Beautiful Dreamer - 20th Anniversary Edition

Story by Rahshu on SoFurry

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As I sit back and reflect on this story, I'm first surprised that it's twenty years old, and second, that its original intent - a simple glimpse of young love and the start of a lifelong relationship still holds relevance, despite being a random bit of fanfic! Back when it was written, LGBT rights were in a very different place. While there's much work to do around the world still, in many countries, situations have improved, and quite possibly made this story a little less challenging as it was upon its initial release. I laugh now to think that this story was met with questioning and derision, and now the Internet's full of things both of the same stroke, and those that take the concept and run with it!

At it's heart, Beautiful Dreamer's a story about new beginnings, a pure love between men, and wide-eyed optimism for what a relationship can be. Relationships are hard, and they take work, dedication, endless nights of frustrations, and through it all, the understanding that you'd do it all again with the one that you love. We may never have our Beautiful Dreamer moment, pure and untarnished, but we have good enough, and we can aspire to take our relationships to that realm of wide-eyed wonder whenever we please. It may be a dream born of another time, but wherever we are in love, let's take a look into a simple love as it blooms for the first time, and let us remind us of what keeps us together.

This story was updated it 2005, and again in 2017 - This version attempts to update some story elements, improve story flow, and further bring the story as close to the author's original vision.

Beautiful Dreamer

Story ©1997, 2005, 2017 Rahshu Beltan

The SWAT Kats are ©1991, 1993, 1994, 2015 Christian and Yvon Tremblay

Part One: Dreaming

It was quiet over Megakat city. A light snow fell over the city. Chance sat on the upper level of the garage enjoying the snowfall that rarely came to the coastal Megakat City. Even in the cold, Chance sat in a lounge chair with a tank top and shorts on. The snow had already left an inch if snow covering every surface, except for Chance who brushed it off.

"Hey Chance!" Jake called from below. "Where are you?" Chance groaned as he walked back downstairs. Reach the end of the stairs, he met Jake's gaze.

"There you are!" Jake said.

"Sorry, bud! I didn't know you were looking for me!" Chance admitted.

"It's freezing outside! Is that a hobby of yours you forgot to mention?" Jake asked.

Chance coughed out a laugh "No, way man! But when you see something like that, you best enjoy it. It's really something!" Chance put his hand on Jake's shoulder. Jake yelped as Chance's ice-cold paw made Jake jump back

"Gotcha!" Chance said.

The night crept in. Outside, the world was soft and white, but Chance's mind was up to mischief... maybe tricking Jake into going outside so Chance could push him into the snow. The thought of what Jake's face might look like after he did that made him laugh inside. His mind clouded over. All he saw in his mind was Jake; why could he never get his friend out of his mind? They were like brothers yes, but there was something more there. The TV show that was on seemed to vanish into utter obscurity. All he thought of was Jake.

"Hey Chance!" Jake said. "What are you smirking about?"

"Chance snapped out of his reverie. "Nothing." But it deep down inside, the old familiar was entering Chance's mind. There was something more there, and the longer he put it off, the stronger those feelings became. Chance turned the TV to another channel and began to dream again. He thought about Jake, his eyes, the way he moved, everything. It started as a crush long ago, but the limerence he felt only grew deeper. This was something that he felt that he could say, and feared its consequences if it were to emerge.

"Hey Chance, you've flipped the TV over to cable." Jake said. Chance's thoughts were interrupted again. He had been staring at the television's blue glow, the words "CAB - No signal" emblazoned on the screen.

"Here, how 'bout you pick something?" Chance said nonchalant, tossing Jake the remote. His best friend looked on in concern. Clearly, he was not his normal self.

"Everything all right over there?" Jake asked.

"Don't worry about me. My head's in a fog tonight. I'll see if there's something in the fridge that'll perk me up. Want something?" Chance said getting up, trying to erase the thoughts cascading through his mind.

