A Helping Hand From Mother, Chapter Two

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#33 of Incest Stories (Others)

Previous Story

Perhaps our most popular story deserves a sequel, and the time feels right to shed a little light on the continuing adventures of Martin and Annie Tannings!

Martin's confidence issues seem to have passed, thanks to an incestuous romp with his mother, but she's become desperate for a second round with her son, who used his newfound confidence to start dating a gorgeous young lady by the name of Janet.

Annie already cheated on her husband with her own son...but now, can she convince the boy to do the same for her?

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

"Ooooh, damn...M-Martin, I'm gonna cum again! F-fuck! It's getting everywhere!"

In a bedroom upstairs at the Tannings household, young Martin was giving his new girlfriend yet another mind-blowing climax, and juices were spilling across the sheets as neither of the sexually charged college students could contain their fluids.

Down in the kitchen, Annie Tannings was just trying not to spill a wine glass as one shaky, fumbling paw cradled the body of the bottle and poured nervously into a tall, rounded glass. Her other paw was too busy digging around in her panties, fumbling aimlessly to try and massage her clit in the vain hopes that it might calm her down in the slightest.

She knew it was a hopeless effort, and she was running out of panties to soak through.

Girl sure knows how to moan like a porn star, Annie thought, as she bit down on the edge of the wine glass, all while taking a long, needed gulp. I can't imagine she's half as skilled as I am in the sack, though...she seems nice, but my son deserves better.

It was only natural for a mother to want the best for her son, and in such a sense, to be a little overly judgemental of a young lady when a courtship started.

It was a bit more unnatural for a mother to be jealous of the girl who was laying back in a growing puddle of her own orgasmic mess and panting under the healing body of the same son.

Sounds like he's learned well, though. Just one time in the sack with his mother, and he's a pro...wish his father could learn a lesson so easily, Annie groaned in mental anguish. Though she'd taken the forbidden plunge with her son only weeks before, it hadn't changed much around the house: Annie was still dissatisfied with her marriage, Martin was adjusting exceptionally well to doing something that most people would at least need to talk about, and perhaps worst of all for Annie, her husband was still a painfully boring and regimented individual.

Most women who cheated on their husband with anyone, much less their own son, would have been a little nervous, or perhaps remorseful. Annie didn't have a bone of worry in her body about the fact, as she stayed home all of the time. Right after they'd finished, she'd cleaned up the sheets and the mess, and her husband, nosy as he was into Annie's personal life at home, didn't suspect a thing. She didn't care if she wore the soaked panties around the house, since she could hide them under her knee-riding skirt, and as prude as her spouse was, Annie never had to worry about him investigating any residue.

_Hell, if he'd even just take a gander at my cunt once in a while, maybe my life wouldn't be so damned boring. _

There was just a little mental remorse for Annie, in thinking that she'd used her son for nothing more than a quick, cheap thrill, as if he was the only thing that could plug the hole in the sinking ship that was her early forties. Of course, she cared for him much more than that, but they hadn't so much as talked about what had happened since the act, and she couldn't deny the fear that she'd turned her son away from her side, permanently.

She simply had to show him how much he meant to her, still, and her womanhood was already drizzled with excitement at the thought of how much better her son might have gotten in the bedroom, since their first encounter. His health was returning to form, both in attitude and in physical being, and just from that one, confidence boosting moment, Annie could see Martin returning to the exuberant, energetic and confident young man that he once was.

In a way, her having sex with him was one of the best things that had ever happened to him, but it left her floating, alone on an island of temptation, and she needed to swim to shore for another long, tall drink...even if it meant overshadowing Janet.


Annie simply had to time her moment properly.

Her husband was going to be late coming home from work again, as usual. He was most nights, and often, he expected that the house be sparkling clean, and that dinner would be waiting for him on the table when he arrived.

"That ungrateful bastard can order takeout tonight," Annie muttered under her breath, as she perked her ears to the sound of Janet coming down the stairs.

She was a beautiful German Shepherd, no matter how Annie looked at it. She was no doubt in the peak of her beauty, even so early in college, and Annie couldn't help remembering when she was in the same situation in college, having the kind of looks that left guys lined up around her dormitory, just for the chance to be with her. That ended up a fruitless pursuit, as she ended up with a man who turned on her the day after they got married, but she couldn't be too angry at him.

After all, without him, there would be no Martin, and no spark in her life.

