The Fox Estate - 01- Kings Will Be Kings

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#1 of Fox Estate

Here's a little story I've been cooking up from a few thoughts recently. There are plenty of stories that deal with Masters owning pets/slaves at their mansion where the Masters are the tops, but there's not nearly enough ones where the Master is a power-bottom. So I decided to make one! Hope you enjoy! And if you'd like to see more make sure to rate/fave/comment/spoo and let me know. If there's enough interest I'd be happy to write out a sequel... you'll see of what when you read the story. Enjoy!

To any untrained eye it would appear that the bed was empty, albeit a little disheveled and unmade from a night of heavy sleep. The extra large California King seemed to go on for ages in every direction. Multiple layers of pillows were stuffed up and secured against the headboard, making for quite a row of softness to support a small army of heads. And the near endless sheets stretched off in either direction like rippling waves in a vast ocean of fabric, finally spilling over the edges far off in the distance. But those who looked closely could see a little lump towards the center underneath those blankets - a vague outline of something which disturbed the normally smooth flow of that heavily weighted cotton. And with a little movement, a little shift in positioning, two rather large ears managed to slowly pop on out from under their warm fabric prison, with a little yawn coming up from beneath to match at the same moment. Two small and slender arms slowly joined those ears in freedom, raising up towards the rather elaborate headboard as a little groan escaped the now softly wiggling sheets as well. A wide open yawning muzzle was next to poke on out from it's soft burrow after another moment, the eyes shut tightly for a few final moments before gently starting to crack open to let the morning sunlight in.

A few sleepy blinks, a rub or two to the creature's large eyes with it's balled up paws, and a few deep breaths got the fennec fox's blood flowing as he added in a few more soft stretches, kicking off the sheets slowly and letting his slender naked body fall out on full display in the middle of that gigantic mattress. He was certainly a fennec, there was no doubting that. On his tippy toes he probably reached a staggering 5'3'' in height, although the ears certainly added a few more inches when fully extended. And he had to weigh no more than 100lbs as there was nothing but fur and bone to his slender frame. But size and weight weren't everything, and this fox knew that very well.

He gave one last yawn before gently pushing off against the bed and rolling over onto his side, letting his morning erection rub softly on the silky smooth bedsheets with a small arch of his back. He took a few more easy moments to let his brain boot up, feeling the sleep gently drain out of his system as he added in a few more soft stretches and yawns. He was in no hurry to get up - he hadn't been for a good few years now. He'd worked rather hard for the first 20 working years of his life or so, and now he had a good bit of relaxation to catch up on. He savored things like sleep and downtime when he managed to get them, knowing all too well how stressful and busy his early life had been. But all that hard work and those sleepless nights were well worth it now, and he would happily do it all over again if he had to. He had built not one, not two, but nearly a dozen companies pretty much from scratch, and he invested the money he made from it all wisely in the years to come. The gigantic bed, the gigantic mansion it was situated in, and the many acres of property it all laid upon were his constant reward for a job well done.

And he made sure to enjoy it. He enjoyed every passing moment of it as he lay there and sent a paw down to his morning wood, giving it a curious stroke while shivering softly at the sensation. But he was a practical fox at heart, and even though he loved simply laying there he knew that he wasn't going to make any progress in his day that way. Despite being 'retired' he still had a rather real drive to do... something. It was hard-wired in his DNA. He wasn't one to just sit on a beach and enjoy the sun and waves for the next 40 years - that wasn't his style. So although a slow wake up was wonderful, he gently found his paw sliding up from his erection and towards that buzzer next to his bed, giving it a firm press before rolling back onto his back with a soft sigh.

He knew he had about 5 minutes or so before one of his partners would show up with the required gear, so he got in another moment in of lazy stretching and waking up before finally lifting his upper body up and starting the journey towards the edge of the bed. With a good few shuffles, rolls, and wiggles he finally made it, his feet dangling off the side as he more or less had to jump down to finally plant his feet on the wooden floor. Once his body was solidly supporting his weight he slowly began to do a few more actual stretches to get his body properly woken up: bending over to touch his toes, reaching high up in the air to stretch his back, and working his core around with a few more flexible yoga-like poses.

Nearing the end of his normal routine he heard a loud shuffling coming from the hallway. The unmistakable heavy steps of one of his partners rang out to his large ears, alerting him of their approaching presence. He could tell right away it was one of the equines - the clopping on the wooden floor unmistakable as the steps got closer and closer. But he didn't so much as flinch in his poses, taking in a few deep breaths as he slowly lunged forwards, letting his slowly receding erection as well as his sheath and balls dangle rather obviously below him as he gave a good stretch to his legs.

It started with a few soft knocks on the large door as always, and with a throat clearing, "Come in," from the fox the door slowly opened up to reveal that large equine standing there in all his glory. Large was an understatement though. The horse was massive, even for a thoroughbred like him. 6'5'' at the very least, and with enough muscle to make even the stubbornest sealed jar shiver in fear. And it was all on full display as he wore only slightly more than the fox did at the current time. Shirts and pants were all but banned for the fox's partners if they were around him, and the code was enforced rather strictly around his mansion with only a few rare exceptions. But for a little decency the fox did allow for the covering of their important bits when they weren't in use, and it seemed like this particular equine had just gotten something new in to show off.

The fox's eyes went straight for it as the hulking equine sauntered in, the deep blue pair of underwear with their bright yellow contrasting lacing hard to miss against that dark brown equine frame. But they were far from a normal pair of booty shorts or a simple thong. Much like a pair of boxers their rear and sides were skin tight fabric, clinging to the equine's ass, thighs, and groin almost as if they were painted on. But in the middle, where all the business was, there was no fabric. Instead that bright yellow lace pulled taught across the equine's upper and lower groin, stitched with enough spacing to hold back that impressive package from spilling out, but still with plenty of room to see right through at what was trying to hide underneath.

