Daddy Walks In

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Professor Druff is on an errand when he encounters a college boy up to no shall he use his firmly guiding paw to make sure that he'll become a good boy?

Daddy Walks In





This is a commission for Vintcient who wanted to meet Druff...wonder how that's going to turn out. *chuckle* Well, this knowledge is only a brief scroll away, as this story is launched with these words, and a pop of champagne...heheh. I hope you'll have a good time, and I look forward to your comments!

Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



Professor Druff, the eminent guest lecturer at the Modern History Department of the Taylor University, stomped the halls of the college with a purposeful stride. The waistcoated and corduroyed fellow appeared like a man on a mission, which did not go unnoticed by his colleagues and students aside.

"Hello, Professor!"

"Heya, Professor!"

"I'm a hurry, Professor?"

The final question came from a Mr. Hayes, a cougar with the Linguistics department with whom the tiger had spent many interesting afternoon coffee moments in conversation. Their encounter took place in the ground floor hall, with students mingling about while tapping on their pocket-sized mind control devices in their paws.

"Oh, not too much, thankfully!" the bespectacled tiger told to the feline academic. "But as it happens I just realized that I misplaced a book I was meaning to take to Mrs. Kelly later today."

"Oh, shucks!" the cougar Mr. Hayes exclaimed.

Druff let out a good-natured chuff.

"I'm tracing my steps now," the tiger mused, "I've got a rather good idea where I've left it, so I'm just heading back to the third floor."

"I know the thing," said Mr. Hayes, "if I lay anything down and let it out of my sights, I can be sure that I won't be able to find it anywhere the next time I need it!"

"Heh heh," Druff chuckled in a well-meaning manner.

"Catch you later!" said the cougar to the tiger.

"By all means!" smiled the tiger.

Druff continued on his way up the stairs. He avoided the elevator because the stairs offered some easy and free exercise - though he was no stranger to the gym, either. The collateral benefits of visiting gym were something he appreciated as much as the physical activity he went there for. Right now he decided that the stairs would be enough in the way of a little afternoon exercise. He was all smiles still, greeting students and staff left and right while moving along the stairs.

"Ah, O'Rourke!"

His voice stopped a Doberman on his tracks. The dog was standing on the opening into the second floor hallway and looked sharply at the tiger when he was called by name. His ears flicked back and forth and then assumed a partially flattened posture. The dog appeared to go rigid at the sound of the Professor's voice.

Druff stepped off from the stairs landing.

"Hello, O'Rourke," he spoke to the Doberman.

"Sir," the dog replied.

"Doing alright, I suppose?" the tiger questioned. "It is a shame we don't have a lecture today, yet, I was looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the shift of the European trade policy from the Mediterranean area to the Atlantic coast."

The dog appeared confused, and a little concerned as well. He avoided the tiger's eyes.

"Yes...sir..." he mumbled.

Druff grinned, showing some sharp teeth and with his tail curling and unfurling behind him.

"Splendid!" the cat said. "I shall see you tomorrow, O' the usual time..."

"Yes, sir..." the canine said quickly. "I think...I think I have to be off..."

"Hmmmyes..." murmured the tiger.

He watched the jocky Doberman disappear down the hallway for a moment. The tiger only continued on his way up the stairs after the dog was gone. The tiger rumbled cheerfully as he thought about the dog's progress from being extremely unruly to trying to become a model student.

Soon, thought the cat.

He reached the third floor and ducked into another corridor. The rooms here were smaller, used for lectures and seminars that did not gather quite a big a crowd as Professor Druff's Introduction to Western Cultural History and Heritage. Druff knew that these stuffy little rooms were where real academic thinking eventually took place, where ideas and true scientific minds finally budded out of their freshman-shaped shells. The tiger liked waxing such poetic, at least if only to provoke the students a little. That was something he especially enjoyed, provocations...

He had to walk quite a long way along the corridor to room 323 where his earlier Historical Thinking workshop had taken place during the morning session. Druff was quite sure that the missing book rested somewhere on the teacher's desk where the tiger had spent an awfully lot of time trying to get the document camera and the video projector to work in unison.