"Thanks again for the snacks, Mrs. Tannings!" Janet said, as she came bumbling down the stairs. Her hair was still disheveled, her jeans had a clearly dampened spot upon the crotch, and no doubt, she was still aroused: her nipples were poking desperately through the thin fabric of her shirt. In a way, Janet was shameless, or perhaps, just that oblivious to the cues of her body.

Annie wasn't worried about her motives for being so brazen. She was just glad to see the girl was leaving.

"You're very welcome, dear. I suppose we'll be seeing you again tomorrow for a little more studying?"

"I sure hope so! Martin's really smart...but with his help, I really think I'm starting to get the whole physics thing!"

It was a perfect opportunity for Annie to put Janet on the spot. She could have claimed to know about the fact that each and every study session was just a thinly veiled afternoon romp. She could have asked if the pair were dating, or if Janet was just using her son for his intelligence.

Instead, she smiled and offered a polite wave. "He's quite a bright boy, my little Martin. I'm glad you've taken such a liking to him, and that he's being so kind to you."

"He's a real gentleman," Janet admitted, not quite shining enough light to say if they were dating or not. "And he is pretty bright. I might actually pass the class, with his help."

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Annie suggested, as Janet made her way to the door and out onto the porch. "Be safe now, sweetie!"

Janet smiled back, but she never replied. Her tail was flickering back and forth in an excited blur, and her step, while a bit bow-legged, was just as cheerful.

Annie felt a wicked grin curling her own lips as she stood up from the table and adjusted her skirt just slightly. Her son was a brilliant mind, but she knew how lazy he could be after a romp...and as her footpaws carried her up the stairs, moving in daintily quiet steps, she couldn't keep from chuckling as the image in her mind was nearly a perfect match for the one that she happened upon in the real world.

Martin was sprawled across the bed, and still panting just the tiniest bit. He was naked as the day he was born, and his cock, while no longer stiff, was still a bit larger than normal as it was flopped over his right thigh, drooling the last bits of his seed into his own fur. His expression was the definition of contentment, and his eyes were closed...until he felt something wet, thin and slippery land upon his muzzle.

"Honestly, Martin...giving your best to some other woman when you know your mother is so needy? And here I thought you were much more well behaved than that!" Annie taunted him, wearing a grin that couldn't have been more arrogant. Martin's eyes fluttered open from a nearly dozing state to see light pink upon the bridge of his muzzle, and a darker pink over his lips, as his mother's own panties, stained with her arousal, had been tossed right onto his face. He took in a deep gasp of shock as he saw Annie standing, leaning against the frame of his doorway, and his nostrils were instantly flooded with a scent that was now all too familiar to him...one that he couldn't hope to ignore.

Whether or not he could resist it was another question.

" Mom! I...I just-

"Just got done fucking Janet, yes...I can tell. The poor girl walks out of here with a hobble almost every single day! You're going to break her if you aren't careful!"

Bashful warmth flooded Martin's expression from his chin, all the way up to the tips of his ears. He knew how well sound carried in the house, and yet, he'd been foolish enough to let Janet yell and groan with all of the pleasure that she felt whenever they had a chance to fuck. Somehow, Martin actually believed that Annie might be blissfully ignorant of what was going on in the second bedroom of the Tanning's household, and it was his own ignorance that was shattered, as his lustful mother stood upright from the door frame and took a step closer to his bed.

"It's n-not like that, mom...we're...we're just study partners!"

"Oh, for the love of..." Annie trailed off, rolling her eyes at her son and managing a quiet giggle. "I really thought you knew better than to lie to your mother, Martin, and yet, here you are, trying to lie right to my face...if I were feeling meaner, I'd have to ground you and tell you that you couldn't have your little girlfriend over for a week!"

Martin wasn't sure whether to feel arousal at his approaching mother, or a little sarcastic embarrassment from her threat. "I'm in college, mom..."

"Still living in my house, kiddo. If I say that she can't come over, she can't come over," Annie reminded him, and though she was still smirking playfully, Martin thought that she might be at least a little serious. "But, I'm feeling nice, and more than a little horny, so I guess I can cut you a deal. You give me a good fuck...a hard, brutal fuck...the kind that poor little Janet just can't handle...and perhaps I'll let you see her again, tomorrow."

Somehow, Martin almost could have seen such an offer coming, even if the whole experience felt new to him. It wasn't as if he'd forgotten what happened between them, before, but they'd never touched on the subject, and somehow, life continued as normal after their incestuous affair, as if it really were just a perverted dream.

