Watch Where You're Flying

Story by Killick on SoFurry

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A commission for Ashtalon of his two characters, one of whom wants to eat the other. Enjoy!

A pond shimmered like tumbling diamonds in the noon day sun. Long grass swayed, kissing the surface of the pond when a strong breeze pushed past, making waves and ripples in a field of green that seemed to roll away in every direction. Next to the pond sat a rock. Upon the rock lay a small, red dragon that stretched out in the sun and yawned before curling back up. The heat of the rock against his belly made his eyes droop. He fought against the comforting warmth and stood, needing to stretch his wing muscles, and leapt into the air. He flapped his wings hard and took flight, letting the breeze lift him upward. He flew easily and lazily on the warm wind, letting it guide him and take him wherever it pleased. The dragon was so relaxed that he really wasn't paying attention to where he was headed.

There was a loud smack, and the dragon found himself caught, his head spinning. He quickly shook away the dizziness and tried to move. But he was stuck tight. And a large, grinning face loomed above him.

"Well, well. Lookie what I caught." A blue, white, and very angular face gazed with gleaming eyes at the dragon. A sergal! The dragon struggled but was clamped up tightly in the sergal's long and delicate fingers.

"Why hello there, my little dragon friend," said the sergal, eyeing the dragon over. "What might your name be?"

"Um, Ashtalon. Or just Ash." He struggled in the sergal's paw, looking around nervously for an exit.

"Pleased to meet you Ash." The sergal loosened his grip, letting Ash go from his fist, but keeping him trapped within his long fingers. The dexterous digits shifting and twisting around the dragon like a moving prison.

"My name's Sen," said the sergal. "And boy, am I lucky you flew my way. You see, I was just wandering around, looking for something tasty to eat, and look what just happens to land in my paw." He grinned down at Ash, and winked. A long, pink tongue quickly peeked out of the sergal's mouth and licked his lips.

Ash swallowed, clutching onto the slender fingers with his own tiny paws.

"You... You think I'm food?" Ash wiggled around and struggled, but he also felt a rush of warmth spread from his spine to the tip of his tail.

"I don't think you're food. I know you're food." Sen's tongue snaked out of his mouth and slowly slurped up Ash's belly, his neck, all the way to his head, leaving a trail of warm saliva covering the dragon's scales. Ash squirmed against the sergal's firm grasp as the long tongue lapped over him again, spiralling wetly against red and yellow dragon flesh, curling around his little limbs and around his head like a living scarf. The tongue retreated back into the mouth, and the sergal smacked his maw together.

"Mmm, very tasty." He winked at the dragon, making him squeak in anticipation. Sen gripped the dragon's tail firmly between two fingers and held him up high. Ash writhed around in the air, but still could not get free. Sen's tongue lashed out and wrapped around one of Ash's paws. The dragon was slowly pulled towards the open maw, hot breath washing over him. Ash scrunched up his eyes as the jaw clamped shut. He slowly opened a single eye, but found only his front paw was trapped inside the sergal's mouth, surrounded by a great big grin. Ash tried to pull his paw free, but instead found the rest of his arm sucked into the mouth. The dragon's face was pressed flushed against the sergal's lips, who suddenly growled and stared at him hungrily.

Sen opened his lips and used his versatile tongue to yet again wrap around the small dragon, slowly dragging his other arm and head inside of his mouth. He could feel the dragon wiggle his paws around inside his maw, making him giggle. As he dragged the dragon slowly forward, inch by inch, he made sure to slather him in a generous coating of saliva to help ease him down.

Ash stared deep inside the maw and watched the muscles ripple and twitch. Drool dripped down and splattered all over his face. He breathed hard, inhaling the warmth and wetness of the mouth. It felt like fog around his brain. His neck, shoulders and chest were now trapped inside the hungry sergal's mouth. He could feel lips slide down his body as a thick, wriggling tongue lapped against his face. Ash did not know what came over him, but he nuzzled his face into the wet, pink muscle.

Sen smiled, with half a dragon still poking out of his mouth. He rapidly opened and closed his mouth to get Ash's yellow belly inside him. His long tongue trying to taste every inch of the dragon as he was pulled inside. Soon, only the dragon's legs were free.

Ash's arms were starting to slide down the back of the sergal's wet throat. His face coming dangerously close as well. The tongue writhed beneath his chest and belly, but he also felt the tip exploring the rest of him, tasting his back and the base of his tail. Ash's eyes grew wide, letting out a squeak as he felt a tight pressure under his tail. The sergal's tongue was slowly pushing against his tailhole. Ash huffed and whined, feeling the slick muscle slowly enter him, stretching his hole open. It was slow enough to bring forth only pressure and pleasure. The tongue pushed deeper and deeper, making the poor dragon moan in lust. But just as it started to feel uncomfortable, right on the border of pain, the tongue withdrew completely, leaving Ash feeling empty and a little bit loose.

Sen chuckled as he heard and felt the dragon's reactions from his teasing. But the sergal decided that the time for playfulness was over. He was hungry. He quickly slurped up the dragon's legs and tail like noodles, and started to swallow. A bulge formed in the sergal's throat as the dragon slipped down into him alarmingly fast.

Ash squealed at the sudden movement, the tight oesophagus walls squeezing tight against the dragon's chubby body. But then he was free from the tightness, dropping down into a small and fleshy cavern. It was dark and humid. He squirmed around against the slimy flesh, and wondered what was going to happen to him next, if the sergal would eventually let him out.

Sen, meanwhile, licked his lips and rubbed his now full belly, feeling it wobble and shift with the movements of his meal.

"You sure were tasty, little dragon," he said, smiling. Sen spied a leafy tree with a comfortable patch of grass in front of it and wandered over. He sat and leant back against the solid wood, murring gently as he rubbed his gut. Sen smiled, with tiny fingers of light brushing at his face from between the leaves, and a tasty dragon squirming in his belly.