"No, that's okay, buddy." Razor said, a little confused. He watched Chance go. What's eating him? Jake thought to himself. It was clear that something was on Chance's mind. Jake had seen Change act a little strange from time to time, but tonight Chance was really struggling with an inner-demon.

Chance moped about in the kitchen, half in a daze. Jake was his best friend, his partner, and someone that he thought of as a brother... but did that really fit anymore? This could get awkward. As he looked for a snack, the thought of holding Jake's hand filled his mind. The butterflies in his stomach wouldn't go away. To hold Jake's hand, to touch him, to kiss him... No! That'd be a disaster! He'd never go for it! Chance thought to himself. Again, his mind shifted to the two of them on a date... then cuddling in bed together in a candle-lit room... But again, Chance released the thoughts from his mind. Megakat City was the largest city in the area, and was home to all types, but even though love between men happened, Chance couldn't bring himself to make a move on his own partner! ...Or could he? Still, Chance saw that a love between men wasn't respected everywhere, and he'd done his best to keep his hands clean of such behavior. Maybe I just spend too much time with Jake. Chance thought. I doubt he sees me like I see him. That's just not how things go. I need to get this out of my head once and for all.

"Hey Chance!" Razor said, placing his hand on Chance's shoulder. It made Chance's heart pound. "You're not yourself tonight. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, buddy. Forget it." Chance said, crestfallen. Chance went back to the couch, taking his usual place. It was no use; the funk Chance was in wouldn't leave him, and tonight, it was impossible to ignore. He yearned to love Jake, but he knew that expressing this love would only make a situation of convenience into something truly awkward. Chance remembered how the seed of limerence had been sown when he was sixteen. Even then, Jake was always there for him. It was Jake who turned Chance's life around. He glanced quickly at Jake who was eyeing him with a little concern, and saw not a kat, but the most beautiful sight, the best friend, and someone that quite frankly aroused him in the loins. For the umpteenth time Chance asked himself Why can't I be content with what I have?

Jake came back and sat next to Chance. Jake's hand was back on his shoulder "Hey buddy, I've never seen you like this. Let me help you. What's on your mind?" Jake was looking straight at him with a look he hadn't seen before. It was one of concern, but something of seriousness and something he couldn't identify. A loving concern? Could it be?

"Well..." Chance said. A memory washed over Chance's mind:

Back in his younger days, Chance had leapt at a gangly young Jake Clawson and demanded money. He had not been prepared to be sent flying, the young Jake throwing him aside like so many dead chickens. Chance landed, upside-down and dazed, staring at Jake in astonishment. The smaller kat had walked over to him and helped him to his feet. "Are you okay?" he had asked, with quiet concern, showing no resentment towards him.

Feeling even more amazed, the young Chance scrambled to his feet. "Um, yeah, I suppose so." Chance said. "Why are you being so nice to me after I tried to rob you?"

Jake shrugged. "Just how I am, I guess. I've seen you around, and you don't seem like the troublemaker others say that you are. Hey, you don't cause me trouble any more, and we'll call it even."

Chance blinked in surprise. This guy had skill, charm, and somehow, he couldn't take his eyes off of him...

...And now, a decade later, that very friendship could end with the uttering of three solitary words - not in anger, but with the best intentions. The very implication of this would throw off their relationship, their partnership as secret protectors of the city, and who knew what else! Jake was also raised with religion, and continued to keep up the faith - one that quite strongly forbid same-love relations. Chance often wondered where Jake stood in regards to love and faith, but had always been too afraid to ask.

"Should I leave you alone tonight?" Jake asked. Chance could only smile regrettably, unsure really what to say.

"You don't need to leave." Chance was able to force out. His eyes met Jake's. How could he cross his best friend, even with this? Tonight, Chance's friend was so near. Tonight, Chance's friend was so far away... Chance's gaze fell to the floor.

Chance's mind slipped into another dream... a dream he wished he could forget...

