A Boy and His Kobold

Story by KaninZ on SoFurry

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Tales of the Kuno-Kephali:

A Boy and His Kobold



Stumbling through a shrouded veil, confused images of blood, screams, fighting, young Gerras wanders alone seeking safety. The Lupin had descended on his village with barely a warning and the few guards in residence hadn't given them more than a moment's pause. Seeking only to escape Gerras had run head-on into one of the Lupin fighters and had wildly fought himself free. Fleeing as the warrior's spear-point scraped along his ribs leaving an ugly gash that was screaming agony with each step.

Feverish now, the images weaving an even more confusing whirl of death, rape and fire, young Gerras fell for what felt like the hundredth time and crawled into a stand of brambles to curl up and await his pains inevitable end. Death's promise was a welcomed ease.

"Ali, muck out the stalls, Ali fetch some more firewood, Ali weed the vegetable patch, Ali, did I mention the stalls need to be cleaned out again....stupid horses...."

The entire world felt like it was made to inconvenience him. Alerion finished spreading out the fresh straw in the horse stalls and wheeled the barrow full of manure out towards the garden. As he passed the kitchen window a head popped out.

"When you're done with that, head over to the pond and catch the guests some fish for their dinner." his aunt Noni yelled. Alerion smiled at the prospect of a few moments peace....and possibly a cool swim.

"And take a dip while you're at it! Ya' smell like the South end of a North bound horse!" his aunt added, chilling the prospect of his stolen moment of joy and turning it into an order to bathe.

After spreading the manure and digging a few worms up from between the neatly aligned rows of the garden, Alerion grabbed his belt with his hunting knife and stuffed the bundle of worms into the pouch that held twine, a few precious hooks, sinkers and the float that he'd carved last spring. His stride noticeably lighter, he stepped smartly in the direction of the pond. The warmth of the summer sun and the promise of relaxing by the cool water soon had him humming the melody of a song he'd heard when a wandering Bard had stayed at the roadhouse.

Barely heard as the Green Dragon Inn faded in both distance and memory was Noni's admonition to "Catch some big ones!" and "Watch yerself, Ali, don't let the dog-heads get ya!"

Chuckling to himself, Alerion remembered the tales told by the Semesian trader who'd stayed with them while his Uncle had repaired a failing wagon wheel. The trader had told a tale of a tribe of dog-headed beings that inhabited the mountains of the Northeast. These creatures were supposedly responsible for the disappearance of lone trade wagons and unwary travelers between Semes to the North and Naroon to the Southwest. Remembering the ending of one particularly lurid tale, Alerion tried his best to imitate the accent of the burly trader

"All dey found was dey boooones..."

Remembering the serious look on the traders face as he told his improbable tale Alerion laughed out loud.

By the time he reached the pond in the hills above the Inn Alerion was quite warm. The sun was just reaching its noon height and had become almost unbearable when outside of the cool embrace of forest shade. After a refreshing drink and a brief wade to soothe his feet, Alerion got down to the serious business of choosing a pole for his fishing expedition. There was a stand of bamboo he knew of, straddling one of the small streams that fed the pond. As he was working his way around the shore to choose his pole he spied a patch of nearly ripened blackberries. Thoughts of the delicious cobblers and pies to come made his mouth water as he cut down a likely pole and made for his favorite fishing spot leaving a flurry of small branches and bamboo leaves in his wake.

Gerras awakened to the sound of some terrible creature crashing about outside his hiding place. Not daring to move, barely daring to breathe he awaited his imminent demise under it's no doubt sizable claws and teeth. The sounds begin to fade and then a new sound reached his ears...some sort of music! There was a voice humming some strange song. Dizzy with pain and fever he thought "Surely no beast of the woods has a call such as that!" Stifling a moan as movement brought mind numbing pain that flattened his ears to his skull Gerras crawled through the tiny opening to his hiding place to investigate.

Tying the stringer of fish to a low branch, Alerion began stripping off his clothes in preparation for his well-earned swim. Two brown trout and a handful of sunfish had fallen prey to his angling skill and would soon grace the tables at the Green Dragon. The trout would no doubt go to the guests, but the sunfish would be all theirs and they were fantastic alongside fresh corn and fried potatoes! No longer concerned with startling his erstwhile prey, Alerion let out a whoop of joy and went airborne off the same rock he'd been fishing from. In mid-air he wrapped himself into a ball and scared a year's growth off of every fish in the pond with his hearty splash. When finally tired from swimming and bored with trying different aerobatic techniques from his diving platform, Alerion spread out his woolen cloak and lay out nude to sun himself dry.

Spying on the odd creature from the vantage point of some bushes, Gerras watched as it handily caught some fish, the thought of which filled his mouth with a torrent of drool and well nigh made his empty stomach growl loud enough to scare a Troll. Luckily, the creature had by that time removed its clothing and was now making enough noise of its own to cover any made by his stomach's protests. Gerras vaguely remembered drinking from the pond and burrowing into the briar patch to hide from his imagined pursuers. By the time he'd stumbled this far he'd been half-mad with pain, fear and fever. The wound on his side was now swollen stinking with infection. If he didn't eat soon and care for his wound his body would soon feed the creatures of the wood.

