The Dream

Story by Khaz on SoFurry

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Phil lay in bed, staring at the ceiling of his room, and sighed quietly. He'd already been lying awake for over an hour, trying to get to sleep, but for one reason or another he just couldn't. It wasn't hot out - he could never sleep easily when it was too hot - but it was a full moon, making his whole room brighter than usual. Maybe that was it.

With a sigh he rolled over on his side and shut his eyes tightly, trying not to think about not being able to sleep. That only frustrated him more, though, because the more he tried not to think about it the more his mind seemed stuck. After a long while, though, his thoughts began to drift off as they inevitably would. Visions of people and places flashed through his mind, questions of philosophy, everything from his social life to his math homework. Still he lay awake.

Suddenly his thoughts took an unexpected turn, and he found himself drawn in by a fantasy. One he had held to himself guiltily for years, but found too alluring to turn away when it came to his thoughts. He stretched out under his sheets as the image of a female wolf came to his mind's eye, her tail raised and swaying before him, begging for him to mount her.

He sighed to himself with a smile hidden by the night, letting himself be swept away by his imagination as he moved towards his phantom wolf, feeling her soft fur against his chest as he climbed onto her back, her tail curling around his waist, and very slowly he began to move his hips forward.

As he lay his right hand slowly drifted under the blankets, running down his own body and coming to rest on his pulsing erection, feeling a slight wetness already on his palm while he rubbed slowly up and down its length. It was almost difficult to believe how hard he was from a simple fantasy, but this one had somehow always aroused him more than any other. The pleasure of the gentle stroking was exquisite, as it had been days since he had taken the time to pleasure himself. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had decided to let himself follow through tonight, since trying to sleep was getting him nowhere at the moment. He ran his other hand through his short hair, and moaned quietly to himself.


He sat up in his bed instantly, the cool night air making him shiver a bit, and he covered himself completely with his blankets. Even with the full moon outside it was hard to see inside his room, and without making a noise he scanned everywhere he could see to find the source of that quiet whisper. Had it just been his imagination? The rest of his family had gone to sleep hours ago; he could even hear one of them snoring down the hall. He shook his head a little and lay back down again, letting his hand return to the pleasant stroking from before, even though the wonderful fantasy had been ripped from his mind.

"Phil! Get up!"

There was no mistaking it this time, he had heard someone call him, but there was nobody in his room. Even so, the voice sounded like it had come from right next to him. His heart was beating so hard that he could almost hear it, and he froze completely, waiting just a second to see if the voice said any more. Getting a sudden inspiration, he slid out of bed onto his knees - making very sure to keep his arousal concealed from view - and quickly, quietly lifted the blinds up from his open window.

He let out a gasp and jumped backwards, tripping over his own legs and falling with a muffled thud, and stared incredulously at his window. Standing with its paws on the bottom edge of the window, nose against the glass was a wolf, and it was staring straight at him. He almost screamed but somehow kept himself silent as he returned that stare, instinctively covering himself as much as possible with his hands. It was a terrifying and unexpected sight, but he couldn't help marveling at the incredible beauty of the canine as its fur shone in the moonlight.

"Phil. Come out the front door, right now." His head spun as the wolf spoke to him, and every part of his conscious mind instantly told him he was dreaming. It felt real, he couldn't seem to wake himself up, but wolves simply didn't talk. He gaped for a moment before his brain managed to process what the creature was telling him to do, and he moved quickly to open one of his drawers to get something to cover himself with in the cold.

"No, forget clothes. Come now," it demanded, still whispering in a voice that seemed infinitely calm. "And be quiet, too!"

Phil shook his head as he stood and practically ran around the corner to the door of his house, fumbling with the lock before swinging the door open and stepping outside. He closed it gently behind him, finally remembering to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake any of the others, and turned to see the wolf sitting on the front porch. It was staring straight at him, and there seemed to be more about it that was different, even more than the single fact that it could talk. Those golden eyes seemed to see right through to his soul, showing emotion like no face he had ever seen, and he shivered as he tried and failed to return the gaze.