It was a union made by happenstance. The two connected, but when it came down to it... Chance was slammed up to a wall. Commander Feral eyed him menacingly, an evil gleam in his eye as the wheels in the kat's mind turned. This one played rough, and he loved to get his way! Feral gripped Chance's Enforcer uniform tightly, as if Chance was a criminal. "Knock it off, sir!" Chance yelled at Feral. "It's the middle of the afternoon! Weren't we going to meet after work?"

"Being the head of the Enforcers comes with many privileges. Besides, I can't wait until then. I'll give you a taste of what to look forward to, right here and naw!! " Feral said, through gritted teeth. Again, Chance was shoved into the wall, this time Feral moved in, grabbing his hair and kissing Chance on tho mouth.

"Just because I said that I might want to be your lover doesn't mean it's okay to beat me! I'm not into this!" Chance said.

Feral smiled a little savagely. "Men often don't know what they want, but you'd be surprised what they like when they get it!"

"What's that supposed to mean?! Forget you! I'm outta here!" Chance said, breaking out of Feral's death-hug and brushing him aside.

"Chance, If you walk out of that door I'll make sure you regret it one way or another!" Feral commanded. The threat fell on deaf ears. In a few strides, Chance had exited the office. Chance had never felt so voilated. Playing rough was one thing, but Feral was in a class unto himself. Chance walked out into the lobby Jake where had been waiting for him. Sure enough, Jake had waited patently for his partner to return, the two of them a team in the Enforcers. When Chance saw Jake waiting there, his heart seemed to skip a beat. Just the sight of that lanky kat put a smile on his face. To Jake, the summons was a routine meeting, but this meeting seemed a little different.

The very next day they were called into duty. They had to take down a new face, one who called himself Dark Kat. This new renegade, Dark Kat had appeared in a storm, his goal centered on dominion over the city. In their Enforcer jets, Chance and Jake headed out to meet Dark Kat in the air. Dark Kat lead the duo on a serpentine tour of the city at high speeds in an effort to ellude them.

"Chance! Jake! It's too dangerous! We've got to brake off!" said one of the wingkats.

"Negative! You guys go back and get some doughnuts! We'll talk to you after we take this kat down." Chance said. After a few more rounds of the city and close calls later, most of the Enforcers had disengaged their target.

"You two are nuts! We're braking off pursuit!" The wingkat said. Chance and his Enforcer partner Jake used a couple of their own invented areal maneuvers to keep Dark Kat's plane in sight. With luck, Jake secured a lock on Dark Kat's plane. Now only Chance, Jake, and Feral were tailing the crazed pilot in his plane over the city.

"Back off you too. I'll handle it from here." Feral said. After a bit of arguing, the two Enforcer planes collided, sending both enforcer planes spiraling out of control. At the end of the day, Feral's plane had collided with the pavement, Chance and Jake's plane collided with the newly-minted Enforcer building, and the two rookies were on the receiving end of a dress-down.

And that was how Chance and his partner came to the salvage yard - shamed, and doomed to repay the city for an exorbitant amount of damages, working at the city military salvage yard.

Knowingly or not, Jake was always there, a friend, partner, and companion. How could Chance not love the lanky little guy?

"You don't need to leave." Chance said. "In fact, I really like your company."

"Well I should hope so! But what does that have to do with anything?" Jake said. But a beat later, there was a thought. What if... "Chance are you saying-"

"That I love you?" Chance said. It was blurted out, but once it was said, there was no taking it back. With a sigh, Chance looked Jake in the eye. "Yes Jake. I love you. I've been head over heels for you since I first laid eyes on you. You make me a better kat than I could be by myself. you're my friend, partner, and damn it - I love you. I want to be with you, grow old with you, and be your one and only. I love you, Jake."

Jake's eyes grew wide as what was first a thought was now staring him in the face. His best friend's deepest desire was... well him! Jake studied his partner and wondered if this was just a dream. In that moment, Chance felt more naked and defenseless than he had ever felt before. His secret finally out; his deepest fear exposed. Pretty soon, the repercussions would be upon him. Chance felt like running, but that would solve nothing. He was tied to the spot legally. So was Jake. And now, the happy veneer of denial was tarnished by the weathering of reality. There was no wiping this slate clean! Chance felt his whole world fade into a blur.

