to Noah's


"Noah, what happened?"

The lizard saw Vincent was holding his shredded shirt... It was funny, Vincent had used exactly

the same words his father did, even the same tone.

"It was nothing" said Noah placing the book on his desk "I had a little accident on my way


"And did this accident had a black mane?" asked the horse.

He knew about the lions habit of bullying Noah, but apparently, they had gone too far this time.

"I'm going to have a few words with these lions next Monday" said Vincent through gritted


"Forget it Vince, I'm fine, I don't want you getting into trouble over a messed up shirt."

"Are you sure?" asked the horse still holding the shirt "as soon as the principal finds out they

were bullying someone with asthma, they're going to be out of school for good"

"I'm fine Vincent, let it go" said Noah a little irritated "Now take your book and stop avoiding


Vince frowned, but did as Noah told him and they started going through the day's homework.

Vincent was starting to feel confused, he had meet Noah five months ago. The tall and muscled

horse had really liked Noah's personality, and after finding out he was asthmatic he felt

somehow connected to the reptile. Vince's little sister had died of an asthma attack when she

was 4 years old. Vince felt a compelling need to protect Noah since the first time he saw the

lizard taking his inhalator.

Over the months, Vince noticed Noah was much stronger than he let the others see, he thought

his friend was just shy. Somehow he had grown accustomed to Noah's reserved personality and

really enjoyed being near the lizard, but over the last week he had started to have strange

dreams, erotic dreams, and Noah had been in all of them.

They finished their homework just in time for dinner.

Vince noticed Mr. Grayson was very quiet tonight, usually the bear would be telling them about

his day or asking about theirs, but tonight he and Noah were strangely silent, and they both

exchanged glances every now and then.

The horse was starting to feel awkward, but luckily, the bear finished his meal and slowly got


"Leave the dishes guys, I'll wash them later"

They nodded and the bear slowly made his way towards the basement.

"Ok, what's going on?" asked finally the horse.

"That was one awkward dinner just now"

"I know" said Noah eating the last of his hamburger."Let's go back to my room, we need to


On their way back to Noah's room Vince's mind was turmoil of feelings. Had Noah noticed?

Did the lizard figured the real reason for him being here tonight?

"Noah, before you tell me anything, there's something I want to tell you too" said Vince when

they entered the lizard's room.

"Ok, go ahead" said Noah figuring the brief interruption would allow him to gather a little more


"I saw the way you were looking at me in the lockers" finally said the horse.

He could swear he saw the lizard's scales change color.

"Wait, before you freak out, let me finish" said the horse "you've been looking at me like that

for a long time now, and ... I'm not sure why, but I think I feel the same way"

Now this was something Noah hadn't expected, this could make thing a lot harder now.

"Well... I... I wanted to tell you something too" finally started the lizard "I don't even know

where to start now... I'm not what you think I am"

Max was finishing moping the basement gym floor, the bear had somehow come to terms with

Noah's decision, he really liked the horse, and he really saw the need in his son's eyes.

He was thinking about this when he saw a pair of boots walking just outside their garden

through the small basement window.

He recognized the design immediately.


The bear removed one of the mirrors from the wall opposite to the stairs, uncovering a secret

door that Noah didn't knew existed. The door was protected with an electronic lock. The bear

entered the password and the door opened. A small arsenal of various weapons was stored in

the small room. Max quickly took a pair of pistols and an M16 assault rifle, a couple of

magazines and closed the door.

"I'm not what you think I am"

Noah had just said the words when he heard footsteps on the roof just above his room, he

quickly looked through the window and saw at least five figures hiding amongst the plants and

trees in the backyard.


The horse approached the window but Noah stepped back and pushed them both away just

before a fur in military outfit entered through it, shattering the glass.

Noah quickly hit the soldier in the chest and the masked fur fell unconscious, the lizard heard the

sound of the window in the first floor as they were broken too.

"What the hell was that? What is going on?" asked Vincent.

Noah silenced him by holding his muzzle shut with his scaled hand and pressing his body against

the wall.

"Don't make a sound" whispered the lizard "follow me"

Downstairs, the group of masked furs gathered in the living room, they turned to look upstairs,

waiting for the other four soldiers that had entered the house through the second floor.

There was a loud bang and one of the soldiers fell, the others could clearly see the hole in the

fur's head.