They may call it smart technology but it definitely is pretty damn stupid as well!

The tiger chuffed to his own thoughts as he stopped in front of the door. He pulled out his ring of keys from his pocket and pressed his pass key tag against the security code panel on the classroom door. At least that was one piece of technology he could trust to work most of the time without having to argue with inanimate objects.

The light on the panel changed into green and he heard the lock snap open. Druff put the keys back into his pocket. He wouldn't be caught dead wearing one of those key chains around his neck like many other staff members did to keep their keys at paw.

"Hmmmmrr..." rumbled the tiger to himself.

He pulled the door open with his spare paw and padded into the room.

The first thing he noticed out of the ordinary was a noise, rather than anything visual due to the shape of the room. The door was at the back of the room and the teacher's desk was at the front, by the whiteboard, and as such as he only heard the noise of something happening to the side, a scrape made by a chair moving on the floor due to a sharp motion. The rustling and tumbling sounds attracted tiger eyes to look to his right.

"Shit!" someone muttered.

A very flustered-looking large man sat by one of the tables, with his backpack on the chair next to his own. His ears had gone flat the moment he had noted Druff's arrival, and his paws were hurriedly doing something that the backpack was blocking from view. His curious fur tone and the shape of his head told Druff that the guy was some sort of a hybrid, not an unusual sight, but a rather curious combination, at least in the tiger's mind.

Druff recognized the kind of look the male had, the whole demeanor, the way his paws moved a bit too quickly to be entirely controlled movements due to the rush of adrenaline in his blood from being surprised.

"Good afternoon," the tiger rumbled politely, although loud enough, as if he was addressing an entire room of students and not just the single male.

The male looked extremely guilty. One of his paws moved to scoop up the phone that had been resting on the table even when Druff entered the room. He could see the black rectangle in the large paw.

Druff began to approach the male.

"I do hope I did not interrupt anything..." said the tiger.

"Uh, ah..." said the male.

"Yes, hello," said the Druff.

Druff closed in on the very much flustered-looking male. He hovered over the seated male who hadn't gotten up yet, although it looked like he had been in the process of doing so.

"You do know that you shouldn't be here, don't you?" Druff said. "These rooms are for teaching only, not for any personal activities."

"I was just...uh..." the man said quickly, too quickly.

"Doing some schoolwork, I'm sure," Druff mused.


Druff's own paw moved swiftly. He gripped the corner of the phone held in the male's paw and pulled it out of the fingers that weren't holding onto the phone very tightly. The male's eyes widened and he yelped when the phone slipped out of his grip and soon landed onto Druff's palm. The tiger's eyes fell onto this and his ears perked up.

"Well well..."

The seated hybrid looked mortified. Druff's own gaze was steady on the screen of them phone where its contents were visible. The student had not had time to flick the phone shut and it hadn't turned off the screen either because a video had been playing on the phone and had continued to do so in the guy's grip and now on Druff's paw as well. The Professor witnessed the sight of a slightly chubby male lion getting fucked hard in the ass by a very dominantly-behaving bull, that much was evident from the leather harness he wore, the aggressive pose and the way the nose-pierced bull grabbed on the lion's tail and pulled on it.

The silent figures continued to fuck on the phone while Druff looked down at the guilty party.

" does appear that I did interrupt something," the tiger snuffled.

The male was starting to look genuinely scared now.


"Professor Druff, or Sir," the tiger said. "Either is fine,"

"Professor - "

Druff raised a warning finger.

"I don't think there's any mistaking on what was happening here," he said, "the evidence of this video and the smell here is more than enough, I think..."

The guy's ears flicked down sharply. Perhaps he had been too used to his own personal scent, but for Druff he must've smelled very strongly. The hybrid's erection was just about visible on his lap, in his pants where he had managed to stuff himself in the split second that had been given to him before Druff was in and harassing the student with his presence. A piece of proof of his illicit activities as damning as the still running gay porn video was the fact that his fly was still open, even if nothing was actually poking out of his pants.

Druff's whiskers trembled with the flow of air while he inhaled the scent of young, burgeoning arousal, and his smile spread firmly over his lips.

