TDM ~ Chapter One

Story by Thecursednoodle on SoFurry

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#1 of The Daycare Man

Part one of The Daycare Man

Welcome to my first attempt at writing a halfway-decent story, It's fine whether you like it or not, so feel free to leave a review, Just as a warning: This story is intended for adult audiences only So if Pokemon porn ain't your cup of tea, you should probably leave, Anyways,

Enjoy the story!

*The Daycare Man ~~~1~~~ *

Let me start this by introducing myself...well, actually, I'd rather not give you my name if that's alright with you. You know, just in case someone decides to hunt me down after they hear what I did, which I would totally understand. Anyways, never mind my name, would a description of myself suffice? Well, I'm 17 years old, nearly 18. I have brown hair, the color people always describe as 'hazel', which, by the way, really irritates me; it's just brown, not Hazel. Yes, I'm a guy, just in case you were wondering, and perfectly proud of it too. That's really all you need to know to understand the story, since I don't want to waste time getting into specifics like my height, etc. Anyways, I'm rambling. The point of this story... yeah... well, basically I did something kind of weird. The kind of thing I'm pretty sure you've never even thought about before. Before I begin, let me just say in my defense, that I didn't mean for it to happen, it just kind of... did. You know, like when you tell yourself you won't yawn, and just thinking about it makes you do it? Yeah, kind of like that. Oh, you probably think I murdered somebody from the way I'm writing this. No, nothing like that...

Anyways, I work at the Pokemon Daycare in Servin Town. Quite a nice little place, nestled right in a valley that provides a beautiful view in two out of four directions. The Daycare, well, I just work there. My father is the one who owns it, but seeing as he's gone most of every year on his travels, he leaves me to run it. After all, he knows I'm responsible enough to be on my own... well, at least most of the time. We get lots of business there, but not enough to deny me several hour-long breaks every day. It really is a bit strange how many travelers find their way to our little town. Although, I guess it does help with business, seeing as how most of them want to leave their Pokemon with me for a day or two while they tend to other things. All in all, the Daycare turns quite a nice profit, but I won't go into financial details. Not trying to sound conceited, but the point of this story is about me, after all.

Yes, here's where it starts sounding a little strange. I guess any sane person wouldn't write about this, but I just have to get it off my chest. At the Daycare, we have two areas; the front and the back. The front room is just the typical desk, books, stuff you would expect to see. The back room (technically not a room) is the little outdoor spot. Just a fair-sized area of grass and bushes which I keep fenced off from the town path; that's where I keep the Pokemon under my care. I let them do whatever they want, so long as it doesn't involve fighting or escaping. I have a little window behind my desk which looks out to the enclosure. I usually keep the blinds down because of how bright the sun gets.

Now, with a lot of Pokemon holed up in the same place, you can probably imagine what happens; they breed with each other, as is their natural instinct. I've seen my fair share of these events, and so I don't much mind it anymore, but the townspeople definitely don't enjoy watching Pokemon fucking each other, which is why the fence around the enclosure is so tall. I know what you're thinking right now; "What a pervert, this guy watches Pokemon banging?", but it isn't like that. It just comes with the job. Yes, this subject does pertain to the issue I keep dancing around. I better get to explaining.

On Tuesday of this week, at about 2 in the afternoon, a trainer walked into the Daycare. As per the usual, he wanted to leave a Pokemon, so I recorded his name and made sure he had the cash to pay for the two days he wanted me to take care of the Pokemon. After all that, he handed me the Pokeball. He left after I assured him things would be fine. Immediately after, it occurred to me that I had completely forgotten to ask which Pokemon it was; kind of annoying, how things just leave my mind like that. I opened the Pokeball to see what I was dealing with, and a Growlithe was pulled out. Nothing special, and I already knew how to take care of their species well enough. In fact, it just so happened that I had another Growlithe in the Daycare at the time. I led the Growlithe into the enclosure, where I assumed she'd (yes, it was a female; you learn to tell Pokemon genders easily when you have my sort of job) be fine for a while. After that, I retired to my desk to begin another session of relaxation.