Thanks to that, the sight of his mother lifting her skirt and exposing her nethers, showing off the dripping, drooling webs of liquid desire that spilled between her thighs was still just as enthralling as it was the first time he saw such a thing. In many ways, it felt as though they were doing this for the first time, again; this time, however, Annie was much quicker to the chase, and Martin could already feel like spreading back into his manhood as it bounced awake from his thigh and began to tilt upwards, right toward his mother's top.

"I don't...I don't want to cheat on Janet, mom. I can't do that to her!"

It was the kind of resistance that Annie expected, but she was still somewhat surprised that her son was willing to act on it. She could see his body responding, but could see the conflict in his mind all too easily through his captivating, honest eyes.

She'd given Janet a free pass, but she wasn't going to be so easy on her offspring. "She never said that you two were dating...and neither did you."

"W-well, I mean...we haven't really said that we are, but...we've...y'know..."

"Fucked?" Annie asked, even as she kept crawling onto the bed. Her paw was a blur as it lashed out to grip her son's cock, and she felt a mixture of jealousy and arousal as she felt Janet's own juices still lingering upon it, making it slick to the touch. There was a certain excitement to getting to have her son, so soon after his supposed girlfriend had a shot at him, and she took pride in knowing that she had a chance to prove how much better she was.

The question was meant to embarrass Martin, at least, in his own mind. He could tell his mother was just trying to make him squirm, and he did just that as her skillful pawtips wrapped around the base of his stiffening cock and began to stroke it. She didn't jump right into full, hard tugs, however, like Janet: instead, she took slow, gentle strokes from the base, and swirled her pawtips around the tapered, canine tip of his manhood, until precum dribbled forth, and then, she worked it back into the unfairly sensitive tip, before stroking lightly back down the underside, until she could feel the bulge of his sack. Her technique was simply flawless, and it left Martin nearly unable to properly reply as his head fell back into the pillow with delight.

"Y-yes... yes!" Martin groaned quietly at first, before moaning aloud as he felt a gentle squeeze around his member. Annie was already licking her lips as she watched the clear, slick fluids dribbling off of the tip of his cock, but she meant this to be something of a punishment for her son...that meant he wasn't getting any oral play, and she needed more than a mere taste could provide. Her sex was already leaving a streak on the sheets as she finished crawling across them, and her tummy was trembling with excitement as she slid her labia across the underside of his cock, keeping it upright entirely with her own needy folds.

She could have slipped forth just a little more and given her son what he wanted, and what she truly needed, but she paused and watched him shuddering beneath her. The power trip alone was enough to send a fresh warmth through her cunt, but the fact that it was her son...the forbidden fruit that she could never get her fill of...that mental thrill was driving her completely insane.

"Well, if she isn't your girlfriend...then this isn't cheating, Martin...it's just playing the field," Annie explained, her voice dripping with lust, and yet, her words were entirely calm and collected, as if she wasn't overwhelmed with her own uncontrollable passions. "And I'm gonna show you how much better I am, Martin...I'm gonna fuck your little brains out and milk every last fucking drop of cum right out of your sack!"

There was no world in which Martin and Annie could ever have a real relationship. He knew that all too well, and of course, he didn't know that he loved his mother in such a way. Their sexual chemistry couldn't be denied, especially as Annie gripped her son by the sack, held his shoulder with her other paw, and finally allowed the tip of his length to penetrate her slit, but that didn't mean that he necessarily loved his mother that way.

Annie, on the other hand, knew exactly how she felt about Martin, and she'd remind him of it through every step of the mating, as her hips dipped back slowly, forcing her son to thrust, if that was the kind of evening he wanted.

"M-mom...damn...how did you l-learn to move like that?!" Martin cried out, his head burying further back into the pillow as Annie took a full ten seconds with just the first push of her hips. She was finally settled in her son's lap, but she squeezed her inner muscles around his shaft, working his cock high and low, all while she rocked gently from side to side. She could see just from the wincing delight on her son's face that she might be able to make him cum without so much as lifting her hips again, but she could do so much more than that, and if Janet were to be seen as competition, Annie wasn't going to leave any doubt. "Ooooh...nnngh! Fuuuuck...it's too good, mom!"