"What is your name?" the tiger demanded.

"Vin...Vintcient...Vintcient Dunis..."

Druff clicked his tongue.

"I don't think you study in my department, at least," he said.

"" the male said.

Druff smiled still.

"Nice stripes you are a tiger and...what exactly?" he asked in a casual tone.

The male looked at him with a confused expression, but seemed compelled to speak and answer to all of the Professor's questions.

"...dingo, s-sir..." said the young student, "Dinger..."

"Heh heh," the tiger laughed cheerfully, "don't see your kind every day., no..."

Vinticient's ears remained firmly against his skull. He did not look very happy to be trapped in a corner with the senior tiger effectively holding him hostage over his indiscretions.

"Although I feel it is my educational duty to tell you of my observation that generally the male students wishing to practice self-pleasure usually perform the deed in the communal bathroom stalls," Druff lectured.

If the dinger's look on the tiger could have been translated into words, it would have likely read something like "the fuck are you talking about".

"Ah...sorry?" Vintcient mumbled.

Druff chuckled.

"Oh don't apologise to me!" the tiger commented. "You weren't intruding on my time at all. I was simply here on an errand, and hence happened by you during...your errand..."

He held the pause, just because he could.

"...although the next user of the room might've found it to be an equally interesting sight to behold..."

"I didn't mean to - "

Druff glanced at the phone screen again and even flicked it over so that the dinger could see the action as well. Currently the lion was sitting on the bull's lap and riding him reverse cowboy style with his own fat dick swinging and slapping his round musclegut belly with every stroke. The movement was quite hypnotic, even with the video running mutedly so that the auditory pleasure of the scene was lost.

"Oh I am sure that you did not mean to do anything wrong, and that you weren't by any means getting a special thrill from the danger of being caught..." Druff mused.

The dinger opened his muzzle when he tried to speak a retort to the tiger's words, but fell silent when it hit home.

"...or you simply weren't thinking with your brain but with your dick instead."

Vintcient gawked at the suddenly crude words coming from the very respectable-looking tiger's muzzle.


"Sir - "

"We should leave," Druff said. "I happen to know that this room shall be occupied by another seminar in fifteen minutes or so and I am sure the first students will be here soon. I suspect you'd rather leave before you become the latest hit on the campus Facebook group's timeline of students found in compromising positions."

His tail flicked between his legs, under the chair, and Druff suspected the dinger knew the group in question. Druff chuffed.

"I am not a member myself but I have heard of it."


Druff handed the still porn-playing phone to the dinger.

"Get your things and follow me, mister Dunis," the Professor said. "We still have something to discuss."

The dinger worked mechanically to pocket his phone and gather his remaining articles of clothing and his backpack. While he was at this, the tiger fetched his book from the teacher's desk where it resided on the place where the tiger had left it. It was only after Druff had done his deed that the dinger followed the tiger out of the seminar room and into the hallway.

They walked in silence, passing a few students.

"Sir..." Vintcient tried.

"This is not the place to speak yet, mister Dunis," said the Professor. "Do keep up."

The dinger did not seem to think there was any other chance but to obey the senior tiger who had walked in on him having some fun of his own in the room where he thought he would not be interrupted. Vintcient wondered if they were heading to the Dean's office or the like, for some sort of an official reprimand on his behavior. That could not be good...

They stopped at a door which the tiger opened with his tag and entered into another corridor. It was more dimly lit and completely deserted. Something of a musty scent hung in the air.

"They plan to start renovating this next year," Druff commented in the empty hallway, "It will become some kind of an innovation centre, I have been told."

The dinger following him remained quiet. He did not appear to have anything to reply to the tiger's off-paw comments.

"Hmmm...yes, here..."

The tiger came to another stop, and so did the college kid as well. Druff took out his keys again and went through them while seeking the one he needed.

"This part of the building has not been added into the new security system, besides the hallway door," Druff mused, "still need to use these quaint things..."

He let the brass keys drop from finger to finger before he discovered one that was to his liking and pushed it then into the lock. Old or not, it opened without hesitation.

"Here we go, you go in first."