40 or so minutes later, I got up to check on the Pokemon. I pulled up the shade over the window and peered out; it seemed like everyone was just fine, going about their usual antics. My eyes roved the enclosure until they stopped on the Growlithe I had received earlier. She was just sitting there, looking quite lonely and ignoring everything around her. "Well," I thought, "every Pokemon is different. She obviously isn't the social type." As I watched, the male Growlithe I had been raising for a while trotted over to her. He sniffed his way around her as she watched disdainfully, then began pawing at her hindquarters. I knew what came next; the male immediately rose up on his hind legs and I watched as his tiny red penis emerged and he quickly mounted her. She submitted very passively, and he began humping into her in that fast way that smaller Pokemon have. Throughout all of this, she remained flat on the ground, seemingly detached, almost bored, with what was going on. Very strange behavior for a Pokemon, especially one currently being banged. I watched with interest as she lay there, then randomly thought to myself: "That male isn't doing much for her. I could totally show her a better time." As quickly as that first thought appeared, a second one: "Wait, what did I just think about? What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I tried to brush that weird moment off under the assumption that it was normal to think that (which it probably wasn't, right?).

I took a deep breath, cleared my mind of that thought, and pulled down the shade. I then settled back into my desk to relax until another customer arrived. I pulled out my battered old copy of The Bridge Betrayed and started perusing it, even though I'd already read it about 6 times; it's quite a good book, you should check it out some time. Another 15 minutes passed, and I rose from my chair to check back on the new Growlithe couple. I raised the blind and blinked a few times, thoroughly surprised; he was still going at it! Very strange, considering the mating of smaller Pokemon usually last about 40 seconds or so. The female was, predictably, lying flat on the ground and showing no interest nor acknowledgement of the male's proceedings. "This is ridiculous," I thought, and opened the door leading into the enclosure. I strode in there and made my way over to the Growlithes. The male was too busy to notice me, that is, until I seized him (not too hard, I'm not abusive or anything) by his bushy tail and moved him away from her. He glanced around nonchalantly, then padded away as soon as I had released him, undisturbed by me not letting him finish. I looked down to where she lay at my feet to make sure she was fine, and was greeted with quite the sight; her tail, still raised from the mating, offered a perfect view of her small vagina.

I wanted to look away, but my eyes were glued to it. I had seen Pokemon genitals of both sexes plenty of times before this, so I was unsure what held me riveted to the spot. What I did know, was that I was beginning to feel a slight discomfort about the way things were going. She literally would not put her tail down to break that awkward view. I found myself guiltily inspecting her sex; the light pink, tender flesh, and the way her outer folds met to display a tiny clitoris... damn, no matter how weird I was acting, I can't deny that it looked amazing, almost completely similar to that of a woman's. What snapped me out of it was when she raised her head just the slightest bit, the first movement I had observed from her in the past hour or so. My eyes broke away from that beautiful fleshiness, and I observed that the fur below her sex was matted and wet, more from the male's juices than her own, of which there barely seemed to be any. Now, I knew that to leave her like that would, logically, be unhealthy, considering that semen can attract a lot of bacteria, as well as create a sticky mess once it dries. I made up my mind on what to do, and gently nudged my hands under her stomach. After no protest, I lifted her and carried her into the main building. Contrary to what most people seem to think, a Growlithe really isn't very heavy, maybe an average of 30 pounds most of the time. Supporting her with one arm laced around her midsection, I reached into the bathroom and pulled a towel off the rack. Then I brought everything over to my chair; I spread the towel over my chair and set her down on it so as not to get things dirty. Then I returned to the bathroom, grabbed a washcloth, and soaked it under warm water. I walked back to my desk, set the cloth down, and lifted both towel and Growlithe. After taking a seat, I placed the Growlithe on my lap, covered by the towel. As much as I didn't enjoy doing this (at least at that point), I picked up the cloth.

She had since lowered her tail, so I pushed my hand under the fur and lifted it. I maneuvered the warm cloth under there and started cleaning up the mess. Things continued like that for a few minutes, with me trying to make sure I got every trace of the semen off of her, until I grew a bit careless and she uttered a high pitched "Lithe!" The sudden sound made me jump a little; I thought I might have somehow hurt her. Upon closer inspection however, I realized that my increasingly erratic washing had caused a corner of the cloth to gently skim her vagina. No cause for alarm, so I settled back down...