"Walk with me, and be quick about it," it ordered, and he jumped after the wolf as it turned and headed for the woods across the road. Its deep gray fur reflected the light of the moon as it walked quickly, and though he kept a respectful distance Phil wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch that muscular, furred form.

"I think you've already noticed I'm not a normal wolf," it spoke as they jogged together, slipping past the first trees and into the darker forest. "I'm going to keep my explanations short, since I want to make the most of tonight. I'm what you'd call a werewolf." Phil simply nodded, dazed but keeping pace with the fit and agile wolf, though it hurt his feet to do so as he stepped over the sticks and rocks that covered the forest floor.

"I've come to get you tonight because I wanted to offer you the chance to be one as well."

Phil stumbled, completely shocked all over again. He quickly picked himself back up, brushing the dirt off his skin hastily and chasing after the wolf as it continued its relentless pace. He finally found the ability to speak again as he once more drew level with the handsome wolf. "You what?!"

"I'm giving you the chance to be a werewolf. I've been watching you for some time now, and I've gotten the sense that you're the type who would want this. If I've been wrong, then you can just turn back and head home right now."

"I want that more than anything in the world," he blurted out, and it was true. For years he had had fantasies about wolves, he'd dreamt of being one, and he couldn't count the number of time he'd sighed with regret over knowing it was impossible. Talking wolves themselves were impossible enough, yet he was walking with one. Who could really say what else might be true?

"Good. Well, tonight's your lucky night. Just follow me a while longer, I want to get us both somewhere we won't possibly be interrupted. In the meantime, I know exactly how you feel right now, so go ahead and ask some questions." The wolf seemed perfectly intent and emotionless at the moment, but Phil couldn't help but feel comforted by its words. Its strange voice was somewhat soothing, and suddenly he found himself wondering if this wolf was a male or female. One quick, discreet glance between its legs told him it was most certainly a male. He wasn't sure, but he thought he saw a smile on the wolf's lips after he looked.

"Well, ahh, why me?" Phil asked sheepishly after a while of silence, still seeming completely awed by the wolf's very presence.

"Because," the wolf responded, "I got lonely, and I found you. Do you really need more of a reason than that?" The canine actually chuckled at him, all the while continuing his quick pace.

"Well, ahh..." he said as he tried to think of another question. They both fell silent for a long while as he did, and listened to the sounds of the woods at night. "What should I call you?"

"You can call me Karath, though I go by a different name when I'm in my human form," the wolf answered. "That reminds me, you should also use a different name when you're in your wolf-form. Since I'm the one offering this to you, I get to choose it." Karath smirked and looked over to the human as he padded through the trees. "From now on, you are Bain."

"Bain," Phil repeated, smiling a little in spite of himself. "I like it. Bain."

The wolf finally stopped walking after what only seemed to be moments, but they had actually been moving for almost half an hour. "This ought to be far enough."

"Good," Phil, Bain, exclaimed, sitting down on the soft grass in the small clearing they had come to, breathing heavily. He knew he was out of shape, but he never really had to confront that fact normally. The moon shone brightly overhead, and there was almost complete silence when one of them was not speaking. They were truly alone together, and just for a moment he wondered if he would be able to find his way back home. Another thought drowned that out, though, and he shivered as he realized just how cold he was, having been naked the entire trip.

Somehow Karath seemed to pick up on that and moved over beside him, nudging him with his muzzle. "Lie down, Bain. I'll keep you warm and we can talk for a moment."

He lay down on his side, and in only a moment the wolf was curled up around him, the soft fur and the warmth of his body incredibly comforting. He sighed in spite of himself and pressed back into the furry wolf eagerly. "So, are all werewolves like you?"

"Not really. Most look like me, but there are a few who choose to hold back the transformation a bit to look a little more human-like in their wolf form. Some of them just like to go crazy when they change for fun, and all they do is keep the superstitions and everything going, which is not a good thing. We're not bloodthirsty monsters." Karath nuzzled against Bain's head and almost seemed to purr, breathing into his ears.

