the need to make the grade

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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heres a random yiff story i hope you like it

Warning contains m/m/m so if your not into that kind of stuff you don't have to read it otherwise Enjoy!

The need to make the grade

The pig skin flying through the air, players running and slamming into each other trying to keep to plan

The ball goes off into the distance as it slowly descends it looks like this is going to be a tough play

Then out of the blue player number 30 darts out of the group of players struggling to out due each other

He sees his chance and leaps to make the final touchdown

"RAAAA!" the crowd screams as the powerful panther holds up the winning ball

His team rushes for him and lifts him back to the middle of the field letting him bathe in the glory of the championship win

"MR.torrits!" a loud voice interrupted the young panther's daydream

The panther looked up from his desk to see his teacher standing right in front of him

"my god Max how are you going to pass my class if you can't even answer a simple question?"

The panther blushed under his fur "uhh..."

*RING!* the bell for the next class went

"Well I have to go, see ya teach" the panther quickly jumped out of his seat and out of the room

Max was an athlete, one of the stars of the high school football team; the dark furred panther spent most of his time practicing with one of his friends on the team Justin a Doberman who really knew how to throw a ball

They had been friends since they had met the first day of practice

Max and Justin were both very talented and popular jocks and the whole school knew about that, but when it came to grades they weren't the brightest in the class

"Hey Max what's up?" Justin called out to his friend in the hallway

Max turned around "Justin ready for practice today?"

"You know I am, I'm always ready" Justin flexed

They both laughed "well that's good I'll see you at practice later" Max waved to his friend before heading off to his next class

The rest of the day went on as usual slow and boring Max barely even able to stay awake

As the final bell rang ending the day for most students the players of the football team got changed and headed to the back field for practice

They held a few passing drills and stamina training waiting for the coach to change the exercise and start a practice game

A whistle blew off by the end of the field signaling the guys to gather around

"Okay listen here ladies" the couch yelled out to them, the large ursine only giving his weekly pep talk before the players practice

"You need to practice every play we've made this year, as you know the next two games have to be won if we are going to make it to the championships"

"Yea coach we know" one of the players said

The coach sighed "just split yourselves up into teams I have to get my practice sheets

The coach walked off and grabbed a small clipboard and looked at the papers on it, he seemed a bit agitated as he looked through them

"torrits! Mison! Get your ass's over here"

The panther and the Dobie both looked over at there coach and the angry look on his face

"Oh what now" Justin said

They ran up to there coach and removed there helmets

"Yes coach" Max said waiting for what he had to say

"You boys are failing classes and you didn't even tell me!" he yelled "I can't let you play if you don't pass math" he put his paw on his head trying not to lose his full temper

Max and Justin only shared the one class together and of coarse since they sat in the back and never paid attention they were desperately failing the class

The problem was their math teacher Mr.Gean was a very strict teacher, he was a very clever fox and if he didn't like you, you would get a very low mark

"you boys better hurry up and boost your grade or I'll be forced to kick you off the team, and damn it you better not make me do that, you're the only two decent players on this team now go to your teacher and get the grade fixed" he shoved them into the change rooms forcing them to leave practice

The boy's changed quickly knowing that if they could change there grade fast enough they could get back to practice

They ran through the school heading for the third floor where all of the math classes were

They got to the class room and knocked on the door hoping Mr.Gean was still there

After a few moments they heard the door handle clink and the door slowly open

"Yes?" Mr.Gean's head poked out of the open door

"uhh sir can we come in for a moment?" Max asked

He let them in "what is it boys?" Mr.Gean asked

"sir we need to discuss our marks" Justin said "we were told that we are failing and we can't continue playing until we pass, so do you think you could bump us up a little, you don't want to let the whole school down when it comes to the championship" he said trying to sound charming however not impressing Mr.Gean at all

Mr.Gean sighed "you know boys if you had just paid attention in class then you wouldn't be in this mess" he took off his glasses and cleaned them with a cloth "I'm sorry boys but I just can't give you extra marks just because your athletes, if you want to pass my class your going to have to work for it... now if you don't mind" he put his glasses back on "I have a few tests to grade he pointed to the door and they let themselves out and closed the door

"Damn it!" Justin slammed his fist into a locker "how are we supposed to get back on the field if Mr.Gean is such a hard ass"

"I don't know... we have to figure something out or the coach will be more pissed then our parents, he'll probably eat the others alive from the training"

"Fuck! I forgot if I don't pass this I'm screwed, the college offer only works if we're on the team" Justin was getting more and more angry just thinking about it he was going to go on a rampage soon

"Fuck the system!" he slammed his fist against the locker

"Fuck the school!" he punched again

"Fuck Mr.Gean!" he pulled his fist away from the locker to see the dent

Then an idea had popped into Max's head

"Hey that's not a bad idea" he said smirking

"What is?"