Vintcient glanced through into the dark room beyond the doorway. He couldn't see anything particular within.

"What is this place?" he asked.

"Just step in and you'll find out."

The dinger did not see any choice in the matter. He stomped inside and waited. The lights were soon turned on by the tiger and revealed the room to be of some size, and mostly stacked with old disused furniture. The walls were covered in a strangely textured yellow material. Even the inner surface of the door was adorned in a similar way.

"Right!" said Druff. "I think this'll do."

"Where are we?" the dinger asked warily.

The tiger chucked.

"This section used to be part of the music department," Druff said. "This was one of the practice rooms. The walls are soundproofed, as you can see...and the door doesn't have one of those pesky electronic lock things but needs a good old-fashioned key and not many copies exist. Quite the private place as a result of that, wouldn't you agree?"

Vintcient glanced at the door, looking less like someone impressed by the room rather than someone who wanted to make sure he had a clear escape route. Druff noted this and chuckled. The dinger's ears perked up, though returned to their drooping position after the reflex-like motion showed him to be on the edge. His tail wouldn't stay still either but flapped jerkily behind him.

Druff folded his arms across his chest and chuckled.

"Well are you waiting for me to ask you for an official apology or something for defiling my classroom with your manly essence?" Druff asked. "Or at least planning to..."

The dinger groaned.

"I didn't mean to do anything!" he yelped. "The door was open and...uh..."

" were looking for a quiet place to jerk off," Druff's own tail swung expansively now, to show off his buoyant mood while questioning the college boy.

The dinger's eyes fell to the floor. He had once again been taken by surprise due to the tiger's suddenly colorful vernacular. Druff's chuckling did not help it at all.

"I know what it's like at your age, Mister Dunis," the Professor stated, "when anything can make you pop a bone and you want to rub one out, so to speak. Although I do suspect you are quite the expert when it comes to masturbation."

"What?" the dinger snorted in surprise.

Druff smirked.

"Pud-pulling is a fine art, of course, but like every pastime, there is a time and a place for such things..." the Professor lectured, "wouldn't you agree?"

"I already apologised!" Vinticient said. "What else do you want me to say or do?"

The tiger shrugged.

"To say?" he mused. "We both know what was happening, and there is no way to explain it otherwise. As for doing, that is certainly up to you."

The dinger scowled.

"Do what?" Vintcient asked.

Druff took a step forward. The dinger instinctively took another step backwards. Druff smirked at this and approached even further. The next escape from Vintcient's part sent him almost to the floor, and Druff's final step meant that the dinger pinned himself against the foam-covered wall. His tail smacked it and he looked to the side along the wall towards the door that was about three feet away from his current position, between the wall and the tiger who stood in front of him, taller and otherwise imposing as well.

"H-hey - " Vintcient panted.

Druff simply stood there, looking at the dinger calmly.

"I am not telling you that you have to do something," said the Professor, "Although considering your previous activities and the subject matter of your recreational video material...I can imagine that there are some things you would definitely prefer to do instead of simply...whacking it..."

Now it was Vintcient's turn to gawk in disbelief. He had obviously heard the words, yet coming from the measured muzzle of Professor Druff it all sounded very unreal. Yet he could see the sharp gaze of the tiger standing in front of him, how it stayed on the dinger and how the tiger's nostrils appeared to flare when he inhaled the still lingering scent of lust coming off the younger male that couldn't be entirely masked even by the musty smell of disuse and decay the old music room emanated.

Druff could see the realization dawning, slowly, and it made the corners of his muzzle pull up to expose the predatory tips of his canines. It was obvious to him that the dinger had been around the block a few times, since he was picking up the implications just fine. It pleased the tiger, who let out a purring rumble of approval.

"Or I could just let you go on your way with a sharp reprimand..." the tiger stated.

He heard the dinger's sharp intake of breath. Vintcient was still looking up to him, although his face wasn't quite so marred with fear anymore. He looked more piqued and surprised, rather than anything else.

"Or..." Druff continued, "or things can be made much more pleasant..."

