Krris #1

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#1 of Krris

Skyrim Viagra in the form of an Argonian named Muz-Ra

I do upload my stories to Tumblr first, so this is arriving a day later to Sofurry. However, the Tumblr post doesn't get the hires clickable images for a while, so IMHO it's worth the wait. But yeah, the girls of Tails are back in a new story, simply titled Krris.

Here Krris asks advice for his... problem with Ubergard. I'm really not sure she's the best person to ask this kind of advice from though. And yeah, this gets pretty porny by the end.

| "Oh, hi Krris!" said Muz-Ra as she stepped out into the cool morning air into the area just outside Castle Kitty's main doors. The morning sun was warm on her scales, however, and the scent of a new day filled her with the simple pleasure of springtime in Skyrim. The only thing that could mar her spirit was knowing that her boyfriend, the Jarl, had left for Solitude a few days before. But such was the life of being the Consort of the Jarl. It was, on balance, a small price to pay for his love.

"Good morning Red. I'm just cleaning up out here a bit."

"So, how's the Security business? Are we safe from marauders?" | image |

| Krris set his broom aside and walked over to the Argonian who was dressed, as usual, in her odd flexible-gold bikini.

"I suspect the word has gotten around since you started dating the Jarl. Castle Kitty is now protected territory. Still, you never know when some bandit group or other will want to test us."

Though Muz-Ra was known for her sometimes outrageous behavior, she was also quite adept at reading people. Now she sensed the Khajiit was troubled.

"Something's wrong isn't it. What is it, Krris?" | image |

| "Well, I would like to talk to someone, and I think you're probably the best person here really for this... situation."

"Come on, let's take a walk, Krris," Muz-Ra suggested and took him by the arm.

The two stepped down from the castle entryway and began to walk towards the rising sun. Muz-Ra didn't press. Krris had always been a little on the quiet side, and she knew that if he wanted to talk to her about something, it was probably serious. Best to let him find his own voice. | image |

| "Red, this is something I find difficult to talk about. But I think you understand men best around here."

Muz-Ra grunted her assent.

"Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

Muz-Ra stopped, hands on her hips. "If it's a secret that needs to be kept, Krris, sure I can. But in my experience most secrets do not. They just need to be explained. But yes, I will keep whatever you want to say confidential." | image |

| "It's about Uber."

Muz-Ra nodded as they resumed walking through the rough scrub grass that grew around the castle. "And about Udaran no doubt."

Krris sighed. "Yes, of course. Always Udaran."

"Well, what is it? You know there's no way I can help you with Udaran. She's in love with Cheetah and even if she wasn't, she really isn't into men." | image |

| "I know. And I accept that. But you know Ubergard and I have been kind of dating a little."

"Yeees?" the Argonian replied, drawing out the word.

"See, I like Ubergard. I like her a lot. But, she obviously wants to take things to the next level."

"She wants to get physical?"

"Exactly." | |

| "Don't you find us Argonians attractive Krris? There's no shame if not. We are different species after all. You've proven time and again that you consider us equals, and that's to your credit. But sex is something completely different. That part of us likes what it likes, and there's no shame in admitting if you don't think of us as us attractive in that way. But you should tell that to Ubergard. I know she likes you, so it will be tough on her. But it's something she needs to know if so." | |

| Krris stopped then sat down on the ground, and Muz-ra followed his lead, sitting close beside him.

"I don't think it's that, Red. And it's not the size thing either. In fact, I think that might be one reason why I am attracted to her. But when we touch..."

"Yes? What?"

"Nothing Red. Nothing happens."

"So she doesn't turn you on basically?" | |

| "It's hard to explain, Red. She turns me on in a major way up here," he said, pointing to his head. "But... down there... Down there I'm still thinking of Udaran."

Muz-Ra shifted to sit directly in front of him and took his hands in hers.

"I see," Muz-Ra said, thinking for a minute. "Krris, do you trust me? Enough to talk very intimately to me?" | |

| Krris stammered a bit, and Muz-Ra had been around Khajiits enough to notice the bushing of his tail - a sure sign of embarrassment or fear in a Khajiit.

"I... well... I need to talk to someone, and I do trust you Red. But I'm not very comfortable talking about this sort of thing."

"Well comfort be damned, Krris! This is important. This affects your life, Ubergard's life, and even to some extent Udaran's. You're all friends of mine, and I will do all I can to help you if I can. Consider this therapy."

Krris thought about this, and then seemed to reach a conclusion... | |