"That's good to know," he answered, deciding to ask the most important question next. "So what are you going to do? I mean, what does it take for me to become a werewolf like you?" As soon as he asked, he could swear he heard a chuckle from the wolf behind him.

"Well, there's more than one way. Most involve me or you dying, or at least being badly injured." Karath paused to let the words sink in, and felt a shudder from the naked human curled up with him. He smirked and pushed his muzzle up alongside Bain's ear, whispering. "But there is another way."

"Tell me." Bain half turned his head, feeling the wolf's hot breath against his cheek. He shivered once more, this time not from the cold, but from the sheer anxiety of wondering what he might be forced to do. He knew at this point, he would do anything the wolf asked, anything at all if it would make his dream come true.

"Well, there are a few obscure tales telling how potent the seed of a werewolf is..." Karath paused, letting his words sink in. He grinned broadly, showing his sharp teeth, and licked quite deliberately across the human's face. After a moment Bain turned and looked at him with a nearly terrified, but still curious expression, and the wolf continued. "So to make a long story short, you let me have my way with you, and you'll be a wolf less than an hour from now."

"Y... You mean..." Bain stammered, unsure how to respond, but he had already made up his mind. The wolf licked his ear, and he shuddered with a mixture of excitement and fear.

"Yes," Karath whispered, nudging him away with his muzzle. Bain rolled forwards and turned to face the wolf, only to find him on his back, paws in the air. He knelt before the majestic canine, unsure of what to do, and let his eyes roam down across the white-furred belly, down to the wolf's sheath. He swallowed and shuddered, moving forwards hesitantly, and saw the wolf grin at him.

"Come on, don't be shy. Just think, all you have to do is drink my cum, and you have everything you want. I promise I'll make it fun." The wolf stretched a bit and rolled over to his side, his front facing the shivering, unsure human, and he smiled. "Here, just lie down next to me."

Bain did as he was told, slowly, moving back to the wolf and lying down, this time with his head right even with the furred sheath. His eyes were locked on it, looking over the whole space between the wolf's legs, seeing the hanging, furry sac dangling enticingly before him. He felt almost paralyzed by the sight until he suddenly felt something warm and wet between his own legs, and he gasped. Looking down for a moment he saw the wolf very slowly licking him, the long rough tongue wrapping around his member, which was already hardening once more from the attention.

"C'mon, don't make me wait..." Karath murmured to him, and Bain turned back forwards, trying to focus on what he was supposed to do through the incredible feeling of the canine tongue caressing him. He brought one trembling hand forwards and rested it on the soft, warm sheath, feeling the heat of the wolf's member stirring inside. The touch of it was seductive, arousing, and he slowly began to rub at it. As he watched with his eyes only an inch away, he began to notice the wolf's thick scent. He breathed it in, sighing and smiling in spite of himself at the smell, and began to move his head forwards. The end of the wolf's shaft was just starting to appear from the end of his sheath, a drop of pre forming on the tip, and without even thinking Bain leaned forwards to lick up the clear liquid.

The wolf shuddered, a low murring coming from his chest, and his tail thumped on the ground behind him. "Good boy..." He murmured, continuing to lick the now almost painfully solid member before him, curling his tongue around it and nuzzling it. He had been waiting a long time for this, and the pleasure he was just beginning to feel was making it all worthwhile.

Bain rolled the taste of the wolf's pre around in his mouth, surprised that it was actually very enjoyable. He leaned in again to lick the tip once more, already wanting more of the sweet, pleasant fluid. He was caught off guard, though, as a tiny spurt of pre shot into his mouth the instant he opened it. The taste was even more powerful, and he could feel his heart beating faster already with lust. The long pink wolf cock was growing quickly before him, already longer than his own erection, and he finally leaned in to take the shaft into his mouth. Holding the base of it with one hand, the other moving up to cup the wolf's balls and massage them gently, he slid the tip of the throbbing meat into his mouth, rubbing his tongue over the head. He was rewarded with another spurt of pre, the taste seeming better and better all the time.

Karath groaned as Bain finally took him into his mouth, shivering with pleasure, and he curled his tail around to brush over the human's shoulders. He continued to nuzzle against the erection before him, his muzzle quickly becoming covered in pre, and he started to pant a little in the growing pleasure. "Mmmm... That's it, yes..."