The tiger pressed his paw against the wall by Vintcient's head. This closed another avenue of escape for the dinger, who was now surrounded by tiger on two sides and wall by one. Only one route remained, towards the door...and he glanced for it.

"...much more indeed..."

The dinger's eyes grew rather wild, hearing the tiger's tone and his purr, and the way he was looking at the dinger who smelled of sex in a most enticing manner.

"A-are you...blackmailing me?" Vinticient mumbled.

Druff laughed roughly. He licked his lips pleasurably.

"Oh, no, no, why would I ever do that?" the tiger sussurred. "I am seducing you, Mister Dunis, because you seem to be in need of attention from paws that aren't your own..."

Druff pursed his lips sensually. The dinger stared at this masculine spectacle. The elder man standing in front of him was truly bearing down on him with his presence, and the college guy was definitely growing affected. Both of them knew it as well. Druff read the dinger's body language as easily as he smelled the arousal.

He knew what was going on. He'd been around the block.

"Uhm..." said Vintcient.

"Dick for dinger..." Druff grumbled, "or a hefty case of blue balls for both..."

Vintcient almost whimpered. It really couldn't have been put more clearly for him.


"Kneel, or pick."

The dinger was on his knees in a flash. His bag rustled to the floor off to his side. Druff gripped Vintcient's neck scruff and pushed him onto the bulging front of his pants.

"that's a good boy..."

"HmmmmmmhhIam..." the dinger slurred hotly as he got his first taste of proper tiger musk directly from the source.

The tiger's tail swung aggressively from side to side, listening to the dinger's worshipful moaning. He didn't let him down there for long. Druff tugged on the college guy's head furs.

"You'll get what you need alright..."

The tiger unbuttoned his corduroys. The dinger watched cock-hungrily how a mount of silk-covered manhood appeared among the folds of grooved fabric. Druff saw the remarkably lusty look and smirked.

"You want to be a good boy?"

"Uh...sir...yeah..." the dinger wagged his tail. "Please..."

"That's right."

The tiger tugged his underwear down. His cock almost slapped Vinticient's nosepad when it popped out and into the open. The dinger gasped at the impressive sight.


"Give it a nice kiss."

Vintcient licked his lips to get them nice and wet before he did as he was told. He practically purred at his first taste of big Professor dick. The barbed tip was wonderful, tickling at his lips. He looked up to the tiger who hovered over him and was looking at him encouragingly.


What would a pent up college boy do but to try and gobble down the entirety of Druff's shaft? The dinger opened his maw and attempted to take as much of the thick shaft as he could. The barbs tickled on his tongue and the bulky cock almost made him gag...and then it did, when the tiger suddenly shoved the rest of it inside.


The Professor's paws held the dinger's head down while he let the young man try and get used to having such a stout shaft in his muzzle. Vintcient suckled eagerly on the meat that now occupied his maw. It'd been too long since he had given head and gotten a nice, thick cock to suck. The tiger fulfilled these desires perfectly. It was big, hard, wet, tasted wonderful, and it was also such a forbidden thing to do that it ensured that the dinger's own knotty and barbed erection was at full mast and now rubbing the front of his own pants.

"Hmmmrr..." purred the Professor, "biggest guys are the biggest sluts too..."

Vintcient blushed furiously at such a suspicious compliment. At least it made him feel like he was doing a good job sucking at the tiger's cock. He tried bobbing his head on it once he had gotten his bearing on the flavor and the texture, and then looked up worshipfully at the Professor who had provided him with such a pleasant surprise. The tiger smirked at the sight and made sure to poke the back of his throat with his tip the next time Vintcient tried going down deep on the tiger's dick.

Druff's ears perked at the noise of the resulting gargle.

"I'm sure you are enjoying this much more than that silly little porn video..." the tiger mused.

"Hmmmhpphh!" Vintcient agreed with an affirming huff through his nose.

"I think their quality has been waning lately.. So many un-enthusiastic performances...I like mine to be a bit more...spontaneous..."