Jake held onto his partner more tightly. "Chance, you should've told me sooner." Jake's gaze was fixed into Chance's. Jake could see his friend hurting, and he knew naw that there wasn't a reason for him to put up with all this misery himself. Jake knew that now was the time to express what he had kept away himself. "I feel the same way about you."

Chance gasped in surprise. Am I dreaming this? Chance thought to himself. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen... does it? Chance threw his arms around Jake, holding his dear friend as they sat, trembling in each other's arms. "I'm so relieved. I didn't think this would ever turn out this way!" Chance felt scared, but exited. The two held each other, shaken and raw. With their mutual secret out in the open, the two sat, their arms around one another. The feeling was electrifying. Neither could tell how much the other yearned for this moment, but here it was. The partners held each other in a lover's embrace. Presently, Chance kissed Jake on the neck. "I love you Jake."

Jake kissed Chance back in reply. "I love you, Chance."

Part Two: Awakening

Morning broke over Megakat City, the same as always. The snow that fell overnight had whisked away to other pastures far away, and the sea breeze brought the sun, the coastal breeze, and the smell of salt to the city. It was warm again. Chance woke bleary-eyed and hardly lucid. Coaxing his torpid thoughts up to speed, he noticed that his nose tickled from a tuft of hair right where he rest his muzzle. His arm hurt, as if he had slept on it wrong, and his body-pillow was unusually warm. Chance blinked as he recalled the dream he had last night. It was one he had regularly - Chance had once again confessed his love to Jake, to which Jake requited Chance's deep-seated love. Chance smiled to himself, remembering the dream. He hugged his body-pillow more tightly, the tickling on his nose returning again. Chance felt so warm, even if his arm was bent at a strange angle, and hurt like he'd slept on it wrong. It was times like this that he didn't want to get up. But he knew that Jake would be up soon. Chance's body-pillow settled between his arms, and groaned just like a sleepy kat waking up. As Chance smiled to himself, nuzzling that fuzzy surface under his nose, it dawned on him that he didn't own a body-pillow. It was Jake - his head was nestled into Chance's chest, and it was Jake's hair that was tickling Chance's muzzle. The two had fallen asleep together in the same bed, their arms draped around one another... and surprisingly they were wearing very little! Chance realized that this time, his dream was really a memory, and wouldn't end once the veil of sleep had lifted. Jake stirred, nuzzling into Chance's chest. Chance smiled, finally getting to enjoy what he had dreamed of. Damn, even asleep and naked, he's the most beautiful guy I've ever laid eyes on! Chance thought to himself. Jake was beautiful to Chance - a beautiful dreamer, all snuggled up beside him.

Presently Chance felt Jake stir. Jake hugged Chance under the warm blanket. "Good morning, love."

"Sleep well?" Chance asked.

"Better than I have in an age!" Jake said. "But I have to get up. There's services today, and I don't want to miss it. Would you like to come?"

"Let me ease into that. Last night was change enough for one night. And still, I'm suspicious about it. I've heard so much about how faith condemns a love like ours." Chance said. Chance massaged Jake's shoulders as the two cuddled in bed.

"Not everyone's like that. It hasn't been an easy road, but not all faith believes in that anymore, and it looks like it'll continue getting better for us." Jake asked.

"I hope so, Jake." Chance said. In his life, Chance had his fair little run-ins with the Church to keep him a little suspicious. He wasn't ready to trust the faith yet.

Upon Jake's return, Chance greeted him with a hug. He asked nothing about how things went, but Jake understood his doubts. Jake sat down with Chance on the couch where Chance was watching Scardy Kat. Chance gave Jake the remote. "You can change it, if you want. There's something else I'd rather watch." Chance said.

Jake laughed. "You never give up the TV when cartoons are on! "

Chance smiled sheepishly. "But now I can just gaze at your beauty all day! Why do I need Scardy Kat anyway?" Jake laughed again and playfully whacked Chance with a pillow.