Bain slowly pushed down onto the incredibly long member, swallowing the pre as it shot out of the tip and moaning for more. He sucked gently on the shaft as it slid deeper into his mouth, sliding his tongue all around it as he did, and finally he felt it touch the back of his throat. He wanted more, though, and so he stretched out his neck and tried to swallow the head, pushing even further forward, his nose almost pressed into the furry sac already, the scent of the wolf making his head swim with desire. He murmured quietly and tilted his head, twisting the long cock around in his mouth, suckling on it as though it was his first meal in days.

The sheer intensity of the pleasure had already made Karath almost immobilized, and he simply lay there with his muzzle pressed between Bain's legs, panting, growling, shivering and moaning. He felt his cock being sucked in even further, pushing down his human's throat, hilting into his mouth completely. His body jerked a few times as he felt his head being swallowed, the tongue sliding into his sheath, and he moaned long and low. He could already feel his knot swelling up. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he shouldn't let the bulge grow inside Bain's mouth, but he was too dumbstruck with pleasure to speak clearly. "Ohhh... Phil, my... my knot... Oh god, Bain..."

Bain felt the bulge starting to swell up in his mouth, realizing that it was the wolf's knot. He knew he had to pull the delicious, pulsing cock out of his mouth just a little before it was too late, but he couldn't make himself. Just one more moment with the shaft down his throat, just one more drop of that pre that filled his whole body with warmth was all he wanted. Just a little more...

His jaw was gradually forced further open, and after only a moment he knew it was too late. Panic set in for one second as he pulled his head back, feeling his teeth dig into the flesh and hearing a yelp from the wolf, and all at once he knew that there was no way out. The knot was holding the wolf cock down his throat, and he couldn't take it out if he wanted to.

"Ahhh... No, Bain... It's too late. I can't hold back now..." the wolf whimpered, the extreme pleasure soaring to new heights, making even thinking difficult. He felt his cum rising up in his balls, the knot throbbing against the human teeth, and he shut his eyes tightly. He held back with every ounce of strength he had, clamping down his muscles and struggling to do anything to keep himself from losing control. With the head still being swallowed down the other's throat, though, that tongue caressing his massive knot, there was no way to deny the rush of pleasure. He gritted his teeth and struggled for only a moment more before the ecstasy overthrew him. He howled loud as he gave up his control, letting his cum surge and feeling the pressure build yet more for only a moment, then finally shooting the first load of his orgasm straight down the other's throat.

Bain moaned, unable to control his desire even as he felt the knot bulging yet more, lodging itself firmly in his mouth as one long rope of wolf cum flowed down his throat. The heat of it burned inside him, making him groan with an odd kind of pleasure as he was filled quickly, the throbbing cock pumping his belly full of cum. He could feel every vein on the long shaft, every detail of the long, slick erection pressed right against him. His hands squeezed the wolf's balls gently, longing for more even as he gasped for breath between jolts of cum, drinking it all down as fast as he could. It seemed to go on forever, a fair amount of wolf cum rising up to fill his mouth as well, the taste blanking out his mind completely, and he simply drank down the delicious seed until he felt he couldn't hold anymore.

Finally the long orgasm tapered off, Karath panting hard and shivering from the pleasant glow that remained, and he licked again at the hard, pink shaft before him. Only a moment now, and the change would start. In the meantime, he simply rested with his muzzle nestled against Bain's sac, waiting and smiling uncontrollably.

Bain sucked down the last of the wolf's cum and waited as well, unable to do anything but lie there with the knot still locked into his jaw. It felt good to have the hot shaft lodged down his throat, filling him.

Suddenly, he started to feel something odd. It felt like his heart was beating harder, pushing against his chest, and he began to sweat. This was what he had been waiting for, the transformation that he had just finished paying the price for. He shivered with anticipation and waited, every nerve overly sensitive as he tried to feel even the slightest change.