The tiger glanced down at the live performance of an exotic dinger slobbering down on his cock, and found that to be much more enjoyable than any grainy video clip. He even tousled the dinger's ears as a little treat for the cock-mad youth enjoying a good taste on the forbidden manly fruit. The dinger's worshipful attitude was certainly showing off in the way he attempted to swallow all of the barbed rod, with his tongue swirling about the glans that leaked the Professor's sweet pre onto his demanding taste buds. It made the blowjob slippery and helped the tiger to hump his shaft between the sweet suctioning dinger-lips.

"Good boy."

The dinger moaned at the sound of the compliment. If his cheeks didn't burn before they were sure to be blazing by now, especially since the big fuzzy tiger-balls threatened to slap him on the chin.

Druff humped the dinger's muzzle to his heart's content, but he knew that he wanted more.

"Gonna get that big ass of yours next..." he announced amidst his raunchily sloppy thrusts.

Vintcient's tail wagged furiously. Druff wouldn't have been surprised if the submissive male unloaded into his pants at the very thought of being filled with the big tiger cock.

Druff was ever the gentleman, and didn't like to keep them waiting when it wasn't part of the fun.

"Hmmph...get up...paws to the wall."

The dinger didn't have to be told what was going to happen. He was loathe to let the cock out of his muzzle, but the knowledge of the upcoming events gave him the resolution to leave the magnificent shaft briefly. He was panting hotly when he stagged up to his feet and placed his paws onto the oddly coated wall. Vintcient was quick to spread his legs and arch his back so that his round butt was perfectly displayed.

"Always ready, huh?"

Druff swatted the ass in question and heard a meep and a rumble from the dinger whose tail wagging did not stop even from the slap. The Professor's big, demanding paws gripped on the same ass and groped it through Vintcient's pants.

"Hmm...nice," the tiger opined. "Gonna give some good spring."

"Y-yes sir," the dinger hung his head submissively.


The tiger reached over to relieve Vintcient of his belt, which the striped one's nifty fingers loosened with ease. The dinger remained still but for his huffing breaths.

"Oh, fuck..." the hybrid whimpered.

Druff snickered.

"Someone's getting really worked up..." he commented.

The dinger sounded like he was in heat, panting away with his tail flagging up even before his pants had actually been roughly pulled down by the tiger. His underwear brought another grope, smack and a chuckle. The dinger was wearing white boxer briefs that clung tightly to the ass the tiger had set his eyes - and fingers - on now.

"Yes, sir!"

Druff drove his thumb against the underside of Vintcient's tail and pushed in, through the fabric itself so that he could get at the dinger's hole. He moaned and hiked his tail even higher at the feel of the veiled stroke against his asshole.

"Mmmppph - sir!"

The naughty Professor fondled Vintcient's balls before he finally got rid of the underwear. The dinger rumbled happily at the feeling of being freed from the undergarments. It promised something big was going to happen long as he would be able to take it.

"That's right..."

The tiger grabbed the dinger's tail and pulled on it hard. Vintcient bit his teeth together. He pressed his forehead against the foam cones of the wall. He expected to need the sound proofing for what was to come.

"P-please sir..." he mumbled.

Druff added some hocked up spit lube to his cock with his fingers before he pushed it between the ample ass cheeks opened by the dinger's submissive posture.He was practically thrusting his ass backwards to meet the shaft that slipped into that sweaty butt crack and the barbed tip threatened to slide right into home where it belonged, on the base of the very much raised tail.

"Better than a video, boy?"

"Y-yes f-fuck yes!" the dinger whined. "Please!"

The tiger let some more saliva drizzle out of his muzzle and to the juncture where his cocktip dwelled into the dinger's ass. Vintcient's hole clenched desperately at the feeling of both the hot cock and the wet, warm saliva, both trying to make their way into his ass.


Druff's fingers grabbed a hefty pawful of ass.

"What a slut," he declared, though coming from him it almost sounded like a compliment at the moment.


The hot slur became a gasp when the tiger flexed his hips and put his weight into the business of punching his way into the dinger's ass. His tail jumped and in insides seemed to tighten up, however much there was to feel yet.

"Juuust there..." opined the Druff.