Max aimed with his rifle and shoot again. A second fur fell to the ground and the rest took

shelter. They soon discovered the bear hiding in the kitchen and returned the fire.

The thick concrete counter protected Max from the shots as he kept firing, just hoping to get

their attention for enough time to...

As they were leaving Noah's room, they heard the first shots downstairs and both crouched in

the small corridor leading to the first floor stairs. The lizard heard a faint sigh coming from his

father's bedroom across his own and he approached it from the side. The door opened a few

inches and a canine of head appeared, the dog saw Vincent crouching and aimed his gun at the

scared horse. In a swift motion, Noah took the gun from the dog's hands and held the dog by his

neck, he quickly slammed the dog against the wall a couple of times and let the unconscious

body fell.

"How the hell?" Vincent started to ask but Noah quickly took the horse by his shirt and tossed

him against the open door of his father's bedroom.

Two more furs emerged from the guest room, a cougar and a wolf, both had their guns ready

and were already firing when the exited the room.

Noah jumped from one wall to another, avoiding every shot and finally landing next to the furs,

he took the cougar's arm and moved it so his gun was pointing at the wolf's stomach, the feline

fired by reflex and the wolf let out an agonizing howl. Noah snapped the gun from the cougar's

hands and proceeded to snap his arm in two different places and gave him a strong punch in the


Vincent peeked from Max's room in the exact moment Noah was entering and his face made

brief contact with the lizard's firm chest.

"Let's go" murmured Noah and effortlessly pulled the lizard with him.

Downstairs, the group of furs was down to six, four of their partners were lying dead on the

ground. Max was down to his .45.

"Contact confirmed, we need reinforcements at retrieving site"

They continued firing against the kitchen counter until one of them took a grenade and pulled the


Max saw the small metallic object falling right between his legs. He immediately picked it and

tossed it back. The explosion killed two more furs and stunned the rest long enough to allow the

bear to escape from the kitchen and into the ample living room, he had almost made it to the

basement door when a new squadron of soldiers entered through the door and fired against

everything they saw moving.

A bullet hit him in the leg and the bear roared in pain.

Noah was slowly making his way downstairs when he heard a voice responding by radio.

"Copy, backup will arrive in five minutes"

Vincent was on the floor almost next to Noah.

"Wait here" said Noah and started descending the stairs.

The horse could not believe what was happening, less than five minutes ago he was about to tell

his timid and peaceful lizard friend he was in love with him.

And now, that same lizard has just defeated four armed furs with his bare claws.

There was a loud explosion and Noah ducked in the stairs, he saw his father running downstairs

towards the living room and a few seconds later he heard Max roar. Noah jumped the rest of

the way downstairs and landed just as the four furs from the kitchen were regaining their

senses. The lizard immediately jumped towards them and put them out of combat. A second

roar made him turn to see Max next to the couch. Besides his leg wound, a crimson spot

appeared on the bear's side.

Noah entered the kitchen and took the enormous refrigerator, the lizard lifted it as if it was

made of paper and advanced towards the living room carrying the 200 pound artifact.

Noah threw it against the front door and many soldiers were hit with it, the rest immediately

retreated and took cover behind the entrance.

"Downstairs" managed to say Max holding the wound on his abdomen.

"Vince hurry" yelled Noah and the horse quickly joined them.

They made their way to the basement and Max lead them to the secret door, as they were

about to enter, the group of furs descended the stairs, already firing their weapons. Max pushed

them inside and hurried to close the bullet proof door.

"What is this place?" asked Noah.

He didn't got an answer and turned to look at the bear.

Max had two more wounds, both on his chest. The lizard caught the bear before he hit the



"Hatch... hatch"

Vincent looked around and saw a small hatch, he opened and saw it lead to a small tunnel.

"What is this?" asked the horse "Who are you people?"

"Not now Vince" said Noah as he helped his father on his feet.

"It leads to... a bomb... shelter... hide there" muttered the bear between coughs. "Take guns"

"No" said Noah "You told me I should never held a gun in my life again"

"I know" said Max coughing blood "I said... I would never... allow you to... hold another gun as

long as... I was here to protect you... that's why now you need to take it"

"No!" Noah started crying and hugged his father. The bear's body was getting colder "Dad,


"You have to... I want you to... live"

The lizard took the gun from the bear's hands and Max's hand fell to the cold floor.

