The King and the Curator

Story by iconmaster on SoFurry

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Jacokonus is the great king of the land. Salthanath is the curator of the royal library. The two old dragons have been lovers for many years but the king thinks it's time to finally take their relationship another step forwards...

This story is a commission for FA: salthanath and FA: jacoat12 , two wonderful dragons. I love writing this, and I hope to write more soon!

"King Jacokonus! What are you doing here, my lord?"

The guard who spoke sat upright at the entrance of his king, the great King Jacokonus. The king was a red dragon, feral and large, with red scales and a yellow underbelly... But more importantly to the guard, he was in front of him now.

"I am here to visit the Curator.", Jacokonus replied, "Go and make sure everyone else is gone for the night, if you will."

"Yes, my lord." The guard opened the large double doors leading to the royal library, walking inside for a moment, before popping back out. "Everyone has left for the night, except for Salthanath."

"I figured he'd still be here." The king said. "A dutiful scholar, that one. Ensure that nobody enters the library while I'm inside."

"Yes, my lord!" the guard said, before stepping aside. Jacokonus padded into the library, looking around him as he walked in.

At this time of night, the library was only dimly lit. Dim lamps highlighted the enormous shelves, much taller than he was, packed full of valuable books and scrolls. This library was the Curator's pride and joy... His mate's pride and joy, he thought, as he walked past the numerous shelves.

Soon, he came to a small door at the end of a long row of shelves. He opened it up, door creaking, and stepped into the room. It was Salthanath's office, where he did all of his most important work. Piles of books were stacked in every corner, along with many sets or writing tools. And in the back of the room was Salthanath himself, reading a book intensely, his back turned to the king.

Salthanath was purple-scaled, with a more reddish, thick-plated underbelly. He had a mane of thick black fur, which shook as he slowly turned his head, looking up at the intruder into his office.

Jacokonus spoke first. "Working late again, I see. This is the third night in a row."

Salthanath turned around and smiled warmly, giving off a low chuckle. "You caught me. This truly is work too fascinating to wait to complete..."

The king sauntered forwards, giving the curator a nuzzle. "I miss you when you're off doing your job, you know. Which is why I decided to drop my mate a visit~"

Salthanath let out a low rumble and rubbed snouts together with his mate. "Ahh, you know what all these books mean to me. But there's someone who means even more to me, you know."

Jacokonus grinned. "That dragon better be me."

"You are correct." Salthanath smiled back and draw his snout close to the king's. Jacokonus quickly responded by going in for a light kiss, intertwining their tongues for but a second. "I'm sorry if I've been overworking myself."

"Don't worry. There are ways to work yourself to make up for it~" Jacokonus gave his mate a nudge, making Salthanath blush. He had an inkling of what the king wanted from him...

Salthanath rested his head on the ground, encouraging Jacokonus to sit beside him, their sides brushing against each other's. "Well, don't worry, we have plenty of time. My work can wait."

"That's what I wanted to hear, dear." Jacokonus snuggled up against his mate, entwining his tail with his."You know, I was thinking..." He stopped suddenly, looking off in the distance.

"What now?"

"How long have we been mated?"

"It will be 12 years in a few months."

"It's been a good while, hasn't it?"

"I'd say." Salthanath nuzzled his mate, who returned the gesture, rumbling happily.

"I was thinking earlier today about... Well, about hatchlings."

Salthanath perked his head up at those words. "What about them?"

"Well..." Jacokonus blushed a little as he talked. "... I thought about how nice it would be to sire a clutch."

"My clutch?"

"Our clutch. The successors to the royal line!" Jacokonus smiled proudly.

"It's not like a proud king to become so... Gravid~" Salthanath grinned and gave his mate a teasing lick on the neck.

"That's what I thought, but... Proud or not, I think I want it."

"Well..." Salthanath snuggled closer. "... It's a big decision to make, but I'd be happy no matter what you choose. I'd love a clutch, you know that."

"Would you? I-"

Salthanath cut off the king's words by grabbing him in a deep kiss. He felt his mouth with his tongue, interlocked for what seemed like minutes in a passionate embrace.

When they finally parted, Salthanath spoke. "Sssssh, hon. I know exactly what to do."

The purple dragon took a haunch and shifted over, putting his back leg on top of his mate's flank. Jacokonus rumbled happily and slowly rolled into position on his feet, letting Salthanath shift into a comfortable position on top of him. Salthanath was a bit larger than his mate; the size difference really showed as he put his weight on him.