The dinger gnawed on the foam installation on the wall when he realized that the slab of meat was truly stretching him open. It was so much better than a finger or a toy, no matter how lifelike or outrageously sized one could be, for the maximum pleasure. Nothing compared to a real throbbing, hot cock that was connected to an extremely dirty and horny man who wanted to tap his ass.

Vinticient has reasons to be glad for the sound proofing. He became rather noisy when the big barbed cock made its way up his rump. He hissed, growled, made all sorts of canine, feline, and something in between noses that made Druff himself purr at the knowledge he was making all of it happen. The tight hole bearing down on him and the feel of the nice ass under his paws was a bonus.

The breeding instincts were quickly setting in. He wanted to get in there and rut all of his daily frustrations into something warm and receptive.

"Mmmmsir..." Vintcient crooned.

Druff pushed the dinger's tail to the side and gripped his hips with both of his paws. He wanted some proper leverage for giving the dinger's ass a proper pounding. The tight hole was slowly loosening up, moderate lubrication aside, when his pre added to it inside the dinger's back passage.

"That's a right boy."

Pull. Push.

Vintcient's own cock twitched at the feeling of the barbs going at his prostate. The sensations went all the way up behind his belly button and down his balls, and his hole tried to clench around the thick shaft that spread it open. That only made it sweeter.


Druff enjoyed the ride. The dinger took the hard without much of a complaint, even with the rough thrusts from the rear. The Professor could feel a seasoned bottom boy when he had his dick inside one, and the dinger was no exception. Vinticient was obviously revelling in the domination by the older male and how he was getting filled repeatedly by the thick, hard barbed tigercock going in and out of his rump.

Balls slapped onto the dinger's own päir. His hefty ass cushioned the tiger's hips while the began to pound up onto the dinger's ass. Vintcient had to re-adjust his paws to ensure that he was not gonna be just slammed on his face against the wall when the tiger took him roughly.

Vinticient wanted nothing better. His own cock remained fully hard when a lesser bottom's would have wilted under the initial discomfort from the hard buttfucking action. The Professor's shaft massaged him just right. It launched against the dinger's prostate, made his hole tingle when the thick length stretched him open during those deep dicking moves. The insides of his tunnel were coated in pre-cum and slickened the way for even further thrusts, balls to balls, the dinger panting and yipping away when he realized that he was truly getting it up the ass from a senior member of the faculty. Later he would likely wonder just how many furs the dirty Professor had taken up to the sound-proofed room with this same purpose. Unruly students, little subby twinks, questioning jocks, drunk bi-curious colleagues...

Vintcient jerked off a hefty load reliving their session along with the fantasy-like thoughts, but when the tiger made good use of his ass, he had no mind for it. He concentrated on getting fucked. Professor Druff put all his wits into pounding the dinger's ass hard.

It was a good trade.

The tiger wanted to get off. The dinger wanted to service a big true male with his body. He'd already had it in his muzzle, and he wanted it in his ass as deep as he could take it. The tiger was trying to do that as well. His balls slapped on the dinge's' and Vintcient practically saw stars when the whole shaft twisted and ground inside his heated ass.


The tiger didn't speak. He had a better use for his muzzle, to nibble on the dinger's sweaty neck. The taste was as sweet as the ass he filled repeatedly.

It was a testament to Vintcient's receptiveness that he was the one to get both of them over the edge. Druff's hard pounding of his ass might've been what made his insides coil up and his prostate to trigger the orgasm, hot, splendid glow accompanied by a powerless yet copious flow of seed from his flopping cock and onto the wall.

The tightness that ensued stroked the tiger just right and made him bite down on the neck he had earlier lavished with tiger laps and kisses.

It filled Vintcient's ass with a lovely glowing load of dreamy tiger-cum while the daddy pumped his seed into the dinger's rump with many wonderful flexing breeding motions intended to drive his spunk up as deep as it would. He wanted it to stay there for a long time as a reminder of what had happened, to tell the dinger just what a big tiger had left him panting and leaking cum into his underwear by the time they were truly finished.

Vintcient would not believe how raunchy that felt, but he was not going to complain about it.

He even made a point of asking the number of the tiger's room, just in case.

It might come in handy, for reasons.


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