Smirking and offering her son a brief wink, Annie lifted her paw from Martin's sack and brought it up to one of her breasts. She cupped it gently and swirled her pawtips around the nipple, knowing that any time Martin opened his eyes, he'd get the kind of show that most men would happily kill for. " Nothing's too good for my son," Annie corrected him, as soft, desperate pants began to fill her voice. She was trying to keep her moans quiet at first, but that was out of habit, as her husband always forced her to. She knew Martin could appreciate her cries of delight, and she wouldn't keep anything from her offspring: if he was willing to cross the incestuous line with her, she'd bare her heart and soul to him, and everything that her body could possibly offer.

It was an offer that was more than the skillful, seemingly random squeezing around his cock that Martin could never prepare for, and more than the visual delight of his mother's toned, well-kept body bouncing upon his own as the pace grew ever faster. It was something all encompassing, and something that Martin could recognize as his paws finally reached up to grip his mother's hips, knowing that he needed to show her a sign of what her sexual gift had done for him...he couldn't just lay back and be a toy for her, much as she was okay with that idea. She'd given him back the gift of his confidence, and in return, he needed to give her the kind of love that she truly desired.

To start, it was just one thrust. It was deep, and out of time, but it still rubbed Annie just the right way, and suddenly, her hips paused.

"Y-yes...harder, Martin."

His eyes took on a shade of innocence as he looked up at his mother for guidance, just as he had so many times in the past. "Harder?" he asked, even as his hips bucked upward again, and this time, Annie slammed her rump back down so her hips could meet with his in a sweaty, sticky joining of bodies.

Annie was still in control, and she was still determined to prove her worth, but her son was actually fucking her now, and she wasn't going to pass up on such an opportunity. She nodded eagerly to her child and waited eagerly for his next move, knowing that he'd be pouring his heart and soul into a single thrust, something that she could only wonder if he'd done to Janet.

At the feeling of the tapered tip of her son's wonderfully canine cock slamming into her womanhood, she started to lose concern of the competition with Janet. Having that much sexual energy after a romp with another woman wasn't just something that she could chalk up to Martin's youth and prowess; there was a genuine desire to please his mother as his rump clenched, his hips reared back again, and he speared her on his length a second time. He was nearly pounding into her cervix, and Annie couldn't help biting her lip and stifling her moan just slightly. She was overwhelmed with delight, but beyond that, there was a hint of regret in knowing just how amazing her son was...she could never last as long as she wanted to when he was the one fucking her.

"Th-that's it...that's the way, my son!" Annie cheered him on, pushing her hips back down into his own pounding body. Their pace was perfectly matched as they moved, and even with a recent orgasm slowing his body down, Martin knew that he couldn't last much longer, with his mother's skillful muscles clenching and squeezing around his shaft. Part of him wanted to ask her where she learned such a trick, so that he might be able to teach it to Janet, but he didn't dare bring her up at that moment. His mother was his only focus right then, just as she wanted to be, and for the kind of love she'd shown to him, Martin wouldn't dare to be such a selfish son. "I can f-feel that throbbing...you wanna cum, baby? You wanna c-cum inside of mommy?"

Everything about Annie was sexual, down to the very core of her being, and Martin couldn't help feeling the littlest bit of shame at enjoying when she coddled him and talked down to him in such a way. It was so sweet and endearing that it shouldn't have been lewd, but it was, and the precum that was already smearing Annie's insides was only further evidence that Martin couldn't possibly hold out. "More than anything," he gasped out to his mother, gazing into her eyes with lidded, lust-drunk orbs of his own. He couldn't possibly look away from her, as if she were holding a leash around his neck and keeping his gaze by force, but it was merely with her body that she kept his own under her control.

His admittance was like an offering to Annie, and she took it as such, as her body slammed down one last time, before she gripped her son's sack tightly, squeezing it in time with the powerful clench of her inner walls around his cock. His knot was already beginning to emerge and press at her folds, and though a less experienced canine female might struggle and squeal, Annie simply grinned at the challenge and twisted her hips, knowing just how to slide the most delicious part of her son's manhood inside. Cum was already spraying across every inch of her sex as the knot plugged up her labia, and she cried out in her own ecstasy-laden climax, as her son dug his claws into her backside and held on, fucking her with everything that he had, and yet, still acknowledging that he was no match for her experience.

