Krris #6
#7 of Krris
Shit Gets Real
"Oops!" Muz-Ra is not the most subtle of seductresses. In fact, she pretty much just shoves it in your face and expects you to take care of matters. Crude, but effective too. As long as the two don't cross the line, this is so crazy it just might work! Problem is, the line keeps MOVING dammit!
The one undoubtedly good thing is, Krris' relationship with Ubergard does seem to be warming up.
I told you it gets pretty nasty. I warned you! I said "damn, I think just wrote porn!" And then I did it anyway.
Well, it is what it is. I may lose a reader due to Muz-Ra's 'infidelity' with her boyfriend the Jarl. And I'll just admit this right here, he will never find out about this. So yeah, she gets away with infidelity if you look at it that way. It's not a wrong way to look at it either. But it's Muz-Ra and she's not going to change her stripes.
| Within a few minutes, she was breathing deeply and he realized that she really was sleeping. He felt the rise and fall of her breasts and couldn't help his thoughts. But eventually they too calmed down and began to relax. He tried to take her hand away once, but she stirred and lazily put it back. "No, my friend. I will hold this for you tonight."
"Why? Are you afraid I will touch myself?" |
Yet it was as if, as soon as he accepted that she was not going to release him, he was finally able accept her touch and actually drifted off to sleep. |
"Nice erection, Krris," she said quietly, her eyes still nearly closed while she stroked him slowly. "Oh yes, nice indeed! You grow a lot. But you'll have to go do your business, I know. Go ahead. But come back to bed when you're done please." |
"No. You're warm. I like warm."
He did come back and found himself snuggling back against Muz-Ra, happy for her warmth too. She resumed her gentle hold on him and he smiled internally as he went back to sleep, barely concious that he was also touching her breast. |
"Another excellent breakfast Red," Kitty said. "But I must say the presentation was a bit unusual."
"Oh yes!" their guest spoke up. "Boiled quail eggs and sausage. Excellent! Though it was odd to have the gravy on the plate at the other end of the sausage." |
Udaran snickered along with her lover Cheetah, both of whom had recognized Muz-Ra's joke immediately but had kept it to themselves.
"What?" asked Illdi of the two.
"Tell you later," Cheetah promised, glancing at Udaran with a glint in her eyes. |
The view from Krris' position at the end of the table was far, far too explicit to be accidental. Slapping his face with her tail to get his attention probably didn't help the subterfuge much either. "Red!" he hissed, but she just turned around and smiled at him innocently before straightening back up. |
"I notice you're not wearing your mantle much these days."
Ubergard turned towards him with a worried look. "You don't approve?"
"Oh, it's not my place to approve or disapprove. You're the boss."
"I thought it might... well... I thought you might like it better."
"Uber, the more I see of you, the more I like it!"
"Well good! Then I'll leave the mantle off unless I need it. For you."
The rest of the day passed uneventfully, though it was obvious that Ubergard was a bit troubled. Krris could tell she was actively resisting asking him any questions, which he appreciated as he wasn't sure he wanted to answer them.
However, that night they parted with a strong hug and a nuzzle as he retreated to Muz-Ra's room again and he felt their relationship was growing closer anyway. |
"No one has ever accused me of being too subtle, Krris. Now here's what I think," Muz-Ra explained as he got undressed and climbed into the bed with her.
"Isn't it sort of counterproductive? To explain what you're doing with your patient?"
"Oh, I don't think so anyway. Sure, I loved holding you all night last night, but other than my own enjoyment, I think it's good for you to know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it too. See, I think you have really two problems. One is that you've associated Udaran so long with your own sexual pleasure that your brain connects the two and nothing else. But there's another issue. I think you've never properly associated sex as a social act. |
"Half the fun?"
"Yeah! It's half the fun! So I have an idea. It's going to seem strange to you at first, but I want you to watch me." |