When will the rain stop?

Story by Chance Prowlers on SoFurry

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#2 of Just high school life.

Uhm, so I am really tired, I couldnt fall asleep till about seven this morning, and then I had to wake up two hours later.

WARNING! No yiff, but if you are under eighteen, then please go back to your crib and watch teletubbies.

We drove in silence, me and Zori neither sure what to say.

"So... uhm... about... Tobias..." I wasn't sure what to say really... I mean, I never thought he was-

"You two would make a cute couple, does he know?" Zori asked, his eyes unblinking.

"No... I mean... I guess not." I pulled out some gum from my pocket, after fiddling with the wrapper, I started to chew. Mmm, minty.

"I don't think he knew about you though." Zori said, looking back at me. "You mean to tell me, that your best friend didnt even know you were gay? How long have you two known eachother?"

"Five years..." I say fiddling with my paws. "I mean... I dunno... I'm just not really sure what I am..." I close my eyes before Zori nudges me. "Hey dude, stay awake, the nurse said to stay awa- hey, isnt that Toby?"

I opened my eyes, and sure enough, there is Tobias, walking... Walking? Its about to rain!

"Hey, pull over." I say, Zori just nods and does as I say.

As soon as the car had stopped I jumped out, Zori right behind me.

"Hey! How's my favorite homo!?"

Damn that kitten, damn him to hell! Why did he have to say that?

I finall got close to him. His soft fur, that cuddley tail... that frown on his face...

I wish he would smile... he is so adorable when he smiles.

But right now, he is frowning, and his sea blue eyes are dull, lifeless.

"Dude, did you walk home? I didn't take your car, you know?"

Thats when I heard a noise I never thought a fox could make, let alone from the throat of my best friend.

A growl.

"Just... shut the fuck up." Toby said before he went off again, going for his door.

I was furious.

I spun him around, fighting this odd impulst to kiss him, I dunno whats happening to me, and growled out "What is your problem!? I'm sorry I didn't tell you that he was going to take me home, but you shouldn't be all emo and walk home like a little-"

"Just shut the hell up!" He cried, my eyes going wide. Where was this comming from?

"Are you that stupid! Five damn years and you can't even tell your best friend loves you!"

Then he did ANOTHER thing that surprised me. He pushed me down, his paw on my chest, his arm shacking.

I could have pushed him off, but my heart had just wedged itself in my throat and I wasn't sure if I should move.

For five long years I have been praying for one sign, one sign that you liked me, or, just felt something for me! I write your notes, I ditch stuff I have to do to watch you practice after school, I took spanish, even though I wanted to learn Japanese, so I could be near you, and all you ever do is push me around."

I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them again... Rain? No... tears...

"And... And... All I want is for you to be happy, even though not being with you kills me inside, as long as I can see that smile, I'm totally fine with being the friend... But... You and your damn friend have NO RIGHT to play around with that."

I am so, so sorry...

Please... stop raining, let me just see the sun...

"So don't you DARE ever call me a homo again!" He yelled to Zori, before running off so fast, that I don't think I could have cought him.

Did the rain stop?

No, its there, on the ground...

And beside the door...

And I can hear it inside the house.

I jumped up, runing to the door, knocking, yelling, begging...

Please... just stop raining.

But it didn't and I could only feel it raining harder.

I left that yard, the rain only getting louder...

I finally made it out of bed, I had convinced my mom I was sick, wich was hard to do because she did everything EXCEPT use a rectal thermometer... Ahh, my first, and only dildo...

Ugh, I have got to spend less time in my head.

School, managed to avoid Ricky, but I think he is trying to avoid me... So, I guess it works...

Or it DID till last period, where we had to sit together. We didn't talk, he didn't sleep...

When the bell rang, I was the first to get out of that room. But, as fate would have it, I fell in the Hallway, damn, I swear the spirit of this school wants me dead.

"Toby... We need to talk... Meet me in the boys changing room?"

I knew who it was without looking. "Yeah... sure..."

A few minutes later, sitting all alone, about readdy to leave when Ricky walks in. He looked so hot, wearing his red running shorts, no shirt and his abs glistening with sweat... I just wanna lick him clean and- oh my God I am screwed up.

"Look... man... about monday..." Ricky just scratched the back of his head and frowned, lost in thought.

"Look... whatever man, I'm threw with it all..." I said, standing up from the bench. "I mean, I tried to be your friend, because anything beyond that won't work, and I'm sorry for even thinking I could just be your friend."

Then, it happenned.

The thing that brought us closer.

The thing that helped us know we were made for eachother...

The thing that, even now, after five years of marraige, lets me know he will always be my one and only.

He spun me around, layed a paw to my back, the other on my right butt cheeck, and kissed me.

And I was so readdy, I was on my tiptoes, and his maw felt so good against mine, His more scruffy fur againstt my soft fur, the one he likes to use as a pillow when we cuddle.

His small tail wagged furiousley, and only stopping when I layed my paw on his chisled ass...

Slowley, he pulled away, five minutes gone so fast, I didnt even know they had gone.

"So... uhm, if you arent doing anything... You know... saturday..." He said quitley.

"Nothing, at all, nope." I was blushing so hard my cheecks hurt.

We both just nodded and walked out of the locker room, before he reached for my paw, and we walked through half empty hallways together.




Ignoring the stares and gasps and rage.

And now, as we right down our versions of the story for our fifth year anniversary, seven years if you count dating, wich we don't, I can't help but love him more and more as I write.

To my beloved, Ricky. You are my one and only, who I love with all my heart, and I can only ask to spend the rest of eternity with you.