All at once it started. He felt as though his bones themselves were being stretched, his skin, every part of his body. It was a strange sensation, and slightly painful, but he shut his eyes and took it in stride, waiting anxiously. He felt an intense sense of panic threaten to overtake him, his instincts urging him to resist the strange feelings.

"There we go," Karath whispered, giving the wet shaft before him another long lick. "Don't fight it, just let yourself change..." The soothing, almost purred words calmed Bain somewhat as he felt everything inside him seeming to shift around, the stretching and bending feelings growing more intense. He distinctly felt his legs starting to shrink, though, his heels moving up onto his legs, the balls of his feet feeling as though crushed into the shape of a paw. He tried to cry out around the long member jammed in his throat, but all that came out was a long whine. He felt his face being stretched out gradually, forming into a muzzle, and a shot of pain ran down his spine as his jaw slowly changed shape.

Karath watched, smiling to himself as he started to see white fur growing over Bain's belly, and all around his body. Even the length of his cock was changing around the wolf's tongue, and a sheath began to form around its base. He could see the paws where his feet were moments before, and he reached around to feel just at the back of the other's waist, rubbing through the thickening fur to feel the beginning of a tail.

Bain moaned again as another jolt of pain shook his body, not unbearable but enough to shock him, and he suddenly felt something pulling at the base of his spine. He reached a hand - no, a paw - back and felt something there, a tail, growing quickly. He closed his eyes even tighter, doing his best not to bite down on the wolf's still swollen knot as his face finished stretching out into a full muzzle, and with a gasp he realized he could finally open his jaws enough to let the wolf's spent cock slip free.

As soon as the newly changed wolf released him, Karath stood and looked over Bain's twitching form, smiling a little. "My... You really do make a sexy wolf." He chuckled lightly and leaned down to lick at Bain's throat, murring and wagging his tail. "It's over now, you can open your eyes."

Opening his eyes, Bain realized Karath was right. It was finished, and as he rolled to his feet and wagged his tail, he finally felt a joy he had longed for for so many years. He turned and assaulted the other wolf with licks, murring and growling, wagging his tail so hard he felt he might fall over. "Oh, thank you, oh god... I can't believe it! Thank you!"

As he continued his through licking, though, he began to notice another feeling. His cock was still hard, swinging between his legs as he wagged his tail, and as he nuzzled his chuckling companion he found himself becoming driven wild with the same lust from earlier. Karath seemed to be expecting it, and he smiled even more broadly.

"Need to take care of that?" he asked, smirking and pointing between Bain's legs with his muzzle.

The new wolf would have blushed if it weren't for the fur covering his muzzle, and he nodded wildly. "Yes, oh, yes. I can't stand it!" He whimpered almost pitifully, the mere offer leaving his mind drowned in need. Pre dripped from his hanging member as he nuzzled the other wolf, urging him for some satisfaction. "Please..."

Karath chuckled again. "Then hop on. I've been longing for a good ride for quite some time." With that, he simply turned and raised his hindquarters to Bain, lifting his tail high above him, and licked his lips expectantly.

Bain didn't waste a second. He practically leapt forwards, climbing onto the grey wolf's back and sliding forwards, growling deep in his throat. His cock hung ready between his legs, perfectly stiff and just touching between Karath's legs. Pre leaked from the tip constantly, covering the wolf's tailhole as the head slipped past it. He danced around for a bit, shifting his position and almost desperately trying to find his way inside, rubbing his cock between the grey wolf's legs and smearing his pre all over, slicking down the fur.

Karath murred and spread his legs a little, patiently waiting for the wolf on top of him to find his way in, and he lifted his muzzle to lick at the white wolf's chin. He couldn't help but submit himself to the incredibly handsome wolf, panting as he stared upwards with lust, trying to move his hips to let the throbbing, burning hot shaft into him. His claws dug into the ground a little as he stood, his tail curled around the other's waist, his long tongue lolling out of his muzzle.