And trying to hide was the key word. The equine knew what the fox liked by this point - he'd been in his service for a few years after all. Coming in just a little aroused with such a seductive pair of underwear on left little to the imagination, and it would surely grab the fox's attention. The fox's reaction was kind of subtle, but he did let out a little smirk as his eyes hit that bulging bulge and took a good look. The equine's groin was straining that poor lacing nearly guitar string taught as all that horse cock, sheath, and balls were doing their best to bust free, making the fox add a slow lick to his lips as he relaxed gently from his stretch.

But somehow everything managed to stay inside, even as the large horse shuffled forwards and extended his arms, bowing softly to get their contents down to a comfortable level for the fox. "Good morning Sir," he added with his deep and rumbling sexy voice as a smile gently flashed over his lips. After a few moments his eyes finally met the fox's, only now looking up slowly after a good stare down at his groin. That made the equine's smile grow a little wider as his lips parted to add in, "I trust you slept well?"

The fox was in no hurry to take the equine's offering, making sure to get one more final stretch in and another quick gaze at that stud's rather sculpted body and throbbing bulge before replying. But soon enough he did settle himself into place and slowly reached out a paw, taking the offered sweat pants, jockstrap, and long-sleeve shirt into his grasp. "Oh, as good as always Fredrick," the fox added with a small smile himself, quickly sliding the jock strap on one leg at a time before following it with the sweatpants. He did shoot his eyes back down towards that groin a few more times as he dressed though, unable to help himself with so much on display. He swore he could see that cock, restrained firmly by the threads, pulsing firmly all the while and only getting bigger with each passing moment. He gave his lips another quick lick before sliding on his shirt, popping his ears and arms through the holes before settling it in place - his workout gear rather tight against his slender body. "And I see you've gotten yourself some new underwear as well..."

"Do you like them Sir?" the equine asked back, although obviously knowing the answer as he bent back just a bit to show them off slightly. Although he was no rookie at this, knowing not to overdo it so early in the morning, keeping himself sexy but casual all the while with his little display.

The fox gave a soft nod as he twisted from side to side, making sure his clothing fit as snuggly as he liked, but loose enough to give him a good range of motion. "I'd say we have a winner there," the fox added back with a little wink and smirk, unable to pull his eyes away from the stud of an equine before him for too long. "Might have to make some time later to get properly acquainted."

The horse simply gave out a little whinny and huff at that, smirking as his muscles flexed just a bit more at the mention of some time together later. He was far from the only one competing for the fox's time and eye around here, and although the competition was usually friendly it was always a boost to hear such things straight from the fox's mouth.

But the fox didn't have any more to say as he gave one last look at that bulge and then finally shot his gaze up to the equine's other paw, holding that rather tiny cup that looked in danger of being crushed by accident in the huge equine's hand. But the equine was careful, his size not matching his tenderness as he slowly lowered that hand down and offered the cup to the fox. "Here you are Sir - breakfast of champions," he added with a little smirk, feeling the green slime of a drink slosh in his paw as he carefully handed it off to the fox.

"It's not as bad as it looks," the fox added with a small chuckle and yawn, bringing the freshly blended juice and protein mix up to his lips to begin sipping away. It wasn't much, not even for a fox of his size, but it was a good kickstart before his morning workout. The earthy taste left a little lingering sensation on his tongue as he finished off the cup with a few quick gulps, but he could quickly feel it sending a surge of energy through his belly and into his body - the vitamins already working their magic as he found a little spring in his step. He handed the empty cup back up to the equine as he slowly said, "Thank you Frederick, that'll be all."

The equine bowed softly before the fox and added in his own, "Thank you Sir," before slowly turning around, letting his tail sway softly over those bright blue boxers with each step to further tease the poor fox. Although it wasn't as good of a sight as the front the fox couldn't help but continue to stare, smirking in adoration at that tight toned butt as it flexed with each step towards and eventually out of the door.

Once the equine began to make his way down the hallway the fox couldn't help but look down at his own groin, that small but significant tent down there displaying his thoughts perfectly. "Fuckin' Frederick..." he added with a grumble, pushing away the thoughts for now with a shake of his head to help speed up the blood flow away from his member. It took a few moments, but he could feel his erection start to die down again to a manageable level. A quick trip to the bathroom to empty out his bladder finished it off completely, leaving him focused and ready for his morning run, although thoughts were always on the back of his mind...

It was rather relaxing to be able to go out into the fresh air and just take your mind off things, even with it being so early in the day. The cool air against the fox's exposed fur felt rather nice as he worked up a good sweat, breathing deeply as he took in the long and winding path through the hills on his property. It was a rather nicely maintained and manicured running path, with most of his partners using the same trail for their own cardio exercise as well. And it lead far enough away from his mansion so that only the wild sounds of birds and bugs interrupted his heavy breathing and firm thudding of his footpaws on the gravel. It was paradise really, a paradise the fox couldn't help but enjoy to the fullest, knowing just how lucky he was to be able have something like this to enjoy. But after a few laps around the sprawling trail his body had gotten its fill of the hard physical work for the moment. With a soft grunt he turned off from the running path and slowly began to make his way back towards his mansion, continuing his run nearly right up to his front door.