Jacokonus grunted as he felt Salthanath shift on top of him, the curator leaning in and kissing him on the neck. Salthanath huffed as he shifted back and forth gently, pushing Jacokonus just slightly. He closed his eyes and groaned softly, letting his mate take action.

The stimulation soon brought Salthanath to arousal. He felt the familiar warmth spread over his body as he leaned back, letting his two, black cocks rub against his mate's rump. Flared much like a horse, Salthanath was very proud of his endowments, all two of them... He let this show through as he began to leak pre, smearing it close his mate's respective endowments.

Jacokonus was also gifted with two shafts, but that wasn't what Salthanath was slowly rubbing around for- It was for the king's vaginal slit. Jacokonus was hermaphroditic, considered male but very capable of siring a clutch... Exactly what he was planning to do with his loving mate, who was currently on top of him and eager to breed.

Salthanath kept giving attention to Jacokonus's neck, nibbling it, while he became fully erect, blood pumping to his massive arousal. The king grunted, stifling a moan, as he himself began to leak from his mate's stimulation. Slowly, Salthanath parted those lower lips with his upper cock, letting the lower one grind against Jacokonus's stomach.

He went gently at first, each inch making Jacokonus shiver under him. But soon, he couldn't help himself, and with a growl, he pushed himself in faster, feeling those walls clench around him as he thrust right through into the dragon's womb. Jacokonus shuddered and moaned at the thick, flared cock filling him out, not even fully in yet.

With another push, Salthanath rammed himself right to the base of his massive member, dragging his mate under him across the ground. Jacokonus dug his claws in and growled, taking in the feeling with every second. Salthanath gripped the smaller dragon's shoulders with his foreclaws, tilting forwards, as he pulled, each inch pulling back out with a sloppy schlorp.

When he was half out of his mate, Salthanath spoke. "Doing okay there?" He grinned.

"Urgh... Keep going...!"

"As the king asks~" With that, Salthanath pulled out a bit more, leaving him free for his next action.

Salthanath pulled up, his lower cock rising in the air, as his upper one was still firmly inserted into his mate's womb. He pulled back, and managed to get both of his members right into position. With another thrust, he wriggled, stretching those lips even further as he inserted both of his cocks into Jacokonus at once!

Jacokonus couldn't help but let out a screech of pleasurable pain as he was stretched to his limit by both cocks at once. Luckily, Salthanath was a bit of a gentle giant, helping them in without tearing the smaller dragon's insides. His pleasure grew as inch by inch was wriggled in there, pushing past his lips and right into that womb. He clenched and unclenched his claws...

With one forceful push from his mate, Jacokonus was pushed forwards right into one of the large piles of books outlining their office. The pile tumbled over, pelting the two dragons and making a mess. Salthanath let out a grumble and pushed once again, making Jacokonus groan loudly. They were definitely a loud couple as they continued to breed...

Jacokonus was filled to his limit with dragon cocks, making him feel tight and full. The pre he was producing alone made his stomach bloat outwards just slighlty as they went on... Not to mention the faint outlines of those cocks that could be seen on his flanks when Salthanath went in to the hilt. After pushing in, Salthanath dutifully pulled out a ways, only to ram back in with more force each time...

Jacokonus slowly felt his nethers get looser as Salthanath gaped them wide. The rhythm of breeding went on for seemingly forever, the couple lost in the feelings of pushing in and pulling out, of being filled and being emptied... They only sounds they heard was the grunts, groans, and moans of the other. They savored every moment as Salthanath slowly went faster, pushing in harder, pushing with more force...

And yet the rhythm of breeding continued. With a growl, Salthanath lightly nipped Jacokonus in the neck, keeping his head in place as he continued with even more fervor. The king howled in delight, completely unable to contain himself. Soon, however, Salthanath's thrusts became more irregular, the dragon groaning, his mouth still full of Jacokonus's neck...

Salthanath let go, raising his head and roaring, shaking the room and knocking over some more books as he came. Jacokonus suddenly felt that gush of warm seed flood into his womb, filling him out in an instant! He was already slightly bloated with pre alone, but this, he knew, was on a whole other level.

Salthanath let loose jet after jet from both his cocks. Jacokonus grunted and braced himself as he felt himself stretch inside to accommodate the gallons of cum. With a low gurgling sound, he filled out... Soon, his flanks bloated outwards with the stuff. He himself was gushing as well, mind going hazy with the force of the orgasm, but it was soon made unseeable by the backblast from his mate's orgasm.