Finally, with one last movement, Bain felt his new canine shaft push forward just slightly, straining at the ring of the other's tailhole, and he moaned with satisfaction. He slowly began to thrust forwards, his hips jerking as he instinctively humped his way into the wolf, and he started to lick at the back of Karath's neck. His raspy tongue and his hot breath made the grey wolf shiver, as he moved his muzzle all around the thick fur on his throat, and he finally felt his cock begin to slide easily forwards.

Karath yelped as soon as the head popped inside him, and let out a long, pleading whine as it drove inwards. It felt so very satisfying, feeling the long, throbbing shaft plugging his hole and filling him up inside, a sensation he had missed deeply. The white wolf's pre flooded into him, making his hole even more slick, and he shivered with delight. He could feel every tiny detail of the pulsing erection, every vein on it bulging. The mere feel of it made him hard once again, and he whimpered with the need for more, and with the need for some way to satisfy his own member.

All the while, Bain simply pushed harder and harder, forcing his cock in right to the hilt, and starting immediately to hump the other wolf hard. He threw his hips back and forth, pistoning his shaft in and out of the other's tailhole, and his head swam with the indescribable pleasure, like nothing he had ever felt before. He couldn't have held himself back if he tried as instinct took over, driving him to put all his energy into his thrusts, focusing his mind on that one, gloriously tight and hot hole. He growled as he bit down on Karath's neck, dragging his teeth across the other's skin just short of drawing blood, and he breathed in the thick scent of their mating. It was heavy on the air, and as he drank it in the smell aroused him to no end, sending a long shot of pre out of his cock. After a while he released the other wolf's neck, licking all over it with his tongue, tasting the sweat on his fur and murring.

After only a few minutes of the intense pounding, Karath's front legs gave out, sending him falling down onto his chest and moaning yet louder. He felt a spurt of his own thick pre splash against his chest fur and whimpered, licking his lips with desire. His own fluids were stringing off of his cock constantly, already forming a small pool on the ground. The relentless drive of that cock in and out of him felt indescribably good, filling him, his tailhole clenching down on it rhythmically as though to try and hold the other wolf in him. His ears laid back flat as Bain licked his neck all over, the saliva soaking his fur and making him murr from the warmth. He felt pressure building inside him and longed for some way to reach his own cock, but he was left moaning and whimpering to the endless pounding, feeling as though ready to burst.

After a while of incredible pleasure, Bain began to notice another sensation. His cock was expanding, growing inside the other wolf. It was his knot. As it swelled up, making his thrusts that much more powerful, he felt the extreme pleasure rise to a new level, making him want to scream from the sheer intensity. He lifted his muzzle and howled, long and deep as his waist thudded against Karath's, his balls slapping into the other wolf's, and his tail began to curl between his legs.

The furred tip of it brushed lightly against Karath's straining shaft, and the grey wolf's eyes squeezed shut for a moment as he felt the intolerable teasing of the soft fur making him pant even harder. "Ohhh, more! Please, Bain, please more!" he cried, unable to speak clearly as his body shook.

Bain didn't even hear the pleas of the one under him as he humped him as hard as he could; ripping the knot out of his tailhole and slamming it back in, his tail curling yet more as it rubbed along the length of Karath's shaft. Their mating was the only sound either of them could hear, their moans and howls, the wet sound of the knot popping in and out. The smell of cum and sweat filled the air, their fur shining from it in the moonlight, as the white wolf felt himself nearing his peak.

Bain pulled the knot out again, panting hard and growling, and rammed his hips forward again. This time, though, he couldn't get the knot back in, and desperately he slammed forwards again. Over and over he rammed his bulging cock against the grey wolf's ass, howling in frustration as he felt his orgasm building, trying desperately to force his way back to Karath's warm insides.

The grey wolf groaned as he was pounded again and again, spreading his legs almost painfully wide and trying as much as he could to let the knot in. He wanted that giant ball of wolf cock inside him, buried deep in his tailhole, and he pushed back with every thrust. His cock poured pre all down the other wolf's tail, soaking the fur as it rubbed over the length. The pressure was unbearable, and he felt always just on the edge of release, only one moment from bursting a second load of cum all down his chest.