It was there that he was greeted by a rather large moose, braving the morning chill in only his tight bulging thong to hold out a towel and a bottle of water for the fox. "Have a good run Sir?" the mountain of muscle and dark brown fur said as he bent over to offer his gifts to the sweating and panting fox. The fox was quick to give a little nod as he grabbed for the towel, bringing it up to his face to wipe off the dripping sweat from his fur with a few slow and thorough passes. Tossing the towel back towards the moose he took the bottle of water from his other hand, getting a few quick squirts into his open muzzle before dumping just a little bit on top of his head, letting the rest trickle down to cool his skin. He grabbed for the towel again to get one last drying pass over his head, ears, and neck before giving up the towel for good this time, tossing it over the moose's outstretched arm.

"Yeah," he added with a few more pants and another swig of water. He took a moment to compose himself and let his body catch up before casually tossing the water bottle back to the moose, watching him catch it rather skillfully in a rather large paw.

"Very good," the moose said back with another polite bow, towering over the little fox as his shadow completely engulfed him for a moment. "You shower and clothing are ready for you as well."

"Thank you Colin," the fox added, taking one more deep breath of fresh air before slowly strolling past the large moose and sliding inside his spacious mansion once more into the warm air waiting for him there. His private bathroom was a little bit of a hike to get to, but the fox didn't mind the extra work, especially for the nice cooling shower that laid in wait for him. And it gave him a chance to say hello and good morning to a few more of his partners on the way, making it seem as if they all lined up for him each morning to give him their morning hellos in order. But after making it through the gauntlet of stairs, hallways, and muscled studs he finally opened the door to his private bathroom and began to peel off his sweat soaked clothing. He tossed everything into the hamper next to the door and stepped into the already running shower, letting the cool water wash over his naked body with a soft gasp of sensation at first touch. But as soon as he was soothed and cooled down by the water he slowly began to turn up the heat, feeling the steam start to rise up around him as the water rained down on his tiny frame from all around.

He liked to take his time in the shower. Foxes were very picky about their fur after all, and this one was no exception. The small army of shampoos, conditioners, and other fur care products that lined the walls of the shower all had a precise order they needed to follow, and this fox wasn't going to miss a single one. It took about forty-five minutes or so to make it down the line, but he finally rinsed the final bit of product out of his fur and was ready to start drying off. A small army of towels assaulted him on his exit, whisking away all the damp bits the expensive cotton could find from his fur. And once used and discarded they found themselves on the ground for someone to pick up later, dripping gently with dampness only to get dried for tomorrow's shower. The fox dawned one final towel and wrapped it around himself as he left, slowly cracking open the door and beginning to make his way down the hall towards the other bathroom. That was the one that held all his toiletries, complete with a fresh set of cleaned and pressed clothing waiting for him by the door. So after another half hour or so the fox was finally ready for breakfast, cracking open that final bathroom door and giving himself one last adjustment before stepping out into the cool air - fur shining in the light with only the regal beauty someone like him could afford.

He was just in time for breakfast as he took his seat at the head of the table, the fox's large chair almost dwarfing him as he sat down and was slid in by a rather buff green scaled dragon. Another round of good mornings echoed around the table, despite the fact that it was probably past noon at this point. But the mood around the breakfast table was pleasant as the fox always liked it to be. Nearly all of his partners joined him for the two main meals a day, and all of them were happy to be there. Each one was busy engaging in casual conversation, either with the fox or one another, as a large pair of zebras tended to all their breakfast needs. The food came out quickly once the fox was seated and ready to eat, with each male's plate coming full with their own special dietary needs. The fox received his own small plate of food while most of his partners had slightly more... significant helpings of course. But either way everyone seemed to finish more or less at the same moment despite their portion sizes, the big males slurping down their large breakfasts rather quickly to match the fox's small helping size.

It was the fox who everyone was waiting for though. No one left until he did first. And thankfully he never made anyone wait all too long. Once he was done he was usually quick to push himself away from the table and give a glance over towards the tiger, lion, and bull all seated next to each other on one side. A soft nod towards them was all that they needed to excuse themselves as well before the quartet slowly made their way off towards the large meeting room towards the center of the mansion. That left the others to tend to the clean-up after breakfast and go about their own daily chores. But for the fox and his friends it was time to get to work.

Of course the fox was 'retired', but that didn't mean that he couldn't keep himself busy. He still had plenty to look over as he had a few 'projects' going on at all times. With his natural work ethic and energy he wasn't one to take a full day's rest even in retirement, always having to keep himself busy with something. Not to mention all his investments needed tending, and other prospective business actions needed researching.

This current work wasn't nearly as stressful and time-consuming as his 'old' job was though. There were no 3am worried phone calls, no high-stress meetings, no general business bureaucracy to muddle on through with. This was business at his own pace. Nothing required immediate action - everything was either being handled by someone else or was destined for long term growth. He could get his sleep in, plan out his day like he wished, and still make some extra money and keep himself busy on the side. Just the way he liked it.

All four of them sat down around the one large square desk in the middle of the room, computers and stacks of paper seeming to rise up and out of everywhere with further TVs and monitors set all along the walls. It was almost like a war room, and sometimes it felt like that as the fox started to get rather serious once work was afoot. It was crunch time once again, and the fox could feel his blood start pumping through his veins as he quickly opened up a few reports and began to yell out commands in a voice that shouldn't have come out of such a small fox. One by one his partners fired back with the info he needed, each one having their own specialization and doing their own work... as well as being eye candy for the fox as he waited on the occasional thing to download and update. It had been a rather tricky thing to find partners who had some business experience and met his... other credentials as well, but a few years of searching had turned up a few decent candidates. With a little more training, and a little more experience, the fox had molded these three into rather good business partners. Ones he could trust with some financial secrets, and ones that could help steer him in the right direction.