"You're still hanging on me now that you know you can get away with it!" Jake said, a playful grin on his face. "Please continue!"

Chance smiled, gazing into his lover's eyes. Jake met Chance's gaze, the two swept up in the whirrlwind of a young love.

"Chance," Jake said, "What you said last night... It's me too - ever since we first met - even though you were a bully, I loved you even then. I never thought you held a flame for me." The two leaned in, embracing. As Jake rubbed Chance's chest and stomach, Jake eased Chance's shirt up, then taking it off Chance entirely. Though he had seen it many times before, Jake gazed at Chance's perfect body. Jake leaned in, kissing the furry feline, on his chest, his neck, stomach... all the while Chance stroked Jake's back gently, coaxing Jake to do as he will.

But the moment was short-lived. With the ping of an approaching automobile, Chance and Jake hastily suited up for service. A familiar green car came into the garage, along with the blonde-haired, fuchsia-wearing driver that owned it. Chance and Jake walked out to meet their familiar customer - and (former?) love interest Callie Briggs.

"Hey Callie, what's a nice gal like you doing in a place like this?" Chance asked smoothly.

"This crate's giving me trouble. I swear when I can, I'm just going to pitch it! Can you guys have a look at this thing?" Callie said.

"As you wish." Chance said in the same tone of voice.

"I know what's going through your mind, Chance." Callie said.

"I'll do my best to keep you guessing." Chance said even more smoothly, glancing back over to Jake furtively. It would take time to gain the courage to fully show his true colors, but the that would come, and he'd have Jake to support him until then.

Callie smiled "I can see right through you. But boys will be boys! Seriously though, I've got a date tonight, Chance, so if I can get Downtown and back without taking the bus, I'd really appreciate it." Callie said.

"We'll get you up and running as fast as we can then." Chance said in the same smooth tone of voice. Yes, the act was fake, but he wondered if she was in on the joke. Sometimes women could tell these kinds of things. It was probably a matter of time anyway when the truth would be revealed. But fr now, Chance focussed on the car - the sooner it was gone, the sooner the two would be alone again.

"Well let's see what the problem is." Jake said. "Also, will you be needing a lift back into the city, Callie?"

"Thanks you, but I can wait if it won't be long." Callie said, eyeing Jake affectionately. It's a shame that my date is my ex. Just a pity-date, and I'll send him back on his way! Callie thought to herself. Jake now, for a mechanic, is more my speed. I think I'd enjoy his company very much.

Chance cursed under his breath. Usually there were few customers on these days, and all he wanted was to be in Jake's arms again. But in a few minutes, the problem was found and corrected.

"Thanks guys," Callie said with a smile "Until next time!" As she got into her car, she glanced back in the rear-view window. She knew her mechanics well enough, and something was different this time around. She watched as the two went back inside, hand-in-hand. She couldn't help but smile and laugh to herself. The attentive, intelligent, and sensitive types of men were rare, and often had boyfriends. She was half-guessing to herself if and when the two would put a ring on the other. Again, her woman's intuition was right. "Too bad though." she said to herself "You could've made a girl very happy. I hope Chance known just how lucky he is"

Back at the garage, there was a big grin on Chance`s face as Callie drove out of sight. "She may have a date tonight, but I she's wanting a strong man like me instead!"

Jake laughed as he went back into the garage with Chance, unconsciously Jake locked his hand with Chance's as they went back inside.

"I wonder if she'll ever figure out our secret?" Chance said.

Jake chuckled "Partners in love and war. Wouldn't that be a surprise! But you know, she's a sharp one. I wouldn't put it past her to work it out for herself."

The two of them walked back inside, hoping to settle down into a nice relaxing Sunday. When they both sat back down on the couch, Chance hugged Jake, nuzzling his cheek. "Now where were we?" Chance said. But before Jake could respond, the familiar rumble of a car pulling up came into earshot. Both of them cursed under their breath.