Finally, with one last powerful thrust, Bain rammed his cock into the other wolf's hole, and instantly released the incredible pressure that had been building in him. Long, thick ropes of wolf cum shot deep into Karath's body, the hot, thick seed filling him quickly. The grey wolf felt the wind knocked out of him by that last slam, the whole giant cock stretching him to his limit. He clawed at the ground while he was filled up, the cum quickly leaking past the giant knot and running down the insides of his legs. That giant bulge rubbing and pressing into him was almost enough to send him over the edge, his cock twitching between his legs as he tried to push himself to orgasm, his mind empty save for that one desire.

As Bain felt his climax continuing, the ecstatic pleasure increasing every second it continued, he slowly leaned forwards and curled his tail around tighter, putting more pressure on Karath's insides and rubbing the long, rock hard wolf cock with his fur. That was finally enough, and with one earsplitting howl Karath released himself, shuddering as he felt his cum pouring out, coating the other wolf's tail and his own chest, the hot, sticky seed soaking through his fur. His whole front was covered, from his own orgasm and the sweet, snow white seed that dribbled down his legs, and he went completely limp with the overload of pleasure.

The white wolf's orgasm went on for a long time, each spurt making his body shake harder, his eyes shut tightly and his ears laid back. He did everything he could to keep the indescribable pleasure going, shifting his cock around inside the other wolf, feeling it bathed in his own cum as a seemingly impossible amount drained out of him in shockingly powerful spurts. After a long while, and with one last jerk that rocked his whole body, he collapsed utterly exhausted on the other wolf, and panted like he hadn't breathed in an hour.

Neither of them spoke for a long time as they lay together, cum-soaked and completely satisfied, still knotted together. It was incredible the pleasure that still lingered afterwards, making them both giddy as they licked and nuzzled at each other.

"That was..." Bain began after a long silence. "That was the most amazing feeling of my life." He panted into the grey wolf's ear and slid his tongue inside it, murring deep in his throat.

"Ohhh... You're telling me." Karath replied, smiling and murring back. His tail thumped lazily on the ground. "So much better than the normal way."

Bain suddenly was shaken to attention. "Normal way? You mean..."

Karath chuckled and nosed his new wolf companion, and grinned mischievously. "I mean that I could have changed you with a little nip on the shoulder, easy enough. But I wanted to have some fun with you. Now that I've done it this way..." He trailed off and laughed some more to himself. "You'd be surprised what effect your first transformation has on the rest, Bain. For at least the next year, until you learn to control it, every full moon..."

Bain lifted his muzzle to look down into the other wolf's eyes. They gleamed in the silver light.

"Every time there's a full moon, you will change, and every change will leave you horny as hell. And fortunately for me, I'm the only other wolf for miles." Karath leaned up to lick at the white wolf's chin, murring as he still tasted just a bit of his own seed there from earlier, and he bared his teeth.

"So for the next year or so, that makes you my bitch."

Bain shuddered as the other wolf spoke, but surprisingly to himself not out of fear, or anger at having been tricked. He wanted this exactly as it had happened, and Karath's words made his heart beat faster with a strange passion. "Thank you," he managed, whimpering and licking all over the other wolf's muzzle.

Karath simply smiled and accepted the licks, and looked up at the night sky above them. He chuckled again when he saw that judging by the moon, they had been going for well over an hour. He felt an instinctive desire welling up at him, and with a still-wide grin, he nuzzled his new pet.

"Howl with me, Bain."


Phil awoke suddenly, and right away he stared over at his alarm clock. 6:39. He was late already.

He sighed and shook his head, memories of the last night flooding through his mind. Had it all been just a dream? It was so real, yet he knew it was impossible. Somehow, though, he couldn't seem to convince himself the entire experience had all been in his head. He slowly climbed out of his bed, feeling utterly exhausted, and made for the shower on unsteady legs. On a sudden impulse he felt around for his tail, and sighed again when it wasn't there. It was a good dream, at least, like none he'd had before. Who could know? Maybe he really had had some crazy adventure with a wolf that could talk. He'd know next full moon, anyways.

He stepped into the shower and turned on the water, never having looked once to see the telltale nose print on the window in his room.