Of course they were far from perfect, but the fox enjoyed their company as they threw around facts and figures, made spreadsheets and graphs, and for the most part raked in more money to pad the fox's bank accounts with. With the money flowing, and his partners working diligently once the initial burst of commanded work had passed, he found a little time to let his mind stray. It was still focused on the stock report he was reading and confirming, but the fox was still a fox after all. And the morning meeting with his equine friend had left a few lingering thoughts in his mind. Not to mention all the buff, bulging, and tight-underwear wearing studs that flanking him on either side of the table, certainly helping to stir some emotions when the fox had a moment to notice them. It was nearly too much for the fox to handle, feeling his mind wander to a few naughty thoughts in the meantime, and a rather pronounced need under his tail began to surface.

He let his eyes stray from his computer screen as he scoped out the targets - two felines and a bull all busy typing away or searching the internet for facts and figures. He knew the bull and the lion were on decently important missions at the moment, doing some rather crucial data gathering. But the tiger was tasked with a few simple spreadsheets and data plots - something that could certainly wait until later.

"Anthony," the fox said out suddenly in his surprisingly loud and booming voice, causing everyone to quickly look up at him. The lion and bull went back to work quickly though, leaving the tiger turning his neck to see past the monitors and towards the fox's small muzzle.

"Yes Sir?" he asked softly, tilting his head in that way a slightly confused feline usually does.

All the fox had to do was slowly stand up out of his own chair, give a little stretch to work out a few kinks in his back and legs, and then bend back over to place his elbows on either side of his keyboard. He adjusted a few things on his desk to make a little room for his paws so they could still be able to reach his keyboard and mouse, making a bookmark in the report he was reading just in case he started to lose too much focus. He gave a little shimmy in his midsection, slowly lifting his tail high into the air as his hips gave a little sway as well. His stance grew a little wider as he shot a grin towards the feline, adding in a nice sexy arch of his back as he stared the tiger down with a dominant glare. "Tongue. Lube. Fingers. Cock." was all the fox had to say as the words rung out with confidence in their slow and firm delivery.

The feline only hesitated for a split second, and that was simply because he hadn't expected the fox to make such a sudden request at this moment. Of course it was far from the first command like that made in this room, and things were certainly set up for it, just like every other room the fox frequented in his mansion. But still it was sort of comical to see the large muscle bound feline stunned for a moment, almost stumbling up and out of his chair to jump into action.

With a quick nod and a heavy weight to his steps the tiger made his way around the table towards the fox's rear, with the fox simply starting to gaze back at his computer screen to continue casually reading his report. "Yes Sir, of course Sir," the tiger added in quickly as he reached his destination, sending his large paws down towards the fox to try and make up for his hesitation at the start.

The other two males, although probably just a touch jealous at the tiger's luck, did their best to focus in on their work, knowing they had their own important tasks to tend to. All the while the tiger's large paws slid slowly down and over the fox's back and hips, almost totally enveloping the small male's midsection with their firm grip and large size. It certainly felt nice to the fox as he let out a little moan and soft growl at the initial touches. It wasn't directly what he asked for of course, but the tiger was no stranger to the fox's desires either. He knew what the vulpine liked, and a hint of foreplay was always welcomed before getting to the task at hand. Feeling those large and powerful paws rubbing up over the fox's chest, hips, back, belly and rump made the slender fox shiver a bit, knowing he was in full control of such power all the while of course. And with a little shimmy forwards the tiger leaned on in and slowly pressed his groin towards that upturned rump as well, giving a heavy grind underneath that beautiful fox's tail.

A strong purr from the cat sent a quick shiver up the fox's spine, making him gasp out just a bit as his eyes struggled to maintain focus on the document on his screen. The fox's tail stood up straight for just a moment, brushing over the rock hard abs and muscles of the tiger's chest and arms as the tiger's quickly bulging groin started to press more and more firmly into those tight ass cheeks before him. As with most of his other partners it wasn't just the tiger's muscles and height that were bigger than normal either. The fox had searched long and hard for the best applicants for the job, and the tiger was certainly right on up there. That bulge grinding against his rump was quick to become rather massive, spilling out of it's tight underwear and throbbing up higher and higher above that now well-stretched waistband. But the tiger was quick to act, not wanting to leave indecent stains on the fox's rather expensive clothing after all... at least not without asking first. And they were a little past the asking stage at this point as the fox was actively grinding back, never one to sit by and let a stud have his way with him.

So before things got too out of hand the tiger's large paws slid down towards the fox's groin, cupping him under his thin thighs as the tiger's large fingers tried hard get the fox's belt and fly open. Of course the fox wasn't one to argue, lifting his hips up just a little bit higher to show his consent and permission all the while, adding a little huff in as he cracked a smile at the struggles. The tiger stumbled a bit at opening the small latches and zippers on the fox's pants with his large fingers, but soon enough those trousers were loose enough to slowly slide down and around the fox's rump. That left them dropping to the floor in a heavy crumple of expensive fabric rather quickly, leaving only bare fox ass supported by just a few straps from that jock around the edges, for the tiger to dive right on into.

And the tiger didn't waste all too much time in slowly sliding down his own underwear once that soft and fluffy fox butt was pressed up against his own hard groin. They were a rather nice replica of the dancing tiger's from a recently popular movie, worn upon special request ever since the movie came out. But all the sparkles and spandex in the world couldn't contain that raging erection, ready to come on out and slap down against the fox's ass crack with a warm and wet thud. So with a little growl the tiger shot a paw back to his own groin, sliding the waistband of his underwear down and underneath his balls just to start. That left his hard cock flopping forward to give the required firm slap against the base of that floofy tail, finishing it off with a small grind and saw to let the fox really know it was there.