Noah expulsed the gun's magazine and inserted it again.

"Vincent... try not to freak out"

Outside the house, five hummers parked in the garden and a group of at least 20 furs gathered

at the front entrance.

"Alright listen up!" yelled a fox holding an assault riffle. "The target is on the basement with

two expendables, apparently they've taken cover in a panic room, we have seven operatives

already down there, we do not enter until we hear from them"

As soon as the fox finished speaking, seven shots came from inside the house.

"Delta team! What's going on?" demanded the fox through his radio "Delta team, respond!"

One of the furs saw a shadow moving to his right and turned., he saw something standing next

to one of the trucks, a shadow without shape, the only thing he could see was a pair of purple

eyes looking straight into his soul with unyielding rage. The zebra felt the most primitive pang of

fear crawling up his spine just looking at those eyes. For a moment, he felt like his unevolved

ancestors when they were caught in the jaws of a river crocodile. Without even realizing it, the

zebra let a terrified shriek escape his mouth and at the same time, he felt a warm liquid

descending between his legs and the acrid scent of urine hit his nostrils. The other soldiers

turned to look, first at their terrified partner and then at the direction of his horrified stare.

It was too late, the only thing they saw was the black hummer flying towards them, the truck

crushed three of them before exploding and knocking the nearby soldiers of their feet..

The fox who was leading the unit barely had time to dodge the flying debris, he looked past the

flames of the burning transport and saw an impossible creature coming out of the shadows. The

golden dragon spread his powerful wings and with a single flap, he jumped over the burning

vehicle and landed right on top of the fox. The poor canine didn't even had time to scream as a

powerful clawed foot descended and crushed every single bone in his neck. Four furs shot at

the dragon, but he crouched quickly and dodged the bullets, picking the dead fox's assault riffle.

Noah immediately moved and started firing.

The soldiers were disoriented without their leader, some of them died without even seeing Noah

or knowing what they were shooting against. The dragon mover fast and silent, always making

sure he was out of any line of fire before pulling the trigger of his rifle. Finally, the gun ran out

of bullets and he tossed it to the ground.

The front garden of his house looked worse than a war zone, bodies scattered everywhere,

some of them not dead yet and filling the air with their painful moans. The burning truck flashed

the dull light over the scene over and over again as if trying to describe it to someone.

Only two furs remained now, they were side to side, their weapons empty after firing and hitting

nothing but air. They saw the bulky figure walking towards them, the dragon was wearing only

a pair of black pants, his muscled chest moved according to his walking and his hard breathing,

his intense and angry stare pierced the hearts of the two furs and they fell on his knees, their

weapons slipping from their fingers and their eyes unable to close due to the strong presence of

the creature before them.

Noah finally stopped less than two feet from them, he could hear their heartbeats, drumming like

overworked engines, he lifted both furs by their necks and approached their shivering faces to


"Tell General Mason I'm coming for him"

Both furs started moaning and kicking, trying to escape the firm grip. Noah remembered his

father's body in the basement and his anger returned.

"On a second thought... I'll tell him" said the dragon and broke both necks like if they were

mere twigs.

Back in the basement, Vincent was holding Max's body, the horse's eyes were mindlessly

staring at the wall. He was obviously still in shock, it was not the fact that he had just witnessed

a team of armed soldiers entering his friend's house and destroyed everything, it was not the

fact that he saw Mr. Grayson die and was now holding his lifeless body.

He was in shock because of all the things he saw Noah do, his best friend had managed to

knock a group of soldiers upstairs, but after what happened to Max...

"What the fuck just happened?" asked Vincent to himself.

Noah had told him not to freak out. How could he not freak out?

Noah's shirt tore apart revealing a pair of wings, a set of hors appeared in his head and his

scales started to change in color and shape... and his eyes... it was until he saw his eyes, no

matter how changed they were, no matter how much pain and anger they reflected, Vincent

saw his friend Noah in those alien eyes, that was the only reason that stopped him from

screaming or passing out.

He felt something wet on his stomach and realized his entire front was covered in the bear's

blood, he was about to start crying when Noah returned to the room. The golden dragon

extended a thick claw.

"Come with me if you want to live"

Then the horse passed out.

To be continued...

Damn! I have always wanted to use that Terminator Phrase!!

See you in the next chapter guys, it'll probably be very similar to this one.