Except I couldn't exactly; I guess the sudden stimulation made her react accordingly. She had raised her tail again, ready to be mounted and submit to whichever male had caused her the pleasure. Again, I was faced with the same situation. Her tender sex was staring me in the face. I could see the slightly darker patch where all her folds met and her insides began. That thought from earlier arrived again, stronger this time; "I could show her a good time..." "Stop it," my interior self demanded, "you're acting like a fucking pervert." Except, was I really? Wasn't this sort of reaction totally justified for what I was seeing? "Yes," that darker part of myself chimed in, "you may as well have some fun with her; her trainer won't be back for quite a while, and she looks like she could use it. Go ahead, do it." Damn it, I couldn't deny it any longer...

So... this is where it starts to get weird. Just remember what I said earlier, right? I couldn't hold back, so I decided to just give in a little. I continued innocently wiping the Growlithe down, that is, until I passed over her sensitive spot again, a little rougher as well as less accidently this time. She released a soft whimper, but nothing aside from that. I continued with the task at hand and skimmed her yet another time, which elicited another tiny whimper and a slight trembling in her hindquarters. Her tail was pulled as far up as it could go, and I stared at her attractive little vagina as I passed over it again with the cloth. She mewled a bit louder, and I started to worry about using a rough cloth on such a sensitive little area. "Well, enough of that then." I mumbled to myself, and dropped the washcloth onto the desk in front of me, unmindful of getting anything particularly dirty now.

I looked back down at her and was pleased to see that the sparse intervals of stimulation had taken effect; there was a slight sheen appearing on and around her tender sex. I knew that things could only get better from there, so I mused on how best to continue. As I stared at my hands around her midsection, thinking, the most obvious choice presented itself. I removed my grip from her silky coat, fairly sure that she wouldn't want to go anywhere at that point, and looked at my fingers. I curled them all into a fist, except for my index finger. That one, I lowered under her large tail and rested against her lower right leg, near her paw. Then, I brought it slowly up, trailing along her fur and tracing the shape of her nicely curved leg until I neared her pussy. I repeated the process, and she started quaking slightly each time, clearly feeling arousal at this point. On my fourth of fifth time up, I paused and waited with my finger hovering over her sex, then tapped her extremely lightly on that beautiful little bump of raised flesh. This brought exactly the reaction I wanted; she yelped loudly and visibly jumped in my lap. Her paws pivoted inward towards each other as the pleasure faded, and she readjusted them to unintentionally rest directly in the crotch of my pants. I guess I had a good sense of clothing, because today I had worn sweatpants instead of my regular pair of jeans.

The effect was as instantaneous on me as my antics had been on her. I inhaled softly as both her paws unknowingly squirmed in my lap, pressing firmly down on the bulge in my pants. It was blissful! I closed my eyes for a moment and relaxed. She had stopped moving, but just the knowledge of what she had done brought me pleasure. I opened my eyes and found that the Pokemon was now angling her rear end up towards me, probably assuming that she would get it from there. Well, she was right. I raised my hand again and, without bothering to stroke her, gently placed a finger in the center of her pussy. She stilled, aware that something was happening back there, and I took the opportunity to press it ever-so-slightly forwards into her, no more than a few centimeters. She squeaked with pleasure and once again kneaded her paws around in my lap. That simple action shot jolts of pleasure through my lower regions, and I started to stiffen slightly in response. With just the very tip of my index finger inside the Growlithe's small vagina, I could feel how amazingly hot and slick it was in there. As much as I wanted to slide my whole finger forwards into her, I resisted and removed it. Then I began tracing the slightly sensitive lips of her pussy with care. By this point, she was constantly squirming with enjoyment as her soft paws massaged my cock, still hidden by clothing but begging to be freed as my erection hardened. Her vagina had produced enough juices to slick it completely. I watched with amusement as the first little drops of her trailed down her folds and into the fur below, where they caught and stayed.

Several quiet minutes passed with me playing around with her sensitive parts, stroking and rubbing and causing her to shudder with barely suppressed pleasure. She had rendered my dick rock-hard with the constant movement of her paws on top of it, and the urge to free it from the confines of my pants kept getting stronger. At last, I decided enough was enough. I stopped teasing her for a moment, and she relaxed slightly. After several seconds of nothing, she pivoted her head and peered at me out of the corner of her eye with a cute look that said: "Why did you stop? It was so good!" Well... I had something better in store. Without any thought on what I was about to do, I once again raised my index finger and curled it at the first knuckle just a bit. Then, I promptly lowered my hand back down to her rear. She sensed my hand approaching, and pushed her ass a little higher towards me, asking for more pleasure. Instead, she got a surprise; I rapidly slid my finger about halfway into her well-lubricated pussy. She shrieked out: "LITHE!" and gave another one of those involuntary jerks, again tweaking my cock and making me moan slightly from the sensation.