That got a little groan from the fox as well, certainly not hiding the fact that he loved that feeling up underneath his tail even if it wasn't exactly what he asked for. But the tiger was good and knew just what level of teasing the fox could take before starting to feel out of control with the situation. Before the fox could bark out another command the tiger gave one last thrust against that ass and then slowly pulled on back. He let his cock slip off that ass with a little bounce in the air as his powerful legs slowly began to squat down. His belly and chest slowly slid around the fox's curves as his one remaining paw never broke contact with the front of the fox, making sure there was constant pressure for a nice reminder of just who was grinding up against him all the way down. He took his time in sliding over every inch of the fox's fur and body that he could reach, but before too long he found himself taking a seat on his rump right behind the fox, tight vupline ass staring right back at him only inches away from his muzzle.

He reached up both paws and got a rather firm squeeze of the fox's hips, pulling them back just slightly as he slid himself forwards at the same time. And when they met in the middle that soft taint firmly made contact with a quickly extended feline's tongue, sliding it's rough surface over that beautiful fur and pressing down deep to get at the skin underneath. The feline knew just how hard to push, making sure to dig in and let the fox feel that firm power behind him, adding to another strong shiver shooting up through the fox's spine and tail. But as the tiger's strong lick started to approach that warm hole coming up from the fox's taint the feline let up just a bit, curling his tongue to move the rough business end out of the way and letting his smoother sides and underside pass over the warm flesh there instead.

That got another small shiver and huff from the fox as he slowly closed his eyes, falling back into the pleasure as a few more well trained passes fell over his pucker. That feline tongue was quick and direct in it's attack once it got settled, lashing back and forth around the rim to slowly start and send a few firm tingles surging around it. After a few soft passes to warm everything up one of the feline's strong paws slowly side up to grip the fox's tail base as well, holding it up and pinning it down the fox's back to make sure he had full access to that lovely rump. Not that the tail was in any danger of closing off that rump to his tongue, but the added pressure certainly did have a habit of making the fox shiver just a little bit. With his other strong paw the feline pulled the fox against his muzzle and tongue, leaving no hope of escaping now. But the fox seemed to be okay with that as it got rather difficult to focus on his report, his mind starting to fall back more onto the pleasure under his tail and less on stock numbers and prospects.

And the pleasure only increased from there as the tiger's tongue started to push a little more, feeling the fox's reactions slowly starting to fall back to normal after his initial assault. That was his cue to turn it up a notch, and he didn't waste much time in pressing his tongue flatly to that taint. He gave a long lick right up that taint and directly over that sensitive pucker, continuing up to the tail base with the rough front edge of his tongue scraping at everything in it's path. That caused the fox to shoot up and onto his toes with a firm little squeak, making the other two partners quickly look over to see just what was going on... although it wasn't like they hadn't sneaked the occasional peek in already. But the tiger knew what he was doing, and before he could get a strict reprimand from the fox for making him yip he was at it again. He was quick to send his tongue down to cup those dangling balls with its enveloping warmth, and then slowly started to drag it back up over them. Nothing was stopping that tongue as it made it's way all along that taint and pucker, only to flick off that tail base once again with a satisfied groan from the feline. That forced out another heavy gasp from the fox, although a little less aggravated this time as he was kind of expecting it. Instead of telling the tiger to cool it a bit he just closed his eyes and let out a heavy huff, a new firm tingle shooting over his pucker as another firm scrape danced over that hot and sensitive orifice once more. But that rough treatment didn't last for too long as the feline went back in for a few gentle laps with his sides and underside right afterwards, cooling down the action for just a moment to let the fox recover some.

But the break was short lived. Back to the attack the feline went now that the fox knew it was coming, the feline's heavy breathing and gentle purring making the fox shiver all the while as he worked over that hole with a thick and sloppy focused attack. And as if that wasn't enough the tiger slowly started to prod his tongue inwards as well, pushing at that well pleasured pucker and feeling it flex before slowly starting to give in. His tongue didn't go super deep, but the pleasure and sensation the fox felt inside certainly left him unable to keep quiet. A few muffled squeaks and moans fell out of his lips as he more or less gave up on reading his report. Instead he focused on the sensation under his tail, his hips pushing back and his pucker squeezing around that tongue as it continued to batter him back and forth. And now that the fox hard started to push back and get into it the feline knew he was doing a good job, pushing harder as he watched a small bit of drool start to drip down the fox's taint and balls from all his effort.

The fox and the feline could've gone at this for ages, and on occasion they did when the fox needed a proper tongue massage back there. But there was still work to be done, and the fox was getting just a little loud from all the attention under tail for his liking in public. So with an almost regretful huff he pulled forwards suddenly against the tiger's firm and focused pressure, feeling the tiger's strength and power give with almost no resistance to let the fox pull forwards on his non-verbal request. Both partners gave another heavy huff as a small trail of spit connected them for just a moment, the tiger's tongue slowly sliding back into his muzzle as a few deep breaths rained over the damp fur and hot skin he'd left in his slimy wake.

"It's time Anthony," the fox added with a few deep breaths of his own, having to prod the feline in the proper direction as the cat was rather engrossed in that ass, almost mesmerized as it was still only inches from his face.

The feline gave back a little nod as a large paw slid down from the fox's hip and reached under the desk, looking for the box that contained all the goodies. Lube, sex toys, restraints... they were all stashed in just about every room in the house just in case the fox got into a mood. Here they were used a decent bit though as the tiger's paws fell onto a half empty bottle of lube - one of the fox's favorites and a rather expensive brand for sure. "Yes Sir, sorry Sir..." the tiger added quickly, grabbing onto the bottle as well as a few towels for later, pushing up with his legs to slowly stand up once again.