Max was smiling menacingly now "its simple Justin, lets wait by the parking lot and I'll tell you"

The two boys went off to the parking lot and waited against the wall by Mr.Gean's car

Max explained the plan to Justin and waited there

About half an hour later Mr.Gean walked out of the school doors and was heading for his car he opened the trunk and put his bag inside before shutting it

All of a sudden he heard the sound of fast charging footsteps heading right towards him and before he could react he was grabbed by the two stronger males and rushed back into the school

The boys took him into the locker room and locked the exits before throwing him onto one of the benches in the corner

Mr.Gean tried to escape but was then pinned by the strong body of Max

"What are you doing let me go" Mr.Gean struggled

"Unfortunately we can't do that, we came to change our grade and no matter what that's going to happen" Justin said looking down at the terrified teacher

"pl-please don't hurt me" the scared fox whimpered

"Oh we aren't going to hurt you Mr.Gean" Max chuckled "we're going to give you what you want"

"Huh?" he looked up at the students holding him captive

"We know your gay, everyone in the school does... so we thought of a way to convince you to boost our marks" Justin stated grabbing onto Mr.Gean's pants and taking them off in one quick pull

"I see you were expecting us" Max said seeing that Mr.Gean wore no underwear

"Very good Mr.Gean you get an A+ for that" Justin laughed

Mr.Geans was very scared at this point he didn't know what to do; he was going to be raped by two of his students

The two boys removed their clothing and pulled off Mr.Gean's shirt

"so Mr.Gean enjoying the view" Justin posed so he could see his sculpted body

Mr.Gean after seeing both of the boy's athletically built bodies couldn't help but get a hard on

"oh look he is enjoying this" Max said grabbing hold of Mr.Gean's length that had popped out of his sheath "let us have some fun with you Mr.Gean, and you know what we want so lets make this work for all of us" Max started to pump the fox's erect meat

Mr.Gean moaned from the touch of the panther's paw

"Alright boys ... I give" he said in defeat and stopped struggling

"We knew you would, now we'll show you a good time and you'll love it" Justin said standing over the fox's head letting his meat lightly rub against his muzzle

"You want some of this" Justin rested his length on the tip of Mr.Gean's nose

Mr.Gean couldn't resist here were two students offering to fuck him he wasn't going to turn them down, it's not like he could

He licked the tip of the Dobie meat letting a drop of pre into his maw, he then let Justin lower his body and let him have full access to the canine cock

He let the full length enter his muzzle as he sucked on it listening to his student moan

Max had let go of Mr.Gean and had gone down to inspect his tailhole

"Let's hope I can fit" he said taking his barbed feline cock and placing it against Mr.Geans pucker

"You ready for this?" he asked

But all he could here was the muzzled sound of Mr.Gean moaning, it wouldn't have mattered what he said he was going to take him anyway

Max pulled his body back before thrusting directly into Mr.Gean's tailhole

Mr.Gean would have screamed from the forceful entrance but his throat was occupied by Justin's meat

After a few moments of gentle thrusting Max's pushes began to feel good as the barbs grinded against his anal muscles and pushing against his prostate

With pleasure running through his body Mr.Gean began to suck harder

"Aw yes ... Mr.Gean I never thought anything going in or out of your mouth could feel so good" Justin tried to make a joke being surprised that Mr.Gean wasn't giving him a dirty look

Justin felt his knot start to grow the bulb of flesh started to expand and bumped up against Mr.Gean's muzzle

"I'm going to cum very soon sir, you better be ready" Justin gabbed onto Mr.Geans head and bucked his hips preparing to send his load down his teacher's throat

And with a loud moan Justin shot his canine seed down Mr.Gean's throat letting him taste the salty fluid as it went down

Mr.Gean suckled on Justin's sensitive meat before letting it out of his mouth and taking deep breaths

Max was continuing with his thrusts and could feel his climax approaching

He pounded the fox's ass as he felt the point of no return

"Here I cum aggh"

Max's cock erupted sending seed deep into Mr.Gean's bowels, Mr.Gean felt the orgasmic rush of it all and with Max's final thrusts he came all over his chest with his foxy seed

The three of them in the locker room panting

"Boys..." Mr.Gean said out of breath

"Yes sir?" they both said

"I ha-" Mr.Gean was interrupted

*Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Why is this door locked?" asked the coach's voice sounding annoyed, the jingling of keys was soon heard

"Shit we have to get out of here" Max said, pulling himself out of Mr.Gean quickly making him wince from the sudden motion of the barbs

Justin lifted Mr.Gean up and carried the naked fox back into his classroom carefully avoiding anyone else's sight

"That was a close one" sighed Max

"Yea but it was so worth it... right Mr.Gean?" Justin asked trying to bring back that charm

Mr.Gean sat in his chair seemingly pondering something

"So Mr.Gean, can we get those marks fixed up?" Max asked still feeling a little giddy from the locker room yiffing

Mr.Gean looked at them both seemingly angry "what the hell are you talking about? You just raped me and you still expect me to change your marks?"

The boys stepped back not knowing what to do with the mad fox

"But you know what?" Mr.Gean said


"I don't think you've worked hard enough to earn those extra marks" he had a seductive smile on his muzzle "if you want to make the grade, your going to have to come back tomorrow for some extra credit"

He walked up to the two boys and put his arms over their shoulders in a huddle "next time you'd better fuck me harder"

The two boys smirked and blushed lightly under their fur almost unnoticeably, Mr.Gean let go of the boys and pointed them towards the door

"Now if you don't mind getting me my clothes from the locker room, I'll give you a ride home if you do"

The two boys nodded and went down into the change room still naked no one even noticed, they grabbed their teacher's and there own clothes and headed back

"Thank you boys" Mr.Gean grabbed his clothes and put them on watching the two boys put on the rest of there clothes as well

He smirked and grabbed his keys and headed to the parking lot

"Now you both get plenty of sleep tonight I want you in top shape for tomorrow" he said smacking both of their butts and letting them into the car

"Oh we will sir, you can be sure of that" Max said

Mr.Gean drove them to their separate streets and on the rest of their walk home all they could think about now was the fun day they were to have getting extra credit for Mr.Gean's math class


This was a request/trade for meizushi

here you go folks a random yiff story requested by meizushi now we wait for the other half and see what we get

please comment i like to know what my readers think