I remained still for a few seconds, offering her a chance to get used to having my finger inside of her, and then pulled it almost entirely out. Receiving no warning signals from her, I pushed it back in to about the same depth. She squeaked out a tiny "Growl!", and then I continued. I started sliding it in and out of her at a faster pace, ensuring that I went no deeper than halfway each time (I may have been horny as fuck, but I still cared for the Growlithe's safety). Her insides felt amazing, and this was only my finger, not something... better. Her slick walls squeezed my digit tightly as I finger-fucked her, and the warmth in there was incredible. I don't even think it had anything to do with her being a fire-type, but it felt like I had inserted my finger into an open oven as it entered and then left her yet again. I slowed down my movements and gave her a minute to calm down, since she had been uttering all sorts of smooth squeaks and growls, noises I had never even heard a Growlithe make before. Then, I went the whole hog and slid my whole digit into her, up to the point where it met my hand. I guess she expected it, and her reaction wasn't quite what it had been earlier, but was still enjoyable to observe.

I maneuvered my finger, now thoroughly soaked, into and out of her amazing frame for a while. She was evidently aroused like she'd never been before; every time I removed my finger, a steady trickle of her juices followed. The entire patch of fur under her vagina was drenched, even more so than when the male was working her over. I tried my best to not get it everywhere, but that was a battle I rapidly lost.

I knew something awesome was coming; she had started to shiver more than before, and her ears kept laying themselves down and then rising back up. These signs were accompanied with a flurry of squeals and whimpers as she neared what was evidently going to be her best orgasm ever. Without hesitation, I pushed my finger as far forward into her pussy as it would go. I stretched it out inside her in a pointing motion, and could just feel the barrier where her walls ended and her cervix began. Heh, I guess I did pretty good, because 10 seconds later she reached her peak and shrieked: "GROWLITHE!" "LITHE, LITHE, LITHE!" as she erupted all over the towel in my lap. I held my finger still inside her as she released a flood of liquid, pattering onto the towel which I was now very thankful I had spread out. As her orgasm tapered off, she lost the strength in her rear and sunk onto her stomach, legs splayed out. I pulled my finger out of her, considering it a job well done. That was when she turned her head to me in the same fashion as earlier and gave me a look I couldn't mistake. I'd seen it plenty of times in my line of work; the big, round eyes that meant she was now extremely attracted to me. "Well," I thought, "considering what I just did, I suppose that her feeling that way towards me should be expected."

I grasped her around the middle and lifted her from my lap. She hung limply in my arms as I scooped up the towel and spread it out on the clutter-free part of my desk with one hand. I set her down and left her for a minute as I entered the bathroom. After flicking on the light, I moved to the mirror and examined myself; there was still a very evident bulge where my cock had only just begun to soften. A few dark spots marred the surface of my light gray shirt where I had failed to contain the mess. My finger was still slimed with her essence, so I ran some hot water and scrubbed my hands under it. I glance up into the mirror while doing this and my mind suddenly gave in to the voice of reason: "Why would you do such a thing?! How could you, you sick fuck?!" As I had before, I forced that voice back down to where it couldn't be heard. Then I grabbed a clean towel and returned to the front room. I picked the Pokemon up and slid the soiled towel from under her, replacing it with the new one before lowering her once again onto the rough wooden surface. I stared for a minute at her exhausted little form, wondering what to do next...

Sliding my hand under her chest, I nudged her to try and get her to stand back up. She slowly rose back up into a sitting position where I had left her on my desk. I considered for a moment, then reached my hand under her tail and lightly tapped her clitoris. Her ears immediately perked up, and, as I had expected, she raised her tail in submission. Taking advantage of that moment, I lowered my face until it was level with her pussy, and held it several inches away. Again, the view of her nice, tight little organ started getting me hard all over again, even though I had just softened up. I knew what I was going to do, and had no qualms about it. Foregoing any type of finger stimulation, I moved my face closer to where her haunches were raised. I paused, my face nearly touching her vagina, and inhaled through my nose; I could smell the strong scent of her drying juices as well as the ones that were prepared to be released, should any more stimulation be received. I exhaled deeply with my mouth, and purposely directed a little funnel of air onto her clit, causing her to twitch slightly. Then, I opened my mouth, stuck my tongue out, and placed it directly onto the center of her sex. I paused, tasting the foreign sensations, and then pushed it as far as possible into her (not very far, considering it was my tongue). She whined with pleasure as I slowly removed my tongue, and then pushed it back in at an equal speed.