"Not a problem," the fox said with a soft but deep breath, seeming to need a second to recover himself as that tongue bath had clouded his mind a bit. But as the tiger placed the towel roll on the desk and got the bottle ready the fox hiked his tail up high again, that ass always on full display as he presented it to the tiger rather proudly. And after another moment the fox heard that bottle snap open and a slow, cool trickle of fluid began to drip over his hot and needy pucker. It made him gasp once more at the sudden change of temperature from that hot tongue, but the cooling burst certainly felt wonderful as well as he let out a moan and raised himself up onto his tippy toes to counter the small shiver shooting through him.

Although the fox wasn't opposed to a good mess back there when the time called for it, this wasn't one of those times. This was a quick and needy fuck before going on with the rest of his day. To have to clean up a serious mess afterwards would be too time consuming to be enjoyable. And the tiger knew it too, having been around the block a few times himself. So before the drip of lube could cover too much of the fox's fur in serious slickness the tiger sent his paw down, scooping up the little river with a finger and quickly sliding it up and easily into the fox's well displayed hole.

That earned a soft grunt from the fox as the tiger's large paws certainly weren't something to under-estimate. His digits were big, thick, and filling for sure. Just one surging inside got the fox to shift forwards just a bit, and when the tiger quickly added a second one it made the well used fox groan at the sudden and firm stretch. The tiger certainly wasn't going easy on the little vulpine today, perhaps a bit more eager than usual as it had been a little while since he'd last gotten to play. But the fox would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it - at least coming from someone as well trusted as the feline after all. A little growl from the fox kept him in line however, letting him know that two were plenty for now as he felt them curl and gently pump into his pucker nice and slowly.

Once his paw started to get into a gentle rhythm the feline slowly began to lean back over the fox, his free paw wrapping tightly around the fox's chest to give him a nice hard squeeze once more. That made the fox moan as he felt the rock hard muscles in the feline's arm press against his chest, pulling him up off the desk just a bit as the squeeze took some weight off the fox's elbows. That new position gave the feline some good leverage as well, finding his paw pushing and stuffing itself deeper and deeper into the fox's insides with each passing moment. He slid both digits all the way to his base knuckle, not having too much difficulty in getting the fox to open up nice and wide. But it wasn't just about stretching him out, it was a good bit of foreplay too - the feline's fingers twisting and prodding away all the while, reaching for the fox's prostate to gently give a few focused prods as he helped to spread the lube nice and deep. And after a few focused pumps those digits slid in and out rather nicely through that distended ring, dripping with spit and now lube as the tiger added a little more force to really grind away at that needy pucker.

And just as the fox was starting to get comfortable with the two digits a third began to poke in against his pucker as well. The tiger took his time though as his paw's thrusting crawled to a stop, focusing on placing a little bit of firm pressure down onto that ring of muscle. Slowly but surely the extra digit wiggled against that ring and soon slipped in with the rest of them to fill that needy void. The tiger gave a few slow slides back and forth to work that pucker over just a little bit, massaging the gentle burn out of it, before slowly starting to spread his fingers a little bit. He could feel the resistance grow little by little as they fanned out in the fox's rump, spreading gently but firmly as that pucker started to give and give more. It made the fox groan for sure, but the tiger stopped short of making the fox let out any painful noises or twitches. He kept the act slow and steady, feeding off what the fox was telling him with his body language and making sure to keep the stretch even. Not that the fox needed much of one, but with the tiger's gentle tugging over that pucker the fox was soon open nice and wide, making sure that the tiger's cock would fit no problem.

But it wasn't just about stretching, the tiger knew that his fingers gave the fox a good bit of pleasure as well, reaching places his cock and tongue couldn't. It was all part of the scenario, the scene playing out as the fox commanded pleasure from just about every angle imaginable. And the tiger certainly didn't mind, feeling the vulpine squirm cutely in his firm grip as he just held him tight, feeling that pleasure shooting through his body. But there came a point the fox was wide enough, at least for the tiger's needs. So soon he relaxed his fingers back into a line and started to pump once more, twisting and curling deep into that rump with all three digits now to fill the fox as best as he could.

His deep growling in the fox's large ears only added to the vulpine's shivers, the tiger basically engulfing the smaller slender male against his rock solid body as his paw pumped away. But both of their needs were growing quite a bit each passing moment. The fox was busy leaking rather hard into the front pouch of his jock, the fabric there damp and matted with his needy fluids. And the tiger's cock, rather unchanged since the initial grinding, was throbbing hotly against the side of the fox's hip at this point, making sure the fox never forgot what was about to take him. Everything was building up to a big finish, and the two squirming males in the middle could certainly feel it coming. But before the fox could give him another sign to get on with it the tiger made the first move, leaning in to whisper into one of the fox's ears, "Permission to mount Sir?"

"Mmmph, permission granted..." the fox said back with little hesitation, adding a little moan and wiggle back against those fingers. His ass certainly seemed ready as he rather easily slurped all three of those digits straight down to the base and still had room for plenty more, grinding his pucker firmly back against that paw. That was the feline's cue to pull back out with a slick pop and grab a towel to wipe off his digits with, letting that ass gape slightly from the rough action it'd just gotten. But it was going to get a whole lot worse as the tiger quickly dropped his underwear to the ground and kicked them off, wasting little time in coming up behind the fox and giving his cock a firm slap down against that ass crack once more.