After a while, the creature tired and lay down to dry in the sun. Gerras studied the creature more closely, feeling a stirring in his sheath as he realized the creature was male, young as he, and strangely attractive. It's skin was furless and smooth, his sheathless member quite fascinating. When it rolled over, Gerras gasped at the white, round butt. "No tail! How....odd..." Gerras' naughty thoughts regarding the young creature before him were set aside by a cramp of hunger shooting through his belly. His mind immediately went from thoughts of lust to the stringer of un-guarded fish.

Alerion was brought out of his half-doze by a slight rustling from the bushes where he'd tied his fish. He looked up and at first thought there was a small bear after them. He almost shouted and then noticed that the "bear" was wearing a belt! When the moment of confusion had passed, Alerion grabbed his own belt, drew his hunting knife and advanced on the creature shouting "Hey! Those are MY fish!" The creature spun, let out a bleat of fear and stumbled backwards. Getting a view of its canine features for the first time. Recognition gave Alerion a shiver of excitement and fear. A dog head! This creature had the head and fur of some kind of dog, its reddish-brown fur making it look almost fox-like.

Taking advantage of Alerion's moment of surprised recognition the creatures countenance quickly changed from one of abject terror to a growl of anger and desperation. It picked up a stick and came up swinging, knocking the small hunting knife from Alerion's hand. Alerion grappled with it and they fell to the ground, wrestling and rolling.

Gerras was trying to focus his fevered brain to make his clawed fingers work well enough to untie the knotted twine when he heard movement and a shout behind him. He turned, saw the naked creature armed with a knife, advancing on him with murder in its eyes. He stood and screeched as his wound shot fiery tendrils of pain through him, erasing all thought. When he came to his senses he was struggling with the creature, rolling and grappling in the grass beside the pond. He soon wrestled his way behind his adversary and had one of its arms locked behind it in a submission hold he'd learned wrestling with the other young males of his village. Remembering the usual outcome of those dominance fights brought another surge of lust and a leering snarl to his muzzle.

Gerras' groin was pressed tightly against the buttocks he'd earlier admired and he could feel his sheath beginning to swell along with a burning need to exert his dominance over this being. He felt the tip of his stiffening sheath nestle itself in the crevice of the soft creatures rear. The tip of his growing penis slid free and was immediately engulfed by a gripping, hot tunnel of flesh. The creature he'd just impaled screamed and began struggling harder. It's struggles serving only to bury Gerras' member deeper and inflaming his lust. With a harsh thrust he buried his cock all the way and began to thrust eagerly, his canine penis quickly swelling, the knot at the base of his cock growing larger until it plunged in and locked him in place. His hips grinding into the now sobbing creature below him, Gerras growled as he felt the sensation of pre-ejaculate spurting from his rod, lubing the ever-tighter ass it had invaded. Feeling the creature's hips move, the walls of flesh clench down on his cock he knew he had conquered this being.

The creature moaned as Gerras' free hand moved beneath it to grasp its own rock hard member. Releasing the creature from his wrestling hold, Gerras shifted a bit, allowing the being to get to all fours. In this more comfortable position, his hips swung free and he began stroking deep as his pleasure built. The flesh gripping his cock clinched down HARD then began to pulse as Gerras felt warm slime spurt through his fingers. Reaching his muzzle down, Gerras hunched his back high as his teeth sunk into the boy's shoulder. Hips moving so fast they seemed to vibrate, Gerras growled loudly as he felt his own release nearing its pinnacle. Arching his back, Gerras drove as deep and hard as he could again and again, howling as jets of cum shot into the writhing boy under his claws.

Alerion felt the creature's weight collapse onto his back. The dog head had just had its way with him and then passed out! It's cock swiftly deflated, the horridly painful bulge going down enough to allow the smelly creatures cock to pop free, releasing a flood of watery pre and slimy cum from his stretched hole.

"NOW what do I do?" Alerion wondered. "I could kill it. I could tie it up and drag it home."

As Alerion was wondering aloud about what to do with the creature it awoke. "No kill....hunger....me...HURT..." the dog head rambled feverishly. That's when Alerion noticed the terrible wound on its side, puffy and weeping pus.

"What the hell ARE you? Where are you from?" Alerion asked, surprised at the creature's ability to speak.

"Kobold" Gerras replied, "My people called Kobold. Not know where I am, so not know where from." The Kobold shuddered and seemed to fold in on itself piteously. "Not know if still HAVE people. They maybe all dead."

"Ok, I won't kill you, but I DO owe you one for what you just did to me. One WHAT we'll work out later."

With that, Alerion leaned over and offered his hand to Gerras. Together they made their way to the pond to wash.