By the time the two of them finally had a chance to be alone together, It was already late. Cars had pulled in all day in record numbers. Overall, the profits were huge, but neither of them had their mind on their work. Every time that Jake glanced over at Chance, he felt a little hot under the collar. It would have been time well spent to have kept the shop closed for the day, but it was hard to argue with how much they had earned.

Now Jake felt that he could finally let his instincts take over, as he watched Chance rummage around for their dinner. The television was on, but it was merely background noise. Now that Jake could gaze at Chance without fear, he was letting himself go. Taking in every curve, every surface of his backside, Chance's butt when he leaned over. Jake wondered when his paw would finally touch those surfaces he'd so long wanted to feel... to stroke... When would Chance finally get the love that Jake so badly wanted to bestow upon him?

Chance finally sat down with TV dinners in tow. It was their last resort food, and the cupboards were bare. They'd have to go to the market soon... their first time as a couple.

"What a day." Chance said, "The one time we get good business would have to be the first day, we're... together..."

Jake chuckled. "I'm your boyfriend Chance, and I can't be happier! Hey, it's not like We'll be going anywhere. We'll just have to find time another day."

"Just watch, tomorrow will be yet another day some psycho decides to go on a rampage." Chance said. Their eyes met, locked into each other's gaze. At that moment, time seemed to drift away, and the world was a distant memory. As if all meaning of time had slowed and everything else had melted away, the only thing that had meaning now, was each other.

"Chance," Jake said a little awkwardly "Thank you for finally telling me how you've felt all this time. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you. You're the most beautiful kat I have ever seen... Everything about you has always... You're always there for me, and you can't stand seeing me upset and... Chance, I- I love you."

"Jake," Chance said "I feel the same way about you. Hey Jake, when we get out of here, let's move someplace far away and live together, just you and me."

Jake smiled "Let's see how it goes, but I can't see myself going anywhere." Jake asked, clutching Chance's arm.

"Just know that no matter what, I'll be here for you. You're my partner, and I love you." Chance said in return.

"Thanks Chance. I'm here for you too." Jake said. The two sealed their pact with a kiss, hot and passionate. In the glow of the television, the two lovers held each other intimately.

Part Three: Beginnngs

The day was sunny. The blue sun shone brightly through the yellow and green sky. A seagull flew high overhead, a patch of white amongst the clouds. Jake walked through the grassy plain with his boyfriend. The grass reached up to his knees. Chance held Jake's hand, and Jake couldn't get enough of his lover's touch. It was the most simple thing in the world, but it gave Jake a huge charge of emotion. Jake's whole arm tingled as he held Chance's hand. The sea glimmered a beautiful aquamarine off the cliffs far below. The Cliffs of Megalyss were well out of the city limits, and had impressive views of the ocean. The sea roared over the calls of seagulls.

"So, do you think Megakat City'll be needing us?" Chance asked.

"Hey, who says the SWAT Kats can't take a break once in a while? Besides, we've needed some time alone together." Jake said. He liked the new Hawaiian shirt Chance had gotten him. It went well with the shorts, his hat and his sun glasses. Chance was wearing similar clothing, but he was wearing pants and wasn't wearing sun glasses.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Chance asked.

Jake looked up into Chance's eyes. While a constant companion, Jake couldn't get over Chance's beauty. Their friendship had changed, and now Jake was looking at Chance with eyes anew. "How could I forget last night?" Jake said, smiling. They stayed late the night before, cuddling, snuggling, sharing their deepest secrets... Jake didn't know that Chance and Feral were once an item, but he wasn't surprised. The idea had run through his mind before, much to Chance's surprise. It did come to him as a surprise the circumstances at how they were really kicked off the force. Presently, the cliff curved downwards, becoming a canyon. Inside the canyon, waterfall cascaded into the depths, feeding the punchbowl below with rainbow mist.

"Wow, isn't this place beautiful, Jake?" Chance said, taking the view in. Jake put his arm around Chance. Chance wasn't as slender as Jake was, but Chance's burly muscled body was like like a Greek god. Chance slipped out of his purring boyfriend's grasp, and sat Jake down, setting Jake at Chance's side. "Don't mind me Jake. My legs were killing me."