Much the same events as earlier transpired from that point; I continued to eat her little vagina out as she enjoyed the feelings I was providing her with. I gradually increased my speed, darting my tongue in an out of her slick hole and tasting everything that came pouring out, which wasn't bad, but definitely not something I would have liked to taste on a regular basis. I could see that she was losing stamina quickly, so on my next push into her, I held my tongue there and swirled it around as much as possible. She whimpered and shook as her essences dripped and pooled onto my tongue while it was still inside her. All it took was a tiny bit more of that before she was nearing another climax. I have to say, I admired her stamina, especially the ability to come once and then be ready again only a few minutes later. I increased my pace until I could see her ears repeating the same flattening and raising that I knew signaled her imminent release. At the point where she couldn't take it anymore, I immediately pulled my tongue out of her and refrained from inserting it again.

Trembling with anticipation, the Pokemon turned her head to stare at me with both curiosity and disappointment; she couldn't achieve her peak without my help. After I didn't show any signs of continuing my work on her, she lowered her haunches and sat back down, still shaking all over.

Leaving her momentarily, I made my third trip to the bathroom within that hour. Repeating the earlier process, I dampened a cloth with warm water and wiped my mouth and chin clean of her juices. Then, I rinsed my mouth several times to rid it of the taste. I left and walked back to the front desk, where the Growlithe gave me a slightly contemptuous look, seeming to ask: "Why didn't you let me finish?" "Well," I said softly, not even aware I was speaking out loud, "I have something much better planned next. It'll make eating you out look like child's play." I ran my hand along her smooth coat, and she nuzzled it affectionately. I smirked; I had probably formed a better bond with this Growlithe in the past hour than her trainer had in however long he had owned her for.

I diverted my attention from the Pokemon for a bit as I leaned back and relaxed in my chair. I thought about what I had just done. At that point in time, I wasn't feeling much conflict over what I had done to the little creature; the guilt that I now feel came later, after I had delivered the big "finishing blow" that I had known was inevitable. You can probably guess what happened. Looking back on it now, I honestly believe that things went a little too far. There was absolutely no reason to do what I had done to her. But, I suppose what's done is done and can't be changed now, so back to the story...

She sat facing away from me as I reclined in my chair. I tried to take a short break from all the interesting activities I was thinking about and calm my mind; instead, I found myself idly focusing on the base of her tail which covered her sex as she sat on the desk. And I thought about things I never would have imagined I could think about. I pondered what I was now sure would have to come next, what had been inevitable, really, ever since I began with her. Just the thought of going that far with her was making me hard again. I certainly couldn't just sit there and stare at her all day; I felt a growing compulsion to act on my fantasies, and, I'm sorry to say, that's just what I did.

I stood up and pushed the chair back and out of my way. She started at the sudden movement, and eyed me carefully, still facing away with her body. I stood for a moment, thinking. By now, it should be obvious what I was going to do. To state it plainly, I was about to fuck her. Make love... to a Pokemon. It doesn't sound positive no matter which way you state it. My mind was consumed with desire; the fingering and eating her out had been fun, but they weren't enough to provide me with fulfillment. I suppose there was a certain selfish desire mixed in there somewhere; likely my willingness to use her how I wanted and for the main purpose of my pleasure, but it hardly bothered me. I was preoccupied with the idea of sinking my dick into her as soon as possible. As before, I ran a finger under her tail, just above her vagina, and she rose to her feet and presented herself to me. A problem immediately arose; her opening was noticeably small, and she was of a tiny stature overall. Could I really do this without hurting her? The most obvious choice was to try it and find out.