Both partners moaned at that, and the feline's purrs started to reach a new level of pleasure as he gave a few grinds up and down, adding in another small helping of lube to make things slide nice and easy. He didn't tease for too long though, his own need rather on fire as his cock throbbed heavily and drizzled out a little pre from the tip all the while. He quickly slid down a paw to help push his cock down a bit, pulling his hips back to line it up as he held onto the fox's hip with his other. Gently and carefully he aimed that slightly barbed tip against that warm and inviting hole, laying a bit of pressure against it just to tease and test. But this was a fox that had a small army of horses around for pleasure. A tiger, no matter how big, couldn't really compete as his tip slid in easily enough with a slick squelching slurp. And along with that tip the quickly thickening shaft made sure to follow right along with a decently heavy surge, leaving the fox stuffed with more than half the feline's cock on the first pump.

The fox gasped heavily at that first filling rut, that cock no amature size even for someone of his skill level. But the feline knew how deep to go at first, letting the fox feel things out as the cat just slowly bent over the fox once again, sliding a paw up to that chest to really hold onto the fox tight. Pressing him right up and into his rock hard muscles the feline just calmed his hips for a moment, letting a soft rubbing of both paws against the fox's chest and hip help him relax, letting him adjust to the filling steadily. A heavy purring in the fox's ears and against the side of his head only helped to divert his attention from the slight burn in his rear to the strong feline more or less enveloping him in that cocoon of muscle.

And the fox loved it - loved feeling such a strong and studly male hold him tight, waiting for him to signal when it was okay to drive in the rest of the way. He made sure to enjoy it with a few moans and grinds back against both that cock and the feline's arms and chest, his long ears flicking at the tiger's chin with an occasional pass. But the need was there - that cock was halfway in his rump and he needed it hilted. He could feel the emptiness inside of him that was begging to be filled. A soft nod was all it took to get the feline smiling wide, adjusting his stance, and sliding his hips the rest of the way forwards until they were pressed right against the fox's tight and firm rump with a casual, but focused drive inside.

That drive made both partners give out another rather uncontrolled moan as the tiger was finally stuffed nice and deep. They both enjoyed the sensation with a little bit with a wiggle of hips back and forth, making sure to let that large cock rub over every last inch it could reach inside the decently tight fox. And after a few soft moans and a few moments of grinding the feline pulled back just a bit, only to give a deep drive straight into the heart of the fox's insides once again. Another heavy huff came from both partners as they adjusted for the positioning and angle once more, and with a few more short testing pumps the feline slowly started to pull back farther on each slurp back.

He adjusted his stance one final time before not exactly being gentle. The fox didn't need it, and the feline didn't want to hold back at this point. He went from having about a quarter of his cock stuffed in warm fox rump to having all of it buried deep inside with one strong thrust, shaking the table just a little bit at the rough and claiming rut. That made both of them let out another heavy groan, but the feline didn't give the fox time to recover from it. Quickly his hips struck again, laying another firm smack down into that upturned rump to make sure he pushed that pucker in and back over his cock, adding in a soft growl to make the fox add back a soft shiver himself.

Of course the fox knew what to expect from the feline as he just slowly lowered his head and closed his eyes, grunting softly as each firm thrust shook his insides and made them ripple around that thick cock. But he quickly got into the rhythm of the hard thrusts, and his grunts slowly got less and less, leaving him to focus more on getting his breathing in properly than anything else. All those large cocks had a way of hitting right up into his diaphragm and knocking the air out of him when they went deep, so the fox was well practiced in proper breathing control. And before long he was rocking along with the thrusts, feeling those heavy tiger nuts slap down against his own as the fox slowly pushed on back and up, craving every last inch of cock he could get.

The tiger was no stranger to a good round of sex either having been the fox's partner for a few years now. And he quickly lowered his chin just a bit, placing it onto the fox's head as he set himself up as well. His hips shot almost into autopilot as they slammed down into that upturned ass over and over again, letting his mind focus on cupping the squirming and moaning fox in his tight embrace. His strong arms flexed around the fox to hold him tightly, securing the position over him and making sure that his target stayed in the same position no matter how hard he thrusted. He held onto the fox tight enough to even help raise him off the desk eventually, arching his back and drawing the fox up into a more ruttable position as the tiger's heavy pants and growls started to fill the room. His muscular arms wrapped tightly around the fox's slender frame, both protecting him and holding him firmly in place as the powerful tiger's legs and hips unleashed their fury, backed up after awhile of not getting to enjoy such pleasures.

But despite his need the feline knew how to hold back, at least enough to keep things going. This wasn't going to be a quick pump and dump, it never was. The fox expected more than that out of his partners, and not since his very early days had the feline ever disappointed. His firm thrusts and heavy sloppy slaps continued at pace for a good while until he finally began to slow down just a bit. But it wasn't for lack of energy or breath, the big beast simply deciding to switch up the pace and ram in a bit slower and deeper. With the change in pace it really left him concentrating his thrusts into driving the fox's rump forwards, only to pull back against him with his strong arms and let the fox feel the power from either end.

The fox hadn't ordered a change in pace of course as he'd been a little busy groaning and moaning hard at all the feelings of a fast rutting, and still on occasion trying to catch a doomed glance at his report. But it wasn't an unwelcomed change all the same - something to help switch up the sensation to make sure his rump was always kept on edge. And besides, yelling out orders in the middle of a session like that tended to muddle up the game a bit. It was better to simply go along with it, or change things up with a little body positioning and directed movement. And with the new set of slow and deep thrusts the fox was more than happy to grind back, letting the feline know he was doing a good job and applauding the change. He arched his own back and pushed against the feline's strong muscled arms, really helping to drive his rump back and over that cock for each sloppy pump it made. And that made both partners cry out in need and sensation, especially as the fox gave a tight and sudden squeeze around the base of that thick cock..