"M-more, Martin...cum even more! I want every...f-fucking drop of that seed, baby...fill your mommy up...d-drain your balls in mommy's cunt!" she ordered him, feeling no shame about her demands as a powerful orgasm wracked her entire body. She shuddered from the tips of her paws to the very tips of her tall, canine ears, and a thicker, warmer flow of her juices spilled across her son's length, trapping it in webs of liquid desire as her body shook and convulsed beyond her control. She could feel streaks of his cum, healthy and fresh, spraying across her insides, and though she knew it wasn't possible, she felt a twisted sense of pride at the thought that her son would be actively breeding her, if they had the chance.

He was clearly into the idea, as well, as Annie began to slump over his body, dripping with sweat and panting into his chest. "Oooh...oooohGod... M-Mom, I c-can't...can't hold back anymore!" he admitted, even if she was already well aware, thanks to the thick bulb of his knot nearly splitting her body in two. She took the entirety of the thick, fleshy lump like the professional that she was and even let out a nearly silent whimper of approval as it fit so perfectly within her womanhood, and as if to show her appreciation for him, Annie slowly sat upright again and turned her body, drawing her leg over his lap and spinning just enough to simulate a proper, full canine finish, something that Janet had never done for him. "That's...Mom, that's...so f-fucking hot...nnnngh!"

Martin could scarcely speak as he watched, knowing that he was the one who should have turned around for the tie to be fully proper, but stuck on his back as he was, he could only lay back and let the last of his cum spill into his own mother in slow, lazy spurts, taking up the course of nearly half an hour in their sheer volume. It was the sort of emptying that his body needed, and the kind that only his mother had ever given him, in her twisted form of affection.

At least, others saw it as twisted. Annie didn't think that there was a single thing wrong with what she'd done, as she brushed the soft fur of her tail under her son's chin and curled up between his legs, content to lay there until his knot deflated and popped free from her, naturally.

A mother loving her son like this...what could be more natural? she thought.


Heavenly bliss was enough to send Martin off to an early sleep, and it was something that Annie had almost accounted for, as she slipped out of his bed and pulled her panties hastily over her sex, but she didn't leave his bed by choice. She never would have left the warmth of his body if she hadn't heard someone coming in the front door, and she feared the worst.

Her husband was likely home early, and there was no way that she could clean off all of the stains of her sins before he made his way up to their bedroom. She could hear small, delicate footpaws coming up the stairs, and she feared the worst as she ran across the hallway in a flash and into her bedroom, slipping the bathrobe that she'd left hanging on the back of her door over her body in a lousy attempt to regain some of her modesty. Her breasts were nearly still hanging out when she nervously burst through her door, knowing that the plethora of cum in her womanhood was starting to leak through her panties...

...Only to see Janet standing on the other side of the door, looking as cute as she could be.

"Sorry to come back in unannounced, Mrs. Tannings. The door was open, and I forgot one of my books in Martin's room. Is he okay?"

It took everything in Annie's being not to let out an obvious sigh of relief, but she did her best to smile casually and nod. "He's just fine, dear. I found him sleeping a little while after you left...you must have given his brain a real workout!"

The connection that the two women shared seemed to be lost on Janet, who blushed not only at the fact that she realized how much Annie likely knew about them, but also the fact that the house reeked of sex, and Annie's cleavage was threatening to split her bathrobe wide open.

Oh, jeez...she was probably with her husband in there, Janet thought to herself, knowing that warmth was quickly and obviously spreading across her cheeks. "He studies pretty hard, yeah..." Janet trailed off, not sure of a way to explain herself that didn't sound remotely sexual. "W-well, I'll just grab that book and be on my way!" she offered, smiling as politely as she could before dashing into Martin's room.

Of course, Martin was laying on his back, in the same pose he was in when Janet first left. She couldn't keep the warmth from her grin as she saw how peacefully he slept, but there was a different scent in the room this time, one that she didn't recognize...and she tried to downplay it as she picked up her forgotten book and made her way out of the house as quickly as she could.

"Wait a minute..." she muttered, as she stepped out the front door again, able to see that only one car was sitting in the driveway of the Tannings' residence. "Doesn't his father have his own car...?"

Janet tried to put her finger on where she'd glanced that scent before, and her cheeks burned with a sudden thought that she immediately tried to dismiss. She hadn't taken a close enough look at Martin to know for sure, but the scent was definitely similar to Annie's, and his room was in a greater state of disarray than it had been before...

Martin and his mother?! she panicked, though she managed to keep it in her thoughts as she skittered away from the house nervously. N-no...no way...it couldn't be!