Jake reached down, massaging Chance's legs, working down from the thighs to his feet. "Does this help?" Jake asked. The gentle rumbling from Chance's chest gave Jake all the approval he needed. Kneading out the kinks in Chance's legs, Jake found himself riveted by the activity. Jake felt Chance's powerful legs under his hands, and relaxing and contracting under his grip.

"Yeah, that's much better. Thanks." Chance said breathing deeply, feeling completely lost in his lover's actions. Chance didn't know what their future together would be yet, but he found himself totally and fully committed the smaller kat. As the sun began to get low in the sky, Chance got up and knelt before his love. Chance held his lover's hands grinning. Jake smiled up at his lover, who was so happy, he positively glowing. The sun was setting directly behind Chance, all the aura of sun and sky radiated in halos around the burly kat. Jake admired his strong, handsome friend, love interest, his partner. Eyeing that handsome beast in the reddening sky, framed by the sun, Chance looked larger than life. Chance seemed to be happy to stay where he was, just admiring his love - his Jake, burning this moment in time into memory.

It was then that Jake felt that he needed to do something more for Chance... This guy he had admired for so long. It was going to be a learning experience, being Chance's lover, but he knew that Chance would be patient. Jake knew that he would just have to get over uncertainty one bit at a time, and Chance would have his own burdens. Jake once heard that all great loves begin with a kiss - not just any kiss, but the kiss of true love. Jake leaned foreword, closer... closer... Jake could smell Chance's after-shave. Still closer yet... Chance's whiskers tickled... Just a little more... Chance's lips felt so warm against his mouth... Then it happened. Jake was kissing Chance, their eyes closed, their arms wrapped around each other. In that moment, Jake put his devotion, his love, and his heartfelt commitment into that single kiss. Jake had never felt anything as intimate as this. It felt so right when Jake felt Chance's tongue against his, their arms around one another, the wind all about them. Jake felt himself lost in the moment, lost in Chance's affections, lost in another world... Jake felt that this must be all a dream... a very blissful dream that he wanted to never wake up from. How long had Jake wanted this very moment to come to pass? Jake couldn't remember. Every part of his being was focused into the kiss, and on Chance... that kat that he had wanted so much to love him. Jake found it hard to breathe he was so excited, but nothing mattered. He didn't care if anyone saw this moment, he was in love and nothing could brake that bond.

It was then that they parted. The ruby sun had turned the land to gold, the sky to scarlet, and the land to Lapis lazuli . Jake had never seen anyone more beautiful than this golden feline. Jake wanted to give Chance more of himself... all of himself... Jake felt ready to give Chance anything he desired if Chance had asked. The both of them gazed at the setting sun. The drive back to Megakat City would be long, and tomorrow was already calling for them.

"I guess we better go." Chance said a little disappointed. Chance stood up, brushing the dust off his pants. "Let's do something like this some other time, okay Jake?" Chance held his hand out to Jake.

"Sounds fine with me, Chance." Jake said, taking Chance's hand. The larger kat helped Chance back up to his feet and wiped the underbrush off his partner. "The sooner we get back, the sooner we can..."

Jake looked into Chance's eyes. The larger kat grinned back at him with a nod. "Whatever you feel ready for, Jake." Chance said.

"Sure" Jake said, resting his head upon Chance's shoulder. The two started back, making the long coastal trek back to the car. Chance wrapped an arm around Jake's waist. The two of thew walked that way, both feeling so lucky to be alive. Presently, Chance rested his head atop of Jake's, purring just a bit. This day was something he had dreamt of having for many years. Now that it was finally here, Chance found himself feeling happier than he ever had before. Their first date together, and Jake had kissed him! It wasn't just any kiss - this was something special - the kiss of true love. Chance blushed a little, feeling light and giddy inside. As the daylight faded, Chance and Jake knew that they would never leave each other.

The End