The fox dictated just how long he wanted things to go, matching the feline's thrusts and grinds with his own for a few moments to really make sure both partners enjoyed it. But after a bit the fox simply pulled on forwards, angling his body down towards the desk and laying out pretty flat across it. That was the feline's sign that it was time to go to work, slowly letting go of the fox's chest and body as those large paws slid down towards the fox's tiny hips, engulfing them almost fully in his grasp. With a firm grip on them the sweaty feline slowly rose up straight, taking his pumps from deep and slow to quick and shallow in the blink of an eye.

That new surge made both the fox and feline squeal out just a bit, the pace rather quick for someone who wasn't used to it. But both the fox and the feline certainly were, and they didn't mind putting on one hell of a show for the two gently peeping from across the table. Quickly and powerfully those hips slammed down into that rump over and over again, the sound of wet and slapping flesh and fur filling the room as the deep growls and pants of both of them rounded out the sloppy sounds. It was hard, it was rough, it was just what the fox needed to really shake his insides. And the tiger was one of the best of giving it to him, hammering on home as his strong body tensed and pushed out every ounce of energy he had.

Sexual-wise the tiger could just about go all day. With that big of a cock his sensation was certainly a little dulled, and a good bit of practice had left him able to control himself with the best of them. But they didn't have all day. The fox wanted cock, and he'd gotten it. And it certainly seemed that he enjoyed it as well. But they had work to do, and this was only a small interlude - a pleasant break from the monotonous numbers work. So after a good bit of the hard flurry from the feline he slowly began to lean down, panting hard and dripping sweat and spit down onto the fox's back in the heat of heavy passion. "P... permission to cum Sir..." he added back between a few deep gasps, leaning over hard and closing his eyes as he let the various sensations slowly come over him and lead him closer to his own orgasm.

"P...mmmph...Permission granted..." the fox added back just slightly less labored than the feline originally did, closing his own eyes to enjoy the last of the hard, heavy, burning sensation surging through his tail hole. Of course that didn't mean that the load was imminent inside of him though. That declaration only meant that the feline had permission to let it loose when he was ready. Yet with such a sexy fox, and such a well loved rear to enjoy, the tiger didn't take all too much more work until he could feel that familiar feeling start to bubble up with a strong surge inside of him.

He grit his teeth and really let the fox have it, letting him know that it was coming soon as the fox just tensed up heavily, preparing himself for his own mental orgasm quickly approaching on his end. And that snarling, growling, protective beast of a feline only made it that much more intense for him as both partners started to raise up to their peak. "F...for you Sir..." the feline squeaked out one final time before adding a few more heavy thrusts in and slamming on home, letting his seed pump out of his large cock and dive far inside that cavernous fox's body with a few powerful pulses.

As the feline arched his back and squeezed his paws almost painfully around the fox's hips, the fox's eyes closed in a more than satisfied smile as he felt the tiger's balls finally give up their contents. His own cock was hard and leaking against the inside of his jock, but it wasn't quite time to get off himself yet. Just receiving another male's load was enough for now. Just feeling the pleasure and release of chemicals in his brain, more or less faking his own orgasm for him, while the big beast behind him let loose with a few final thrusts and heavy breaths sent one final shiver down his spine, leaving the fox panting heavily as his mind started to cloud in the afterglow.

They stayed locked together for about a minute or so, both just breathing and enjoying each other's tingling sensations before the feline slowly slid his large paws off those fox hips and around his sweat-stained fur. Up they slid over and around his chest once more, the large beast of a feline adding in a loving squeeze and a few soft purrs to thank him for the opportunity. "Thank you Sir," he whispered almost lovingly next to the fox's large ear, the feline adding another strong purr to make sure the fox could both hear it and feel it through his back.

"Mmmmph, thank you Anthony..." the fox added in kind, wrapping his own slender arms around the feline's massive ones as he gave back a little hug to them. But as soon as their tender moment was over the fox shot back into command mode, giving his hips a little wiggle as he said, "Now clean me up and get back to work. I need those spreadsheets."

"Yes Sir," the feline added with a little chuckle, although taking his time to slowly pull his long cock from the depths of the fox and out into the open air once more with a sloppy slurp. Once it was free to the air again the feline took a step or two back, letting the fox rest and relax on his desk for just a little more before slowly grabbing a few paper towels and making a few quick passes up and down the fox's rump. It wasn't a perfect cleaning, but the feline did what he could to get any remaining pre, cum, and lube from every corner of that sexy and well used ass.

"There you are Sir," he added once finished, giving a few final rubs right around that now sensitive pucker. "Good as new."

That got a little chuckle from the fox as it usually did before the fox slowly began to slide up and off his desk, stretching out his back just a bit before squatting down to retrieve his pants. Slowly he pulled them back up and around his still slightly bulging groin, securing them in place as if nothing had ever happened. In the meantime the tiger had busied himself with cleaning off his own cock and groin, fetching his underwear, and quickly making his way back towards his desk to pick up where he left off.

The fox sat down with a soft huff back onto his chair, rump just a tad sore but a rather accomplished sore as he gave a little shimmy around to find a comfortable spot to sit on. It would hold him off for sure, at least until after dinner, but even though there was a fresh load up his tail the fox couldn't stop thinking about one thing. That horse cock this morning - that sweet barely bound up horse cock he'd seen that morning. He'd have to get his frustrations out on Frederick soon enough. It was one thing to tease, but now he had the fox's mouth watering over it even after just getting seeded by someone else. Oh yes, that horse was going to pay...

So there you go, hope you enjoyed the first act and scene. Just remember, if you want more then you have to fave/rate/comment/spoo or all of the above and let me know! The next scene will be much more sex focused as all the backstory is out of the way here, so get ready for one rather kinky scene with an equine stud and his rather dominant fennec fox partner getting revenge on him.