With a womb as tight as it was already, Salthanath felt some of his seed spill out of Jackonous's lower lips, dripping all over his cocks and Jackonous's legs. The curator kept pumping more into his mate, watching as he moaned and swelled.

The fertile dragon came for what felt like minutes to both parties, thrusting weakly and moaning as more and more shot out into the overfilled womb. Jackonous's middle became quite the hefty sphere, pushing his legs apart and quickly reaching for the floor. Soon, the flow of cum slowed, leaving both the dragons huffing and panting, utterly spent.

Jackonous collapsed onto the ground in short notice, letting his gut cushion his fall, the thing wobbling and sloshing. Salthanath collapsed on top of him, pulling out some of the way in the process. Sticky seed leaked out as he pulled out, leaving the both of them a bit of a sticky mess... But they didn't care.

After a few minutes, they had the energy to move. Salthanath grunted and pulled out, making a schlorp sound as both his cocks pulled free, leaving Jackonous gaping. The curator rolled over, freeing his mate and laying beside him, making him the bigger spoon in a feral embrace.

"Was that what you wanted, my king?"

Jackonous huffed softly. "You're always what I want, love."

Salthanath blushed and leaned in for a kiss. "Here's to the us, and the royal line."

"Yes. Here's to your virility, and my fertility." Jackonous said, and then he kissed his mate deeply.

They cuddled up to one another with warm affection. Salthanath couldn't keep himself from cupping around his mate's bloated womb, feeling it slosh with Jackonous lightest movement. And soon, they felt themselves getting sleepy, keeping each other very warm as they dozed off to sleep together, as happy as a couple could ever be.

* * *

When Jackonous awoke, he was greeted by a soft warmth all around him. He kept his eyes closed, knowing what that was... It was Salthanath, curled around his mate snugly, of course. He shifted around and huffed slightly as he tried to get more comfortable.

He next noticed the warmth coming from his own middle! It was still swollen and very sore. Upon shifting around, he felt shapes move in his womb. He let out a small gasp... Enough to make the large dragon curled around him stir.

Salthanath opened his eyes and looked at his mate. His middle was, indeed, quite bloated, filled with the faint outline of forming eggs. He grinned as he released his grip from Jackonous, getting a closer look at those swollen flanks.

Jackonous groaned and laid on his side, exposing his middle. "Your seed acts fast, it seems..."

Salthanath huffed pleasurably. "Did you expect any less from me?"

"Not at all." Jackonous moaned softly as Salthanath put a front claw on his mate's gut, slowly and softly rubbing. He could feel so many egg-shaped outlines clack in there as he rubbed... This was going to be a huge clutch, he thought.

Jackonous moaned as Salthanath brought his head to that gut and nuzzled it, feeling all the shapes within. He gave that middle a few nursing licks, making sure the thing was well-worshipped.

"Do you like my new look?" Jackonous said.

"Mhm, I love it." Salthanath gave it more slow rubs, feeling the forming eggs shift inside there. He lost track of time, just gearing Jackonous rumble happily as he worked that gut all over. Sadly, it couldn't last forever...

Soon, Jackonous rolled over and began to get up. Salthanath pulled away, watching that belly wobble with heavy contents as Jackonous stood up. The king's legs were pushed apart by the girth of the thing, and it swung heavily below him, not quite touching the ground. He was now a much wider dragon, belly poking out noticeably where his smooth flanks once were.

There was no doubting it. Jackonous was a very gravid dragon.

Jackonous had to waddle a bit in order to walk, his filled womb getting in the way of his legs. But walk he did, slowly trudging around the room.

"This is going to take a bit of getting used to."

"Well, don't worry. I'm here for you." Salthanath chuckled. To him, Jackonous's difficulty to even walk was a good sign.

Jackonous waddled his way to the door, opening the thing.

"I must deliver an address soon. The people will wonder why their king is full of eggs."

"Tell them we'll be having brood soon enough. It's... Such a wonderful feeling, you know."

"I agree, dear. Now, let's- Oof!"

Jackonous, on trying to exit the curator's office, felt his sides brush against the door. He tried to push through, but now he couldn't move. He was stuck in the smaller doorframe! Salthanath couldn't help but grin and chuckle.

"I see we'll have to get some doors widened for our king."