I slowly lowered and stepped out of my sweatpants, and then did the same with my boxers. My previous thoughts of fucking her had served to arouse me, and I finished the job manually. I lowered my hand, wrapped it around my length, and stroked it until I was sufficiently hard. It was then that I noticed that the Pokemon was not very well-lubricated anymore. Using my finger, I gently poked it inside her and stroked her walls. I continued this, disregarding her soft noises, until she was slightly wetter than before. It wasn't as good as it could have been, but it was enough to get the job done. Without further ado, I mentally and physically prepared myself for what I knew would be my best experience in a long time, even better than when I had first lost my virginity a few years ago (which is a story I won't get into right now). I positioned my rock-hard cock at her entrance, which she had so readily presented to me. Placing my tip onto the first textured surfaces of her pussy, I could feel her whole body quivering; I knew at that moment that she understood what was about to happen. I hesitated for the shortest time, still unsure for her safety. She turned her head enough for me to see a bit of her face, and what I saw was loving acceptance and expectancy for what was about to happen. That's all it took. I pushed into her. And I fucked her.

Sliding my cock inside her pussy at a moderate pace, I felt everything my finger had from earlier, except seemingly multiplied by ten. I can't accurately describe it, only that it was hot, wet, and tight all at the same time. The sensation of penetrating such a forbidden area drove me mad with pleasure and lust along with the feeling of her incredible insides. I continued moving inwards into her, listening to and fully enjoying her sultry exhalations of "Growlithe... Lithe..." as she felt me steadily filling her up with dick.

After what seemed like a lifetime of movement, my penis met a resistance I knew it could not pass; I had gone as deep as possible into her and encountered her cervix as my finger had earlier. I opened my eyes for a moment to look down at the area where our two bodies met; about ¾ of myself had been pushed inside the Growlithe, and while it wasn't as much as a human female could take, I found it good enough. If anything, her small interior was even better than a human's, what with its amazing heat and tight walls, to the point that her shudders were felt clearly within my penis as it nestled itself into her. I couldn't stand the stimulation of her tiny pussy, and I moaned out loud along with her as we simply waited there, joined with each other in the most intimate way possible. It took all my willpower to not ejaculate into her right at that moment.

I decided that it was time to get things moving steadily along, and clutched my hands around the middle of her body. I tried not to squeeze her soft sides too roughly as I slid myself a ways back, and then moved forward again, sampling her insides with my hard cock, now thoroughly soaked with her juices. She moaned her name all the louder when I started moving, displaying the intense feelings I was bestowing upon her. I continued all the way back into the Pokemon, stopping as I again felt her cervix press up against my dick. Through my pleasure, I was dimly amazed at how she could take such a large organ that deep and show no signs of discomfort or pain over it. That thought was erased as I abandoned my slow movements and pulled out again, before pushing in at a more rapid pace.

I won't elaborate on the whole thing. The statement "I fucked her" suffices to describe what happened. Actually, something more like "I fucked her brains out" would work as well. I increased my pace, going at her pussy while I held firm on her sides to keep her rooted to the desk. Not that she would have wanted to go anywhere; her whimpers became shrieks as I continuously dived into her again and again with an organ clearly larger than any other she may have received before this. Every one of my thrusts brought her needy walls clenching down along my shaft as my tip placed pressure on the entrance to her womb.

The sex quickly became much more overexerting than I had imagined. Having to constantly hold back the flow of jizz that was begging to be released was more than enough work, even without my constant movement into her small sex. Beads of sweat trailed down my face and body as I pounded her, eliciting as much stimulation as possible from her slick vagina. My cock had begun to ooze precum into her, and it mixed with her juices as it was pushed out every time I pulled back, where it streamed downwards into the Growlithe's fur and onto the towel under her. I didn't know how much longer I could resist the intense need for release. I continued thrusting.

After another two minutes of the same extreme exertion, I knew I couldn't hold it back any longer. I slowed my movements by a small amount, continuing to provide her with a steady stream of precum. All at once, the rising feeling of orgasm began deep within my pelvis. I finished by thrusting as deep as possible into her, exerting a much heavier force than before onto her cervix. That was all it took; we both came simultaneously. She screamed "GROWLITHE! GROWLITHE!" so loudly I would have seriously worried about the houses down the street hearing it if I hadn't been so consumed in my own orgasm. I moaned loudly, but not as loud as the Pokemon had: "AAARGHH...!" as I came into her. My twitching cock launched a thick spurt of semen into her insides as I shook and trembled in ecstasy, quickly followed by another, and then several more. Never before had I ejaculated like I did then, her walls throbbing around my girth as every last bit of cum I had was released straight into her pussy. My orgasm slowly tapered off until all that remained was a minute throbbing in my dick, still buried fully in her. I pulled out of her and collapsed back into my chair, too exhausted to even put my pants back on. My cock was coated liberally with a sticky combination of my semen as well as her ejaculate. I rested my chin on my chest and raised my eyes to the Growlithe. She was splayed out on top of the towel, clearly beat. As I watched, a slight trickle of my cum reached her entrance and began dripping out of her.

I tried to summon the strength to rise and set about cleaning things up, but simply couldn't. My thoughts faded into a dull echo within my head. My head dropped onto my chest as I fell asleep.

I slowly returned to consciousness over the course of a few minutes. Raising my head, I squinted and blinked drearily, trying to clear my eyes of the heavy sleep. I pivoted my head towards the window behind me, and noted that the sunlight was growing dull; I must have been out for at least 3 hours... meaning I had left the Growlithe alone, with no supervision, for 3 hours! I turned to stare at the spot where she had been, fully expecting her to be gone, but quickly noted with some surprise that she still lay there. She was also asleep, with her head placed over her crossed paws as she breathed slowly in and out. She was now facing towards me, meaning she must have turned around some time after I had succumbed to my exhaustion.

As I observed her, the eyelid of her right eye opened ever so slightly, and she fixed me with an apathetic stare. The Pokemon opened her other eye and then slowly rose to her feet. She jaws gaped in a wide yawn, exposing some small, pointed fangs. I sighed; as much as I wanted to just snooze some more, I knew there was work to be done. For one, there was the combined mess of both human and Pokemon sex strewn around the general area. Several things had been knocked off the desk as well, luckily nothing fragile. Forcing my legs to hold, I stood up. Her focus was immediately directed to me. I felt her eyes on my back as I bent down and gathered up my clothing, before beginning to pull it back on.

A few seconds later, my eyes fixed on the Growlithe and widened with surprise; she had silently turned around, and was now directing her hindquarters towards me with her tail raised to present her pussy. Out loud, I murmured: "What... again,... are you kidding me...?" It was obvious that she wanted the same thing as before. I guess she wasn't quite through with me yet.

I would have liked to resist, but I swear she knew I was at her mercy. How could I deny the same inviting prospect that had turned out so incredible before? I didn't hesitate before dropping the pants in my arm and once again pulling off my boxers. I was hard even before I entered her. She took it even better than the first time. Her inner walls expanded as I parted them and reached the barrier at the far back in the first thrust I made.

The sex was just as amazing the second time as the first. I think I described it thoroughly before, so I'll spare you the details. I continued my movements and was able to hold off longer this time; she came before me, accompanied with a flurry of small animalistic sounds of ecstasy. We both had our limits, however. Slowing for one final salvo, I came into the creature for the second time, blasting her interior with several ropes of my sperm; I never would have thought I could have enough left for a second round.

I remained in her vagina for a minute or two, and then pulled out with a breathy exhalation, accompanied with some sort of sighing noise from her as she felt the fullness in her insides disappear. Looking around the room, I tried to organize my mind as to what job needed to be done first. No matter what order I put the jobs required to hide what had happened in, it was still a lot of work.

The next day, the Growlithe's trainer returned to the Daycare to pick her up. Everything was just as it had been the day before, thanks to several hours worth of cleaning. Returning to him from the back enclosure, I held out the Pokeball containing the beautiful female, which he took with a word of thanks. He paid the fee, and was gone. I won't say I was especially distraught to have to see the little Pokemon leave; I had been expecting it, obviously. What I did wonder (with some amusement) was whether her trainer might ever figure out what had happened while she was under my care. I briefly imagined his reaction to learning that information, and then shrugged it off. I had plenty to get done that day, including some more nice, long breaks, so I got to work. The thought that persisted throughout the day was something like: "Yes, it might have been wrong, but it sure was amazing. Besides, I'll make sure it never happens again. I can stand one time, I might be a little worried about myself if I were to do it again."

Well, so that's it. There you have it. Hate me if you want, because I can understand the reasoning behind that. I'm out of time to write this anyways, so I'll finish it here. Just know that you won't be hearing from me ever again, because I firmly believe I could never do something like that a second time and bear it without guilt.

I hope you enjoyed the story, I invested a lot of time into 7,000+ words, Please consider leaving a review, it would help me know how to work future stories, Anyways, thanks for reading,
